Log for #openttd on 27th July 2006:
Times are UTC Toggle Colours
00:07:19  *** Prof_Frink [] has quit [Read error: 145 (Connection timed out)]
00:11:59  <mikk36> any good news with openttd ?
00:24:53  *** BurningFeetMan [] has quit ["Chatzilla 0.9.73 [Firefox]"]
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00:45:03  <mikk36> lol, this is fun :P
00:45:05  <mikk36>
00:45:24  <mikk36> nothing is playing and no sound is coming out of the headphones
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00:52:48  *** Sacro [n=ben@adsl-83-100-226-1.karoo.KCOM.COM] has quit [Client Quit]
01:15:25  *** glx [] has quit ["Bye!"]
01:19:44  *** Burgundavia [n=corey@ubuntu/member/burgundavia] has joined #openttd
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02:13:16  <Burgundavia> how long until I can buy out a compnay?
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02:56:31  *** Oktal [] has quit ["Boring generic quit message"]
03:37:37  *** Ihmemies [] has quit ["Signed off"]
04:28:19  *** Zahl [] has quit ["YOU! It was you wasn't it!?"]
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05:31:01  <CIA-5> tron * r5624 /trunk/ (6 files): Use {IsPlainRailTile,IsRailDepot,IsRailWaypoint,HasSignals}() instead of GetRailTile{T,Subt}ype() - this is more concise and a bit more flexible if/when the rail tile encoding changes
05:31:52  *** ThePizzaKing [] has quit ["-"]
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05:49:06  *** Netsplit <-> quits: rain```, Wolfensteijn, Gussoh, Zerot, Jezral, mouhez, Zavior
05:52:48  <Matex> hai2u all
05:53:29  *** Eddi|zuHause2 [] has quit [Read error: 145 (Connection timed out)]
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08:57:04  *** Sacro [n=ben@adsl-83-100-182-55.karoo.KCOM.COM] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]
09:06:35  *** Sacro_ [n=ben@adsl-83-100-182-55.karoo.KCOM.COM] has joined #openttd
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10:07:31  *** toweri [] has quit ["Nyt meni uptime :("]
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10:09:42  <Sacro> #tycoon gone :(
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10:33:34  <Eddi|zuHause> maybe it occured to you that they just don't like you, if it always only happens to you? :p
10:34:00  *** Tron_ [] has joined #openttd
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10:38:35  <Sacro> Eddi|zuHause: its always me
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11:19:17  <mikk36> lol.. lilo alert again :P
11:19:26  <mikk36> i'm getting to understand ur hate with him :D
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14:07:54  <CIA-5> miham * r5625 /trunk/lang/estonian.txt:
14:07:54  <CIA-5> WebTranslator2 update to 2006-07-27 16:07:36
14:07:54  <CIA-5> estonian - 2 fixed, 1 changed by t2t2 (3)
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14:24:33  <mikk36> estonian ? weeee
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14:30:35  *** guru3 [] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
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14:36:08  *** guru3 [n=guru3@2002:51e7:e65f:1:0:0:0:1] has joined #openttd
14:41:31  <ln-> Bjarni: is this normal:
14:42:01  *** lws1984 [] has quit ["Bah, need to do some real work"]
14:44:25  <Bjarni> hmm
14:44:33  <Bjarni> it's not something you see everyday
14:44:46  <guru3> that doesn't quite look right
14:44:59  <Bjarni> specially since the engine belongs to a shortline in the other end of the country from the town where the pics are taken
14:45:13  <guru3> and normal roads would be crushed under that weight
14:45:20  <ln-> guru3: that photo is from real life, not ottd.
14:45:25  <guru3> i know
14:45:44  <guru3> but everything i can think of should be telling me that road should be crushed ><
14:45:53  <ln-> obviously you can build the roads to carry that weight while you install the rails.
14:46:03  <guru3> i suppose
14:46:05  <guru3> it's just not normal ><
14:46:08  <RichK67_wrk> guess what... the track bed is hidden under the tarmac
14:46:35  <RichK67_wrk> much more like you build the train tracks, then level the road up to the same level
14:47:29  <Bjarni> ln-: <-- look at the grass/weed at the tracks. Do you think it's normal to drive so large trains there?
14:47:46  <Bjarni> it really looks like a one time event, though I can't say I got a clue to what it was doing there
14:48:15  *** TinoM| [] has quit ["Verlassend"]
14:48:26  <guru3>
14:48:33  <guru3> the road is a bit crushed there
14:48:43  <Bjarni> <guru3>	and normal roads would be crushed under that weight <-- it's actually pretty simple. You build the rails, then you add the road. Since the rails are strong enough to handle the train, you will not have a weight problem
14:48:52  <Bjarni> just remember the order of construction ;)
14:49:01  <guru3> argh
14:49:05  <guru3> why can't i just say it's not normal ><
14:49:34  <Bjarni> <guru3>	the road is a bit crushed there <-- lack of maintenance for a long time.... go figure
14:49:41  <guru3> :'(
14:50:48  <Bjarni> it's not weight of the trains, that caused it, but the changes between ice and water in the winter... the cracks fills up with water during the day and it freezes at night, making the cracks larger and the sun melts the ice the next day and so on
14:50:59  <Bjarni> it breaks most of our roads each winter :(
14:51:15  <guru3> why don't i get to have any fun ><
14:52:47  *** Ihmemies [] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
14:55:47  <Bjarni> ln-: you don't have a clue to what happened when those pics were taken, do you?
14:56:37  <Bjarni> I mean, AFAIK it's an abandoned track and the train belongs to a railroad in the other end of the country so I guess it's a one time event
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15:03:36  <ln-> Bjarni: no idea about the context
15:06:16  <Bjarni> well, I just learned why they were driving
15:06:58  <Bjarni> "Dansk Jernbane Aps (DJ=) is new to railway operations in Denmark. The company handles national goods transports in Denmark as well as international transports to and from." <-- It appears that they rented locomotives to get started and didn't repaint them
15:07:46  <Bjarni> they got a route with papir to/from a papir mill/printing works/something like that in that town and drives there daily now
15:08:01  *** exe_ [] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
15:08:01  <Bjarni> I wonder how I missed that newly formed railroad company in Denmark though....
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15:09:21  <Bjarni> <ln->	Bjarni: is this normal: <-- so the answer to that question appears to be yes due to a new company :)
15:10:54  <ln-> now that it's driving on the right side, it blends to the other traffic quite well, but what about when it comes back? :)
15:12:33  <Bjarni> that's not a problem
15:12:41  <Bjarni> it's driving in the middle, not the right side
15:12:59  <Bjarni> <-- see
15:13:05  <Bjarni> there is room for cars on both sides
15:13:38  <ln-> ok, i see
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15:15:25  <Bjarni> funny thing is it's an engine from the 50s, so it's a mix of old and new. One of the signs of that is that it got an air horn like modern trains, but it also got a compressed air whistle, so it can make a sound like of like a steam whistle
15:15:57  <Bjarni> I'm not sure they really use it anymore though
15:16:13  <Bjarni> it might have been removed instead of repaired if it broke at some point
15:16:44  <Bjarni> Sacro: for once, you comment was actually both funny and good :)
15:17:45  <Sacro> Bjarni: thanks :)
15:17:54  <Sacro> now im 22, its all changed
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15:22:05  <jonty_comp> :(
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15:29:53  <Bjarni> <Sacro>	now im 22, its all changed <-- that's scary
15:29:59  <Bjarni> I can remember that you used to be only 20
15:30:31  <Eddi|zuHause2> people age?!? blasphemy! heretic!
15:31:00  <Bjarni> hmm
15:31:28  <Bjarni> yesterday when I was away from the computer, I discovered something where I thought "this will interest Eddi|zuHause2" and now I forgot what it was :P
15:32:03  <Eddi|zuHause2> now i wonder what you might think would interest me...
15:32:25  <Bjarni> me too
15:32:30  <Mucht|work> the thing with the 1-letter-bugfix?
15:32:47  <Mucht|work> or was that something different :-/
15:32:59  <Bjarni> no, it was not even OTTD related
15:33:02  <Eddi|zuHause2> why would i be interested in bugfixes?
15:33:39  <Bjarni> err... so play in a more bug free environment?
15:33:49  <Mucht|work> boring
15:33:59  <Bjarni> not that I think you would care for the number of lines it takes to solve the bugs
15:34:47  <Bjarni> it's just "fixed the annoying bug where OTTD could crash at random if language was set to German"... now that would be a bug fix that Eddi|zuHause2 would be interested in
15:35:03  <Eddi|zuHause2> hehe ;)
15:35:08  <Bjarni> luckily nobody coded anything stupid enough to make that bug in the first place :)
15:35:35  <Bjarni> it was something about Germany or Germans..... but I really can't remember what
15:35:50  <Bjarni> ahh
15:35:54  <Bjarni> now I remember
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15:36:51  <Bjarni> I should harass you because the "Hansa" towns attacked Denmark due to simply location. Their ships were allowed to pass Danish waters, but it was not good enough for them
15:37:07  <Bjarni> they wanted complete control
15:37:25  <Eddi|zuHause2> hehe ;) that must be like in the 14th century!
15:37:47  <Bjarni> their assault didn't really go as planned though. It failed after two years of siege
15:37:49  <Bjarni> yeah
15:38:04  <Bjarni> yet your intentions haven't been forgotten
15:38:09  <Eddi|zuHause2> how do you siege a bunch of islands?
15:38:40  <Bjarni> you siege the main southward fortification
15:39:43  <Bjarni> I just wonder about one thing... they sieged a stronghold on land... didn't get in and just waited around it.... what could it possibly matter to the ships?
15:40:23  <Eddi|zuHause2> i suppose that was before the age of cannons
15:40:43  <Bjarni> if the Danish navy was strong enough to stop the ships, then why the land based combat? and if not, then why even attack? The ships would be able to pass anyway due to stronger ships
15:40:46  <Bjarni> yeah
15:44:45  *** Mucht|work [n=Mucht@] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]
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16:51:11  <Wolf01> yo
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16:54:10  <Wolf01> frost, let's start working on adjacent stations :D
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17:50:22  <peter1138> Bjarni: "has", not "got"
17:51:03  * Bjarni got a feeling that peter1138 commented on something written long ago
17:52:43  <peter1138> yes, but then you did it again
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18:09:22  <Sacro> Bjarni: s/got/have/
18:09:47  <Sacro> no, s/got/has/ :)
18:10:09  * Sacro forgets that not everyone is schizo like us...
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18:42:27  <Wolf01> ow(tab)(tab)... where is OwenS?
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18:47:25  <kbrooks> hi
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19:40:22  <eQualizer> Oh how I'm waiting path based signaling. :(
19:40:56  <kbrooks> eQualizer: what is that?
19:40:58  <gradator> bgp in openttd :p
19:41:06  <gradator> would be fun
19:41:17  <kbrooks> gradator: bgp?
19:41:40  <gradator>
19:41:46  <kbrooks> question
19:41:53  <kbrooks> lets say
19:41:58  <kbrooks> *thinks*
19:42:00  <Born_Acorn>
19:42:05  <Sacro> bgp?
19:43:27  * gradator is joking, of course :p
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20:34:10  <Wolf01> hmmm
20:34:10  <Wolf01> int32 CmdBuildRailroadStation(TileIndex tile_org, uint32 flags, uint32 p1, uint32 p2)
20:34:10  <Wolf01> where is p1 set?
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20:42:10  <glx> Wolf01: in DoCommand() or DoCommandP()
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20:44:28  <Wolf01> i think i shouldn't use p1 for my ideas
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21:38:55  <Wolf01> 'night all
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22:47:29  <ln-> what is "iselle transito"?
22:49:36  <Eddi|zuHause> is that supposed to be italian?
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22:57:38  <ln-> Eddi|zuHause: quite possible
22:58:19  <BurningFeetMan> I concur
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23:00:48  <Eddi|zuHause> that is always the first step, if you want to translate something... determine which language it is in ;)
23:02:22  <BurningFeetMan> Maybe not... "iselle I pass"
23:03:00  <BurningFeetMan> Spanish = iselle I travel
23:03:44  <Eddi|zuHause> if "iselle" is a name, it should be capitalized ;)
23:05:11  <Eddi|zuHause> also, context is usually very helpful
23:07:34  <BurningFeetMan> Baby Names Popularity:  *ISELLE* does not currently rank in the top 1000 names
23:08:09  <Eddi|zuHause> exactly ;)
23:08:37  <Eddi|zuHause> that's (partly) why your translation attemt does not acutally make any sense
23:08:53  <Eddi|zuHause> *attempt
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23:08:58  <BurningFeetMan> Jizelle is a rare female first name
23:09:09  <Sacro> hehehe
23:09:15  <Eddi|zuHause> Giselle rather ;)
23:09:28  <BurningFeetMan> yah, that too
23:09:28  <peter1138> el jizz
23:09:45  <BurningFeetMan> J = I in some languages. Indiana Jones taught me that.
23:10:02  <Rubidium> it could be the name of a (train) station in Switzerland (
23:11:10  <Eddi|zuHause> that would make sense ;)
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23:12:17  <Sacro> rofl
23:15:11  <BurningFeetMan> Bingo - Iselle Station :D
23:15:47  <BurningFeetMan> I'm traveling to Iselle station.
23:20:19  <ln-> well, Iselle transito is capitalized in the time table, but that as such doesn't prove anything.
23:20:30  <ln-> so far i have figured out that Iselle is indeed a name of a place/station.
23:22:06  <Rubidium> if you google on the exact name, you'll find more references that there is a station called 'Iselle transito'
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23:55:12  <BurningFeetMan> So Indian Jones failed me? :(
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