Log for #openttd on 20th August 2012:
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00:00:28  *** Biolunar [] has quit [Quit: All your IRC are belong to us]
00:04:11  *** Djohaal [~Djohaal@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
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04:59:38  *** M1zera [] has quit [Quit: Miranda IM! Smaller, Faster, Easier.]
05:31:12  *** Eddi|zuHause [] has quit []
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06:56:00  *** andythenorth [] has joined #openttd
06:57:33  <andythenorth> so my first GS idea is a simple money challenge
06:57:51  <andythenorth> start in 1870, play until 2020, make $large amount
06:57:53  *** tokai|noir [] has quit [Read error: Operation timed out]
06:58:59  <andythenorth> simplest version is pure cash balance
06:59:15  <andythenorth> alternatively, look at average revenue per year
07:11:26  *** MNIM [] has quit [Quit: *Throws a nuclear warhead in the room and flees*]
07:12:16  *** sla_ro|master [slaco@] has joined #openttd
07:15:04  *** Phazorx_ is now known as Phazorx
07:47:52  *** andythenorth [] has quit [Quit: andythenorth]
08:14:10  <dihedral> oi
08:17:47  *** Zuu [] has joined #openttd
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13:11:25  <Eddi|zuHause> i'm having a serious case of "which idiot wrote this code" while looking over a year-old part of my code...
13:12:48  <planetmaker> :-D
13:17:19  *** telanus [] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds]
13:25:34  <Belugas> hello
13:25:57  <V453000> elo
13:32:47  *** argoneus [] has joined #openttd
13:34:39  <Phazorx> Eddi|zuHause: at least you know the answer to that Q :)
13:35:20  <Eddi|zuHause> i know the answer to a rhethorical question. wohoo
13:36:26  <Phazorx> Eddi|zuHause: i'm often merging changesets coming from other devs and i'm faced with questions like "which one of idiots who wrote that macaronni looking fuglines is less worng"
13:37:00  <Phazorx> not openttd related code obviously, but the point stands :)
14:01:31  <Terkhen> hello
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15:03:35  <stephanie88> Hello guys i have found fantastic blowjobs!
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15:10:58  *** mode/#openttd [+b *!*] by planetmaker
15:18:02  *** Matulla [] has joined #openttd
15:18:05  <Matulla> hi all what is new to 1.2.2
15:18:45  <Matulla> and i try to get more information on transported what does this clearly mean
15:19:08  <Matulla> Example oilwell is most far from the production plant
15:20:32  <Matulla> so if i go fo a 3x3 tile road with 2 stations and 4 Trucks to deliver to a offside trainstation whoudt that increase the  transported factor
15:21:09  <Matulla> or is it calculated on the well2refine line
15:22:06  <Matulla> so its the truck traffels 4 tiles  and the train trefels 60 tiles
15:22:21  <Matulla> Travel ! B)
15:26:21  <Matulla> i will ask later today as there are all working i think till 5 in MESZ
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16:01:23  *** Zuu [] has joined #openttd
16:04:27  <Eddi|zuHause> sure........
16:05:12  <Eddi|zuHause> "if i suspect everyone works till 5, i quit 10 minutes before 5"
16:06:37  *** M1zera [] has quit [Read error: No route to host]
16:08:55  <Terkhen> if no one answers in a randomly chosen 10 minute interval, everyone must be working
16:15:05  <FLHerne> Or playing Minecraft :P
16:15:05  *** Nat_aS [] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
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16:30:57  *** andythenorth [] has joined #openttd
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16:59:28  <andythenorth> bonjour
16:59:45  <andythenorth> Zuu want to create some GS?
16:59:57  <planetmaker> buenos dias
16:59:59  <FLHerne> andythenorth: Hihihi :P
16:59:59  <Zuu> for testing FIRS?
17:00:12  <andythenorth> Zuu: not specific to FIRS
17:00:15  <andythenorth> just for fun
17:00:19  <andythenorth> start small
17:00:19  <Eddi|zuHause> andythenorth: i didn't really get what you wanted te GS to actually do...
17:00:32  <andythenorth> money goal
17:00:50  <andythenorth> start in 1870, play until 2020
17:00:59  <andythenorth> have to earn $xxxxxxxxxxxxx
17:01:09  <Eddi|zuHause> a gamescript cannot define a startdate
17:01:11  <andythenorth> random map
17:01:17  <andythenorth> scale amount according to map size
17:01:51  <Eddi|zuHause> you can, however, say "startdate + 150 years"
17:01:57  <andythenorth> see, I pick the simplest case I can think of, and straight away, a hole in the spec :P :D
17:02:07  <Zuu> Yep, and have a setting to define X=150
17:02:14  <andythenorth> or it could be tied to a scenario?
17:02:18  <andythenorth> meh
17:02:21  <andythenorth> making scenarios is boring
17:02:30  <Eddi|zuHause> it could be, but doesn't make a whole lot of sense...
17:02:35  <andythenorth> GS can build towns and industries yet?
17:02:46  <Zuu> If the GS have settings you can make a scenario that provide a map + settings.
17:03:06  <andythenorth> so some games would do it like this:
17:03:11  <andythenorth> - fixed map, fixed start date
17:03:16  <andythenorth> - seed points for towns and industries
17:03:16  <Zuu> GS cannot build towns or industries for free, it need a rich AI to rob for money.
17:03:20  <andythenorth> ah
17:03:42  <andythenorth> can GS have parameters / settings?
17:03:46  <Zuu> Something I think maybe should be changed, but that is how it works right now.
17:03:57  <andythenorth> gah
17:04:02  <andythenorth> just give it access to cheat menu :P
17:04:02  <Zuu> GS can have settings in the same way as AIs.
17:04:06  <planetmaker> alternatively adjust the money goal by industry and town count?
17:04:11  <andythenorth> maybe
17:04:16  <andythenorth> plausible lateral solution
17:04:42  <Zuu> Making a such GS is not very hard. The most time cosuming part is probably to calibrate the goal.
17:04:45  <andythenorth> yes
17:04:55  <andythenorth> but we could run tests on that?
17:04:57  <andythenorth> let AIs play?
17:05:00  <Eddi|zuHause> speaking of which: most of the difficulty settings were not exposed to NewGRFs, last time i checked. only advanced settings
17:05:01  <andythenorth> make it an AI chalenge :P
17:05:14  <Eddi|zuHause> did anyone change that yet?
17:05:24  <andythenorth> monthly AI contests against a specific GS? :P
17:05:24  <planetmaker> not that I know. Which do you miss, Eddi|zuHause ?
17:05:53  <Eddi|zuHause> well all of them, let the authors figure out how to use them.
17:06:08  <Eddi|zuHause> particularly fluctuating economy and industry density might be useful to an industry set
17:06:33  <planetmaker> they're not useful as soon as you have industry newgrfs. Though might be with industry newgrfs themselves... hm
17:06:45  <planetmaker> not sure about industry density though
17:06:56  <planetmaker> industries are still asked to be built by the game
17:07:17  <andythenorth> economy is nearly useless to newgrf
17:07:25  <andythenorth> industry density is possibly useful
17:07:29  <planetmaker> vehicle running costs... does it influence newgrfs actually?
17:07:35  <andythenorth> yes
17:07:42  <andythenorth> the base cost is adjusted accordingly
17:07:50  <planetmaker> as such it should not be exposed
17:07:51  <andythenorth> I learnt this the hard way :P
17:08:09  <Eddi|zuHause> planetmaker: afair it's an additional factor to the base cost. like -10% or +10%
17:08:25  <planetmaker> otherwise it becomes kinda pointless and an annoyance to players as it might actually work counter-intuitive with evil newgrfs
17:08:46  <planetmaker> construction speed: irrelevant
17:08:48  <Eddi|zuHause> planetmaker: what's the harm?
17:08:59  <andythenorth> Zuu the other simple challenge I can think of for GS is cargo challenge: move certain amount of cargos A, B and C
17:09:06  <andythenorth> with bronze / silver / gold win conditions
17:09:15  <andythenorth> either in total, or per year
17:09:16  <planetmaker> Eddi|zuHause, harm is possible counter-intuitiveness. And pointlessness
17:09:20  <Zuu> Hmm, maybe it would make sense to add economy goals to my TransportGoal GS and let you configure which goals you want to enable.
17:09:30  <Zuu> To not spawn even more GSs
17:09:38  <andythenorth> Zuu: maybe
17:09:47  <Eddi|zuHause> planetmaker: but that then is the NewGRF author's fault
17:09:54  <andythenorth> for me, I'm trying to avoid having to invent my own goals, I just want to be given a challenge
17:10:07  <andythenorth> I have enough inventing of my own goals :P
17:10:10  <planetmaker> Eddi|zuHause, and it will be called upon OpenTTD. And really... why?
17:10:27  * andythenorth would just like to have a win condition to meet
17:10:51  <planetmaker> though... yes... one could differenciate it better than default
17:10:59  <planetmaker> hmpf
17:11:03  <Eddi|zuHause> planetmaker: suppose i want to increase the effect of running costs. if running costs "high" is set, i could up the running base cost by another x2
17:11:32  <Zuu> andythenorth: Alberth created a new API feature that let GS monitor cargo supply to stations as well as delivery at target industry. So if you monitor all industries that accept or produce a given cargo, you could monitor the amount of transported cargo of a given cargo.
17:11:39  <planetmaker> yes, ok
17:11:47  <andythenorth> Zuu: can you sanely store 'all time' figures?
17:12:08  <Zuu> All time sum is possible yes.
17:12:21  <andythenorth> can you distinguish primary and secondary cargos?
17:12:25  <Zuu> GS/AI have quite a lot of freedome when it come to storing data.
17:12:27  <Eddi|zuHause> planetmaker: currently you can only check which of the difficulty presets is selected. but nobody uses those...
17:12:32  <planetmaker> next, vehicle breakdowns... I don't think they should really influence newgrfs... could be used to change costs depending on setting, though
17:12:40  <Zuu> (as long as it is within a single game)
17:12:40  <planetmaker> Eddi|zuHause, george does in ecs afaik
17:12:50  <planetmaker> last time I checked for it at least
17:12:58  <Eddi|zuHause> yes, and it's stupid.
17:13:21  <andythenorth> hmm
17:13:36  <Zuu> andythenorth: On IndustryType level there is a API function to check if an industry is a raw industry.
17:13:38  <andythenorth> GS could have tables of all the known cargo labels, that's not an insane amount of copy-paste
17:13:47  <planetmaker> I won't exactly argue against that there ;-)
17:13:51  <Eddi|zuHause> planetmaker: several settings in the game setup window cause the game to switch to "custom" difficulty
17:14:32  <planetmaker> Zuu, can GS read difficulty setting "disasters"?
17:14:54  <andythenorth> Zuu: so my idea is: GS picks three cargos at random (A, B, C).  Goal is to transport xxx of each cargo.  Bronze = met for one cargo .  Silver = met for two.  Gold = met for all three
17:15:00  <andythenorth> play time is 99 years
17:15:40  <planetmaker> andythenorth, what about rather a shorter time. 99 game years is still a lot of playing time. But I guess that's configurable
17:15:52  <Zuu> planetmaker: If GSControler::GetSetting(name) can read it. Here name is the name as it appear in openttd.cfg. I can test if you are interested.
17:16:00  <andythenorth> so 30 years is 1-2 evenings.  Could be nice.
17:16:00  <Eddi|zuHause> can difficulty settings be changed in multiplayer games? some can be changed in single player, but not all of them
17:16:18  <planetmaker> that's good enough for me, Zuu. thx
17:16:27  <Zuu> planetmaker: ok
17:16:31  <andythenorth> planetmaker: one of my conditions is: I don't want to configure the GS, at all :)
17:16:32  <planetmaker> Eddi|zuHause, yes, you can change some. Like breakdowns
17:16:55  <planetmaker> andythenorth, "don't want to configure" != absence of parameter. Just good-enough defaults for them
17:17:11  <Zuu> I believe GSController::GetSetting might have problem with multi-set settings as it returns an integer.
17:17:14  <andythenorth> hmm, ok :P
17:17:22  <planetmaker> your good-enough defaults might be another man's "don't like" ;-)
17:17:46  <Eddi|zuHause> Zuu: that sounds like a misdesign
17:18:00  <andythenorth> we also then need MP league table per GS :P
17:18:01  <Eddi|zuHause> Zuu: because in the config you have names because the numbers may change
17:18:12  <Eddi|zuHause> then the script breaks
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17:18:52  <Zuu> Also if the name of a setting change, the script breaks.
17:19:09  <Eddi|zuHause> different thing
17:20:28  <Eddi|zuHause> Zuu: maybe a GetSettingString(name) may be useful?
17:21:31  <Zuu> Oh sorry. The GSController::GetSetting is for the settings of the AI/GS itself. Not the game settings. They are accessed through a different class. Let me find it..
17:21:39  <planetmaker> andythenorth, the MP league table would be something for a server actually.
17:21:47  <andythenorth> yarp
17:21:52  <Zuu> Here is Game Settings:
17:22:02  <Zuu> It also returns an integer though.
17:22:03  <andythenorth> GS would need same map seed to be meaningful wrt high scores
17:22:07  <planetmaker> If you're interested in getting such thing off the ground, I'd be interested in supporting that... we have ample space to create such server
17:22:22  <andythenorth> it's something TrueBrain might like :)
17:22:25  <planetmaker> and probably would quite easily get some people testing it :-)
17:22:28  <planetmaker> indeed, he would
17:22:32  <Zuu> The API contains this warning "    Results of this function are not governed by the API. This means that the value of settings may be out of the expected range. It also means that a setting that previously existed can be gone or has changed its name/characteristics. "
17:22:51  <andythenorth> hmm
17:23:11  <Zuu> Yet its the only inteface to settings, and some of them might be neccessary to look at to get a good behaviour on all setting values.
17:23:13  <andythenorth> for GS challenges, there are a set of initial conditions that it would be useful to configure
17:23:39  <Eddi|zuHause> Zuu: my point still applies to that
17:24:06  <Zuu> Eddi|zuHause: Yes your point is still good
17:24:26  <andythenorth> some challenges might want to grant the player a big initial loan for example
17:24:28  <andythenorth> others not
17:24:45  <andythenorth> not sure about newgrfs, if they should be fixed or not
17:25:13  <Eddi|zuHause> since the game converts numbers to strings and back for the config file, there is no reason why it couldn't do that same thing for the GS/AI api
17:26:27  <NGC3982> andythenorth: I have give great thought on your current OpenTTD situation.
17:26:32  <NGC3982> And i think i have a solution.
17:26:42  <NGC3982> Soylent FIRS.
17:27:07  <andythenorth> oh Soylent again :P
17:27:09  <andythenorth> how droll :P
17:27:28  <NGC3982> First, we need a soviet:ish scenario
17:27:53  <NGC3982> Soviet:ish trains
17:28:00  <NGC3982> And a fantastic setup of industries
17:28:18  <NGC3982> That's it, i can't bare. Im going to start planning it when i get home.
17:29:08  <NGC3982> andythenorth: Hey, Ior. Don't turn that dice on me.
17:29:13  <NGC3982> andythenorth: Start making stuff.
17:29:18  <NGC3982> :P
17:30:20  <NGC3982> A scenario could easily be to send "Security Units" to towns, and the town (as an industry) produces "Human fuel".
17:31:03  <NGC3982> You bring the fuel to the Soylentcom Supplies Company (tm) and it produced Soylent green (food).
17:31:42  <NGC3982> A catastrophy could be the arrival of Charlton Heston, abruptly halting the production of Soylent Green.
17:39:41  *** Matulla [] has joined #openttd
17:40:04  <Matulla> Hi all is there any information speciffic over transported behavier
17:40:05  *** sla_ro|master [slaco@] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds]
17:40:49  <Matulla> example if i  transport by  truck some tiles and then  via train the large amount
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17:41:18  <Matulla> does this increase the level of transported or is it from  EX well to refain total
17:41:29  <Matulla> for oil
17:41:55  <Belugas> "There are only 10 types of people in the world: Those that understand binary and those that don't"
17:41:58  <Belugas> lovely :)
17:42:08  <glx> quite old Belugas :)
17:45:03  <andythenorth> Belugas: I think there's a schrodinger version of that joke somewhere
17:45:17  <andythenorth> certainly I saw a funnier update on it recently somewhere :P
17:45:55  <Matulla> astronauts outsight iss now live ->
17:47:36  <planetmaker> Matulla, "transported behaviour" means exactly what?
17:47:36  <Eddi|zuHause> Matulla: only the rating at the first pickup station matters
17:48:07  * andythenorth considers a GS contest
17:48:21  <andythenorth> for most fun 30 year GS
17:48:24  <planetmaker> station rating is only governed by the frequency of persistence of pickup (and somewhat by statues, vehicle age, vehicle type...)
17:48:27  <andythenorth> €50 prize?
17:48:32  <planetmaker> Check out our wiki for the exact details :-)
17:48:34  <Eddi|zuHause> Matulla: at the transfer station, you should only make sure that the rating does not drop below 50%
17:49:07  <Matulla> oh si it is better to form a  3x3  road with 2 stations and trevel with 4 trucks around to pick and depart at may  and then from the second station with a train to the  long distance
17:49:35  <Matulla> my rate is always above 80%
17:49:39  <Eddi|zuHause> it has advantages, yes
17:50:18  <Eddi|zuHause> Matulla: rating automatically drops by around 6% when the vehicles are older than 2 years
17:50:47  <Matulla> oh i dident know that
17:51:04  <Matulla> so refrach after 3 Years  will increase
17:51:08  <Eddi|zuHause> and very fast vehicles give a bonus of up to 17%
17:51:28  <Eddi|zuHause> Matulla: i think it's 3% after the first year, and another 3% after the second year
17:52:12  <Matulla> i started at 40k oil 12 Gameyears ago and its still there
17:52:41  <Eddi|zuHause> you cannot really influence that.
17:53:00  <Matulla> ok
17:53:35  <Eddi|zuHause> normal industries have a better chance of increasing if rating is above 66%, but oil wells never increase
17:53:40  <Matulla> so stay on GAmescome germany no sign of Openttd i the 4 large Expo Halls
17:54:23  <Eddi|zuHause> hehe, i don't think any of us really have interest in presenting stuff there :)
17:54:56  <Eddi|zuHause> (and i'm sure it costs money to present there)
17:55:00  <Matulla> but alot of very nice hostesses
17:55:21  <Matulla> if you got acces to ASTRA Europ WDR 22:45 MESZ
17:56:05  *** Alberth [~hat3@2001:980:272e:1:21a:92ff:fe55:fc8d] has joined #openttd
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17:56:15  <planetmaker> we don't make money with this game. We personally don't get nor expect money but work on it for fun. Why should we pay for marketing?
17:56:17  <planetmaker> Will you sponsor that?
17:56:52  <Alberth> hi planetmaker
17:56:54  <Eddi|zuHause> <-- you remember that from last year? :)
17:57:02  <Eddi|zuHause> bah
17:57:05  <Eddi|zuHause> it's gone
17:57:39  <Eddi|zuHause> <-- that should be similar
17:57:47  <Matulla> there are only one small place for opensource games
17:58:57  <Matulla> amd most the linuxgays there
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18:01:47  <planetmaker> disgusting video, Eddi|zuHause  ;-)
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18:04:40  <Matulla> Thanks for the infos BY
18:04:44  *** Matulla [] has left #openttd []
18:19:24  <Zuu> Oh, btw the cargo goal GS will only work on 1.3 / trunk.
18:22:04  <andythenorth> Zuu: I only play trunk :)
18:22:07  <andythenorth> give or take patches :P
18:23:14  *** Wolf01 [] has joined #openttd
18:23:21  <Wolf01> evenink
18:24:21  <Wolf01> what the hot.. 36°C today, plus the usual 55-65% humidity
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18:43:57  <frosch> only 33°C and 49% here
18:44:20  <NGC3982> 36..
18:44:31  <planetmaker> dunno how much. Yesterday it was 36°C here... a well 11°C over my max "feel well" temperature
18:44:40  <NGC3982> It's thundery (low humidity) and 23C in southern sweden, and i can hardly cope with it.
18:45:46  <frosch> same tomorrow, wednesday will be a lot colder again :)
18:54:26  *** pjpe [] has joined #openttd
18:54:43  <andythenorth> so GS...
18:54:55  <andythenorth> how would a league table work?
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18:55:13  <andythenorth> and do we have any donations left over for a competiton?
18:55:28  * andythenorth is tempted to give a prize himself
18:55:49  <Zuu> andythenorth: when end_year is reached, use the admin port to send results to a bot with DB access.
18:56:35  <planetmaker> the sad part is "use the admin port"... no open source version except dih's well-working example implementation
19:11:20  <Zuu> Hmm, so there is no string like eg. {VEHICLE} to show the cargo name of a cargo?
19:11:56  <Zuu> Eg. I could have the cargo id 5 stored in a variable and want to show the cargo name in a string.
19:12:00  <andythenorth> Zuu: if there isn't...feature request :)
19:12:20  <Zuu> I can't find one on the wiki, but the wiki might be outdated
19:12:40  <Zuu>
19:13:06  <andythenorth> I could work backwards through code and find what feature request that would be :P
19:13:14  <andythenorth> but others would just...know the answer already :)
19:14:13  <Rubidium> Zuu: don't think it exists... but... {CARGO_LIST} and (1 << 5) as parameter might do the trick
19:18:52  <NGC3982> How can i download older versions?
19:20:03  <planetmaker> look at
19:20:27  <NGC3982> Thank you.
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19:27:40  <Zuu> Rubidium: Thanks, that did the trick. Shall I document it on the wiki or is it more of a hack?
19:28:15  <Rubidium> I'd say it's a huge hack
19:29:14  <planetmaker> I guess we have a feature request :D
19:29:46  <NGC3982> Soylent stuff?
19:31:46  <andythenorth> gah
19:31:55  * andythenorth is drowning in this soylent crap
19:32:00  <andythenorth> it's like every day at the moment
19:33:01  <Muxy> Yexo: do you watch task FS5078 ?
19:33:42  <NGC3982> andythenorth: *troll face*
19:33:52  <NGC3982> ;)
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20:03:49  <Yexo> Muxy: I've seen it, but I remember some discussion about that event
20:04:02  <Yexo> it has been discussed before, not sure what the outcome was
20:04:17  <Yexo> and you introduce unnecessary newlines at the start of the patch
20:05:22  <Yexo> it's also missing documentation
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20:10:39  <frosch> [21:28] <Yexo> it has been discussed before, not sure what the outcome was <- that it was added to the todo list? or do you mean some coding related discussion?
20:15:54  <Yexo> oh :)
20:16:07  <Yexo> in that case: Muxy if you fix the above few things I'll commit it ;)
20:21:45  <Yexo> seems I can't even read the FS item, it's my own first post there
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20:25:58  <planetmaker> 500 commits... when will that be?
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20:31:13  <michi_cc> Muxy: Path looks like you did not run src/script/api/
20:31:18  <michi_cc> s/Path/Patch/
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20:45:03  <LordAro> evenings all
20:45:16  * LordAro pokes Yexo :P
20:45:29  <planetmaker> hi LordAro
20:45:31  * Terkhen pokes LordAro with a "hello"
20:45:50  <Yexo> hi LordAro
20:45:56  <Yexo> I did look at your patch yesterday :)P
20:46:08  * LordAro waves at planetmaker, Terkhen and Yexo
20:47:32  <Alberth> o/
20:48:28  <LordAro> hai Alberth also :)
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20:51:08  <LordAro> Yexo: that may be so, but i see no commits or code review :P
20:51:19  <Yexo> nah, you're right
20:51:32  <Yexo> you weren't on irc anymore and I was too lazy to open the issue again and post something there
20:51:36  <Yexo> let's see what it was
20:53:39  <Yexo> ah, yes: in tcp_content.cpp ContentInfo::GetTextfile you check (this->md5sum != NULL), but md5sum is an array
20:53:43  <Yexo> so it can never be NULL
20:55:57  <LordAro> well, i didn't come up with that, with was used in other places...
20:56:16  <Yexo> probably for other structs where md5sum is a pointer, not an array ;)
20:56:26  <Yexo> oh, and you strecpy the path but I see no reason to do so
20:56:30  <Yexo> in the same function
20:59:44  <LordAro> so instead of '...md5sum != NULL', i would want... ?
20:59:53  <Kjetil> probably nothing
21:00:05  <Yexo> true
21:00:20  <Kjetil> (not that I've seen the code)
21:01:12  <LordAro> so... 'true' or 'false' ?
21:01:29  <LordAro> true will make it look at md5sum, false will make it look at 'id'
21:01:34  <LordAro> whatever 'id' is... :L
21:03:28  <Yexo> true
21:03:41  <Yexo> you only want the textfile for content where you have an exact match on your harddisk
21:03:56  <Yexo> you don't want the readme for opengfx v3 when you're looking in the online content window at v4
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21:06:07  <LordAro> indeed
21:06:29  <LordAro> and what about not strecpy-ing?
21:07:03  <Yexo> you can directly use tmp instead of strecpy into the local filepath buffer
21:07:11  <Yexo> it won't become invalid before the function returns
21:07:28  <Yexo> or if it can, you already have a bug and won't make it worse by using tmp
21:08:24  <LordAro> very well, done
21:08:27  <LordAro> compiling...
21:10:46  <LordAro> hmm
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21:20:20  <LordAro> it's annoying when you forget to pop to the correct patch in the queue :L
21:20:33  <LordAro> luckily, i'd only modified 1 file, so a revert was easy
21:23:33  <LordAro> Yexo: i know you get an email notification, but the patch has been updated
21:23:49  <Yexo> email notification was faster still :p
21:24:18  <LordAro> damn :P
21:24:59  <Yexo> are all the includes in tcp_content.cpp needed?
21:25:45  <LordAro> not sure about _all_ of them, but that is where the 'new' functions referenced in GetTextfile are located
21:27:06  <LordAro> i don't think i ever 'bothered' testing if i needed absolutely all of them
21:27:26  <Yexo> there is an unnecessary change in 04 in fios.cpp
21:27:31  <Yexo> (but don't bother fixing that with a new upload)
21:33:05  * LordAro looks
21:33:18  <LordAro> so there is, not sure how that got there :L
21:34:08  <Eddi|zuHause> <planetmaker> disgusting video, Eddi|zuHause  ;-) <-- you should have seen the original...
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21:34:48  * NGC3982 cries.
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21:39:13  <Yexo> LordAro: patch 05 is completely broken
21:39:27  *** Alberth [~hat3@2001:980:272e:1:21a:92ff:fe55:fc8d] has left #openttd []
21:39:32  <Yexo> it does indeed look for  a file named "COPYING", but it also does that when you want the changelog
21:39:51  <LordAro> i thought i fixed that...
21:40:30  <Yexo> not in the version you uploaded to that fs task
21:40:50  <frosch> does bananas allow a COPYING file?
21:40:51  <Yexo> oh, maybe you did fix that
21:41:08  <Wolf01> 'night
21:41:12  *** Wolf01 [] has quit [Quit: Once again the world is quick to bury me.]
21:41:35  <Yexo> LordAro: you did fix it but in the wrong way
21:41:38  <Zuu> frosch: if you choose Custom, I think you can supply your own. Otherwise bananas will insert the corresponding COPYING file for the license that you have picked.
21:41:48  <Yexo> (it works, but it's not right)
21:41:57  <frosch> i think bananas renames all those files to license.txt
21:41:59  <Yexo> return (FioCheckFileExists(file_path, dir) && prefix == prefixes[2]) ? file_path : NULL; <- that
21:42:03  <Yexo> it should be:
21:42:18  <frosch> yes, it does, i have to code right in front of me :)
21:42:31  <Yexo> return (type == TFT_LICENSE && FioCheckFileExists(file_path, dir)) ? file_path : NULL;
21:42:44  <Yexo> but with frosch comments I see no reason at all for such a patch
21:43:10  <Zuu> Other than perhaps that there may be other distribution means than bananas.
21:43:25  <frosch> Zuu: but not in the content gui :)
21:43:37  <Zuu> frosch: Very good point :-)
21:43:40  <Yexo> frosch: this is not only for the content gui, also for the newgrf/ai/gs window
21:43:55  <LordAro> frosch/whoever: don't forget that function is not exclusively for content gui
21:44:10  <Yexo> but still, bananas is the "official" supported way, and I see no reason to make all kind of exceptions for other filenames
21:44:18  <LordAro> + OTTD 'license.txt' is also named 'COPYING'
21:44:24  <Yexo> if someone wants to distribute it another way, they just have to rename/copy their file to "license.txt"
21:44:58  <LordAro> ... and i have 'plans'... :)
21:44:59  <Yexo> ^^ that's a good point though
21:45:05  <Zuu> Btw, in standard GPL, doesn't it say COPYING as the license file?
21:45:26  <Zuu> But if bananas change it, then this patch doesn't solve that.
21:46:27  <LordAro> 'plans' ==
21:47:12  <Yexo> what's the point of that?
21:47:43  <LordAro> work it out :P
21:48:01  <Yexo> display the openttd changelog?
21:48:06  <Yexo> why not simply read that file?
21:48:47  <LordAro> to deal with (fairly common) instances where the textfile is not in an 'expected' location
21:49:01  <LordAro> e.g. debian packaging iirc
21:49:08  <Yexo> I think there are better ways to deal with that
21:49:59  <Yexo> good night
21:50:03  <LordAro> i cannot think of one
21:50:07  <LordAro> night :L
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21:51:12  <planetmaker> LordAro: I think there could be like --doc-path or so as compile time argument which changes the readme path for openttd (and possibly base set) readmes
21:51:52  <planetmaker> --doc-dir actually is already there
21:52:06  <LordAro> that's an interesting solution, but again, debian packaging compresses the textfiles, making reading them difficult
21:53:25  <LordAro> i discussed it with Rubidium a while ago
21:53:50  <Terkhen> good night
21:56:39  <LordAro> huh, CIA is a bit slow tonight...
21:56:49  * LordAro kicks CIA-1
21:56:49  <CIA-1> ow
22:12:29  <Eddi|zuHause> who cares about debian?
22:13:14  <Eddi|zuHause> and maybe openttd is ripe to get the ability to read compressed (.tar.gz/bz2/xz) files?
22:14:14  <LordAro> maybe
22:14:26  <LordAro> but that's waaay above my level :L
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22:24:43  <frosch> night
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23:11:35  <drac_boy> hi
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23:19:53  <Eddi|zuHause> lo
23:25:47  <drac_boy> how're you eddi? :)
23:26:24  <Eddi|zuHause> asleep
23:26:31  <Chris_Booth> lol
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23:30:50  <drac_boy> heh
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