Log for #openttd on 19th January 2016:
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00:43:20  *** Hiddenfunstuff [] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
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01:59:01  <supermop> new american road bridges looking good
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02:02:42  <Supercheese> yeah TBRS is great but you get the mix of the modern road surfaces on bridges when all roads are dirt/cobblestone
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02:26:45  <supermop> i actually don't really like tbrs
02:26:57  <supermop> but there arent any other bridge sets
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02:42:03  <Supercheese> I like the tied arches
02:42:26  <Supercheese> very good looking bridges
03:04:10  <Flygon> What I want
03:04:19  <Flygon> Are bridges for rivers that don't need the damn incline
03:04:24  <Flygon> They're everywhere in Australia
03:04:26  <Flygon> For railways, for roads
03:04:30  <Flygon> Why not OpenTTD? D:
03:04:37  <Flygon> Just block ships from going through
03:09:34  <Supercheese> sounds like an application for an object
03:09:51  <Supercheese> like those new creeks/small rivers from the Australia thread
03:10:02  <Supercheese> they have the fake bridges already, even
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03:38:42  <Flygon> Supercheese: Yeah, but I meant something RVs can actually drive on
03:38:45  <Flygon> No speed limit, either
03:38:49  <Flygon> All the ones, at least, locally
03:38:52  <Flygon> Are at least 100km/h
03:39:01  <Flygon> Or - The same speed limit as the road
03:39:12  <Flygon> And the ones on NSW's Freeways are 110km/h...
03:46:06  <Supercheese> Ok, bulldoze river, build road tile, build adjacent objects faking a bridge
03:46:12  <Supercheese> that's basically what you want, no?
03:46:34  <Supercheese> just gotta make the objects look fancy enough
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05:55:38  <myztic> what's a good way to manage a lot of airports on a big map?
05:55:58  <myztic> ( if a link explains I'd be glad too, can't find anything really useful it seems )
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05:56:20  <myztic> ( airports and therefore planes, routes, et cetera)
05:59:49  <Flygon> Supercheese: True, true...but even then
05:59:59  <Flygon> How do you handle reconstructing the river if the road is modified?
06:00:09  <Supercheese> yeah, that's an issue
06:00:28  <Supercheese> whenever you bulldoze a river tile you can't ever get it back without scenario editor
06:00:32  <Flygon> Yeah
06:08:32  <myztic> I think I will just set 4,5 or 6 airports in the central of the map, coordinate all airplanes from there
06:08:39  <myztic> and later found a city near that sport
06:08:53  <myztic> s/sport/spot
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06:40:27  *** Supercheese [] has quit [Quit: Valete omnes]
07:07:16  *** JezK [~jez@2407:7800:400:107f:3db5:daca:8457:e66a] has quit [Quit: :q!]
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09:15:14  <peter1138> urgh
09:15:36  <V453000> +1
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09:28:36  <V453000> I see northern humies
09:37:12  <andythenorth> lo
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10:25:16  <argoneus> good morning train friends
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11:07:30  <Wolf01> o/
11:09:32  <__ln__> \____,
11:26:16  <dihedral> __ln__: i always wonder how strange your mind actually is... but sadly there is hardly a measurement for that
11:30:55  <__ln__> my mind is the definition of normal, and anything deviating from it is actually strange
11:33:16  <Eddi|zuHause> that isn't really how "normal" works...
11:35:17  <__ln__> it's like the piece of iron in paris that defined the mass of a kilogram
11:36:08  <Eddi|zuHause> that's a "standard", doesn't automatically make it "normal"
11:36:28  <Wolf01>
11:37:44  <__ln__> we could also assume that other people's minds are a plane, and my mind is the normal for that plane.
11:47:10  <Wolf01> my bad... are you all stuck on tvtropes again?
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12:02:59  <Eddi|zuHause> no, i closed that page ages ago. it's just a pile of non-explanatory (and probably cyclic) references
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13:49:58  <Hydros> hi everyone, posted another update on the logo situation, I welcome any input. best to send pms via forums
13:50:10  <Hydros> I'll be afk but will check back in the late evening
13:51:16  <Hydros> ( )
13:53:38  <planetmaker> Hydros, a discussion in PMs is not helpful IMHO
13:54:15  <Hydros> I meant if anyone is too shy about posting, that's ok too
13:55:30  * argoneus blushes
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13:55:45  <argoneus> what's wrong with the current logo?
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14:02:42  <V453000> a lot of things, many of them are mentioned in the thread
14:02:48  <V453000> innovation would be really good
14:05:02  <planetmaker> I wonder(ed) whether the logo could be adjusted such that the 'pen' from OpenTTD could be the cargo in the train. And the first T (tilted 90°) kind of the bottom on which the 'pen' lies...
14:05:47  <planetmaker> the 'pen' of course in smaller font
14:06:40  <V453000> write it there :P
14:07:19  <V453000> though I have to say I agrew with writing all letters equally
14:08:40  <V453000> how many times per day do you see people write instead of OpenTTD stuff like ottd, TTD, TT, and whatnot. Writing all letters the same emphasises that it is one "product", and especially since "TTD does not stand for Transport Tycoon Deluxe", this makes sense
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14:10:37  <peter1138> my dev folders are all called "ottd", not "openttd" :p
14:14:28  *** Hydros [] has joined #openttd
14:14:36  <V453000> exactly
14:14:58  <V453000> yo Hydros :)
14:21:19  <planetmaker> peter1138, mine are also always called ottd. However... it's OpenTTD :)
14:21:38  <planetmaker> I think Hydros missed my comment:
14:21:38  <planetmaker> <planetmaker> I wonder(ed) whether the logo could be adjusted such that the 'pen' from OpenTTD could be the cargo in the train. And the first T (tilted 90°) kind of the bottom on which the 'pen' lies...
14:21:38  <planetmaker> <planetmaker> the 'pen' of course in smaller font
14:21:49  <V453000> yez
14:23:10  <planetmaker> in that trail of thought it could resemble a fright train... O = boxed car. penT = flatbed wagon TD = engine
14:23:28  <planetmaker> fright? freight
14:23:45  <planetmaker> frightening how much difference one letter makes ;)
14:24:37  <peter1138> freightening
14:25:44  <peter1138> i quite like the unlabelled negative orange (2 above f1)
14:26:07  <peter1138> but i also like the current logo :p
14:29:53  <V453000> c2 o2 f1 and  the 2 above f1 yeah
14:29:56  <V453000> :)
14:30:06  <argoneus> are we discussing guitars
14:30:20  <V453000> you are just used to the current but if you try to look at it unbiasedly (hard, I know), it is rather bad
14:31:04  <argoneus> "TTD doesn't stand for transport tycoon deluxe"
14:31:04  <argoneus> wuut
14:31:59  <V453000> welcome to copyright world
14:32:35  <argoneus> I thought you needed official permission anyway
14:32:49  <argoneus> since you can get the same game chris sawyer made but free
14:33:48  <V453000> well if you reverse engineer something instead of copying the code, you should not need permission
14:34:53  <argoneus> uhhh...
14:36:49  <peter1138> eh, let's not go there
14:39:45  <V453000> :) .
14:46:08  <Eddi|zuHause> <argoneus> "TTD doesn't stand for transport tycoon deluxe" <-- TBH, that sentence probably wouldn't hold in a court...
14:47:48  <Eddi|zuHause> but trademark law is even more weird than copyright law
14:49:27  <peter1138> it stops gaming sites expanding the name
14:49:50  <Hydros> planetmaker, I did miss that comment!
14:49:54  <Hydros> thanks for pointing that
14:49:55  <Hydros> hi
14:49:58  <Hydros> yo V453000
14:50:02  <Hydros> darn
14:50:10  <Hydros> more iterations coming then, evening...
14:51:59  <Eddi|zuHause> <argoneus> are we discussing guitars <-- if your guitar has an o-string, you've probably been ripped off :p
14:54:59  <Hydros> yes to reverse engineering
14:55:06  <Hydros> all over EU we are still reasonable
14:55:11  <Hydros> we don't allow patenting software
14:55:20  <argoneus> Eddi|zuHause: lol
14:55:21  <argoneus> oh yeah
14:55:30  <argoneus> companies put in their EULAs that you aren't allowed to RE their software
14:55:35  <Hydros> which is some of the stupidest ideas post-industrial word has come up with
14:55:37  <argoneus> these days
14:55:49  <Hydros> you can RE it without using it, then you never accepted the EULA? :)
14:56:17  <Hydros> from what I read EULAs aren't really that enforcable or as heavy as they seem
14:56:44  <Hydros> a lot of that stuff didn't hold up in court when push came to shove
14:57:32  <Hydros> I have to get going but i'll be back later, perhaps sooner than planned.
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15:40:56  <Eddi|zuHause> <argoneus> companies put in their EULAs that you aren't allowed to RE their software <-- german law rather specifically says such clauses are void
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15:46:17  <argoneus> Eddi|zuHause: meanwhile germany bans half of youtube
15:46:24  <argoneus> I don't understand law
15:46:54  <Eddi|zuHause> it's probably meant that people don't understand it :p
15:46:59  <Alberth> that's normal, law has no logic
15:49:42  <V453000> germany censors youtube?!
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15:51:11  <argoneus> V453000: GEMA
15:51:31  <argoneus> you can't watch any high profile music videos on youtube in germany
15:51:41  <argoneus> if it has vevo in it's name it's already blocked
15:51:45  <argoneus> its*
15:51:48  <V453000> nice
15:52:07  <argoneus> oh
15:52:31  <argoneus> I thought GEMA was some short name
15:52:37  <argoneus> Gesellschaft fÌr musikalische AuffÌhrungs- und mechanische VervielfÀltigungsrechte
15:52:40  <argoneus> fantastic
15:53:35  <Alberth> gema looks pretty short to me :p
15:55:20  <Mazur> Gemma Atherton?  Indeed.
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15:55:27  <Mazur> Very pretty.
15:56:53  <Eddi|zuHause> i've even seen videos being blocked for having music in them, that don't even have music in them
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15:57:24  <Eddi|zuHause> seems like they block on a per-channel basis for music channels
15:57:29  <V453000> viva censorship
16:02:05  <V453000> no wonder people pirate music instead
16:04:30  <Eddi|zuHause> well, it's a PR battle mostly, neither side really wants to give in.
16:06:25  <Eddi|zuHause> GEMA insists that it never actually requested any videos to be blocked, and has fought multiple court cases that the message youtube gives does not read that way...
16:07:03  <Eddi|zuHause> and youtube doesn't want to pay as much as GEMA wants
16:08:28  <Eddi|zuHause> youtube had a license on the ground that it was an experimental startup, which ran out in 2009. and GEMA was like "you're established, now we want Real Money(tm)"
16:09:03  <Eddi|zuHause> at the time the talks ultimately failed, they were reportedly like a factor of 10 apart
16:09:13  <V453000> xd
16:12:08  <Eddi|zuHause> nothing really has moved since then, even though youtube signed contracts with all GEMA-like institutions in all the other european countries
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16:52:34  <Alberth> o/
16:54:04  <argoneus> \o
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17:05:41  <Alberth> quak
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17:07:11  <frosch123> hoi
17:10:21  <argoneus> it's frodo
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17:20:36  <Eddi|zuHause> frodo is not quite green enough
17:25:11  <Mazur> Has he gone blue, like a smurf?
17:30:07  <Eddi|zuHause> no, but he turned red after pushing the button.
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17:46:12  <andythenorth> o/
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18:00:01  <andythenorth> so where does this edible oil cargo go?
18:00:11  * andythenorth has been adding cargos with sources, but no destination except a port
18:02:39  <frosch123> usually it goes into a pan
18:04:23  <argoneus> peter pan
18:04:26  <andythenorth> hmm
18:04:54  <andythenorth> accepts: edible oil, bacon
18:04:59  <andythenorth> produces: breakfast
18:06:07  <frosch123> add potatoes
18:06:15  <frosch123> potatos + oil = food
18:06:51  <frosch123> actually, yuo can replace potatoes in that equation with about anything
18:07:51  <frosch123> if i take the menu from the asian fastfood thingie nearby, every second word is "fried"
18:08:06  <argoneus> nice racism
18:08:06  <frosch123> combined with rice, pasta, duck, chicken, ...
18:08:39  <frosch123> argoneus: they also sell pizza, kebab and burgers
18:08:51  <frosch123> oh, and donuts
18:08:58  <frosch123> kind of universal fastfood
18:09:10  <argoneus> szechuan chicken best food ok
18:09:27  <frosch123> they dropped the "only meat" category though
18:10:28  <frosch123> stuff like a small-pizza sized schnitzel
18:10:30  <frosch123> with nothing else
18:10:46  <frosch123> oh, wait, you could add meat sauce to it
18:10:54  <argoneus> holy fuck that sounds tasty
18:10:57  <argoneus> I'd eat that with bread
18:11:04  <argoneus> why did they take it out
18:14:52  <frosch123> a schnitzel by itself is not exactly tasty
18:15:29  <argoneus> dude
18:15:30  <argoneus> you have no idea
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18:48:23  <Eddi|zuHause> <andythenorth> so where does this edible oil cargo go? <-- fast food chain
18:50:23  <andythenorth> expand?
18:50:26  <andythenorth> o_O
18:51:07  <Eddi|zuHause> just a black hole for food and oil
18:51:21  <Eddi|zuHause> that appears in the outskirts of town
18:51:35  <frosch123> outskirts?
18:51:41  <argoneus> upskirts
18:52:23  <frosch123> city centers consist of 30% fast food, 50% clothes shops
18:52:27  <Eddi|zuHause> frosch123: like in shopping centers that get built just outside the town
18:52:39  <andythenorth> been considering an ‘urban’ economy for a long time
18:52:49  <andythenorth> but does it work with TTD town pattern?
18:53:04  <frosch123> andythenorth: it may compliment the town builders
18:53:16  <andythenorth> if there are e.g. 16 different industries in a town
18:53:18  <frosch123> complement?
18:53:23  <andythenorth> complement
18:53:26  <andythenorth> I think
18:53:31  <andythenorth> I never know those two tbh
18:53:32  <Eddi|zuHause> frosch123: those are two very different things :p
18:53:35  <andythenorth> I have to look it up
18:54:13  <andythenorth> anyway 16 industries in one town, all need deliveries, possibly collections?
18:54:18  <frosch123> Eddi|zuHause: yeah, otherwise i would not have bothered correcting
18:54:19  <andythenorth> is that actually fun gameplay?
18:54:33  <Eddi|zuHause> andythenorth: how would i know?
18:54:50  <andythenorth> guess?
18:54:50  <frosch123> andythenorth: not with station spread 64 :p
18:55:10  <andythenorth> also you sometimes get things with compliments, and things that are complementary
18:55:19  <frosch123> i guess town industries can only be black holes in that cases
18:55:21  <andythenorth> and when both are free extra, it’s very confusing
18:55:27  <frosch123> inner-town cargos do not really work
18:55:31  <andythenorth> yeah...
18:55:41  <andythenorth> unless all trucks or helipads
18:56:27  <frosch123> still: clothes, fast food, plastic junk
18:56:32  <frosch123> that's about it
18:57:01  <andythenorth> coffee
18:57:09  <frosch123> true
18:57:11  <andythenorth> baked goods
18:57:15  <andythenorth> electronics
18:57:20  <frosch123> no electronics
18:57:23  <andythenorth> vehicles go to edge of town
18:57:30  <andythenorth> alcohol
18:57:32  <andythenorth> goods
18:57:36  <frosch123> no goods
18:57:42  <andythenorth> oic
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18:58:09  <frosch123> you cannot buy useful stuf in city centers
18:59:43  <andythenorth> ha
18:59:45  <andythenorth> you can in UK :)
19:00:02  <andythenorth> is it different in Germany?
19:00:09  * andythenorth remembers only vaguely
19:00:19  <andythenorth> Freiburg had shops
19:02:21  <Eddi|zuHause> that heavily depends on the city, i suppose. or what you define "useful"
19:02:48  <andythenorth> ha ha
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19:08:31  * andythenorth considers a metal-bashing economy
19:08:43  <andythenorth> expand steel mill to multiple industries
19:09:09  <andythenorth> dunno how steel is really made though
19:09:11  <andythenorth> burn stuff?
19:10:22  <peter1138> it's born in the ground
19:10:45  <andythenorth> just dig it up?
19:10:48  <andythenorth> sounds easy
19:11:05  <Eddi|zuHause> you get rocks out of the ground, throw them in a big fire, then you mold it into some shape, and then you cut and fold it into your product
19:11:27  <andythenorth> and open bottles with it?
19:11:34  <andythenorth> and doors?
19:11:35  <Eddi|zuHause> possibly
19:11:53  <Eddi|zuHause> or get more rocks out of the ground
19:12:15  <andythenorth> given 3 input cargos, I can’t figure out how to combine: iron ore, coke, scrap metal, limestone and an alloy agent
19:12:19  <andythenorth> cos that’s 5
19:12:23  * andythenorth can count
19:12:26  <andythenorth> at least to 5
19:12:44  <Eddi|zuHause> i, however, cannot water-land a plane.
19:12:51  <andythenorth> many have tried
19:12:56  <andythenorth> many have failed
19:15:53  <frosch123> Eddi|zuHause: you have never been to a steel mill, have you?
19:16:08  <Eddi|zuHause> frosch123: not really...
19:16:40  * andythenorth neither
19:16:45  <andythenorth> been to a cement plant
19:16:49  <frosch123> andythenorth: iore + coal -> raw iron, raw iron + oxygen -> steel, steel + stuff -> special steel
19:17:06  <andythenorth> so alloy furnace?
19:17:38  * andythenorth googles
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19:17:44  <andythenorth> ah minecraft mod has it
19:17:46  <andythenorth> must be realistic
19:17:51  * andythenorth considers a minecraft economy
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19:17:53  <andythenorth>
19:17:56  <frosch123> the raw product is delivered liquird, and then turned into plates or pipes
19:18:38  <Eddi|zuHause> yeah, "liquid metal". put it into your beloved torpedo cars ;)
19:20:06  <andythenorth> he he
19:20:18  <andythenorth> me and DanMack sometimes discuss novelty ‘realistic’ economies
19:20:29  <andythenorth> no real gameplay, just playing model trains
19:20:35  <andythenorth> steel chain, also logging chain
19:21:11  <andythenorth> I think the map scale works against them though
19:22:28  <Eddi|zuHause> oh, that alloy furnace can melt objects into their original ingots...
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19:22:57  <Eddi|zuHause> might be useful for those random gold items that zombies drop
19:23:25  <frosch123> <- you can offer 5 ways to produce steel
19:23:58  <andythenorth> on a small map, I think it would be interesting to play at least once
19:24:06  <andythenorth> probably works well with SV
19:24:20  <andythenorth> industries would look a bit repetitive
19:24:49  <frosch123> well, just apply more realism
19:24:59  <frosch123> there are like 3 steel mills in europe today, right?
19:26:31  <andythenorth> probably :P
19:29:22  <andythenorth> ok, so to justify adding manganese as an export cargo in an African economy
19:29:36  <andythenorth> I’m going to add a whole new, unrelated, steel making economy
19:29:37  <andythenorth> ?
19:29:43  * andythenorth may be smoking crack
19:30:10  <argoneus> hey Alberth friend
19:30:22  <argoneus> these software engineering buzzwords, they actually don't have much to do with OOP
19:30:30  <argoneus> it seems to be mostly good and tested processes for making software in a company
19:30:36  <frosch123> andythenorth: following the steel industry allows some interesting development
19:30:38  <argoneus> I guess it's not that bad
19:31:08  <frosch123> considering the classic german steel mills: one turned into a tourism company, another one turned into a cellphone network
19:31:09  <andythenorth> argoneus: most of making good OOP is managing outside the programming
19:31:35  <andythenorth> the rest of OO is quite uninteresting, assuming you have good hiring practices
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19:43:36  <Conductor_Cat> :3
19:44:08  <andythenorth> is cat
19:49:03  <Eddi|zuHause> i asked the kerbal crowd whether i should rather use a helicopter than a seaplane and they laughed at me...
19:50:21  <andythenorth> kerbal economy
19:50:25  <andythenorth> inputs: parts
19:50:28  <Conductor_Cat> Squad hasn't mastered moving parts yet.
19:50:31  <andythenorth> outputs: broken spacecraft
19:50:47  <Eddi|zuHause> well, there's a mod for it
19:51:05  <andythenorth> hmm
19:51:10  * andythenorth has a minerals headache
19:51:42  <andythenorth> maybe I should play a game of openttd
19:51:48  <andythenorth> instead of a game of wikipedia
19:52:10  <Conductor_Cat> Openpedia
19:52:17  <Conductor_Cat> WikiTTD
19:53:11  <andythenorth> Alberth: trying BB with 20 goals :P
19:53:18  <andythenorth> I assume I hacked that and have forgotten
19:53:45  <andythenorth> hmm
19:53:48  * andythenorth tries a very large map
19:53:52  <andythenorth> 512x512
19:55:31  <andythenorth> nah looks boring
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20:04:49  <Alberth> :)
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20:09:26  <andythenorth> ugh
20:09:31  <andythenorth> tropic map generator :(
20:10:20  <andythenorth> how would I patch it to use the temperate generator?
20:10:39  <andythenorth> tropic: “mostly flat"
20:10:46  <andythenorth> it’s barely a terrain generator :P
20:11:31  <andythenorth> “stop complaining andythenorth and start fixing"
20:11:32  <andythenorth> yeah
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20:30:11  <andythenorth> suggestions for moar industries?
20:30:17  <andythenorth> can’t add more cargos really
20:30:31  <andythenorth> biorefinery?
20:36:07  <andythenorth> adds nothing
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20:47:05  <andythenorth> way too much bloody desert in this generator
20:48:12  <andythenorth> yeah, TGP is just crap for Tropic
20:48:16  <andythenorth> the original is better
20:48:43  <andythenorth> even though it makes stupid rectangular landscapes
20:49:09  <andythenorth> at least it adds some rainforest and mountains
20:49:53  <andythenorth> original accidentally generates oases too
20:50:47  <andythenorth> meh
20:58:25  <andythenorth> so in landscape.cpp
20:58:56  <andythenorth> I want to patch TGP to use the tile height generator from temperate
20:59:04  <andythenorth> but still needs to generate desert / rainforest
21:00:13  * andythenorth fools with magic numbers
21:00:17  <andythenorth> NFI what they do
21:04:18  <Alberth> copy them from temperate?
21:06:23  <frosch123> hmm, i cannot get pydot to work :/
21:06:37  <frosch123> it fails to load a dot file, which works fine in dot
21:06:50  <frosch123> giving me a crypting error from pyparsing :/
21:06:57  <andythenorth> :(
21:07:31  <andythenorth> frosch123: paste?
21:07:36  <andythenorth> although I have no idea :)
21:08:08  <frosch123> <- well, pretty useless
21:08:17  <argoneus> "what do I name my project"
21:08:21  <argoneus> "let's go with p1qdevgdt"
21:09:20  <frosch123> it seems to try to skip whitespace
21:09:38  <frosch123> feels like a broken py2->3 conversion to me :p
21:09:49  <frosch123> like the input containing character numbers
21:09:58  <frosch123> and the parser expecting a string
21:10:07  <andythenorth> ?
21:10:34  <frosch123> well, i called a highlevel funtion, to which i pass the filename
21:11:20  <andythenorth> 					/* Desert terrain needs special height distribution.
21:11:20  <andythenorth> 					 * Half of tiles should be at lowest (0..25%) heights */
21:11:23  <andythenorth> ^ this is silly
21:12:44  <frosch123> <- yeah, pydot and pyparsing seem to disagree
21:13:00  <frosch123> pydot fails for bytes, pyparsing for string
21:13:36  <andythenorth> :(
21:13:45  <andythenorth> how boring of them :)
21:13:54  <frosch123> i wondered whether it is maintained :p
21:14:34  * andythenorth looks
21:15:13  <andythenorth> pypi suggest it is
21:15:31  <andythenorth> although...ugh
21:15:34  <andythenorth> sourceroge
21:15:40  <andythenorth> sourceforge *
21:15:44  *** Alberth [~alberth@2001:981:c6c5:1:be5f:f4ff:feac:e11] has left #openttd []
21:15:45  <andythenorth> no, I don’t want malware, thanks
21:15:49  <andythenorth>
21:16:17  * andythenorth looks at pydot
21:16:38  <andythenorth> nah pydot is dead
21:16:42  <andythenorth>
21:16:56  <frosch123> <- lots of changes last week :p
21:17:14  <andythenorth> frosch123: ?
21:17:22  <andythenorth> recent
21:17:29  <andythenorth> but pull request not accepted yet
21:17:47  *** sla_ro|master [slamaster@] has quit []
21:18:06  <frosch123> <- apparently fixed last week :p
21:18:31  <andythenorth> :P
21:19:13  <andythenorth> in other news, in tgp.cpp, I copied the LT_TEMPERATE landscape settings for the the LT_TROPIC case
21:19:15  <argoneus> what about the bug where Ian isn't here anymore :(
21:19:18  <andythenorth> much better results imho
21:19:26  <andythenorth> landscape is obviously subjective
21:19:37  <andythenorth> but endless flat desert makes boring gameplay
21:19:49  <andythenorth> and can be achieved trivially with a heightmap or SE
21:20:44  <andythenorth> the original landscape generator does *not* make endless flat deserts
21:21:06  <frosch123> what about 1.4? :p
21:21:16  <andythenorth> it was
fixed? :P
21:21:26  <andythenorth> there is a case that anyone who is seriously attached to current TGP tropic configuration could just go whistle, no?
21:22:34  <frosch123> i pondered to remove all the mapgenerator presets, and instead add some sliders and profiles
21:22:46  <frosch123> similar to chills, but not as cryptic
21:23:18  <frosch123> some of the current mapgen settings are mislabeled imho
21:23:25  <frosch123> while others have a weird scaling
21:23:54  <frosch123> and i agree that landscape should not affect the terrain generator
21:24:06  <frosch123> but the terrain generator should offer more options
21:24:09  <frosch123> independent of landscape
21:24:19  <frosch123> including a preview :p
21:24:40  <andythenorth> well
21:24:50  <andythenorth> I do not disagree :D
21:25:02  <andythenorth> in the short term, I like my patch :P
21:25:06  <andythenorth> it was easy
21:25:41  <andythenorth> do the transforms map meaningfully to landscape?
21:25:51  <andythenorth> e.g. “plateaus: few | many”
21:26:02  <andythenorth> “low plains: few | many"
21:26:06  * andythenorth suspects only partly
21:27:49  <Wolf01> "maybe he is transparency blind, like color blindness"... internet again :(
21:28:17  <argoneus> check your transparency privilege, shitlord
21:28:23  <andythenorth> ha ha, SA Town Names has ‘stomp’
21:31:46  <andythenorth> also ha ha the game is good
21:31:53  <andythenorth> the bad bits really stick out these days
21:32:14  <andythenorth> so much got fixed / improved
22:05:19  *** frosch123 [] has quit [Quit: be yourself, except: if you have the opportunity to be a unicorn, then be a unicorn]
22:08:58  <andythenorth> also
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