Log for #openttd on 5th February 2007:
Times are UTC Toggle Colours
00:01:04  *** Klanticus [] has quit [Quit: Chatzilla 0.9.76 [Firefox]]
00:02:11  <Rubidium> anyway, it is not trivial to go from a Station * to the name of the station
00:05:53  *** Osai is now known as Osai^zZz
00:12:31  <CIA-1> OpenTTD: egladil * r8592 /branches/32bpp/ (45 files in 8 dirs): [32bpp] -Sync r7800:7900 from trunk.
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00:34:29  *** |2rB [~Twofish@] has quit [Quit: Leaving]
00:36:27  *** Osai^zZz [] has quit [Quit: Osai^zZz]
00:47:39  *** |2rB [~Twofish@] has joined #openttd
01:01:46  *** |2rB [~Twofish@] has quit [Quit: Leaving]
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01:20:42  *** Tron [] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds]
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01:25:26  *** Bjarni [] has quit [Quit: Leaving]
02:08:42  *** Sacro [~Ben@] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds]
02:30:14  <Tuzlo> Can a Polybulk hopper run on a Maglev system?
02:30:35  <glx> ukrs?
02:31:37  *** Eddi|zuHause3 [] has joined #openttd
02:32:33  <Tuzlo> ?
02:32:59  <glx> are you using some grf?
02:34:50  <Tuzlo> cant remember
02:35:02  <Tuzlo> answer is no
02:35:18  <Tuzlo> that sucks
02:35:33  <Tuzlo> I have maglev available, but no cars to go with them
02:38:02  *** Eddi|zuHause2 [] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds]
02:46:16  *** PandaMojo_ [] has joined #openttd
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03:12:33  *** BJH2 [] has quit [Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.61 [Mozilla rv:1.7.12/20050915]]
03:19:00  <Smoovious> anyone have any suggestions for a road-vehicle GRF that works properly with ottd?
03:26:40  *** tokai [] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds]
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03:43:41  <Eddi|zuHause3> you could try pb_hovs.grf, but that might not be complete
03:46:03  <Smoovious> tried it already, hasissues
03:46:11  <Smoovious> and is why I'm looking
03:46:41  <Eddi|zuHause3> what kind of issues?
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03:51:54  <Smoovious> well, I so far have had 2 new busses come out, but no message that they came out... default trucks are still coming out, so I got mismatched vehicles that just don't look and feel right...
03:53:52  <Eddi|zuHause3> like i said, it's probably not complete, so the default truck thing is probably deliberate, until all replacements are done
03:54:12  <Eddi|zuHause3> and the lack of messages is probably your fault
03:58:18  <Smoovious> no, it isn't... the messages for the trucks come through just fine... and as for your assuming it was my fault to begin with... up yours...
04:08:48  *** BFM [] has quit [Quit: Chatzilla 0.9.77 [Firefox]]
04:18:01  *** glx [] has quit [Quit: bye]
04:19:49  *** Osai [] has quit [Quit: Osai]
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05:16:08  *** Netsplit <-> quits: +tokai, dp, Digitalfox, thunder1, helb, Nigel_, Prof_Frink, nairan, Eddi|zuHause3, XeryusTC
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06:00:02  *** Neonox [] has quit [Quit: bin wech....]
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06:24:43  <Desolator> all sleeping?
06:27:41  * Desolator feels lonely
06:27:49  <Desolator> not feel
06:28:00  *** Desolator [Desolator@] has left #openttd []
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06:45:46  <Eddi|zuHause2> have you looked at the clock?
06:47:02  <Eddi|zuHause2> the internet is only open from ~12:00 to ~4:00 [CET]... outside that, you rarely find activity
06:48:03  <Eddi|zuHause2> ah, he's gone :(
07:00:45  *** Osai [] has joined #openttd
07:06:43  <Maedhros> 22:00:35  >> |2rB (~Twofish@ has joined #openttd
07:06:44  <Maedhros> 22:00:35  >> |2rB (~Twofish@ has joined #openttd
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07:12:41  <Maedhros> umm, sorry about that, my mouses went a bit crazy...
07:29:13  *** PandaMojo_ [] has joined #openttd
07:29:58  <peter1138> hi
07:31:12  <peter1138> bah, navigating irssi without an cursor keys, or pgup/pgdown, or alt, or escape... is a pain
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07:38:07  *** Osai [] has quit [Quit: Osai]
07:44:16  *** setrodox [] has joined #openttd
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08:10:45  *** Vikthor [] has joined #openttd
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08:39:19  *** Celestar [] has joined #openttd
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08:39:59  <Celestar> <= They fixed the gcc bug I was reporting about wrong pointer to const struct warnings
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09:16:29  <peter1138> interesting
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10:24:42  *** blindwaves [] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
10:27:24  *** Bjarni [] has joined #openttd
10:27:25  *** mode/#openttd [+o Bjarni] by ChanServ
10:28:25  <peter1138> bjarni
10:28:45  <Bjarni> peter1138
10:29:52  <Bjarni> who is the blank guy?
10:30:00  <peter1138> ?
10:30:24  <Bjarni> the one without a nick and unknown in server, country and so on
10:30:46  <peter1138> ...
10:31:09  <Bjarni> there is a guy in the userlist, who has a blank line
10:31:23  * Maedhros suspects Bjarni's irc client is broken :p
10:31:36  <Bjarni> it never happened before
10:32:15  <ln-> how long have you been feeling this way?
10:32:30  <Bjarni> since [11:27:25] 	-->	You are now talking on #openttd
10:32:41  <Bjarni> so 4 minutes
10:32:46  <Bjarni> *5
10:35:00  <PandaMojo> Bjarni: Under 42?
10:35:49  <Bjarni> ???
10:35:58  <Bjarni> ahh _42_
10:36:04  <PandaMojo> Right :P
10:36:06  <Bjarni> no, it's just before _42_
10:36:29  <PandaMojo> Might be |2rB
10:36:38  <PandaMojo> (who comes up just after on my client)
10:37:45  <Eddi|zuHause2> |2rB is last on my list
10:46:52  *** Mizipzor [] has joined #openttd
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11:11:22  *** GoneWacko [] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds]
11:29:21  *** Mizipzor [] has quit [Quit: Lämnar]
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12:10:09  <Neonox> Tron: ping
12:22:31  *** Zavior [] has quit [Quit: ( :: NoNameScript 4.02 :: )]
12:23:35  <peter1138> have you still not spoken to him? :)
12:24:55  *** Digitalfox [] has quit [Quit: Bye Bye...]
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12:44:46  <Bjarni> I need somebody, who uses MSVC for compiling
12:44:52  <Bjarni> to test a diff
12:45:17  <peter1138> I need somebody who doesn't inappropriately place commas
12:45:28  <peter1138> I can test your diff
12:46:11  <Bjarni>
12:46:12  *** PandaMojo [] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds]
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12:46:20  <Bjarni> just test if it compiles without warnings/errors
12:46:47  <Bjarni> I presume that either it just works or it fails to compile
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13:03:16  <peter1138> hmm
13:03:20  <peter1138> tortoise won't apply that
13:12:40  *** Neonox [] has quit [Quit: bin wech....]
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14:00:38  <CIA-1> OpenTTD: rubidium * r8593 /trunk/src/ (vehicle.cpp vehicle.h water_cmd.cpp): -Fix (FS#564): bridges do not get destroyed when the bridge head gets flooded and there is a vehicle on the bridge. Original patch by KeeperofTheSoul.
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14:39:03  *** gass [~any@] has quit [Quit: Leaving]
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15:28:54  *** izhirahi1er is now known as izhirahider
15:30:19  <eQualizer> Is final or RC5 coming out anytime soon? (Days, weeks?)
15:35:25  <Ailure>
15:35:34  <Ailure> Is this the same guy who made that pointless Wiki entry?
15:35:35  <Ailure> D:
15:35:37  <Ailure> some people...
15:39:04  <Rubidium> eQualizer: there are a few bugs that have to be fixed before RC5
15:40:58  <eQualizer> Rubidium: But the next realise will be RC5 and not final?
15:41:09  <izhirahider> Ailure, Since OpenTTD's vehicles are just the transportation vehicles and not regular inhabitants ones, I don't see the need for it. There are more important features to go before that one :)
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15:41:25  <Rubidium> probably RC5 I think
15:42:37  <eQualizer> Ok, thanks,
15:42:38  <eQualizer> .
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15:54:39  <Ailure> izhirahider I know
15:54:41  <Ailure> I don't want a highway
15:54:53  <Ailure> infact I hate the idea with seeing people wanting it badly
15:55:39  *** ufoun [~opera@] has joined #openttd
15:55:55  <Eddi|zuHause2> highways don't make sense unless you have global road traffic and a global road-building AI
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16:45:27  <Naksu> RC...5?
16:45:28  *** mikl [] has quit [Quit: In the end, all that matters is your relation with God...]
16:45:35  <Naksu> shouldn't you have made an alpha first? :)
16:48:24  <Maedhros> why? the nightlies are pretty much betas...
16:48:37  <Maedhros> which would make branches alphas, i suppose...
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18:10:06  <Wolf01> evening
18:10:33  <Belugas> good afternoon
18:11:12  <Maedhros> hi
18:11:41  <Belugas> yeah... "Hi" is better :) no trace of time zone!
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18:16:24  <Maedhros> hehe
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20:01:19  <ln-> interesting, Linus has an iMac on his desk.
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20:01:38  <peter1138> not interesting
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20:01:50  <gass> ln-: old news ...
20:02:10  <gass> ln-: it runs linux ... check some news for for some "years" ago
20:02:19  <ln-> ok, i'll go away then.
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20:23:55  <orudge> Nice
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20:24:04  <Sionide> splittage?
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20:29:37  <Bjarni> Sionide: well, you should always expect a result like that when you fart
20:29:42  <Bjarni> try to eat less beans
20:29:51  <Sionide> but...
20:29:52  <Sionide> i like beans
20:29:53  * Sacro whistles nonchalently
20:30:40  <Bjarni> Sacro!!!
20:30:55  <Bjarni> you have MSVC, right?
20:30:56  <Sacro> Bjarni!!!oneoneeleven
20:30:59  <Sacro> indeed i do
20:31:01  <Sacro> 6 and 2005
20:31:10  <Sionide> Bjarni, your nick always reminds me of curry..
20:31:14  <Sacro> mmm,
20:31:14  <Bjarni> <-- can you try this patch?
20:31:17  <Sacro> an Onion Bjarni
20:31:28  <Sacro> err...
20:31:32  <Bjarni> hopefully it will not break anything and I don't think that it will, but you never know
20:31:37  <Sacro> if i can figure out tortoisepatch
20:31:42  <Bjarni> :P
20:31:50  <Sionide> or Biryani
20:32:00  <Sionide> heh
20:32:03  <Sacro> Bjarni: what against?
20:32:24  <Bjarni> trunk
20:33:14  <Sionide> <-- see...
20:33:36  <Sacro> grrr
20:33:49  <Sacro> tortoisesvn dies if its not the latest version
20:34:08  <Bjarni> you need a newer diff?
20:34:10  <Bjarni> I can make one
20:35:47  <Sacro> nope, just updating tortoisesvn
20:35:51  <Sacro> so i can download turnk
20:35:53  <Sacro> *trunk
20:36:01  <Bjarni> ahh
20:40:58  <Sacro> ahhhh now its checking out
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20:44:55  <glx> Bjarni: I tried to patch but it can't find src/video/
20:45:05  <Bjarni> hmm
20:45:37  <Bjarni> I wrote "svn move src/video/cocoa_v.m src/video/"
20:45:49  <Bjarni> and then I ended up with both files
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20:46:16  <Rubidium> what about ignoring both the problems with the *.mm files?
20:46:17  <Bjarni> should I do anything else?
20:46:21  <glx> Bjarni: I can try to patch .m
20:47:23  <glx> ok failed to patch OSX specific files
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20:48:04  <Bjarni> screw them. It works on OSX. The question is MSVC
20:48:07  *** thunder1 [] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds]
20:48:19  <Sacro> cant patch...
20:48:37  <Sacro> cant find
20:48:49  <Rubidium> just ignore all cocoa/macos.m(m) files
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20:50:01  <glx> Bjarni: you changed source.list but didn't run projects/generate
20:50:38  <Bjarni> I only changed OSX specific files. It shouldn't matter to other OSes, right?
20:50:41  <glx> should not be a problem though
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20:51:37  <Bjarni> I just did so now and svn diff projects/openttd* and I didn't get any output
20:51:42  <Bjarni> so it is as expected
20:51:59  <Sacro> it built
20:52:14  <glx> yes MSVC works
20:52:20  <Bjarni> what did you do. Just ignored the .m(m) files?
20:52:25  <Bjarni> and the rest is ok?
20:52:27  <glx> yes
20:52:29  <Sacro> i patched all i could
20:52:31  <Bjarni> good
20:52:36  <Sacro> just that one file wouldnt go
20:54:05  *** scia [] has quit [Quit: server kwiet]
20:57:07  <glx> Bjarni: mingw compiled too (as expected)
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21:05:11  <Sacro> hmm...
21:06:01  <Sacro> wow, AC3D looks good
21:08:29  <Sionide> ottd is written in C isn't it?
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21:09:04  <Sacro> Sionide: C++
21:09:21  <Sionide> ah similar, well i just started learning C so perhaps one day i'll be able to help develop..
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21:13:15  <Sacro> i think we should switch to C#
21:13:36  <hylje> just switch to python
21:14:09  <hylje> implement the heavy dury parts as C classes, and do all the logic in py
21:15:26  <KeeperOfTheSoul> Sionide: why wait, jump right in, it's an experience :)
21:17:02  <CIA-1> OpenTTD: bjarni * r8605 /trunk/ (15 files in 4 dirs): (log message trimmed)
21:17:02  <CIA-1> OpenTTD: -Codechange: [OSX] changed all objective C to objective C++
21:17:02  <CIA-1> OpenTTD:  This will permanently solve the issue where compilation on OSX broke because C++ code was added to some header files
21:17:02  <CIA-1> OpenTTD:  -Note: (important if you develop mac specific code)
21:17:02  <CIA-1> OpenTTD:  taken from
21:17:04  <CIA-1> OpenTTD:  gdb lacks an integrated C++ with Objective-C parser. This means that gdb won't be able to evaluate expressions that contain both C++ and Objective-C constructs.
21:17:06  <CIA-1> OpenTTD:  gdb assumes that the language for ".mm" files is C++.
21:17:34  <Bjarni> finally :D
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21:27:42  <Sacro> l'orudge!
21:31:38  <orudge> lies
21:35:15  <Sacro> oh..
21:35:20  <Sacro> k then :(
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22:28:28  <Wolf01> 'night all
22:28:34  <Frostregen> night
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