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00:00:28 *** ZxBiohazardZx [~IceChat77@5ED05D6D.cm-7-1b.dynamic.ziggo.nl] has quit [] 00:03:11 *** kais58|AFK is now known as kais58 00:06:40 *** efess [~Efess@ool-18bfeb53.dyn.optonline.net] has quit [] 00:08:42 *** Pixa [~pixa@] has joined #openttd 00:15:14 *** valhallasw [~valhallas@5070A0D5.static.ziggozakelijk.nl] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 00:18:49 *** Elukka [Elukka@a91-152-213-89.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has quit [] 00:21:51 *** Devroush [~dennis@dD5765BAC.access.telenet.be] has quit [] 00:47:42 *** KritiK [~Maxim@0001264a.user.oftc.net] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 01:05:44 * drac_boy wonders what happens if a cargo weight is entered as zero.... 01:12:20 *** KouDy [~KouDy@] has quit [Quit: Leaving.] 01:28:55 <Kjetil> negative cargo weight! :P 01:35:11 <drac_boy> Kjetil very funny, I was just thinking about special cargos that didn't really need to be weighted 01:35:30 <drac_boy> or they could just weight one single 1/16t just as well I guess? hard to say :) 01:36:03 <drac_boy> does make you wonder about the regear thing which could be considered a special non-cargo cargo anyhow 01:38:29 <Flygon> What'd be really nice, would be locomotives and MU's that switch gears on the fly 01:38:34 <Flygon> eg. a gearbox 01:39:37 <drac_boy> flygon that may be a bit complicated since power is stated before the locomotive has even been purchased? 01:40:07 <drac_boy> so if it says its 100kph then its always going to be 100kph etc 01:40:36 <Flygon> So basically... you'd need a custom OpenTTD? 01:40:47 <Flygon> Because Victoria, for example, has non-fixed geared DMU's 01:41:36 <Flygon> And to add to the mess, also had a fixed gear motor additionally 01:41:40 <drac_boy> flygon you'll basically need two specs for a lot of north america diesels then :P 01:42:03 <Flygon> Basically: Victoria is a mindscrew 01:42:03 <drac_boy> they had the thing called transitional gear. all the way back to the EMD GP7 01:43:55 <drac_boy> and flygon, it could cause some amusing problems if a diesel hauled branch passenger train gets moving then finds out it wouldn't make the transition .. limps at 35mph to next station where a second locomotive could be found .. and you hope it *could* make transition as to get up to some real speed 01:44:11 <Flygon> Haha, oh wow... 01:44:21 <Flygon> I guess they didn't sort out some issues yet 01:44:27 <Flygon> Were they manual or automatic? 01:48:16 <drac_boy> usally automatic but some were automatic in one direction and manual in other (the early F units could get up to speed on their own but engineer had to slow it down themself) 01:48:45 <Flygon> Oh, wow 01:48:53 <Flygon> Here, they're fully automatic 01:48:58 <drac_boy> so yeah when it wouldn't get up to transition usually you had three options 1. limp on the low gear 2. find another locomotive to haul instead 3. sideline the train and point locomotive to shed to try fix the cursing box 01:49:07 <Flygon> Probably because we only seriously tried non-fixed gearing in the 1980s 01:49:36 <Flygon> (I think there may have been manual attempts beforehand, but I am unsure) 01:52:28 <Flygon> (for example, the 1920s McKeen railmotor may have been a mechanical transmission manual gearing gas engine'd railmotor... but I'm not 100% sure. Details are scarce because VR hated it_ 01:55:41 <drac_boy> flygon I forgot the name but in the 1930s there were some railcars that looked like a typical road bus on stretched chassis (even the hood looked more road than rail) ... needed a strong arm with the stiff transmission given on them. and don't ask about driving it in reverse with only the side mirrors to help a bit 01:55:58 <Flygon> ...heh 01:55:59 <drac_boy> replaced a whole steam locomotive with just one single coach maybe..but even then it wasn't so popular for good reasons 01:56:02 <Flygon> We had that stuff here 01:56:08 <Flygon> Lemme get photos 01:56:29 <Flygon> They lasted a while because the branchlines they were on were sparsely used, and had turntables anyway 01:57:08 <drac_boy> turntables? not the old arm turntables? :P 01:57:54 <Flygon> http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/5/55/AEC_railmotor_at_Mornington.jpg 01:58:01 * Flygon shrug 01:58:10 <Flygon> I just know it turned the bugger around 01:58:46 <drac_boy> these kind were rather common on lightly used lines http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/0/07/Turntable_at_OERM.jpg the reason for using lot of steel wires is that it kept the deck construction simple when you didn't have to brace it heavily .. just enough to hold true 01:59:02 <drac_boy> and mm you can see the two push poles clearly :) 01:59:13 <Flygon> I can't remember what sort of turntable was used here, sorry 01:59:22 <Flygon> (also, AEC Railmotors were front-wheel drive) 01:59:54 <drac_boy> flygon mind you some of these turntables were dated more or less close to when the line originally opened so sometimes even "newer" branch steam locomotives could have a bit funny time just almost fitting on :) 02:00:01 <Flygon> (strangely, they're in the 2CC trainset... what a horrible addition :p) 02:00:15 <Flygon> Heh... we had the same issue here 02:00:27 <Flygon> We had steam loco's built very light per axle 02:00:37 <Flygon> But waaay too long for branchlines they'd be useful for 02:00:43 <drac_boy> nothing like a 1890's 2-6-0 sized turntable being barely just long enough to fit a later 4-8-0 even then with a short tender! 02:00:49 <Flygon> (eg. upgrading the lines from a 60km/h service to 100km/h) 02:01:07 <drac_boy> always had to crawl on slowly to get both front and rear axles to just stop within inches to spare 02:01:23 <Flygon> Wow 02:01:35 <drac_boy> flygon it wasn't just old arm turntables.... 02:02:20 <drac_boy> mallets could give major railroads a bit of headache with 'older' roundhouses ... I mean .. look at it .. a UP Big Boy is much longer than even the most modern 4-8-4 single locomotive 02:02:53 <drac_boy> in some cases the mallets never used the turntable at all but turned around at a wye nearby then came back to the yard to sit for their next duty 02:03:04 <Flygon> ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kerr_Stuart_steam_railmotor At only 50,000 miles... something went wrong) 02:03:23 <Flygon> Heh... 02:03:30 <Flygon> We lack turntables here, too 02:03:36 <Flygon> More often, triangle loops are used 02:04:07 <Flygon> Probably because triangle loops also make switching the end a locomotive uses easier 02:04:16 <Flygon> Good for steam and Diesel alike 02:05:26 <drac_boy> the only reason they kept arm turntables on dieselized branchlines sometimes was when it came to being cheap due to low operating finances .... 02:05:36 <Flygon> Wow 02:05:42 <drac_boy> usually the locomotive would be a rear-endcab road switcher with only one set of controls 02:05:56 <drac_boy> so it was easy to have them turned around than trying to drive backward with a bad neck bend 02:06:24 <drac_boy> the GP7 could be ordered as either single or dual control stands .. and in some cases was ordered single but later refitted for dual 02:09:19 <drac_boy> flygon this is one of the many kind of light locomotives that were used on old branchlines http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs13/i/2007/123/7/1/Baldwin_diesel_switcher_by_classictrains.jpg 02:09:37 <drac_boy> you can see why with only one cab control for forward direction they may be wanting to turn them around on the turntable at end of route :) 02:10:13 <Flygon> Had to brb 02:10:57 <Flygon> Heh... 02:11:00 <Flygon> If it was me 02:11:06 <Flygon> I'd just use two locomotives :p 02:11:38 <Flygon> http://www.branchline.com.au/sitebuilder/products/large/16351/thsdiesel.jpg Would have been great for a loco on each end 02:11:46 <Flygon> Would have looked cool. Like the BR125 02:11:54 <Flygon> Except it'd cap @ 130 :P 02:12:26 <Flygon> (though, their close cousins, the A-class, did nearly break 180km/h) 02:12:29 <drac_boy> problem is the cost of two locomotives, pointless most of the times 02:12:30 <drac_boy> ;) 02:12:56 <Flygon> Then get into the mainline express business 02:13:04 <Flygon> Or high demand commuter business :p 02:13:45 <Stimrol> (translation) any one know where this can be found STR_COMPANY_VIEW_INFRASTRUCTURE_STATION ingame (something to do with station tile) 02:13:51 <drac_boy> flygon some branchlines even then only had say a saturated steam 2-6-0 with low boiler pressure. these kind were usually replaced with something like http://www.wymann.info/ShuntingPuzzles/Timesaver/HBS-2.JPG if there was the trade-in money for it 02:14:09 <drac_boy> basically a GE 44-tonner (name refer to weight) with single or twin engine option 02:14:30 <Flygon> Doesn't seem too odd 02:16:01 <drac_boy> flygon mind you some of them could end up (as strange as that sounds) with a truck's engine shoved in when the original one broke and they didn't want to bother having to get it forwarded over a big railroad's track to a heavy repair shed 02:16:15 <Flygon> Huh... the evolution of the S/B class looks weird... seems they used the B-class as a base for the electric L-class... which NSW turned back into a Diesel with the same lightweight body @_@ 02:16:38 <Flygon> That doesn't sound too strange 02:16:48 <Flygon> Heck, we've converted trucks into locomotives here 02:16:50 <drac_boy> was much easier for them to do that themself...get the hood panels off .. torch the frame out of the way .. lift the engine onto ground .. lift ex-truck engine from trailer into the chassis ... and weld the hood back on 02:17:04 *** pugi [~pugi@dyndsl-091-096-012-171.ewe-ip-backbone.de] has quit [] 02:17:12 <drac_boy> so a GE locomotive with a Detriot or Cummin engine wasn't too unheard of 02:17:14 <Flygon> http://www.gunzelgallery.hobbiesplus.com.au/Rtl10001cr.jpg 02:18:48 <Flygon> (http://img267.imageshack.us/img267/9885/1001367xq.jpg This photo better shows how it actually worked) 02:19:35 <Flygon> I take it such engine swaps broke the warranty? :p 02:19:45 <drac_boy> actually no 02:20:00 <drac_boy> its just that to swap a rail engine would had required a major repair shop .. which small lines rarely even have 02:20:43 <Flygon> I was making a bad joke, silly 02:20:56 <drac_boy> np 02:21:15 <drac_boy> flygon mind you some of the old small railroads could get clever with repairs 02:21:31 <drac_boy> don't ask about using an old piece of tree as a temporary suspension leaf! 02:21:56 <drac_boy> the locomotive was rather light so it didn't bother the rough tree piece a bit 02:21:59 <Flygon> Oh wow 02:22:09 <Flygon> You never really got that sort of stuff here :p 02:22:33 <Flygon> If something broke, it went to Melbourne (or if it was around Adeliade... Adelaide :p) 02:22:36 <drac_boy> flygon well you have to remember that these old branchline lines often had little traffics so it was not a surprise that locomotives were always rather old :) 02:23:07 * Flygon nod 02:23:11 <drac_boy> a saturated steam 2-6-0 with no stroker in 1956? I think you know where you only will find them :) 02:25:02 <Flygon> Victoria? 02:25:51 <drac_boy> nope 02:26:22 <drac_boy> on an old freight-only back country line that doesn't even really know theres superheated locomotives or even EMD FT's out there :) 02:26:30 <drac_boy> heh 02:27:25 <Flygon> I was being semi-serious :p 02:28:14 <drac_boy> flygon mind you some isolated mine/field railroads actually still had pin&loop couplers into the 1970's long after it had been abolished from just about any standard railroads 02:28:23 <Flygon> Wow 02:28:27 <drac_boy> no knuckle couplers! 02:28:28 <Flygon> Sounds dangerous 02:28:43 <drac_boy> well they were 10-30kph trains with tiny locomotives so 02:28:54 <Flygon> Touche 02:29:44 <drac_boy> think of something a bit like this uk thing but with a full cab instead http://www.railwayscene.co.uk/fetchimage.php?imgref=7019 02:30:05 <drac_boy> thats how small and slow such isolated lines were...and hence why FRA didn't bother sending knuckle couplers over to them 02:31:52 <Flygon> ... 02:32:04 <Flygon> Geeze 02:33:08 <Flygon> http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/5/58/VR_RT20.JPG SO basically, this, with different couplers 02:33:47 <Flygon> Amusingly, it has more horsepower than an AEC Railcar :p 02:36:04 *** cyph3r [~Miranda@ip-78-45-93-37.net.upcbroadband.cz] has quit [Quit: Miranda IM! Smaller, Faster, Easier. http://miranda-im.org] 02:40:18 <drac_boy> flygon I'm going to bed, see you another time with all our usual stories? :P 02:40:36 <Flygon> Alright :) 02:40:37 <Flygon> Sleep well 02:40:40 *** drac_boy [~drac_boy@modemcable105.141-163-184.mc.videotron.ca] has left #openttd [I'm done being in this room!] 02:56:46 *** Progman_ [~progman@p57A19D26.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #openttd 03:04:07 *** Progman [~progman@p57A19736.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 03:04:21 *** Progman_ is now known as Progman 03:06:35 *** Progman [~progman@p57A19D26.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 03:53:00 *** Biolunar__ [~mahdi@blfd-4d08f89e.pool.mediaWays.net] has joined #openttd 03:59:12 *** Biolunar_ [~mahdi@blfd-4d0869fe.pool.mediaWays.net] has quit [Read error: Operation timed out] 05:01:13 *** Snail [~jacopocol@cpe-68-175-24-89.nyc.res.rr.com] has joined #openttd 05:10:30 *** glx [glx@000128ec.user.oftc.net] has quit [Quit: Bye !] 05:31:52 *** Elukka [Elukka@a91-152-213-89.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #openttd 05:56:02 *** Eddi|zuHause [~johekr@p57BD5790.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit [] 05:56:18 *** Eddi|zuHause [~johekr@p5DC67571.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #openttd 06:26:25 <peter1138> oh, SND_01_BAD_YEAR is played if you didn't make as much as later year :S 06:26:37 <peter1138> thought it was just if you didn't make a profit 06:30:39 *** Snail [~jacopocol@cpe-68-175-24-89.nyc.res.rr.com] has quit [Quit: Snail] 06:47:29 *** Flygon [Flygon@218-214-18-147.people.net.au] has quit [Read error: No route to host] 06:56:52 *** Flygon [Flygon@218-214-18-147.people.net.au] has joined #openttd 07:23:10 *** andythenorth [~Andy@cpc23-aztw25-2-0-cust33.aztw.cable.virginmedia.com] has joined #openttd 07:28:15 *** Devroush [~dennis@dD5765BAC.access.telenet.be] has joined #openttd 07:38:44 <andythenorth> herp 07:39:00 <andythenorth> would trolling my own thread make me look like a dick? 07:39:15 * andythenorth thinks yes 07:40:37 <peter1138> probably 07:40:44 <peter1138> SpComb, you're stuck 07:45:41 <andythenorth> derp, "andythenorth renamed one minor string, now let's debate realism, decay rates, removing a cargo and changing a secondary industry into a primary producer of Food" 07:45:58 <andythenorth> blearch 07:46:14 <andythenorth> community forums are very bad places :P 07:48:20 <peter1138> how did it ever be acceptable that korean windows uses some weird W symbol instead of \ for directory separators? 07:52:30 *** |Jeroen| [~jeroen@d5153E72C.access.telenet.be] has joined #openttd 07:56:17 <planetmaker> moin 07:56:53 <planetmaker> hehe, andythenorth, very bad, very bad ;-) There's too much sugar anyway. And... bad diet. And what-not 08:17:27 <andythenorth> planetmaker: the FIRS arable farm has been producing sugar for only about 2 or 3 years....but suddenly all this is a problem :P 08:17:48 <andythenorth> "omfg, it's all so unrealistic, and must all be changed" 08:20:15 <andythenorth> just because I add a new industry called sugar farm :P 08:20:23 * andythenorth is done ranting 08:23:24 <planetmaker> :-) It's all semantics :-) 08:24:53 *** KouDy [~KouDy@] has joined #openttd 08:25:17 <andythenorth> the most boring part of philosophy :P 08:39:26 <andythenorth> `bbl 08:39:27 *** andythenorth [~Andy@cpc23-aztw25-2-0-cust33.aztw.cable.virginmedia.com] has quit [Quit: andythenorth] 08:39:34 <peter1138> me too 09:11:45 <peter1138> well that's slightly boggling 09:12:07 <peter1138> submitted patch to pulseaudio, got committed o_O 09:14:10 *** tokai|mdlx [~tokai@port-92-195-7-131.dynamic.qsc.de] has joined #openttd 09:17:42 *** Pensacola [~quassel@h220216.upc-h.chello.nl] has joined #openttd 09:19:30 *** Pol [~quassel@h220216.upc-h.chello.nl] has joined #openttd 09:20:08 *** tokai|noir [~tokai@00012860.user.oftc.net] has quit [Read error: Operation timed out] 09:23:12 *** Pensacola [~quassel@h220216.upc-h.chello.nl] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 09:23:42 *** greatkhan [3eee0e6d@ircip3.mibbit.com] has joined #openttd 09:32:30 *** bolli [~Sam@] has joined #openttd 09:39:11 *** oskari89 [oskari89@62-241-226-106.bb.dnainternet.fi] has joined #openttd 09:50:24 *** valhallasw [~valhallas@5070A0D5.static.ziggozakelijk.nl] has joined #openttd 09:54:47 *** pugi [~pugi@host-091-097-004-191.ewe-ip-backbone.de] has joined #openttd 10:13:31 *** greatkhan [3eee0e6d@ircip3.mibbit.com] has quit [Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client] 10:13:42 <blathijs> peter1138: They're actually quite nice folks, the pulseaudio devs :-) 10:16:19 <Rubidium> poor people in Pago Pago still having to wait for over a day to get to 2013 when 120 km west they are already in 2013 10:16:46 <peter1138> heh 10:19:34 *** KritiK [~Maxim@0001264a.user.oftc.net] has joined #openttd 10:24:27 *** ntoskrnl [~not@a91-153-231-146.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #openttd 10:24:31 <Terkhen> good morning 10:36:07 *** Pikka [~Octomom@d58-106-0-143.rdl801.qld.optusnet.com.au] has joined #openttd 10:38:04 *** Pol [~quassel@h220216.upc-h.chello.nl] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 10:45:33 <Kjetil> blathijs: to bad they are working on pulseaudio then :P 10:49:56 *** Alberth [~hat3@a82-95-164-127.adsl.xs4all.nl] has joined #openttd 10:49:59 *** mode/#openttd [+o Alberth] by ChanServ 10:50:59 *** cyph3r [~Miranda@ip-78-45-92-131.net.upcbroadband.cz] has joined #openttd 10:55:24 *** Pixa [~pixa@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 10:55:39 *** Pixa [~pixa@] has joined #openttd 11:08:58 *** drac_boy [~drac_boy@modemcable105.141-163-184.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #openttd 11:09:00 *** KouDy1 [~KouDy@] has joined #openttd 11:09:03 <drac_boy> hi 11:11:24 *** KouDy1 [~KouDy@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 11:12:42 *** KouDy1 [~KouDy@] has joined #openttd 11:13:55 *** KouDy [~KouDy@] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 11:14:42 <peter1138> hi 11:18:26 <peter1138> is happypenguin.org permanently down now ? 11:18:29 *** fonsinchen [~fonsinche@dslb-094-223-106-080.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #openttd 11:22:22 <drac_boy> seem like it 11:26:47 <peter1138> gnome-shell trap_int3 11:26:51 <peter1138> sounds exciting 11:29:48 <Flygon> drac_boy: Yo 11:31:03 <drac_boy> hi flygon :) 11:31:07 <Flygon> Howdy 11:32:20 <drac_boy> how're you? :) 11:39:56 <Flygon> Decenly 11:40:01 <Flygon> You? 11:41:10 <drac_boy> doing ok 11:44:29 *** FireFly [~firefly@firefly.xen.prgmr.com] has joined #openttd 11:44:57 <Flygon> Awesome 11:46:16 *** Wolf01 [~wolf01@host115-94-dynamic.180-80-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #openttd 11:46:42 <Wolf01> moin 11:47:48 <Flygon> Menta 11:48:18 *** KritiK [~Maxim@0001264a.user.oftc.net] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 11:49:52 <drac_boy> hi Wolf01 11:55:11 *** Progman [~progman@p57A19D26.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #openttd 12:20:05 *** |Jeroen| [~jeroen@d5153E72C.access.telenet.be] has quit [Quit: oO] 12:21:33 *** |Jeroen| [~jeroen@d5153E72C.access.telenet.be] has joined #openttd 12:25:21 *** M1zera [~Miranda@84.95.broadband5.iol.cz] has joined #openttd 12:28:00 *** DDR [~chatzilla@d108-180-70-130.bchsia.telus.net] has quit [Read error: Operation timed out] 12:30:13 *** FLHerne [~quassel@dsl-217-155-24-22.zen.co.uk] has joined #openttd 12:31:52 *** M1zera [~Miranda@84.95.broadband5.iol.cz] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 13:01:12 <drac_boy> had to ask because its a bit hard trying to figure out this from the various actions&callbacks on wiki .. can you have it such so that one industry has three inputs but is made in a way that input 1 can be processed alone but input 2 requires input 3 before it will process 13:01:32 <drac_boy> or would I have to split it into two seperate industries to get the wanted behaviour instead? 13:04:11 <Pikka> you can do that just fine, drac_boy 13:08:00 *** andythenorth [~Andy@cpc23-aztw25-2-0-cust33.aztw.cable.virginmedia.com] has joined #openttd 13:10:40 *** Pokka [~Octomom@d58-106-0-143.rdl801.qld.optusnet.com.au] has joined #openttd 13:10:54 <Pokka> now look what you did, andythenorth 13:11:01 <andythenorth> errp 13:11:07 <Alberth> hi andy 13:11:31 <andythenorth> I am still winningest no? 13:11:42 <Alberth> you are to me :) 13:13:51 <andythenorth> you're not in our game ;) 13:14:27 <drac_boy> thanks pikka 13:14:56 <Pokka> why isn't Alberth in the game, eh? 13:15:32 <andythenorth> Alberth: interesting post about coding 13:15:44 <Alberth> thanks :) 13:16:36 *** TheMask96 [martijn@polaris.ne2000.nl] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 13:17:01 <andythenorth> Pokka: what did I do exectly? 13:17:26 <Pokka> I got disconnected when you joined 13:17:27 *** Pikka [~Octomom@d58-106-0-143.rdl801.qld.optusnet.com.au] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 13:17:31 <Pokka> there he goes now 13:17:34 *** Pokka is now known as Pikka 13:17:56 <andythenorth> funny old pokka 13:20:05 *** KritiK [~Maxim@0001264a.user.oftc.net] has joined #openttd 13:21:40 *** TheMask96 [martijn@polaris.ne2000.nl] has joined #openttd 13:28:44 <drac_boy> polk dots? -_- 13:36:27 *** Superuser [~root@cust-120-96.on4.ontelecoms.gr] has joined #openttd 13:37:34 <Superuser> http://translator.openttd.org/en/trunk/el_GR/STR_BUILD_SIGNAL_SEMAPHORE_ENTRY_TOOLTIP <-- needs a space between 'Entry' and 'Signal', not a dash (I bet a German person wrote this, lol) 13:37:58 <Superuser> http://translator.openttd.org/en/trunk/el_GR/STR_BUILD_SIGNAL_SEMAPHORE_EXIT_TOOLTIP <-- this too 13:38:12 <Superuser> http://translator.openttd.org/en/trunk/el_GR/STR_BUILD_SIGNAL_SEMAPHORE_COMBO_TOOLTIP <-- and this 13:40:55 <andythenorth> biab 13:41:06 <Superuser> what? 13:41:13 *** andythenorth [~Andy@cpc23-aztw25-2-0-cust33.aztw.cable.virginmedia.com] has quit [Quit: andythenorth] 13:43:34 <Superuser> http://translator.openttd.org/en/trunk/el_GR/STR_BUILD_SIGNAL_ELECTRIC_ENTRY_TOOLTIP <-- and this 13:44:26 <Superuser> http://translator.openttd.org/en/trunk/el_GR/STR_BUILD_SIGNAL_ELECTRIC_EXIT_TOOLTIP <-- and this 13:45:24 <planetmaker> Superuser, please open an issue in the bug tracker. And list all single strings with their correct form. Or make a patch 13:45:52 <planetmaker> here on irc it might well become forgotten. Unless someone fixes every instance right now (not me... got dinner to prepare) 13:45:53 <Superuser> ok.jpg 13:45:56 <drac_boy> heh :) 13:46:03 <Superuser> every time man :( 13:46:06 * Pikka back next year or so 13:46:15 <planetmaker> have a good one, Pikka :-) 13:47:51 * Rubidium hopes Pikka lives in Queensland and not Victoria 13:53:03 <Superuser> http://bugs.openttd.org/task/5420 <-- done 13:54:09 *** luacs1998 [~luacs1998@bb219-74-133-119.singnet.com.sg] has joined #openttd 13:56:41 <Alberth> thanks 13:57:13 *** Progman [~progman@p57A19D26.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 13:58:30 <Superuser> another very minor string correction, alberth: http://bugs.openttd.org/task/5421 13:58:59 <Alberth> you can also add them to the same issue :) 14:00:05 *** cyph3r [~Miranda@ip-78-45-92-131.net.upcbroadband.cz] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 14:00:36 <planetmaker> that's what I acutally tried to suggest ;-) 14:00:43 <Superuser> but they are different 14:01:11 <Superuser> I support the unix philosophy in creating issues on isue trackers 14:01:54 <planetmaker> they're all changes to strings. They're not different thought processes really. Otherwise you'd need to fix every single one. It's debatable, though. 14:01:59 <Flygon> Rubidium: What is wrong wit Victoria? 14:02:15 *** valhallasw [~valhallas@5070A0D5.static.ziggozakelijk.nl] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 14:02:18 *** Sturmi [~sturmi@pD9EB3348.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #openttd 14:02:39 <Alberth> Superuser: there is also no need to vote on issues 14:03:05 <Superuser> I know, but I like the fact Crapspray allows me to vote on my own issue, lol 14:03:28 <Rubidium> Alberth: I see vote as "zij die vragen worden overgeslagen" 14:03:44 <Superuser> is that Afrikaans? 14:04:10 <Superuser> MantisBT is so infinitely superior to this. Roundup Tracker is still the best though as it actually gets people creating issues due to its sheer simplicity. Much more user-oriented than all of them. 14:04:44 <Rubidium> Flygon: if someone says "back next year" at 46 minutes after the new year starts that'd mean someone's not returning for a year, compared to 14 minutes before new year starts 14:05:09 <Flygon> Rubidium, it just means he took a plane to Western Australia 14:05:56 <Superuser> Rubidium are you by any chance affiliated with http://rubini.us/ 14:06:21 <Rubidium> Superuser: not that I am aware of 14:06:29 <Superuser> okay 14:07:50 <Superuser> I wonder though, how can Rubinius be faster than the MRI when the MRI supports ahead-of-time compilation after the merge with YARV, especially when Rubinius is largely implemented in Ruby itself (the MRI, the reference implementation is in C)? I am confused. 14:08:51 <Rubidium> the same reason Java code can be faster than C code 14:10:12 <Superuser> ... which is? 14:10:35 *** luacs1998 [~luacs1998@bb219-74-133-119.singnet.com.sg] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 14:10:38 <Superuser> C code is usually slower due to inappropriate use of malloc and poor byte ordering in strings 14:11:36 <Rubidium> java runs the code a few times and sees what the actual usage pattern is, then it optimises based on the pattern 14:12:31 <TinoDidriksen> Not at all the same reason - this is a compiler written in Ruby, outputting native code. It does not at all matter what language the compiler is written in...could be JavaScript. It's the output native code that matters. 14:14:33 <Rubidium> so effectively Java compiles with a profiler; everything that is a 'hotspot' gets optimised beyond recognition, the rest isn't getting optimised as much 14:29:48 <Flygon> Write me a Mega Drive game in Java and I'll show you a peat bog 14:45:20 <Superuser> More string changes. I don't like the word 'helidepot', which doesn't actually exist. 'Helicopter depot' would be okay though, wouldn't you think? 14:45:39 * drac_boy just does not like 'depot' word in any manner 14:45:50 <drac_boy> but meh I wouldn't complain...its a british game so >_< 14:45:52 <Superuser> and 'helistation' that's awful 14:46:04 <drac_boy> here it would had rather been called a 'shed' 14:46:20 <Superuser> that sounds extremely British 14:46:48 <drac_boy> well I don't even see any of the major railroads using the word 'depot' afaik :P 14:47:01 <drac_boy> and the trains go to a roundhouse .. not depot .. anyway 14:47:06 <drac_boy> but thats all aside 14:47:14 *** ntoskrnl [~not@a91-153-231-146.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 14:47:39 <bolli> "depot" is used a lot over here(uk) :P 14:48:07 *** valhallasw [~valhallas@5070A0D5.static.ziggozakelijk.nl] has joined #openttd 14:48:18 <Pikka> , mm5555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555550. 14:48:23 <Pikka> hmm 14:48:28 <Wolf01> a spider? 14:48:32 <drac_boy> at least text strings are easy to modify so I'm not going to complain for as long as I still can load modifier grfs 14:48:36 <Pikka> I think a cat may have stepped on the keyboard in my absense 14:49:34 <Superuser> what would you guys think if I made an issue to change 'helidepot' and 'heliport'? I should note that there is also a 'helicopter airport', whatever that is 14:50:46 <Flygon> drac_boy: The word depot is used in Australia 14:50:58 <Flygon> Re: Trains 14:53:41 <planetmaker> Superuser, OpenTTD's main language IS British. Not American English. 14:54:13 <drac_boy> planetmaker even then a search for eg "canada bus depot" gets me almost no results online compared to other words like 'garage' or 'shed' 14:54:23 <drac_boy> so thats why I just don't understand the use of the word 'depot' so often :-> 14:54:29 <Superuser> okay.jpg 14:54:58 <drac_boy> but its like I mentioned, text strings are easy to modify from grf so I'm not too bothered for that 14:55:24 <Flygon> Here, we say "Bus Depot" :P 14:55:32 <planetmaker> it's nice, if people bother about the vanilla game. Most people don't use any add-ons 14:55:48 <drac_boy> most players aren't always from uk ;) 14:56:50 <planetmaker> how does that matter, drac_boy 14:56:52 <drac_boy> and btw 'train depot' means somewhere a train stops at to transfer passengers ... thats not exactly what a depot in the game does tho 14:56:53 <Superuser> http://bugs.openttd.org/task/5422 <-- yet another pedantic string correction 14:57:00 <Superuser> can I have Hg access already :'( 14:57:09 <Superuser> I don't know C++ but I'm an intermediate Ruby user 14:57:17 <Flygon> drac_boy: Almost no players are from Australia 14:57:18 <planetmaker> Superuser, no single person is allowed hg access. Not even any developer 14:57:19 <Superuser> well, only working knowledge of C++ 14:57:19 <Flygon> And that makes me sad 14:57:33 <Flygon> Almost all players are from Europe. Europe is nothing like Australia. D: 14:57:39 <Superuser> I mean, since it's a DCVS I can just fork and work on my own 14:57:49 <Superuser> but to get things in faster, y'know... 14:58:01 <planetmaker> Superuser, then do that by all means. And use it to create a patch (queue) 14:58:05 *** Snail [~jacopocol@cpe-68-175-24-89.nyc.res.rr.com] has joined #openttd 14:58:36 <planetmaker> Most developers use either hg or git to create their patches. Yet svn is our main repo 14:59:01 <planetmaker> but our hg and git repos are always synced to the svn. So it's no problem to pull from hg or git 14:59:49 <planetmaker> Thus I don't understand why you whine about getting access anywhere. You get those repos at your fingertips, ready to use 15:00:02 <Superuser> okay.jpg 15:00:05 <Pikka> oh hey 15:00:17 *** andythenorth [~Andy@cpc23-aztw25-2-0-cust33.aztw.cable.virginmedia.com] has joined #openttd 15:00:28 <Pikka> my friend is at the biggest bus station in the city at 12:30am, new years day, and she's complaining that it's a bit crowded :) 15:00:35 *** Superuser [~root@cust-120-96.on4.ontelecoms.gr] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 15:00:48 <planetmaker> hehe :-) 15:01:37 *** LordAro [~LordAro@] has joined #openttd 15:02:49 *** trastanechora [cbbe70f0@ircip4.mibbit.com] has joined #openttd 15:04:46 <drac_boy> heh pikka 15:05:00 <andythenorth> blearch 15:05:05 <andythenorth> oh hello I meant 15:09:50 <Pikka> him too, andythenorth 15:10:17 <andythenorth> hrm 15:10:28 <andythenorth> somewhere on the internet someone is wrong 15:10:57 <andythenorth> I must fix that 15:14:12 *** Superuser [~superuser@cust-120-96.on4.ontelecoms.gr] has joined #openttd 15:14:19 *** Superuser [~superuser@cust-120-96.on4.ontelecoms.gr] has quit [] 15:16:21 <Rubidium> Pikka: for the large train stations here I'd be amazed if they are anywhere near crowded around that time 15:17:08 <Pikka> Rubidium, this is a city of a million people, and everyone goes in to watch the fireworks for some reason. 15:17:15 *** Superuser [~root@cust-120-96.on4.ontelecoms.gr] has joined #openttd 15:17:40 <Pikka> and then they're all surprised when they can't all leave the city at the exact same time 15:18:09 <andythenorth> Pikka: are you celebrating new year with some TTD? 15:18:10 <Rubidium> Pikka: looks like the first busses start around 01:30 in the biggest city here (they stop around 20:00). Likewise with trains 15:19:00 <Pikka> we do have the advantage that it's not freezing cold at midnight on new year's here :) 15:19:07 <andythenorth> hrrm 15:19:27 <Rubidium> yeah, it's only 10C here 15:19:29 <Pikka> andy: I went downstairs and did other stuff 15:19:44 *** trastanechora [cbbe70f0@ircip4.mibbit.com] has quit [Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client] 15:20:08 <Superuser> lol where do you live 15:20:17 <Pikka> 24c here 15:20:28 <Pikka> at 1:20am 15:20:38 <Superuser> 12C here neighbp 15:20:49 <Superuser> neighbout * 15:20:57 <Superuser> 17:20 15:21:09 <Superuser> fuck phone keyboards 15:21:37 <Rubidium> Superuser: then don't use them ;) 15:27:44 <Eddi|zuHause> use speech-to-text-interfaces :) 15:34:03 *** |Jeroen| [~jeroen@d5153E72C.access.telenet.be] has quit [Quit: oO] 15:44:07 <andythenorth> SV game later? 15:44:14 <andythenorth> for those who aren't being all social 15:44:24 *** Sturmi [~sturmi@pD9EB3348.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 15:45:34 <Eddi|zuHause> i'm being all social... bye 15:45:42 <drac_boy> :) 15:45:55 <Pikka> SV? 15:46:07 <Pikka> and if not why not? 15:47:26 *** Sturmi [~sturmi@pD9EB2558.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #openttd 15:49:39 <Superuser> define 'SV' 15:50:27 <andythenorth> Silicon Valley 15:50:31 <andythenorth> gamescript 15:50:38 <andythenorth> multiplayer 15:50:44 <andythenorth> 2 hours game length 15:50:47 <andythenorth> coopetitve 15:51:26 <Superuser> nice 15:58:43 <Pikka> k 15:58:43 * andythenorth should release FIRS 0.8.3 15:58:46 <andythenorth> sometone remind me :P 15:58:54 <Pikka> lettuce SV 15:59:12 <andythenorth> Pikka: for me, later is about 9pm uk time 15:59:19 <andythenorth> for you that is 'early' no? 15:59:30 <andythenorth> are you not a sleepy pikka? 15:59:35 <Pikka> not terribly 15:59:43 <andythenorth> goody 15:59:54 <Pikka> 9pm is a 5am I think 15:59:56 <Pikka> 3 hours? 16:00:15 <andythenorth> game length? 16:00:18 <andythenorth> or from now? 16:00:23 <Pikka> from now 16:00:28 <andythenorth> 5 hours 16:00:31 <Pikka> yes 16:00:36 <Pikka> that's what I said didn't I 16:00:43 <andythenorth> indeed 16:00:47 <andythenorth> scrollback confirms it :P 16:00:55 <Pikka> I don't know, I might go to bed by then :) 16:00:58 <andythenorth> k 16:01:10 <andythenorth> well if it happens it happens 16:01:13 <andythenorth> otherwise not 16:01:14 <andythenorth> :) 16:01:25 <andythenorth> biab 16:01:27 <Pikka> I have work to do tomorrow (or today), I suppose I could get that done in the meantime 16:01:30 <Pikka> baibai 16:03:47 *** andythenorth [~Andy@cpc23-aztw25-2-0-cust33.aztw.cable.virginmedia.com] has quit [Quit: andythenorth] 16:11:43 *** fonsinchen [~fonsinche@dslb-094-223-106-080.pools.arcor-ip.net] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 16:25:40 *** Pikka [~Octomom@d58-106-0-143.rdl801.qld.optusnet.com.au] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 16:31:49 <oskari89> Fuuu 16:32:11 <oskari89> There's a problem in FIRS 16:33:02 <oskari89> The Fishing Grounds has stockpiled about 800 tons of Fish 16:33:24 <oskari89> And there's a ship waiting for cargo and does not load it O_o 16:33:36 <Terkhen> sounds as if you refitted it to the wrong cargo 16:33:44 *** andythenorth [~Andy@2002:4d66:7022:0:4504:18c8:3c62:a4fb] has joined #openttd 16:33:44 <Pinkbeast> You're not in some kind of cargod*st world? Can the ship carry fish? 16:33:53 <oskari89> Oh, yeah :D 16:33:56 <Pinkbeast> Have you set up some mad load-and-unload order? 16:33:57 <oskari89> Wrong cargo refit 16:34:10 <oskari89> :D 16:35:08 *** Djohaal [~Djohaal@] has joined #openttd 16:39:33 <oskari89> Seems that i need to create a fish train 16:39:40 <peter1138> heh 16:40:30 <andythenorth> no trains in FISH 16:40:34 <andythenorth> maybe in FISH 2 though? 16:42:22 <andythenorth> herp 16:42:24 <andythenorth> where is pokka 16:42:26 <andythenorth> or pikka 16:42:27 <andythenorth> ? 16:42:30 <andythenorth> nvm 16:44:32 *** Snail [~jacopocol@cpe-68-175-24-89.nyc.res.rr.com] has quit [Quit: Snail] 16:44:33 <Terkhen> he left :P 16:52:08 <FLHerne> oskari89: That always happens to me :P 16:52:31 <Pinkbeast> andy: boat trains! That shouldn't need much coding. ;-) 16:53:24 <FLHerne> Feature request: If purchasing a vehicle while the list is filtered by support for a cargo, the purchased vehicle should be initially refitted to carry that cargo :P 16:53:49 <FLHerne> andythenorth: What are rail GmundMogs for? 16:53:53 <andythenorth> fun 16:53:58 <andythenorth> they're pointless 16:54:04 <andythenorth> afaict 16:54:05 * FLHerne has been failing to find them a purpose for some time :P 16:54:21 <andythenorth> let that be a lesson to you about the ultimate futility of life 16:54:30 <andythenorth> HEQS is a religious thing 16:54:40 <FLHerne> The road version is fine, because it's practical to build several 16:54:57 <FLHerne> In fact, everything in HEQS but that one vehicle has *some* use :P 16:56:08 <andythenorth> I can fix that ;) 16:56:58 * drac_boy prefers it actually 16:57:14 <drac_boy> the initial railmotor and the forklift can go out tho..they can't do squat :) 16:59:26 <oskari89> Hmm, let's see if some wagons do have fish carrying capability.. 16:59:51 <Superuser> FLHerne: http://bugs.openttd.org is your friend! 16:59:53 <andythenorth> the forklift is a piglet 17:03:56 <Alberth> Superuser: not for newgrf coding bugs 17:04:14 <Alberth> or game-setup bugs :) 17:04:24 <Superuser> xD 17:04:25 <andythenorth> drac_boy: any closer to a release yet? 17:04:41 <drac_boy> still lot of gaps in tracking table 17:07:01 <andythenorth> how are you play testing your tracking table? 17:07:15 *** KouDy1 [~KouDy@] has quit [Quit: Leaving.] 17:08:18 <drac_boy> atm just sometimes making enough nfo for the locomotive in question and one or two random wagons reusing original ttdx sprites ... bit crude I know but for now it'll do 17:08:42 *** Sturmi [~sturmi@pD9EB2558.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit [Quit: Sturmi] 17:10:15 <andythenorth> better than nothing 17:10:22 <drac_boy> yeah 17:10:50 <drac_boy> on the other hand its harder to figure out what steam locomotives should have for power. meh :p 17:12:12 <V453000> just set some values which make sense to you for now, and see how it works later 17:12:25 <drac_boy> pretty much :p 17:12:41 <drac_boy> but of course you know that a little 0-4-0 should not have 4000hp for example ;) 17:12:46 <drac_boy> heh heh 17:13:07 <V453000> you dont really 17:13:26 <V453000> if you make wagons heavy, you could also need more than 4000hp 17:13:38 <oskari89> Nohab AA12 and 3rd gen boxcar from 2cc set (for fishes), yeah :) 17:15:13 <drac_boy> V453000 4000hp would be at least 3+ drive axles .. and a big boiler thank you ;) 17:15:36 <drac_boy> but for two light axles with only a small 140psi boiler I doubt it even has more than a few hundred hp 17:17:25 <oskari89> Fuuuuuuuu 17:17:32 <oskari89> Forgot to refit those wagons 17:17:33 <oskari89> :D 17:22:37 <oskari89> I've got a nice example of small single-rail network here :P 17:22:41 <oskari89> And it works well 17:23:00 *** gombee [~gombee@00019f9f.user.oftc.net] has joined #openttd 17:26:42 *** drac_boy [~drac_boy@modemcable105.141-163-184.mc.videotron.ca] has left #openttd [I'm done being in this room!] 17:28:20 *** andythenorth [~Andy@2002:4d66:7022:0:4504:18c8:3c62:a4fb] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 17:29:03 *** andythenorth [~Andy@2002:4d66:7022:0:dda5:fe61:ff3b:5fb5] has joined #openttd 17:35:15 <andythenorth> nobody reminded me to release FIRS 0.8.3 17:35:16 <andythenorth> lamers :P 17:36:00 <Rubidium> oh come on... still over 18 hours before it's 2013 everywhere ;) 17:36:20 <andythenorth> bath time...bed time...food time 17:36:24 <andythenorth> herp 17:36:27 <andythenorth> should all fit in 17:36:45 <andythenorth> anyone got last minute FIRS translations? 17:37:16 <andythenorth> hrm 17:37:24 <andythenorth> planetmaker: german translation reports errors 17:37:29 <andythenorth> nmlc warning: "lang/german.lng", line 62: Undefined command "SIGNED" 17:52:17 *** glx [glx@000128ec.user.oftc.net] has joined #openttd 17:52:20 *** mode/#openttd [+v glx] by ChanServ 17:53:37 *** Devroush [~dennis@dD5765BAC.access.telenet.be] has quit [] 17:56:48 *** andythenorth [~Andy@2002:4d66:7022:0:dda5:fe61:ff3b:5fb5] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 17:56:54 *** Superuser [~root@cust-120-96.on4.ontelecoms.gr] has quit [Quit: Yaaic - Yet another Android IRC client - http://www.yaaic.org] 17:57:30 *** andythenorth [~Andy@cpc23-aztw25-2-0-cust33.aztw.cable.virginmedia.com] has joined #openttd 17:59:38 *** andythenorth [~Andy@cpc23-aztw25-2-0-cust33.aztw.cable.virginmedia.com] has quit [] 18:01:05 <Wolf01> bye and happy new year 18:01:10 *** Wolf01 [~wolf01@0001288e.user.oftc.net] has quit [Quit: Once again the world is quick to bury me.] 18:17:38 <Terkhen> see you tomorrow, happy new year everyone :) 18:27:09 <LordAro> ^ what he said 18:27:16 <LordAro> see everyone next year! 18:27:27 *** LordAro [~LordAro@] has quit [Quit: KVIrc 4.0.4 Insomnia http://www.kvirc.net/] 18:29:42 *** FLHerne [~quassel@dsl-217-155-24-22.zen.co.uk] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 18:31:09 *** Biolunar__ [~mahdi@blfd-4d08f89e.pool.mediaWays.net] has quit [Quit: My life for Aiur] 18:38:25 *** Snail [~jacopocol@cpe-68-175-24-89.nyc.res.rr.com] has joined #openttd 18:44:25 *** andythenorth [~Andy@cpc23-aztw25-2-0-cust33.aztw.cable.virginmedia.com] has joined #openttd 18:46:12 <DorpsGek> Commit by translators :: r24876 /trunk/src/lang (11 files in 2 dirs) (2012-12-31 18:45:55 UTC) 18:46:13 <DorpsGek> -Update from WebTranslator v3.0: 18:46:14 <DorpsGek> belarusian - 30 changes by Wowanxm 18:46:15 <DorpsGek> simplified_chinese - 99 changes by huanggua2002, xiangyigao 18:46:16 <DorpsGek> greek - 118 changes by Evropi 18:46:17 <DorpsGek> icelandic - 89 changes by Stimrol 18:46:18 <DorpsGek> korean - 12 changes by telk5093 18:46:19 <DorpsGek> polish - 3 changes by wojteks86 18:46:20 <DorpsGek> portuguese - 31 changes by fspinto, neuralshock 18:46:21 <DorpsGek> romanian - 36 changes by mariush 18:46:22 <DorpsGek> slovenian - 17 changes by gligoran 18:46:23 <DorpsGek> spanish - 1 changes by Terkhen 18:46:24 <DorpsGek> tamil - 44 changes by aswn 18:47:12 <peter1138> woo, playing openttd 18:47:17 <andythenorth> wot :O 18:47:35 <Alberth> how did that happen? :) 18:48:19 <peter1138> these guys wanted to play on my server 18:48:22 <peter1138> so i had to set it up 18:48:26 <peter1138> and then... 18:48:33 <andythenorth> you playing without us :o 18:48:34 <peter1138> this extra zoom is nice 18:48:40 <andythenorth> I like EZ 18:48:45 <andythenorth> thank the guy who made it 18:50:00 <peter1138> SpComb, fix it! 18:50:19 <andythenorth> SpComb: you're rubbish 18:52:01 <andythenorth> ships are pathologically incapable of routing on rivers 18:52:08 <andythenorth> we have 90' turns forbidden 18:52:11 <andythenorth> server owner did that :P 18:52:34 <peter1138> shouldn't cause a problem 18:53:02 <peter1138> ship routes, are they like road tiles or rail tiles? i assume rail 18:53:19 <andythenorth> I just fixed the issue I think 18:53:22 <andythenorth> so you might not see it 18:53:32 <peter1138> the map is big 18:53:40 <peter1138> i never know what you're all talking about anyway 18:54:43 <peter1138> i don't see a need for ships to do 90° turns in a river anyway 18:57:24 <andythenorth> if I see it again, I'll tell you where :P 18:57:58 <Pinkbeast> Kind of tricky to use canals without 90 degree turns 18:59:04 <andythenorth> can't reproduce it :P 18:59:05 <andythenorth> nvm 19:01:21 <peter1138> okay so 19:01:31 <peter1138> so it's trying to go the depot 19:01:44 <peter1138> deciding it's taking too long or something, so then deciding not to go to the depot? 19:02:08 <andythenorth> maybe 19:02:09 <andythenorth> dunno 19:02:13 <andythenorth> losing money though :) 19:02:15 <peter1138> well that's what it says 19:03:00 <andythenorth> yeah 19:03:01 <peter1138> Pinkbeast, nope, they're always 2 separate 45° turns 19:03:04 <andythenorth> explains it all 19:03:24 <Pinkbeast> Oh, fair point, yes - it would look very odd otherwise 19:03:31 <andythenorth> peter1138: now I built more canal, it behaves itself 19:14:29 <Belugas> tam tada tadam 19:15:35 <Rubidium> oh... the white whale has entered the room ;) 19:15:39 <Rubidium> working today? 19:16:07 <Belugas> oh no! 19:16:41 <Belugas> well... if you call snow shuffeling, IKEA stuff and home stuff working, yes 19:16:43 <Belugas> but ... 19:16:51 <Belugas> work@work ? NAAAAA! 19:17:00 <peter1138> shuffling snow eh? 19:17:38 <Belugas> you know... pile and pile and still more to go? 19:18:20 <Rubidium> snow? what is that? how much more to the north than me are you? ;) 19:19:20 <Belugas> heheh 19:19:29 <Belugas> i'd love to be souther still! 19:19:50 <Rubidium> it's only 10 C here 19:19:52 <Belugas> we'vce got 50cm, plus 10-15, and 5 more today 19:22:21 <Belugas> i lov e your mild wewather, honestly 19:22:41 <Belugas> it'snot THAT cld here, but... it's not melting either 19:23:01 <Belugas> hard to type while plying guit... 19:26:11 <Alberth> hi sir B 19:26:52 *** MagisterQuis [~Adium@c-68-48-228-164.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has joined #openttd 19:27:04 <MagisterQuis> Hi folks. 19:27:10 <MagisterQuis> Haven't played since January. 19:27:20 <MagisterQuis> Are there still loads of servers? 19:29:31 <Belugas> well... i am on peter' ninjam one, currently 19:29:39 <Belugas> hi B :D 19:35:18 <bolli> Interesting... 19:35:35 <bolli> Openttd Just closed with no warning etc, and without producing a crash dump... 19:35:39 <Belugas> shit... it's A, notr B :( 19:35:49 <bolli> Just suddenly quit.... 19:38:26 <peter1138> oh, ninjam 19:38:42 <Rubidium> bolli: without more information there is nothing we can do about it 19:41:01 *** KritiK [~Maxim@0001264a.user.oftc.net] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 19:41:28 <peter1138> hmm, your audio is messed up 19:41:32 <peter1138> dunno if it's me though 19:41:49 <Belugas> ho? 19:41:52 <Belugas> how come 19:41:56 <bolli> Hmm, Its just strange though.... :/ 19:42:02 *** Mucht [~Martin@000128e2.user.oftc.net] has joined #openttd 19:42:14 <peter1138> hmm, i guess wrong celt version on my end 19:42:41 <peter1138> oh it uses vorbis. hmm. 19:42:47 <peter1138> or somethign does. odd. 19:46:05 <Belugas> whgat are the symptoms? 19:49:06 <peter1138> it's garbled 19:49:31 <peter1138> i will reboot to windows 19:49:47 <Belugas> i have notv\ changed my setup, it's exactly the same 19:49:58 <Belugas> i could not get the cables i told you about 19:52:20 *** Pikka [~Octomom@d58-106-0-143.rdl801.qld.optusnet.com.au] has joined #openttd 19:53:04 <Pikka> what hath andythenorth wrought 19:53:47 <Pikka> 1996 is it 19:54:34 <peter1138> waiting for reaper to fire up 19:58:16 <peter1138> yeah working 19:58:24 <peter1138> so my linux ninjam program must be ... broken 19:59:54 <Belugas> sad, but glad to know! 20:02:22 *** andythenorth [~Andy@cpc23-aztw25-2-0-cust33.aztw.cable.virginmedia.com] has quit [Quit: andythenorth] 20:02:26 <Belugas> hem... i hope you are sendiungh! 20:02:28 <peter1138> oh i should push xmit :S 20:02:44 <Belugas> ha... 20:02:47 <Belugas> indeed! 20:03:07 *** andythenorth [~Andy@cpc23-aztw25-2-0-cust33.aztw.cable.virginmedia.com] has joined #openttd 20:03:11 <peter1138> i dunno, i'm rubbbbbish 20:05:21 <peter1138> downloading some software 20:05:28 <Belugas> striptease 20:05:40 <Pikka> what happens next andythenorth? 20:07:34 <andythenorth> I rejoin :P 20:07:37 <andythenorth> eating 20:09:16 <peter1138> Belugas, er, well i could put the webcam on but... 20:09:54 <Belugas> don't bother ;) 20:10:02 <peter1138> need to restart reaper 20:10:18 <__ln__> peter1138cam.com? sounds 90s. 20:10:29 <peter1138> no, just need to enable the device 20:10:55 <Belugas> minre is ready 20:15:14 *** FLHerne [~quassel@dsl-217-155-24-22.zen.co.uk] has joined #openttd 20:15:49 *** FLHerne [~quassel@dsl-217-155-24-22.zen.co.uk] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 20:20:32 <peter1138> fuck sorry 20:20:44 <Belugas> miam 20:21:23 <peter1138> wow, 80s 20:25:39 <bolli> Is that peter1138 from page 3? 20:26:22 <peter1138> heh 20:28:41 <bolli> Hmm... 20:28:57 <bolli> Interesting possible future addition to UKRS2.... 20:29:02 <bolli> TRAXX UK... 20:29:26 <andythenorth> Pikka: we'd need a server 20:29:30 <andythenorth> has peter1138 got one? 20:29:36 <Pikka> I don't know 20:29:40 <Pikka> I thought you had one! 20:29:43 <peter1138> who what? 20:30:22 <peter1138> http://tinychat.com/bloodytimezones 20:31:33 <andythenorth> Pikka: I use the coop server 20:31:37 <andythenorth> but I don't have root on it 20:31:47 <andythenorth> would need someone to set up a game 20:31:58 <Pikka> shamefur 20:32:08 <andythenorth> peter1138: want to play a Silcon Valley cargo gamescript whatsit? 20:33:23 *** tycoondemon [tycoondemo@524B5F54.cm-4-4b.dynamic.ziggo.nl] has quit [] 20:34:48 <peter1138> later maybe 20:34:51 <peter1138> playing with belugas 20:35:00 <andythenorth> :o 20:35:07 <andythenorth> can we borrow your serverer? 20:35:38 <andythenorth> belugas is playing ottd? Or musics? 20:35:47 <peter1138> mooooosik 20:36:09 <andythenorth> :) 20:36:27 <bolli> I can lend you a server if you want to provide a save game for me to load? :p 20:36:37 <andythenorth> :) 20:36:46 <andythenorth> needs Silicon Valley GS http://www.tt-forums.net/viewtopic.php?f=65&t=62556 20:36:53 <andythenorth> dunno if GS is on banananas yet 20:37:05 <Pikka> Download: Via BaNaNaS, or via project page. 20:37:07 <Pikka> says first post 20:37:10 <andythenorth> :P 20:37:12 * andythenorth is lazy 20:37:19 <andythenorth> Pikka: what grfs and crap? 20:37:26 <andythenorth> usually play about 7 years 20:37:29 <Pikka> three and yes 20:37:30 <andythenorth> which is a few hours 20:37:41 <Pikka> 1859! 20:37:45 <andythenorth> errp 20:37:48 <Pikka> no 20:37:52 <andythenorth> we need that cost changing grf too 20:37:54 <andythenorth> for funding 20:37:55 <V453000> you can also use #openttdcoop.nightly I believe andy 20:38:03 <andythenorth> V453000: dunno how to admin it :( 20:38:15 <V453000> you know who to ask? :P 20:38:47 * Pikka berb 20:40:02 <andythenorth> V453000: want to play? 20:40:29 <V453000> maybe for a while :) 20:40:33 <andythenorth> planetmaker Ammler Rubidium Alberth Hirundo game? or socialisingings 20:40:34 <andythenorth> ? 20:40:40 <V453000> im releasing new nuts in like short time 20:40:46 <bolli> So, do you still want to borrow a server? 20:40:52 * andythenorth has two kids and no baby sitter, so new years is paused 20:41:03 <andythenorth> bolli: maybe :) 20:41:07 <andythenorth> dunno 20:41:12 <andythenorth> do you want to play btw? 20:41:28 <bolli> yeah, might as well :) 20:41:34 <Alberth> +0.9 or so :) 20:41:47 <bolli> Its either that, or continuing to replicate BR, which is generating some serious lagging with 80% of it done :( 20:42:48 <andythenorth> I will have to make a save :P 20:42:57 <andythenorth> Pikka: what industries eh? 20:43:04 <Pikka> I don't know 20:43:08 <andythenorth> FIRS-els? 20:43:12 <Pikka> sure 20:43:15 <andythenorth> I need to test some economies anyway 20:43:18 <andythenorth> might be broken :O 20:43:52 <andythenorth> urp 20:43:57 <andythenorth> better make a release of FIRS 20:44:56 <andythenorth> Terkhen: ^^^ ? 20:45:04 <andythenorth> (game?) 20:45:28 <peter1138> herpderp 20:45:57 * bolli has had enough of Javascript for this year... 20:45:59 <Belugas> if it means good, i agree, i liked the sound of your tamtams 20:46:09 *** DDR [~chatzilla@d108-180-70-130.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #openttd 20:46:23 <peter1138> yeah need a bit of variation though heh 20:46:34 <peter1138> it's just 1 bar repeating :P 20:46:54 <Belugas> well.. yeah 20:46:58 <Belugas> looping :( 20:47:04 <andythenorth> bolli: I'd leave JS until next year if I were you 20:47:36 <bolli> Yeah, unfortunately, I'm paid to work in node.js 20:48:12 <peter1138> i downloaded seq24 20:48:19 <peter1138> then a midi loopback driver 20:48:34 <peter1138> so i can tweak the pattern easily enough 20:48:46 <Belugas> midi only? 20:48:53 <Belugas> audio capture? 20:49:06 <peter1138> yeah midi only 20:49:06 <Belugas> miam! 20:49:19 <peter1138> easier than reaper for doing repeating patterns 20:49:25 <peter1138> only real audio in i've got is the guitar 20:50:27 <peter1138> and a squeaking dog 20:50:45 <peter1138> new years eve == fireworks == nervous dog 20:51:02 <bolli> andy, This multiplayer game happening? 20:51:39 <Belugas> he??? 20:51:49 <Belugas> already new year? 20:52:02 <peter1138> not just yet 20:52:16 <Alberth> bolli: please join #openttdcoop.nightly 20:52:44 *** Ttech [ttech@has.mostlyincorrect.info] has quit [Quit: Este é o fim.] 20:53:36 <andythenorth> bolli: haveto make a savegame :( 20:53:39 <Belugas> while my guitasr gently squeeks 20:54:40 <andythenorth> Pikka: should I set any UKRS 2 / addon parameters? 20:54:55 <Pikka> dunno 20:55:03 <andythenorth> nvm 20:55:07 <andythenorth> we'll figure it out 20:55:10 <Pikka> well 20:55:19 <Pikka> declutter will get rid of a lot of crap from the buy list 20:55:28 <Pikka> real colours are fun if you like that sort of thing 20:56:35 <bolli> I presume theres a place to download the nightly versions from history? 20:57:39 <bolli> Or do I have to self-compile? 20:58:10 *** drac_boy [~drac_boy@modemcable105.141-163-184.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #openttd 20:58:15 <drac_boy> hi 20:58:22 <andythenorth> anyone know where frosch's table of SV results is? 20:58:32 <Pikka> http://us.binaries.openttd.org/binaries/nightlies/trunk/index.html bolli? 20:59:07 <bolli> Thanks 20:59:30 <Alberth> andythenorth: readme file? 20:59:32 <bolli> I'd found binaries.openttd.org which points to a broken mirror... 20:59:33 <andythenorth> Pikka: shall I just forget addons? 20:59:40 <Pikka> probably :) 20:59:57 <Pikka> what year are we playing? 21:00:04 <Pikka> 1970s? :) 21:00:30 <andythenorth> yeah 21:04:29 *** Ttech [~ttech@has.mostlyincorrect.info] has joined #openttd 21:04:57 <drac_boy> why not 1950? :) 21:05:45 <peter1138> could work 21:05:46 <Belugas> got to go peter1138 21:05:46 <V453000> because they play only for like 7 years :/ 21:05:50 <peter1138> okie doke 21:06:04 <Belugas> thanks, maybe on the 2nd 21:06:17 <Belugas> was a cool one, thatb latest rift :) 21:06:29 <Belugas> love that drums of yours 21:06:40 <Belugas> and happy new yeaR TO ALL!!@ 21:06:46 <peter1138> nappy hew year 21:06:48 <peter1138> er 21:06:51 <peter1138> happy new year :S 21:06:59 <Belugas> ;) 21:07:04 <Belugas> DRIUNK ALREADY? 21:07:09 * Belugas is gone! 21:07:09 <peter1138> nah 21:12:35 <bolli> Anybody got a link to the Basic platform set and the firs replacement set 0.8-test-1 for the nightly game? :p 21:14:37 <andythenorth> bolli: new FIRS will be on bananas 21:14:44 <peter1138> ok 21:14:49 <andythenorth> join #openttdcoop.nightly 21:15:11 <bolli> I'm trying to? :P 21:15:16 <bolli> I don't have the newgrfs... 21:15:27 <andythenorth> just join the channel first ;) 21:15:45 <andythenorth> that's an old game running on that server right now 21:15:50 <andythenorth> we'll scrap it in a minute 21:16:00 <bolli> Oh :p 21:30:02 <Pikka> probably, andy 21:34:13 *** LordPixaII [~pixa@] has joined #openttd 21:34:13 *** Pixa [~pixa@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 22:01:26 <__ln__> happy birthday Earth! 22:11:59 <andythenorth> SpComb: MP on openttdcoop.nightly? 22:14:36 <SpComb> eh 22:15:17 <SpComb> does openttdcoop imply some kind of rules and tedious stuff? 22:17:09 <Pikka> terribluy 22:21:32 <andythenorth> SpComb: I'm in charge 22:21:37 <andythenorth> draw your own conclusion ;) 22:22:02 <SpComb> boats only 22:27:17 <peter1138> hmm 22:40:01 *** FLHerne [~quassel@dsl-217-155-24-22.zen.co.uk] has joined #openttd 22:40:09 <peter1138> when i wrote newstations 22:40:25 <peter1138> i designed the code to support adding/removing newgrfs ;p 22:41:26 <peter1138> apart from the tile-blocked status which was gonna be stored on map at some point 22:51:42 *** vr6apparatus [~IceChat7@c-76-22-100-70.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #openttd 22:57:11 *** bolli [~Sam@] has quit [Quit: Leaving.] 23:07:53 *** pjpe [ae5f48b7@ircip3.mibbit.com] has joined #openttd 23:07:56 *** pjpe [ae5f48b7@ircip3.mibbit.com] has left #openttd [] 23:11:16 *** bolli [~bolli@] has joined #openttd 23:12:28 *** bolli [~bolli@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 23:12:41 *** bolli [~bolli@] has joined #openttd 23:13:30 <bolli> Sorry about the sudden exit from the night lies. Internet is completely dead... 23:14:51 *** Progman [~progman@p57A19D26.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #openttd 23:15:21 <Snail> happy new year to (most of) Europe :D 23:16:19 <Alberth> bolli: :( 23:16:37 <Alberth> better luck next time :) 23:21:35 *** bolli [~bolli@] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 23:39:58 * peter1138 grumbles at dpkg-buildpackage 23:41:40 <Pikka> oops 23:47:10 *** Snail [~jacopocol@cpe-68-175-24-89.nyc.res.rr.com] has quit [Quit: Snail]