Log for #openttd on 21st August 2013:
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00:31:49  *** Dark-Ace-Z [~BillyMays@] has joined #openttd
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02:38:23  <Rieksts> Hey, why are there people working on Cargo Distribution mod but not on Cargo Destination mod? The latter one makes much more sense.
02:44:40  <Supercheese> I agree, but the developers choose what they will
02:44:46  <Supercheese> and they chose CargoDist
02:55:27  <Rieksts> Maybe because it makes OTTD similar to simutrans? But still i hope that there will be a predefined destinations option in distribution mod.
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04:28:52  <Rubidium> Rieksts: the main problem with cargodest is the enormous amount of resources that must be spent on routing all the cargo
04:29:48  <Rubidium> it simply made games unplayably slow much earlier than cargodist would
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06:00:57  <planetmaker> moin
06:01:49  <maddy_> hi
06:01:58  *** DDR [] has quit [Quit: DDR is not Dance Dance Revolution.]
06:08:41  <Supercheese> I take it if I add a new advanced setting, I have to bump the savegame version?
06:17:22  <Xaroth|Work> depends if that setting needs to be saved with the savegame, no?
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06:24:36  <Supercheese> how would I determine that?
06:25:40  <Supercheese> I'm thinking it would, but I'm not sure
06:25:59  <maddy_> does it change the game state or mechanics in a meaningful way, or does it just change something like the UI behavior?
06:26:50  <planetmaker> Supercheese, savegame relevant is a setting when it influences the game, like map or any game element behaviour
06:27:27  <planetmaker> non-savegame are per-user settings like language, signal distance, sound, display units...
06:27:30  <Supercheese> Well, you know which patch I'm writing
06:27:45  <Supercheese> station-naming related stuff, stored in savegame or not?
06:27:54  <planetmaker> that's savegame relevant
06:28:01  <Supercheese> Hmm
06:28:10  <planetmaker> as it has to be the same for all players
06:28:19  <Supercheese> I have to dive into saveload code then?
06:28:46  <planetmaker> For a simple setting: not really. Just add it. And increase savegame version by one
06:28:50  <Rubidium> no, you can also wade into the saveload code; much less messy ;)
06:29:06  <Supercheese> :P
06:29:19  <planetmaker> lol, Rubidium
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06:49:53  <Supercheese> Broken Savegame - Referencing invalid persistent storage
06:49:56  <Supercheese> hmm
06:51:51  <maddy_> I just coded saveload yesterday, only I added new chunks, instead of editing existing ones
06:52:23  <Supercheese> I'm completely new to this
06:53:00  <Supercheese> I added one new setting, bumped the savegame version
06:53:07  <Supercheese> evidently I need to do something else
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06:55:45  <Supercheese> or perhaps this typo was causing issues...
07:00:29  <Supercheese> nope, is apparently something else
07:18:45  <maddy_> paste it to somewhere so others can see the code
07:19:13  <Supercheese> that's the thing, I haven't modified anything else in saveload other than the savegame version
07:22:26  <Supercheese> time for bed; I'll figure this out later
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08:02:39  <roboboy> grr. Not happy with the telco
08:07:16  <planetmaker> telstra? :D
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08:14:53  <roboboy> well yes
08:15:34  <roboboy> I was with their ex partner and want to switch to Aldi which keeps getting rejected
08:15:56  <roboboy> ie Kogan
08:16:02  <roboboy> it's all a mess
08:22:38  <roboboy> how'd you know it would be telstra planetmaker?
08:34:31  <planetmaker> default assumption for AU :-)
08:35:09  <roboboy> heh
08:35:37  <planetmaker> got some experience with telstraclear some years ago when it was still their subsidy...
08:35:57  <planetmaker> can't say I was particularily impressed
08:36:00  <roboboy> they've just disconnected an entire telco that was using their network and I was with them
08:36:12  <planetmaker> lol
08:36:55  <roboboy> Iv'e heard lot's of people not have good customer experience with Telstra but they have the best mobile coverage in the country
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09:37:41  *** George|2 [~George@] has joined #openttd
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09:42:35  <maddy_> planetmaker: did you have some ideas for how to represent links between signals visually? I was thinking just something simple like drawing lines between the signals when the programmin GUI is open
09:43:05  <maddy_> or, optionally, just highlighting the corresponding tiles, but that is not so good
09:43:11  <Xaroth|Work> any of you lot happen to have a clue how to best do master-master replication on a set of postgres databases?
09:43:31  <dihedral> uh
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09:43:44  <dihedral> Xaroth, i was playing around with that at work, with actually no good result
09:44:00  <peter1138> i've only just done master-slave :S
09:44:38  <dihedral> peter1138, i would love to know more about that, that's something i could do with
09:44:39  <peter1138> documentation for that is pretty lacking
09:44:39  <Pinkbeast> maddy_: Is there a limit on link length?
09:44:54  <Xaroth|Work> crap :|
09:45:00  <peter1138> but master-slave is at least built in to postgresq now
09:45:03  <peter1138> +l
09:45:06  <maddy_> Pinkbeast: no
09:45:09  <peter1138> master-master will need external tools
09:45:25  <dihedral> Xaroth, it will probably be cheaper getting some external guru in to do the job before you waste hours (as i did) just hunting and trying and failing
09:45:40  <Pinkbeast> maddy_: In that case I think you have to consider how it will look in the perverse case where someone is doing programming in them without regard to physical proximity, which they can and will.
09:45:40  <peter1138>
09:45:45  <peter1138> dunno how up to date that is
09:45:50  <dihedral> i know of pgpool2, but then you also must connect to pgpool2 instaed of connecting to the pg database directly
09:45:56  <peter1138> Postgres-XC (eXtensible Cluster) is a multi-master write-scalable PostgreSQL cluster based on shared-nothing architecture
09:45:58  <Xaroth|Work> aye, was looking at that as well
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09:46:12  <maddy_> Pinkbeast: yes, in which case a simple line between the signals would still work
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09:46:59  <peter1138> PostgreSQL core modifications required: Yes
09:47:02  <peter1138> well that's a bummer
09:47:03  <Pinkbeast> Yeees, except maybe in the middle of the map where 8000 lines cross, or the cases where you have no chance to see that signal A is connected to A' because 600 other lines go the same way...
09:48:01  <peter1138> there's pgpool
09:48:05  <maddy_> Pinkbeast: well, yeah, but those cases are hard to represent visually in any case I think...I am thinking what would work for the average use case (which they are intended for): that they are used somewhat sparingly
09:48:28  <Xaroth|Work> well for this it's not -that- bad, as we're setting up a new db system
09:48:53  <Xaroth|Work> however, I can't find if -XC is stable and production-ready or not :|
09:48:59  <peter1138> it's a pain in the arse though
09:49:12  <peter1138> security update wise and all that
09:50:34  <peter1138> symmetricds?
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09:51:33  <Xaroth|Work> I don't think symmetricds allows for true master-master setups though
09:51:57  <peter1138> yeah, might be crippled, it's yet another one of those open source projects piggy backed off commercial software
09:52:15  <Xaroth|Work> looks like it
09:53:57  <peter1138> dihedral, the master-slave configuration i've done so far is based off their transaction log shipping
09:54:14  <peter1138> however it isn't high availability or load balanced
09:54:30  <peter1138> so if the master goes down it's manual work to switch to the slave
09:54:38  <peter1138> but at least everything is there read to go
09:55:34  <peter1138> *ready
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09:56:15  <peter1138> i do hope they tackle HA at some point
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10:04:04  <peter1138> .. hmm
10:05:51  <planetmaker> maddy_, yeah, maybe that works. Maybe you then even can borrow some code from cargodist's linkgraph
10:05:54  <Xaroth|Work> drbd
10:06:24  <Xaroth|Work> but that doesn't allow read scaling
10:06:32  <peter1138> no, that's just HA, not load balancing
10:07:10  <Xaroth|Work> yep
10:07:23  <Xaroth|Work> I'd prefer to get both out of it :P
10:07:43  <peter1138> pgpool-ii seems to have active development
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10:10:16  <maddy_> planetmaker: yeah I will try to look at to for example
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10:14:38  <peter1138> Someone™ just needs to bang it all together
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10:39:50  <dihedral> Xaroth, peter1138 : either of you use something for 'version control' regarding structure and content?
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10:44:36  <peter1138> of postgresql? no
10:45:29  <dihedral> shame
10:46:08  <peter1138> simplest thing i can think of is a pgdump of the structure, stored in git
10:46:15  <dihedral> it would come quite handy, as our product is configured via db and I could that way get 'revisions' corresponding to releases of the software
10:46:26  <dihedral> it's not just the structure
10:46:26  <peter1138> *nod*
10:46:36  <peter1138> well you can do the same with data too
10:46:48  <peter1138> though i would keep initial data separate from structure
10:47:50  <dihedral> yeah
10:47:52  <dihedral> makes sense
10:48:34  <peter1138> if you change the structure you'll always need some manual way to update that structure when you upgrade a live install
10:48:37  <peter1138> hmm
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10:51:17  <dihedral> that actually is already in place
10:51:27  <dihedral> changing the structure during updates
10:51:37  <peter1138> yeah
10:52:53  <peter1138> bah, everything on gets 5 star reviews
10:53:03  <peter1138> sounds like "i bought it so it must be good" syndrome
10:53:10  <peter1138> i'm sure there's a name for that
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10:55:05  <maddy_> delusion, denial?
10:56:09  <peter1138> need to replace a couple of old 120GB drives... dunno what to get :S
10:56:46  <Pinkbeast> As in, which hard drive manufacturer?
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10:57:00  <peter1138> right
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10:57:42  <Pinkbeast> We-employer use Seagate which I believe is the result of some sort of experience.
10:57:43  <peter1138> heh, 4TB for £125...
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11:05:41  <fjb> Moin
11:06:20  <planetmaker> o/
11:07:02  <peter1138> not sure i trust a 4TB drive... all that data loss if it dies :p
11:07:14  <peter1138> i'm sure we said the same thing about 4GB drives :D
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11:08:24  <fjb> We did.
11:08:37  <fjb> Use backups.
11:09:00  <peter1138> and what is a suitable backup media for up to 4TB of storage?
11:09:26  <fjb> A 4TB storage?
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11:09:50  <phatmatt> here's a code question out of nowhere: what's the easiest way to go from a Trackdir to a Direction?
11:10:10  <phatmatt> i can see Trackdir -> Track, but not Trackdir -> Direction conversion helpers
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11:11:24  <planetmaker> TrackdirToExitdir maybe?
11:11:49  <peter1138> quicker than me :(
11:12:06  <phatmatt> isn't that outputting a DiagDirection?
11:12:15  <phatmatt> yeah
11:12:21  <fjb> peter1138: You were lost on your storage.
11:14:38  <peter1138> DiagDirToDir(TrackdirToExitdir(...)) maybe
11:15:13  <phatmatt> well, that loses information for non-diagonal trackdirs
11:15:22  <phatmatt> i guess i have to write my own
11:15:40  <peter1138> converting trackdir to direction will always do that
11:16:08  <peter1138> hm, i see what you want
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11:19:06  <phatmatt> i guess it doesn't exist because i'm meant to be just using diagdirs, and toggling the trackdir's lowest bit to switch non-diagonal track sides
11:19:11  <phatmatt> as i'm moving across the map
11:19:36  <phatmatt> but i do actually need just the dir here, oh well
11:22:02  <maddy_> sounds like you need to write a small utility function yourself for that purpose
11:23:00  <phatmatt> guess so
11:24:50  <phatmatt> i was just suprised there wasn't one already, since every other conversion seems to be covered ;)
11:24:57  <phatmatt> thanks
11:26:08  <peter1138> i fancy a giant marblemadness style controller
11:26:17  <peter1138> and then scroll around the map using that :D
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11:37:15  *** DanMacK [] has joined #openttd
11:37:32  <DanMacK> Hey all
11:39:08  <planetmaker> o/
11:48:32  <Malinux-> will there be diagnoal briges any time?
11:48:41  <DanMacK> When you code them
11:48:44  <phatmatt> funny you ask.
11:48:50  <phatmatt> guess what i'm coding right now
11:49:05  <Pinkbeast> Non-linear tunnels?
11:49:06  <DanMacK> is that possible w/the current engine?
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11:49:43  <phatmatt> DanMacK: i don't see why not. i'm just experimenting right now
11:49:50  <MINM> Sure is. as long as you spend a bit of time implementing a 'tunnel' layer/dimension
11:49:50  <DanMacK> Nifty
11:50:03  <phatmatt> oh, i was talking about just diag tunnels/bridges
11:50:07  <phatmatt> not non-linear. sorry ;)
11:50:14  <MINM> because you'd need a way to save these tunnel coordinates.
11:50:31  * DanMacK is still waiting for Custom Bridgeheads in trunk
11:50:39  <Pinkbeast> When I looked at it, it didn't seem like it would need a true-3D layer, just a bit of cleverness to know which tunnels fouled which areas of the map.
11:51:49  <phatmatt> it would be easy if the train actually disappeared while in the tunnel, but you can still see its position by following it of course
11:52:01  <phatmatt> i guess you could fake the track layout in the tunnel
11:52:19  <MINM> for which, Pinkbeast? non-linear or diagonal?
11:52:22  <phatmatt> would be hard if the terrain was weird though
11:52:42  <MINM> because the former would seem like it needs a 3d layer to me
11:55:50  <phatmatt> it wouldn't *need* one, but it would be very icky without one.
11:56:00  <phatmatt> and on the flipside, it would be pretty "easy" with one
11:56:43  <Pinkbeast> It certainly doesn't need one. Fundamentally, now, when you build a tunnel, the game checks it doesn't intersect any existing tunnels or poke out of the ground. That would still need to be done.
11:58:06  <Pinkbeast> And yes, when a vehicle's in a tunnel, its position and speed are determined from knowing where it entered the ground and the metadata about the wormhole, it's just at the moment there isn't very much metadata
12:01:03  <Malinux-> DanMacK: yeah.. I am one of those who complain and wish things, but dosen't code myself... :p
12:01:08  <Pinkbeast> It's all harder for bridges because you'd have to draw them </captain obvious>
12:03:24  <phatmatt> Pinkbeast: perhaps if i add diag bridges, and force a caged artist to draw some art for them, that part will be easier :P
12:04:41  <phatmatt> first compile after first pass modifying stuff... let's see how it goes
12:06:42  <Malinux-> I also wonder about singals on bridges and in tunnels. I think this is very challenging to do as it hasen't been done yet :)
12:07:18  <maddy_> isn't there a patch for it?
12:07:19  <Pinkbeast> Malinux-: It has (but rarely well)
12:07:36  <Pinkbeast> ... I didn't even mention forking tunnels, did I? :-)
12:10:04  <phatmatt> stations on brdiges
12:10:06  <phatmatt> *bridges
12:10:11  <phatmatt> and, of course, in tunnels.
12:10:57  <MINM> there is/was a patch for it, yes, but it's hacky
12:11:06  <MINM> signals on bridges/tunnels I mean
12:17:21  *** frodus [~frodus_de@] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds]
12:18:55  <Malinux-> maddy_: I have seen a kind of patch for singals in tunnels
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12:42:29  <phatmatt> compiles and runs. place bets on how quickly it crashes
12:43:14  <MINM> what?
12:43:16  * DanMacK loves having a canal system
12:43:48  <phatmatt> MINM: never mind. i was talking about my diagonal bridge/tunnels changes
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13:05:20  <Belugas> hello
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13:12:47  <fjb> Moin Sir Belugas
13:14:19  <__ln__>
13:15:27  <fjb> Moin __ln__
13:18:04  <__ln__> guten moin fjb
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13:24:30  <fjb> :)
13:29:01  <dihedral> peter1138, regarding ssd i am personally a fan of samsung
13:29:04  <dihedral> esp. when it gets to natively encrypted ssd's
13:29:07  <dihedral> enter the wrong password 10 times, ssd gets trimmed :-P
13:29:09  <dihedral> and i used to purchase things from
13:31:27  <peter1138> i'm not buying an ssd
13:31:30  <peter1138> i've already got one :p
13:31:54  <peter1138> but my bios is too old to understand hdd passwords or something
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13:55:42  <juzza1> do those ssds with native encryption have some kind of bootloader where you input the password?
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14:15:49  <peter1138> no, it's meant to be handled by the BIOS
14:16:13  <peter1138> but i've never seen a BIOS with the option, but that may just be because it's only visible with the feature available on the drive
14:16:38  <peter1138> the encryption is done in hardware on the drive, which is handy
14:17:37  <peter1138> it's basically "free" encryption, though not usuable if you need to do things like key rotation
14:17:44  <peter1138> *usable
14:20:52  <juzza1> ok
14:21:31  <peter1138> i guess it's supported by more modern computers
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14:22:23  <juzza1> modern cpus already support aes through hw, so it doesnt seem that useful to me
14:23:50  <peter1138> it still requires the cpu to do it
14:24:16  <peter1138> if you were doing some heavy encryption load, that's aes cycles taken away from whatever you needed to do
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15:43:39  <LordAro> /o
15:43:56  <peter1138> o\
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16:14:27  <Terkhen> hello
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16:21:44  <LordAro> hai Terkhen
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16:32:39  <DanMacK>
16:32:47  <DanMacK> oops :P
16:35:12  <Pinkbeast> DanMacK: Not _another_ A1 Class, my brain hurts. :-)
16:36:13  <DanMacK> lmao
16:36:26  <DanMacK> that's the first one :P
16:37:06  <Pinkbeast> Fair point. I have just been having the "no, Tornado is a Peppercorn A1, that's actually after the Gresley A4s" conversation quite a lot recently :-)
16:38:35  <DanMacK> Ahhh
16:38:52  <DanMacK> And yes, it is a Peppercorn A1
16:39:04  <DanMacK> You're British I assume?
16:39:52  <Pinkbeast> Yes, and went to York to see the six surviving A4s so had the conversation with non-enthusiasts quite a lot.
16:41:18  <DanMacK> The new construction there blows my mind
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16:41:29  <DanMacK> I wish they'd do it in North America
16:42:19  <Pinkbeast> DanMacK: Well, it's not new construction, but I read UP have bought and are restoring a Big Boy, and there's those mad Project 130 types too...
16:42:43  <DanMacK> The Big Boy project's been stalled for years AFAIK
16:42:46  <Pinkbeast> If I had a squillion quid I'd be building the Wardale 5AT.
16:43:01  <Pinkbeast> DanMacK: No, quite recently, it was in _Steam Railway_ this month
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16:43:13  <DanMacK> hmmm
16:43:33  <Pinkbeast>,0,2255582.story - they just bought one. (I think there might be another Big Boy restoration going nowhere?)
16:43:48  <DanMacK> Well shit...
16:44:07  <DanMacK> If anyone can do it, it's UP
16:44:41  <Pinkbeast> DanMacK: Certainly the situation where an ordinary mainline operator restores a locomotive is unknown here (pity)
16:45:12  <DanMacK> true
16:45:45  <DanMacK> but the reconstruction of a new locomotive or reconstruction of a long abandoned railway is pretty unheard of in North America
16:45:54  <Pinkbeast> Project 130 seem a bit confused about what they're doing, but if they can have a decent crack at the speed record that'll be interesting.
16:46:32  <DanMacK> Yeah
16:46:37  <DanMacK> The Big Boy thing is cool
16:47:46  <DanMacK> Love to see an new CPR F2 4-4-4 built here
16:48:15  <Pinkbeast> DanMacK: I have no real idea how many classes the USA is "missing", in the sense the Peppercorn A1s were before Tornado.
16:48:39  <DanMacK> well, there are tons
16:48:49  <DanMacK> because the US had so many different railroads
16:49:13  <Pinkbeast> DanMacK: Well, so did we before the "Big Four", but I think most of the gaps are being closed.
16:49:28  <DanMacK> Yeah
16:49:48  <Pinkbeast> Depends how far back you go, but they're (say) building a GWR "Saint" which is the main hole there.
16:50:31  <DanMacK> Which they're doing
16:50:54  <Pinkbeast> How far back: for example to my knowledge Firefly is the only running broad gauge locomotive (a replica) and you can travel perhaps 50 feet behind it
16:50:54  <DanMacK> well...  sort of
16:54:03  <Pinkbeast> DanMacK: I don't know why the US doesn't have more new-build, you're not exactly short of rich eccentrics
16:54:23  <DanMacK> Well, I'm Canadian, but yeah
16:55:17  <Pinkbeast> DanMacK: *shame*
16:55:21  <Pinkbeast> DanMacK: I am terribly sorry.
16:55:26  <DanMacK> lmao
16:55:30  <DanMacK> np
16:55:57  * Pinkbeast did live with a Canadian for eight years, he really ought to think of that.
17:00:12  <Rieksts> Does cargodist recalculate trough what route to send cargo based on previous cargo delivery times?
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17:01:21  <Pinkbeast> Rieksts: Not as I understand it - just percieved link capacity.
17:01:23  <Rieksts> I did some reconstruction on one of mainlines, had to stop many trains and some strange cargo started transfering trough very inefficient routes
17:01:44  <Rieksts> nem the *strange
17:01:49  <Rieksts> nvm*
17:02:02  <Pinkbeast> That would be consistent with a chance in measured capacity.
17:02:38  <Rieksts> ahhh I meant cargodest. Wtf, guess my brain is not working properly atm, time for a pause :D
17:03:29  <Pinkbeast> Rieksts: I don't know what cargodest does, sorry
17:04:41  <Rieksts> Gold just piling up in station far away from its destination.
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17:05:17  <Rieksts> ok i guess I am on my own, if I wont figure this out I will submit my save to cargodest thread
17:05:21  <andythenorth> DanMacK: I think we can consolidate open and flat
17:05:25  <andythenorth> also van and fridge
17:07:14  <DanMacK> Nice
17:09:03  <LordAro> cargodist* there is a difference
17:09:33  <Pinkbeast> LordAro: Er, surely that is why Rieksts specifically corrected themselves to say "cargodest".
17:10:17  <LordAro> oh right. :p
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17:43:46  <planetmaker> moin
17:44:44  <LordAro> /o
17:45:31  <DanMacK> Hey James
17:45:34  <DorpsGek> Commit by translators :: r25739 /trunk/src/lang (3 files) (2013-08-21 17:45:24 UTC)
17:45:35  <DorpsGek> -Update from WebTranslator v3.0:
17:45:36  <DorpsGek> afrikaans - 218 changes by mulderpf
17:45:37  <DorpsGek> simplified_chinese - 1 changes by siu238X
17:45:38  <DorpsGek> traditional_chinese - 1 changes by siu238X
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17:49:49  <maddy_> my patch has lots of things left to do, but I am going to just release the first version
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17:51:55  <Alberth> o/
17:52:15  <planetmaker> hi Alberth
17:53:31  <frosch123> moin
18:03:50  <maddy_> oh my, my forum post was not approved, any of you a mod at tt-forums who can approve it?
18:04:20  <JVassie> ill take al ook ;)
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18:20:24  <maddy_> cool it's published, thanks, hope you guys go check it out when you have time
18:23:36  <Eddi|zuHause> i should do something either useful or fun, but i get immediately bored when i start anything... what's wrong with me?
18:24:15  <LordAro> depression? :L
18:24:25  <LordAro> seriously, i've been somewhat similar lately
18:24:54  <LordAro> i think perhaps the key is to stick with it, and keep going
18:24:55  <JVassie> o/ Eddi|zuHause long time no speak :)
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18:26:01  <Wolf01> hi o/
18:31:03  <Alberth> hi hi
18:33:00  <Alberth> Eddi|zuHause: in my experience fun comes when you get in close contact with the problems, and try to find your way around them. From a distance it does not look like a lot of fun to solve stuff
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20:19:17  <fjb> Moin
20:20:24  <Rubidium> moimoi
20:22:18  <Eddi|zuHause> i have an idea: if you "force" a train through a path signal, you force to unreserve all paths that it crosses, and tell the trains that this path backtracks to to "wait for free path" instead
20:22:41  <Eddi|zuHause> that way, the forced train will get a valid path
20:23:02  <Eddi|zuHause> and the other trains won't crash it as long as they have enough distance to stop
20:23:19  <Rubidium> ... and the other train will not have a path and continue running into the just reserved path and... takes the 90 degree corner to crash and burn
20:23:49  <Eddi|zuHause> no, "wait for free path" would imply "stop immediately"
20:24:29  <Eddi|zuHause> same deceleration as if you hit the stop button
20:25:04  <Rubidium> then it can still stop shy of the just newly reserved path and cause the same issue
20:25:09  <Eddi|zuHause> yes
20:25:16  <Eddi|zuHause> that is then the player's fault
20:25:21  <Rubidium> and now to make things worse...
20:25:37  <Rubidium> ... it isn't realistic to unreserve a path
20:25:44  <planetmaker> :D
20:26:08  <Rubidium> if that happens in the real world several minutes need to pass before the unreserving actually takes place
20:26:31  <Eddi|zuHause> Rubidium: let's assume you had a near-miss and you stopped all trains in time
20:27:09  <Eddi|zuHause> Rubidium: now you want to cancel all reservations and start the trains one-by-one to clear the crossing
20:27:56  <Rubidium> turn them around to cancel the reservation?
20:28:35  <Rubidium> but... in the first place, you shouldn't be working on a line that is in service!
20:28:42  <Eddi|zuHause> Rubidium: but you can't turn around a broken down train
20:28:50  <Eddi|zuHause> Rubidium: and this is totally not obvious to users
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20:29:53  <Eddi|zuHause> Rubidium: i'm just trying to make this a little more useful, currently there is no situation whatsoever where you can force a train through a path signal and not get a crash
20:30:35  <Eddi|zuHause> the way i proposed is more like "ok, this train now gets priority"
20:30:59  <Eddi|zuHause> and assuming all other trains are stopped, there should be no bad side effects
20:31:55  <Rubidium> well... I'm not going to implement or test it
20:32:11  <Eddi|zuHause> (small detail: you should prevent unreserving a trackbit which has a vehicle on it. and if unreserving fails, the train should not start unless you force it a second time)
20:32:13  <Rubidium> and this whole thing is already complex enough
20:32:38  <Rubidium> and IIRC a path signal is only passed after forcing twice
20:32:49  <Eddi|zuHause> yes. which is weird at best
20:33:02  <Eddi|zuHause> i have no clue what the mechanics behind that even is
20:33:07  <Rubidium> me neither
20:33:18  <Rubidium> anyhow... the easier solution would be:
20:33:25  <Rubidium> * remove 90 degree turns
20:33:34  <Rubidium> * and remove forcing to pass signals at danger
20:33:57  <Rubidium> * and possibly... remove breakdowns
20:34:01  <Eddi|zuHause> but how are you going to resolve deadlocks?
20:34:11  <Rubidium> * and if they're really whiny... remove crashes
20:35:06  <Rubidium> that'll definitely have a speed improvement bonus ;)
20:35:10  <frosch123> Eddi|zuHause: "one force" means "unstuck train", "double force" mand "unstuck and ignore signal"
20:35:12  <Eddi|zuHause> Rubidium: but the cause of the crash is that the path is not unreserved in the first place. not that following the path violates the 90° setting
20:35:58  <frosch123> Eddi|zuHause: anyway, if rb argues that it takes several minutes irl for the line to clear, you should ask what daylength factor applies in ottd for that :p
20:39:00  <JVassie> anyone else here using Zernebok hosting?
20:39:27  <Prof_Frink> Bok.
20:42:56  <Eddi|zuHause> why would anyone in his right mind do that :p
20:43:26  <Eddi|zuHause> (why would anyone here be in his right mind?)
20:44:24  <JVassie> trying to work out if its blocked outgoing ports for SMTP
20:47:23  <Rubidium> just looked it up... if a signal is revoked the switches of the reserved path will remain locked into position for at least two minutes. This to allow the driver to perform an emergency stop (or to allow the computer in the train to do so). Only after those two minutes the switches can changed so another path can be taken.
20:47:43  <Rubidium> I propose to use 2 minutes IRL as "safety" margin then ;)
20:47:57  <Rubidium> (or little more than the time it takes for a crashed train to clear)
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21:00:08  <Eddi|zuHause> but that would require us keeping track of "stopping distance"
21:00:25  <Eddi|zuHause> which is not at all what i intended to say
21:01:20  <Eddi|zuHause> what i meant: "if all trains are stopped and one is forced through, that force should take a safe state if possible"
21:08:30  <frosch123> night
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21:28:15  <LordAro> what's the best way to get the char* of a StringID ?
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21:44:19  <Wolf01> 'night
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21:51:05  <__ln__>
21:52:09  <Supercheese> Well, the assertion of, "X old tyrannical group would have been envious of Y new tyrannical group" will almost always be true, simply due to new technologies
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23:33:27  <Eddi|zuHause> well, in dutch population surveys they asked for religion, and when the nazis invaded they said "hey, cool, now we know who to deport"
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