Log for #openttd on 9th March 2016:
Times are UTC Toggle Colours
00:16:03  *** Clockworker_ [~Clockwork@] has joined #openttd
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01:51:40  *** Clockworker is now known as BiG_CW_MF
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04:53:23  *** tiaz [~dude@2604:da00:2:3::2] has joined #openttd
04:53:49  <tiaz> Hi, I'm curious if there's a known answer on whether 'chain' industries are more competitive than single-run industries.
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04:54:25  <tiaz> e.g., ore -> steel -> goods -> city gets you a bunch of transit work out of one pickup, effectively. but most of those pay less than, say, coal
04:54:57  <tiaz> plus, you've already built infrastructure most of the way to, say, the steel mill (or whatever) and save some money on your "new" line.
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06:04:23  *** Snail [] has quit [Quit: Snail]
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10:53:27  <Eddi|zuHause> that quickly becomes so complicated that you cannot predict it without actually building it
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12:06:13  <argoneus> good morning train friends
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13:48:44  <Quatroking> ˙͜>˙
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15:49:33  <Alberth> hi hi
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19:19:03  *** andythenorth [] has joined #openttd
19:19:29  <andythenorth> o/
19:24:04  <Alberth> hi hi
19:24:38  <Alberth> pyrite melter is so hot it doesn't have snow on its roofs :)
19:24:59  <Alberth> looks like a very nice addition to firs
19:30:04  <planetmaker> o/
19:30:28  <planetmaker> andythenorth, why is the pyrite melter built on foundations? Or is that just an effect of the landscape in that particular case?
19:30:34  <V453000> it looks INSANELY tall to me, but whether that is a bad thing... ? :D
19:30:38  <V453000> hi pm :)
19:30:40  <V453000> and other humanz
19:30:58  <V453000> foundations look like cause of terrain
19:30:58  <Alberth> yo Vz
19:32:35  <andythenorth> it is insanely tall
19:32:42  <andythenorth> smelters are some of the biggest things around IRL
19:32:58  <andythenorth> someone at work has a factorio addiction btw V453000
19:33:18  <V453000> yeah reddit is full of "my life is ruined" posts
19:33:39  <V453000> make sure it doesn't spread, it really is addictive :D
19:33:53  * andythenorth staying out of it
19:34:03  <V453000> you should try it !
19:34:20  <V453000> :>
19:36:43  <V453000>
19:36:58  <V453000> eh
19:37:38  <efess> Factorio is awesome :D
19:39:03  <V453000> :)
19:42:02  <Alberth> games that allow building processing pipe lines always sell :p
19:47:31  <andythenorth> can we implement OpenTTD in factorio?
19:47:32  <andythenorth> as a mod?
19:47:44  <andythenorth> are the mods xml? o_O
19:48:36  <Alberth> obviously you must have xml as file format, even though it's total overkill, and not readable :p
20:03:59  <V453000> mods are lua, can do pretty much anything
20:04:16  <V453000> mod options are basically the same as of the base game
20:04:26  <V453000> which is nice, you can really do whatever you want
20:04:27  <V453000> anyway gnight
20:17:17  *** Belugas [] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds]
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20:19:36  *** Birko [] has joined #openttd
20:21:43  <Birko> Hello, what is the best way to keep only unique numbers in array in Squirell? ... I am pushing tile numbers to array, but finally i would like to have only unique numbers in array. Thanks
20:23:58  <Alberth> set up an integer with the next unique number, and increment it each use?
20:25:36  <glx> check if it's already in the array before pushing
20:25:43  <Alberth> depends somewhat on the use of the unique number
20:27:41  <glx> but it's better to use an AITileList than an array
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20:33:24  <Birko> The whole issue is this. I have AITileList with assumed location of train station. I need the tiles around this AITileList (for some other feature) in the array. So Im going to look on every neighbour (8neigbours around each tile) of each tile and keep only those tiles, which are not in station tile list. Adn after that, keep only unique numbers of tiles.
20:35:41  <Alberth> so it's not a rectangle, or a small number of rectangles?
20:35:57  <Alberth> you could store those instead of the actual tile numbers
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20:41:00  <Birko> Yes, it is a rectangle. My station list is result of function which returned AITileList made by AddRectangle. So you suggest to made another rectangle (bigger) and the difference between them would be tiles around station?
20:43:28  <Alberth> I meant you make a Rectangle class with 4 position numbers, like left, right, top, down, and make a "isInside" test function
20:44:41  <Alberth> then make a 'big' Rectangle, and the station area Rectangle, and loop over x and y of the big rectangle, testing that the x and y are not in the station rectangle
20:44:50  <Alberth> no need to make long lists of tiles
20:45:45  <Birko> thanks, im going to try that
20:45:59  <Alberth> good luck :)
20:49:02  *** Myhorta [] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds]
20:50:41  *** sim-al2 [] has quit [Quit:  HydraIRC -> <- It'll be on slashdot one day...]
20:54:03  *** Arveen [] has quit [Quit: Nettalk6 -]
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21:17:58  *** Hiddenfunstuff [] has quit [Quit:  HydraIRC -> <- Go on, try it!]
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21:50:12  *** Alberth [~alberth@2001:981:c6c5:1:be5f:f4ff:feac:e11] has left #openttd []
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22:21:55  <Eddi|zuHause> <Birko> Hello, what is the best way to keep only unique numbers in array in Squirell? ... I am pushing tile numbers to array, but finally i would like to have only unique numbers in array. Thanks <-- sounds like you want a set (no idea if squirrel has those)
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23:50:55  <drac_boy> hi
23:56:31  <sim-al2> hi
23:56:47  <sim-al2>
23:58:55  <drac_boy> heh I've seen a few photos..I'm not sure I really like the wrap-over windshield style but mm

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