Log for #openttd on 5th November 2014:
Times are UTC Toggle Colours
00:00:59  *** FLHerne [] has quit [Quit: There's a real world out here!]
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07:56:39  <NGC3982> Morning.
08:37:37  *** pixar [] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
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08:57:15  <supermop> yo
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09:44:14  <argoneus> ayy
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14:36:21  <argoneus> ayy
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14:41:43  <peter1138> AYY?
14:42:54  <V453000> NO
14:45:58  <Belugas> Advanced Yellow Yeti
14:47:14  <planetmaker> don't give him ideas!
14:47:32  <V453000> FUCK YEAH
14:47:38  <V453000> consider it done Belugas
14:51:00  <frosch123> does yeti support the new unicode skin tone modifier?
14:51:17  <planetmaker> :D
14:53:10  <argoneus> stop spreading racist propaganda frosch123
14:53:45  <Belugas> it supposed to be an albinos creature.  therefor, he was having a piss while in a storm and teinted its furr lol
14:54:27  <frosch123> Belugas: having snowman nightmares again?
14:54:45  <Belugas> dont say the S word!!!!
14:54:59  <Belugas> it's even worse on my nerves then the R word :D
14:57:17  <V453000> actually, yetis on plantations will be black :P
14:58:31  <peter1138> Realistic Snow!
15:01:31  <planetmaker> :D
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15:06:53  <planetmaker> "Wir begruben Ihr Verstandnis und sind fur die Mithilfe dankbar." <-- at least a true sentence in that phishing mail :D. "We burried your understanding and grateful for your cooperation" ;)
15:09:12  <frosch123> michi_cc: what do i need to do to stop people linking to the "newgrf tile refresh offsets"?`
15:09:35  <frosch123> it's completely bollocks, broken by design, never worked in ttdp, and will never be implemented in ottd
15:10:02  <planetmaker> :D
15:10:12  <frosch123> but it always derails the discussion into confusion
15:10:27  <planetmaker> remove it from wiki ;)
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15:14:40  <Eddi|zuHause> planetmaker: that's what happens when people don't know what an "ÃŒ" and "ß" is
15:15:55  <Eddi|zuHause> frosch123: and i tried so hard to hold myself back from posting that link
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15:22:13  <planetmaker> Eddi|zuHause, I know. Still I find it mighty funny :)
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15:23:00  <argoneus> ad deleting: I read somewhere a quite interesting quote
15:23:19  <argoneus> a piece of software isn't perfect when there's nothing left to add, it's when there's nothing that should be removed
15:23:30  <Belugas> grrrr @ peter1138
15:23:31  <Belugas> grrrrr
15:23:32  <Belugas> grrrrr
15:23:33  <Belugas> grrrrr
15:23:34  <peter1138> <3
15:23:35  <andythenorth> old quote
15:23:38  <andythenorth> :)
15:23:46  <argoneus> andythenorth: most quotes are older than me
15:23:51  <argoneus> doesn't mean I know them all
15:23:53  <argoneus> :D
15:24:23  <frosch123> there is another quote: i you search long enough you will discover everything as a quote
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15:24:34  <argoneus> oh I used to do that as a kid
15:24:40  <argoneus> I said random sentences with words that make no sense
15:24:46  <argoneus> and was like "nice, now I did something no one has ever done before"
15:25:14  <argoneus> I felt like some sort of pioneer
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15:25:39  <frosch123> argoneus: except, you couldn't verify that that was actually the case
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15:25:54  <frosch123> if you type random glibberish into google, you will actually sometimes find matches
15:26:13  <frosch123> of course less likely for longer glibberish
15:26:35  <argoneus> frosch123: I couldn't verify, but the probability was quite small
15:26:37  <frosch123> but you find something for about every combination of 4 latin letters
15:26:52  <argoneus> just like there are collisions in SHA512
15:27:01  <argoneus> which is deemed "unique enough
15:27:02  <argoneus> "
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15:27:23  <frosch123> the more glibberish you type, the more likely you will find a page analysing google results about glibberish though
15:27:26  <argoneus> sometimes, a number is low or high enough that it's pretty much the number
15:27:33  <argoneus> just like 9.999.. is actually 10 :)
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15:28:31  <argoneus> frosch123: have you actually ever done gibberish analysis>?
15:30:22  <frosch123> no, i avoided lectures about number theory
15:31:01  <argoneus> lol
15:31:26  <frosch123> but my brother has a phd in the area of algrebraic number theory, so i cannot escape it completely
15:31:51  <argoneus> does that mean he gives you the fun fact of the day every morning?
15:32:18  <frosch123> nah, he lives in australia, so time zones save me :p
15:33:43  <argoneus> heh
15:34:07  <Eddi|zuHause> my professor once said: "number theory is the only science which can genuinely assert that it is not useful for anyone"
15:34:52  <Eddi|zuHause> i think nowadays it's called "recreational mathematics"
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17:46:09  <DorpsGek> Commit by translators :: r27056 /trunk/src/lang (czech.txt portuguese.txt) (2014-11-05 17:46:01 UTC)
17:46:10  <DorpsGek> -Update from WebTranslator v3.0:
17:46:11  <DorpsGek> czech - 2 changes by Eskymak
17:46:12  <DorpsGek> portuguese - 4 changes by vesgo
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17:59:44  <argoneus> ayy
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19:11:28  <andythenorth> o/
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19:13:00  <Alberth> oh here?  o/
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19:29:08  <Wolf01> hi o/
19:32:26  <Alberth> o/
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19:45:04  <NGC3982> Hey.
19:45:15  <NGC3982> Do we have some norweigan or danish people around here?
19:45:40  <NGC3982> I'm doing this presentation at work, and i'm going to talk to a bunch of them.
19:46:07  <NGC3982> Do danish or norweigan people understand the concept behind "peka med hela handen" (Point with the entire hand)?
19:51:13  <Wolf01> o_O
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20:09:56  <Eddi|zuHause> is that something like "Mit Kanonen auf Spatzen schießen"?
20:10:11  <Eddi|zuHause> [use a tool totally oversized for a task]
20:10:16  <NGC3982> No.
20:10:40  <andythenorth> hmm
20:10:43  <andythenorth> OpenTTD is done
20:10:44  <NGC3982> "Point with the entire hand" indicates a person that is very firm in giving orders
20:10:45  <andythenorth> not dying
20:10:46  <andythenorth> done
20:10:52  <andythenorth> at least for 2014
20:10:56  <andythenorth> did that ever happen before?
20:11:03  <NGC3982> Or in how the person deals with 'stuff' that needs attention.
20:11:08  <Alberth> not for 2014, afaik
20:11:16  <NGC3982> andythenorth: What do you mean "done"?
20:11:24  <andythenorth> I just played a 40 year game
20:11:32  <NGC3982> Ooh.
20:11:36  <andythenorth> there wasn’t a single irritating thing or neat feature idea
20:11:43  <andythenorth> that rarely happens, if ever
20:11:58  <NGC3982> Hehe. Well, you guys have been good.
20:12:12  <Eddi|zuHause> that is only because you filter out so many BAD FEATURES before they exit your mouth (or fingers)
20:12:28  <andythenorth> I do?
20:12:33  <andythenorth> I wasn’t aware of that
20:12:36  <andythenorth> more the opposite
20:12:36  <Eddi|zuHause> or after
20:12:43  <andythenorth> mostly after I think
20:13:00  <Eddi|zuHause> anyway, i think it's a perception bias
20:13:12  <NGC3982> A good way for me to find out how fantasticly well featured OpenTTD is was to play Transport Tycoon 3 for a while.
20:13:24  <NGC3982> Wait
20:13:32  * NGC3982 deletes
20:13:43  <NGC3982> A good way for me to find out how fantasticly well featured OpenTTD is was to play Roller Coaster Tycoon 3 for a while.
20:13:45  <Alberth> the internet is not deleteable :p
20:13:47  <Eddi|zuHause> you mean railroad tycoon 3? or transport tycoon for mobile?
20:14:03  <Eddi|zuHause> oh roaller coaster tycoon 3
20:14:10  <NGC3982> oral coaster 3.
20:14:13  <andythenorth> Eddi|zuHause: and the perception bias is caused by / results in?
20:14:18  *** Alberth [~hat@2001:981:c6c5:1:be5f:f4ff:feac:e11] has left #openttd []
20:14:40  <Wolf01> I want to play RC3 with the oculus
20:14:56  <Eddi|zuHause> andythenorth: you forget all the time you bicker about there not being enough goals?
20:15:02  <NGC3982> I tried Alien Isolation with the Oculus
20:15:10  <andythenorth> that’s not an OpenTTD issue in my mind
20:15:17  <Eddi|zuHause> but it is
20:15:18  <andythenorth> that’s a “we need more people writing GS”
20:15:25  <Eddi|zuHause> it's just an extension of the community
20:15:30  <NGC3982> That made me realize that i love technology, and that i actually have a heart that can stop.
20:15:31  <andythenorth> yeah, no argument
20:15:43  <andythenorth> I’m just distinguishing core game vs. addons
20:15:52  <andythenorth> you’ve set up my other point neatly :P
20:15:58  <andythenorth> it would be worth making more GS
20:15:58  <Eddi|zuHause> that's a bad way to view it, i think
20:16:31  <Eddi|zuHause> the community is an ecosystem, you can't just pick out parts of it
20:16:42  <NGC3982> So, if feature circus is over, can we get to the multi-thread, rotatable map and capture-the-flag multiplayer mode?
20:17:02  <frosch123> Wolf01: you also need a rotating chair
20:17:17  <andythenorth> Eddi|zuHause: agreed.  FWIW though I think you can say some things need committed to trunk, and some don't
20:17:29  <andythenorth> but anyway
20:17:31  <andythenorth> more GS
20:17:51  <Eddi|zuHause> i probably won't make a GS.
20:17:52  <andythenorth> even if they’re bad, they’ll prompt innovation
20:18:01  <andythenorth> Eddi|zuHause: make a GS generator
20:18:03  <andythenorth> you know you could
20:18:08  <andythenorth> it’s only a matter of inclination
20:18:09  <Eddi|zuHause> even if i started one, it'd never get finished
20:18:22  <andythenorth> a generative one doesn’t particularly need to
20:18:37  <andythenorth> let other people feed it arbitrary goals from csv or json or something
20:19:29  <andythenorth> also finished is over-rated
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20:20:13  <andythenorth> CETS advanced state or art w.r.t partial compiles, code generation etc
20:20:15  <andythenorth> of *
20:20:23  <andythenorth> which turns up in other sets
20:20:36  <Eddi|zuHause> sure.
20:20:47  <andythenorth> state of the art a generally known term?
20:22:57  <Eddi|zuHause> i've heard it a few times
20:23:06  <Eddi|zuHause> or more than a few
20:26:06  <frosch123> it's a legit loanterm in german, no translation used
20:26:47  <frosch123> though there is "stand der technik"
20:27:20  <frosch123> hmm, so ignore the "no translation used" :)
20:27:35  <frosch123> you can use the german term, or use a fancy foreign term :p
20:28:24  *** Yotson [~Yotson@2001:980:6ac8:1:ac49:9b58:33d7:3f6b] has quit [Quit: .]
20:28:54  <Eddi|zuHause> that's rather common in german nowadays
20:29:12  <Eddi|zuHause> sometimes they even make up their own english-sounding words :p
20:29:16  <frosch123> it's common in all languages
20:29:31  <Eddi|zuHause> they pretty actively fight it in french
20:29:35  <frosch123> don't count how many "uber" words there are in english
20:30:10  <frosch123> maybe us only though :p
20:30:15  <frosch123> *US
20:30:48  <andythenorth> anyway
20:30:51  <andythenorth> moar GS
20:30:52  <andythenorth> uber GS
20:31:07  <Eddi|zuHause>
20:34:58  <andythenorth> YT
20:35:08  <andythenorth> endless things you never thought you’d see
20:35:09  <Eddi|zuHause> (i somehow must think of this every time someone mentions "uber")
20:35:54  <Eddi|zuHause> i'm never sure if this guy is just funny or actually crazy
20:36:34  <frosch123> Eddi|zuHause: do you know about V ?
20:37:03  <Eddi|zuHause> what do i know about V?
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20:37:15  <frosch123> the "crazy" part
20:37:40  <Eddi|zuHause> you mean build coopy-style junctions kind of crazy?
20:37:53  <frosch123> or yeti stuff
20:42:14  <Eddi|zuHause> i've come across that, yes.
20:52:23  <Eddi|zuHause> frosch123: but i don't think one person can suck up all the crazy in the world so there's nothing left for other people to be crazy :p
20:53:21  <frosch123> you mean something like a world conquest in civ, but wrt. crazyness?
20:53:48  <Eddi|zuHause> no, more like cultural victory :p
20:54:02  <frosch123> ah :)
20:54:48  <Eddi|zuHause> btw is that just me or did cultural victory get really really hard in the last civ expansion?
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21:19:16  <Wolf01> 'night
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21:48:09  <andythenorth> hmm
21:48:21  <andythenorth> if I start poking at GS I’ll never get these bloody Squids done
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21:58:21  <andythenorth> bye
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22:11:11  <peter1138> What does OpenGFX+ landscape add?>
22:11:13  <peter1138> ->
22:11:36  <peter1138> Obviously it gives me the ugly tiles that I don't want, but what else?
22:12:40  <frosch123> check the options, it mostly adds options :p
22:12:44  <frosch123> and newobjects
22:12:48  <peter1138> o_O
22:13:01  <peter1138> It was on a server, so I didn't think about options.
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23:00:59  <frosch123> night
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23:23:12  <argoneus> bayy
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