Log for #openttd on 20th July 2008:
Times are UTC Toggle Colours
00:00:37  *** Osai is now known as Osai^zZz
00:01:41  <rortom> yorick found a bug in the ottd bot :)
00:01:57  <Lachie> but it's at if you're interested.
00:01:57  <rortom> it should work will all servers now :)
00:02:23  <rortom> also im submitting a patch now
00:04:47  <glx> Lachie: I know where to find it (I helped for the windows support ;) )
00:05:25  <rortom> added:
00:05:39  <glx> rortom: we have #openttd.notice ;)
00:05:47  <rortom> okok ;)
00:06:24  <rortom> i hope its small enough to pass QA :)
00:09:09  *** Digitalfox_ [] has joined #openttd
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00:12:07  <rortom> also the server does not restrict chat message properly
00:12:33  <rortom> i can sent "NETWORK_ACTION_GIVE_MONEY" with some money as argument
00:12:53  <rortom> and it comes out as fake message, so no cehcks i guess
00:14:23  <rortom> if you want a demonstration, just say an IP:port and you are able to test yourself :)
00:15:27  *** Yexo [] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
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00:16:40  *** Sacro [~Ben@adsl-87-102-119-5.karoo.KCOM.COM] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds]
00:16:46  *** Sacro [~Ben@adsl-87-102-119-5.karoo.KCOM.COM] has joined #openttd
00:22:25  *** grumbel [] has quit [Quit: Client exiting]
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00:27:00  *** Sacro1 [~Ben@adsl-87-102-119-5.karoo.KCOM.COM] has joined #openttd
00:27:15  <glx> rortom: as spectator?
00:28:56  <rortom> yes
00:29:45  *** Digitalfox_ [] has quit [Quit: Leaving]
00:32:25  <Ammler> rortom:
00:34:07  *** Sacro [~Ben@adsl-87-102-119-5.karoo.KCOM.COM] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds]
00:34:08  *** Eddi|zuHause3 [] has joined #openttd
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00:35:43  <glx> rortom: does your "client" needs a specific version?
00:36:54  <rortom> no
00:37:04  <rortom> i will let it join soon :)
00:38:51  <rortom> just found a tiny thing i want to improve first
00:39:45  <glx> rortom:
00:40:32  *** Eddi|zuHause2 [] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds]
00:47:16  <glx> rortom: tell me when you're ready (I'll start the server ;) )
00:48:59  <rortom> ok, i just found my bug
00:49:01  <rortom> :|
00:51:51  <glx> hmm I think it won't really give money but just tell it gave it
00:52:09  <rortom> yes
00:52:15  <rortom> ok, ready?
00:52:53  <glx> started
00:53:38  <rortom> connected
00:53:59  <rortom> say !test2
00:54:08  <rortom> to !test5
00:54:57  <glx> !test5 is nice :)
00:55:04  <rortom> test5 = kick i hope :)
00:55:09  <glx> yes
00:55:18  <rortom> it tries to place a sign
00:55:47  <rortom> so you saw the problem i guess :)
00:56:00  <glx> it's not really a problem
00:56:03  <rortom> yes
00:56:44  <rortom> but its also not good that its not checked?
00:57:50  <rortom> @ ammler: your server is password protected you gave me :)
00:59:09  <Ammler> [02:57] <PublicServer> ottd-bot has left the game (connection lost)
00:59:19  <Ammler> :-)
00:59:22  <rortom> sure, i have no password ... :p
01:00:01  <glx> rortom: rejoin my server (I added some breakpoints ;) )
01:00:51  <rortom> ok
01:01:13  <rortom> the irc bridge is not fully working yet
01:01:13  *** Sir-Bob [] has joined #openttd
01:02:35  <Ammler>
01:03:16  <rortom> ok
01:05:13  <rortom> @glx, say when done ;)
01:15:05  <glx> need to modify code
01:15:13  <glx> so server down for now
01:22:43  <glx> rortom: retry :)
01:24:34  <rortom> ok
01:24:56  <rortom> joined
01:25:25  <glx> seems to be fixed
01:26:12  <rortom> nice :)
01:26:23  <rortom> so at least the bot helped a bit ;)
01:27:04  <glx> but I think there are other messages unwanted from spectator
01:28:39  <rortom> could be
01:28:47  <rortom> @ammler joining...
01:31:16  <rortom> @ammler: wrong password? :\
01:33:03  <Ammler> rortom: it changes every 5mins
01:33:07  <rortom> :|
01:33:14  <rortom> pls gimme new one then ;)
01:33:14  <Ammler> I am not there anymore...
01:33:21  <rortom> got it
01:33:35  <Ammler> just reload
01:33:50  <rortom> done
01:33:57  <rortom> its on the server
01:34:10  <rortom> join #ap+
01:34:20  <rortom> thats the irc bridge channel :)
01:34:44  *** fmauNeko is now known as fmauNekAway
01:36:02  <glx> your bot uses NETWORK_ACTION_SERVER_MESSAGE to send message it seems
01:36:38  <Ammler> the chat bridge would be nice for admins, which aren't able to install autopilot
01:37:46  <rortom> yes
01:37:51  <rortom> im still working on it
01:38:03  <rortom> @ glx, i will look
01:38:32  <rortom> 			payload = packExt('bbHz', NETWORK_ACTION_GIVE_MONEY, DESTTYPE_BROADCAST, 0, "1783424")
01:38:32  <rortom> 			self.sendMsg(PACKET_CLIENT_CHAT, payload_size, payload, type=M_TCP)
01:38:36  <rortom> yes, it does
01:39:28  <glx> wrong paste ;)
01:40:09  <rortom> indeed :)
01:40:12  <rortom> now i got you :)
01:40:27  <rortom> the NETWORK_ACTION_SERVER_MESSAGE is nice as it hides the botname itself
01:40:42  <rortom> thats integrating IRC better
01:46:45  *** fjb [] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
01:55:36  <glx> rortom: <-- that will kill your bot ;)
01:57:09  <rortom> nice :)
01:57:32  <rortom> i added the functions to test ottd
01:57:41  <rortom> to its good that this is getting fixed :)
01:57:55  <rortom> *so
01:58:45  <glx> theorically it will now be unable to say anything (as it doesn't 'chat')
01:59:37  <rortom> good :)
02:01:53  <glx> hehe it's possible to team-chat without being in the team
02:01:53  *** Sir-Bob [] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
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02:04:05  <glx> rejoin if you want
02:04:48  <Yexo> glx: that may actually be wanted behaviour
02:05:43  <Yexo> there even is a console command for that
02:05:54  <glx> yes and the client list gui too
02:06:14  <Yexo> the client list gui sends a message to one client, not the team the client is in
02:06:19  <rortom> @ glx, will join in a second
02:06:37  <glx> Yexo: check better :)
02:07:00  <glx> there are private, team and all
02:07:23  <Yexo> I see :)
02:08:09  <glx> so you can send a message to all members of the other company if you want
02:08:27  <glx> but indeed that can be useful
02:11:00  <rortom> @glx: connected
02:11:11  <glx> it is quite silent now ;)
02:11:20  <rortom> see #ap+
02:11:34  <glx> on oftc?
02:11:46  <rortom> yes
02:35:29  <rortom> gn8
02:35:32  *** rortom [] has quit []
02:50:22  *** glx [] has quit [Quit: bye]
03:00:56  *** TinoM| [] has joined #openttd
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04:00:12  *** Sacro1 [~Ben@adsl-87-102-119-5.karoo.KCOM.COM] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
04:13:39  *** Sir-Bob [] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
04:47:31  *** Doorslammer|BRSet [] has joined #openttd
04:49:08  *** Yexo [] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
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04:51:40  *** Mucht [] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds]
05:16:49  *** Yexo [] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
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06:00:17  *** bleepy [] has joined #openttd
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06:08:32  *** Mucht [] has joined #openttd
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06:49:32  *** Osai^zZz is now known as Osai
06:55:24  *** frosch123 [] has joined #openttd
07:02:40  *** Wolf01 [] has joined #openttd
07:03:28  <Wolf01> helllo
07:03:38  <Wolf01> yes, with 3 l
07:05:48  <gregor__> ...
07:07:56  *** einKarl [] has joined #openttd
07:29:19  <Lachie> :D
07:31:07  *** Yorick [] has joined #openttd
07:34:54  * Lachie wines it up
07:35:28  <Yorick> I feel like I'm banned
07:37:26  * Lachie bans Yorick
07:37:35  <Lachie> why would you feel like you're banned?
07:37:42  <Yorick> check the banlist
07:38:09  <Lachie> hmm
07:38:15  <Lachie> appears to be.
07:40:47  <Yorick> TrueBrain showed up ^^
07:41:54  <CIA-3> OpenTTD: rubidium * r13752 /trunk/src/ (4 files): -Fix [FS#2130]: correctly restore conditional orders when they are put 'into' backup.
07:54:55  *** curson [] has quit [Quit: If everything seems to be going well, you have obviously overlooked something.]
08:25:27  *** Tefad_ [] has joined #openttd
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08:45:51  *** stillunknown [] has joined #openttd
08:53:34  *** Zealotus [] has quit [Quit: Leaving]
09:19:03  *** Zahl [] has joined #openttd
09:19:10  *** fmauNekAway is now known as fmauNeko
09:20:17  <fmauNeko> hello :)
09:22:38  *** grumbel [] has joined #openttd
09:29:03  *** Progman [] has joined #openttd
09:35:48  *** Vikthor [] has joined #openttd
09:37:26  *** Doorslammer|online [] has joined #openttd
09:40:44  *** Doorslammer|BRSet [] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds]
09:44:53  <dih> [11:44]  <PublicServer> Progman has left the game (wrong player-id in DoCommand)
09:45:01  <dih> first time i actually got to see one of those :-D
09:45:17  <hylje> elaborate error messages
09:45:30  *** nekx [] has joined #openttd
09:46:12  *** Doorslammer|online is now known as Doorslammer|BRSet
09:46:17  <Yorick> dih: was that on clean trunk?
09:47:19  <dih> Yorick, shut up
09:47:24  <dih> what else should it be?
09:47:32  <dih> at least on the server it was ;-)
09:47:44  <Yorick> patched server? patched client?
09:47:52  <dih> Yorick, i know how it can happen!
09:48:01  <dih> it's just that i never saw it happen
09:48:09  <dih> gnah
09:48:10  <dih> man
09:48:14  <dih> kid!
09:48:33  <Yorick> what's bothering you?
09:49:34  <dih> your unquallified replies :-P
09:50:02  <dih> the fact that you join channels you have no business in and other stuff too
09:50:46  <Yorick> what channels?
09:50:57  <dih> bugger off kiddo
09:53:20  <Osai> hi. is anyone familiar with road stops and the queueing behavior of busses?
09:53:55  <Osai> we are studying the queueing of busses and some things are really magical
09:54:43  *** nkx [] has joined #openttd
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09:57:24  <Eddi|zuHause3> i'm quite sure that ban-evasion qualifies for an eternal ban
09:58:14  <Yorick> Eddi: I'm pretty sure he needs a reason to ban
09:58:59  <frosch123> Osai: It only works properly with standard road stops, i.e. not drive-through.
09:59:00  *** Ammler is now known as Schweiz
09:59:23  <Eddi|zuHause3> Yorick: i'm pretty sure being an op is enough reason he needs...
09:59:25  <Osai> yeah, I expected that
09:59:58  *** Schweiz is now known as Ammler
10:00:31  *** Zealotus [] has joined #openttd
10:01:32  <Osai> -		static const KeyToEvent keytoevent[] = {
10:01:33  <Osai> -			{'D', OrderClick_Skip},
10:01:33  <Osai> -			{'F', OrderClick_Delete},
10:01:33  <Osai> -			{'G', OrderClick_Goto},
10:01:33  <Osai> -			{'H', OrderClick_Nonstop},
10:01:34  <Osai> -			{'J', OrderClick_FullLoad},
10:01:34  <Osai> -			{'K', OrderClick_Unload},
10:01:36  <Osai> -			//{'?', OrderClick_Transfer},
10:01:36  <Osai> -			//('?', OrderClick_Service},
10:01:38  <Osai> ouch sorry
10:01:38  <Osai> -.-
10:01:40  <Osai> wrong channel
10:02:09  * Osai slaps himself
10:03:22  <frosch123> Osai: It tries to equally distribute the vehicles to the two loading bays of each stop, also by evaluating the air-distance between vehicle and stop. But it does not know about the road-distance and esp. not about the direction a drive-through stop is reachable (i.e. which bay will be entered)
10:05:40  <Osai> okay.. thx fyi
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10:13:54  <dih> Yorick: i need no reason at all to ban who i like on the channels i have the possibility to
10:20:47  <dih> Eddi|zuHause3, the nice thing about banning yorick is, he has a static ip :-D
10:21:07  <Yorick> argh
10:21:38  <Celestar> michi_cc: you happen to be around?
10:21:43  <Yorick> the unprotected wireless neightbours do not
10:22:02  <dih> no but nobody else uses
10:22:04  *** nekx [] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
10:22:12  <Yorick> dih: neither do I
10:22:17  *** nekx [] has joined #openttd
10:22:21  <dih> wanadoo
10:22:24  <dih> so
10:22:29  <Celestar> frosch123: ?
10:22:37  <frosch123> ping
10:22:41  <Yorick> the neightbours dont use wanadoo
10:23:06  <Yorick> and you can't go banning 1/3 of the netherlands
10:23:18  <dih> you wanna watch me?
10:23:22  <Yorick> no
10:23:31  <dih> we have banned all of alaska because of one single idiot
10:23:32  <Yorick> but thank you for the offer :)
10:23:35  <Celestar> frosch123: multistop does not evaluate the air distance in the slot assignment
10:23:54  <Yorick> dih: nobody lives in alaska :P
10:23:56  *** fmauNeko is now known as fmauNekAway
10:24:17  *** Celestar_ [] has joined #openttd
10:24:24  *** Celestar_ is now known as CelestarT42p
10:25:08  <CelestarT42p> frosch123: it uses the "pathed" distance.
10:25:10  <dih> interesting nick change there
10:25:45  <CelestarT42p> when drive-through road stops were added, multistop was never (properly) adapted to use it
10:26:27  <dih> @seen Bjarni
10:26:27  <DorpsGek> dih: Bjarni was last seen in #openttd 2 weeks, 3 days, 14 hours, 18 minutes, and 30 seconds ago: <Bjarni> I didn't have any
10:26:39  <dih> Celestar, can that still be done? (easily?)
10:26:49  <dih> or rather CelestarT42p
10:26:52  <frosch123> CelestarT42p: ah, ok, agreed
10:27:19  <CelestarT42p> dih: I'm not sure. I'll have a look at it asap (next weekend)
10:27:51  <CelestarT42p> dih: it was THOUSANDS of revisions ago that I added multistop :D
10:28:14  <CelestarT42p> dih: I must somehow only take the reachable bay(s) into account
10:29:04  <frosch123> dih: roadveh_cmd OnNewDay() make RoadFindPathToStop() and RoadStop::num_vehicles aware of the drive-through bay
10:29:33  <Eddi|zuHause3> if you calculate the paths anyway, why not calculate two paths, one for each enter direction
10:29:41  <CelestarT42p> dih: they are?
10:30:02  <CelestarT42p> frosch123: they are or they need to be?
10:30:08  <CelestarT42p> meh. MAJOR yapp messup here
10:30:12  <frosch123> they need to be
10:31:08  <Eddi|zuHause3> yapp can block easily if you don't pay attention
10:31:34  <CelestarT42p> Eddi|zuHause3: not block. the PBS blocked is not reveserved by anything, but no train enters it (they all "wait for a free path")
10:31:41  <Ammler> isn't it the problme, that the RVs calculate the path very early, (when they leave the station)
10:32:02  <Eddi|zuHause3> CelestarT42p: hmm, yes, i heard about issues like that...
10:32:10  <Ammler> they should recalculate it right before entering the new station area.
10:32:11  <CelestarT42p> meh. autoreplace should not start illegal trains (i.e. wrong length)
10:33:00  <Eddi|zuHause3> CelestarT42p: afaik the problem is that DBSetXL does not properly enforce that rule
10:35:08  <CelestarT42p> Eddi|zuHause3: I also wish I could build 12-unit ICE3s
10:35:14  <CelestarT42p> not only 8 and 16
10:35:33  <Eddi|zuHause3> you can, but they look ugly ;)
10:35:53  <CelestarT42p> yeah.very ugly
10:36:08  <CelestarT42p> but expanding my 6-tile stations to 8 is close to impossible
10:36:17  <CelestarT42p> hm .. is the ICE-TD tilting?
10:36:20  <Eddi|zuHause3> my current game is prepared for 8 tile trains (mostly)
10:37:01  <CelestarT42p> I had a game for 4 and 8 tiles
10:37:03  <Eddi|zuHause3> the real one yes, i believe, but i don't think the DBSetXL implements that
10:37:07  <Ammler> Celestar
10:37:10  <CelestarT42p> this one has 4 and 6
10:37:12  <CelestarT42p> yes Ammler ?
10:37:18  <Ammler> aren't there "half" ICEs?
10:38:14  <CelestarT42p> IRL?
10:38:26  <Ammler> no, in the set...
10:38:34  <CelestarT42p> yeah. but they are butt-ugly
10:38:50  <Ammler> indeed, they are.
10:39:15  <CelestarT42p> they do not qualify as an acceptable solution to the problem :D
10:40:23  *** Belugas_Gone [~belugas@] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds]
10:42:14  <Eddi|zuHause3> i wish wagons could be 50% longer
10:42:19  <Eddi|zuHause3> would look much better
10:43:17  *** Belugas_Gone [~belugas@] has joined #openttd
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10:43:19  <CelestarT42p> hm .. about 4m high and 26.7m long
10:43:25  <CelestarT42p> that's close to 1:7
10:44:11  <Mark> hm, does anyone know the "real" speed of trains?
10:44:20  <Mark> like how many tiles a 100km/h train travels in a day
10:45:38  <Eddi|zuHause3> CelestarT42p: yes, but 4 tile long wagons would be kind of over the top :p
10:45:39  *** AmixE90 [] has joined #openttd
10:46:14  <AmixE90> Ive made a subway alike tram ;)
10:46:39  <Mark> nevermind my question, i found the answer on the wiki
10:46:42  <AmixE90>
10:46:43  <Mark> didn't expect it to be there
10:46:56  <AmixE90> Does the link work?
10:46:57  <Yorick> Amix: 404
10:47:05  <AmixE90> Hmrf
10:47:10  <AmixE90> Try a
10:47:19  <AmixE90> Apr1994.png
10:48:53  <AmixE90> Works here now
10:49:04  <Eddi|zuHause3> hm... my train-"subway" looked more like a subway than that... and even there people complained it would not look like a subway at all
10:49:10  <Yorick> 200
10:50:08  <AmixE90> 200?
10:51:11  <Yorick> yes, the statuscode for OK
10:52:28  <Eddi|zuHause3>,%2012.%20Jul%201933.png
10:52:49  <Yorick> nice :)
10:54:31  <AmixE90> Paste it again :)
10:54:34  <Eddi|zuHause3> only that a normal subway would never use catenary
10:55:18  <gregor__> RM? Reichsmark? :S
10:55:27  <Eddi|zuHause3> why not?
10:55:37  <AmixE90> I like the nightly builds much better ;)
10:55:59  *** elmex [] has joined #openttd
10:56:06  <Eddi|zuHause3> that was not exactly a nightly...
10:57:57  <AmixE90> Eddi|zuHause3: my construction is more like tram-metro alike system
11:00:21  <AmixE90> I like the one way arrows better in nightly etc
11:00:41  <Eddi|zuHause3> the one way arrows can be changed by newgrf
11:01:07  <AmixE90> Ahh
11:01:39  <Ammler> did that change?
11:03:49  <frosch123> the gui changed somewhen
11:03:57  <Yorick> is there any way I could skip the map download?
11:04:14  <frosch123> Yorick: start a server
11:04:28  <Yorick> I mean, as a client
11:04:54  <Eddi|zuHause3> what exactly do you want to achieve with that?
11:05:15  <Yorick> I got a from rortom :)
11:05:24  <Yorick> I'm coding a working client with it
11:05:43  <Yorick> from a base he gave me
11:06:10  <Eddi|zuHause3> that does not really answer the question...
11:06:32  <Yorick> skipping the map download...because a bot does not need map download
11:07:02  <CelestarT42p> food time
11:10:16  <CelestarT42p> hm DBSetXL missing the BR423
11:10:39  <Eddi|zuHause3> 425, but yes ;)
11:11:33  <Eddi|zuHause3> MB promised that the next version would have such trains
11:11:56  <CelestarT42p> because I can't replace the BR420s with anything (=
11:12:25  *** tokai [] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds]
11:12:32  <CelestarT42p> and no I mean the BR423
11:12:45  <Eddi|zuHause3> i hope he'll include the E 04 ;)
11:13:14  <CelestarT42p> and the ICE4/NGT? :P
11:13:36  <Eddi|zuHause3> hm... i have not heard about that one
11:13:51  <CelestarT42p>
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11:14:01  <CelestarT42p> the DLR is doing studies for the ICE successor
11:14:19  <CelestarT42p> but it's getting pretty uneconomical up there
11:14:47  <CelestarT42p> at 400km/h, a high-speed train has about the CO2 per passenger-kilometer than an Airbus 321
11:15:00  <CelestarT42p>;
11:15:33  <Eddi|zuHause3> and i meant ;)
11:15:41  <Eddi|zuHause3> but there is probably not much of a difference
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11:17:08  <hylje> yay for a local traffic multiple unit
11:17:19  <AmixE90> Would be fun to have a openttd fight in only trams and busses sometime :)
11:17:57  <Eddi|zuHause3> since when does openttd have "fights"?
11:18:02  <CelestarT42p> the 423 and 425 are pretty similar, except for the interior
11:18:11  <AmixE90> Always
11:18:20  <AmixE90> Transport fight
11:18:24  <AmixE90> :)
11:18:25  <Eddi|zuHause3> the openttdcoop guys have done a truck only game
11:19:02  <hylje> how efficient are RVs when it comes to simulating them?
11:25:07  <michi_cc> CelestarT42p: pong?
11:28:31  <gregor__> emissions trading inside openttd would be nice :)
11:34:25  <hylje> "Remove absurd road-elements during the road construction"
11:35:28  <hylje> "Road vehicle queueing (with quantum effects)"
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12:18:18  <peter1138> Pom te pom
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12:20:38  * peter1138 mumbles about forgetting to disable the AI
12:20:46  <peter1138> Also I'm losing money :o
12:21:00  <rortom> hi peter :)
12:21:09  <rortom> money, wher? :P
12:21:24  <peter1138> -£7000 at the moment, with a full loan :o
12:21:33  <rortom> D:
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12:21:54  <peter1138> Mostly infrastructure, so can't sell to get money either.
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12:27:30  <gregor__> !password
12:27:31  *** gregor__ was kicked from #openttd by DorpsGek [Wrong channel. Retry in #openttdcoop.]
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12:28:02  <gregor__> sry
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12:59:39  <CIA-3> OpenTTD: rubidium * r13753 /trunk/src/order_cmd.cpp: -Cleanup (r13752): save before commit instead of the other way around is usually better.
13:08:48  <planetmaker> [13:16]	<AmixE90>	Would be fun to have a openttd fight in only trams and busses sometime :) <--- we have been challanged to tackle the AI with road vehicles only. I think we accept as train seemed to easy :P
13:08:59  <planetmaker> +o
13:09:49  <planetmaker> and +with
13:10:43  <planetmaker> namely by the author of AdmiralAI :)
13:21:09  *** AmixE90 [] has quit [Quit: La mour De Morph]
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13:30:13  <CIA-3> OpenTTD: rubidium * r13754 /trunk/src/openttd.cpp: -Fix (r13731): one could not join companies from the command line.
13:35:03  <Ammler> another fast fix :-)
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13:59:50  <fjb> Hello
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14:25:24  <CIA-3> OpenTTD: glx * r13755 /branches/noai/bin/ai/wrightai/main.nut: [NoAI] -Fix (r13751): wrightai is now working again
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14:37:38  <CIA-3> OpenTTD: glx * r13756 /branches/noai/src/ (ai/ai_squirrel.cpp fileio.cpp fileio.h): [NoAI] -Fix: when an AI is found in a tar, use a fake link to the first dir. This is to ensure the dir in the tar is used when starting the AI, instead a dir outside the tar if they have the same name.
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15:33:45  <Nite> Hi
15:34:23  <Nite> i cant use the "find server" buttopn anymore
15:34:36  <Nite> guess this has something 2 do with the server downtime?
15:35:31  <Nite> anyone there?
15:35:34  <Yorick> I am
15:35:56  <Nite> does the "find server" / "server list" work for u?
15:36:20  <Yorick> what version are you using?
15:36:35  <Yorick> it does work here
15:36:38  <Nite> 061
15:36:47  <Nite> 0and 060
15:36:58  <Yorick> it works here
15:37:14  <Nite> ok than i try a reinstall THX
15:37:53  <Rubidium> probably more a local network issue
15:38:15  <Nite> i had this once - and thenonly the latest build worked
15:38:54  <Nite> thx i yust wanted 2 know if it works for everyone else
15:39:25  <Yorick> he saves himself 2 characters to write!
15:39:31  <CIA-3> OpenTTD: skidd13 * r13757 /trunk/docs/openttd.6: -Doc: Update the man file
15:48:22  <Nite> ok i cant get it to work ...
15:49:19  <Nite> could it be taht my ISP caches the DNS records for MUCH too long.
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15:50:52  <CIA-3> OpenTTD: smatz * r13758 /trunk/src/ (airport.h station_cmd.cpp): -Fix (r13226): always use st->airport_tile, st->xy is different in many cases
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17:51:53  <DJNekkid> yet another newgrf question ... is it possible to define a constant with newgrf?
17:52:41  <Rubidium> constant in what manner?
17:52:57  <Rubidium> just some value that is the same throughout your newgrf?
17:53:18  <Eddi|zuHause3> you can #define it and then run it through cc first ;)
17:53:18  <DJNekkid> to set a "" (or something) to a certain value, so i can enter  instead of vehid in action 3's
17:53:43  <Rubidium> yup, define is the easiest way
17:54:05  <DJNekkid> so if i change the pax-wagon vehID i just change it one place
17:54:05  <Rubidium> take a look at extra/ottd_grf for an example
17:54:10  <Ammler> do you know the Makefile from Aegir?
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17:55:30  <DJNekkid> Rubidium: where?
17:55:57  <Rubidium> in svn
17:56:02  <Rubidium> like trunk is in svn
17:56:40  <Yorick> svn://
17:57:11  <DJNekkid> and what do i read that with?
17:57:16  <Yorick> svn
17:57:42  *** fmauNeko is now known as fmauNekAway
17:57:50  <DJNekkid> any nice and easy software to use?
17:57:56  <Yorick> tortoisesvn
17:58:22  <Eddi|zuHause3>
17:58:32  <Eddi|zuHause3> s/nn/nt/
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18:18:25  <dih> Eddi|zuHause3, to get back to the last point discussed about banning yorick...
18:18:27  <dih> [20:13]  * dih sets modes [#ap+ +b *!*]
18:18:27  <dih> [20:13]  <dih> @kick Yorick fuck off
18:18:27  <dih> [20:13]  * JJ has kicked Yorick from #ap+ (fuck off)
18:19:04  <Yorick> dih: if you want to know, #ap+ was the default channel from the ottd-bot, so I wondered what it was about
18:22:36  <dih> i already had said something about you joining channels that are none of your business
18:23:06  <Yorick> and why is it none of my business?
18:23:08  <dih> next time you join channels you dont know, and see me as op... run
18:23:19  <Eddi|zuHause3> dih: i was mostly talking about the currently active ban on this channel
18:23:25  <dih> because ap+ is none of your business
18:23:38  <dih> nice
18:23:42  <Yorick> dih: it's about rortom enhancing the autopilot?
18:24:00  <dih> peter1138, can you change the ban for yorick to *!*
18:24:02  <dih> :-P
18:24:10  <dih> Yorick, no it's not
18:24:16  <Yorick> ah
18:24:30  <dih> chanserv is your friend as to find out things like that
18:24:46  <dih> now if you will excuse me - i have an ignore list to amend
18:26:04  *** mode/#openttd [+b *!*] by peter1138
18:26:16  *** mode/#openttd [-b *!*] by peter1138
18:26:19  *** mode/#openttd [-b *!~yorick@*] by peter1138
18:26:59  <Yorick> :'(
18:27:17  <Yorick> oh, he removed it
18:27:22  * Yorick hugs peter1138
18:27:48  <dih> well done peter1138 !!
18:28:20  * Yorick thanks peter1138 and kisses :)
18:28:22  <peter1138> Has anybody written passenger destinations decently yet?
18:28:31  <Yorick> no
18:28:33  *** Sacro1 is now known as Sacro
18:28:37  <peter1138> Shame that :(
18:28:42  <SpComb> indeed :(
18:28:52  <SpComb> but it's a difficult feature
18:29:04  <SpComb> you run into issues on what level of detail you want to go to
18:29:11  <peter1138> Has anyone fixed transfer (without unload) to not immediately load what it just depositted?
18:29:18  <SpComb> when figuring out the destinations for the passengers
18:30:06  <SpComb> but the thread mentioned splitting it up into two patches, and the  you could use NoAI or somesuch to implement the passenger behaviour
18:30:25  <SpComb> but yeah, I think passenger destinations might be an important a feature as YAPP
18:30:50  <SpComb> you'd be able to build better passenger networks, and most important of allö have longer trains
18:31:25  <SpComb> because you'd need more capacity to transport an equivalent amount of passengers
18:38:13  *** Sacro [~Ben@adsl-87-102-119-5.karoo.KCOM.COM] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
18:38:26  <peter1138> Bah, not making money at all :(
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18:43:39  <Eddi|zuHause3> the people in the thread are discussing about matrices and stuff, while the very foundations of the patch are not done properly
18:44:11  <Eddi|zuHause3> first the saving of the destinations in the cargo packets must be done, then can be discussed how to determine destinations
18:49:30  <Ammler> peter1138: our "workaround" is a 2. station right after...
18:50:21  <peter1138> Eddi|zuHause3, saveload is pretty easy, they've just done it all wrong.
18:50:32  <Eddi|zuHause3> yes ;)
18:50:35  <peter1138> Ammler?
18:50:49  <Ammler> 1. drop, 2. load
18:51:49  <peter1138> Hey, I've finally made some money... by stopping a train that was waiting on transfers until it was ready to full-load... heh.
18:52:14  <peter1138> I could do with the loan going up by 50,000.
18:54:54  <Eddi|zuHause3> ctrl+lend ;)
18:55:11  <Eddi|zuHause3> or do you mean the max loan?
18:55:54  <peter1138> Yes.
18:56:50  <Eddi|zuHause3> i once modified the source to increase the max loan ;)
18:57:02  <peter1138> Might as well cheat ;)
18:57:28  <Eddi|zuHause3> but that leaves a mark that it was cheated ;)
18:57:54  <Ammler> peter1138: that , just smaller :-)
18:58:42  <Yexo> Ammler: I like the "This forest was an accident" :)
19:00:05  <glx> Eddi|zuHause3: nothing better than debug build :)
19:00:24  <Ammler> yeah, sometimes, it is fun "just to read the signs"
19:00:54  <Eddi|zuHause3> my problem was that changing the max loan in the difficulty settings did not affect the running game
19:01:10  <Eddi|zuHause3> because it is only checked at the start of the game
19:02:12  <Ammler> Eddi|zuHause3: did you try "over" the scenario editor?
19:02:26  <Eddi|zuHause3> hm... no
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19:05:49  <rortom> hi
19:06:06  <rortom> is the savegame format documented somewhere?
19:06:48  <Yorick> I don't think it is
19:09:01  <glx> in the source
19:09:20  <Eddi|zuHause3> it's a basic RIFF, if that's what you ask
19:10:12  <rortom> a RIFF?
19:11:29  *** fmauNekAway is now known as fmauNeko
19:12:20  * Rubidium wonders how hard it is to look riff up on wikipedia or google
19:12:39  <rortom> friendly as always
19:12:43  <rortom> bye
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19:15:29  <Rubidium> seriously... looking it up in google/wikipedia would've cost him and us less time and would've given him more information
19:16:14  <Yexo> if he's too lazy too look up things himself, we're better of without him
19:16:28  <Rubidium> ah well, if learning someone how to fish is sarcasticly friendly... then screw him
19:18:03  <Yorick> RIFF on google or wikipedia tells you something about music
19:18:23  <Rubidium>
19:18:51  <glx> Yorick: yes it's similar to wav format
19:18:59  <Yorick> In music, a riff is an ostinato figure: a repeated chord progression, pattern, refrain or melodic figure, often played by the rhythm section instruments, that forms the basis or accompaniment of a musical composition (though they are most often found in rock music, Latin, funk and jazz).
19:19:12  *** rortom [] has joined #openttd
19:19:14  <rortom> thanks
19:19:18  <rortom> and i looked it up ...
19:19:32  <rortom> but was unable to understand it
19:19:38  <rortom> but thats not more important
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19:21:30  <CIA-3> OpenTTD: rubidium * r13759 /trunk/src/ (depot_gui.cpp gfx.cpp gfx_type.h): -Fix [FS#2147]: selecting non-full length vehicles in the depot gui would place the "mouse pointer" out of the center of the vehicle making it hard to "aim".
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19:35:38  <ln> how about adding timestamps to the chatlog thing in multiplayer
19:35:52  <Yorick> do we have a chatlog thing?
19:36:01  <Yorick> we have a console thing...
19:36:13  <Yorick> we have a gamelog thing
19:36:24  <ln> the console thing, i suppose
19:36:49  <ln> whatever the button above tab brings up
19:37:05  <Yorick> that's the console thing
19:39:17  <Eddi|zuHause> ln: provide a patch ;)
19:39:59  <ln> Eddi|zuHause: too much trouble
19:40:46  <ln> Eddi|zuHause: (that is, 5% for coding, 95% for convincing people with commit access to even look at the patch)
19:41:30  <Yorick> and if you try to convince then too much, they deem the patch unworthy
19:41:54  <Eddi|zuHause> OR: 5% for coding, 1% for putting it on flyspray, 2% making a forum post to get people interested and 93% watching these other people nag the devs
19:42:07  <Eddi|zuHause> makes together 101% ;)
19:43:01  <ln> hmm, so are there refittable trams?
19:43:22  <Eddi|zuHause> i assume most of the cargo trams are refittable
19:43:39  <Noldo> those timestampsa it's clientside anyway so you don't need to get into trunk to be usable
19:43:48  <Ammler> ln: autopilot could help until your patch is commited ;-)
19:44:08  <ln> Eddi|zuHause: are there such trams in cstramset?
19:44:27  <Eddi|zuHause> ln: does it have a readme?
19:44:39  <ln> dunno
19:44:39  <Ammler> eGRVTS rocks :-)
19:46:29  <Ammler> <-- maybe, you need SmatZ for translation...
19:48:48  <Eddi|zuHause> # And, this, is my mind,
19:48:49  <Eddi|zuHause> # and although you try to infringe you cannot confine
19:48:49  <Eddi|zuHause> # And, this, is my brain,
19:48:49  <Eddi|zuHause> # and even if you try and hold me back there's nothing that you can gain
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19:53:09  <planetmaker> Is there an easy way to query sourcewise the 4 adjacent tiles, given an arbitrary, known tile?
19:53:36  <Brianetta> with a little math
19:53:36  <planetmaker> I'm quite sure there is... but...
19:53:47  <Eddi|zuHause> yes, there is...
19:53:49  <Yexo> Adding TileIndex(0, 1), TileIndex(1, 0), TileIndex(0, -1) and TileIndex(-1,0)?
19:54:10  <planetmaker> Brianetta: yeah, I could add each direction seperatedly. Ok. No quicker way then?
19:54:11  <Eddi|zuHause> grep for something like TILELOOP
19:54:21  <frosch123> loop with DiagDirection and TileOffsByDiagDir (or similiar)
19:54:26  <Yexo> Eddi|zuHause: that's used for bigger areas
19:54:42  <Brianetta> planetmaker: Not that *I* know of.
19:54:44  <planetmaker> Ah... DiagDirection... sounds good :)
19:54:46  <Eddi|zuHause> 	for (DiagDirection d = DIAGDIR_BEGIN; d < DIAGDIR_END; d++) {
19:54:58  <Eddi|zuHause> TileAddByDiagDir(t, d)
19:55:21  <planetmaker> Eddi, frosch123 : thx, that'll put me on the right track, I think :)
19:56:19  <planetmaker> just what I've been looking for - seemed too often used that it wasn't easer than defining it over again :)
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20:10:48  <planetmaker> Hm... another question more for curiosity than need right now: MakeRiver(tile, Random()) <--- what does the Random number add to rivers?
20:11:27  <Yorick> the rapids
20:11:29  <glx> different sprite
20:11:46  *** Yorick [] has quit [Quit: That's it for today! Poef!]
20:12:20  <planetmaker> ah... I must use the wrong river set :) They could look more diverse :P
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20:20:02  <Wolf01> 'night
20:20:06  *** Wolf01 [] has quit [Quit: Once again the world is quick to bury me.]
20:23:44  <Ammler> planetmaker: are you working on the livery patch?
20:24:07  <planetmaker> I would need to know what "livery" means :P
20:24:09  <Ammler> !s/the/a/
20:24:26  <Ammler> maybe misspelled
20:24:38  <Brianetta> livery means paint job
20:24:52  <Yexo> Ammler: you probebly mean lively rivers
20:25:10  <planetmaker> :P
20:25:13  <Ammler> yeah,
20:25:53  <planetmaker> actually it's not my intention to make them lively... just to _have_ them at all.
20:26:14  <planetmaker> without need to build them in the SE
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20:29:15  <planetmaker> I guess "lively rivers" is way beyond my ability to code currently
20:30:32  <planetmaker> (not to mention the time aspect)
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20:35:10  <planetmaker> or is it general concensus that rivers without this lively aspect are useless?
20:38:09  <Noldo> there is no general concesus about anything
20:38:41  *** Sacro1 is now known as Sacro
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20:51:36  <Brianetta> Error: NOT_REACHED triggered at line 923 of /home/brian/nightly/src/strings.cpp
20:51:37  <Brianetta> openttd: /home/brian/nightly/src/openttd.cpp:142: void error(const char*, ...): Assertion `0' failed.
20:51:50  <Brianetta> Bit of a bugger, that
20:52:59  <Rubidium> Brianetta: don't keep any of the vehicle windows open that are going to a depot for autore(place|new)
20:53:06  <Rubidium> cause that's broken
20:54:52  *** Sacro1 [~Ben@adsl-87-102-119-5.karoo.KCOM.COM] has joined #openttd
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21:03:54  <Brianetta> Rubidium: Aha
21:04:13  * Brianetta adds that to the notes
21:10:49  <Rubidium> and I'm waiting for Bjarni to fix it
21:22:14  <CIA-3> OpenTTD: peter1138 * r13760 /trunk/src/ (autoreplace_gui.cpp build_vehicle_gui.cpp): -Codechange: With multiple NewGRF engine sets, engine IDs may not be allocated in the order expected by GRF authors, so sort by 'list position' instead of engine ID for all vehicle types.
21:23:06  <Rubidium> oh, unexpected progress
21:23:39  <CIA-3> OpenTTD: peter1138 * r13761 /trunk/src/ (newgrf.cpp newgrf_engine.cpp newgrf_engine.h): -Codechange: Remove dependency on rail for altering purchase list position (mostly function renaming)
21:24:10  <peter1138> r13760 | peter1138 | 2008-07-20 22:21:51 +0100 (Sun, 20 Jul 2008) | 2 lines
21:24:10  <peter1138> r13591 | peter1138 | 2008-06-20 08:23:00 +0100 (Fri, 20 Jun 2008) | 2 lines
21:24:14  <peter1138> hmm, yeah :p
21:27:43  *** Johnmit [] has quit [Quit: Going, Going...... Go]
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21:43:21  <peter1138> Hmm, the AI has removed one of my road bits...?
21:44:03  <peter1138> Ah, no...
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21:54:22  <Eddi|zuHause> i remember the times when towns could terraform my rails ;)
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22:14:05  *** Yexo_ is now known as Yexo
22:14:52  <CIA-3> OpenTTD: truebrain * r13762 /branches/noai/src/ai/ (ai.cpp ai_gui.cpp): [NoAI] -Change: some left-overs
22:15:47  *** Guest470 [] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
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22:39:33  <CIA-3> OpenTTD: truebrain * r13763 /branches/noai/ (13 files in 3 dirs):
22:39:33  <CIA-3> OpenTTD: [NoAI] -Change: change the internal way of handling 'forced' AIs
22:39:33  <CIA-3> OpenTTD: [NoAI] -Change: store in openttd.cfg which AIs will start
22:39:33  <CIA-3> OpenTTD: [NoAI] -Add: store the AIs which are booted in the savegame, so on load the same AIs are (tried) to start
22:39:33  <CIA-3> OpenTTD: [NoAI] -Add: allow configuration settings per AI (via info.nut)
22:41:29  *** nicfer [~Administr@] has joined #openttd
22:42:21  <nicfer> did anyone remember the submarine 'easter egg' in (o)ttd?
22:42:29  <nicfer> I have a variant for toyland
22:42:35  <nicfer> fairies!
22:43:12  <Ammler> submarine destroyed ships, didn't?
22:43:13  <CIA-3> OpenTTD: truebrain * r13764 /branches/noai/src/ai/ai.cpp: [NoAI] -Fix: wrong return value (Yexo)
22:43:19  <Ammler> in original TT, afaik
22:44:40  <nicfer> that was in a patch made by someone
22:45:58  *** Vikthor [] has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
22:52:21  <CIA-3> OpenTTD: truebrain * r13765 /branches/noai/ (5 files in 2 dirs):
22:52:21  <CIA-3> OpenTTD: [NoAI] -Add: GetSetting(name) now gets the setting you set via SetSetting() in GetSettings() in info.nut.
22:52:21  <CIA-3> OpenTTD: [NoAI] -Add: added setting example in wrightai
22:55:14  *** Brianetta [] has quit [Quit: TschÌß]
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23:23:41  <planetmaker> he, I now can create a mangrove swamp like landscape :P
23:23:53  <planetmaker> good night
23:29:48  *** curson [] has quit [Quit: If everything seems to be going well, you have obviously overlooked something.]
23:39:37  *** KingJ [] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds]
23:48:22  <CIA-3> OpenTTD: truebrain * r13766 /branches/noai/src/misc.cpp: [NoAI] -Fix r13745: forgot one instance of MakeNewgameSettingsLive()
23:49:10  <CIA-3> OpenTTD: truebrain * r13767 /branches/noai/src/misc.cpp: [NoAI] -Fix r13766: Obi-Rubidium: hit save before commit
23:49:35  <Eddi|zuHause> lmao :p
23:50:20  <CIA-3> OpenTTD: truebrain * r13768 /branches/noai/src/settings.cpp: [NoAI] -Fix: put some more safeties in place
23:52:55  *** Sir-Bob [] has joined #openttd

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