Log for #openttd on 12th February 2007:
Times are UTC Toggle Colours
00:05:54  *** guru3 [] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds]
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00:38:37  <CIA-1> OpenTTD: bjarni * r8685 /trunk/src/order_gui.cpp:
00:38:37  <CIA-1> OpenTTD: -Feature: selecting "end of orders" and clicking delete will delete all the vehicle's orders
00:38:37  <CIA-1> OpenTTD:  If the orders are shared, then it will still unshare the orders like before.
00:45:03  *** xyz [] has left #openttd []
00:48:19  *** Bjarni [] has quit [Quit: Leaving]
01:11:04  *** setrodox [~setrodox@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
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02:15:27  *** Zahl [] has quit [Quit: YOU! It was you wasn't it!?]
02:18:34  *** ThePizzaKing [] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
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02:31:08  *** Eddi|zuHause2 [] has joined #openttd
02:36:50  <ln-> DAMNIT
02:37:33  *** Eddi|zuHause3 [] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds]
02:51:06  <ln-> aa'dfvod ifbnoaajfgmbafg
02:51:50  <ln-> just great, './configure && make && ./openttd' is not enough to run the game anymore
02:54:17  <ThePizzaKing> with svn it's now ./bin/openttd
02:54:21  <Sacro> :o
02:54:58  <Sacro> indeed it is...
02:54:58  <Sacro> ln -s ./bin/openttd .
02:57:03  <ln-> so it seems to be
03:11:25  *** ThePizzaKing [] has quit [Quit: ThePizzaKing]
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03:49:29  *** BFM [] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds]
04:09:16  *** Sacro [~Ben@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
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04:27:02  *** glx [] has quit [Quit: bye]
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07:50:11  *** Alltaken [] has joined #openttd
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07:56:41  <Eddi|zuHause2> ln-: 'make run'
07:57:54  <Tron> total pita
07:59:06  *** ThePizzaKing [] has quit [Read error: Operation timed out]
08:03:00  <Eddi|zuHause2> well, i did not invent the new system, but i'd imagine that it was so 'make clean' reduces to delete objs/ and 'make install' to copy bin/
08:03:29  <Eddi|zuHause2> although i do not know if it actually achieves this ;o
08:05:24  *** lolman [] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds]
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08:13:36  <bubersson> Do anybody have any contact to SAC? I'm gonna ask her, if I could use his roads set.
08:14:28  <bubersson> *hers
08:15:39  *** TPK is now known as ThePizzaKing
08:17:12  <bubersson> (Do you thing shes gonna say yes? I've coded grf from it)
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09:01:45  <CIA-1> OpenTTD: miham * r8686 /trunk/src/lang/ (7 files): (log message trimmed)
09:01:45  <CIA-1> OpenTTD: -Update: WebTranslator2 update to 2007-02-12 10:00:57
09:01:45  <CIA-1> OpenTTD: czech - 3 fixed, 59 deleted, 1 changed by Hadez (63)
09:01:45  <CIA-1> OpenTTD: french - 40 changed by Skiper (36), glx (4)
09:01:45  <CIA-1> OpenTTD: icelandic - 88 fixed, 25 changed by scrooge (113)
09:01:46  <CIA-1> OpenTTD: italian - 3 changed by sidew (3)
09:01:48  <CIA-1> OpenTTD: portuguese - 22 changed by izhirahider (22)
09:18:37  <Alltaken> hey guys
09:19:51  *** Wolfy [] has joined #openttd
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09:34:49  *** Desolator [~admin@] has joined #openttd
09:34:52  <Darkvater> hello everyone :) It seems I've survived ^^
09:34:57  <blathijs> ey Darkvater
09:36:17  <Desolator> howdy
09:37:39  *** GoneWacko [] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds]
09:38:07  <Darkvater> it seems I've missed quite some repository action last week :)
09:39:23  * Desolator is sad
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09:42:31  <blathijs> Darkvater: Could you add the .debs to SF?
09:42:40  <blathijs> 2d9b94d52703df311ef6569179ec9ad3  openttd-0.5.0-RC5-amd64.deb
09:42:40  <blathijs> a2a9fb7d14e873b45be918fe1197b9ea  openttd-0.5.0-RC5-i386.deb
09:42:54  <Darkvater> blathijs: I would if I were home, sadly I am not
09:43:08  <blathijs> hmm
09:43:22  <Darkvater> hmm, they're already uploaded no?
09:43:31  <blathijs> Darkvater: I just uploaded them
09:43:32  <Darkvater> I can do the SF part then I think
09:43:47  <blathijs> Didn't have time to build them before
09:54:02  *** Desolator [~admin@] has quit []
09:58:22  <Darkvater> blathijs: uploaded@SF
10:02:42  <blathijs> Darkvater: I see you added them to the site too. Thanks!
10:03:19  <Darkvater> yep, 1 good deed done today
10:03:51  <CIA-1> OpenTTD: rubidium * r8687 /branches/0.5/ (bridge.h tunnelbridge_cmd.c water_cmd.c): [0.5] -Fix [FS#617]: assertion when getting the height of a bridge from the ramp tile.
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10:35:48  <ln-> make run... ok. but gah, how does one easily debug that, or is there a damn "make gdb" target as well?
10:38:49  *** GoneWacko [] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds]
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10:43:25  <CIA-1> OpenTTD: egladil * r8688 /branches/32bpp/src/ (gfx.h main_gui.cpp openttd.h spriteloader32.cpp viewport.cpp): [32bpp] -Feature: Added an extra zoom out level.
10:48:44  *** tokai [] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds]
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11:29:07  *** Bjarni [] has quit [Quit: Leaving]
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11:51:59  *** Sacro_ [Ben@] has joined #openttd
11:52:18  *** ThePizzaKing [] has quit [Read error: Operation timed out]
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12:12:03  <boekabart_> egladil: how did you implement the extra zoom level? (since it's currently kinda 0-based for the max zoom level..)
12:12:51  <egladil> i it's a zoom out level, so i just increased the max from 2 to 3
12:13:02  <boekabart_> ah, easy :)
12:13:29  <egladil> the tricky part will be adding new ones at the other end :)
12:13:50  <boekabart_> that's why I asked :) how are you planning to do the 'larger' base-size?
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12:14:27  <boekabart_> an option could be changing all the current sizes to 2x/4x as big and callig that 0, right
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12:17:41  <egladil> i'm planning on shifting them down
12:17:50  <egladil> so current 0 will be new 2
12:18:29  <egladil> the 8bpp loader is almost able to handle that already, it just needs an upscaler
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12:19:28  <egladil> it will probably need some tinkering to not make menus and stuff look strange though
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12:24:05  <boekabart_> egladil: yeah, how to decide to only do the scaling for 'world' sprites
12:26:03  <boekabart_> egladil: another thing: no, tow: (1) what's the plan regarding animations (to replace palette animations mainly), and (2) how to add pre-rendered zoom levels to the info/tar format...?
12:27:54  <egladil> animation will probably be done by selecting the sprite to return for a certain sprite id with a timer
12:28:52  <egladil> and pre-rendered zoom levels was supported for 32bpp sprites until i borked it yesterday. it will be fixed again sometime soon
12:29:57  <egladil> but now i have to go to school. (nihongo no kurasu ni ikimasu.)
12:34:26  <boekabart_> egladil: if you're still there: how was it supported? auto-replace _z0 by _z1, _z2 in filename?
12:35:26  <boekabart_> is there any documentation on the 32bpp tar format, is it fully defined already?
12:45:40  *** ThePizzaKing [] has quit [Read error: Operation timed out]
12:52:42  <CIA-1> OpenTTD: rubidium * r8689 /trunk/src/openttd.cpp: -Fix [FS#613] (r8619): crash when an old savegame had buoys on the northern edge of the map.
12:53:54  *** Naksu [] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
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13:37:31  <ln->
13:43:52  <Roel> ln-, woops
13:45:32  <Roel> and people still aren't smart enough to disable telnet by default...
13:46:25  <ln-> well, telnet _usually_ is not a security hole, except in this case.
13:46:45  <Maedhros> doesn't telnet send passwords in cleartext?
13:46:53  <Roel> well, I think that sending passwords in cleartext over any network is a securityhole..
13:47:00  <ln-> yeah, but only if you use it.
13:47:34  <Roel> and if you don't use it you can disable it.. :)
13:48:32  <ln-> you can e.g. have it running and safely access it from your private network and never from the outside world.
13:49:36  <Roel> true, that's a good reason.. (My accesspoint here only has telnet access).. But then block those ports with a firewall, alowing only connections from inside
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14:36:56  <Belugas> hey there
14:37:02  <Belugas> Darkvater, ping
14:37:17  <lolman> Ello all :)
14:39:26  *** Netsplit <-> quits: ChrisM87, blindwaves, davidpk212, ln-, Progman, Purno, Mucht, @Darkvater
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14:53:10  <egladil> [12 13:34 CET] boekabart_ egladil: if you're still there: how was it supported? auto-replace _z0 by _z1, _z2 in filename? <== something like that yes
14:53:31  <egladil> and no, it is not yet documented as it is not done yet
14:53:59  <davidpk212> how's 32bit going egladil?
14:54:10  <egladil> forward
14:54:36  <Neonox> Tron ping
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16:03:23  *** Gorre [] has joined #openttd
16:03:25  <Gorre> morning.
16:03:51  <scrooge> afternoon
16:04:05  <scrooge> my time is 16:03
16:04:06  <scrooge> ;)
16:04:16  <Gorre> 17:05 there.
16:04:39  <lolman> MorNING!!
16:04:55  <lolman> (It's 16:04 here)
16:05:46  <Roel> 'evening :)
16:05:49  <Eddi|zuHause2> [17:04] <scrooge> my time is 16:03 <- something is wrong ;)
16:06:02  <scrooge> :o
16:06:11  <lolman> Hehe Eddi
16:06:11  <scrooge> oh no, i just missed out an hour :s
16:06:27  <scrooge> got to speed things up a bit...
16:06:43  <lolman> scrooge: Eddi is in Germany ;-)
16:06:56  <scrooge> hehe, yeah, i figured..
16:07:14  <caladan> use ntp and set the proper date and time :P
16:07:22  * lolman has :P
16:07:27  <hylje> i has :P
16:07:37  <caladan> i has tu :P
16:08:42  <scrooge> well, i guess some of you know something about c++
16:08:58  <caladan> hmm, probably :P
16:09:15  <hylje> lets overuse :P until bjarni gets annoyed :P
16:09:20  <scrooge> so i was wondering if you knew some possible reason for the clock() function is fucked up in my computer
16:09:22  <hylje> then we overuse :P it it more :p
16:09:49  <caladan> clock? :>
16:10:00  <scrooge> hmm..
16:10:12  <lolman> scrooge: maybe because your time is set wrong :P
16:10:22  <scrooge> yes, i'm using it to caculate the fps thingy
16:10:28  <scrooge> good point...
16:10:42  <lolman> If it's being used to calculate FPS it shouldn't make a difference
16:10:47  <Roel> or the internal clock in your computer can be crewed :)
16:11:00  <lolman> As long as it isn't falling further behind or moving too quickly
16:11:13  <scrooge> is there maybe some other methods to use to calculate the time that has passed in a program?
16:11:32  * lolman isn't a programmer, so doesn't know
16:11:57  <scrooge> damnit, guess i'll have to dig deeper into google...
16:11:59  * lolman is also wondering whether to use KDE or GNOME lol
16:12:22  * scrooge votes for KDE
16:12:44  * Maedhros votes for wmii, but doesn't think many people will side with him ;)
16:12:52  <lolman> I like the OpenSUSE K menu, but I don't know if I can get that in Ubuntu
16:13:03  <scrooge> then use kubuntu ;)
16:13:17  <lolman> I have KDE installed ;-)
16:13:44  <scrooge> ah, i misunderstood :p
16:14:45  * Roel votes for os x.. :P
16:14:56  <lolman> Haha
16:15:07  * lolman has found the OpenSUSE K menu...YAY!
16:15:24  <lolman> BRB!
16:15:31  *** lolman [] has quit [Quit: Lost terminal]
16:15:39  * scrooge votes for kde+xgl
16:15:52  <scrooge> much cooler than os x ;-)
16:16:09  <hylje> xgl is overrated
16:16:17  <hylje> rather just use e
16:16:26  <scrooge> e?
16:16:50  <hylje>
16:17:16  *** lolman [] has joined #openttd
16:17:25  <lolman> There :)
16:18:17  <hylje> i would SO want a dual-proc system
16:18:22  <hylje> this p4 sux
16:18:38  <lolman> hylje: my Linux box is on an Athlon XP 2400+
16:18:39  *** Gorre [] has quit [Quit: Socially inept? You bet I am!]
16:19:55  <hylje> this is the second-most powerful box
16:20:25  <lolman> Same here
16:21:16  <lolman> I saw you in #ubuntu earlier ;-)
16:22:26  <Roel> hylje, those new intel core 2 duo's are nice. :)
16:22:38  <hylje> :o
16:23:03  <hylje> i considered switching this to ubuntu but as said backup problems kinda stopped me
16:23:26  <lolman> Yeah, what's it running atm?
16:25:04  <hylje> gentoo
16:25:18  <hylje> it was so outdated and mixedly stable
16:25:26  <hylje> so would have been a pain to upgrade
16:25:49  <hylje> but now im up installing wow :-)
16:26:22  <lolman> Never tried Gentoo, don't think I want to either
16:26:39  *** Neonox [] has quit [Quit: bin wech....]
16:27:14  <caladan> Gentoo ruxx :D
16:27:19  <caladan> im running gentoo now
16:27:23  <hylje> gentoo makes for easy tweaking
16:27:41  <caladan> yup
16:27:46  <caladan> and has nice tools
16:27:52  * lolman is a relative Linux n00b, so no point me trying
16:31:07  <Roel> but a hell to maintain :)
16:32:27  <caladan> really?
16:32:40  <lolman> Yanno, Beryl runs really well on this rather useless system :P
16:32:52  <lolman> Geforce 6200 FTL
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16:43:52  <lolman> Oh Noes
16:47:51  *** lolman [] has quit [Quit: leaving]
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17:45:22  <_Ben_> Hi
17:45:48  <_Ben_> Does the wiki.openttd not display external images anymore?  on the 32bpp page there all just text (hyperlinks)
17:46:08  <_Ben_>
17:48:08  <Rubidium> external images are more likely to disappear
17:49:00  <_Ben_> the images still exsist if you follow the links.  Its just the wiki not displaying them.  They did display last time I looked
17:49:53  <Rubidium> it's just that this way people are more 'enforced' not to use external files I guess
17:51:42  <_Ben_> ok.  Is it considered 'ok' to take the linked image and put them on the wiki itself?
17:52:56  <Rubidium> good question, one I've got no definitive answer on
17:56:22  <_Ben_> alright, thanks.  I'll ask Born Acorn when hes around.  It says he is the 'SysOp'
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18:21:42  <Wolf01> hello
18:22:48  <BobingAbout> hello
18:22:57  <BobingAbout> I've not stopped here in ages
18:23:20  <BobingAbout> i've not even stopped by the forums in weeks
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18:44:48  <lolman> Wolf01: ello :)
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18:45:24  <lolman> Hah
18:45:47  <Wolf01> ellololman
18:46:03  <Wolf01> mmm i have some wifi issues today
18:46:27  <lolman> If I have WiFi issues then both of my boxes will lose their net connections
18:49:36  <Sionide> same here
18:50:34  <lolman> One is actually on WiFi, the other one is on the other end of a network bridge with the wifi
18:54:48  <Wolf01> i think my problems are due to the channel
18:54:51  <Digitalfox> lolman: I have a Router + Mode, that serves my house, my server and desktop are connected to the router by gigabit switch and my laptop is connected by wireless, I must say that using my laptop has bedroom TV is cool, but it makes very angry when i can't see videos or surf the net when in bed, because of wireless problems :)
18:55:08  <Wolf01> the access point uses channel 11, the router uses the channel 1
18:55:18  <Wolf01> but i see the router in the channel 6
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18:55:37  <Wolf01> nice
18:55:39  <Wolf01> XD
18:56:00  <Wolf01> i saw blue for a second and then green
18:56:18  <Digitalfox> Wolf01: Change the channel, but be carefull cause other neightbours may use that channel and make a signal problem
18:56:41  <Wolf01> i'm the only in my place with a wifi
18:56:51  <Digitalfox> I have a pc store in my building, and i had problems when they change channel
18:57:15  <Digitalfox> Remember that the channel can make a lot of meters
18:57:26  <Digitalfox> i mean the wireless signal
18:58:42  <Wolf01> seem thet the problem is when it changes speed ò_O
18:59:12  <Digitalfox> you use 54Mb?
18:59:16  <Digitalfox> or 11Mb?
19:00:40  <Wolf01> both
19:00:46  <Wolf01> the router uses 11
19:00:53  <Wolf01> err 54
19:01:02  <Wolf01> the access point uses 11
19:01:26  <Wolf01> yeah, pizza time, bbl
19:01:50  *** Wolf01 is now known as Wolf01|AWAY
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19:08:00  <Digitalfox> Jesus games are starting to became huge in GB's.. Mediaval II: Total War uses 8.1GB just for the instalation!! :|
19:08:19  <Digitalfox> Imagine downloading a nightly of openttd with 1 or 2 GB.. :\
19:08:54  <caladan> naaah, that never gonna happen
19:09:08  <caladan> dont know what they put in to make it 8GB
19:09:22  <Digitalfox> Sound and Graphics ;)
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19:09:43  <caladan> hmm, you mean like one month of music? :D
19:10:01  <caladan> and a map of whole earth with resolution of 1m?
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19:10:41  <Digitalfox> I still remember that the first (or one of the firsts ) exe of openttd was like 300k or 400k, now it's 2 MB, so maybe in 100 years it becames 1GB ;) lol
19:11:36  <caladan> is it stripped? :D
19:12:11  <caladan> hmm, it seems to be
19:12:20  <Digitalfox> stripped?
19:12:24  <caladan> but @ my machine it's only 1.5MB
19:12:29  <caladan> yep
19:12:38  <Digitalfox> what's stripped?
19:12:47  <caladan> openttd binary
19:12:56  <Digitalfox> 2MB on a nightly windows :)
19:13:09  <caladan> hmm, ok, 0.5.0rc5 on linux 64
19:14:10  <Digitalfox> Ok let's play Total war for the fisrt time.. Let's see how mutch time i spend on it and return to openttd.. ;)
19:14:46  <caladan> you will be back by midnight :P
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19:18:54  <Wolf01> ok, now i should be more stable
19:19:22  <CIA-1> OpenTTD: miham * r8690 /trunk/src/lang/ (4 files):
19:19:22  <CIA-1> OpenTTD: -Update: WebTranslator2 update to 2007-02-12 20:18:38
19:19:22  <CIA-1> OpenTTD: lithuanian - 11 fixed, 1 changed by Domas (12)
19:19:22  <CIA-1> OpenTTD: slovak - 63 changed by lengyel (63)
19:19:22  <CIA-1> OpenTTD: traditional_chinese - 8 changed by thomasau (8)
19:19:22  <CIA-1> OpenTTD: ukrainian - 1 changed by mad (1)
19:19:41  <Wolf01> yeah, map of whole earth with resolution of 1m
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19:19:46  <Wolf01> i want it
19:20:05  <caladan> ask NASA :P
19:20:10  <caladan> or maybe US army :P
19:20:23  <davidpk2012> you want a 2048*1024 map, then
19:20:24  <Wolf01> i was thinking about using a system like google earth applied to ottd
19:20:34  <caladan> hmm?
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19:20:50  <caladan> if i had time i would make nice map of Poland...
19:21:00  <Wolf01> something like 65535*65535 loaded in chunks
19:21:38  <caladan> huh...
19:21:39  <SpComb> turn OpenTTD into a MMOTG!
19:21:41  <caladan> what for?
19:21:46  <SpComb> Massive Multiplayer Online Tycoon Game
19:21:50  <caladan> with thousands of players!
19:21:59  <Wolf01> you play on a 2048*2048, when you move the viewport the game loads the other tiles and discard the previous tiles
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19:22:19  <davidpk2012> yay!!!
19:22:41  <caladan> hmm, that could be possible
19:22:49  <caladan> to have many serwers
19:22:55  <Wolf01> the only problem should be a nasa supercomputer which hosts the game
19:23:09  <caladan> and there would be a master server knowing about yer money and s on
19:23:19  <caladan> no, it would require many normal serwera
19:23:23  <caladan> servers
19:23:32  <Wolf01> cluster server, more servers mean more map :D
19:23:39  <Digitalfox> caladan: I'm back already, not really type of game, it's just more strategic unit moving and deployment.. I RTS that you actually build a base and then attack.. :|
19:23:56  <Digitalfox> not my type of game
19:24:05  <Digitalfox> I prefer RTS
19:24:24  <caladan> Digitalfox: what about good old Total Annihilation?
19:24:56  <Digitalfox> caladan: Well yeah, but i love warcraft, starcraft, that type of game :)
19:25:12  <caladan> TA is not good?
19:25:28  <caladan> shit, my cron doesnt work :/
19:25:32  <Digitalfox> caladan: It's good :)
19:28:46  *** caladan [] has quit [Quit: Cron problems :/]
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20:10:33  <Maedhros> umm, wtf?
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20:20:30  <caladan> BOFH ^^
20:22:03  <scrooge> bofh?
20:22:07  <scrooge> some new acronym?
20:22:26  <Rubidium> scrooge: no, a very old one
20:22:41  <Rubidium> from 1992 to be precise
20:22:45  <scrooge> hehe, ok
20:22:49  <scrooge> what does it stand for?
20:22:52  <scrooge> never seen it
20:23:06  <Rubidium>
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20:33:21  <Wolf01> what should be the next (big) feature for OTTD?
20:34:00  <scrooge> teamspeak
20:34:05  <scrooge> deffenately teamspeak
20:34:06  <scrooge> :p
20:34:28  <Wolf01> oh, other than newhouses which is well known
20:35:52  <caladan> hmm, teamspeak is not needed :P
20:36:25  <scrooge> oh really ;)
20:37:22  <scrooge> seriosly speaking i've been thinking for a long time about how intercity transportations could be made more interesting
20:37:54  <scrooge> i wrote the town growth patch as a begginning for something in that direction
20:38:12  <caladan> hmm, trams :D
20:38:19  <KeeperOfTheSoul> metropolitan style maps with really large towns so you can't just run rail straight into the town?
20:38:20  <scrooge> exactly
20:38:33  <scrooge> yeah, something of that sort
20:38:42  <scrooge> and passenger destination
20:39:00  <scrooge> not the kind that is on the forums, i'm thinking sincity4 style
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20:39:05  <caladan> hmm, yup, cargo && passenger dest.
20:39:12  <KeeperOfTheSoul> and spilt the large towns into regions, so that passengers want to go to different areas within the city?
20:39:13  <Wolf01> maybe roads should be revaluated, diagonal roads, better vehicles handling (no more blockades at stations/crossings)
20:39:25  <scrooge> that should have been simcity4 obviously..
20:39:30  <Wolf01> yes... sincity <-
20:40:00  <KeeperOfTheSoul> Wolf01: that would be nice, proper busstations where the busses can leave via an different exit to entering
20:40:14  <scrooge> KeeperOfTheSoul: yes, something of that sort
20:40:45  <KeeperOfTheSoul> and you could then chain these together kind of like a station, each tile could support two busses, parked at diagonal
20:41:03  <scrooge> the busstations on the roads are very good addition to the game
20:41:58  <Wolf01> i meant like trains on rails, each road piece should have an hidden semaphore which allow one truck per time to enter the tile, maybe two, one ways roads and traffic lights at crossings
20:42:50  <Wolf01> maybe the "tiles with hidden semaphores" concept should be reviewed
20:43:03  <Belugas> [15:34] <scrooge> teamspeak  <---  I wonder how we could do more about it :S  We do talk to each other every day!
20:43:12  <Belugas> well... lamost everyone
20:43:23  <scrooge> and along with some system where you could design routes for the busses (with the passenger destination playing a big role) you could have an interesting challenge on how to manage the intercity traffic
20:43:27  <Belugas> *almost*
20:43:52  <scrooge> Belugas: where there is will, there is a way ;-)
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20:44:24  <Belugas> will is something else...
20:44:32  <KeeperOfTheSoul> could be interesting as an extra challenge that towns that don't like you won't let you build anything in the area
20:44:54  <scrooge> exaclty, i think that you should have to make contracts
20:45:07  <scrooge> to service this town for the next 5 years or something
20:45:33  <scrooge> and if you do well you can continue, if you do badly some other company gets the rights for that city
20:45:43  <Wolf01> what i really need now is: adjacent stations join, transparency options, daylength, copy&paste, autosignal and programmable signals
20:46:58  <scrooge> heh, a bit smaller suggestions than i am making :p
20:47:09  <scrooge> but without doubt more needed..
20:49:57  <KeeperOfTheSoul> could also be interesting if certain things like laying track and terraforming were not instant
20:51:14  <scrooge> that would put more emphasis on the designing of the tracks
20:51:36  <Wolf01> i always think before terraform or lay a track
20:51:44  <KeeperOfTheSoul> especially if terraforming took a while
20:51:57  <scrooge> might be interesting in multiplayer when you're designing
20:52:04  <KeeperOfTheSoul> bridges could also take a bit longer than normal track, and longer still if over water
20:52:15  <Wolf01> do you think they really turn?
20:52:29  <KeeperOfTheSoul> which would encourage going round the obstical if the distance isn't too long
20:53:59  <Wolf01> yes gradual building should be great :D
20:54:30  <hylje> it would be somewhat lame too
20:54:31  <hylje> :b
20:55:05  * HMage would like if terraforming would be forbidden for new companies
20:55:06  <scrooge> wow, i didn't know there was so much work done on the 32bpp version :o
20:55:17  <KeeperOfTheSoul> i'd also say maintancence costs for tracks, etc to encourage more efficent routes
20:56:24  <HMage> there are maintenance costs for tracks, but they're not very high
20:57:21  <Wolf01> who remember the "rusty tracks" idea?
20:57:22  <Roel> HMage, nah, only for AI players..:)
20:57:44  <HMage> that would encourage planning the track routes
20:58:06  <HMage> and would prevent multiplayer vandalism
20:58:31  <HMage> where a vandal creates new company, then terraforms everything into sea level
21:00:57  <Wolf01> i think that idea might be usefull for "unused roads", on the roads start to grow grass and dirt if they aren't used, until they can be removed from any player... that shouldn't happen for city roads, but they can be removed too after some years if unused
21:01:29  <KeeperOfTheSoul> not city roads, you could count them as used by locals, and the town maintains them
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21:02:22  <Wolf01> some people build roads for the cities, like me, and when you want to place something you can't because the roads are owned by a player
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21:02:45  <KeeperOfTheSoul> Wolf01: they wouldn't be owned by the town though, so they wouldn't count
21:03:49  <KeeperOfTheSoul> maybe even roads left to rot next to a town road instead of going to unused, can be removed change to town owned?
21:04:16  <hylje> unused roads should either rot or be transferred to town
21:04:21  * caladan uses regexps :D
21:04:59  <Maedhros> there's an abandoned roads patch (based on the ttdpatch feature) somewhere
21:05:16  <KeeperOfTheSoul> hylje: yes, but depending on the context of where they are, the town owned road would spread down a length of unused road similar to the way land floods
21:06:15  <Wolf01> i think a similar idea should be used for rails too, sometimes i've seen in multiplayer that trolls use pieces of rail to block roads.. now with magic bridges that shouldn't be a big problem
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21:07:45  <Wolf01> and with "any combo of rails over roads" that shouldn't really be a problem anymore
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21:14:37  <Wolf01> i was thinking about layers, that should reduce the need of different sprites, but i don't know if it would mean performance loss
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21:18:39  <scrooge> they could come in handy when you're adding a new feature, would reduce the amount of work needed
21:19:00  <scrooge> or could do that at least under some circumstances
21:19:04  *** Sacro|Laptop is now known as Sacro
21:23:37  <Wolf01> ok, i think i talked enough for today
21:26:02  <KeeperOfTheSoul> good idea, time for galactica
21:26:18  <Rubidium> new episode?
21:26:50  <KeeperOfTheSoul> no, my mate finally lent me the dvd set of season 2
21:27:00  <KeeperOfTheSoul> only took him a month :)
21:27:43  <Rubidium> that sucks, have fun watching though :)
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21:54:41  <Wolfolo|AWAY> [10053] Software caused connection abort <- imho software is stupid
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21:55:22  <CIA-1> OpenTTD: Darkvater * r8691 /trunk/src/ (14 files in 3 dirs): -Cleanup: Some proper #endif comments for sound/music/video files, and a little elimination of magic numbers in Win32SoundStart
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22:24:17  <DaGeek> Hello
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22:25:19  <DaGeek> Hello All
22:25:40  <Bjarni> YAG
22:25:41  <DaGeek> Hello :->
22:25:47  <Bjarni> hi geek
22:26:06  <DaGeek> this is the 1st time i have been on IRC in a very very Long time...
22:26:19  <Bjarni> and you call yourself a geek?
22:26:24  <DaGeek> lol
22:26:42  <DaGeek> im a coder and Server Admin by trade..
22:26:51  <DaGeek> i dont have any time any more...
22:26:57  <DaGeek> :S
22:27:24  <Bjarni> how much does a server admin cost these days?
22:27:43  <DaGeek> lol, not enough :-p
22:30:45  <Sacro> Bjarni: what do you want to offer me ;)
22:31:52  <Bjarni> I don't want to buy one
22:32:06  <Sacro> well i shall offer my servieces for free
22:32:15  <DaGeek> dito..
22:32:16  <Bjarni> I just made small talk with this travelling salesman, who happens to sell server admins and coders
22:32:21  <Bjarni> :P
22:32:25  * KeeperOfTheSoul must remember to try that tactic when hiring :)
22:33:01  <KeeperOfTheSoul> I'm sorry, I know we got you all the way down here, but we don't need an admin, so do you fancy working for free?
22:33:25  <Bjarni> that's not how to do it
22:33:49  <Bjarni> you can't ask them to work for free
22:33:58  <Bjarni> you make them ask you if it's ok to work for free
22:34:15  <Bjarni> there is a big difference
22:34:23  <KeeperOfTheSoul> ah, right, so I've got to bait them with large racks of flashing lights?
22:34:43  <Bjarni> now that would make me run away right away
22:35:06  <KeeperOfTheSoul> but the pretty light?
22:35:20  * Bjarni prefer darkness
22:35:30  <DaGeek> we do like the little lights...
22:35:49  * Bjarni wears sunglasses even on cloudy days
22:36:14  * KeeperOfTheSoul hangs garlic over Bjarni's door
22:36:42  * Bjarni orders it removed and KeeperOfTheSoul killed
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22:38:25  <Bjarni> great book
22:39:00  <Bjarni> I decided to look up something from the lecture today (I prefer to understand everything from the lectures) and the index tells me it's page 80
22:39:11  <Bjarni> looking though the book it turns out to be on page 79
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22:42:24  <KeeperOfTheSoul> i see that often, normally means the keyword the index picks up on is on the other page
22:42:53  <Bjarni> it's a printed book and it cost a fortune :s
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22:46:05  <KeeperOfTheSoul> don't they all :)
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22:46:36  <CIA-1> OpenTTD: rubidium * r8692 /trunk/src/roadveh_cmd.cpp: -Cleanup: add comments to RoadVehController. Patch by mart3p.
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23:05:04  <Bjarni> <-- boobs alert
23:05:23  <Bjarni> The Swedes actually made a formal complain about this one :D
23:06:01  * Bjarni wonders about making a formal complain to England
23:06:08  <Bjarni> you can risk meeting Sacro on the road
23:06:14  <Sacro> :o
23:06:40  <Bjarni> you can also risk meeting other Englishmen on the roads
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23:11:07  <Bjarni> Sacro: are you ill?
23:11:28  <Sacro> i think i am
23:11:34  <Sacro> oooh... I SAW HER EARLIER
23:11:49  <Bjarni> you really appear to be
23:11:58  <Bjarni> you didn't respond to the word "boobs"
23:12:09  <CIA-1> OpenTTD: KUDr * r8693 /branches/cpp_gui/src/ (window.cpp window.h): [cpp_gui] -Fix: g++ compilation errors 'non-local function A uses local type B' (template arguments must have external linkage while local type has no linkage)
23:12:11  *** Progman [] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
23:12:45  <KUDr> Bjarni: can you try it please ^^ ?
23:12:58  <Bjarni> sure
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23:15:00  <Bjarni> works
23:15:09  <KUDr> good, thanks
23:15:24  <Bjarni> now I can mess it up with local modifications :P
23:15:56  <KUDr> but still not sure about those EnumT functions (if they are better than FOR_EACH_WINDOW)
23:16:32  <KUDr> Bjarni: you can continue turning Window related functions into methods
23:17:43  <Bjarni> that will for sure screw up stuff, but then again, worst case: I learn something :)
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23:57:23  *** Sacro [~Ben@adsl-83-100-173-110.karoo.KCOM.COM] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]

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