Log for #openttd on 26th April 2013:
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00:24:39  *** glx [] has quit [Quit: Bye !]
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07:27:18  <NGC3982> Eddi|zuHause: Oops.
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08:02:02  <NGC3982> Bah, i can't find documentation on how to add grf's properly to my server config.
08:02:20  <planetmaker> create savegame. upload savegame
08:02:28  <planetmaker> or edit config. reload config. start new game
08:02:34  <planetmaker> thus not different to single player game
08:06:13  *** Ristovski [~rafael@] has joined #openttd
08:12:16  <NGC3982> Yes, that works. Although, i have a new problem.
08:12:42  <NGC3982> I wish to play the game as a dedicated server, with other listening ports, server names and settings.
08:13:03  <planetmaker> then... configure it appropriately. The cfg is your friend
08:13:03  <NGC3982> How do i configure that in my save game? :)
08:13:16  <planetmaker> setting names... are self-explanatory
08:13:32  <planetmaker> of course you don't configure your server by means of a savegame...
08:13:58  <NGC3982> Server name*
08:14:03  <NGC3982> So, how do i set a listening port in my savegame?
08:14:14  <NGC3982> I made it in windows, saved it and moved the file to the server.
08:14:41  <planetmaker> of course you don't configure your server by means of a savegame...
08:14:58  <NGC3982> Of course!?
08:15:01  <NGC3982> For god sake.
08:15:10  * NGC3982 removes and tries to write a new config.
08:15:11  <tycoondemon> voor gods zaken
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08:15:50  <planetmaker> ssh to server. stop openttd. Edit cfg. restart server. load savegame
08:16:07  *** cyph3r [] has quit [Quit: Miranda IM! Smaller, Faster, Easier.]
08:17:35  <NGC3982> I only moved the savegame file to the server. The original openttd.cfg does not change when i start or stop the savegame file.
08:17:47  <NGC3982> What cfg are you refering to?
08:18:01  <planetmaker> openttd.cfg on the server
08:20:17  <NGC3982> That worked. Though, what do i do when i wish to start simultanious servers with the same base config?
08:20:33  <NGC3982> I guess i can change the config again, as long as the first game is still running?
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08:48:21  <planetmaker> it will become overwritten once you exit openttd
08:49:07  <planetmaker> and you can't run several servers with the same config file anyway... it will conflict with name and ports
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09:13:32  <NGC3982> I see. I guess im better off creating individual config files instead.
09:13:51  <__ln___> you mean: I'm
09:13:56  <NGC3982> Yes, i did.
09:14:01  <NGC3982> Hi, btw.
09:14:08  <__ln___> hi
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09:30:03  <V453000> #openttdcoop devzone - boldly coding what others only dare to dream .... I wonder if I should put in my signature #gettingConfusedAboutEverything I code
09:31:23  <peter1139> So __ln___ has an extra _, and I have an addition. What is the world coming to?
09:33:34  <V453000> :d
09:34:50  <Sacro> peter1139: peak entropy?
09:35:02  * peter1139 peeks at Sacro's peaks
09:53:09  <Sacro> :(
10:13:55  *** Tvel [~Thunderbi@] has joined #openttd
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10:17:22  <NGC3982> So yeah, using individual configs > everything else.
10:19:51  <peter1139> using the automatic config generator to start servers from a web interface > that
10:20:02  <peter1139> problem: you might have to write it first
10:27:47  <NGC3982> Well, writing a config is not that much work. I copy the last used one, and change some parameters. The only part of it that's actually work might be the NewGRF's.
10:29:46  <V453000> you load newGRFs in the savegame
10:29:58  <V453000> cfg is just for server-side settings like max companies, autoclean, etc
10:31:25  <NGC3982> But, if i use a savegame, i also have to use the default cfg file on the server, as i discussed with PM above?
10:31:45  <NGC3982> And that seems to be a problem when using multiple instances of openttd running dedicated.
10:32:57  <NGC3982> I use a different listening port for each server game, for instance.
10:33:42  <peter1139> eh?
10:33:54  <peter1139> you can specify the config and a savegame...
10:34:01  <NGC3982> Oh?
10:34:08  <NGC3982> Oh.
10:34:15  <V453000> server config stays as is
10:34:22  <NGC3982> You mean; I can use the -c and -g together?
10:34:28  <peter1139> yes
10:34:28  <V453000> game settings get overridden by savegame
10:34:33  <NGC3982> Oooh.
10:34:38  <NGC3982> That changes everything.
10:34:43  <peter1139> o_O
10:35:00  <peter1139> it changes nothing but your misunderstanding :p
10:35:03  <NGC3982> Hehe
10:35:12  <NGC3982> Thanks.
10:36:06  <V453000> :D
10:36:09  <V453000> well put
10:37:22  *** sla_ro|master [~slamaster@] has quit [Quit: connection reset by myself]
10:41:39  * peter1139 grumbles at samba's handling of filenames with characters that windows can't handle
10:42:12  <TinoDidriksen> Pretty sure you can configure that.
10:45:45  <peter1139> only on or off
10:45:52  <peter1139> off leaves the filename unusable
10:46:18  <peter1139> on leaves it without an extension (in the case of .flac) so it's... unusable for stupid programs that only look at the extension, which is rather common in windows-land
11:07:30  <peter1139> hmm, and some files aren't mangled but still can't be opened
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12:43:42  *** NewTT-Fan [] has joined #openttd
12:44:44  <NewTT-Fan> Whenever I start a game, the industry includes their locations faster than I have earned enough money to service these sites! how can I prevent it?
12:47:20  <planetmaker> That depends. On whether you mean 'close' instead of 'include'. And what NewGRFs you use (if any)
12:48:47  <planetmaker> If you use no NewGRFs, then industries don't close, if you provide decent service. The exception are oil wells which will close eventually
12:49:03  <planetmaker> If you use FIRS, industries don't close either, if supplied properly
12:49:41  <planetmaker> With ECS it depends on the parameters. you can configure it prior to map generation such that industries won't close either afaik. Check out that NewGRF's parameters
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12:50:41  <planetmaker> if you mean unserviced industries: more difficult. Try to use the "manual industries" NewGRF for a new game
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13:25:21  <NewTT-Fan> thanks planetmaker
13:28:03  <Belugas> hello
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14:00:41  <Ristovski> *yawn*
14:00:44  <Ristovski> Hello everyone
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15:24:09  *** DarkAce-Z is now known as DarkAceZ
15:29:07  <Terkhen> hello
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15:41:43  <planetmaker> moin
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16:52:15  <Alberth> evenink
16:52:54  <planetmaker> hello Alberth
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17:33:41  <Wolf01> o/
17:33:57  <Alberth> \o
17:34:49  <andythenorth> bonsoir
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17:45:38  <DorpsGek> Commit by translators :: r25207 /trunk/src/lang (5 files) (2013-04-26 17:45:28 UTC)
17:45:39  <DorpsGek> -Update from WebTranslator v3.0:
17:45:40  <DorpsGek> english_AU - 8 changes by mrtux
17:45:41  <DorpsGek> galician - 300 changes by Michi
17:45:42  <DorpsGek> korean - 9 changes by telk5093
17:45:43  <DorpsGek> gaelic - 49 changes by GunChleoc
17:45:44  <DorpsGek> welsh - 3 changes by kazzie
17:46:15  <DorpsGek> Commit by frosch :: r25208 /trunk/bin/baseset (8 files) (2013-04-26 17:46:09 UTC)
17:46:16  <DorpsGek> -Update: Baseset translations
17:46:45  <andythenorth> translated ottd is not dying
17:47:47  <Wolf01> gah, I tried to save this window due to the "*" in the title (on my IDE it is on the tab label to show which ones to save)
17:49:23  * Wolf01 is going to eat
17:50:26  <Alberth> :)
17:50:41  <Alberth> hmm, 6 desktops and still no room to open a new window :p
17:51:29  <frosch123> you do not turn off your computer over night?
17:52:53  <Alberth> yep, it's switched on for an hour now
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17:58:38  <frosch123> what? :p
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17:59:47  <frosch123> andythenorth: the number of missing translation is lower than the revision since a few days ago
17:59:57  <frosch123> that did not happen in years
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18:00:18  <frosch123> andythenorth: the number of missing translation is lower than the revision since a few days ago
18:00:19  <frosch123> that did not happen in years
18:00:32  <planetmaker> wow :-) That's good. Especially as we have more languages :-)
18:01:07  <andythenorth> are bananas downloads more or less than usual?
18:01:12  <andythenorth> seems quite high on my grfs
18:01:25  <andythenorth> also judging by newbies in forum, seems to be lots of players
18:01:31  <frosch123> planetmaker: i still did not look it up, but i think around r23000 we wondered who would reach 25000 first
18:01:39  <andythenorth> so even if trunk dev and newgrf is kind of dead, there are happy players
18:01:46  <planetmaker> we wondered somewhen, yes :-)
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18:39:21  <DorpsGek> Commit by planetmaker :: r25209 /trunk (config.lib readme.txt) (2013-04-26 18:39:15 UTC)
18:39:22  <DorpsGek> -Doc: Mention --without-grfcodec in the help for configure and explain its use in the readme
18:44:14  *** Polleke [] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
19:05:15  *** Colombo [] has joined #openttd
19:05:22  <Colombo> Hi all, I have small question.
19:05:33  <Supercheese> ask away
19:05:44  <Colombo> As a lot of grfs have setting, it is possible to change these settings on server? And if so, how?
19:05:50  <Colombo> from console
19:06:07  <Supercheese> well, you can do it by editing a configuration file on the server
19:06:10  <Colombo> All I can get is list of standard-game setting without the new variables added by grf
19:06:12  <Supercheese> I'm not sure about console sommands
19:06:15  <Supercheese> commands*
19:06:25  <frosch123> nope, not via console commands
19:06:37  <Supercheese> wiki is broken
19:06:39  <Supercheese> :S
19:06:40  <frosch123> easiest method is to upload a prepared savegame with all newgrf applied
19:06:41  <Colombo> As I am not running the server, just... friend have started it for me and gave me the password and rights to manage it.
19:06:59  <frosch123> alternatively you can enter the parameters in openttd.cfg
19:07:09  <Supercheese> returns blank
19:07:19  <frosch123> Supercheese: half of the pages return blank currently
19:07:31  <Supercheese> Hmm
19:07:32  <Colombo> I don't have direct acces to server, just as client in game with password.
19:07:46  <Colombo> And I want to change terraforming...
19:07:47  <Supercheese> Colombo: can you load savegames on the server?
19:08:00  <Colombo> don't know
19:08:13  <Supercheese> should be a console command for that eh
19:08:18  <frosch123> well, you need to be able to transfer them to the server
19:08:22  <Colombo> I want to make terraforming harder. Now one can inexpensively lower land and make canals... bleh
19:08:28  <frosch123> rcon is not enough for transfering files
19:08:30  <Supercheese> ah, well, uploaded ones anyway
19:09:52  <Colombo> And in standard setting, is there anything that would make terraforming more expensive/harder/impossible?
19:10:50  <frosch123> you can reduce terraform_per_64k_frames and terraform_frame_burst
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19:14:13  <frosch123> if you set terraform_frame_burst to something like 10, people can only terraform 2 tiles or so at once
19:15:37  <frosch123> if you set terraform_per_64k_frames to 19660 it will allow terraforming of one corner per second on average
19:16:38  <frosch123> there are similiar settings wrt. clearing land and planting trees
19:16:47  <Wolf01> I once used Cortona VRML Client to view a screenshot from homeworld 2, but I wonder if there is a software which could make 3D screenshots of any game (ok, maybe not OTTD :P)
19:17:10  <frosch123> Wolf01: i think you missed a forum topic
19:17:43  <frosch123> Wolf01:
19:17:55  <Wolf01> lol
19:18:30  <Colombo> this seems only to slow it, but don't make it any harder
19:18:41  <Colombo> Can I somehow edit files from openTTD console?
19:18:46  <frosch123> nope :p
19:18:52  <Colombo> :/
19:19:14  <planetmaker> openttd is a game. Not a file editor :-)
19:19:16  <Colombo> This could solve a lot problems.
19:19:25  <Colombo> I know, but if one can't edit the setting...
19:19:34  <Wolf01> could I write my essay with the signs and then export it?
19:19:35  <planetmaker> newgrfs can't be changed after map creation
19:19:38  <frosch123> also, usually you do not make things harder in ottd by making them more expensive
19:19:57  <planetmaker> neither single nor multi player
19:20:14  <Supercheese> shouldn't be changed* ;)
19:20:19  *** Eddi|zuHause [] has joined #openttd
19:20:29  <planetmaker> can't
19:20:35  <Supercheese> mustn't
19:20:42  <planetmaker> Unless of course you claim that you're a developer. And thus know what you do ;-)
19:20:56  <Supercheese> or you actually do develop newgrfs :P
19:21:18  <planetmaker> for that you actually do not even need it
19:21:19  <Eddi|zuHause> developing newgrfs is overrated :p
19:21:25  <Colombo> planetmaker: I don't care if it wouldn't work in current game, I could restart it.
19:21:26  <V453000> . :)
19:21:33  <Supercheese> true enough, you don't really need it
19:21:51  <planetmaker> just reload_newgrfs suffices
19:21:54  <andythenorth> hmm
19:21:55  <andythenorth> people
19:21:56  <andythenorth> here
19:21:58  <andythenorth> talking
19:22:00  <andythenorth> about the game
19:22:01  <Supercheese> or typing
19:22:01  <planetmaker> though... might only be available as developer :-)
19:22:04  <andythenorth> how weird
19:22:10  <planetmaker> o/ andythenorth
19:22:17  <Colombo> planetmaker: How this could help?
19:22:18  <frosch123> andythenorth: we are turning ottd into a text edtior :)
19:22:29  <V453000> andythenorth: dying
19:22:30  <Supercheese> text editor with no copy/paste, ouch
19:22:41  <planetmaker> Colombo, reload_newgrfs doesn't help you, I'm afraid
19:22:41  <frosch123> to give people shell access via rcon when they do not have ssh access
19:22:42  <Eddi|zuHause> you don't need an editor for developing newgrf either, just "copy con: file" suffices
19:22:57  <Eddi|zuHause> but it might come in handy at times :p
19:22:58  <planetmaker> you'll either need ssh - to edit openttd.cfg. Or you need means to upload a savegame.
19:23:03  <planetmaker> which you then can load via rcon
19:23:17  <Colombo> I don'T have both:(
19:23:24  <Colombo> eh, niether
19:23:25  <planetmaker> you have rcon :-)
19:23:37  <Colombo> yeah, but no mean uploading savegame
19:24:23  <planetmaker> that's a problem indeed. Allowing mods to upload savegames is sth admins should make feasible
19:24:28  * andythenorth would be happier with wider rivers
19:24:35  <andythenorth> hmm
19:24:44  <andythenorth> can I have a text-based, in-game tile editor?
19:24:50  <andythenorth> 1,0: river
19:24:53  <andythenorth> 1,1: river
19:25:00  <andythenorth> 1,2: railtype 1 NS
19:25:10  <Eddi|zuHause> well, all this needs is a way to reverse the savegame transfer, so people with the rcon password can load local savegames into the server
19:25:12  <andythenorth> 1,3 industry tile 0A
19:25:29  <andythenorth> 1,0: height 4
19:25:34  <andythenorth> that would be awesome
19:25:37  *** Pensacola [] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
19:25:44  <andythenorth> 3, 7: kittens
19:25:52  <Eddi|zuHause> andythenorth: just make a "landscape generator" script :p
19:26:16  <planetmaker> rcon upload ?
19:26:22  <planetmaker> hm...
19:26:57  <frosch123> forcing a savegame on a server is stronger than editing the cfg
19:27:03  <planetmaker> Eddi|zuHause, I like the idea, though
19:27:04  <frosch123> wrt. security and such
19:27:21  <planetmaker> frosch123, giving rcon and allowing savegame upload is not that much different
19:27:22  <Colombo> I am happy to hear that my problem will stimulate game changes:D
19:27:22  *** TrueBrain_ is now known as TrueBrain
19:27:43  <frosch123> planetmaker: yeah, ok, you can ruin the game anyway
19:28:07  <planetmaker> you should trust whom you give rcon at least that much :-)
19:28:32  <Wolf01> frosch123, that rendering made me thinking about the games on '80 '90 years, where they put fantastic graphics on the boxes, astonishing intros... and then a flat, 2D, 4 colours game
19:28:40  <frosch123> well, but currently you cannot force the server to download 50GiB from your client, until its quota is exceeded :p
19:28:54  <planetmaker> :-) true
19:29:04  <planetmaker> rcon upload /dev/null.sav
19:30:08  <frosch123> at least using the client will be more save than transfering a url to the server and making it wget it :)
19:30:52  <planetmaker> also easier for most people. Not everyone has access to easy web space
19:31:07  <Eddi|zuHause> maybe there could be a limit to savegame transfer size or something
19:31:28  <Eddi|zuHause> possibly both ways
19:31:57  <frosch123> well, a configurable limit is not that useful, when you can already edit the config :p
19:32:24  <frosch123> but yeah, we can limit it at 100MiB :)
19:32:25  <planetmaker> you can't edit everything, or? Port, name,... don't work. Though I honestly never tried
19:32:35  *** Colombo [] has quit [Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.90 [Firefox 20.0.1/20130409194949]]
19:32:59  <frosch123> planetmaker: yeah, only settings
19:33:13  <frosch123> not other ini stuff, like newgrf, ai, ...
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19:35:44  <planetmaker> the file size limit would belong in the same section as server port
19:36:20  <frosch123> @seen dihedral
19:36:20  <DorpsGek> frosch123: dihedral was last seen in #openttd 3 days, 12 hours, 13 minutes, and 12 seconds ago: <dihedral> greetings
19:36:27  <frosch123> oh, only 3 days ago
19:36:40  <planetmaker> :-)
19:37:10  <frosch123> planetmaker: do you know whether autopilot or coop ever used the reload_cfg setting
19:37:38  *** HerzogDeXtEr [] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
19:37:59  <planetmaker> uhm... I *think* they don't
19:38:16  <planetmaker> though autopilot afaik has a special command to faciliate that
19:38:25  <frosch123> dihedral added it in 2008 :)
19:38:36  <planetmaker> :-)
19:38:46  <frosch123> but it also causes to reload the worldgen seed from config
19:39:03  <frosch123> so "newgame" does the same as "restart" unless you edit the seed in the cfg :)
19:39:07  <planetmaker> actually: yes, coop used it as long as we had a web config
19:39:17  <planetmaker> thus pre-new-settings file
19:40:18  *** Tvel [~Thunderbi@] has quit [Quit: Tvel]
19:40:40  <planetmaker> prior to that nearly every game was web-configured, including newgrfs. And then config was reloaded and new game generated from the new config
19:41:10  <planetmaker> but... that's at least 3(?) years ago now :D
19:41:27  <frosch123> yeah, i just wonder whether the seed was saved differently back then
19:41:48  <frosch123> it really makes no sense to load the same seed from the config before starting a game
19:42:35  <Eddi|zuHause> just keep the seed empty by default?
19:42:58  <planetmaker> and when not? And how long keep it then?
19:43:09  <frosch123> well, i could also preserve the seed when loading the config due to reload_cfg
19:43:27  <frosch123> i just wondered about the intention of reload_cfg
19:43:33  <frosch123> and now pm said it was for webconfig :)
19:43:54  <frosch123> and i suspect the webconfig did not offer the seed :p
19:44:04  <frosch123> (or someone was really bored)
19:44:11  <planetmaker> I don't recall. It actually might have offered it
19:45:07  <planetmaker> I only recall the sense that it allowed basically configuration of everything
19:45:18  <planetmaker> but... that was a time when I didn't know as much about openttd config :D
19:45:36  <frosch123> are there still ad screenshots somewhere? :p
19:45:39  <planetmaker> and I don't even know whether the broken web config exists even anymore...
19:45:51  <planetmaker> not that I know. But doesn't mean 'no'
19:45:52  <Eddi|zuHause> frosch123: but then you can't set a new random seed through the config when relying on reload_cfg
19:46:07  <frosch123> Eddi|zuHause: and who would actually want to do that?
19:46:37  <frosch123> alternatively one could also remove the seed from the cfg :p
19:46:46  <frosch123> why should it be saved in the first place?
19:46:54  <Eddi|zuHause> frosch123: who would care about whether the seed is kept throughout restarting the game?
19:46:55  <planetmaker> determinism
19:47:17  <Alberth> some MP players? :)
19:47:26  <Eddi|zuHause> frosch123: giving a specific seed may be useful in some cases
19:48:17  <Eddi|zuHause> which brings me back to my original suggestion: the seed should be empty for everybody who doesn't care, and one can put a seed in there if one wants to manually override it
19:49:51  <planetmaker> hm, YAPP is also 5 years old already :-)
19:50:12  <Alberth> but the non-caring people don't care whether the value of the seed is empty
19:50:47  <frosch123> planetmaker: the r20k party is almost 3 years old :p
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19:51:17  <frosch123> Eddi|zuHause: i believe you can also pass a seed to "newgame"
19:51:22  <planetmaker> true :-)
19:52:14  <planetmaker> he... rivers since 2008 as well. Just not generated
19:52:26  <frosch123> planetmaker: everything was in 2007/2008
19:52:40  <planetmaker> yeah. seems like :D
19:53:09  <frosch123> i joined on the high point, after me everything degraded :p
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19:53:21  <planetmaker> :-P So... your fault or mine? :D
19:53:36  <andythenorth> I blame TrueBrain and peter1139
19:53:58  <andythenorth> and also all the idiots who ask for features :P
19:54:15  <andythenorth> specially newgrf devs, they are the worst
19:54:24  <planetmaker> @ frosch123
19:54:27  <Eddi|zuHause> openttd is dying!!
19:54:39  <andythenorth> I think development actually is
19:54:48  <andythenorth> but users look happy
19:54:57  <andythenorth> dying / done /s
19:54:58  <andythenorth> ?
19:55:06  <frosch123> planetmaker: map size in "patch settings"? :p
19:55:30  * andythenorth isn't trolling, maybe ottd is actually finished?
19:55:42  <frosch123> the grouping looks completely arbitrary :p
19:55:52  <planetmaker> yeah... that changed quite a bit
19:56:03  <planetmaker> oh, that was still on brianetta's server!
19:56:07  <planetmaker>
19:56:21  <planetmaker> that's where I played my first online game on :-)
19:57:29  <frosch123> hehe, i never played online. then i took the opportunity to join rb's 0.3.5 troll server
19:57:39  <frosch123> now i can claim i played my first online game with 0.3.5 :)
19:58:05  <planetmaker> is the actual entry with the screenshot. Look at the NewGRF updates :-)
19:58:23  <planetmaker> he :-)
19:58:33  <andythenorth> hmm what's not done
19:58:45  <andythenorth> web translator for newgrfs? o_O
19:59:19  <Alberth> only that?
19:59:30  <frosch123> oh, pr*gman was a coop member
19:59:49  <andythenorth> bananas needs a rebuild
20:00:12  <Alberth> andythenorth: I would expect the union of all suggestion post \ what has been implemented
20:01:58  <planetmaker> web config for servers is missing. logging for them. infra sharing. cargod*st. daylength of sorts. consist replacement
20:02:49  <planetmaker> web translator for all stuff, of course. Proper bananas management UI
20:04:02  <Eddi|zuHause> timetable stuff
20:04:21  <Eddi|zuHause> consist replacement
20:04:35  <Alberth> state machines
20:04:55  <frosch123> tile based airports :)
20:04:58  <planetmaker>  no-grids. new game UI rework. new airports + new bridges + road types
20:05:04  <planetmaker> newgrf utopia
20:05:10  <frosch123> undo knob
20:05:14  <planetmaker> :-P
20:05:26  <planetmaker> ^W^W^W
20:05:50  <andythenorth> whack whack oops
20:06:53  <andythenorth> multithreading
20:07:07  <planetmaker> r9884 | truelight | 2007-05-20 00:48:04 +0200 (Sun, 20 May 2007) | 6 lines
20:07:07  <planetmaker> -Feature: 2 new zoom-out levels: 8 times and 16 times :D
20:07:29  <frosch123> ow... round-robin group stage, two round of tie-breakers... and now a coin flip :p
20:07:36  <frosch123> awesome e-sports :p
20:08:30  <frosch123> planetmaker: ah, yeah, we also need the zoom-out-into-minimap thingie
20:08:50  <planetmaker> openttd as web game :D
20:09:35  * andythenorth would settle for rivers that get a bit wider near sea
20:10:00  <planetmaker> Blog article from 5 April 2007: Passenger Destinations – we need them!!
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20:15:37  <Eddi|zuHause> about that long i haven't played a game without them anymore :p
20:16:29  <planetmaker> :D
20:19:22  <Eddi|zuHause> july 2008 - Klein ElsmÌnster Transport, 24. MÀr 1925.sav
20:22:29  <Eddi|zuHause>,%202.%20Okt%201940.png
20:23:10  <frosch123> about that long i haven't played a singleplayer game on a map bigger than 128x256 :p
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20:23:44  <planetmaker> :-) Hm... I guess my usual map remained like 512^2 since I started
20:23:58  <Eddi|zuHause> i stopped playing that game because there was a crazy lag for calculating the passenger connections in that patch
20:23:59  <planetmaker> Though... for wwottdgd I created 2k^2... too big
20:24:06  <V453000> 256x128 is enough for major brainmelt :P
20:24:18  <planetmaker> quite
20:24:54  <Eddi|zuHause> i kinda like larger maps with lots of space
20:25:20  <frosch123> i don't like lots of spce
20:25:23  <planetmaker> yes... but on 512^2 I have lots of space :-)
20:25:31  <frosch123> i like maps with high industry density and everything connected
20:26:02  <Eddi|zuHause> 512^2 map, low town density, cargodist, 1/8 or 1/16 passenger generation
20:26:18  <Eddi|zuHause> 4x or 8x daylength
20:26:28  <planetmaker> I like medium density and everything connected, low town density. And then re-building life hubs for better performance :D
20:27:14  <Eddi|zuHause> i liked how YACD forced me to actually connect everything
20:27:16  <frosch123> oh, and i hate maglev :p
20:27:44  <Eddi|zuHause> i only built maglev twice in my OpenTTD history
20:28:04  <planetmaker> one of the most interesting games I played was jointly with andy, terkhen and others a yacd game with the then current FIRS. Brilliant
20:28:05  <frosch123> i also never really transported pax
20:28:07  <Eddi|zuHause> i don't usually play that long anyway
20:28:18  <frosch123> i build a few airports to make towns grow until they accept goods
20:28:43  <Eddi|zuHause> wouldn't bus stops perform that better?
20:29:22  <frosch123> likely, but i was still in the lucky position to not know the game mechanics :)
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20:29:36  <frosch123> which generally makes games more interesting
20:29:42  <frosch123> imo
20:31:01  <planetmaker> :-)
20:32:13  <V453000> there is always something to discover in openttd :)
20:32:40  <Wolf01> 'night
20:32:46  *** Wolf01 [] has quit [Quit: Once again the world is quick to bury me.]
20:33:09  <Eddi|zuHause> hm, maybe i should hack a patch that strips the paxdes3 stuff from that savegame, to import it into something more modern...
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20:40:41  <Eddi|zuHause> hm, i don't seem to have that patch anymore
20:48:23  <Eddi|zuHause> oh there it might be
20:51:05  <Eddi|zuHause> hm, how was that solved? "src/fileio.cpp:629:36: error: invalid conversion from ‘const char*’ to ‘char*’ [-fpermissive]"
20:51:31  <Eddi|zuHause> trying to compile r12697
20:52:08  <frosch123> remove the const
20:52:19  <frosch123> or const-cast
20:52:59  <Eddi|zuHause>         char *s = strrchr(exe, PATHSEPCHAR);
20:53:52  <Eddi|zuHause> there's no "future blame" in svn :/
20:55:23  <Alberth> just cast     char *s = (char *)strrchr(exe, PATHSEPCHAR);  :)
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20:57:37  <Eddi|zuHause> char *s = const_cast<char *>(strrchr(exe, PATHSEPCHAR)); seems to be the current line
20:58:10  <Alberth> that would be the more official way indeed :)
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21:01:51  <Eddi|zuHause> /mnt/disk2/spiele/OpenTTD/trunk_clean/src/newgrf_text.cpp:166:8: error: non-placement deallocation function ‘static void GRFText::operator delete(void*, size_t)’ [-fpermissive]
21:01:52  <Eddi|zuHause> /mnt/disk2/spiele/OpenTTD/trunk_clean/src/newgrf_text.cpp:148:53: error: selected for placement delete [-fpermissive]
21:01:58  <andythenorth> good night
21:02:11  <Eddi|zuHause> i have not even a clue what that means :/
21:03:16  <lucky_> is it possible to pull up a chat backlog?
21:03:26  <Alberth> looks interesting eddi :)
21:03:28  <Alberth> @logs
21:03:28  <DorpsGek> Alberth:
21:03:32  <Alberth> yes it is
21:03:33  <Eddi|zuHause> ingame? use the console
21:03:37  *** andythenorth [] has quit [Quit: andythenorth]
21:03:48  <Eddi|zuHause> key left of 1
21:04:28  <lucky_> oh! thanks :)
21:05:52  <Eddi|zuHause> [Sonntag, 24. Oktober 2010] [21:37:55] <Eddi|zuHause>   src/newgrf_text.cpp:166:8: error: non-placement deallocation function ‘static void GRFText::operator delete(void*, size_t)’
21:05:53  <Eddi|zuHause> [Sonntag, 24. Oktober 2010] [21:37:56] <Eddi|zuHause>   src/newgrf_text.cpp:148:53: error: selected for placement delete
21:05:59  <Eddi|zuHause> looks i had that problem before :p
21:06:59  <Eddi|zuHause> [Sonntag, 24. Oktober 2010] [21:41:18] <Alberth>        that's an interesting one :)
21:07:27  <Alberth> lol!
21:07:51  <Alberth> did it also state the solution?
21:08:17  <Eddi|zuHause> not within 30 lines of this :/
21:09:48  <Alberth> static looks a bit suspicious
21:10:19  <Alberth> oh, no it's not, in the context of a class
21:10:23  <Eddi|zuHause> well, there's a solution somewhere in trunk, but how to find the right commit?
21:11:57  <Alberth> bisect doesn't work as you'd have to more the patch along, I guess
21:12:35  <Eddi|zuHause> it's unpatched
21:14:35  <frosch123> r18045
21:14:45  <frosch123> -Fix: GCC 4.5@HEAD not compiling OpenTTD anymore because of a "non-placement deallocation function [is] selected for placement delete"
21:15:41  <Eddi|zuHause> ah, thanks
21:17:06  <Eddi|zuHause> gn, it totally not applies, though :)
21:18:33  *** HellTiger [] has quit [Quit: KVIrc 4.2.0 Equilibrium]
21:18:38  <Alberth> gn eddi :)
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21:21:30  <Eddi|zuHause> not what i meant :)
21:23:48  *** Zuu [] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds]
21:25:58  <Eddi|zuHause> now i have about 2 metric tons of warnings, but it did produce a binary :)
21:26:22  *** DarkAceZ [~BillyMays@] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds]
21:26:34  <Eddi|zuHause> and a norev000
21:26:39  <Eddi|zuHause> why that?
21:27:11  <frosch123> svn 1.7 ?
21:27:40  <Eddi|zuHause> yes
21:27:52  <Eddi|zuHause> whatever, doesn't matter
21:28:02  <frosch123> there is no longer a .svn directory everywehre
21:34:00  <Eddi|zuHause> i guess that would have been too easy :/
21:35:11  <frosch123> sounds like you just need to add a "public" somewhere
21:37:15  *** Progman [] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
21:44:35  *** Alberth [] has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
21:45:18  <Eddi|zuHause> yeah, i replaced some "protected" inheritance to "public"
21:45:29  <Eddi|zuHause> it compiles, but i have no clue whether that is correct
21:45:47  <frosch123> protected inheritance on class level :o
21:45:50  <Eddi|zuHause> yay, it crashes on the intro game :)
21:47:19  <Eddi|zuHause> Program received signal SIGFPE, Arithmetic exception. 0x000000000046762f in OnTick_Industry() ()
21:47:39  *** Ristovski [~rafael@] has quit [Quit: Leaving]
21:47:41  <Eddi|zuHause> that certainly has nothing to do with the other one :)
21:48:00  <Eddi|zuHause> i smell a daylength patch issue
21:48:12  <frosch123> try without openttd.cfg
21:48:21  <frosch123> so you get all defaults of that version
21:49:00  *** Alice3 [] has quit []
21:50:40  <Eddi|zuHause> 1039            return (!_patches.daylength_iprfactor ? original_production_rate / _patches.daylength : original_production_rate);
21:50:50  *** sla_ro|master [~slamaster@] has quit [Quit: connection reset by myself]
21:51:07  <Terkhen> good night
21:55:26  *** DarkAce-Z is now known as DarkAceZ
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22:02:44  <Muxy> ehlo
22:02:49  <Eddi|zuHause> hm, there aren't actually any daylength entries in settings :/
22:02:56  <Eddi|zuHause> only in settings_gui
22:03:15  <Eddi|zuHause> where have they gone?
22:05:30  <glx> in some .ini maybe ?
22:09:08  <Eddi|zuHause> note: save before compile :/
22:10:05  *** Muxy [] has left #openttd [Quitte]
22:10:20  <Eddi|zuHause> uhu... it actually loads the savegame...
22:12:11  *** frosch123 [] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
22:13:45  <planetmaker> g'night
22:32:04  <Eddi|zuHause> hm... i have no idea why, but the wood trucks are broken :/
22:32:49  <Eddi|zuHause> hm, could be old non-stop handling
22:34:05  <Eddi|zuHause> ok, i probably should not have done that :/
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