Log for #openttd on 10th October 2015:
Times are UTC Toggle Colours
00:28:20  <Wolf01> 'night
00:28:23  *** Wolf01 [] has quit [Quit: Once again the world is quick to bury me.]
00:43:12  *** Alaura [] has joined #openttd
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01:29:51  *** fjb [] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds]
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02:44:00  <Flygon> dr- fuck
02:44:07  <Flygon> drac_boy left over an hour ago :(
03:05:26  *** glx [] has quit [Quit: Bye]
04:56:02  *** Eddi|zuHause [] has quit []
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07:01:25  *** Alberth [~alberth@2001:981:c6c5:1:be5f:f4ff:feac:e11] has joined #openttd
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08:35:34  *** Alberth [~alberth@2001:981:c6c5:1:be5f:f4ff:feac:e11] has left #openttd []
08:38:31  *** Wolf01 [] has joined #openttd
08:38:51  <Wolf01> hi o/
08:48:28  *** fjb [] has joined #openttd
08:56:30  <fjb> Moin
09:17:03  *** FLHerne [] has joined #openttd
09:40:16  <Eddi|zuHause> moan
09:45:35  * Wolf01 [laughs in spanish]
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10:34:11  <Eddi|zuHause> this is for andy:
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10:39:43  *** Alberth [~alberth@2001:981:c6c5:1:be5f:f4ff:feac:e11] has joined #openttd
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10:42:53  <Wolf01> o/
10:43:09  <Alberth> oin
10:43:14  <Alberth> +m
10:43:39  <Wolf01> \o/ i loaded the bitmap successfully
10:44:24  <Alberth> so now you have a very big shiny bitmap ?  :)
10:44:31  <Wolf01> yeah
10:44:51  <Wolf01> and now i can use the GDI+ drawing functions
10:45:44  <Alberth> Hmm, GDI, wasn't a bad guy in C&C ? :)
10:46:01  <Wolf01> it depends how do you look at it ;)
10:46:50  <Wolf01> i'm a bit ashamed of(by?) the print class, i use a double nested for... i think there's a better way
10:47:05  <Wolf01> but now, lunch time
10:49:12  <Eddi|zuHause> Alberth: GDI was more like a stand-in for NATO
10:49:30  <Alberth> well, it's fast to program, if it also works fast enough, you're done :)
10:49:41  <Eddi|zuHause> i.e. the guys that invade countries to overthrow "terrorists"
10:49:47  <Alberth> Eddi|zuHause: ah, a good guy, apparently :)
10:50:04  <Alberth> which in the  end doesn't matter at all :p
10:50:08  <Eddi|zuHause> i think "good" is a bit overstretching the word :p
10:50:27  <Alberth> :)
10:59:59  <Wolf01> also, it's possible to get some info from ottd to print on the display? something like a list of vehicles by income or age
11:02:10  <Eddi|zuHause> Wolf01: through the admin port, potentially in compination with a game script
11:02:20  <Eddi|zuHause> s/p/b/
11:04:30  <Wolf01> if i had the G19 it would have been cool to have the minimap on the display
11:04:48  <Wolf01> but that must be way too much
11:05:05  <Eddi|zuHause> that you can only do by patching openttd, probably.
11:05:54  <Wolf01> yes just put the display framework function in the game
11:06:01  <Wolf01> like many other games do
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11:30:56  <Rubidium> bonjour
11:32:41  <Eddi|zuHause> is there a maljour?
11:33:43  <Wolf01> yes, very often
11:34:09  <Rubidium> I reckon something classified as "Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day" might be classified as maljour ;)
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11:47:05  <frosch123> when eddi does not reply to a forum thread, i am sometimes lost wrt. what the thread is about
11:47:25  <Eddi|zuHause> haha :p
11:47:56  <Eddi|zuHause> my heuristic is also not 100% accurate
11:48:25  <frosch123> <- i count 2 troll responses, 1 non-troll douchebag, but i do not know what category the topic starter belongs to
11:49:35  <Wolf01> "No 45 degree turns" captain?
11:49:52  <Eddi|zuHause> he probably meant double-45°
11:50:02  <frosch123> yeah, so no turns at all :) but signals otoh
11:50:29  <Eddi|zuHause> yes, the signal thing made no sense at all
11:50:34  <Wolf01> it would be hard to find a lot of industries to connect in straight line
11:52:24  <Eddi|zuHause> you could make transfers ;)
11:54:43  <Eddi|zuHause> so, when do we implement an achievement system? :p
11:55:42  *** FLHerne [] has quit [Read error: No route to host]
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11:56:22  <Wolf01> like "you built your first train depot"?
11:56:36  <Alberth> we have such a script, don't we?
11:57:02  <Eddi|zuHause> Alberth: but no global gamified social media stuff
11:57:20  <Alberth> oh, right
11:57:35  <Alberth> I guess it's part of the steam upgrade package?
12:00:20  <Wolf01> mmmh, i want to build the lego mercedes arocs
12:10:34  <Pikka> what's stopping you?
12:11:27  <Wolf01> lack of space
12:13:49  <Eddi|zuHause> you gotta prioritize, man :p
12:19:03  <Wolf01> yes i choose to build them in this order: mercedes arocs, crawler crane, cargo airplane
12:22:52  <Alberth> s/cargo/mercedes arocs/  ?  saves space :)
12:23:47  <Eddi|zuHause> i meant: get a bigger space, or throw something else out :p
12:46:18  *** sla_ro|master [slamaster@] has quit []
13:21:32  <Wolf01> in the new dr. who set it seem the tardis is working, maybe they could adapt the same technology to all the other sets, so you can open them and play, while they take just a bit of space when closed
13:22:06  <Wolf01> but right now, i think i'll invade the kitchen
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18:58:05  *** Alberth [~alberth@2001:981:c6c5:1:be5f:f4ff:feac:e11] has left #openttd []
19:01:53  <Wolf01> nice, i leave for a while to build with lego and the channel dies
19:08:01  *** fjb [] has joined #openttd
19:19:34  <fjb> Moin
19:22:56  *** FLHerne [] has quit [Read error: No route to host]
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19:32:07  *** drac_boy [] has joined #openttd
19:32:09  <drac_boy> hi
19:54:01  <FLHerne> drac_boy: Evening
19:54:10  <drac_boy> how doing?
19:54:16  <FLHerne> Long time no see
19:54:20  <FLHerne> Alright
19:57:42  <drac_boy> doing ok here..just slow day tho :-s
19:59:47  <FLHerne> For me too, been a fairly busy week overall though
19:59:59  <FLHerne> Laptop's been in bits all over my table a lot
20:01:00  <drac_boy> heh I've somewhat given up on x86 computers...but who knows if I'll look into it a bit again tho :->
20:02:26  <FLHerne> Oldish Thinkpad, not bad for fiddling about with
20:02:36  <FLHerne> Has nicely-labeled screws and everything
20:05:28  <drac_boy> well yeah thats true...sadly I've tried asking for one for some time but noone around here seem to have a thinkpad R or T for sale at all
20:06:11  <FLHerne> drac_boy: Canada sort of way?
20:06:24  <FLHerne> Or is my memory totally off
20:07:41  <FLHerne> In the UK, there seem to be loads on Gumtree/eBay
20:07:58  <drac_boy> canada aye :)
20:08:05  <drac_boy> vermont isn't too far tho
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20:09:26  <drac_boy> btw which thinkpad do you have?
20:09:47  <FLHerne> X201 now
20:10:00  <FLHerne> Although over half of it was previously my X200
20:10:39  <FLHerne> Only parts that were X201 originally are the lower case, mobo and fingerprint reader
20:11:52  <FLHerne> Perfect laptop for dragging about all day, screen isn't all that good though
20:12:28  <drac_boy> hmm not sure I like that one but to our own :)
20:12:53  <FLHerne> Too not-IBM?
20:13:46  <FLHerne> It's one of the last before Lenovo started making daft changes
20:14:16  <Raiz> what is OpenTTD?
20:14:46  <drac_boy> flherne heh nope..just a bit too lacking on specs (and no not the cpu)
20:14:59  <FLHerne> Raiz: It's a transport strategy game
20:15:02  <drac_boy> but like I was saying - to our own anyhow
20:15:12  <FLHerne> drac_boy: GPU is pretty awful, yeah
20:15:50  <drac_boy> and networking is just about ok but data ports not so great
20:16:11  <FLHerne> Interfaces not bad - with the expresscard slot, I've got 5 USB ports, wwan/gps, wifi, bluetooth, vga, ethernet and a modem port I never found a use for
20:16:27  <FLHerne> USB3 would have been nice
20:16:34  <Raiz> I just added it here:
20:17:09  <FLHerne> Raiz: I fail to see the major advantage over /list
20:17:18  <FLHerne> I guess summarising the topics a bit helps
20:17:39  <Raiz> FLHerne, list will list all the crappy chans
20:17:53  <Raiz> this one is organized and... it's just better
20:18:03  <FLHerne> I fail to see the major advantage over /list with a minimum user count :P
20:18:34  <FLHerne> #/r/openttd is ingame (and out-of-game) chat for r/openttd OpenTTD servers
20:18:46  <FLHerne> Not sure if it fits your list, but it's fairly active
20:19:35  <drac_boy> flherne well I prefer eg R51 which has everything needed (aside to uppering the factory hd) for example
20:23:04  <FLHerne> drac_boy: List says you get a parallel port and optional firewire?
20:23:37  <FLHerne> I suppose either of those could be useful to someone with old, strange or ex-Apple hardware
20:24:14  <drac_boy> you forgot the more common fourth choice
20:24:53  <drac_boy> :)
20:25:25  <FLHerne> All of the above?
20:25:49  <drac_boy> nope: being able to move lot of data constantly (and sometimes without a master host either)
20:27:01  <drac_boy> but either way..yeah parallel port is pretty useless unless you're someone who want to flash some LED lights from your computer for cheap :)
20:27:47  <Wolf01> i miss a midi/game port
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20:29:50  <drac_boy> wolf01 well..use something cheap like Firewire Solo to get your piano plugged in plus a lot more? just a random thought so you know :p
20:31:08  <Wolf01> eh, my keyboard is plain old midi, i still have an old pentium2 with windows 98 for that purpose :P
20:33:32  <Wolf01> i must also say that i don't play with it since that time :P
20:36:15  * drac_boy whacks some sour keys to drive wolf01 crazy with
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20:36:22  <drac_boy> :p
20:40:33  <drac_boy> wolf01 btw you got any..umm...scsi cdrom's?
20:40:34  <drac_boy> :)
20:40:54  <Wolf01> maybe one old hdd
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20:41:38  <drac_boy> heh well scsi cdroms often were used for pianos and sometimes other 'smarter' music equipments too
20:42:09  <drac_boy> doesn't help some of them also have digital coaxial output too (especially nec) so you could play digital cds next to the computer
20:42:14  <drac_boy> ^_^
20:43:06  <Wolf01> i have 2 atari ST used for music and just one 720kb floppy disk :P
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20:46:43  <drac_boy> wolf01 I kinda liked the falcon but ... hmm .. dunno if would want be keeping it around tho
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20:51:12  <drac_boy> wolf01 to our own on this but I've always liked either desktop or cpu-under-keyboard forms ... I don't understand the stupid obsession with spacewasting towers that have globs of dust
20:51:21  <drac_boy> :->
20:51:34  <Eddi|zuHause> <Wolf01> i miss a midi/game port <-- i would imagine there are midi-usb adapters
20:56:49  <Wolf01> yes there are :)
20:58:09  <__ln__> i've even seen one
21:16:32  <drac_boy> a little bit quiet again
21:27:48  <drac_boy> anyway going off for evening now
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21:48:55  <peter1138> digital cds, as opposed to analogue cds?
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22:59:32  <Wolf01> 'night
22:59:36  *** Wolf01 [] has quit [Quit: Once again the world is quick to bury me.]
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23:10:12  *** FLHerne [] has quit [Quit: There's a real world out here!]
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23:34:29  <Flygon_> Crap
23:34:33  <Flygon_> I missed drac_boy again
23:34:35  *** Flygon_ is now known as Flygon
23:34:49  <Flygon> Either way, at least OpenTTD supports 1280*1024 correctly >_>
23:35:03  * Flygon trying to play Cities Skylines... it hates my monitor
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