Log for #openttd on 1st June 2015:
Times are UTC Toggle Colours
00:26:18  *** Hiddenfunstuff [] has quit [Quit:  HydraIRC -> <- It'll be on slashdot one day...]
00:26:26  *** Ketsuban_ is now known as Ketsuban
00:58:35  *** glevans2 [~glevans2@] has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
00:59:07  *** Ketsuban [~ketsuban@] has quit [Quit: To robbery, slaughter, plunder they give the lying name of empire; they make a desert and call it peace.]
01:07:14  <supermop_> yo
01:27:11  *** liq3 [] has quit []
01:33:30  *** glx [] has quit [Quit: Bye]
01:34:06  *** Ketsuban [~ketsuban@] has joined #openttd
01:34:49  *** JezK [~jez@2407:7800:400:107f:3db5:daca:8457:e66a] has joined #openttd
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02:20:02  *** Pikka [] has joined #openttd
02:27:20  <kamnet> Good morning Pikka
02:28:50  <Pikka> good afternoon kamnet
02:37:30  <kamnet> how goes it in your part of the world?
02:39:11  *** Pokka [] has joined #openttd
02:39:17  <Pokka> It goes alright :)
02:45:52  *** Pikka [] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds]
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03:33:58  *** Pokka is now known as Pikka
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04:21:12  <supermop_> pikka what's this secret 2005 pineapple?
04:34:37  *** DDR [] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
04:35:00  *** Pokka [] has joined #openttd
04:36:33  <Pokka> olde pineapples? some bad newgrf from many years ago :)
04:37:41  <supermop_> looks cute
04:37:55  <supermop_> small queenslanders
04:37:55  <Pokka> haha
04:38:06  <Pokka> well, I have those in new pineapples also
04:38:10  <Pokka> :)
04:38:53  *** kamnet [] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
04:40:45  <supermop_> starting to panic about not documenting enough houses before leaving here
04:41:13  <supermop_> i'd like to create a procedural melbourne terrace generator
04:41:22  *** Pikka [] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds]
04:41:41  <supermop_> either for 3d printing, or generative artwork/illustration
04:42:14  <supermop_> then maybe come up with a post-hoc architectural theory rationale behind it
04:43:53  <supermop_> i'd like a shirt that's just street after street after street of generative terraces in isometric or axonometric
04:44:30  <supermop_> also an aloha shirt with pineapples instead of pineapples
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05:20:54  *** sim-al2 [~chatzilla@2602:306:cdd9:e4c0:795f:b09c:8603:7604] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
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05:55:06  <Pokka> ooh
05:55:06  *** DDR [] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
05:55:21  <Pokka> I had been thinking about other merchandising for pineapples ;)
06:00:07  <V453000> SELL IT EVERYWHERE
06:08:37  <supermop_> i mostly want the shirt for myself, but it would sell well amongst the australian expats on the lower east side in nyc
06:08:59  <supermop_> who tend to really play up australian pop culture
06:09:23  <supermop_> now as an aloha shirt it needs at least two images repeating
06:10:01  <supermop_> i was thinking an A and a tram? or avocado?
06:10:36  <supermop_> or birds of paradise flower, as those seem to be all over the place in arangements down here
06:24:09  *** Pikka [] has joined #openttd
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06:28:36  <andythenorth> o/
06:39:29  <kamnet> o\
07:06:01  *** Celestar [] has joined #openttd
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07:32:25  *** Ketsuban [~ketsuban@] has quit [Quit: To robbery, slaughter, plunder they give the lying name of empire; they make a desert and call it peace.]
07:35:56  *** lastmikoi [] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds]
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07:38:03  <kamnet> Huh. neat. I've got an advertisement to try Windows 10 in my taskbar.
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07:47:51  <planetmaker> moin
07:56:21  <Pikka> didn't we all
07:56:46  <Pikka> moin planetmaker
07:58:41  <kamnet> I don't know if we all did or not. I dunno if my laptop is ready to be upgraded
08:03:17  <planetmaker> ho ho Pikka :)
08:03:38  <planetmaker> an no, I didn't get such advertisement ;)
08:03:42  <V453000> wat up in da hood
08:04:09  <planetmaker> still shaky on the legs. Still feels like the waves rolling under them, even on solid ground ;)
08:04:30  <planetmaker> I need back the boat and the waves :P
08:06:06  <planetmaker> and what's been up here all time long?
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08:10:28  *** JezK [~jez@2407:7800:400:107f:3db5:daca:8457:e66a] has quit [Quit: :q!]
08:14:51  <supermop_> freezing in here
08:15:08  <supermop_> at least i can get back to the warm hemisphere in a month
08:16:42  <planetmaker> hehe... I can't say that the weather on the Baltic Sea was warm either... around 10...15°C maximum. And much more rain than sun shine
08:22:32  <supermop_> well, hawaii in 40 days - just keep thinking that
08:29:31  <planetmaker> :) I don't dare sail that far accross the ocean (yet)
08:43:22  <supermop_> hehe
08:43:55  <supermop_> well i'll try going out on the the ocean in a very very small boat while i'm there
08:44:12  <supermop_> with just enough room to stand on
08:44:17  *** sla_ro|master [slamaster@] has joined #openttd
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09:26:38  <kamnet> I miss my cat. :(
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10:20:23  *** FLHerne_ [] has quit [Quit: There's a real world out here!]
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14:51:12  *** Alberth [~alberth@2001:981:c6c5:1:be5f:f4ff:feac:e11] has joined #openttd
14:51:15  *** mode/#openttd [+o Alberth] by ChanServ
14:51:28  <Taede> o/
14:52:27  <Alberth> moin
14:52:38  <Alberth> we had one customer for you :p
14:55:01  <andythenorth> :P
14:55:49  <Alberth> hi hi
14:58:04  <Taede> a customer?
14:58:17  * Taede takes the dust off the counter
14:59:38  <Alberth> weren't you busy writing a new grfmaker?
15:00:04  <Taede> me? no
15:00:09  <Taede> soap is my only product
15:00:24  <Alberth> oh, I am mistaken then, sorry
15:00:29  <Taede> no worries
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16:25:07  <planetmaker> good evening :)
16:29:18  <Alberth> evenink planetmaker, welcome home :)
16:30:40  <planetmaker> thanks :) As nice as the trip has been, it's nice to be back
16:35:34  <Alberth> otherwise nobody would come home again :)
16:38:12  <planetmaker> true
16:38:37  <peter1138> So do I want to upgrade to Windows 10... :p
16:39:55  <V453000> :)
16:40:06  <Taede> run a vm and see if you like it
16:40:20  *** Celestar [] has left #openttd []
16:40:21  <Taede> or a 2nd hdd you werent using anyway
16:42:09  <peter1138> Yeah, might image the disk before doing it :p
16:44:37  <andythenorth> will FIRS compile faster on Windows 10?
16:44:43  * andythenorth considers switching
16:46:47  <planetmaker> tired of OSX?
16:46:56  *** DDR [] has joined #openttd
16:47:04  <Alberth> it's more likely a matter of having decent hardware? :)
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16:48:15  <Alberth> but personally, I give BSD much better chances of giving you the best performance
16:59:56  <Eddi|zuHause> andythenorth: always assume that switching will make everything worse.
17:00:14  <Eddi|zuHause> no matter what you switch from or to.
17:01:05  <andythenorth> this attitude avoids disappointment
17:01:07  <andythenorth> I like it
17:01:44  <Eddi|zuHause> i would never have switched to linux if my windows wasn't totally fucked up
17:08:46  *** JacobD88 [] has quit [Quit: JacobD88]
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17:19:31  <planetmaker> quak
17:20:49  <frosch123> yay, a planetmaker !
17:23:24  *** andythenorth [~Andy@] has quit [Quit: andythenorth]
17:23:55  <planetmaker> :) Blown back home by the winds :P
17:24:09  <planetmaker> or maybe washed back home by the rain. I guess I could choose :P
17:24:41  <frosch123> was there no option to sail with the sun wind?
17:26:43  <planetmaker> that proved not very successful on the Baltic Sea
17:45:07  *** Pensacola [] has joined #openttd
17:45:19  <DorpsGek> Commit by translators :: r27296 trunk/src/lang/estonian.txt (2015-06-01 19:45:13 +0200 )
17:45:20  <DorpsGek> -Update from WebTranslator v3.0:
17:45:21  <DorpsGek> estonian - 93 changes by Jaropower
17:45:27  <kamnet> I'm interested in upgrading to Windows 10. It claims to run much faster than Windows 7 or 8 on the same hardware.
17:46:30  <frosch123> every fresh installation of windows run faster than a old one
17:48:17  <V453000> :D
18:17:53  * LordAro has had an SSD sitting in his computer for a couple of months now
18:18:05  <LordAro> will probably put win10 on it
18:28:07  <__ln__> are you sure it's sitting and not lying?
18:37:09  <DorpsGek> Commit by frosch :: r27297 /branches/1.5 (5 files in 3 dirs) (2015-06-01 20:37:06 +0200 )
18:37:10  <DorpsGek> [1.5] -Update: Documentation
18:38:39  <DorpsGek> Commit by frosch :: r27298 /tags/1.5.1 (10 files in 4 dirs) (2015-06-01 20:38:36 +0200 )
18:38:40  <DorpsGek> -Release: 1.5.1
18:38:45  <Supercheese> zounds
18:40:23  <LordAro> :o
18:40:34  <__ln__>
18:40:45  <LordAro> __ln__: fairly sure
18:41:29  *** Ketsuban [~ketsuban@] has quit [Quit: To robbery, slaughter, plunder they give the lying name of empire; they make a desert and call it peace.]
18:42:53  *** andythenorth [] has joined #openttd
18:44:41  * andythenorth wonders if other makefiles have the same potential for speedup
18:44:45  <andythenorth> one way to find out...
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19:08:10  *** Wolf01 [] has joined #openttd
19:08:40  <Wolf01> hi hi
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19:18:33  <andythenorth> hmm 2-3s faster on Iron Horse for ‘:=‘ instead of ‘?='
19:18:36  <andythenorth> not very interesting
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19:21:46  <Wolf01> mmh 256€ of a lego order, I have another 53€ of the mini cooper, there is still a little bit of tax refund I could use :P
19:22:30  <andythenorth> :o
19:23:29  <Wolf01> the benefits of 340€ of tax refund :D
19:23:55  <Wolf01> now that I got money too bad I don't have enough space
19:25:10  <__ln__> you know that tax refund is not actually a gift from the state, but your own money given back to you?
19:27:17  <Wolf01> yes I do
19:27:49  <frosch123> @topic set 1 1.5.1
19:27:49  *** DorpsGek changed the topic of #openttd to: 1.5.1 | Website: * (translator: translator, server list: servers, wiki: wiki, patches & bug-reports: bugs, revision log: hg, release info: finger) | Don't ask to ask, just ask | 'Latest' is not a valid version, 'Most recent' neither | English only | Logs: @logs | for dev-talk
19:28:10  *** mode/#openttd [+o orudge] by ChanServ
19:30:16  <andythenorth> ‘free money’
19:30:25  *** shirish_ [~quassel@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
19:30:33  <andythenorth> Wolf01: buy the new red cargo train?
19:31:03  <Wolf01> I'm not a train gui :/ not enough space, that's why I play ottd
19:31:15  <frosch123> or wait for the blue one, and get them in a bundle
19:33:21  <Wolf01> uhm, strange, the blue one is already available but the red one is not
19:34:06  <Wolf01> if you mean this blue one
19:35:51  <Wolf01> btw, look at what my friends just purchased at Billund
19:36:18  <andythenorth> too much
19:36:29  * andythenorth has one floor of a three floor house stacked with lego
19:36:37  <frosch123> sometimes i think i lack an expensive hobby :p
19:36:39  * andythenorth knows when too much is too much :P
19:36:59  <V453000>
19:37:00  <V453000> top class
19:37:09  <andythenorth> computing used to be expensive :P
19:37:24  <Wolf01> ahhah V :D
19:40:04  <Wolf01> it's strange, I have 2 internal drives C: and E: and D: is really the external drive which is always connected, I have F: too, while G: is the external dvd burner I purchased because I'm too lazy to mount an internal one
19:40:54  <V453000> my D is disk thingy
19:41:04  <V453000> I never actually used it on this pc I have for 2,5 years :D
19:44:29  * andythenorth misses A:
19:44:30  <andythenorth> :(
19:45:05  <Wolf01> I used to have A: and B: on the good ol' times :P
19:46:03  <peter1138> B: was a 5.25" drive on my first PC :D
19:46:40  <Alberth> I mostly had /dev/fd0  :p
19:47:04  * andythenorth never actuall had A:
19:47:08  <andythenorth> it was ADFS:0
19:47:19  <andythenorth> or occasionally ADFS:1, if the machine was really shiny
19:47:32  <frosch123> anything about 360kB is a joke :p
19:47:35  <frosch123> *above
19:47:59  <andythenorth> does OpenTTD fit on a floppy?
19:48:02  <peter1138> ADFS traitor... DFS was the one true filesystem.
19:48:10  <frosch123> andythenorth: it fits on a zipdisk :p
19:48:37  <Wolf01> I had a nice time with boot disks
19:48:56  <andythenorth> nostalgia :|
19:51:23  <peter1138>
19:51:25  <peter1138> Oh dear...
19:51:41  <Wolf01> the what?
19:53:33  <Wolf01> 1st place of wanted list
19:54:06  <frosch123> do you also have all the other weird lego games?
19:54:19  <frosch123> like lego potter and lego lotr
19:54:34  <Wolf01> yes, about all, I miss one or two of them
19:54:34  <peter1138> Nope.
19:57:06  <Wolf01> I still have an old 386 with dos 6 or 7 and windows 3.11, but I installed so much ram, a good soundblaster 16 and a 40MB HDD that is not the same thing
19:57:27  <Wolf01> too powerful
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20:22:08  <Alberth> haha, I had a 386 with 1.5GB disk :p
20:22:23  <andythenorth> nah
20:22:34  <andythenorth> that’s excessive :P
20:22:43  <Alberth> yep, it was
20:23:01  <andythenorth> what could you ever have done with it?
20:23:06  <andythenorth> :o
20:23:17  <andythenorth> also it must have cost about 3 months salary
20:23:28  <Alberth> I bought a 386 when the 486 just appeared
20:23:34  <Alberth> and installed Linux on it
20:23:41  <andythenorth> you could have stored *2 entire CD-ROMS on it* :O
20:24:02  <Alberth> I figured I needed some space, so added a 500MB disk, which was already big
20:24:20  <Alberth> didn't work, my flatmates filled it in a few weeks
20:24:35  <Alberth> so after some time I bought an extra disk, of 1GB.
20:24:42  <Alberth> was full in a few months
20:24:48  <Alberth> then I gave up :p
20:24:51  <andythenorth> ripping CDs to AIFF?
20:25:00  <andythenorth> you had a fast connection and it was warez? :P
20:25:05  <Alberth> nah, Internet from the uni
20:25:22  <peter1138> 1.5GB... rich kid :S
20:25:22  <Alberth> lots of free software in source form
20:25:37  <peter1138> We also had a 40MB, in the 386 era.
20:25:59  <Alberth> it was of course the most expensive part of the machine
20:27:02  <Alberth> I bought it just after the 386 era
20:27:15  <Alberth> so that's quite a few years later
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20:48:32  * frosch123 ponders reusing the rc1 topic for the release
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21:04:55  <Eddi|zuHause> my 386 had an 80MB and a 420MB disk
21:05:58  <Eddi|zuHause> <Alberth> was full in a few months <-- data acts like an ideal gas. available space will be filled immediately.
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21:08:26  *** gelignite [] has quit [Quit:]
21:08:51  <frosch123> Eddi|zuHause: andy hasn't left yet, so you can still talk to him
21:09:09  <Eddi|zuHause> what would be the point of that :p
21:09:24  <andythenorth> talk to pikka instead
21:09:37  <Pikka> why would you?
21:09:55  <andythenorth> well
21:14:05  <Eddi|zuHause> frosch123: it's not that i like to talk to andy when he's gone, it's that he always leaves immediately after posting a question
21:14:35  *** wicope [] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
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21:20:04  <andythenorth> well you need time to consider the answer :)
21:20:13  <andythenorth> there’s no point me sitting waiting ;)
21:22:28  *** Progman [] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
21:26:07  <Eddi|zuHause> most of that time is usually me not noticing the question :p
21:26:52  <frosch123> i thought eddi might fear opposition, so only posts when noone is around of objecting
21:34:15  <andythenorth> he :)
21:34:42  <andythenorth> implausible, but funny :)
21:35:17  <andythenorth> also bye
21:35:17  *** andythenorth [] has left #openttd []
21:41:52  *** JacobD88 [] has quit [Quit: JacobD88]
21:42:12  <Eddi|zuHause> well, if you fear opposition, you're probably in the wrong place anywhere on the internet :p
21:44:03  *** HerzogDeXtEr [~flex@] has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
21:45:08  *** frosch123 [] has quit [Quit: be yourself, except: if you have the opportunity to be a unicorn, then be a unicorn]
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22:53:21  <Wolf01> 'night
22:53:27  *** Wolf01 [] has quit [Quit: Once again the world is quick to bury me.]
23:25:29  *** DDR [] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]

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