Log for #openttd on 10th July 2015:
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00:26:27  *** Hiddenfunstuff [] has quit [Quit:  HydraIRC -> <- Wibbly Wobbly IRC]
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07:55:21  <Pikka> hmm hmm hmm
08:05:54  *** JezK [~jez@2407:7800:400:107f:3db5:daca:8457:e66a] has quit [Quit: \o/]
08:06:46  *** JacobD88 [] has joined #openttd
08:10:43  <Supercheese> I'm afraid I don't know that tune
08:29:35  <planetmaker> @ Supercheese ;)
08:29:46  <Supercheese> sound of silence amirite
08:29:54  <Supercheese> oh no, it isn't?
08:30:06  <planetmaker> could be. could be not ;)
08:30:10  <Supercheese> saw simon & garfunkel
08:30:23  <Supercheese> immediately thought joke opportunity
08:30:52  <Supercheese> guess not
08:31:48  <Pikka> no way for newgrf to query the signal side, is there?
08:32:06  <planetmaker> no
08:32:36  <planetmaker> a (new)grf provides the signals in their states and orientation, and OpenTTD draws the appropriate sprite
08:32:58  <planetmaker> thus: where would a newgrf *need* the side at all? It provides all sprites, that's it
08:33:24  <planetmaker> i.e. what's your use case, Pikka ?
08:33:55  <Pikka> having semaphore signal blades facing away from the track, as is usually the case? :)
08:34:43  <planetmaker> oh, you mean the setting 'signal side'?
08:34:47  <Pikka> yes
08:34:54  <planetmaker> ah, completely mis-understood you
08:35:09  <planetmaker> Yes, you can query that and provide  one set of sprites or the other. Check OpenGFX source
08:35:42  <Supercheese> signals_on_traffic_side var I guess
08:35:54  <planetmaker> That. And traffic_side
08:36:38  <planetmaker>
08:37:20  <planetmaker> the if clause in line 124 is what does the trick
08:37:45  <planetmaker> if is the equivalent of actionD whereas switch the equivalent of (var)action2
08:38:14  <planetmaker> actionD? action7/9? Some combination thereof :)
08:40:46  <planetmaker> signalsontrafficside (flag 0x3B)
08:41:10  <Pikka> hmm
08:41:37  <planetmaker> var2 0x06 	or global var 0x86 (traffic side)
08:41:52  <Pikka> can't find it in the newgrf specs. :) But OpenTTD now allows explicitly setting the signal side, so it seems like "signalsontrafficside" and "trafficside" don't cover all cases...?
08:42:29  <planetmaker> not? You can use those two to get every, don't you?
08:43:24  <Pikka> afaia it used to be that the only way you could have right-hand signals would be to set right-hand traffic and signals on traffic side. but if players can now set right-hand signals directly, there's no way for the newgrf to test for that?
08:43:49  <planetmaker> hm... dunno. Got an idea when that was changed roughly?
08:44:09  <Pikka> I don't know, I just saw it while looking for the switch in a recent-ish nightly
08:48:49  <Pikka> 2012-05-02 	frosch 	(svn r24194) -Change: Rename the 'signal_side' setting to 'train_signal_side', and add a third option while doing so.
08:48:54  <planetmaker> flag 0x1B is train_signal_side
08:49:01  <Pikka> :) thanks
08:54:08  *** Pokka [] has joined #openttd
08:54:56  <planetmaker> So that means that 0x1B gives whether the signal is on the (rail) traffic side. So yes, you still need to query both settings, but you can get each :)
08:55:23  <planetmaker> hm... or?
08:56:01  <Pokka> hmmm. :)
08:56:14  <Pokka> I'll come back to this later, anyway. I've made a note of 1b.
08:56:25  <planetmaker> OpenTTD has a new setting. But the NewGRFs don't. That's how I see it. Thus they have to query both to get it right
08:58:12  <planetmaker> 0x1B still returns whether the signal is on the driving side
08:59:40  <planetmaker> and var 0x86 returns whether driving side is on the right (0x86 == 1 --> rhs)
09:00:59  *** Pikka [] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds]
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09:31:05  <planetmaker> <-- that's how I read the current code, Pokka
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10:06:00  *** _nowhere_ [] has joined #openttd
10:06:51  <_nowhere_> hi, I just registered with the central user management thingy, and can login there; but login with the bugtracker does not work (Unknown username/password combination)
10:07:35  <planetmaker> when and where exactly did you register? Which username?
10:07:42  <_nowhere_> ah, I see why
10:07:51  <_nowhere_> “maxlength='30'”
10:07:56  <_nowhere_> for password
10:08:36  <_nowhere_> I just registered at, account name 'canaaerus'
10:08:45  <_nowhere_> passwordlength 156
10:08:53  <_nowhere_> no problem with the central management
10:09:35  <_nowhere_> lol
10:09:36  <planetmaker> does the truncated password work? Probably not
10:09:52  <_nowhere_> I changed the login-field to allow any password length
10:09:59  <_nowhere_> then login worked ^^
10:10:23  <planetmaker> ...
10:10:29  <planetmaker> :)
10:10:47  <_nowhere_> still it would be nice if a consistent policy was enforced
10:10:52  <planetmaker> agreed
10:11:19  <planetmaker> open a bug - in the website's bug tracking category. Same bug tracker, but different project. Can be selected i nthe upper left
10:11:32  <_nowhere_> alright
10:18:23  <planetmaker> ty :)
10:19:02  <_nowhere_> ok, done :-)
10:24:14  <_nowhere_> another question: I was investigating issue ; is there a way to know which revisions can be compiled? I have cloned trunk.git and intended to do a git-bisect, but lots of revisions don't seem to compile
10:25:59  <planetmaker> every revision should compile except very few - where compilation is fixed immediately after
10:26:20  <planetmaker> we have a continuous integration and if our commits don't compile we get notified
10:30:32  <planetmaker> so in my experience maybe 1% doesn't compile
10:30:38  <planetmaker> if not less
10:48:18  <_nowhere_> "(svn r27079) -Fix: Compilation with freetype2 version 2.5.4 and newer (AMDmi3)"
10:48:34  <_nowhere_> that is the issue, why I can't compile anything earlier
10:53:36  *** smoke_fumus [~smoke_fum@] has quit [Quit: KVIrc 4.2.0 Equilibrium]
10:55:30  <planetmaker> well :) It doesn't mean the versions don't compile or didn't compile
10:56:14  <planetmaker> but they might need older libs, too :)
10:56:43  <_nowhere_> hehe
11:01:34  <planetmaker> well, that fix was 5 days after the release of that library version. Not a bad time span, I think :)
11:01:54  <_nowhere_> thats true ^^
11:04:08  *** Pokka [] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
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11:38:48  <_nowhere_> thats true ^^
11:44:08  *** Compu [~quassel@2604:6000:120a:8025:1167:3f31:102e:fc8d] has joined #openttd
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12:09:38  *** FLHerne [] has quit [Quit: There's a real world out here!]
12:38:37  *** andythenorth [~Andy@] has joined #openttd
12:55:45  <_nowhere_> planetmaker: I put by findings in the bugtracker
13:03:11  <planetmaker> perfect
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14:00:32  *** Varoufakill [] has joined #openttd
14:00:57  <Varoufakill> Hi guys
14:01:45  <Varoufakill> i'm trying to assign a proper hotkey to the Autoroad tool, but the game always reset my file every time i launch the game.
14:01:58  <Varoufakill> Is that possible to properly change this hotkey?
14:10:59  <Varoufakill> i think this hotkey should permanently be assigned, it's a real pain to make truck networks on this game.
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14:22:10  <andythenorth> should be shift-A
14:22:13  <andythenorth> permanently
14:22:21  <andythenorth> I couldn’t get it to work for a very long time
14:22:24  <andythenorth> wouldn’t persist
14:22:26  <andythenorth> then it did
14:22:34  <andythenorth> sorry, no better help than that :(
14:23:06  <_nowhere_> I always use 3, although you need to be careful to keep the road construction panel open, it works ok for me
14:23:17  *** Alberth [~alberth@2001:981:c6c5:1:be5f:f4ff:feac:e11] has joined #openttd
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14:23:42  <andythenorth> lo Alberth
14:23:48  <Alberth> moin
14:32:25  <Varoufakill> yes nowhere, i use 3 too... But the 'A' shortcut is a good way to open the rail construction panel. So if autoroad had a dedicated key, you could open the road construction panel with it, and construct a bridge with 'b' within two hotkeys, no need for mouse, it's much quicker imo
14:33:25  <Varoufakill> and i agree with andy, shift+A could be a nice option for such a shortcut
14:36:05  <_nowhere_> good idea, i put it in hotkeys.cfg, it works!
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14:36:15  <_nowhere_> autoroad = 3,GLOBAL+SHIFT+A
14:38:08  <_nowhere_> works in 1.5.0 and trunk
14:38:13  <Varoufakill> you're right, it's working with shift+A
14:38:36  <Varoufakill> Strange, i tested with various keys, and shift+A seems to work
14:38:54  <_nowhere_> ctrl-a works as well
14:39:48  <Varoufakill> i tried to change the 'Z' key because i hate this hotkey, and replace it for autoroad, didn't work
14:40:10  <_nowhere_> maybe your z key is actually a y key ^^
14:40:38  <Varoufakill> nop
14:41:06  <Varoufakill> it's the same key on the game and on the .cfg
14:41:24  <_nowhere_> I just know that in the wiki they say something about US keyboard layout
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14:42:16  <Varoufakill> yup, but i use an AZERTY keyboard and the hotkeys are the same as in US keyboard
14:44:16  <Varoufakill> anyway, thanks for testing :)
14:46:02  <Varoufakill> That's strange that in Simutrans community, most people speek german. German people hate openttd ? :o
14:46:29  <_nowhere_> german people don't need to speak german all the time
14:47:28  <Varoufakill> True, german people aren't that bad in english, but still, there are not much german players on OTTD compare to Simutrans
14:47:56  <Varoufakill> based on the flags of the lobby
14:51:05  <Varoufakill> bye guys, have a nice day
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14:57:29  <andythenorth> and yet the game is mostly made by germans :D
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14:57:43  <andythenorth> or mostly talked about being made by germans :P
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17:24:16  <Alberth> o/
17:26:12  *** Zuu [] has joined #openttd
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17:26:42  <frosch123> hoi
17:27:13  <Zuu> Helol
17:27:18  <Zuu> Helo*
17:27:21  <Zuu> Hello*
17:28:19  <frosch123> i wonder whether "wget -r" follows any order
17:30:01  <Zuu> On GS side is CmdIndustryGSEvent a mechanism to set production which could be abused for messiging, or is it a messiging call from start that could be used for production changes as well?
17:31:10  <frosch123> message is uint32
17:31:24  <frosch123> and noone says that the grf would change production
17:31:40  <frosch123> so, we cannot call it SetIndustryBaseProduction
17:31:43  <Zuu> So it is more the later function signature then?
17:31:47  <Alberth> 'any order' is always followed :)
17:31:55  <Zuu> (SendIndustryMessage)
17:32:14  <Alberth> but perhaps it uses whatever the http server sends
17:32:16  <frosch123> yes, it's just some uint32 that is send
17:33:03  <Zuu> That uint32 has no meaning at all other than if agreed or a convention is made?
17:33:11  <frosch123> i don't get your @return
17:33:29  <frosch123> yes, it's up to the newgrf and gs to make a convention
17:33:29  <Zuu> The return is a copy-paste error.
17:33:33  <Alberth> animamion   typo
17:33:49  <frosch123> likely we need some action14 to allow the newgrf to tell which conventions it understands
17:33:55  <frosch123> but, well, not for a test version :)
17:34:49  <Alberth> what if the industry newgrf doesn't do production cb?
17:36:23  <frosch123> well, we may want a different callback
17:36:40  <Alberth> I am not convinced messaging should be piggy-backed onto production change, for testing, it's ok, for 'final' implemrntation, something nice would be needed
17:36:55  <Alberth> s/mrn/men/
17:37:14  <frosch123> yes, i checked what return vaules a newgrf would need
17:37:20  <frosch123> and they are either production or animation related
17:37:42  <frosch123> technically you don't need the production change callback at all
17:38:01  <frosch123> newgrfs have other methods to change production
17:38:18  <frosch123> the production callback is just some weird thing to make it behave like legacy industries
17:38:27  <frosch123> anyway, all is experimental :)
17:38:28  <Alberth> ah, ok
17:38:41  <Alberth> yep, let's see what happens :)
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17:57:24  *** Myhorta [] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
18:03:48  <Zuu> Is Random() here where were I should pass the uint32 message?
18:03:49  <Zuu> uint16 res = GetIndustryCallback(monthly ? CBID_INDUSTRY_MONTHLYPROD_CHANGE : CBID_INDUSTRY_PRODUCTION_CHANGE, 0, Random(), i, i->type, i->location.tile);
18:08:44  <Zuu> Eg, does this look good?
18:08:45  <Zuu> GetIndustryCallback(CBID_INDUSTRY_PRODUCTION_CHANGE, 0, message, i, i->type, i->location.tile);
18:09:13  <Eddi|zuHause> what are you trying to do?
18:09:31  <Zuu> Sending data to var 10 I think.
18:10:11  <frosch123> no, you want to replace the "0"
18:10:17  <frosch123> i.e. the currently unused value :)
18:11:53  <Eddi|zuHause> yeah. that's what i was about to say
18:18:12  <Zuu> Okay, this is completely untested, but does compile :-)
18:18:54  <Zuu> The area command is also not implemented.
18:19:07  <Zuu> And annimation callback is not called.
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18:20:09  <frosch123> Industry *i = ::Industry::Get(i_id); <- GetIfValid, otherwise it never returns NULL
18:20:46  <frosch123> +	SendIndustryMessageFromGS(i, p2); <- need "if (flags & DC_EXEC)", or it will be done multiple times
18:22:49  <frosch123> now we need a andy for a newgrf and a gs :p
18:23:14  <Zuu> I'll make a MessengerGS :-)
18:23:32  <frosch123> put signs next to industry? :p
18:23:36  <frosch123> send number to newgrf
18:23:58  <Zuu> Actually, it could be called IMessengerGS wher I is for industry :-)
18:27:40  *** Wolf01 [] has joined #openttd
18:27:52  <Wolf01> hi o/
18:33:32  <Alberth> hihi
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18:53:49  <Wolf01> o/
19:01:30  <andythenorth> o/
19:04:41  <Zuu> Hello
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19:17:00  <andythenorth> lo Zuu
19:17:11  <andythenorth> how’s GS -> industry cb? o_O
19:17:58  <Zuu>
19:18:12  <Zuu> Currently trying to get my test GS to work. :-)
19:18:50  <Zuu> Trying to make it so it doesn't crash if you fail to type a number. :-)
19:21:05  <Zuu> First tried to determine if a string was a number, but that was too fiddly in Squirrel. So now I use an exception instead which make it look like the script crashed in the debug log. But this is just a test GS so I don't care too much.
19:25:31  <andythenorth> :)
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19:34:00  <Zuu> Okay. You now find the patch and a GS at this URL:
19:34:01  <Zuu>
19:34:54  <Zuu> If it works, it will call the production change callback with the number you put in the sign ontop of an industry.
19:36:43  <Zuu> The animation callback is not yet called.
19:37:36  <Zuu> Whatever you return when the GS call you will be discarded.
19:38:43  <Zuu> Eg. OpenTTD will not use it to change production.
19:39:56  * andythenorth needs to fix hg checkout :P
19:40:04  <Zuu> I just made a new one :-)
19:47:21  <andythenorth> maybe I can git checkout
19:47:43  <Zuu> That would work too. It is just a single patch to apply.
19:52:53  <andythenorth>  so are the branches separate git repos? o_O
19:52:59  <andythenorth>
19:53:41  <Zuu> I would clone
19:53:54  <Zuu> I guess so. It is the same in the hg mirror.
19:57:30  <andythenorth> yeah that works
20:07:58  <andythenorth> ho
20:08:39  <andythenorth> “Game Load Failed Broken Savegame - Too many NewGRF entity mappings”
20:08:39  <andythenorth> :)
20:08:46  <andythenorth> not seen that before
20:09:06  <andythenorth> this a clean trunk git checkout
20:16:07  <Zuu> That happened when you tried to load a game right?
20:16:37  <Zuu> Because to use the GS, you need to make a new game. But if it is a bug, then good to mention it.
20:18:20  <andythenorth> happened when loading a game from last trunk checkout I had
20:18:27  <andythenorth> didn’t patch yet
20:18:40  <frosch123> is the git mirror broken or something? :p
20:18:52  <frosch123> you would get that error if you run a binary with the old industry limit
20:19:49  <andythenorth> let me check my rev
20:20:52  <Zuu> My rev is r27327 (using hg checkout from yesterday)
20:21:07  <andythenorth> r27327
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20:22:23  <andythenorth> Date:   Thu Jul 9 17:45:08 2015 +0000
20:24:57  <Zuu> I could load a random save game from my disk without getting that error. But could be that I don't use as much NewGRFs as you.
20:29:32  <andythenorth> I have a FIRS branch using new industry limit
20:30:51  <andythenorth> hmm
20:30:59  <andythenorth> FIRS works fine on a new game
20:31:00  <andythenorth> dunno
20:31:13  <andythenorth> possibly a heisenbug
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20:40:26  * andythenorth -> bed
20:40:31  <andythenorth> :)
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22:22:30  <Wolf01> 'night
22:22:36  *** Wolf01 [] has quit [Quit: Once again the world is quick to bury me.]
22:25:09  <Eddi|zuHause> oh yay, another SkiddLow set! i can't get enough of those
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