Log for #openttd on 8th November 2015:
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00:01:53  *** rahtgaz [] has joined #openttd
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00:22:35  <drac_boy> hi
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01:00:53  *** tokai|noir [] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds]
01:11:43  *** HerzogDeXtEr [] has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
01:17:56  *** Myhorta [] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds]
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07:03:03  *** smoke_fumus [~smoke_fum@] has quit [Quit: KVIrc 4.2.0 Equilibrium]
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07:58:28  <andythenorth> o/
08:20:19  *** sla_ro|master [slamaster@] has joined #openttd
08:22:58  *** Alberth [~alberth@2001:981:c6c5:1:be5f:f4ff:feac:e11] has joined #openttd
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08:23:16  <Alberth> moin
08:30:02  *** Supercheese [] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds]
08:47:05  <andythenorth> sunday cat
09:09:24  *** lukasz [] has joined #openttd
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09:44:36  *** Pensacola [~quassel@] has joined #openttd
09:53:55  *** Wolf01 [] has joined #openttd
09:54:28  <Wolf01> hello o/
10:02:53  <Wolf01> maintainability... i think it's one of the most difficult words i know
10:03:40  <Wolf01> just after supercalifragilisticexpialidocious
10:09:56  <Alberth> depends on how long you want to do it :)
10:10:54  *** DDR [] has joined #openttd
10:10:57  <Wolf01> in the first case is the transformation from maintenance->maintain->maintainability, because i can't even think about maintainability directly
10:11:28  <Alberth> tbh I don't think you can solve that problem at all, since you cannot predict future directions of software development
10:12:05  <Alberth> it quite soon ends up as "I must be able to understand this 10 years from now"
10:13:08  <Wolf01> eh, i just don't want to recompile the entire game every time i want to change a tile on a level, so maintainability this time is easy, just put levels outside the game
10:13:53  <Alberth> ah, much shorter time frame :)
10:14:14  <Alberth> yep, put stuff in data files as much as possible
10:14:34  <Alberth> you get quite far even with simple file formats like ini format
10:14:57  <Alberth> unless you get json, yaml, or xml (yuck) out of the box
10:15:15  <Alberth> then just use those :)
10:15:59  <Wolf01> i think it's easier with xml in .net
10:17:09  <Alberth> not really, but the framework pushes you to believe that
10:27:42  *** Pikka [] has joined #openttd
10:42:30  <Wolf01> mmmh, MapController.Render(MapRenderer) or MapRenderer.Render(MapController)... IoC pattern is difficult sometimes
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10:56:34  <Alberth> quak
10:56:53  <frosch123> hola
10:56:55  *** Progman [] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
10:59:27  <Wolf01> o/
11:00:59  <Pikka> o/
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11:42:22  <andythenorth> lo Pikka
11:42:23  <andythenorth> also bob
11:42:38  <Pikka> 'lo!
11:43:15  <andythenorth> I have never played Fallout but
11:43:47  <Pikka> exactly
11:43:54  <Pikka> I'm all preloaded, ready for tomorrow. :)
11:46:48  <Wolf01> yeah
11:47:52  <Wolf01> i'll wait christmas or my birthday for it... dying inside a bit every day
11:48:38  <Wolf01> but 2 days to legacy of the void which i already preordered on july
11:51:54  <andythenorth> it’s nice Lego also
11:52:00  <DDR> oo, nice lego
11:52:07  <frosch123> stop preordering video games - or something
11:52:33  <Pikka> "stop preordering video games except fallout 4", I think. Lego is always nice.
11:53:04  <frosch123> you can preorder ottd 1.6 :p
12:01:39  <andythenorth> I am pre-ordering FIRS 2
12:01:57  <Pikka> fancy
12:08:08  *** juzza1 [] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
12:24:57  * andythenorth invents fake monorail
12:25:32  <Pikka> you could call it "X2001"
12:25:42  <andythenorth> yair
12:25:55  <andythenorth> is it faster, or bigger, or cheaper though?
12:26:04  <andythenorth> compared to choo-choo trains
12:28:03  <Pikka> no
12:28:09  <Wolf01> bah, inconsinstent accessibility... i just want to return an array of MyInterface, don't bother me with silly  things :|
12:30:04  <peter1138> IEnumerable<IInterface>
12:31:29  <Wolf01> i don't think is that the problem
12:33:01  <Wolf01> the classes/interfaces don't have accessibility modifier, i should make everything public
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13:07:57  *** rahtgaz [] has quit [Quit: I'll be Bach]
13:08:12  *** rahtgaz [] has joined #openttd
13:10:46  <Wolf01> fuck, i just noticed the content manager of monogame already has a service provider
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13:32:53  <Wolf01> so, i can't load png images from the content manager and must create textures directly from file, nice
13:43:49  <Alberth> so much for providing service :)
13:47:51  *** andythenorth [] has quit [Quit: andythenorth]
13:52:52  <Eddi|zuHause> sounds like a use for a pipe
13:53:23  <Wolf01> i'm already doing that, there's the pipeline tool
13:53:33  <Wolf01> but seem that it doesn't like png files
13:53:46  <Wolf01> at least not 32bpp ones
13:54:18  <Eddi|zuHause> maybe needs access to the end of the file?
13:54:43  <Wolf01> i don't know, i just want to add some resources to my game
13:55:47  <Wolf01> i don't even know how to save images which aren't jpeg or bmp changing the compression or the bpp
13:56:59  <Eddi|zuHause> sounds like something that the library should take care of
13:57:34  *** Pensacola [~quassel@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
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15:01:29  *** drac_boy [] has joined #openttd
15:01:31  <drac_boy> hi
15:22:59  <drac_boy> when's a coal powered locomotive not a steam locomotive? :P
15:23:01  <drac_boy> hehe
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15:24:32  <Eddi|zuHause> when the coal is not used to heat up water
15:26:40  <Eddi|zuHause> like, there are oil powered steam engines, where the oil is burned to heat up water, and the heated water ("steam") is used to move pistons. and there are oil powered non-steam engines (usually called "diesel engine"), where the burning of the oil moves the pistons directly
15:29:26  <Eddi|zuHause> now, i have not heard of any engine that burns coal directly, but you can burn coal or wood in low-oxygen environments to create carbon monoxide, which can then be used as engine fuel
15:30:25  <Eddi|zuHause> trucks have been fired this way post-war, due to fuel shortages
15:31:05  <drac_boy> or theres always these
15:31:39  <drac_boy> coal turbine (but as usual for early tech that one died due to too frequent coaldust abrasion problem with the turbine blades)
15:33:30  <drac_boy> as for wood .. yeah I believe I read about that before .. gasification, weaker than plain gasoline but still worked tho (theres someone who has a Saab 900 that runs on a homemade gasification trailer)
15:33:36  <Eddi|zuHause> there's also a process called "coal hydration", where coal is turned into oil. but it's not really practiced (anymore) as extracting oil from the ground is significantly cheaper
15:37:01  <drac_boy> hmm just asking since we're getting close to that topic .. what do you think of running steam fireboxes on pulverized coal?
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15:37:23  <frosch123> i guess the still most popular method is to have a coal power plant and an electric engine
15:42:03  <drac_boy> yeah, one of the few issues with pulverized coal is keeping it contained .. and re having the stroker/jet designed to handle it well as well
15:42:38  <drac_boy> drg nevertheless did try a few of them, the tender was always very unique photos-wise. heres an example anyhow:
15:43:11  <drac_boy> for stationary engines I guess that pulverized coal probably is a bit easier to deal with but I wouldn't know a lot tbh
15:45:51  *** liq3 [] has quit []
15:53:40  <drac_boy> anyway going off for a bit..have fun with grfs or whatever it is you got now eddi :p
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15:55:15  <frosch123> sometimes eddi has a weird reputation
16:00:21  <Eddi|zuHause> not sure this has anything to do with _my_ reputation
16:00:53  <Eddi|zuHause> and the last time i told him i had no clue about steam engine technology, he left 5 minutes ago.
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17:17:46  <andythenorth> meow
17:17:57  <frosch123> there is cat
17:21:04  <andythenorth> allegedly
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17:41:40  *** Alberth [~alberth@2001:981:c6c5:1:be5f:f4ff:feac:e11] has left #openttd []
17:45:14  <DorpsGek> Commit by translators :: r27439 trunk/src/lang/spanish.txt (2015-11-08 18:45:08 +0100 )
17:45:15  <DorpsGek> -Update from WebTranslator v3.0:
17:45:16  <DorpsGek> spanish - 7 changes by SilverSurferZzZ
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19:16:46  <Pikka> well
19:17:45  <frosch123> thirsty?
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20:20:53  <fjb> Moin
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21:53:33  <drac_boy> hi
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22:25:13  <drac_boy> heh? ^
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22:28:02  <drac_boy> hi andy
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22:36:45  <drac_boy> hm guess going afk to have supper anyhow
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23:13:08  *** Afdal [] has joined #openttd
23:13:18  <Afdal> So
23:13:24  <Afdal> I'm curious if this has been discussed before
23:13:31  <Afdal> or rather what the discussion resulted in
23:13:45  <Afdal> Has there ever been talk of implemented another breakdown system?
23:13:55  <Afdal> implementing
23:14:25  <Afdal> I think a simple modification of the current system would be enough that people would play with them on more when making huge networks
23:14:40  <Afdal> Just make it so that vehicles don't break down at all if their reliability is above a certain %
23:15:41  <Eddi|zuHause> there is an "improved breakdowns" patch
23:15:51  <Afdal> oh yeah :v?
23:16:29  <Afdal> is it this one?
23:16:45  <Eddi|zuHause> that sounds right
23:17:03  <Eddi|zuHause> there may be more up to date versions
23:18:31  <Afdal> that seems to be fairly geared around realism
23:19:04  <Afdal> the main problem with breakdowns will always be their random nature
23:19:32  <Afdal> I feel like a way to make their behavior deterministic, like my suggestion, would be the best solution that would make people want to use them again
23:20:09  <Eddi|zuHause> any form of breakdowns would always come with a non-zero chance of happening. there will never be 100% reliability
23:20:36  <Eddi|zuHause> what the current breakdowns are missing are mitigation techniques
23:20:45  <Afdal> Well that's what I mean,
23:20:55  <Afdal> if you can just keep a vehicle serviced above X% reliability
23:21:00  <Afdal> that would be great
23:21:05  <Afdal> the mechanic would still be in play
23:21:13  <Afdal> and you would have to work with it
23:21:19  <Eddi|zuHause> i mean, not that breakdonws never should happen, but when a breakdown happens, you have a chance to work around it
23:21:31  <Afdal> except you could make the kind of super duper optimized networks that you can with them off
23:22:08  <Eddi|zuHause> you can't simultaneously have breakdowns and not have breakdowns
23:28:16  <Afdal> Seems like such a simple option to add
23:28:27  <Afdal> I think it might only be a few lines of code
23:28:40  <Afdal> oh wait you gotta code in the settings GUI element too
23:39:28  <Eddi|zuHause> a) even "a few lines" might mean several hours of work
23:39:41  <Eddi|zuHause> b) i don't think the specific change you requested is desireable
23:40:22  <Afdal> ._.
23:40:56  <Afdal> If only you could implement this with a newGRF
23:41:05  <Afdal> I'd do it myself .~.

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