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00:01:59 *** dfox [~dfox@] has joined #openttd 00:02:41 *** KWKdesign [~KWKdesign@pool-71-185-189-198.phlapa.fios.verizon.net] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 00:07:01 *** supermop [~supermop@d110-33-177-242.sun801.vic.optusnet.com.au] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 00:07:38 *** supermop [~supermop@d110-33-177-242.sun801.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #openttd 00:22:26 <chillcore> hello o/ 00:35:25 <supermop> yo 00:36:56 <supermop> need to figure out a way to give the asphalt a messy edge 00:37:26 <supermop> where is slightly bleeds over onto the stones in the gutter 00:38:12 <supermop> now its just a crisp line between cobble stones and pavement 00:38:39 <ST2> please continue, couple more lines and it's a nice poem xD 00:38:52 <supermop> haha 00:39:18 <supermop> finally got a material for the rails that i am happy with 00:40:28 <chillcore> in 3d prog no idea 00:41:48 <chillcore> mind doing post-processing of exported pictures? 00:41:51 *** zeknurn [~sup@hd9483b0c.seveveb.dyn.perspektivbredband.net] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 00:42:32 *** zeknurn [~sup@hd9483b0c.seveveb.dyn.perspektivbredband.net] has joined #openttd 00:42:44 <supermop> i guess i could try to do it with clone brush in PS 00:42:45 *** luaduck is now known as luaduck_zzz 00:44:01 <chillcore> you could model it all ... 00:45:00 <supermop> well thats wht im thinking but even that is going to hard to get to look ok 00:45:45 <supermop> i am thinking of drawing loose freeform squiggle that follows the edge of the pavement then extrude that 00:48:59 <supermop> so i have a little sliver that is straight line on one side and messy on the other, attach that to edge of asphalt 00:49:22 <supermop> it looks like i cant have roads work the way i want them to 00:50:14 <chillcore> do tramstracks provide their own? 00:50:32 <supermop> well tram cannot have it's own sidewalk i think 00:50:56 <chillcore> no that comes with the road 00:51:13 <supermop> so plain tram with sidewalk means drawing a road then drawing a tramtrack without road over it 00:51:21 <chillcore> any grf can override that so bad idea 00:51:39 <chillcore> you could do a roadgrf too ofcourse 00:51:49 <chillcore> and make it a desired dependency 00:51:53 <supermop> that means that 1) tram track without road must be same width as road 00:52:33 <chillcore> no idea ... 00:52:42 <chillcore> can check that 00:52:46 <supermop> and 2) sidewalks will always look the same between a street and an urban tramway 00:53:08 <supermop> and 3) tram out in country side will look the same as in city 00:53:15 <supermop> i think 00:54:06 <chillcore> how is it now? 00:54:14 <supermop> if i want to have rural tram have rails on ballast with grass, and urban tram to have concrete between the rails or nice cobble stones, 00:54:22 <supermop> i dont think i can do that 00:54:47 <supermop> http://dev.openttdcoop.org/projects/opengfx/repository/entry/sprites/png/infrastructure/infra06.png 00:55:11 <supermop> in ogfx, there is plain tramway overlay - just grey rails with blue px between 00:55:15 <chillcore> welp me eyes 00:55:34 <supermop> and tramway with solid dirt between 00:56:04 <supermop> when you build plain tramway on its own it uses the dirt, whether it is in city or country 00:56:23 <chillcore> k 00:56:24 <supermop> if you build over road it uses the transparent overlay 00:56:46 <supermop> so you can draw the dirt as grass or fancy pavers or concrete 00:56:54 <chillcore> ye untill you fill it in 00:57:13 <chillcore> sstt you did not get that from me :P 00:57:15 <supermop> but then it will always be that way in city or county 00:57:23 <chillcore> ye 00:57:40 <chillcore> why would it not? 00:57:58 <supermop> no reason really, just limiting 00:58:09 <chillcore> if you put some flower beds in there the townspeeps will adore you 00:58:15 <chillcore> :P 00:58:21 <supermop> dirt or grass looks odd in city, but concrete or stone looks odd in country 00:58:31 *** Myhorta [~Myhorta@00018fad.user.oftc.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 00:58:54 <chillcore> you've got two sets there ... 00:59:11 <supermop> two sets? 00:59:33 *** KWKdesign [~KWKdesign@pool-71-185-189-198.phlapa.fios.verizon.net] has joined #openttd 00:59:38 <chillcore> one set is used on roads and the other on non roads 00:59:45 <supermop> yes 00:59:57 <chillcore> so ... 01:00:24 <supermop> but if you do like hungarian city tram track grf you can abuse the transparent part over overlay and draw paver stones on it 01:00:29 *** supermop [~supermop@d110-33-177-242.sun801.vic.optusnet.com.au] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 01:00:45 *** supermop [~supermop@d110-33-177-242.sun801.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #openttd 01:01:05 <chillcore> ye which may look very doodoo-like if someone selects a raodset that clashes 01:01:11 <supermop> but then those stones overlay everything the run over including railroad at level crossing 01:01:27 <supermop> yeah 01:01:56 <chillcore> also toyland :P 01:01:59 <chillcore> laters 01:02:04 <chillcore> hihi 01:02:05 <supermop> later 01:03:51 <chillcore> what does it do now on levelcrossings? above or under the train rails? 01:04:00 <chillcore> the same will happen 01:04:56 <chillcore> you'll have train balast thet may clash badly 01:05:07 <chillcore> think different cobblesize and such 01:05:40 <chillcore> ^^^ balast and or concrete slabs 01:05:59 <supermop> right now from bottom to top it goes road, train, tram 01:06:27 <chillcore> it's your call but you can not predict what people will activate 01:07:03 <chillcore> yes 01:07:06 <supermop> well assume my grf provides both road graphics and tram 01:07:22 <supermop> so by default it will be my roads and my tramway 01:07:37 <chillcore> and ships somewhere in the middle ;) 01:07:40 <supermop> but if someone add another road grf after it in the list, 01:07:55 <supermop> then it will have a second road thing 01:08:01 <chillcore> yes untill someone has a radset after your combined set 01:08:10 <chillcore> or a tramset 01:08:11 <supermop> yeah 01:08:23 <chillcore> I like nutracks very much 01:08:33 <supermop> so i can make it look best with my grf only, but still ok with another grf 01:08:33 <chillcore> but first track is overwrittten 01:08:45 <chillcore> by the one I like too 01:08:54 <supermop> hmm 01:09:06 <chillcore> see what I mean 01:09:13 <chillcore> you can suggest ofcourse 01:09:27 <chillcore> or disable your own in case of meh 01:10:06 <supermop> yeah 01:10:12 <chillcore> that way 'if' people want to play with your set they need to have both 01:10:22 <chillcore> kinda silly if you askk me but 01:10:28 <chillcore> your call 01:10:43 <chillcore> I won't judge you if you do ;) 01:10:44 *** supermop [~supermop@d110-33-177-242.sun801.vic.optusnet.com.au] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 01:11:12 *** supermop [~supermop@d110-33-177-242.sun801.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #openttd 01:11:19 <chillcore> wb 01:11:34 <supermop> why does my irc keep reconnecting 01:11:52 <chillcore> ghosts in the machine ... 01:12:02 <chillcore> lol 01:12:15 <supermop> anyway i want tram on street to have concrete between rails 01:12:30 <supermop> and street by itself to have no concrete 01:12:42 <chillcore> you can make that nice-ish looking 01:12:45 <supermop> so i will put concrete in the overlay 01:13:02 <supermop> hopefully level crossings still look ok 01:14:06 <chillcore> it'll be tight yeah ... 01:14:55 <supermop> next i want tram by itself to have gravel ballast and grass in country and suburbs, concrete in city. but that is currently impossible, so i'll make sprites but not use them unless someone makes roadtypes 01:15:14 <supermop> so country tram will also be concrete 01:15:27 <chillcore> if you keep between the rails it'll be fine 01:15:42 <chillcore> maybe you can even spill a bit here and there even 01:15:57 <supermop> yeah 01:16:18 <chillcore> but all the way to the border seems like a bad idea as it is no longer tramsprites then 01:16:29 <supermop> lastly i want the sidewalks to look good with city tram 01:16:35 <supermop> hmm 01:16:43 <chillcore> do that in a roadset 01:16:52 <supermop> yeah 01:16:59 <chillcore> you can do it as layer to see what gives 01:18:07 <chillcore> then for bananas you trigger the one with the other while coding them 01:18:13 <supermop> but what if i draw no sidewalk in road set - only shoulder of road and gutter/curb 01:18:26 <chillcore> or in bananas itself I dunno 01:18:34 <supermop> hmm how do i do that 01:19:06 <chillcore> them tiles go up to the houses 01:19:20 <chillcore> houses are designed to go up to the road 01:19:26 <chillcore> that simple 01:19:57 <supermop> yeah, but the sidewalk could be much skinnier than it is now 01:20:01 <chillcore> roadset has the sidewalk 01:20:05 <chillcore> your call 01:20:48 *** openbu|2 [~openbu@] has joined #openttd 01:20:48 *** JacobD88 [~Thunderbi@cpc20-stap11-2-0-cust392.12-2.cable.virginm.net] has quit [Quit: JacobD88] 01:23:22 <supermop> the monorail level crossing always looks so absurd 01:23:35 <supermop> like a giant concrete beam across the road 01:27:05 *** openbu [~openbu@] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 01:35:16 <supermop> hmm modelling the squiggly edge manually looks ok actually 01:36:04 <chillcore> nice 01:36:50 <chillcore> in unity you could plot them around with a script 01:37:18 <supermop> hmm 01:37:19 <chillcore> then let them interact with gravity for a sec 01:37:59 <chillcore> cameras are easily set up 01:38:15 <chillcore> its getting them in the right place 01:38:22 <chillcore> anyhoo 01:38:25 <supermop> yeah? 01:38:59 <supermop> haha instead of gravel texture could i just put 1000s of rocks in the sky and see where they fall? 01:39:08 <chillcore> yeah 01:39:40 <chillcore> haha 01:40:23 <chillcore> I dabbled with it last year 01:40:36 <chillcore> made a tileset much like openttd has 01:40:45 <supermop> i actually need to learn some unreal stuff for work 01:40:56 <supermop> maybe i can do unity insteadd 01:42:02 <chillcore> spawned some terrain vary basic heightdistribution only -1, 0, - 1 with one diff max between next tile 01:42:27 <chillcore> but I did not get to orientating them correctly yet 01:42:40 <chillcore> got distracted and did something else 01:42:43 <chillcore> :P 01:42:50 <supermop> make a first-person 3d openttd 01:43:11 <supermop> to buy a train you have to walk to depot and buy it there 01:43:26 <supermop> drive to next town to set it's orders 01:43:52 <supermop> and if there is no road yet have to walk to where the road will be to build it 01:44:00 <chillcore> haha and you drive around in a zonda after a while 01:44:30 <chillcore> or better yet Lotus elise 01:44:43 <supermop> but then the construction workers are jealous and demand pay raise 01:45:09 <chillcore> entree 3D shooter :P 01:45:23 <supermop> also cannot drive your lotus to towns with no road connection yet 01:45:36 <supermop> land rover instead 01:45:50 <supermop> cut down trees with chainsaw 01:46:15 <supermop> want to raise land in ocean? stand there shovelling dirt into it for years 01:46:23 <chillcore> hmm ... never done that any of the msimulmators really 01:46:36 *** cypher_ [~cypher@ip-89-176-82-64.net.upcbroadband.cz] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 01:47:44 <chillcore> realtime too ... the game wakes you up at 6 AM to milk cows and mow wheat:P 01:48:07 <chillcore> we should make this a suggestions topic 01:48:18 <supermop> or if you dont wake up and log in at 3 pm you get fired for being late to work 01:48:57 <chillcore> maybe we should keep this between us and do it in unity 01:49:20 *** Pikkaphone [~yaaic@] has joined #openttd 01:49:27 <supermop> haha 01:50:01 <chillcore> we could be rich ... "buy this game and you do not need a life anymore!! in fact you won't have timefor one" :P 01:51:53 <Pikkaphone> too many realisms 01:52:06 <Supercheese> Realism overflow 01:52:24 <Pikkaphone> Baldy will love it 01:52:55 <chillcore> XD 01:53:41 <supermop> well he wont be able to play as you will need to go a university in game for years to get a business degree, then work your way up a company, before you could ever negotiate buying out a competitor 01:54:41 *** supermop [~supermop@d110-33-177-242.sun801.vic.optusnet.com.au] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 01:55:01 *** supermop [~supermop@d110-33-177-242.sun801.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #openttd 01:55:23 *** Prof_Frink [~proffrink@] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 01:55:35 <supermop> ok well, if the minimum needed sprites for a minimum viable tramway set are the overlays and the basic tramways, i basically have that done 01:56:06 <supermop> set could just use default trolleywire and depots to start with 01:56:37 <supermop> and most of the work to do right now is on the road tiles - can just layover default roads for now 01:57:38 <supermop> just need to model the U turn 01:57:45 <supermop> which i think i will fake 01:58:23 <chillcore> arcs should be pretty easy no? 01:58:39 <supermop> instead of U i will model a Y-shaped shunt and not care if the tram looks ridiculous driving over it 01:58:51 <Pikkaphone> nice 01:59:04 <supermop> i have all the curves done now, hardest part is the points and frogs 01:59:11 <chillcore> hehe 01:59:12 <supermop> but now have those done as well 01:59:38 <supermop> if i steal frogs from one of the T junctions i can make the y easily 01:59:55 <Pikkaphone> also wires and poles are cluttery, draw them faintly or not at all imo. Not drawing them works for horse and steam trams too. 02:00:03 <supermop> yeah 02:00:37 <supermop> also here and many cities they string wire between buildings and dont even have poles 02:00:57 <supermop> its not high speed catenary either - just a thin loose wire 02:01:11 <Pikkaphone> the original poles and wires are the ugliest thing ever. 02:01:18 <supermop> low voltage 02:01:39 *** DDR [~david@S010600254bbe4e1c.vc.shawcable.net] has joined #openttd 02:01:42 <Pikkaphone> original/opengfx 02:01:49 <supermop> also further to my discussion yesterday, there should never be reflective highlights on the wires 02:02:14 <supermop> as it repeats every tile looking bad, and stands out too much 02:02:36 <Pikkaphone> tres hideous 02:02:44 <supermop> just a dark grey line 02:03:10 <Pikkaphone> mind you I don't think we ever had the long intercity lines in mind when we first made them 02:03:25 <supermop> tram wires? 02:03:39 <Pikkaphone> yes 02:03:54 <supermop> well before there are trams, you cant tell how people will use them 02:03:54 <Pikkaphone> they're not so repetitive snaking through the city 02:04:03 <Pikkaphone> true 02:04:06 *** Prof_Frink [~proffrink@] has joined #openttd 02:04:35 <supermop> if the tram has no straights longer than 3 tiles it looks okk 02:05:04 <Pikkaphone> I look forward to seeing your tram lines. :) 02:05:20 <supermop> can see the tracks in an hour or so if you want 02:05:28 <supermop> wires i don't know yet 02:06:00 <supermop> i'd love a tram shunt 02:06:26 <supermop> let trams reverse on a line with out turning off into a little stubby loop 02:07:35 <supermop> would be super hard i guess as tram would need to completely clear the shunt tile, know that it is clear, prevent following tram from entering shunt tile, and then reverse 02:07:57 <supermop> likewise a real end of line 02:08:49 <supermop> of course i guess trams could just drive through the following tram as they drive through other trams in curves 02:10:40 <supermop> what happens if the NE and NW edges of a tile protrude a few px? will it just overlap tile behind or cause trouble? 02:12:52 <chillcore> see ya later ;) good night 02:12:56 *** chillcore [~chillcore@2a02:a03f:1048:5400:4e72:b9ff:feac:5979] has quit [Quit: Only mortals are affected by fame and power.] 02:22:45 <supermop> im off to coles to grab some food 02:34:24 <Pikkaphone> who knows re overlapping? suck it and see! 02:56:30 *** glx [~glx@000128ec.user.oftc.net] has quit [Quit: Bye] 03:11:41 *** Samu [~oftc-webi@po-217-129-154-213.netvisao.pt] has quit [Quit: Page closed] 03:18:46 <Eddi|zuHause> <Pikkaphone> who knows re overlapping? suck it and see! <-- perfect example of something where the individual words are fine, but the sentence does just not make any sense at all 03:27:21 *** Pikkaphone [~yaaic@] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 03:36:49 *** Pikkaphone [~yaaic@] has joined #openttd 03:39:28 *** Biolunar_ [Biolunar@blfd-4d025ecd.pool.mediaWays.net] has joined #openttd 03:41:35 <Pikkaphone> eddi: "suck it and see" is an idiom what means "try it and see what happens" 03:46:18 <supermop> Pikkaphone: must be an australian thing, if you said that in the us you'd get odd looks indeed 03:46:25 *** Biolunar [Biolunar@blfd-5d823c51.pool.mediaWays.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 03:46:33 <Pikkaphone> British even. 03:53:36 *** Pikkaphone2 [~yaaic@] has joined #openttd 03:53:55 *** Pikkaphone [~yaaic@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 04:03:55 *** Pikkaphone [~yaaic@] has joined #openttd 04:03:57 *** Pikkaphone2 [~yaaic@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 04:04:24 *** Pereba [~UserNick@] has quit [Quit: A clean quit, because my messages are already in your mind.] 04:12:20 *** smoke_fumus [~smoke_fum@] has quit [Quit: KVIrc 4.2.0 Equilibrium http://www.kvirc.net/] 05:20:33 *** DDR [~david@S010600254bbe4e1c.vc.shawcable.net] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 05:20:54 *** DDR [~david@S010600254bbe4e1c.vc.shawcable.net] has joined #openttd 05:30:19 <supermop> hmm should the y be symetrical or off to one side? 05:30:27 *** Pikkaphone [~yaaic@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 05:41:56 *** Eddi|zuHause [~johekr@p57BD587A.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 05:42:11 *** Eddi|zuHause [~johekr@p57BD587A.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #openttd 05:45:56 *** shirish [~quassel@] has joined #openttd 05:47:14 *** kais58_ [~kais58@cpc3-cwma7-2-0-cust221.7-3.cable.virginm.net] has joined #openttd 05:48:58 *** kais58 [~kais58@cpc3-cwma7-2-0-cust221.7-3.cable.virginm.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 05:49:38 *** raincomplex [~raincompl@pool-173-70-20-227.nwrknj.fios.verizon.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 05:56:01 *** Eddi|zuHause [~johekr@p57BD587A.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit [] 05:56:41 *** Eddi|zuHause [~johekr@] has joined #openttd 05:58:38 *** raincomplex [~raincompl@pool-173-70-20-227.nwrknj.fios.verizon.net] has joined #openttd 06:04:18 *** HerzogDeXtEr [~flex@i59F6C059.versanet.de] has quit [Quit: Leaving.] 06:12:33 *** DDR [~david@S010600254bbe4e1c.vc.shawcable.net] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 06:12:54 *** DDR [~david@S010600254bbe4e1c.vc.shawcable.net] has joined #openttd 06:35:56 *** DDR [~david@S010600254bbe4e1c.vc.shawcable.net] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 06:39:58 *** DabuYu [DabuYu@] has quit [] 06:44:37 *** DabuYu [DabuYu@] has joined #openttd 06:47:58 *** Rubidium_ [~Rubidium@noiv.net] has joined #openttd 06:49:56 *** Rubidium [~Rubidium@000128fa.user.oftc.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 07:05:12 *** Pikkaphone [~yaaic@] has joined #openttd 07:13:36 *** HerzogDeXtEr [~flex@i59F6C059.versanet.de] has joined #openttd 07:24:55 *** cypher_ [~cypher@ip-89-176-82-64.net.upcbroadband.cz] has joined #openttd 07:41:50 *** Pikkaphone [~yaaic@] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 08:06:36 *** cypher_ [~cypher@ip-89-176-82-64.net.upcbroadband.cz] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 08:18:16 *** shirish [~quassel@0001358e.user.oftc.net] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 08:23:35 *** chillcore [~chillcore@2a02:a03f:1048:5400:4e72:b9ff:feac:5979] has joined #openttd 08:24:17 <chillcore> good morning all 08:31:10 <Taede> mornin 08:32:04 *** shadowalkerAFK is now known as shadowalker 08:47:56 *** Wolf01 [~wolf01@0001288e.user.oftc.net] has joined #openttd 08:48:43 <Wolf01> hi hi o/ 08:49:29 <chillcore> o/ wolf 08:50:39 *** tycoondemon [~ashnohoe@D97BA869.cm-3-4c.dynamic.ziggo.nl] has joined #openttd 08:52:03 *** Celestar [~Celestar@mnch-5d85de7c.pool.mediaWays.net] has joined #openttd 08:52:46 <Wolf01> yesterday headache, tonight it came down and now I have pain in shoulder and back... I hope it doesn't arrive at the bottom or it will start to be funny 08:54:36 <chillcore> ooh that late allready ... time to finish coffee, grab flaptop and and go fix public pc ... eh ... put back in broken state I mean. :P 08:55:33 <chillcore> hehe ye you have to sit on thing wolf xD, get better soon ;) 08:55:36 <chillcore> bbl 08:55:47 <peter1138> 7/win 17 08:55:50 <peter1138> Damn 08:55:57 <chillcore> that thing* 08:56:01 <Wolf01> bye chill 08:56:50 <chillcore> ye win 7 pro ... but it is not that that is broken .... bootstrap joke is :sniff: 08:56:54 <chillcore> cyas o/ 08:57:06 *** chillcore [~chillcore@2a02:a03f:1048:5400:4e72:b9ff:feac:5979] has quit [Quit: Only mortals are affected by fame and power.] 09:01:30 <Celestar> good morning 09:02:41 <Wolf01> o/ 09:35:27 *** shadowalker is now known as shadowalkerAFK 10:35:43 *** shadowalkerAFK is now known as shadowalker 10:38:50 *** HerzogDeXtEr [~flex@i59F6C059.versanet.de] has quit [Quit: Leaving.] 10:42:15 <Eddi|zuHause> <supermop> hmm should the y be symetrical or off to one side? upper case letter Y should be symmetrical, lower case letter y should be off to one side 10:57:29 *** Klanticus [~quassel@] has joined #openttd 11:05:31 *** Celestar [~Celestar@mnch-5d85de7c.pool.mediaWays.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 11:08:05 *** oskari89 [oskari89@83-102-63-32.bb.dnainternet.fi] has joined #openttd 11:16:15 *** Celestar [~Celestar@fire3.tngtech.com] has joined #openttd 11:24:55 *** HerzogDeXtEr [~flex@i59F6C059.versanet.de] has joined #openttd 11:46:01 *** glevans2 [~glevans2@71-8-126-76.dhcp.ftwo.tx.charter.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 11:49:06 *** glevans2 [~glevans2@71-8-126-76.dhcp.ftwo.tx.charter.com] has joined #openttd 12:14:36 <supermop> yo 12:29:36 *** liq3 [liq3@CPE-120-147-178-81.gdfw1.lon.bigpond.net.au] has quit [] 12:37:31 *** liq3 [~liq3@CPE-120-147-178-81.gdfw1.lon.bigpond.net.au] has joined #openttd 13:10:15 *** Myhorta [~Myhorta@00018fad.user.oftc.net] has joined #openttd 13:14:01 *** supermop [~supermop@d110-33-177-242.sun801.vic.optusnet.com.au] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 13:15:06 *** roidal [~roland@62-46-138-183.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has joined #openttd 13:16:39 *** chillcore [~chillcore@2a02:a03f:1048:5400:4e72:b9ff:feac:5979] has joined #openttd 13:16:52 <chillcore> o/ 13:17:08 <chillcore> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2rB9E9JC3TQ 13:17:25 <chillcore> so funny I stumbled upon this ... 13:17:49 <peter1138> What's funny about it? 13:17:52 *** liq3 [~liq3@CPE-120-147-178-81.gdfw1.lon.bigpond.net.au] has quit [] 13:19:25 <chillcore> I had someone looking at me as I re-anabled everything I disabled yesterday ... 13:19:38 <chillcore> then showed him the diff with my laptop 13:20:28 <chillcore> after I pulled the HDD and used my USB to show him show files that do not belong on publc PCs 13:20:57 <chillcore> it like pissing in someones shoes and tellng him the shit is gabage 13:20:59 <chillcore> :P 13:21:03 <chillcore> +r 13:21:29 <chillcore> they should be talking about it now ... 13:21:55 <chillcore> I left one step out to have may way wth their pc 13:22:06 <chillcore> but showed it on my laptop 13:22:14 <chillcore> instead :P 13:23:52 <chillcore> anyway I got a resonable explanation for why the things they are now 13:24:11 <chillcore> I showed them a better way ... up to them 13:40:09 <chillcore> besides disabling stuffs I also updated the OS yesterday which was overdue since last september, deleted a ton of crapware, including an online backup, a groupsfoto of some peeps ... etc 13:40:24 <chillcore> my time was not competely wasted ;) 13:42:52 *** HerzogDeXtEr [~flex@i59F6C059.versanet.de] has quit [Quit: Leaving.] 13:44:08 <chillcore> the kids that came after me ... first thing thye do is install flash and open a site that needs a password :/ 13:44:43 <chillcore> that just games but ... 13:47:02 <chillcore> how many peeps have no access to internet at home worldwide? 13:48:58 <chillcore> I don' whanna be the white knight perse but ... 'we' are giving them free access to internet but no protection ... from eachother mainly 13:49:12 *** shadowalker is now known as shadowalkerAFK 13:49:23 <chillcore> that a lot of peeps that simply are unaware 13:50:10 <chillcore> can't blame them really ... people are used to their private devices ... if they have that even 13:51:17 *** luaduck_zzz is now known as luaduck 13:52:17 <chillcore> I am rambling 13:52:32 <chillcore> just gets me under my skin 13:55:11 <planetmaker> chillcore, I'd bet > 50% 13:55:33 <chillcore> my point exactly planetmaker ;) 14:03:29 *** Tvel [~Tvel@] has joined #openttd 14:04:48 *** Myhorta [~Myhorta@00018fad.user.oftc.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 14:17:19 *** sla_ro|master [slamaster@] has joined #openttd 14:32:03 *** b_jonas [~x@russell2.math.bme.hu] has quit [Quit: leaving] 14:58:32 *** Suicyder [~Suicyder@] has joined #openttd 15:06:26 *** Oddingar [~Odd@] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 15:06:45 *** Oddingar [~Odd@] has joined #openttd 15:19:30 *** Ttech [~ttech@dragons.have.mostlyincorrect.info] has quit [Quit: Este é o fim.] 15:23:07 *** Ttech [ttech@] has joined #openttd 15:28:58 <Bobix> does anybody know of a newgrf that has a non-rail tile showing passengers waiting? 15:30:50 <Bobix> maybe newstations if i upgrade? 15:31:47 *** smoke_fumus [~smoke_fum@] has joined #openttd 15:34:27 <Terkhen> hello 15:43:30 *** Alberth [~alberth@2001:981:c6c5:1:be5f:f4ff:feac:e11] has joined #openttd 15:43:33 *** mode/#openttd [+o Alberth] by ChanServ 15:51:03 *** Progman [~progman@p57A19DAC.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #openttd 16:20:08 *** Myhorta [~Myhorta@00018fad.user.oftc.net] has joined #openttd 16:29:41 *** Stimrol [~Stimrol@46-239-219-51.tal.is] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 16:45:28 *** Progman [~progman@p57A19DAC.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 16:52:01 *** Myhorta [~Myhorta@00018fad.user.oftc.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 17:02:16 *** TheMask96 [martijn@envy.vhost.ne2000.nl] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 17:07:34 *** TheMask96 [martijn@wrath.vhost.ne2000.nl] has joined #openttd 17:13:42 *** Biolunar_ [Biolunar@blfd-4d025ecd.pool.mediaWays.net] has quit [Quit: leaving] 17:25:41 *** cypher_ [~cypher@ip-89-176-82-64.net.upcbroadband.cz] has joined #openttd 17:36:09 *** Celestar [~Celestar@fire3.tngtech.com] has quit [Quit: Leaving.] 17:59:12 *** FLHerne [~flh@dsl-217-155-24-22.zen.co.uk] has joined #openttd 18:06:55 *** glx [~glx@000128ec.user.oftc.net] has joined #openttd 18:06:58 *** mode/#openttd [+v glx] by ChanServ 18:12:22 *** Tvel [~Tvel@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 18:26:11 *** cypher__ [~cypher@ip-89-176-82-64.net.upcbroadband.cz] has joined #openttd 18:33:41 *** cypher_ [~cypher@ip-89-176-82-64.net.upcbroadband.cz] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 18:45:53 *** shadowalkerAFK is now known as shadowalker 18:56:52 *** andythenorth [~Andy@cpc10-aztw26-2-0-cust867.18-1.cable.virginm.net] has joined #openttd 18:56:54 <andythenorth> o/ 18:57:07 <Alberth> hi hi 18:57:22 <Alberth> just added the cargo multiplier patch 18:57:33 <andythenorth> I saw :) 18:58:19 <Alberth> someone is watching a few repositories :p 18:59:44 <Alberth> you also understood my :idea: smiley in the reply? 19:00:36 <Alberth> as in, consider the goal done on first delivery? :) 19:01:03 <andythenorth> I wondered at that 19:01:12 <andythenorth> similar to subsidies 19:01:35 <Alberth> hmm, indeed 19:01:41 <andythenorth> might be worth trying 19:01:48 <andythenorth> in principle I like having the amounts 19:01:56 <andythenorth> just deliver at least 1t 19:01:59 <andythenorth> is not as good 19:02:16 <andythenorth> amounts required affect the kind of route you build, whether you need to find an unused primary source etc 19:02:24 <Alberth> we can keep the goal until it's done 19:02:33 <andythenorth> if itâs just 1t, then use a plane and route from an existing source :P 19:02:40 <Alberth> but just always have N unstarted goals 19:04:50 <andythenorth> oic 19:05:06 * andythenorth understands now 19:05:27 <Alberth> only thinking aloud, but it seems nicer than to discard the goal at first delivery, I think 19:06:08 <Alberth> it means you never have to wait for goals to finish 19:06:43 <Alberth> maybe I don't have enough goals :p 19:07:35 <andythenorth> ffwd :P 19:08:48 <Alberth> hmm, never think of that :p 19:09:43 <Alberth> it's not that bad, I usually watch trains while waiting :) 19:12:42 <Alberth> 8pm friday evening, and already sleepy :p 19:14:40 *** frosch123 [~frosch@frnk-5f746763.pool.mediaWays.net] has joined #openttd 19:15:13 <frosch123> andy is featured on xkcd today :) 19:15:15 <andythenorth> quak 19:15:21 <frosch123> hola :) 19:15:34 <andythenorth> Alberth: I am bushed :P 19:15:34 <andythenorth> 4.30am two days in a row 19:16:19 <Alberth> that's a little early :) 19:17:06 <Alberth> xkcd :D 19:17:21 *** Guest671 [~Xaroth@] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 19:20:57 <andythenorth> Hard Reboot? 19:21:06 <andythenorth> that looks like a standard web ops tactic tbh 19:22:24 *** Xaroth [~Xaroth@00017153.user.oftc.net] has joined #openttd 19:25:18 <andythenorth> http://thedailywtf.com/articles/ITAPPMONROBOT 19:25:52 * peter1138 reboots andythenorth 19:26:06 <andythenorth> with a CD-ROM drive? 19:27:07 <andythenorth> can anyone reboot landscape generation? 19:28:45 <peter1138> Probably. 19:29:40 *** Eddi|zuHause2 [~johekr@p5DC667BE.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #openttd 19:30:21 *** Eddi|zuHause [~johekr@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 19:31:54 <Wolf01> meh, you shouldn't leave me alone 2 days with 4 lego boxes... 19:32:22 <Eddi|zuHause2> did you mean "two months"? :p 19:32:27 *** Eddi|zuHause2 is now known as Eddi|zuHause 19:32:29 <Wolf01> 2 days 19:32:32 <andythenorth> what did you do? 19:32:44 <Wolf01> built 3 of them :P 19:32:50 <andythenorth> any good? 19:33:15 <Wolf01> yeah, the 42039 is really cool 19:33:26 <Wolf01> (the new 24 hours racing car) 19:34:29 <Wolf01> I also just finished to build the Benny's spaceship! and the Emmet'sconstruction mech 19:34:38 <frosch123> haha, someone opened a fs task today, which looked familar to me 19:34:54 <Eddi|zuHause> don't they all? 19:35:07 <frosch123> so i searched for the details, and found that there are 3 duplicates meanwhile :p 19:35:11 <Wolf01> bot of them have a nice amount of particular pieces, I think I'll purchase them again just for the pieces 19:35:33 <andythenorth> I might buy 42039 19:35:42 <andythenorth> I have the F1 and the last supercar 19:35:49 <andythenorth> dunno if it will be much different, but eh 19:35:53 <andythenorth> might keep it at work 19:36:05 <andythenorth> or build it and take it apart again :P 19:36:09 <peter1138> Looks spendy. 19:36:12 <Wolf01> the weekend is reserved for the 70810 - Capt. MetalBeard's Sea Cow 19:36:18 <andythenorth> thereâs something weird about keeping lego built up 19:37:08 <andythenorth> but I have cupboards full of built up lego :P 19:37:25 <Wolf01> I'm planning to replace my entire bedroom furniture 19:38:09 <Wolf01> http://www.chemtrailsky.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/teenage-bedroom-comforter-sets.jpg something like this 19:38:46 <peter1138> HOTLINK PROTECTION ACTIVATED 19:38:53 <Wolf01> nice 19:39:08 <Wolf01> it works for me 19:39:36 <Wolf01> http://www.chemtrailsky.com/bedroom/twist-teenage-bedroom-furniture.html/attachment/teenage-bedroom-comforter-sets this is the page 19:40:24 <Wolf01> the main problem is that I'm not really good with cad and 3D stuff :P 19:41:01 *** Stimrol [~Stimrol@46-239-218-77.tal.is] has joined #openttd 19:43:07 *** Defaultti [defaultti@lakka.kapsi.fi] has quit [Quit: Quitting.] 19:44:16 *** Celestar [~Celestar@p4FC5576C.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #openttd 19:47:06 *** gelignite [~gelignite@i528C3962.versanet.de] has joined #openttd 19:47:23 <Eddi|zuHause> except that the room is like 5 times bigger than a "teenager" would have... 19:47:25 *** cypher__ [~cypher@ip-89-176-82-64.net.upcbroadband.cz] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 19:47:56 *** Defaultti [defaultti@lakka.kapsi.fi] has joined #openttd 19:47:59 <Wolf01> and mine is half of a standard teenager's one 19:48:42 <Wolf01> and I'm twice the age of the standard teenager 19:49:25 <frosch123> yeah, teenager never last long 19:49:47 <frosch123> i haven't seen any teenager lasting longer than 10 years 19:49:59 <Wolf01> except me 19:50:31 <Eddi|zuHause> 13-19 is 8 years 19:51:23 <frosch123> does a 10 year old count as teenager? 19:51:28 <Eddi|zuHause> no 19:51:45 <frosch123> so, only 7 years 19:52:20 <Eddi|zuHause> yeah, i can't calculate :p 20:05:25 *** tokai|noir [~tokai@00012860.user.oftc.net] has joined #openttd 20:05:29 *** mode/#openttd [+v tokai|noir] by ChanServ 20:05:54 *** _dp_ [~dP@] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 20:07:11 *** Klanticus [~quassel@] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 20:09:20 *** tokai|mdlx [~tokai@port-92-195-97-184.dynamic.qsc.de] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 20:12:15 <andythenorth> is it bed time? 20:12:24 <Wolf01> not yet 20:13:21 <frosch123> is it back-to-work time? 20:15:17 <Wolf01> if you want to... for me is "brush fangs and play a game time" 20:15:30 *** _dp_ [~dP@] has joined #openttd 20:19:41 *** openbu|2 [~openbu@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 20:20:04 *** openbu|2 [~openbu@] has joined #openttd 20:22:34 <chillcore> is it time? 20:24:15 <frosch123> ah, i see, yesterday was full moon 20:24:46 <frosch123> how do you manage to type with those claws? 20:25:49 <Wolf01> manicure, a lot of manicure :P 20:27:06 <chillcore> wait what? you're not supposed to use your fore...head? 20:28:04 <frosch123> no, that is no ergonomic position 20:28:19 <frosch123> but that may change with touch screens 20:28:35 <frosch123> likely it's better to use a touch screen with the forehead than with the hands 20:28:41 *** Progman [~progman@p57A19DAC.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #openttd 20:29:04 <frosch123> i would recommend using your nose though 20:29:10 <frosch123> it's more precise 20:29:29 <chillcore> hehe ... "the I am thinking comfortably, boss" stance 20:29:36 <chillcore> good point 20:30:13 <frosch123> use the tongue to perform multi-touch 20:32:05 <chillcore> hmm might be a nice app ... 20:33:33 <chillcore> "lick my frozen lolly" 15 mins for 1 euro ... then it melts 20:33:36 *** shadowalker is now known as shadowalkerAFK 20:34:23 <frosch123> chillcore: do you know "succulent" ? 20:35:14 <Eddi|zuHause> i'm sure nobody ever made an app that made you lick your phone... 20:35:22 <chillcore> that'd be a great name ye 20:35:36 <chillcore> I called it here ... time stamp for proof 20:35:48 <frosch123> chillcore: sorry, but what i mentioned exists :p 20:36:02 <frosch123> it's an actual name of a "game" 20:36:29 <frosch123> check yt, if noone is watching you, who might judge you for watching it :p 20:36:29 <chillcore> I can use another name ... does it include liking your phone for gameplay? 20:37:08 <chillcore> what platform? 20:37:21 <frosch123> no idea 20:37:57 <chillcore> dribble is taken? 20:39:16 <Eddi|zuHause> <frosch123> check yt, if noone is watching you, who might judge you for watching it :p <-- google is always watching you 20:39:33 <chillcore> ye 20:39:53 <frosch123> does it judge me? 20:40:33 <Eddi|zuHause> yes, it judges what else you might be interested in 20:40:38 <frosch123> i think google has quite a good opinion of me compared to the rest of the internet :p 20:41:02 <chillcore> ah that is what it looks like 20:41:21 <chillcore> I watched a review without images 20:42:06 <chillcore> watched == heard noise in the background 20:42:35 <chillcore> haha 20:42:46 *** sla_ro|master [slamaster@] has quit [] 20:44:58 *** Celestar [~Celestar@p4FC5576C.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit [Quit: Leaving.] 20:45:06 <chillcore> I really hope peeps do not spend money on that 20:45:21 <frosch123> it's pay-what-you-want 20:45:31 <chillcore> hmm ... ok 20:45:36 <frosch123> minimum is 0 :) 20:45:38 <chillcore> -1000 20:45:42 <chillcore> lol 20:46:59 <chillcore> I dunno ... my first flash game was this vector mouse that ran a way from the mouse 20:47:10 <chillcore> I called it catch the mouse 20:47:22 <chillcore> I should have it somewhere still 20:47:51 <frosch123> you are chasing a mouse with a mouse? 20:48:03 <frosch123> would make more sense if it was an elephant 20:48:21 <chillcore> lol actually it is the mousepointer chasing the mouse 20:48:25 <chillcore> details ... 20:49:21 <frosch123> mouse and mouse-pointer are identified via voodoo 20:49:26 <frosch123> they are the same entity 20:49:46 <chillcore> but I had a moving background :P 20:51:20 <chillcore> I should put that half baked interactive html/JavaScript tutorial online some day 20:51:30 <chillcore> just for shizz and giggles 20:51:33 *** Sheogorath [~madgod@0001f8ef.user.oftc.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 20:52:10 *** Sheogorath [~madgod@0001f8ef.user.oftc.net] has joined #openttd 20:53:20 * andythenorth bed 20:53:21 *** andythenorth [~Andy@cpc10-aztw26-2-0-cust867.18-1.cable.virginm.net] has left #openttd [] 20:55:00 <chillcore> nothing too fancy mind you ... just stuffs I made while learning 20:55:31 <frosch123> that does not matter :) you only need luck to make millions with it 20:55:58 <chillcore> there is so many stuffs missing and it is outdated 20:56:16 <chillcore> it has working axamples and you click throught to see simplified code 20:56:38 <chillcore> a table with all safe colours and such 20:57:46 <frosch123> safe colours? as in 256-colour mode with shared palette? 20:57:52 <chillcore> uhu 20:58:08 <frosch123> then it's old indeed :) 21:00:31 <Eddi|zuHause> i never even tried to make flash 21:00:40 <Eddi|zuHause> i learned how to make java applets once 21:00:51 <Eddi|zuHause> but i forgot all of it 21:00:54 <chillcore> kinda fun ... that too can be fun 21:01:02 <peter1138> COLOUR 9 21:01:11 <peter1138> ^ red/cyan flash 21:01:31 <chillcore> you can import flash in director ... then it becomes really fun 21:01:36 <Eddi|zuHause> is that like "character 7" makes a beep? 21:02:41 <peter1138> Nah, ^G = BEL(L) is rather more standard. 21:03:25 <Eddi|zuHause> print(chr(7)) (or print('#7 21:03:30 <Eddi|zuHause> ') 21:03:43 <Eddi|zuHause> ) 21:04:25 *** cypher_ [~cypher@ip-89-176-82-64.net.upcbroadband.cz] has joined #openttd 21:05:51 <frosch123> oi, just noticed: octal numbers are actually usable up to number 7 21:06:28 <chillcore> hehe 21:07:27 <chillcore> some languages did/do not use 0 ... so you can do 8 21:08:38 <Eddi|zuHause> the only place where i have ever seen an application for octal numbers is linux file access rights 21:09:35 <Eddi|zuHause> and i never really use them that way 21:09:58 <Eddi|zuHause> more like "chomod a+x" 21:10:10 <Alberth> cheating :p 21:10:23 *** Sheogorath [~madgod@0001f8ef.user.oftc.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 21:10:43 <Eddi|zuHause> well, that has the benefit of leaving the other bits unchanged :p 21:10:59 <Alberth> :) 21:11:10 *** Sheogorath [~madgod@0001f8ef.user.oftc.net] has joined #openttd 21:12:52 <Eddi|zuHause> especially for things like "u+w", you don't want to care whether the file has +x or not 21:14:25 <frosch123> i only ever used 600, 644 or 755 21:14:43 <chillcore> that ... or chown 21:15:13 <frosch123> hmm,not true, i used group-access with group-sticky bit 21:16:32 <Eddi|zuHause> i suppose the group bits are more used on actual multi user systems 21:17:00 <chillcore> you want them on your single use pc too 21:17:22 <chillcore> some progs go great lenghts for control 21:17:36 <chillcore> it not always hackers 21:18:02 <Eddi|zuHause> the only times i ever need to deal with groups is when "this user is not part of the 'access the sound hardware' group" errors occur 21:18:09 <chillcore> or co-users 21:18:17 <frosch123> i also have multiple accounts on my personal system 21:18:29 <chillcore> eg. pc for your kids 21:18:29 <frosch123> e.g. a "devzone" user with the devzone wine setup :) 21:18:57 <Eddi|zuHause> i never ever ran a program as not-me (except for root) 21:19:02 <frosch123> there are also some chroots, not sure whether they count as separate users 21:20:16 <chillcore> progs should never have root completely 21:20:46 <chillcore> higher the some users sure ... but not match root 21:20:53 <chillcore> then* 21:21:38 <Alberth> hmm, what's the point of root if nobody can use it ? :) 21:21:43 *** Jyggalag [~madgod@2a03:4000:7:3d::] has joined #openttd 21:21:49 <chillcore> you can use it 21:22:13 <Eddi|zuHause> well, i suppose i could set up a user for "edit /etc files". but why bother? 21:22:39 *** Sheogorath [~madgod@0001f8ef.user.oftc.net] has quit [Read error: No route to host] 21:23:11 <chillcore> your kid can have access to games but not sytem files 21:23:15 <Eddi|zuHause> you just get lost in "well, this needs now also acces to that" problems 21:23:39 <chillcore> normal progs can do deal with user dir just fine 21:23:47 *** roidal [~roland@62-46-138-183.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has quit [Quit: WeeChat 1.0.1] 21:23:52 <Eddi|zuHause> chillcore: but that's what a normal login already does. 21:23:53 <chillcore> except for installing 21:24:11 <chillcore> ye 21:24:33 <chillcore> but some progs override your settings as root 21:24:52 <chillcore> they should not be able to 21:24:55 <Eddi|zuHause> what? 21:25:29 <chillcore> eg. steam files 21:25:51 <Eddi|zuHause> steam runs happily as user here 21:26:02 <Eddi|zuHause> it just needs the ability to update its own files 21:26:07 <chillcore> disable cache in config 21:26:12 <chillcore> writeaccess 21:26:19 <chillcore> start steam ... 21:27:03 <Eddi|zuHause> i don't know what you're talking about 21:27:29 <chillcore> it is just an example of a prog overwriting your settings ;) 21:27:38 <chillcore> just 1 21:27:40 <chillcore> ;) 21:27:49 <Eddi|zuHause> what settings? 21:28:21 <chillcore> in your steam folder you have a config folder inside cache folder 21:28:50 *** cypher_ [~cypher@ip-89-176-82-64.net.upcbroadband.cz] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 21:28:58 <chillcore> deny writeaccsess on that folder, start steam and check again 21:29:31 <Eddi|zuHause> so, you complain that steam accesses its own configuration files? 21:30:23 <chillcore> it does so as superuser ... while it works fine without that folder for me? 21:30:39 <chillcore> anyhoo 21:30:58 <Eddi|zuHause> i still don't understand what you're trying to say 21:31:10 <Alberth> write access on a folder means you cannot create or remove files 21:31:13 <Eddi|zuHause> how is setting back the access rights to a folder you own "superuser"? 21:33:56 <Terkhen> good night 21:42:17 <frosch123> Eddi|zuHause: i think chillcore is hinting at a steam bug, which does and rm -rf / or rm -rf ~, if some files are missing or inaccessible 21:43:17 <frosch123> i do not remember which, but everyone was surprised how calm the guy was, who discovered it :p 21:43:19 <Eddi|zuHause> frosch123: yeah, i have seen something like that. but what that does not have anything to do with "superuser" 21:45:08 <chillcore> If I set something with root I expect that not to change? 21:45:32 <chillcore> if a program then decides to exit screaming that is fine 21:46:49 <Eddi|zuHause> i really can't decide whether you're just arguing for arguments sake, or whether you have a total misconception about how those access rights work 21:47:56 <chillcore> not argueing ... it was about multiple accounts ;) 21:48:06 <frosch123> chillcore: btw. you can configure vms to not store modifications in the image file, so they revert everything on reboot 21:48:19 <glx> chillcore: you also changed owner of the folder ? 21:48:50 <chillcore> in windows yes 21:49:01 <chillcore> linux not yet tried 21:49:19 <chillcore> I wanna keep my KSP :P 21:50:18 <glx> because modifying rights as root won't prevent modifying them as owner of the folder 21:50:45 <chillcore> I think they just delete and remake 21:51:06 <chillcore> I emty the folder after steam start and disable it 21:51:15 <Eddi|zuHause> -w does not prevent removal 21:51:17 <chillcore> works fine utill exit 21:51:52 <Eddi|zuHause> but i have still no clue what you are actually talking about 21:52:51 <glx> I guess steam does all in its install folder like on windows 21:54:07 <Eddi|zuHause> i don't really know what steam does internally. all i know is that there is a "library", and i can open secondary ones 21:55:02 <chillcore> hehe 21:55:14 <Eddi|zuHause> and the library is in my home dir 21:55:18 <Eddi|zuHause> where it belongs 21:56:15 <chillcore> still need to finish Myst 5 ... XD 21:56:23 <glx> additionnal library is a nice feature when you add more storage space 21:56:44 <chillcore> ye 21:58:32 <Eddi|zuHause> yes. but i just moved my whole steam folder and symlinked it... 22:00:07 <glx> no need to move anything now 22:01:31 <Eddi|zuHause> my /home is on the SSD, and is only 40GB. i try to keep all bigger stuff (like wine and steam) off there completely 22:18:45 *** Suicyder [~Suicyder@] has quit [Quit: I love my HydraIRC -> http://www.hydrairc.com <-] 22:21:13 *** Alberth [~alberth@2001:981:c6c5:1:be5f:f4ff:feac:e11] has left #openttd [] 22:21:44 *** frosch123 [~frosch@frnk-5f746763.pool.mediaWays.net] has quit [Quit: be yourself, except: if you have the opportunity to be a unicorn, then be a unicorn] 22:43:14 *** Progman_ [~progman@p57A19C27.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #openttd 22:46:48 *** Progman [~progman@p57A19DAC.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 22:46:58 *** Progman_ is now known as Progman 22:57:46 *** HerzogDeXtEr [~flex@i59F6D54D.versanet.de] has joined #openttd 23:02:15 *** Progman_ [~progman@p57A19890.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #openttd 23:09:14 *** Progman [~progman@p57A19C27.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 23:09:28 *** Progman_ is now known as Progman 23:42:07 *** supermop [~supermop@d110-33-177-242.sun801.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #openttd 23:42:11 *** Progman [~progman@p57A19890.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 23:57:34 <supermop> yo 23:57:49 <Oddingar> hello