Log for #openttd on 22nd July 2007:
Times are UTC Toggle Colours
00:07:25  *** Tlustoch [] has quit [Quit: Leaving]
00:15:06  *** Gekko [] has quit [Quit: KVIrc 3.2.6 Anomalies]
00:21:09  *** Dark_Link^^ is now known as Dark_Link^
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00:41:41  *** Digitalfox_Desktop [] has quit [Quit: Bye]
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00:48:37  *** BobingAbout [~BobingAbo@adsl-213-249-225-139.karoo.KCOM.COM] has joined #openttd
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01:30:57  *** Eddi|zuHause2 [] has joined #openttd
01:39:36  <Rippsy> Interesting .. there is NO way to stop people griefing oneway road
01:40:02  <Rippsy> even if you block it all off with your own signs, and buy out all the town road, disable all entrances from a competitor, he cna just build rail across it and remove all the one way signaling
01:45:29  <Smoovious>
01:52:10  *** Rippsy [] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds]
01:58:57  *** Tobin [] has joined #openttd
02:05:36  *** Thardas [] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
02:13:11  *** glx [] has quit [Quit: bye]
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03:45:39  <kombi> hi! Anyone got the file: TTD Registry Editor ver 1.3 know where to get it?
04:02:41  *** kombi [] has quit [Quit: Bye for now!]
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05:17:37  <TheJosh> @password
05:17:38  <DorpsGek> TheJosh: Error: That operation cannot be done in a channel.
05:17:51  <TheJosh> opps, i wanted #openttdcoop
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05:28:48  <Smoovious>
05:40:22  <Smoovious>
05:48:16  *** Darkebie [] has joined #openttd
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06:54:33  *** Gekkko` is now known as Gekko
07:06:24  *** Wolf01 [] has joined #openttd
07:06:44  <Wolf01> hello
07:14:44  <TrueBrain> hi
07:18:01  <Smoovious> o/
07:41:59  *** Osai^zZz [] has joined #openttd
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07:52:05  *** Ailure [Gamefreak@] has joined #openttd
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08:57:17  *** Osai^zZz is now known as Osai
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09:45:12  <Zuu> hmmm, which .h file did I now touched by mistake? vim should have a blinking warning screen if you try to save a h-file to save you minutes of compiling time... :)
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09:47:20  <Smoovious> I think it was that one >points< over there...
09:52:21  <Prof_Frink> nonono, it was *that* one, over *there*
09:52:22  <Zuu> Hmm.. maby I need to reconfigure with --enable-debug to make gdb work... another few minutes of compileing :)
09:52:38  <Zuu> maybe*
09:54:16  * Zuu rest for a while...
09:57:57  *** Progman [] has joined #openttd
09:58:07  * Zuu miss his fast PC which only take about a minute to compile everytihng.
10:02:30  <Zuu> opposed to 8:51 minutes on my 5 year old laptop... yay :)
10:03:43  <Prof_Frink> Nothing wrong with 5-year-old laptops
10:03:51  <Prof_Frink> Well, except the hinge is broken
10:04:03  <Prof_Frink> And I have to turn of the backlight manually
10:04:10  <Zuu> except verry long time to compile openttd...
10:07:02  *** Ammller [] has joined #openttd
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10:09:18  *** Ammler is now known as Guest937
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10:17:31  <Tefad> heh
10:17:36  <Tefad> 5 minutes is very long?
10:17:48  <Tefad> my laptop is p4 1.6GHz
10:18:23  <Tefad> real men compile ottd on 68k ; )
10:20:16  *** Gekko [] has quit [Quit: - Now less gay.]
10:20:17  <Zuu> Mine is celeron (aka p3) 1.33GHz with 256MB ram (the other 512 broke in March)
10:20:42  <Tefad> ouch, luckily my laptop has 256+256 sticks in it
10:21:09  <Tefad> most of my electronics are handmedowns
10:21:24  <Tefad> or thirft purchases (rummage sales, thrift stores.. craigslist)
10:21:34  <Tefad> also, i can't spell.
10:21:44  <Tefad> my 2nd head was free.. 19" Trinitron
10:22:22  *** Zr40 [] has joined #openttd
10:27:52  *** KUDr_mac [] has joined #openttd
10:28:55  *** Ailure [Gamefreak@] has joined #openttd
10:32:58  * Zuu enjoys C strings and segfaults...
10:33:05  <Zuu> ... not
10:42:40  *** Brianetta [] has joined #openttd
10:48:00  *** Kittysune [Gamefreak@] has joined #openttd
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11:03:11  <Tefad> hah
11:09:11  *** Zr40 [] has quit [Quit: Zr40]
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11:38:52  *** Osai [] has quit [Quit: Osai]
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11:46:45  *** Dark_Link^^ [] has joined #openttd
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11:56:58  *** TimGroe2 [~kvirc@] has joined #openttd
11:57:12  <TimGroe2> For those who are interested, I am now offering one free domain for a random project that is added in the next 7 days on
11:57:51  <ln-> so?
11:58:46  <TimGroe2> Thought I would enlighten you all with a freebie :)
12:01:17  <Wolf01> lifetime free?
12:01:37  <TimGroe2> No, just the  gift certificate :P
12:01:58  <TimGroe2> I wish it was lifetime free, but hey, I am an open source developer.
12:02:13  <Wolf01> me too
12:02:15  <KUDr_mac> so you are rich
12:02:27  *** Osai [] has joined #openttd
12:02:38  <TimGroe2> opposite :P
12:02:50  *** Peakki [] has joined #openttd
12:03:09  <KUDr_mac> poor people don't have money and time to make open source
12:03:30  <Smoovious> depends on why they're poor
12:03:38  <KUDr> :)
12:04:47  <Smoovious> like... are they the working poor, or the waiting-for-my-{disability|welfare}-check poor...
12:05:45  <TimGroe2> well, just keep my offer in mind :)
12:06:03  <ln-> when a train is moving on the rails, how often is its speed and location synchronized with the server?
12:06:37  <Smoovious> wow... they just  showed some video about the flooding over in the UK... unreal...
12:06:42  <KUDr> so by other words we will get  for a new domain if we create project called "random project" on your web. Correct?
12:06:56  <TimGroe2> read the rules @ :P
12:07:51  <TimGroe2> So what I am going to do is offer anyone who commits legitimate code into a new ShareSource code from Sunday, 22 July till Sunday, 29 July.
12:08:18  <KUDr> so the name should be "random project" or "your project" ?
12:08:31  <TimGroe2> "your project"
12:08:36  <TimGroe2> it must be a real project :D
12:09:04  <Smoovious> what if  we wanna name it "our project" instead of "your project",.. we wouldn't be eligible?
12:09:29  <TimGroe2> yes, "we" would.
12:10:06  <KUDr> too strict rules i guess
12:10:11  <Smoovious> how could it be 'we'... aren't you ineligible? shouldn't i t be "y'all"?
12:10:24  <KUDr> you do a typo and you lost 
12:10:27  <hylje> y'all is americanish
12:10:34  <TimGroe2> lol
12:10:38  * Smoovious is americanish
12:10:45  * TimGroe2 kicks and screams
12:10:51  <Smoovious> actually, y'all is southern
12:11:02  <hylje> granted
12:11:11  <hylje> TimGroe2: out of curiosity, what does that service build upon?
12:11:19  <Smoovious> I'm in the great lakes... its youz up here
12:11:23  <TimGroe2> hylje: It is my own project :)
12:11:25  <izhirahider> TimGroe2, just a suggestion, if you want to succeed, you should offer some new features like mercurial or git, since it's not offered anywhere else and they're started to become popular among developers :)
12:11:38  <hylje> TimGroe2: i mean technologies
12:11:43  <TimGroe2> izhirahider: Funny you might say that, hg is comming in 7 days :)
12:11:50  <hylje> TimGroe2: i dont think you did it ground up off assembly :p
12:11:52  <TimGroe2> finishing off my custom viewer :D
12:12:10  <TimGroe2> hylje: Apache2, PHP, Perl, C++ and MySQL
12:12:24  <TimGroe2> and Subversion, Hg for VCS'
12:12:32  <TimGroe2> Mailman for mailing list
12:12:33  <TimGroe2> s
12:12:40  <hylje> i see
12:12:54  <hylje> is it how monolithic?
12:13:11  <TimGroe2> refraise that :P
12:13:38  <hylje> how much does it depend on itself and its pieces
12:14:02  <TimGroe2> It is all built of modules
12:14:18  <TimGroe2> for example, you can disable Mailman, or disable Subversion, or disable web hosting etc :)
12:15:07  <TimGroe2> Very nice code inside :P
12:16:23  <izhirahider> TimGroe2, good luck on the project, I might be interested in looking into it in the future
12:16:37  <TimGroe2> thanks izhirahider :)
12:16:52  <TimGroe2> Make sure it's in the next 7 days :P
12:20:37  <KUDr> heh hurry up for a small chnce 
12:21:11  <hylje> TimGroe2: impressive
12:21:41  <TimGroe2> KUDr: you laugh now :P
12:21:50  <KUDr> no
12:21:53  <KUDr> i don't
12:21:58  <KUDr> looks good
12:22:03  <KUDr> as project
12:22:22  <KUDr> but that  :)
12:22:53  <TimGroe2> :)
12:22:56  <KUDr> i think that reliability and feares are more important
12:23:04  <KUDr> features
12:24:01  <Zuu> Ah.. yay, I feel my pointer aritmetics is comming back..   after months of only Delphi programming. (which allows you to do memory management, but is not neccessary to the same extent)
12:24:23  <KUDr> nice: It took roughly 0.0015909671783447 seconds to generate this page
12:24:37  <KUDr> very rough number
12:25:31  <TimGroe2> well, it is + ~0.0001 :)
12:25:39  <TimGroe2> so it's not exact :D
12:26:14  <KUDr> TimGroe2: will you offer also virtual hosts like "" ?
12:26:31  <TimGroe2> already do (Y)
12:26:36  <KUDr> good
12:27:04  <KUDr> so, really, good luck with it
12:27:28  *** skidd13 [] has joined #openttd
12:28:02  <TimGroe2> thanks
12:42:16  *** ThePizzaKing [] has quit [Quit: ThePizzaKing]
12:50:05  <skidd13> How are the dev opinions to my performance meter patch?
12:54:57  <peter1138> 13:03 < ln-> when a train is moving on the rails, how often is its speed and  location synchronized with the server?
12:55:02  <peter1138> ^ never
12:55:26  *** Sacro [~Ben@adsl-87-102-80-216.karoo.KCOM.COM] has joined #openttd
12:55:41  <hylje> can a train move anywhere else than on *the* rails
12:56:44  <peter1138> only inside a tunnel
12:58:41  <hylje> yeah, on a void
12:58:48  <hylje> what about bridges?
12:59:04  <peter1138> technically, yeah
12:59:09  <peter1138> though you can see them ;)
12:59:41  *** BobingAbout [~BobingAbo@adsl-213-249-225-139.karoo.KCOM.COM] has joined #openttd
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13:01:27  *** KritiK [] has joined #openttd
13:17:14  <CIA-1> OpenTTD: peter1138 * r10649 /trunk/src/window.cpp: -Fix (r9962): autoscroll (pointer near screen edge) didn't work
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13:57:02  <Tlustoch> I was just playing online without pass and some loser joined me and destroyed all my airports
13:57:13  <Tlustoch> Why do such people exist?
13:57:32  <Smoovious> to remind you to set your password
13:57:44  <Smoovious> tough love, baby
13:57:48  <Tlustoch> If I set password no one can join me.
13:57:56  <Smoovious> right
13:58:05  <Smoovious> that's the point
13:58:15  <Gekko[PDA]> lol
13:58:21  <Gekko[PDA]> the logic
13:58:36  <Gekko[PDA]> this guy, supreme logic.
14:05:10  <peter1138> lol
14:08:17  *** skidd13 [] has left #openttd []
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14:15:58  <Zuu> Now my code can translate key-codes to names and back again... Time to give some more keys to choos from than meta-keys and space and space and space.. :) xD
14:16:58  <Rippsy> why is the top row of the keyboard just not dedicated to the building panel ;P
14:17:19  <Rippsy> or as in railroad tycoon the numpad was directional track
14:18:08  <Zuu> When time comes, you will be able to do that... but that is when it is done, not before.. ;)
14:18:50  <Rippsy> fair enough
14:18:51  <Zuu> Or buy a kinesis and hardware remap your keyboard layout. :)
14:19:01  <Zuu> I wont sponsor you though :p
14:19:05  <Rippsy> i just map the keys to my Gkeys on my logitec g15 :)
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14:26:04  <Tlustoch> LOL
14:26:19  <Tlustoch> now network game failed because of some assertion
14:26:25  <Tlustoch> when new player joined
14:26:51  <Tlustoch> player.h:242
14:30:02  <Zuu> I guess keys like WKC_LEFT should have a localized string accosiated to it. But does a-z,A-Z,0-9 need that?? I guess in most languages it would just be a "a" or a "Z" or a "3" etc..
14:31:07  <Zuu> Hmm.. though, it would not hurt much to have it, just some extra bytes here and there... :)
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14:36:09  <peter1138> are you using TrueBrain's code for that?
14:36:40  <Zuu> peter1138: Have TrueBrain written code far that?
14:36:51  *** Ammller [] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds]
14:37:01  <Zuu> btw, what do you exactly mean with "that"?
14:38:30  *** Peakki [] has quit [Quit: Lähdössä]
14:41:43  <peter1138> changing keys
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14:42:51  <peter1138> hmm
14:42:57  <peter1138> "laptop battery 12 hours, 12 minutes remaining"
14:42:59  <peter1138> i think that's a lie :p
14:43:11  <Rippsy> can i have your fusion powered battery :P
14:45:24  <Zuu> peter1138: So he have begun work with that too?
14:45:25  <Zuu> The answer on your question is: no
14:46:53  <peter1138>;a=shortlog;h=keybinding
14:49:29  *** Dark_Link^^ [] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds]
14:53:51  *** Zuu2 [] has joined #openttd
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14:54:01  <Zuu2> Silly PC hang...
14:57:49  *** TimGroe2 [~kvirc@] has quit [Quit: KVIrc 3.2.4 Anomalies]
14:58:32  <Zuu2> Looks like all TrueBrain have done is that he have written a .hpp file. But I can be wrong though.. but that was the only thing I found when I searched that git thing.
15:01:24  <Zuu2> well two hpp-files it seams..
15:03:41  <Zuu2> Gota talk to him when he appears :)
15:04:59  *** Zuu2 is now known as Zuu
15:06:49  <Zuu> now i gota make some food :)
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15:19:21  <peter1138> has
15:19:22  <peter1138> has has has
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15:23:26  * Smoovious takes it.
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16:48:30  <CIA-1> OpenTTD: orudge * r10650 /branches/0.5/os2.c: [0.5] -Fix: Fix chdir problem with open/save dialog on OS/2 (Paul Smedley)
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17:06:37  <Wolf01> ufff... i thought it was easy to draw roads :(
17:07:32  <Wolf01> or maybe is only pebkac :/
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17:21:36  <CIA-1> OpenTTD: orudge * r10651 /trunk/src/os2.cpp: -Fix: Fix chdir problem with open/save dialog on OS/2 (Paul Smedley)
17:22:09  <Progman> os/2? it still exists?
17:23:01  <Noldo> when someone puts it into internet it will exist for ever
17:23:17  <orudge> Progman: yep
17:23:22  <orudge> take a look at, say,
17:23:46  <orudge> hmmm, 00 worth of bountiesr
17:23:48  <orudge> *bounties
17:25:19  <orudge> aww, they upgraded their forums
17:25:25  <orudge> they were using UB2K for years
17:25:28  <orudge> it was the first forum package I used on my site
17:25:34  <orudge> before I moved to phpBB
17:26:38  *** mikk36 [] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
17:27:20  <Wolf01> [19:23:15] <Noldo> when someone puts it into internet it will exist for ever
17:27:21  <Wolf01> are you sure? i can destroy one thing i know and it won't exist anymore :D
17:27:44  <Noldo> :)
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18:13:59  <Liquid> Hello, What was the name of the contest that thwart used to put on for encryption called?
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18:24:22  <Ailure> heh
18:24:28  <Ailure> would be funny if openTTD was like simcity 2000
18:24:30  <Ailure> and airports
18:25:12  <Lost-Hope|Thardas> well.. that would be ..openSimCity2000 Then *lol*
18:25:19  <Ailure> :P
18:25:23  <Ailure> heh I wasn't totally serious about it
18:25:32  <Lost-Hope|Thardas> noticed that :D
18:25:44  <Ailure> even if it would encourage players to not put the airport in the middle of a city
18:26:09  <Lost-Hope|Thardas> well i'm putting airports on the border of the citys tho..
18:26:18  <Lost-Hope|Thardas> and just transfer passengers by bus *lol*
18:27:01  <Lost-Hope|Thardas> sec.. gotta take a look on my servers ^^
18:27:12  <Ailure> heh
18:27:25  <Ailure> would be intresting if there was civil transporting <<
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18:27:42  <Ailure> I mean personal, so stations wouldn't have to be in walking range :P
18:28:35  <Lost-Hope|Thardas> hmmm
18:28:50  <Lost-Hope|Thardas> guess no one likes a 2050-2150 scenario.. anyone knows why? >_>
18:29:06  <Lost-Hope|Thardas> i like them better than 1950 to 2050 since there is maglev *lol*
18:31:25  <Wolf01> [20:28:50] <Lost-Hope|Thardas> guess no one likes a 2050-2150 scenario.. anyone knows why? >_>
18:31:25  <Wolf01> maybe because is impossible to start a game because of inflation?
18:31:38  <Lost-Hope|Thardas> uhm no i put that off..
18:32:09  <Lost-Hope|Thardas> i guess.. *lol*
18:32:36  <Lost-Hope|Thardas> well i'm thinking of making the games more short anyways.
18:32:44  <Lost-Hope|Thardas> like 50 years...
18:36:01  <peter1138> maglev sucks
18:36:07  <peter1138> no challenge
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18:39:17  <Lost-Hope|Thardas> hmm well should be better now to have 1 long game from 1950 to 2050 and one from 1975 to 2025
18:39:44  <Lost-Hope|Thardas> but i gotta figure out how to prevent a company from getting a password to set up a coop server..
18:41:16  <peter1138> no way
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18:42:42  <Lost-Hope|Thardas> humm so i gotta hope that no one is goin to set a pwd?
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18:46:04  <Eddi|zuHause2> how is that supposed to work anyway? "i leave my car wide open with keys inside and a sign 'use this if you need it'"
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18:46:47  <Eddi|zuHause2> that's gonna work exactly once...
18:47:06  <Ailure> hmm
18:47:07  <Ailure> hey
18:47:13  <Ailure> is the 3D cinema in TTRS
18:47:19  <Ailure> supposed to have a hole in it's roof? ;)
18:49:07  <Lost-Hope|Thardas> well eddi.. so basically you gotta stand next to your car and give out the key after you put a gps in your car to make sure it cant be stolen..
18:49:25  <Lost-Hope|Thardas> meaning you gotta administrate your server at least at the beginning of the game
18:50:21  <Lost-Hope|Thardas> but i still dunno how the original servers of openttdcoop do that..
18:50:47  <Lost-Hope|Thardas> if they do.. there must be a way i'm goin to find out :)
18:51:45  <Eddi|zuHause2> i believe they put a password theirselves...
18:52:11  <Eddi|zuHause2> and they are a pretty close community
18:52:33  <Lost-Hope|Thardas> well you can even follow the text messages they send ingame by joining the coop channel
18:52:46  <Lost-Hope|Thardas> guess everyone watches for another there..
18:53:47  <Eddi|zuHause2> that's the work of autopilot
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20:03:09  <peter1138> :o
20:03:22  <rav> what is it?
20:03:30  <peter1138> cheese
20:03:30  <Wolf01> just a little netsplit
20:03:34  <Wolf01> XD
20:03:50  <glx> little ??? ;)
20:03:53  <Eddi|zuHause2> hmmm cheese
20:04:17  <Eddi|zuHause2> actually, i don't like cheese
20:04:28  <peter1138> weirdo
20:06:41  <Eddi|zuHause2> and i have these weird system lockups for a few seconds
20:10:22  <Eddi|zuHause2> it seems to be loosely related to harddisk/s-ata controller
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21:08:46  *** UnderBuilder [~chatzilla@] has joined #openttd
21:10:56  <UnderBuilder> a question: can be removed the landscape type selector from the main 'openttd' window since it is included on the landscape window?
21:11:23  <CIA-1> OpenTTD: richk * r10652 /branches/NewGRF_ports/src/station_cmd.cpp: [NewGRF_ports] -Fix: Initialise variable to eliminate warning.
21:21:16  <Eddi|zuHause2> UnderBuilder: I think the decision was to keep them to preserve the look of the opening screen
21:21:36  <Eddi|zuHause2> it's characteristic for ttd
21:22:13  <UnderBuilder> landscape window -> it should be new map window
21:23:47  <Eddi|zuHause2> yes, i figured that :p
21:25:00  <CIA-1> OpenTTD: richk * r10653 /branches/NewGRF_ports/ (64 files in 7 dirs): [NewGRF_ports] -Sync: with trunk r10602-10651
21:27:46  *** Rippsy [~Moose@] has quit [Quit: <Maddy|2ndPC> sorry.. just checking my penis]
21:28:57  <Wolf01> Eddi|zuHause2, you can always disable them and keep them as eyecandy... as they are totally useless there
21:30:11  <Eddi|zuHause2> "I" have no problem with them :p
21:30:14  * Prof_Frink still thinks the three settings windows should be combined
21:31:02  <Eddi|zuHause2> Prof_Frink: you're free to post your patch to
21:31:27  <Prof_Frink> Eddi|zuHause2: post-patch depends: know-how-to-code
21:32:14  <Prof_Frink> I normally just torture peter1138 until stuff happens
21:33:05  <Wolf01> i usually avoid to torture peter1138, 'cause i have bad memories :(
21:33:43  <Wolf01> i prod Belugas instead ;)
21:33:48  <Prof_Frink> Wolf01: You're doing him wrong.
21:34:25  <Wolf01> eh everybody have his preferred dev :)
21:35:17  <Eddi|zuHause2> i don't remember having picked a "favourite"
21:36:23  <ln-> i'll pick tron and his phrases "NOT FUNNY" and "END OF DISCUSSION"
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21:42:49  <Sacro> I KNEW BELGIUM WAS FAKE
21:43:35  <Prof_Frink> Sacro: Don't swear
21:43:46  <Sacro> Prof_Frink: HAMTOUCHER
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21:47:28  <Wolf01> 'night
21:47:30  *** Wolf01 [] has quit [Quit: Once again the world is quick to bury me.]
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22:10:22  <UnderBuilder> then if you don't want to remove it from the main window then remove it from the new map one
22:18:08  <Eddi|zuHause2> no, because that's where they belong...
22:21:06  <rav> well, Im off to bed, ttyl
22:27:33  *** UnderBuilder [~chatzilla@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
22:29:00  <CIA-1> OpenTTD: richk * r10654 /branches/NewGRF_ports/src/ (saveload.cpp station_cmd.cpp): [NewGRF_ports] -Change: Can now load and save newgrf airports. Graphics correctly reloaded after save.
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23:42:37  <Digitalfox> Hi people :)
23:43:10  <Digitalfox> Is there any newgrf coder present?
23:43:59  <Ammlller> Digitalfox, maybe you have more luck at #tycoon @ quakenet
23:44:12  <Digitalfox> yeah
23:44:22  <Digitalfox> i know :) But it's a simple question
23:44:46  <Ammlller> pls, don't ask me....
23:44:59  <Digitalfox> no problem ;)
23:45:13  <Eddi|zuHause2> and especially don't ask metaquestions
23:45:23  <Eddi|zuHause2> they will get you exactly nowhere
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23:46:02  <Eddi|zuHause2> attack of the clones?
23:46:11  *** Digitalfox [] has quit [Quit: Leaving this computer]
23:46:34  <Digitalfox_Desktop> No just using virtual OS, for using multiple networks
23:46:50  <Eddi|zuHause2> wtf?
23:47:13  <Digitalfox_Desktop> You know VMWare with multi irc clients..
23:48:07  <Eddi|zuHause2> yes, i always buy a new car when i want to go to a place i never was before
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23:49:46  <Digitalfox_Desktop> Not that.. But i have Chat Zilla configures in different virtual OS, and so i was using one with just openttd configured, and now i'm using an virtual Os with Openttd channel and tycoon..
23:50:24  <Eddi|zuHause2> it still sounds incredibly stupid...
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23:51:01  <Eddi|zuHause2> "i built a new house because i wanted different coloured wallpaper"
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23:53:09  <Digitalfox_Desktop> No.. I have my main Windows XP just for games, clena with no extra stuff witch could slow down my experience in games.. And 2 virtual OS witch i use on VMWare, one for programs and another for testing porpuses.. I was using the OS games, witch just has my irc client configured for openttd channel.. And i now i'm on the programs OS witch has openttd and tycoon configured..

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