Log for #openttd on 20th May 2008:
Times are UTC Toggle Colours
00:16:23  *** NukeBuster [] has quit [Quit:]
00:28:06  *** Brianetta [] has quit [Quit: TschÌß]
00:41:01  *** Eddi|zuHause [] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds]
00:43:44  <Sacro> bah, ulteo is out and got slashdotted
00:47:18  *** Wezz6400 [] has quit [Quit: Zzz]
01:15:38  *** dlunch [~dlunch@] has joined #openttd
01:25:18  *** Lakie [~Lakie@] has quit [Quit: Leaving]
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01:26:46  <Touqen> Give me a cookie!
01:31:33  *** KritiK [~Maxim@] has quit [Quit: Leaving]
01:35:07  <SmatZ> no wya
01:35:08  <SmatZ> way
01:35:56  <Touqen> Why not?
01:38:30  <SmatZ> I don't give cookies to strangers
01:39:53  <glx> it's safer than accept cookies from strangers ;)
01:44:25  <SmatZ> :-)
01:44:27  <SmatZ> night
01:44:32  *** SmatZ [] has quit [Quit: Konversation terminated!]
01:52:34  *** Nitehawk [] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
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07:17:18  <ln> good tomorrow
07:21:59  <paullb> wow, there are more people here than I expected
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07:50:22  <peter1138> but mostly they're idle
07:50:42  <murr4y> busy playing ottd
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08:58:17  <ln> objection
08:58:33  <peter1138> OVERRULED
09:00:00  <ln> fire
09:00:13  *** dR3x4cK [] has quit [Quit: dR3x4cK]
09:00:18  <peter1138> ENGINE
09:01:13  <ln> king charles
09:01:21  <peter1138> POTATO
09:01:36  *** Zahl [] has joined #openttd
09:01:48  <peter1138> oh, that's king edward
09:01:49  <peter1138> :o
09:02:02  <peter1138> PUPPY
09:02:05  <Zahl> me?
09:02:08  <peter1138> no
09:02:11  <Zahl> :(
09:02:17  <ln> pussycat
09:03:05  <peter1138> WHAT'S NEW
09:04:01  <Rubidium> newthingypeter1138issecretlyworkingon?
09:06:44  <Rubidium> see? it's so secret he can't even talk about it
09:06:51  <Rubidium> must be a killer feature I guess
09:15:06  <Zahl> must be trains going backwards
09:16:12  <ln> i want someone to implement something.
09:16:51  <ln> it should be easy.
09:17:09  <ln> though i failed with it ~2 years ago, but surely the code has improved since.
09:19:13  <ln> do try to breathe while waiting excited.
09:19:34  * Zahl tries
09:20:06  <peter1138> sorry i already passed out
09:22:16  <ln> when the train reverses e.g. at the end of line, do not reverse the order of wagons, only move the engine(s) to the other end.
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09:32:48  <Roest> ewww
09:35:39  <ln> what?
09:36:32  <Roest> sounded difficult but at second thought, you'd just have to reorder the wagon list
09:37:22  *** dlunch [~dlunch@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
09:37:24  <Ammler> wouldn't it be better not to reverse at all and let the train drive backwards?
09:37:57  <Rubidium> Ammler: would still mean reversing the train
09:38:01  <Ammler> would make the GRF "Hack" obsolete
09:38:03  <Roest> maybe in switzerland they do that, but here someone has to be at the front of the train
09:38:17  <Rubidium> the in-memory representation of the train though
09:38:30  <Ammler> Roest: you need a sidline for reversing the train, of course.
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09:40:32  <Ammler> Roest: some EMU trains drive backwards, I guess, also in your country
09:40:58  <Ammler> (or how are they called?)
09:41:20  <peter1138> [D|DE|E]MU
09:41:40  <Ammler> well, the small local passenger trains...
09:43:54  <Eddi|zuHause> <ln> when the train reverses e.g. at the end of line, do not reverse the order of wagons, only move the engine(s) to the other end. <- it'd look very weird if my ICE suddenly has both the front and the back engine at the same end, one of them backwards
09:45:41  <Zahl> no that would look very clever :-D
09:50:13  <ln> Eddi|zuHause: "only move the engine(s) to the other end" = move engine from the A end to B end, and B to A.
09:50:26  <Eddi|zuHause> but B is not an engine
09:50:54  <ln> says who?
09:50:59  <Eddi|zuHause> ICE3's in the MB incarnation have one engine and a fixed number of wagons [4,8,12 or 16]
09:51:14  <Eddi|zuHause> err... -1 each
10:04:01  *** bringa [] has joined #openttd
10:04:06  <bringa> hi
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10:44:09  <Roujin> hallo
10:44:14  <Roujin> *e
10:44:15  <Roujin> hello
10:49:06  *** Forked [] has joined #openttd
10:49:35  <Roujin> would any devs be so kind as to have a look at my newest drag&draw approach? I've really put effort in it to make it as clean as possible, and now have a coding question regarding the new window system. please help me with it :)
10:49:46  <Roujin> here's the post:
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11:07:00  <dragonhorseboy> hey
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13:09:12  *** Gekz [] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds]
13:09:58  <CIA-3> OpenTTD: truebrain * r13193 /branches/noai/ (18 files in 5 dirs):
13:09:58  <CIA-3> OpenTTD: [NoAI] -Add: allow AIs to be packed in a .tar. one AI per tar, always in a subdir. It looks for main.nut in the first dir it finds in the archive
13:09:58  <CIA-3> OpenTTD: [NoAI] -Add: search for AIs in all searchpaths of OpenTTD
13:09:58  <CIA-3> OpenTTD: [NoAI] -Fix: only do the initial search once at start-up, not at some random times over time
13:09:59  <CIA-3> OpenTTD: [NoAI] -Fix: don't compile the sqstdlib files that are never used; this to speed up compilation time
13:09:59  <CIA-3> OpenTTD: [NoAI] -Fix: *grrmmmm* (very silent talking) forgot svn-props and stuff on ai_info.[ch]pp
13:11:16  *** xintron [] has joined #openttd
13:11:49  <xintron> Hi. We have a problem with the 0.6.0 dedicated server. It restarts after one year all the time. Is there a solution to this problem?
13:14:22  <Belugas> cristal ball... cristal ball... Give me an answer!!!  What is this guy doing wrong?...
13:14:26  <Belugas> cristal ball>
13:14:30  <Belugas> youhou!!
13:14:34  <Belugas> damned...
13:14:37  <Belugas> it's dead
13:15:20  <xintron> hha
13:15:23  <xintron> :)
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13:16:51  <peter1138> restart year or something
13:16:56  <Gekz> k/wc
13:16:59  <Rubidium> my crystal ball says his start date is after the restart year
13:16:59  <peter1138> make it the default
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13:17:09  <xintron> peter1138: It's set to 2051
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13:17:37  <xintron> But it still restarts after one year and the guy with the server said the output was something like "Endingyear reached, restarting server"
13:20:44  *** lobster_MB [~michielbr@] has quit [Quit: This computer has gone to sleep]
13:21:42  <Belugas> what is your starting date?
13:22:13  <Gekz> 1792 of course.
13:22:19  <Gekz> when steam was first bottled!
13:23:01  <xintron> Belugas: 1950
13:24:11  <peter1138> restart_game_date should be 0
13:24:28  <peter1138> other than that, i dunno :)
13:24:35  <xintron> Might that be the problem?
13:25:21  *** Aerandir [] has quit [Quit: - nbs-irc 2.39 - -]
13:26:16  <Belugas> you know waht they say?  Until you';ve tried it, you could never know
13:26:43  <xintron> haha
13:27:05  <xintron> Although, it's annoying to start a new game all the time and then have to wait for a year to go by before I can see if it helps or not :P
13:27:27  <glx> 1 year is not long
13:29:22  <peter1138> 12 minutes or so
13:30:00  *** Roujin [] has joined #openttd
13:30:01  <Belugas> which is less than the time this joyfull conversation took place already
13:30:20  <Roujin> hello again
13:30:50  <Belugas> hey Roujin
13:31:20  <xintron> hehe, true Belugas
13:32:22  <Roujin> anyone yet looked at my new drag&draw approach? :)
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13:37:17  <Belugas> i saw thr comment on FS, did not yet took a look at the code
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13:45:45  <dragonhorseboy> !seen bjarni
13:45:59  <dragonhorseboy> hum :-/
13:46:15  * dragonhorseboy wonders why there isn't a patchbot here too
13:46:53  * Belugas wonders why dragonhorseboy even wondered at start
13:47:01  <Gekz> gegenÃŒber
13:47:02  <Gekz> :o
13:47:02  <xintron> Belugas: That solution didn't work :(
13:47:19  <Belugas> xintron, was not my solution!
13:47:30  * dragonhorseboy pokes belugas :p
13:47:31  <Belugas> but, you know what would be VERY usefull?
13:47:44  <dragonhorseboy> so belugas seen bjarni lately? ;)
13:47:49  <xintron> debugg info Belugas ?
13:47:54  <Belugas> it's a look at your config file...
13:48:02  <xintron> k
13:48:20  <Belugas> dragonhorseboy, i NEVER saw Bjarni in my entire life
13:48:26  <Belugas> nevar evar
13:48:29  <xintron> He'll uploading the config file now Belugas
13:49:05  <dragonhorseboy> belugas think I talked to him -yesterday- :p
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13:49:22  <xintron> Belugas:
13:49:57  <Belugas> dragonhorseboy, last time i was online, he was not.  i had 3 full days off irc
13:50:02  <Belugas> ok xintron
13:50:49  <dragonhorseboy> heh first you said 'entire life' and now that :p
13:51:38  <Belugas> mind you, i still say i've never SAW him.  I said "LAST TIME I WAS ONLINE, HE WAS NOT"
13:51:52  <Belugas> SAW  = SEE = VIEW = EYES
13:51:56  <Belugas> duh!!
13:52:47  <dragonhorseboy> don't get a heart attack? ^-^
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13:53:01  <dragonhorseboy> (not to literally meant that)
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14:13:54  <Belugas> xintron, i think i've found out
14:14:10  <Belugas> restart_game_year  <--  in your config, it's 5
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14:14:24  <Belugas> according tot he sources,
14:14:34  <Phantasm> Belugas: Örr.
14:14:45  <Phantasm> How is the bug living up?
14:15:10  <Belugas> it restarts when current year is equal or bigger then the restart_game_year
14:15:23  <Belugas> at 5, it should restart VERY often ;)
14:15:29  <Belugas> Phantasm hello
14:15:34  <xintron> Belugas: yeah, he changed it but aparently he didn't save before starting the server again
14:15:37  <xintron> it's working now
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14:16:01  <Belugas> Phantasm: it is "fixed" but the consequences are rather... disastrous
14:16:11  <Belugas> xintron : good to know
14:16:20  <Belugas> Phantasm: i'
14:16:28  <Belugas> m trying to find a decent way
14:16:37  <Belugas> to control the news bursts
14:16:46  <Belugas> becasue it's insane, really
14:16:54  <Phantasm> Heh.
14:17:08  <Phantasm> Combine news items.
14:17:21  <Belugas> i though of that
14:17:25  <peter1138> what's up?
14:17:30  <Phantasm> Say, single news item lists all production changes, second list all new found and closed ones.. Or something.
14:17:31  <Belugas> but people will not be happy with that
14:17:39  <Belugas> they want details
14:17:42  <Phantasm> Make it toggleable.
14:17:43  <Belugas> hey peter1138
14:18:02  <Phantasm> Those who want flood of single ones get them, those who don't can get combined.
14:18:16  <Phantasm> Or just ignore the messages like I tend to on bigger maps anyway.
14:18:27  <Belugas> peter1138, it's about the ingame creation of industries on big maps
14:18:36  <Phantasm> Too much spam even before the fix.
14:18:54  <Belugas> Phantasm, it may be the easiest way to go, but i'm not convinced it's the right way
14:19:01  <Phantasm> Heh.
14:19:15  <Belugas> first, i'd see a split between the death and the birth of industries
14:19:21  <peter1138> oh, not enough of them?
14:19:29  <Belugas> no indeed not,
14:20:06  <Belugas> since they are closing are regular rate, but  created only one per 3%chance per month
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14:28:51  <Roujin> hehe, that's awesome ^^
14:28:55  *** XeryusTC is now known as Xeryus|bnc
14:29:15  <Roujin> I've just set up a svn repository for my patches
14:29:27  <Roujin> now I can make .diffs of my .diffs :D
14:30:23  <hylje> it should be more productive to use a dvcs for that, for your practice there is just about that
14:31:26  <Roujin> wha? i should use the Domestic Violence Crisis Service?
14:31:46  <hylje> yes, or the more friendly distributed version control system
14:32:33  <Progman> lol
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14:45:52  <glx> Roujin: hg or git are better for that
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15:26:10  <CIA-3> OpenTTD: truebrain * r13194 /branches/noai/ (12 files in 5 dirs):
15:26:10  <CIA-3> OpenTTD: [NoAI] -Change [API CHANGE]: split 'main.nut' in 'info.nut' and 'main.nut'. The first contains the information about the AI, the second the AI. This avoid several problems we had. It also speeds up OpenTTD start-up.
15:26:10  <CIA-3> OpenTTD:  See: for more info.
15:26:10  <CIA-3> OpenTTD: [NoAI] -Fix: several bug-fixes and memory-leak-fixes
15:26:11  <CIA-3> OpenTTD: [NoAI] -Fix: now compile-errors are send to the AIDebug window
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15:30:24  <CIA-3> OpenTTD: truebrain * r13195 /branches/noai/src/ai/ai_squirrel.cpp: [NoAI] -Fix r13194: deprecated method of registering wasn't detected correctly (the irony ;))
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15:56:49  <CIA-3> OpenTTD: glx * r13196 /branches/noai/src/ (ai/ai_gui.cpp window_type.h): [NoAI] -Fix: don't use WC_PERFORMANCE_DETAIL for AIDebugWindow
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16:24:04  <[1]Roujin> don't be too pissed off from that bugger belugas ;)
16:24:15  <peter1138> :D
16:24:45  <Belugas> i am.  too late. it's in my nature...
16:25:37  <Belugas> "condescendant and sarcastic"
16:25:37  <Belugas> lol
16:25:41  <Belugas> striked again :D
16:25:48  <Eddi|zuHause> SirXavius was right after all :p
16:26:08  <Belugas> hehe
16:26:43  <CIA-3> OpenTTD: glx * r13197 /branches/noai/src/ai/ai_gui.cpp: [NoAI] -Codechange: make the AIDebugWindow resizable
16:28:19  <Belugas> and the counter per waypoint as itself is totally useless
16:28:37  <Belugas> you would need the notion of trains per period too
16:29:03  <Belugas> so it means getting stats a bit like industries have
16:30:09  <Belugas> plus, damned... not there to guess the intention of a feature...  if you cannot selll your stuff, how enthusiast could we be at doing it?
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16:53:37  <dih> sup ladies
16:54:54  <[1]Roujin> there are no girls on teh intarnet
16:55:00  <Eddi|zuHause> soup? that's a good idea for once
16:55:07  <dih> ta
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16:55:17  <dih> and where'd it come from?
16:55:18  <dih> MEEEEE
16:55:31  <dih> ALL my ideas are good!
16:55:44  <Prof_Frink> [1]Roujin: Tenebrae disagrees.
16:55:56  <Belugas> ta ? meee?  language returning to baby talk?
16:56:16  * dih slaps Belugas
16:56:17  <Eddi|zuHause> you have to know from first hand :p
16:56:23  <dih> haha
16:56:24  <dih> :-P
16:56:33  <dih> nice one Eddi
16:56:40  <Belugas> my son showed me ;)
16:58:32  <[1]Roujin> speaking of sons and such... my little baby still cries for attention :P
16:58:42  <[1]Roujin> *nagnag*
16:59:32  * dih slaps [1]Roujin
16:59:51  * [1]Roujin ducks and watch Belugas get hit
16:59:58  <Belugas> hey!  everyone, let;s slap the slapper!!!
17:00:03  * [1]Roujin fail at english
17:00:04  * Belugas slaps dih around a bit with a large trout
17:00:27  * dih stuffs a big pacifyer into Belugas mouth
17:00:48  <dih> atmail has become opensource
17:00:55  <Belugas> [1]Roujin, i've commited your last patch, i'll let the others have fun with the other stuff you have ;)
17:00:57  <dih>
17:01:26  * Belugas puts a big tuba on dih's fingers for avoiding anymore slaps
17:02:37  <[1]Roujin> Belugas: but the others are so sneaky and hidey :P
17:02:47  * dih gives Belugas a devine boot up the rear
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17:03:13  <[1]Roujin> i have to find SmatZ *mumbles to self* he showed interest in the drag&draw before
17:03:24  <dih> Belugas: show Roujin your 'gimmemore' picture
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17:03:41  <[1]Roujin> dih: i don't want, I offer :P
17:03:56  <[1]Roujin> that's something else :P
17:04:07  <Eddi|zuHause> Belugas: you mean one like this?
17:05:15  <dih> Roujin: you want attention
17:05:21  <dih> you want your patches in trunk
17:05:30  <dih> you want Belugas to commit them
17:05:41  <dih> you want people to accept what you 'offer'
17:05:56  <dih> you want people to read your threads (and that asap)
17:06:09  <dih> you want people to pay attention to your bug reports (and that asap)
17:06:17  <dih> now - tell me again you dont 'want'!
17:06:18  <[1]Roujin> they don't have to do that all you know.. they could just give me access to the svn and i'll do it myself :P
17:06:26  <[1]Roujin> (just joking)
17:06:27  <dih> ah
17:06:30  <dih> you want even more
17:06:34  <murr4y> lol
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17:07:22  <Belugas> yes Eddi|zuHause :)
17:07:34  <dih> Eddi: is that you?
17:07:36  <[1]Roujin> dih: excuse me while I slap you :)
17:07:39  * [1]Roujin gives dih a hearty slap
17:07:42  * Eddi|zuHause hides
17:07:48  <[1]Roujin> better :P
17:10:12  <Eddi|zuHause> i have a bigger one here:
17:10:31  <dih> nice trams
17:11:07  <dih> Eddi: do you see all the people in that picture?
17:11:10  <Eddi|zuHause> yeah, they gathered some historic and modern trams to celebrate the opening of a new track
17:11:10  <dih> they are walking away ^^
17:11:31  <Eddi|zuHause> right... :p
17:11:40  <dih> ^^
17:12:44  <Eddi|zuHause> <- that is the view i had at that time
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18:14:40  <dragonhorseboy> for the silly life of me I can't remember a DB class name again.. anyone know of that black diesel shunter (looks like uk class 09 bodywise) that was permamently coupled back to back together as a single number?
18:15:39  <Eddi|zuHause> diesel engines have never been black
18:16:21  <dragonhorseboy> well DB's were (neverminding red chassis/tires tho)
18:17:19  <Eddi|zuHause> anyway, your description does not ring a bell
18:17:57  <dragonhorseboy> yeah thanks anyhow
18:18:30  <dragonhorseboy> I did recall seeing it in marklin catalog (on the 1 scale pages) quite some time ago but thats about it
18:18:52  <Eddi|zuHause> something like this?
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18:19:32  <dragonhorseboy> hey..yeah it does look like that..just remove the white item on roof :p
18:19:40  <dih> Eddi:
18:19:53  <dragonhorseboy> hmm *looks for V36 in railfaneurope in case it can point to the class I needed*
18:20:37  <Eddi|zuHause> dih: i have seen those before
18:20:39  <dragonhorseboy> dih interesting quick layout in the attic :p
18:20:56  <dih> :-)
18:20:58  <Eddi|zuHause> dih: the one with the missing switch-crossing
18:21:01  <dragonhorseboy> especially the figure 8 with two doublecross turnouts (or are they single?)
18:21:14  <dih> yes - i had tacken it out to repair it
18:21:28  <dih> that 8 is for changing direction
18:21:29  <dih> :-)
18:21:36  <dragonhorseboy> figured :p
18:21:52  <Eddi|zuHause> MÀrklin AC tracks are easy for changing direction
18:21:53  <dragonhorseboy> what doing with two excessive tenders or is that one photo not showing your whole collection anyhow?
18:21:57  <dih> and you can keep one train in the 8, without taking care of it, while you handle 5 other tains :-P
18:22:16  <Eddi|zuHause> changing direction on a DC track causes all sorts of trouble :p
18:22:24  <dih> hehe
18:22:47  <Eddi|zuHause> because after doing a 180° loop, + and - get together on the same rail
18:23:07  <dragonhorseboy> eddi...thats why I'm still trying to figure any source of ac motors (if not I guess I always could try find a seller of new marklin replacement motors at a price I guess) -_-
18:23:12  <Eddi|zuHause> so you need an isolated section that fits the whole train
18:23:28  <hylje> or just the powered part of the train
18:23:33  <dragonhorseboy> could be interesting to see a KCS SD diesel mingle with DB passenger coaches :p
18:23:42  <dragonhorseboy> (KCS is a south usa railroad btw)
18:23:55  <dih> Eddi: even if you build a part for inbetween, a suddenly running backwards train aint no fun either ^^
18:24:00  <Eddi|zuHause> hylje: that is assuming the non-powered parts are also non-conducting
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18:24:19  <dragonhorseboy> so dih .. is that photo your entire collection or you have more trains off-photo?
18:24:33  <dih> we have more locs
18:24:40  <dragonhorseboy> ah ok
18:24:40  <dih> but not many more waggons
18:24:50  <dragonhorseboy> you should have an engineshed area then :p
18:24:57  <dragonhorseboy> so can keep the excessive engines on rail
18:24:57  <dragonhorseboy> :)
18:24:59  <dih> got another 20 straings from ebay,
18:25:15  <dih> *straights
18:25:17  <Eddi|zuHause> i don't have such a nice huge attic
18:25:25  <dih> bought another 10 in a shop here
18:25:34  <dih> and getting more from a friend with a few more switches
18:25:36  <dragonhorseboy> I only have 2 engines and a mixed several wagons (nothing that even old DB doubledeck car with modern DB restaurant car with a different DR coach car as an example
18:25:41  <dih> current total:
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18:25:55  <dih> 126 straights
18:26:13  <dih> 85 curves
18:26:20  <dih> 21 switches
18:26:24  <dih> 7 locs
18:26:30  <dih> 4 signals
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18:26:49  <dragonhorseboy> hmm can't find a V36 page on railfaneurope for some reason :/
18:27:07  <dih> + contact line
18:27:24  <Eddi|zuHause>
18:27:27  <Eddi|zuHause>
18:27:49  <dih> and it's all analoge
18:27:56  <dih> so each point gets at least 3 wires
18:28:05  <dragonhorseboy> eddi for piers... :p
18:28:08  <dih> (i used network cable to keep it simple ^^)
18:28:32  <dragonhorseboy> eddi seem your ICE train is almost not liking the curve radius tho ^-^
18:28:52  <dih> Eddi: that is nice!
18:29:20  <dragonhorseboy> dih I've been looking for some time at buying two usd (or close, been some time that I've forgotten) decoders for my two marklins but no progress on that yet
18:29:37  <dragonhorseboy> fitting one into the shunter engine should be interesting, barely much space inside it at all
18:29:54  <Eddi|zuHause> my tracks are too old
18:30:00  <Eddi|zuHause> they don't conduct very well
18:30:36  <dih> all decoders i have seen were 98euros +
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18:30:55  <dragonhorseboy> I presume the fleischmann boxes are wagons-only or this isn't 100% ac railroad?
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18:31:13  <dragonhorseboy> dih hmm I think I still remember which webstore it was..let me check again..
18:31:14  <Eddi|zuHause> mine is DC
18:31:51  <Eddi|zuHause> most is PIKO
18:31:54  <dragonhorseboy> oh ok..hard to tell the difference between marklin K and normal dc tracks .. looks almost same unless you're close enough to notice the central studs
18:31:57  <dragonhorseboy> you know what I mean? heh
18:32:19  <dih> Eddi: you still have straights in that box?
18:32:41  <Eddi|zuHause> i have not nearly used all tracks i had
18:33:04  <dih> ouch
18:33:16  <dih> my straights were out before i went to buy new ones
18:33:21  <Eddi|zuHause> anyway, the tracks in the box is the fleischmann starting oval
18:33:21  <dih> all 21 switches also
18:33:27  <dih> only left with 18 curves
18:33:33  <Eddi|zuHause> they are not compatible with the old PIKO tracks
18:33:41  <Eddi|zuHause> that's why i did not use them
18:33:41  <dih> schame
18:34:11  <dih> and that bridge is strong enough to carry the locs?
18:34:26  <Eddi|zuHause> no, it was unfinished
18:34:45  <dih> ah - ok
18:34:52  <Eddi|zuHause> pictures are a few years old, actually
18:35:08  <dih> 'cause that green loc behind the ice looks like its out of metal
18:35:47  <Eddi|zuHause> ?
18:36:23  <dih> = heavy
18:36:36  <dih> = not good for a somewhat unsupported bridge
18:36:52  <Eddi|zuHause> ah, that meaning of "out of" :p
18:37:10  <peter1138> +made ?
18:37:18  <dih> ah
18:37:24  <dih> i cannot hide me german side
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18:38:15  <dragonhorseboy> hm yeah I was thinking of something else.. decoders are 2usd each .. go figure why I still can't decide about it
18:38:33  <dih> ^^
18:38:39  <dih> i perfer staying analog
18:38:52  <Eddi|zuHause> anyway... if i had everything as abundant as straights...
18:39:02  <Touqen> flextrack ftw
18:39:07  <Eddi|zuHause> what i'm usually lacking is switches
18:39:35  <dragonhorseboy> well dih I'll like to not have to bother with panels and remembering what block was where so .. well yeah give me digital and just one single central control box :p
18:39:41  <Eddi|zuHause> especially when i have 50/50 left/right switches i'll need 90% right switches or something
18:40:58  <dragonhorseboy> which of bit interesting story..I saw one hand control mobile station auction quite some time ago and decided to bid on it just for silly fun but got surprised when my  bid (literally) was granted
18:41:03  <Touqen> You could... plan it out in advance and then you don't have to worry about running out of stuff...
18:41:18  <dragonhorseboy> have almost all items (just not the original box - it was replaced by a shipping cardboard box of same size by seller)
18:41:47  <dih> Eddi: we have 50/50 (+1 ^^)
18:41:56  <dih> and i am quite happy with that :-P
18:42:05  <dih> in fact i was annoyed having the one odd
18:42:43  <dragonhorseboy> guess I always could trade it for some better digital items (the mobile station goes for 0+ new so figures)
18:43:13  <dragonhorseboy> dih there is one particular item I have had been wishing for for quite some time but never can seem to luck out yet --- I the damned would like that marklin digital computer control box :/
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18:43:30  <dragonhorseboy> it looks like the booster box but right side has serial port instead (mac-compactible too as I've found online)
18:45:22  <Eddi|zuHause> anyway, i have a full isolator track between the outer and the inner circle, and half isolator tracks after each switch, the switches have an electric switch inside, so i can choose by switch positions, which of the 3 trains on the outer circle is running
18:45:34  <Eddi|zuHause> i have two transformators
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18:52:40  <dragonhorseboy> anyway I don't mind analog on my N and still-planning G narrow gauge because there's only one or two trains made up at a time...but for ho well I'll still like to be able to get the thing digital >_<
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18:54:18  <dih> you should check out the line hey have in Hamburg :-)
18:54:21  <Eddi|zuHause> get a few cheap 8-bit processors and program them yourself ;)
18:54:31  <dih> ha!
18:54:36  <dih> YAPF :-P
18:54:58  <Eddi|zuHause> i'm not sure if you can get YAPF on such a device :p
18:55:11  <dih> well
18:55:23  <dih> if you have a central server, and let the locs communicate with it then yes
18:55:46  <dragonhorseboy> eddi...dunno...would these processors still be able to talk to a marklin station? :p
18:56:03  <dih> write your own station ^^
18:56:06  <Eddi|zuHause> yeah, but then YAPF is probably still overkill, as you have not nearly the same amount of switch places as in ottd
18:56:32  <Eddi|zuHause> dragonhorseboy: i don't know if mÀrklin published its interface
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18:57:00  <Eddi|zuHause> dragonhorseboy: there's a guy at our university who does that kind of stuff
18:57:03  <Wolf01> hello
18:57:49  <dragonhorseboy> eddi heh well there's several diagrams on one site for building some of the marklin digital box circuits yourself .. but so far several of them need a particular motorola processor that isn't even sourceable anymore last I looked
18:58:17  <dragonhorseboy> I could have had almost built the entire computer control cab box if it wasn't for one missing motorola processor getting in the way (every other components are typical electronic store ones)
18:58:35  <dragonhorseboy> go figure on that
19:00:02  <dragonhorseboy> eddi if you want to look here's one diagram to the keypad box
19:00:24  <dragonhorseboy> everything except that 8420P cpu can be sourced easily
19:02:13  <Eddi|zuHause> so? use another CPU?
19:02:16  <dragonhorseboy> anyway digital babbles aside .. I guess that one small reason would be for to be able to have headlight/smokeunit on even at a halt .. aside to powering trackside accessories with just 1 inch wires
19:02:35  <dragonhorseboy> eddi...thats the problem..I don't know if theres ever any dropin replacements :p (not as easy as desktop processors)
19:04:02  <Eddi|zuHause> just switch the wires around accordingly, and get the machine language programs translated to the new architecture ;)
19:06:38  <dragonhorseboy> marklin control cab: just what is this alien command coming from?    keyboard circuit: #### ## ## ### ########
19:06:48  <dragonhorseboy> (well not literally but I could imagine)
19:07:07  <dragonhorseboy> eddi to our own anyhow
19:07:26  <dragonhorseboy> I still have to try build up some more wagons aside to finally getting these two dc engines converted
19:08:12  <Sacro> hmm
19:08:17  <Sacro> buggy build is buggy
19:08:42  <Sacro> this 2-8-0 freight engine seems to have 2 fronts and no tender
19:08:52  <Sacro> and a capacity of 112 passengers (refittable)
19:09:01  <dragonhorseboy> heh
19:09:20  <Sacro> not bad
19:10:24  <Eddi|zuHause> must be your newgrf :p
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19:10:59  <Sacro> how does Roest patchpack have a different GRF window to the nightly
19:11:10  <hylje> patch
19:11:17  <Belugas> obviously :)
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19:12:08  <Sacro>
19:12:18  <Sacro> whack that in trunk please
19:12:18  <hylje> stupid questions get stupid answers
19:12:21  <Sacro> the current one sucks arse
19:12:27  <dragonhorseboy> dih just curious but how much interest you have in marklin steam locomotives?
19:12:55  <Belugas> that one sucks too, Sacro
19:13:40  <Sacro> pfft
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19:14:26  <Belugas> it, does, really...
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19:18:23  <yorick> no, it has drag & drop, double-click
19:19:23  <dragonhorseboy> dih you there?
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19:19:40  <Vikthor> yorick: Maybe but it is unusable on lower resolutions
19:20:22  <frosch123> Do sata II harddisks work at sata1 controllers?
19:20:50  <glx> it should have a jumper
19:29:14  <frosch123> thanks
19:29:58  <Eddi|zuHause> SATA II is downward compatible to SATA I
19:30:16  <Eddi|zuHause> meaning it should Just Work (TM)
19:30:25  <dragonhorseboy> eddi this is one thing I'll have had loved heh meh
19:30:30  <Eddi|zuHause> at least i never had a problem
19:30:48  <Eddi|zuHause> it's FRENCH!!
19:33:39  <dragonhorseboy> ^-^
19:37:15  <Eddi|zuHause> my brother has one like this, i think
19:38:25  *** dR3x4cK [] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
19:39:38  <dragonhorseboy> well I'm off for now..dunno when I might be back ^-^
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19:57:56  <CIA-3> OpenTTD: rubidium * r13198 /branches/0.6/src/ (5 files):
19:57:56  <CIA-3> OpenTTD: [0.6] -Backport from trunk (r12910, r12914, r12915, r12919, r12920):
19:57:56  <CIA-3> OpenTTD: - Fix: Town rating was affected even after the test run (r12920)
19:57:56  <CIA-3> OpenTTD: - Fix: Flood road tiles even when there are road works in progress [FS#1965] (r12919)
19:57:56  <CIA-3> OpenTTD: - Fix: Do not initialize Station struct with tile=0, buoys will never change that value [FS#1960] (r12915)
19:57:57  <CIA-3> OpenTTD: - Fix: Game crash when a spectator/server tried to show an engine with no owner when a NewGRF requested a specific variable (r12914)
19:57:59  <CIA-3> OpenTTD: - Fix: Report reverse sprite status (FD/FE) to NewGRF for manually toggled vehicles (r12910)
20:03:58  <CIA-3> OpenTTD: rubidium * r13199 /branches/0.6/ (7 files in 2 dirs): (log message trimmed)
20:03:58  <CIA-3> OpenTTD: [0.6] -Backport from trunk (r12933, r12943, r12947, r12948, r12951, r12993, r12996):
20:03:58  <CIA-3> OpenTTD: - Fix: Debugging was not possible with MSVC 2008 (r12996)
20:03:58  <CIA-3> OpenTTD: - Fix: List used for sorting GRFs was not freed (r12993)
20:03:58  <CIA-3> OpenTTD: - Fix: Default difficulty settings were different to TTD's original settings [FS#1977] (r12951)
20:03:59  <CIA-3> OpenTTD: - Fix: All vehicles would be available when an original scenario would be played [FS#1982] (r12948)
20:04:01  <CIA-3> OpenTTD: - Fix: Keep only first 15 bits for non failed callback results (r12947)
20:10:12  <Wolf01> 'night
20:10:16  *** Wolf01 [~wolf01@] has quit [Quit: Once again the world is quick to bury me.]
20:10:54  *** [com]buster [] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds]
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20:14:46  <CIA-3> OpenTTD: rubidium * r13200 /branches/0.6/src/ (7 files in 2 dirs):
20:14:46  <CIA-3> OpenTTD: [0.6] -Backport from trunk (r13023, r13066, r13074, r13137):
20:14:46  <CIA-3> OpenTTD: - Fix: Do not send rcon commands of the server to the first client but do directly execute those on the server (r13137)
20:14:46  <CIA-3> OpenTTD: - Fix: For multiheaded engines, halve power and running cost when used instead of when loading, to allow callback values to work properly (r13074)
20:14:46  <CIA-3> OpenTTD: - Fix: Loading of TTDP savegames with rivers in them [FS#2005] (r13066)
20:14:47  <CIA-3> OpenTTD: - Fix: Revert changes to multihead engine weight -- the original values were correct (r13023)
20:16:02  <dih> Rubidium: you do a good job - and it's really appreciated, all the work and time you put into it
20:17:00  *** [com]buster [] has joined #openttd
20:18:20  <CIA-3> OpenTTD: glx * r13201 /branches/0.6/src/ (industry_gui.cpp settings.cpp):
20:18:20  <CIA-3> OpenTTD: [0.6] -Backport from trunk (r13060):
20:18:20  <CIA-3> OpenTTD: - Fix: Update build industry window when raw_industry_construction setting is modified (r13060)
20:19:53  <Belugas> shuuutt... dih, don;t bother him... he's concentrated
20:19:59  <Belugas> "they" are ;)
20:20:16  *** eQualizer [~lauri@] has joined #openttd
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20:24:19  <Rubidium> yeah... now I'm out of my concentration
20:24:34  <Rubidium> guess I need to visit the Doctor ;)
20:25:32  <Eddi|zuHause> The Doctor...
20:25:45  <Eddi|zuHause> there's no episode next week :/
20:26:25  <Belugas> better avoid the Doctor nearby the Slippermen Colony...
20:26:31  <Eddi|zuHause> "Allemagne douze points"...
20:26:57  <glx> "France one points"
20:27:01  <glx> -s
20:27:29  <glx> silly the French song is in english this year
20:27:30  <Prof_Frink> Eddi|zuHause: But the week after is part one of a Moffat double
20:29:35  <Eddi|zuHause> there was a time when the language of the song had to be the native language of the country
20:29:48  <Eddi|zuHause> and the dutch never won :p
20:30:07  <glx> yeah they changed the rule for the french selection so next year it will be in french
20:30:13  <ln> i was surprised to notice that Finland's song was in finnish this time.
20:32:01  <Eddi|zuHause> didn't the finnish win last year?
20:32:22  <Sacro> HARD
20:32:23  <Sacro> ROCK
20:32:23  <glx> lordi?
20:32:25  <Sacro> HALLELUJAH!
20:32:27  <ln> not last year but the year before.
20:32:44  <Eddi|zuHause> close enough ;)
20:32:48  <ln> last year the contest was held in finland, for the first and last time in history.
20:32:57  <Eddi|zuHause> who won last year? ukraine?
20:33:02  <glx> btw it's bad to win as you have to organise the next one
20:33:10  <Sacro> Eddi|zuHause: your mum
20:33:19  <ln> Eddi|zuHause: serbia, i think.
20:33:29  <ln> is this contest now in serbia?
20:33:41  <Eddi|zuHause> i don't know
20:33:42  *** eQualizer|dada [] has joined #openttd
20:33:48  <ln> or some yugoslavian place anyway.
20:33:57  <Eddi|zuHause> belgrad, yes
20:34:19  <ln> which probably is in serbia.
20:34:38  <Eddi|zuHause> commonly known ;)
20:34:55  <Eddi|zuHause> well, it should be basic geography
20:35:29  *** eQualizer [~lauri@] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds]
20:35:56  <dih> Belugas should have some anger management sessions....
20:36:05  <dih> or at least agression management
20:36:13  <dih> go to therapy bitch!
20:36:17  <Eddi|zuHause> what'd he do this time?
20:36:27  <Belugas> ?
20:36:29  <dih> [22:20]  <Belugas> shuuutt... dih, don;t bother him... he's concentrated
20:36:29  <Belugas> me?
20:36:31  <Belugas> nada
20:36:38  <Belugas> was working quietly
20:36:44  <Belugas> when someone hailed me
20:36:47  * glx votes for a kick :)
20:37:00  <Belugas> naaa....
20:37:08  <Belugas> i'm not a violent one ;)
20:37:14  <hylje> :]
20:41:17  <dih> @kick Sacro
20:41:18  *** Sacro was kicked from #openttd by DorpsGek [dih]
20:41:28  *** Sacro [~Sacro@adsl-87-102-119-5.karoo.KCOM.COM] has joined #openttd
20:41:32  <Sacro> what was that for?
20:41:46  <dih> ^^
20:43:50  *** dih was kicked from #openttd by Belugas [abuse of power]
20:43:50  *** dih [] has joined #openttd
20:43:57  <dih> ha!
20:44:05  <glx> lol
20:44:06  <dih> i did not abuse power!!
20:44:24  <dih> but you did Belugas ^^
20:44:25  *** dih was kicked from #openttd by Belugas [liying on line]
20:44:25  *** dih [] has joined #openttd
20:44:38  <Belugas> lying even...
20:44:39  <dih> on line or online
20:44:39  <glx> he has no power
20:44:46  <NukeBuster> [22:41] * Sacro was kicked by DorpsGek (dih)
20:44:48  <Belugas> lol
20:45:00  <dih> @kick Belugas
20:45:03  <dih> see
20:45:12  <Sacro> @kick Lachie
20:45:14  <Sacro> :(
20:45:16  *** dih was kicked from #openttd by DorpsGek [glx]
20:45:16  *** dih [] has joined #openttd
20:45:27  <dih> nobody loves me :-S
20:45:28  <glx> don't try to kick a dev
20:45:30  <dih> ^^
20:45:41  <dih> @kick Sacro
20:45:44  <dih> see
20:45:54  <Sacro> :(
20:46:03  <dih> not even with a lag ^^
20:46:19  <dih> @whoami
20:46:19  <DorpsGek> dih: dih
20:46:22  <dih> ^^
20:46:41  <Sacro> @whoami
20:46:41  <DorpsGek> Sacro: I don't recognize you.
20:46:47  <dih> hehe
20:46:47  <Sacro> DorpsGek: damn right you don't
20:46:55  <dih> lol
20:47:26  <glx> dih: you got a funny response ;)
20:47:33  <dih> lol
20:47:43  <dih> :-)
20:47:52  <dih> at least someone here is up to some fun ^^
20:49:04  <Belugas> so, dih, looks like you have found another one to do your little game ?
20:49:05  <Belugas> hehe
20:50:23  <SmatZ> @whoami
20:50:23  <DorpsGek> SmatZ: I don't recognize you.
20:51:10  <Belugas> @whoareyou
20:51:23  <Belugas> @whydoyoubreath
20:51:35  <Belugas> @whyhaveyoukilledher?
20:51:49  <Belugas> @whenwasthelasttimeyousawher?
20:51:57  <Belugas> Answer you punk!!
20:52:02  <dih> @whycanyounotjustshutthe<beeep>up
20:52:06  <dih> ^^
20:52:16  * dih GRINS
20:52:22  <hylje> @haveyoudevelopedafs
20:53:05  <Belugas> @becauseitsfunnierthanjustdoingnothing
20:53:28  <Belugas> !andbecauseDelphiCompiles
20:53:46  *** markmc^ [] has joined #openttd
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20:57:47  <dih> compiling is the most lame excuse devs have for doing nothing!!
20:58:17  *** dih was kicked from #openttd by Belugas [Boooo!]
20:58:18  *** dih [] has joined #openttd
20:58:29  <Prof_Frink> <Insert xkcd link here>
20:59:33  <Belugas> If only i was compiling ottdt :S
20:59:40  <Belugas> ??
20:59:42  <Belugas> ottd
20:59:45  <Belugas> pffff
21:00:07  <dih> Belugas: your mother called
21:00:27  <dih> asked what you actually were capable of doing!
21:00:27  <hylje> ottdp
21:00:29  *** Ammler [] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds]
21:00:29  *** Mucht [] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
21:01:21  <Belugas> my mother said i was doing good kicking you
21:01:41  <dih> ^^
21:01:43  *** frosch123 [] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
21:03:14  *** eQualizer|dada [] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds]
21:03:36  <Belugas> night everyone
21:03:38  <Belugas> but dih
21:03:41  <Belugas> muwhahaha1
21:07:04  *** michi_cc_ [] has joined #openttd
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21:07:11  <dih> buzz off
21:07:13  <dih> ^^
21:22:08  *** eQualizer [] has joined #openttd
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21:39:24  *** mode/#openttd [+o Bjarni] by ChanServ
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21:55:59  <CIA-3> OpenTTD: glx * r13202 /trunk/src/bridge_gui.cpp: -Fix (r13149): MSVC signed/unsigned warning
21:57:24  *** Osai^Kendo`off is now known as Osai
22:00:29  *** Gekz [] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds]
22:05:37  <CIA-3> OpenTTD: rubidium * r13203 /branches/0.6/ (3 files in 3 dirs): [0.6] -Prepare: for 0.6.1-RC2.
22:07:20  <Eddi|zuHause> a new RC? what new kind of blasphemy is next?!
22:10:27  <planetmaker> @13202
22:11:55  <CIA-3> OpenTTD: rubidium * r13204 /tags/0.6.1-RC2/ (5 files in 3 dirs): -Release: 0.6.1-RC2.
22:12:36  <SmatZ> release!
22:15:21  <Prof_Frink> How candid.
22:18:35  *** Zahl [] has quit [Quit: (~_~]"]
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22:37:29  <Sacro> Bjarni:
22:38:08  <Bjarni> wtf
22:38:25  <Bjarni> Sacro: I don't know how to put it but
22:38:28  <Bjarni> you are weird
22:38:33  <Sacro> haha
22:39:09  *** murr4y [murray@2001:470:1f0a:1be::ea7:beef] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds]
22:39:23  <Digitalfox> I wonder why sacro send that picture to Bjarni !! =0
22:39:30  <Sacro> hehe
22:39:32  <Sacro> <3 Bjarni
22:39:57  <Bjarni> Digitalfox: I started wondering about that as well
22:40:17  <Bjarni> and then I realised that I shouldn't wonder about something where I don't want to know the answer
22:40:23  <Digitalfox> lol
22:40:33  *** Sacro was kicked from #openttd by Bjarni [the feeling isn't mutual]
22:40:37  <Bjarni> that should cool him off
22:41:17  *** Sacro [~Sacro@adsl-87-102-119-5.karoo.KCOM.COM] has joined #openttd
22:41:21  <Sacro> well it was last night :(
22:41:56  <Digitalfox> I think this the wrong channel for me..
22:42:38  <Digitalfox> *is
22:43:48  *** thgergo [] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
22:45:13  *** murr4y [murray@2001:470:1f0a:1be::ea7:beef] has joined #openttd
22:45:30  *** TinoM [] has quit [Quit: Verlassend]
22:51:20  <SmatZ> :-D @ Sacro's link
22:51:24  <SmatZ> seen that though
22:51:41  <SmatZ> there was a site with more pictures of this kind
22:52:11  <Bjarni> SmatZ: don't encourage idiotcy on the internet
22:52:58  <Bjarni> that's like encouraging Ethiopians to loose weight
22:53:23  <Sacro> most ethiopians would love loose weight
22:53:24  <SmatZ> errr I would smile, but that is really cruel :-x
22:59:05  <Eddi|zuHause> something funny for a change:
23:00:46  <Bjarni> what is he trying to download?
23:01:26  <Eddi|zuHause> context "Duden" is the canonical reference book on german spelling
23:01:34  <Bjarni> ahh
23:01:37  <Eddi|zuHause> missing a :
23:01:56  <Bjarni> then it makes perfect sense
23:02:59  <Bjarni> luckily I'm better at German than Guest_3489
23:03:22  <SmatZ> Eddi|zuHause: he wants a link to a download site, right?
23:03:26  <Bjarni> now if I find anybody with that name then I will start to talk German to him
23:03:34  <Eddi|zuHause> if that is what you understood, maybe ;)
23:04:02  <Bjarni> SmatZ: the point is that the only correctly spelled word he wrote is "hi"
23:04:23  <SmatZ> like "kan mir man ein Link zu einer download Seite geben"
23:04:27  <SmatZ> hehe
23:04:50  <Eddi|zuHause> "mal", not "man"
23:05:02  <Eddi|zuHause> short of "einmal"
23:05:23  <Bjarni> omg
23:05:34  <Bjarni> SmatZ is a KGB code breaker
23:05:39  <Eddi|zuHause> also, "wer" short for "irgendwer"
23:05:43  <SmatZ> :-D
23:05:50  <Eddi|zuHause> and "kann" is spelled with two n
23:06:13  <Eddi|zuHause> and "einen Link"
23:06:22  <Eddi|zuHause> but it's close enough ;)
23:06:26  <SmatZ> sorry :-x
23:06:31  *** Osai is now known as Osai`off
23:07:01  <Bjarni> Sacro: are you horny right now?
23:07:02  <SmatZ> I thought "Duden" is like "boobs" ... if it is a dictionary, then it has really different meaning
23:07:09  <Sacro> Bjarni: meh, not so much
23:07:19  <Bjarni> not so much means some
23:07:31  *** Sacro was kicked from #openttd by Bjarni [we don't want horny people in here]
23:07:44  <Bjarni> they might come on to me >_<
23:08:59  <Eddi|zuHause> SmatZ:
23:09:40  <SmatZ> in Czech, "dudy" means "big breasts"... I thought it is from Deutsch
23:09:49  *** Sacro [~Sacro@adsl-87-102-119-5.karoo.KCOM.COM] has joined #openttd
23:09:54  <Sacro> Bjarni: no it doesn't
23:10:31  <Eddi|zuHause> SmatZ: maybe, but certainly not from "Duden" ;)
23:10:40  *** mode/#openttd [+v Bjarni] by ChanServ
23:10:50  <Bjarni> yeah
23:10:54  <Bjarni> I got voice
23:11:05  <Bjarni> now you can all hear me
23:11:17  <Eddi|zuHause> oh, so that's that noise
23:11:19  <Bjarni> and I can torture you all night
23:11:22  <SmatZ> :)
23:11:23  * Bjarni starts to sing
23:12:01  *** mode/#openttd [-v Bjarni] by DorpsGek
23:12:05  <Bjarni> :(
23:12:18  *** mode/#openttd [+v Bjarni] by DorpsGek
23:12:24  <Bjarni> :s
23:12:43  <Bjarni> I think somebody is playing tricks with me
23:12:49  <glx> really?
23:12:53  <Bjarni> damn you Sacro
23:12:56  <Bjarni> it's all your fault
23:13:10  <SmatZ> :-D
23:15:48  <Eddi|zuHause> Bjarni: that's one for you
23:16:39  <Bjarni> heh
23:17:09  <Bjarni> I never understood the i naming thing though
23:17:30  <Bjarni> but I can argue all I want... I don't think they will listen to me
23:20:32  *** Digitalfox [] has quit [Quit: Leaving]
23:24:53  <SmatZ> :-)
23:25:14  <SmatZ> Bjarni, I think it's marketing
23:25:22  <SmatZ> to have everything started with "i"
23:25:49  <Bjarni> I know
23:25:52  <Bjarni> but not iTV
23:25:54  *** paullb [d29538fb@] has quit [Quit: ajax IRC Client]
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