Log for #openttd on 2nd June 2010:
Times are UTC Toggle Colours
00:00:43  *** llugo [] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
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02:08:51  *** bryjen [~bryjen@] has quit [Quit: Leaving]
02:21:16  *** Adambean [] has quit [Quit: Gone fishing]
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02:47:52  *** glx [glx@2a01:e35:2f59:c7c0:698d:9192:b75f:3b63] has quit [Quit: bye]
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03:10:32  *** devilsadvocate [~devilsadv@] has joined #openttd
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04:41:47  *** Kurimus [] has joined #openttd
04:44:42  *** Gabriev [] has joined #openttd
04:48:25  <Gabriev> Out of curiosity, does anyone know what version of windows openttd is supporting? I'm wondering because the patch I'm working on would need an API call thats not present on win95. I could fake it but before I invest time in it, I'd like to know if I don't have to :).
04:56:03  *** Eddi|zuHause [] has quit []
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04:56:53  <Gabriev> Nm, I guess I found my answer in stdafx.h
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06:00:41  *** zodttd [~me@] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds]
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07:20:26  * andythenorth wonders if the Aluminium Plant should accept Chemicals
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07:36:48  * andythenorth wishes he'd drawn the Aluminium Plant....differently
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08:05:28  <planetmaker> Gabriev: it supports every windows version
08:05:29  <planetmaker> at least > 3.11
08:17:57  *** Progman [] has joined #openttd
08:18:08  * Rubidium wonders what he wants to do if that needs OS support
08:25:31  <dih> :-P
08:43:26  *** Grelouk [~Grelouk@] has joined #openttd
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12:14:35  * andythenorth hmms
12:14:45  <andythenorth> user feedback says the Fertiliser Plant is a bit crowded
12:14:56  <andythenorth> I need a tile which is nearly-but-not-quite-empty
12:15:01  <andythenorth> maybe some barrels or something
12:15:08  <andythenorth> or a forklift truck
12:18:29  <andythenorth> planetmaker: Ammler can you tell that the barrels in ISR are indeed barrels?
12:18:41  <andythenorth> (they are in processed cargo platforms submenu)
12:22:53  *** Fast2 [] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds]
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13:09:01  <Ammler> andythenorth: I have no idea what are you speaking about :-)
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13:24:50  <Ammler>
13:31:37  <Belugas> hello
13:31:42  <andythenorth> hi hi
13:42:56  <planetmaker> hi
13:43:00  <Eddi|zuHause> my problem with ISR is that the station graphics are really fancy, but they never show, as no cargo is ever waiting long enough...
13:43:14  <planetmaker> andythenorth, I always found them representing enough of a barrel or stack of barrels for me.
13:43:35  <andythenorth> I've already added them to FIRS anyway, so that's good :)
13:44:39  <planetmaker> actually I find them one of the nicest cargo sprites :-)
13:45:44  *** einKarl [] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
13:46:00  <Eddi|zuHause> imho, station graphics should be dependend on the accumulated cargo of the last month, not the currently waiting month. not sure how that can be achieved
13:48:34  <andythenorth> I would find that a little....weird
13:48:59  <Eddi|zuHause> like i said, there is never any cargo waiting in an efficient network
13:49:16  <Eddi|zuHause> all cargo graphics only ever show boring empty platforms
13:49:57  <andythenorth> it's not very WYSIWYG though :o
13:53:42  <peter1138> simple enough but you need a lot of memory ;p
14:02:56  <Eddi|zuHause> well, people have been requesting station stats all the time...
14:03:12  <Rubidium> lies...
14:03:17  <Rubidium> waypoint stats they requested!
14:07:11  <Eddi|zuHause> it's not a lie, it's an exaggeration
14:15:41  *** orudge_ [] has joined #openttd
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14:23:22  *** Angerslave [] has joined #openttd
14:23:32  <Angerslave> hi all
14:24:15  <Angerslave> can someone help me? has a real cool page -
14:24:51  <Angerslave> is there source code of this, or may be a little bit code of getting information about target server?
14:25:18  <Angerslave> for example, if i want in my blog show something like
14:25:22  <Rubidium> the source is in our source code repository
14:25:31  <Rubidium> under /extra/website or something
14:25:59  <glx> but the data are get via MSU no?
14:26:34  <Rubidium> that won't be quite useful for you though as it depends on running the masterserver, which you won't/can't be doing if you want your server to be found by the other players
14:26:58  <Rubidium> there are some openttd/ottd libraries for different frameworks floating around on the internet
14:27:14  <glx> anyway there are tools somewhere on the forum :)
14:27:34  <Angerslave> well, my server is open for players (advertise is enabled)
14:28:13  <Angerslave> in the website code i'd not found any actions like this, may be easiest way is to parse server information page
14:28:15  <Angerslave> thx
14:28:40  <glx> server pages get the data from a database
14:29:01  <glx> it doesn't ask the servers directly
14:29:02  <Rubidium> please use something like
14:30:58  <Rubidium> that's in php, but I've seen versions in python, ruby and java too
14:32:10  *** Fuco [] has quit [Quit: Quit]
14:32:12  <Angerslave> cool thing, thank you very much:)
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14:35:37  <Angerslave> wow, there are some bugs in example, but core class OpenTTDLib works perfect
14:36:04  <Rubidium> blame dih for that
14:37:20  <Angerslave> dih, great job!
14:40:45  <Angerslave> again thx, impressive community!
14:40:49  <Angerslave> i'm off, bye
14:40:50  *** Angerslave [] has left #openttd []
14:47:28  <SpComb> pfft, PHP
14:50:13  <Ammler> :-P
14:50:32  <SpComb> much more complex thing
14:50:46  <Ammler> hehe, forwards to tt-forums...
14:51:43  <SpComb> the domain is expiring soon, I'd have to renew it
14:52:48  <Ammler> the idea was nice, sad it wasn't used...
14:53:15  <SpComb> the idea was silly
14:53:21  <SpComb> last thing anybody needs is more OpenTTD servers
14:53:45  <SpComb> perhaps if it would have been a redistributable install-on-your-own-server thing, but it would get ridiculously complicated to configure
14:54:38  <Ammler> I don't agree, there aren't many useful openttd servers...
14:55:00  <Ammler> most are just ideling and are configured for trash
14:56:07  <Ammler> we had quite fast many clients on our stable server and almost all the time.
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15:34:24  <planetmaker> and we have those on the stable one even though we don't spend an aweful lot of time on it.
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16:19:33  <Ammler> servers maintained from us like Brianettas, dihs, or the guys from #tycoon are still a lack :-)
16:21:08  *** heffer_ [] has quit [Quit: heffer_]
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16:23:22  *** slickgoku [~jmallon03@] has joined #openttd
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16:23:36  <slickgoku> hey what's going on
16:25:31  <__ln__> not much... some guy just joined and asked what is going on.  that's about all.
16:27:26  <slickgoku> that's very insightful of you
16:32:49  *** Brianetta [] has quit [Quit: TschÌß]
16:34:09  <andythenorth> there will now be a short intermission
16:34:10  <andythenorth>
16:38:13  *** devilsadvocate [~devilsadv@] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds]
16:38:14  <slickgoku> cool, now I can watch the little men get hit by trains
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16:42:14  <Belugas> CRAAAAAAAASH
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16:50:11  <slickgoku> so many quiet people on here :D
16:51:27  <frosch123> how flexible should i imagine flexible tracks?
16:52:28  <slickgoku> more flexible than an iron bar but less flexible than a paper towel
16:54:18  <andythenorth> frosch123: approximately as flexible as the reviews say:
16:55:06  * Belugas has some of these at home. Lovely stuff
16:55:19  <KenjiE20> felxitrack will usually bend well inside the minimum curve for it's given gauge
16:55:26  <Belugas> even more than Thomas 's wooden flexible stuff
16:57:54  <frosch123> looks interesting, i thought they were siliconeish
16:59:37  * peter1138 hasn't played with his trainset (openttd) for ages :/
17:04:28  <slickgoku> ha, I just started playing with openttd again for the first time in like 3 years :D
17:05:34  * andythenorth hasn't played ottd for ages
17:05:47  * andythenorth has crashed ottd a lot very recently however
17:05:59  <KenjiE20> this is #openttd, by definition, no one here plays :P
17:06:02  * Belugas has, very recently. But his son prefers SuperTuxkart right now, so...
17:08:03  <slickgoku> so what do we do?
17:08:40  <Belugas> I don't know about your "we", but my "we" keeps on working at work
17:09:23  <slickgoku> work at work? what is this nonsense
17:12:29  <Eddi|zuHause> i'd be expecting that flex tracks are difficult to get fixed after placing them...
17:13:11  <Belugas> it's the kind of nonsens that pay for the house, the wife, the kid, the lenses, the cat, the...  need to say more?
17:13:39  <Belugas> Eddi|zuHause, depends on your definition of "get fixed"
17:14:39  <Eddi|zuHause> Belugas: i mean to not have a wibbly-wobbly thing lying on the floor, changing its shape all the time...
17:15:53  <Belugas> ho...  by surrounding pressure.  i mean.. make the network relatively tight, and squeeze the felx one in
17:16:03  <Belugas> it will stay out quite well
17:17:03  * andythenorth has never had lego trains before so is all new to this
17:20:42  <slickgoku> I never had the cool lego sets either, oh well :/
17:23:32  <Belugas> well... if you never worked at work... no wonder ;)
17:23:35  <Belugas> buwahahahahah!!!
17:26:06  *** Grelouk_ [~Grelouk@] has joined #openttd
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17:40:19  * Belugas reboots and will be back
17:40:33  *** Belugas [~belugas@] has quit [Quit: On snow, everyone can follow your traces]
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17:42:11  *** devilsadvocate [~devilsadv@] has joined #openttd
17:45:34  <CIA-2> OpenTTD: translators * r19916 /trunk/src/lang/ (czech.txt norwegian_bokmal.txt unfinished/urdu.txt):
17:45:34  <CIA-2> OpenTTD: -Update from WebTranslator v3.0:
17:45:34  <CIA-2> OpenTTD: czech - 1 changes by ReisRyos
17:45:34  <CIA-2> OpenTTD: norwegian_bokmal - 41 changes by jhsoby
17:45:34  <CIA-2> OpenTTD: urdu - 156 changes by zohair
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17:48:05  *** Belugas [~belugas@] has joined #openttd
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17:48:20  * Belugas is now front
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18:03:22  <slickgoku> is there still a copy and paste feature in TTD or did that go away?
18:04:15  <SmatZ> there has never been (in official release)
18:04:35  <slickgoku> ok so it went away then, ok :)
18:05:20  <SmatZ> it didn't "went away" because it has never been in
18:05:51  *** NukeBuster [~wouter@] has joined #openttd
18:06:18  <slickgoku> yea, it went away, it was a nice feature that didn't get included into the 'official' release
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18:12:59  <Ammler> the patch is still around...
18:14:36  <slickgoku> that's what I'm trying to find :/
18:14:38  <Rubidium> and still buggy/broken
18:14:49  <Terkhen> search for copy/paste at the forums
18:14:50  <peter1138> should still be there
18:14:57  <peter1138> ^C / ^V
18:15:07  <peter1138> on windows only
18:15:08  <SmatZ> :)
18:15:30  <slickgoku> ok, I'll try it then, thanks :)
18:16:20  *** fonsinchen [] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds]
18:16:59  <Belugas> haaaa.... "How to Destroy Angels"
18:17:15  <__ln__> @seen Bjarni
18:17:15  <DorpsGek> __ln__: Bjarni was last seen in #openttd 13 weeks, 6 days, 18 hours, 51 minutes, and 55 seconds ago: <Bjarni> <-- wtf. Some rich guy built a trebuchet and uses burning pianos as ammo
18:17:27  <peter1138> i knew there was something to listen to today...
18:17:49  <peter1138> hmm, copy & paste should work on os x too
18:17:58  <peter1138> so it's just us poor linux users ;(
18:18:09  <__ln__> peter1138: what do you say about the eurovision winner's accent?
18:18:17  <peter1138> euro what?
18:18:34  <__ln__> eurovision song contest
18:18:43  <peter1138> yeah i know :)
18:18:49  <peter1138> but i didn't pay any attention to it
18:20:49  <Eddi|zuHause> i'm still not convinced that it was the actually best entry in the contest...
18:21:23  *** slickjoker [~jmallon03@] has joined #openttd
18:21:44  <__ln__> me neither, but certainly not the worst, and quite a-ok.
18:22:27  *** slickgoku [~jmallon03@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
18:22:58  <Belugas> there is always something to listen to, every day.
18:23:00  <Belugas> granted, not new
18:23:07  <Belugas> i love new stuff...
18:24:00  <Eddi|zuHause> we got a lot of 12 points from the nordic states
18:24:08  <Belugas> "Listen to the sound of my BIG BLACK BOOTS"
18:24:50  <Eddi|zuHause> finland, sweden, norway, denmark i believe. and the baltic states i think
18:25:40  <__ln__> united states of europe
18:26:14  *** pugi [] has joined #openttd
18:27:15  <Eddi|zuHause> Finland, Estonia, Denmark, Spain, Slovakia, Latvia, Norway, Switzerland and Sweden
18:29:33  <Eddi|zuHause> 0 points from Belarus, Israel, Moldova, Georgia and Armenia
18:30:50  <__ln__> Ukraine's song was quite pessimistic.
18:31:41  <Eddi|zuHause> what do you mean?
18:31:44  *** Illegal_Alien [] has joined #openttd
18:32:51  <__ln__> the lyrics was something like "the end is coming" ... "people are dying" ... "the world ends" ... not those exact words but that kind of spirit
18:34:05  <Eddi|zuHause> i don't think i understood any of that ;)
18:34:26  <__ln__> btw, we have all the songs subtitled into finnish on tv, so unclear singing is irrelevant.
18:34:51  <Eddi|zuHause> hm... we don't have that
18:35:31  <__ln__> i know, my german guests were surprised about the subtitling
18:36:29  <Eddi|zuHause> but... if germans would care about understanding the songs, they would produce more songs in german...
18:37:24  <__ln__> or maybe the ESC could be dubbed.....
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18:37:55  <Eddi|zuHause> now you're just making fun :p
18:40:50  <__ln__> oh yes
18:42:24  <Rubidium> isn't that first list a list of countries that has or could have qualified to introduce the Euro as their currency?
18:43:05  <Eddi|zuHause> there was a time, i think in the 60s, called "Deutsche Welle" were they took english songs and translated them to german
18:43:26  <Eddi|zuHause> people have started saying "wtf is that rubbish you're singing?!?"
18:43:32  <Eddi|zuHause> and they stopped doing that...
18:44:06  <Eddi|zuHause> the beatles translated some of their songs theirselves into german
18:44:35  <__ln__> didn't know that
18:44:40  <Rubidium> "wtf is that rubbish you're singing"-songs still seem to attract a crowd lately, e.g. lordi
18:45:11  <Eddi|zuHause> Rubidium: yes, but now they're singing that rubbish in english again, so nobody needs to understand it
18:53:08  *** Bluelight [] has joined #openttd
18:53:48  <Bluelight> ports
18:53:55  <PeterT> @ports
18:53:55  <DorpsGek> PeterT: OpenTTD uses TCP and UDP port 3979 for server <-> client communication, UDP port 3978 for masterserver (advertise) communication (outbound), and TCP port 3978 for content service, a.k.a. BaNaNaS (outbound)
18:54:12  <Bluelight> Hmm.. How did I do the port number again?
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18:54:21  <Bluelight> Ty
18:55:20  *** PeterT_ [] has joined #openttd
18:55:27  <frosch123> maybe try a different router :p
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19:17:18  <PeterT> am I missing something?
19:17:28  <PeterT> or is Riptokus being very whiny?
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19:21:40  <orudge_> PeterT: eh, to be honest, I think your response was slightly harsh
19:21:42  <orudge_> remember, everybody was new once
19:21:52  <PeterT> orudge_
19:21:54  <orudge_> and it isn't always obvious what may be in a config file, or what it may all do
19:22:09  <PeterT> the reason for the response, was because he knew what (we) were talking about
19:22:17  <PeterT> but he wanted it repeated
19:22:25  <PeterT> I think, that's the immpression I got
19:22:40  <orudge_> hm
19:22:41  <orudge_> well
19:22:42  <orudge_> I'm not sure
19:22:45  <orudge_> anyway
19:22:46  <PeterT> orudge_: I'll take out the second part
19:22:53  <orudge_> hopefully everyone can just get on ;)
19:22:58  <PeterT> there
19:23:18  <PeterT> not expecting him to answer, or anything :-)
19:25:32  <andythenorth> :o my train crashed
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19:29:08  <Rubidium> andythenorth: as long as it isn't a physical train it's not such a big problem
19:29:19  <andythenorth> it is physical
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19:29:27  <andythenorth> it is however rather small
19:29:34  <andythenorth> and parts can easily be found and fitted :P
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20:48:52  <fjb> Moin.
20:54:09  <Belugas> heheh
20:54:19  <Belugas> it's a pleasure to travel with you!
20:55:52  <Eddi|zuHause> hm... now the discussion flames up to get the president directly elected
20:59:18  <Rubidium> Eddi|zuHause: so the biggest moron gets the most power?
20:59:40  <Eddi|zuHause> Rubidium: the president doesn't have a lot of power
21:00:19  <Rubidium> isn't it the one that can veto all laws?
21:00:37  <Eddi|zuHause> no, not all laws, only ones that are "obviously anticonstitutional"
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22:44:19  <SmatZ>      1   149 days, 03:05:43 | Linux 2.6.31-gentoo-r8    Mon Jan  4 23:28:23 2010
22:44:57  <seirmubsa> 18:44:49 up 267 days, 12:10,  2 users,  load average: 0.36, 0.33, 0.28
22:44:58  <seirmubsa> ?
22:45:17  <SmatZ> stopped by broken bulb that caused blackout in our house :-(
22:45:18  <SmatZ> hehe
22:45:41  <SmatZ> on the other hand, 150 days without any power outage isn't that bad :)
22:49:02  <SmatZ> but for some reason, HW clocks got wrong by
22:49:18  <SmatZ> 289396 sec
22:49:20  <seirmubsa> UPS. :p
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22:49:34  <SmatZ> well, it's not life-critical or so :)
22:49:57  <Eddi|zuHause> that's what NTP is for ;)
22:50:11  <Eddi|zuHause> how can you view previous uptimes?
22:50:22  <SmatZ> I have "uprecords" installed
22:50:38  <SmatZ> uptimed, that is
22:51:06  <SmatZ> I thought I have ntp daemon running at startup
22:53:41  <SmatZ> hmm
22:53:47  <SmatZ> of course ntp daemon starts
22:53:59  <SmatZ> but it doesn't sync the HW clocks
22:54:17  <SmatZ> when the system is turned off that way
22:54:21  *** Grelouk_ [~Grelouk@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
22:55:48  <Eddi|zuHause> hm, yes, maybe a demon or cronjob should take that occasionally
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23:57:43  <Terkhen> good night

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