Log for #openttd on 19th December 2010:
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00:00:14  *** Brianetta [] has joined #openttd
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01:03:20  *** Dreamxtreme [~Dre@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
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01:09:36  *** Markavian` [] has joined #openttd
01:13:49  *** Fast2 [] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds]
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01:27:21  *** perk111 [~perk11@] has quit [Quit: Miranda IM! Smaller, Faster, Easier.]
01:27:58  *** Biolunar [] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
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01:58:25  *** pugi [] has quit [Quit: I reject your reality and substitute my own]
02:00:05  *** Brianetta [] has quit [Quit: TschÌß]
02:06:24  *** kkb110 [] has quit [Read error: Operation timed out]
02:15:53  <Wolf01> 'night
02:16:02  *** Wolf01 [] has quit [Quit: Once again the world is quick to bury me.]
02:19:18  *** Fuco [~dota.keys@] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds]
02:24:45  *** kkb110 [~kkb110@NYUFGA-WLESSAUTHCLIENTS-01.NATPOOL.NYU.EDU] has joined #openttd
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02:40:15  *** anythingffs [] has joined #openttd
02:41:16  <anythingffs> guys, Im in the Vehicle List window, sorting by the least profitable by last year, how do I select the first couple of hundred results?
02:41:34  <anythingffs> like you can do in windows with the shift key and click
02:41:56  *** anythingffs is now known as tt1314
02:45:11  <tt1314> anyone?
02:45:20  <glx> you can't
02:45:53  <tt1314> is an update to the window interfaces on the cards?
02:46:25  <tt1314> for version 2
02:52:03  <tt1314> there must be an easier way than going through them one by one, Ive got 500 vehicles to take off road
02:53:19  <Yexo> if you group them you can send them to the depot group by group
02:53:28  <Yexo> ]if they have shared orders you can modify those to stop in depot
02:55:43  <tt1314> im dragging the bus icon from the ungrouped list to a group but there are closer to 1000 I need to then add to the group
02:56:23  * tt1314 doesnt believe in profitable bus service
02:59:47  <tt1314> if any of the people who control Openttd are about, a new interface for the Vehicles List with check boxes (to allow multi vehicle select), filters (to refine the vehicles) and maybe a simple control system (send to depot, replace) actually inline with the vehicles result
02:59:49  <Yexo> you can use the "add all vehicles with shared orders to the group" but for that your vehicles need to have shared orders again
03:18:07  *** Pulec [] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds]
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04:47:48  *** glx [glx@2a01:e35:2f59:c7c0:1ab:ac81:bc04:c14e] has quit [Quit: bye]
05:19:42  *** Absolutis [] has joined #openttd
05:20:41  <Absolutis> i'm getting this error with mac: Message: Assertion failed at line 125 of /usr/src/OpenTTD/compile/src/pathfinder/yapf/../follow_track.hpp: ((TrackStatusToTrackdirBits(GetTileTrackStatus(m_old_tile, TT(), IsRoadTT() && m_veh != NULL ? RoadVehicle::From(m_veh)->compatible_roadtypes : 0)) & TrackdirToTrackdirBits(m_old_td)) != 0) || (IsTram() && GetSingleTramBi
05:21:07  <tt1314> what signal do i use to let my train leave when the second furthest away signal is green?
05:21:27  <Absolutis> version is r21534
05:56:02  *** Eddi|zuHause [] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
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06:19:48  *** trebuchet [~Trebuchet@] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds]
06:38:11  *** andythenorth [] has joined #openttd
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07:21:44  *** Nite [] has joined #openttd
07:22:08  <Nite> morning ...
07:25:46  *** LordAro [] has joined #openttd
07:26:36  <LordAro> mornin' all
07:37:42  <Nite> moen
07:41:51  <Nite> some nice citybuilding server would be right now ...
07:42:44  <andythenorth> I suppose a third company colour is out of the question?
07:48:04  <Absolutis> hmm, anyone knows anywhing about my error:
07:48:29  <Absolutis> Absolutis	i'm getting this error with mac: Message: Assertion failed at line 125 of /usr/src/OpenTTD/compile/src/pathfinder/yapf/../follow_track.hpp: ((TrackStatusToTrackdirBits(GetTileTrackStatus(m_old_tile, TT(), IsRoadTT() && m_veh != NULL ? RoadVehicle::From(m_veh)->compatible_roadtypes : 0)) & TrackdirToTrackdirBits(m_old_td)) != 0) || (IsTram() && GetSi
07:48:40  <Absolutis> (07.20)
07:48:53  <LordAro> clean trunk?
07:49:12  <Absolutis> r21534
07:49:17  <Absolutis> osx
07:49:32  <LordAro> in that case:
07:49:59  <Absolutis> hmm, that might be because of missing GRFs too...
07:50:03  <Absolutis> yep, probably
07:51:12  <LordAro> report it anyway - if you ask me, ottd should not crash under any circumstances, and you never know, someone might fix it! :)
07:53:09  <Absolutis> also, the missing GRF was a station grf
08:03:22  <Terkhen> good morning
08:04:47  <andythenorth> hi Terkhen
08:09:08  <LordAro> morning Terkhen
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08:44:23  <planetmaker> moin
08:44:43  <LordAro> guten tag (? :D)
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08:49:43  <Terkhen> good morning planetmaker
09:28:34  *** zachanima [] has quit [Quit: leaving]
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09:48:28  *** Alberth [] has joined #openttd
09:48:31  *** mode/#openttd [+o Alberth] by ChanServ
09:49:05  <planetmaker> seeing your comparison, andythenorth_ the refurbished FISH ships look much nicer :-)
09:49:26  <Alberth> moin
09:49:46  <planetmaker> moin Alberth
09:50:13  <planetmaker> especially the new river boat sprites are IMHO a definitive win
09:53:10  *** Progman [] has joined #openttd
09:53:44  <Nite> i have to come back to this as iam looking for a more planned out MP game
09:54:21  <Nite> are bans on the openttdcoop welcome server absolutely permanent?
09:55:58  *** Lupec [] has joined #openttd
09:57:39  <planetmaker> Unless we say otherwise: yes. Experience told us that its more trouble than gain to do otherwise
09:59:57  <Nite> ok then i will never try again.
10:00:25  <planetmaker> you got my private mail?
10:00:41  <Nite> any other nice new coop(ish) servers mabee?
10:01:12  <Nite> no, i got no private contacts regarding ottd.
10:01:29  <planetmaker> then get a better IRC client
10:02:11  <planetmaker> as I sent it to you 4 minutes ago...
10:02:59  <Nite> oh - maybe because iam still not registred in this irc
10:05:14  *** Cybertinus [] has joined #openttd
10:09:36  <andythenorth_> simon foster seems to have been quite generous with the lighting direction(s) in ttd sprites :)
10:09:53  <andythenorth_> the more I look, the more lighting directions I find :D
10:10:20  <planetmaker> :-D
10:11:12  <andythenorth_> the most common seems to be from RHS or TRHS
10:11:15  <andythenorth_> but there are others :P
10:12:38  <andythenorth_> the trains appear to be lit mostly from LHS
10:12:41  <andythenorth_> what larks
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10:16:00  *** tokai [] has quit [Read error: Operation timed out]
10:16:06  <Alberth> openttd rotates around several suns
10:16:28  <tt1314> you need host servers?
10:17:02  <Alberth> you mean machines that host MP games?
10:17:42  <tt1314> lol, theres a dedicated server!
10:17:51  <tt1314> sorry, just found out about that
10:17:52  <Alberth> not really, we already have more hosts than players. We DO need moderated MP games though
10:17:53  <Nite> it does what "rotate ..." what?
10:18:22  <Nite> yeah i think that to
10:18:44  <Nite> for me there about 5 servers that are to my likeings
10:19:00  <Alberth> Nite: any commented on the many directions of sunlight, having more than one sun solves that problem nicely
10:19:08  <Nite> there are much servers that just lay there with boring or even bad settings
10:19:15  <Alberth> s/any/andy/
10:20:21  <Nite> wonders about the sunlight metapha, and has no idea at all ...
10:21:04  <Alberth> look closely on where the light and dark parts of the houses, industries, trains, etc are
10:21:44  <Alberth> it would be a miracle if it was consistent across all NewGRFs :)
10:23:06  <LordAro> i know that it's (supposed to be) consistent across 32bpp graphics (more  noticeable i suppose)
10:24:55  <Nite> ok oyu mean the "lightning", which is not alightning at all, drawn directly on bitmaps is like there would be a seperate sun for every tile on the map
10:29:42  * Alberth has no problem with > 4000000 suns at all
10:30:32  <planetmaker> 4 million only?
10:30:59  <planetmaker> there are about 10**11 galaxies with 10**11 suns each. Or something like that ;-)
10:36:51  <Nite> to be silly exactly htere is a max of  4194304 suns ... ;P
10:38:08  <Alberth> no, just is just the tiles, you miss the trains, industries, houses, boats, aircraft, etc
10:38:15  <PolymorphZ> hey-ho
10:38:20  <PolymorphZ> who likes CPLD-s ?
10:38:27  <Alberth> planetmaker: around one planet?
10:38:34  <planetmaker> :-D
10:38:46  <planetmaker> all revolves around Earth. Already the bible knows that.
10:38:50  <planetmaker> Any doubts? ;-)
10:39:35  <Nite> you made a point there alberth
10:40:15  <Nite> but then some suns must have the ability to follow vehicles exactly
10:40:17  <PolymorphZ> thought it was 2 147 483 648
10:40:30  <Alberth> planetmaker: going well with your studies? :)
10:40:33  <planetmaker> nah, it's unsigned, PolymorphZ
10:40:44  <Nite> and dont forget the night newgrf ... :p (i liked that)
10:40:54  <PolymorphZ> ttd underflowed there :)
10:41:18  <planetmaker> hehe. "The new world view" ;-)
10:41:22  <Alberth> not possible, it is an integer world
10:41:40  <PolymorphZ> hmm
10:42:49  <Nite> 2 147 483 648 where you draw that number from - is that the max sprite count in ottd?
10:42:58  <PolymorphZ> no
10:43:04  <PolymorphZ> in ttd, and money
10:43:05  <PolymorphZ> :)
10:43:21  <Nite> and money?
10:43:45  <PolymorphZ> yep you earn this much in ttd, and then underflows, and will become negative
10:44:47  <Nite> ic
10:45:12  <Alberth> Nite: it is (2**31)-1
10:45:38  <Alberth> and in OpenTTD you need a LOT more money than that, if it is possible at all
10:45:42  <PolymorphZ> when i discovered that im having too much money i had to burn some so it dont underflow ;>>
10:46:43  <Nite> well when you have so much money resetitng to zero wouldn't mather because you earn so quick ...
10:46:47  <Mazur> Oh, nice, dog makes a brown spot in the white blanket on the walk and grass.
10:47:10  <planetmaker> thank you for sharing, Mazur
10:47:12  <PolymorphZ> Nite: sure, but it suddenly became -(2^31)
10:47:13  <PolymorphZ> ;<
10:47:16  <Mazur> Methinks it's time for bow practice.
10:47:21  <Alberth> I don't think it is called underflow, underflow is when you have a small number > 0, but less than the smallest positive floating point number
10:47:21  <Nite> ahhh
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10:48:21  <PolymorphZ> so overflow, then coming up from negative ?
10:49:04  <Alberth> something like that
10:49:31  *** fmauneko [~fmauneko@] has joined #openttd
10:50:02  <Alberth> it happens because (2^31)-1 is the biggest number such that bit 31 is still 0. If you add more, bit 31 becomes 1, and that means you have a negative value
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10:50:26  <PolymorphZ> hm yeo
10:50:45  <PolymorphZ> too bad it sees as negative, then i got bankrupt ;>
10:51:34  <Alberth> at some point the government has to take over :p
10:55:31  <PolymorphZ> yeah i see :)
10:56:45  *** fjb is now known as Guest1710
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10:57:07  <Alberth> 'oi fjb
10:57:25  <fjb> Moin Alberth
10:59:24  *** |Jeroen| [] has joined #openttd
10:59:42  *** Wolf01 [] has joined #openttd
10:59:47  <Nite> is the game paused while players are busy typing (or rather remembering) their password when directly joining into an existing company?
10:59:54  <Wolf01> hello
11:00:07  <fjb> Moin Wolf01
11:00:29  <PolymorphZ> Nite: typing?
11:01:05  <PolymorphZ> game is paused while joining
11:01:09  <Nite> yes you usually type passwords
11:01:35  <PolymorphZ> you give password then download starts no?
11:01:59  <Nite> yes but - is the typing in the password dialog part of teh joining process in a way taht the game is paused while doing this
11:02:01  <Nite> ?
11:02:19  <planetmaker> the answer is a clear: depends
11:02:37  <PolymorphZ> or noone knows :)
11:02:43  <Nite> depends on what?
11:02:56  <Nite> well i guess i have to try it somehow
11:02:56  <planetmaker> settings
11:02:59  <PolymorphZ> btw
11:03:12  <PolymorphZ> password is only for joining company
11:03:18  <PolymorphZ> you can join as spectator
11:03:24  <PolymorphZ> and then join with password
11:03:32  <planetmaker> you can also password-protect the entire server, PolymorphZ ;-)
11:03:33  <PolymorphZ> so its no matter before or after
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11:03:38  <Nite> i know all that polymorphZ
11:04:07  <PolymorphZ> also, password can be sent as hash
11:04:12  <PolymorphZ> sha1sum
11:04:34  <PolymorphZ> if you are concerned about harvesting them
11:05:04  <Nite> so when someone joins via the game lobby the game is not be paused until the password is entered? true?
11:05:35  <Alberth> Nite: run a server and a client to join at the same machine, and try it
11:05:51  <Nite> u r right alberth gotta try it
11:06:17  <PolymorphZ> :)
11:06:24  <Alberth> I fail to see the relevance of it though
11:06:29  <PolymorphZ> well taht seems straightforward
11:08:16  <Wolf01> maybe he is worried about DOS attacks to his server, performed by trying to join a protected company and waiting
11:08:52  <Alberth> perhaps
11:09:42  <PolymorphZ> howabout bruteforcing passwords?
11:10:26  <PolymorphZ> like 10 tries then denied for 10 mins ?
11:11:04  <PolymorphZ> but anything can be dosed if open
11:11:56  <Wolf01> a worst problem could be to connect and disconnect multiple times as spectator instead of trying to guess the password
11:12:23  <Wolf01> each time you need to synch the map and the server pauses
11:12:27  <Nite> the relevance is that it would be bad because if you would never enter a password the gaem would be paused forever
11:12:37  <Nite> but it is not the case
11:13:05  <Nite> the game is not paused while entering the pw. (to answer my own question)
11:14:09  *** KritiK [] has joined #openttd
11:14:58  <Nite> im out cya
11:15:02  *** Nite [] has left #openttd []
11:21:50  *** DayDreamer [~DayDreame@] has joined #openttd
11:24:39  *** Fast2 [] has joined #openttd
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11:33:26  <PolymorphZ> <;
11:33:27  <PolymorphZ> ;>>
11:33:44  *** Zuu [] has joined #openttd
11:35:58  <andythenorth_> new FISH on bananas
11:38:05  <andythenorth_> 1 download :D
11:39:31  <Ammler> +2
11:41:12  <__ln__> how many people can be fed with two FISH and five bananas?
11:42:07  <|Jeroen|> 1 sad person
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11:53:18  <andythenorth_> what next?
11:55:25  <lugo> andythenorth_, well how is it going with the lime kiln and forgery from firs?
11:55:37  <andythenorth_> not at the moment
11:55:44  <andythenorth_> today is not a day for drawing industry :)
11:55:50  <andythenorth_> maybe they can get fixed soon
11:55:56  <lugo> hehe ok just curioius..
11:59:59  <andythenorth_> laters
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13:01:08  *** Yexo [] has quit [Quit: ZNC -]
13:15:19  *** LordAro [] has joined #openttd
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13:44:34  <CIA-2> OpenTTD: alberth * r21539 /trunk/src/terraform_gui.cpp: -Fix [FS#4315]: Show 'plant trees' button lowering of terraform toolbar.
13:48:45  <LordAro> thnks Alberth! :D
13:48:59  <Alberth> yw
13:50:42  *** Progman [] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
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13:52:27  <andythenorth_> boo
13:53:28  <michi_cc> LordAro: Complete commit count including all branches that ever existed, excluding the stuff in /extra:
13:53:42  <fjb> Moin andythenorth_
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13:54:05  <Markk> Zeer goed
13:54:08  <fjb> Moin michi_cc
13:54:41  <michi_cc> (oh, and excluding the latest commit :)
13:56:11  <LordAro> michi_cc: thanks... more updating to do... :) can i ask where/how you got that, so it's easier for me to update later?
13:57:08  <Alberth>   ?
13:57:49  <michi_cc> ' git log --all --pretty=short | git shortlog -n -s' on a git svn clone of the whole repository, but if you don't have shell access to the server getting the clone is damn slow :)
13:59:16  <LordAro> i think i might just leave it where it is for now - at least until i have access to a computer where i can install git :)
14:00:00  *** Dante123 [] has joined #openttd
14:00:18  <Alberth> I thought you were counting contributions by non-devs ?
14:00:57  <LordAro> done that now - or at least all the ones i could be bothered to find :)
14:01:50  <michi_cc> Did you see posted by frosch? That has (most) attributed contributors.
14:01:52  <Alberth> you should also mention the revision upto where you counted, so updating is easier leater
14:04:23  <LordAro> i've mentioned date and time, so it shouldn't be *too* difficult...
14:06:12  <Alberth> great
14:11:12  <LordAro> hmm:  the numbers on differ from the list peter[n|1138] gave me last night
14:12:15  <LordAro> (here:
14:14:57  <roboboy> gnight
14:15:44  <SmatZ> nn roboboy
14:22:24  <LordAro> no one knows why?
14:22:43  <LordAro> which would you say is best to use?
14:24:13  <SmatZ> LordAro: ohloh scans only trunk
14:24:32  <SmatZ> if that exaplains anything
14:24:50  <frosch123> the ohloh numbers are higher though :p
14:24:58  <frosch123> maybe peter only took trunk/src
14:25:10  <frosch123> anyway, the differences are minor
14:25:28  <LordAro> so ohloh would be the better one?
14:26:07  <frosch123> just do some rounding :p
14:26:24  <LordAro> thats cheating :P
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14:26:49  <LordAro> i'm gonna take that as a yes, btw. unless anyone has objections?
14:27:37  <SmatZ> LordAro: what do you need those numbers for?
14:27:45  <Ammler> LordAro: hunks are more descriptive, imo
14:28:33  <LordAro> it's only a wiki ;) SmatZ:
14:28:51  <frosch123> SmatZ: for an e-penis compendium
14:29:03  <SmatZ> $ cat /mnt/svn/openttd/svn_log | grep '^r[0-9]' | cut -f 2 -d\| | sort -c
14:29:04  <SmatZ> frosch123: :D
14:29:24  *** DayDreamer1 [~DayDreame@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
14:30:01  <SmatZ> sort: -:2: disorder: planetmaker
14:30:03  <SmatZ> what
14:30:09  <PolymorphZ> hey-ho :)
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14:30:25  <SmatZ> too many lines probably...
14:30:49  <SmatZ> hello planetmaker
14:30:49  <frosch123> LordAro: use the numbers from pastebin. at least one can check them, noone knows what ohloh count
14:30:54  <SmatZ> PolymorphZ, too :)
14:31:43  *** DayDreamer [~DayDreame@] has joined #openttd
14:32:14  <frosch123> hmm, btw. my statistics from yesterday only contatined contributions up to 20444... i forgot some hg pull or so :s
14:32:41  <SmatZ> bah, it's uniq -c, not sort -c
14:32:56  <SmatZ> $ cat /mnt/svn/openttd/svn_log | grep '^r[0-9]' | cut -f 2 -d\| | cut -c 2- | sort | uniq -c
14:33:48  <SmatZ>
14:34:33  <SmatZ> for all branches
14:34:34  *** DayDreamer [~DayDreame@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
14:35:34  <SmatZ> still, ohloh gives me 974 commits
14:35:47  <SmatZ> and in  my paste, I got just 959
14:35:53  <SmatZ> so ohloh must love me
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14:38:54  <frosch123> <- more up to date
14:39:32  <SmatZ> frosch123: what is that?
14:39:48  <SmatZ> oh #coop numbers :)
14:39:51  <SmatZ> hmm no
14:39:57  <frosch123> SmatZ: number of times a nickname was mentioned in a commit message
14:40:19  <frosch123> i.e. "patch by", "thanks to", "complaint at" ...
14:40:26  <SmatZ> :)
14:41:38  <FauxFaux> for the trunk numbers the reliable way, i.e. by not using svn. ;)
14:48:12  *** roboboy [] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds]
14:48:19  <SmatZ> We have temporarily limited all access to sensitive account features in our E-mail accounts. In order to restore your account access, you need to reply to this email immediately with your
14:48:20  <SmatZ> username:(______________) and password:(_______________).
14:48:23  <SmatZ> hahaha sure :)
14:49:22  <LordAro> i think you should ;)
14:49:33  <SmatZ> it looks legit :P
14:49:44  <LordAro> definately
14:50:40  <frosch123> SmatZ: must be fake, they did not ask for your bank details
14:50:46  <SmatZ> frosch123: :D
14:52:31  <LordAro> frosch123: if i use the pastebin, can you put it somewhere updateable (, so i can reference it on the page
14:53:34  <frosch123> LordAro: problem with that paste is, that it relies on a somewhat manually created list of nicknames
14:53:41  <frosch123> that they sometimes use different spellings,
14:53:49  <frosch123> and that some nicknames are not greppable
14:54:02  <frosch123> because they match common english words
14:54:09  <Ammler> :-o are you able to update the paste?
14:54:35  <frosch123> not that i know :)
14:54:41  * SmatZ votes for ohloh stats
14:54:51  <SmatZ> I use it, so it must be good :P
14:55:00  <SmatZ> also, it makes my e-penis bigger, as frosch123 mentioned
14:55:14  *** valhallasw [] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
14:55:19  * LordAro votes for it too
14:55:53  <frosch123> SmatZ: we did not agree on a unit yet, pm suggest gigaangstroms, but imo that is a bit much :p
14:56:42  <LordAro> planck lengths? ;)
14:56:54  <SmatZ> 1 angstrom = 1.0 × 10-10 meters
14:57:01  <SmatZ> so 10 cm :)
14:57:20  <SmatZ> mmm
14:57:22  <SmatZ> no
14:57:29  <SmatZ> YES
14:57:48  <Ammler> :-D
14:58:35  <LordAro> planck length = 1.616252 × 10−35 meters ;)
14:59:07  <frosch123> so, even yotta planck length is not suitable
15:00:19  <LordAro> we need to invent a new unit :)
15:00:39  <frosch123> maybe logarithmic gigaangstroms
15:02:33  <LordAro> look what i just found:
15:02:38  <LordAro> :D
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15:10:06  * LordAro wonders on the possibility of taking content from ohloh and putting it on the wiki, realtime
15:10:17  <LordAro> anyone know what to search for?
15:10:27  <PolymorphZ> put twitter to wikipedia
15:14:58  <SpComb> what content?
15:15:12  <LordAro> number of commits, for example
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15:17:59  <Alberth> just link to the site
15:18:28  <LordAro> so there's no easy way? thought so :)
15:19:44  <andythenorth> Alberth: is the latest solution to groups / consists a brain interface? :o
15:20:11  <LordAro> (another update to the wiki page btw....)
15:20:21  <Alberth> LordAro: tmwftlb
15:20:40  <Alberth> andythenorth: that would make groups trivial, won't it :)
15:21:32  <LordAro> Alberth: it would save having to update it so often though ;)
15:21:59  <andythenorth> Alberth: depends how well organised your brain is
15:22:12  <andythenorth> I think it could still be a faff managing stuff via thought
15:22:15  <Alberth> LordAro: I find such counts totally completely utterly useless
15:22:30  <LordAro> don't care :P
15:22:52  <LordAro> i think i'll take a break from that page now anyway...
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15:23:45  <Alberth> LordAro: getting a high count is trivial: while True do commit change; revert change done
15:24:05  *** Fast2 [] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds]
15:24:18  <Alberth> LordAro: ie you should count the amount of thought that went into a commit
15:24:46  <andythenorth> LordAro: use the new brain interface to do that
15:24:53  <andythenorth> it's in the latest nightl
15:24:55  <andythenorth> y
15:25:42  <Alberth> andythenorth: bummer, you found it already
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15:26:09  <LordAro> well you've got the when the developer started on the project ;)
15:26:10  * Alberth dumps yet another world domination into /dev/null
15:26:23  <Alberth> +plan
15:26:29  <LordAro> andythenorth: brain interface?
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15:28:00  <LordAro> Alberth: btw, a search for what 'tmwftlb', the first 3 entries are tt-forums! :)
15:31:24  <SmatZ> hehe
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15:43:45  <LordAro> i found brain interface :D
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15:56:26  <Zuu> When did the substity fix happen? In 1.0.5 is substites linked to stations or towns/industries?
15:57:37  <frosch123> i think that is a 1.0 change
15:58:58  <frosch123> yup, noai api changelog lists it under 1.0
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16:09:32  <Hirundo> andythenorth: do you just need to transport farm/eng supplies, or is a certain transportation % required as well to increase production?
16:10:17  <V453000> afaik, it is just delivered Y/N
16:16:01  <andythenorth> Hirundo: currently just delivered supplies
16:16:12  <Hirundo> ok thanks
16:16:13  <andythenorth> there is a desire from players to change it to % transportation as well
16:16:23  <andythenorth> I don't like that, but players get what players want :P
16:18:50  <V453000> I think % would be quite unmanageable
16:18:56  <V453000> because productions change
16:19:27  <V453000> but I agree that it should be somehow rewarded when you deliver more
16:20:30  <andythenorth> and also 8 tile trains shouldn't be able to go into a 1 tile depot :D
16:22:42  <V453000> why not
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16:30:47  <Eddi|zuHause> BECAUSE IT'S NOT REALISTIC!!!
16:31:16  <V453000> seems ok game-wise
16:32:03  <V453000> :)
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16:43:14  <Eddi|zuHause> oooh... "snowstorm warning: people shouldn't plan on driving anywhere tomorrow" :p
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16:45:42  <Alberth> we could use a new disaster: snowstorm, shutdown all forms of transport :)
16:46:10  <FauxFaux> s/snowstorm/light snow/ if you're playing on the UK map.
16:46:10  <Alberth> preferably everything gets white first :)
16:51:30  <Eddi|zuHause> Alberth: needs a desaster beforehand: "neoconservative government"
16:52:51  <Eddi|zuHause> i mean... we had REAL winters 30 years ago, but nobody complained about a "snow chaos", and the railway ran properly...
16:53:55  <Eddi|zuHause> but nowadays it's all about "we save money here if we cut down $margin_of_error"... and obviously the whole system breaks down on the slightest interruption
16:56:03  <__ln__> but 30 years ago men were real men and little green creatures from Alpha Centauri were real fuzzy little green creatures from Alpha Centauri
16:57:10  <Eddi|zuHause> ok, back then people rarely got to work by car...
16:57:25  <Eddi|zuHause> and the emphasis on railway was probably higher
16:59:13  <frosch123> unlikely
16:59:39  <Zuu> Back then the agenda here was to close down as many rail lines as possible.
16:59:41  <frosch123> i would guess 40 years ago there were less commuters
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17:05:47  <Eddi|zuHause> frosch123: there were lots of commuters 30 years ago.
17:06:07  <Eddi|zuHause> frosch123: we had probably the highest capacity passenger trains in the world
17:06:40  <__ln__> so... can we have a new mode for OpenTTD where you are given a map-wide rail network and trains, and your goal is to close down as many lines as possible?
17:10:11  <Prof_Frink> OpenBeeching?
17:10:35  <fjb> That mode enables itself  in the early 1980s.
17:11:20  <Eddi|zuHause> i think the first major wave of line closing began already in the 50s and 60s
17:11:28  * andythenorth likes the 'close routes' game
17:11:40  <andythenorth> first orginal suggestion I've seen in months :P
17:11:51  <Eddi|zuHause> but the reason for that was mainly that busses got more efficient
17:12:01  <andythenorth> but only ship it if it also comes with 'build underground' and 'lights in tunnels'
17:26:44  <Markavian`> OTTD needs music like this
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17:30:25  <fjb> Not really.
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17:48:20  <DanMacK> Hey all
17:48:28  <Alberth> hey
17:49:29  <Ammler> Sali
17:50:30  <fjb> Moin DanMacK and GrÃŒezi Ammler.
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18:45:44  <CIA-2> OpenTTD: translators * r21540 /trunk/src/lang/ (5 files):
18:45:44  <CIA-2> OpenTTD: -Update from WebTranslator v3.0:
18:45:44  <CIA-2> OpenTTD: bulgarian - 20 changes by Tvel
18:45:44  <CIA-2> OpenTTD: czech - 91 changes by SmatZ
18:45:44  <CIA-2> OpenTTD: finnish - 1 changes by USephiroth
18:45:44  <CIA-2> OpenTTD: hungarian - 90 changes by IPG
18:45:44  <CIA-2> OpenTTD: indonesian - 33 changes by fanioz
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19:07:43  <Eddi|zuHause> oh man AlÃŒhn 2 is a crazy game... :p
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19:10:11  <__ln__> attention, Minecraft is still Alpha today, but tomorrow it'll be Beta and will cost more, and no promise of free updates.
19:11:21  <frosch123> are you suggesting to do the same for ottd? :p
19:12:00  <__ln__> why not
19:12:18  <Eddi|zuHause> let's call it "Gamma".
19:12:39  <Eddi|zuHause> or "Home Personal Ultimate"
19:33:25  <planetmaker> good evening
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19:35:48  <LordAro> evenin'
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20:15:44  <CIA-2> OpenTTD: smatz * r21541 /trunk/src/ (strings.cpp table/strgen_tables.h): -Add: {DATE_SHORT} and {DATE_LONG} can now have cases
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21:00:19  <PolymorphZ> double data rate
21:01:02  * LordAro likes :)
21:01:28  <LordAro> prefer ddr3 though ;)
21:02:06  <PolymorphZ> yep
21:02:47  <PolymorphZ> openttd is fast with ddr3 memory @ 1333MHz dual channel
21:03:14  <LordAro> or even ddr4 (
21:03:22  <PolymorphZ> hehehe
21:03:23  <LordAro> and yeah, guess it would be
21:03:37  <PolymorphZ> i remember there is gddr-5
21:03:59  <PolymorphZ> some warp speed stuff used for video ram
21:04:07  <LordAro> mmm true...
21:15:23  <PolymorphZ>
21:16:40  <PolymorphZ> 256bit/160GB/s ;>
21:16:50  <LordAro> yummy!
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22:12:07  <trebuchet> PolymorphZ: OpenTTD actually utilizes and has user-noticeable speed improvements with that speed of DDR3?
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22:14:18  <Eddi|zuHause> trebuchet: if anything, openttd can make use of fast RAM.
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22:14:47  <Eddi|zuHause> any sane map is too large to fit into cache, and the map is processed periodically
22:15:09  <Eddi|zuHause> so all used RAM is accessed fairly frequently
22:17:12  <Eddi|zuHause> (the only thing that would have even more impact was faster single-core speed)
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22:48:17  <Dante123> are there people here ?
22:48:40  * Dante123 calling to earth. please pick up :D
22:49:07  <SmatZ> do you have a question?
22:49:16  <Eddi|zuHause> what's an earth?
22:49:17  <Dante123> i need some feedback :p
22:49:42  <Dante123> just have drawn my first real platforms now here:
22:49:55  <Dante123> but i think i can use some feedback on them from others
22:50:08  <Dante123> so shoot at it if you want to :)
22:51:30  <V453000> nice job with DWE :) btw the white tank that can be attached to pipelines looks weird
22:51:34  <V453000> otherwise it is quite nice :)
22:51:45  <Dante123> i think i should get rid of that middle gray line on the flatforms
22:51:46  <ABCRic> clic clic, BANG
22:51:54  <Dante123> whats weird on the tank ? :)
22:52:47  <Dante123> my intuition says me the scale of the rank with the scale of the pipeline ?
22:53:09  <V453000> idk, it seems to be a bit deformed to me
22:53:33  <V453000> maybe some more details would "hide" it
22:54:21  <V453000> but especially the fences are a nice idea imo :)
22:54:47  <Eddi|zuHause> a propos pipelines... a "bridge" over a road might be useful... [i.e. you place a station tile in front with the rising part and the overhead part, and a station tile behind with the lowering part, and they visually connect]
22:54:51  <Dante123> mm i see what is wrong with the tank
22:55:20  <Dante123> if i liik at ISR i see the round tank is drawn as a oval
22:55:32  <Dante123> in my set i took a circle for top and button
22:55:56  <V453000> quite
22:56:29  <Dante123> mm looking for more "round" sprites ingame to compare :P
22:56:58  <Eddi|zuHause> you need an oval with ratio 2:1
22:57:21  <Dante123> mm i should find some trick for that in photoshop
22:58:02  <Dante123> so i should keep width of the circle 100% and set height to 50% than it should be correct for ottd right ?
22:58:36  <Eddi|zuHause> yes
22:59:18  <Dante123> but any1 had some feedback on those platforms too ?
23:00:19  <V453000> not much to comment on I think
23:00:31  <V453000> they are too "empty" so far I would say
23:03:47  <Dante123> yea
23:04:01  <Dante123> these should form the base for the industrial versions
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23:04:35  <Dante123> the ones that will have cargo on it thatwill change dep on how much is waiting at that station
23:05:24  <Ammler> or just use railtype for pipeline
23:06:39  <Dante123> mm i dont know how to code that xD
23:07:08  <Dante123> but i released my grf as open copyright thing
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23:09:05  <Dante123> ok the big white tanks have been put on the list for fixing :)
23:09:17  <Terkhen> that does not sound like a very accurate licensing
23:10:21  <Ammler> just use GPL
23:11:22  <Dante123> yea i forgot that name xD
23:11:29  <Dante123> yea its unther GPL 2
23:11:33  <Dante123> *under
23:13:25  <Dante123> im out
23:13:26  <Dante123> c ya
23:13:48  *** Dante123 [] has quit [Quit: ajax IRC Client]
23:20:48  <Terkhen> good night
23:21:33  <ABCRic> night Terkhen
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23:37:34  <ABCRic> good night
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23:47:14  <Wolf01> 'nighty night
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