Log for #openttd on 12th March 2016:
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00:01:07  *** ConductCat [] has joined #openttd
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05:12:39  <Flygon> "Can only be positioned near edges of map"
05:12:46  * Flygon is playing on an ISLAND
05:14:24  <Flygon> FML
05:14:46  <Supercheese> refinery?
05:14:53  <Flygon> There is ONE Refinery left on the map
05:14:59  <Flygon> And while it will never die
05:15:16  <Flygon> It's in a crap location
05:15:28  <Supercheese> there should be a game setting for that
05:15:55  <Supercheese>
05:16:29  <Flygon> It's set to 48
05:16:50  <Flygon> But the issue is
05:17:07  <Flygon> There's waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay more than 48 tiles between the Coast and the edge
05:17:23  <Supercheese> I have no idea why there even is that limit
05:17:29  <Supercheese> refineries should be wherever
05:17:34  <Supercheese> map edge be damned
05:17:38  <Flygon> It's suppose to create a challenge
05:17:52  <Flygon> Time to Magic Bulldozer the last one, and see if that lets me relocate it
05:17:59  <Flygon> Like an AoE Town Centre :U
05:18:36  <Flygon> Nope
05:18:52  * Flygon reloads from the .sav >_>
05:19:13  <Flygon> Looks like I'll have to improv
05:19:17  <Flygon> Playing the Iceland Map
05:19:25  <Flygon> The Refinery is in the middle of NOWHERE
05:19:31  <Flygon> Nowhere near ANYTHING
05:19:52  <Flygon> So I'll prolly run 48-64 tile trains to get the most 'efficiency' (if this is actually efficient) from this >_>
05:20:21  <Flygon> Basically, feed smaller loads into the really long load
05:20:28  <Flygon> And then haul that long load to the refiery :U
05:22:09  <Flygon> Refinery, rater
05:22:43  <Flygon> Either way, I need to wait for the UP Big Boy to be invented
05:22:56  <Flygon> Because if there's any use for that loco
05:23:08  <Flygon> It's double heading them for 40+ tile loads >_>
05:23:21  <Flygon> (yes, having JUST one stalls)
05:24:05  <Flygon> The REAL problem is signalling
05:24:17  <Flygon> And integration into the existing network
05:24:51  <Flygon> Considering the things get so long, they will span 6 stations at a time (even if going through bypass tracks)... but building a separate exclusive network doesn't look cool >_>
05:27:47  <Supercheese> Double-heading Big Boys, whew
05:27:51  <Supercheese> must be one hell of a train
05:28:27  <Supercheese> when in desperate need of high-throughput though, the end-all solution is ships
05:28:39  <Supercheese> ships have effectively infinite capacity, just keep building more and more of them
05:28:49  <Supercheese> they'll just noclip through each other
05:29:04  <Flygon> Certainly
05:29:13  <Flygon> But where's the cool factor in that? :3
05:29:19  <Flygon> Hmm
05:29:30  <Flygon> Building my first 'deposit' station's already hit problems
05:29:38  <Flygon> 20 tiles max length due to a mountain in the way
05:30:04  <Flygon> I'd rather 24 to be easily 'divisable' into 48 <_>
05:32:01  <Supercheese> If you want Cool Factor, transport it all by Zeppelin
05:32:12  <Supercheese> build a dozen air stations
05:32:23  <Flygon> ...
05:32:30  * Flygon headdesk xDxD
05:32:33  <Flygon> Laughing pretty hard irl
05:32:47  <Flygon> I like the idea, but I don't think it'd work in practice xP
05:32:57  <Supercheese> Don't tempt me
05:33:04  <Flygon> I might just go for a 12 tile station, that's fed into by 4-6 tile trains
05:33:09  <Supercheese> Skytrains
05:33:10  <Flygon> That then feeds into a 48 tile station
05:33:28  <Flygon> In seriousness, Airship trains, I'm sure, could work IRL <_>
05:33:46  <Flygon> They just wouldn't be compatible with Airports
05:38:59  <Flygon> Now to create a 48 tile long station with a Gravity Assist Patented Launch Ramp :B
05:44:06  *** smoke_fumus [~smoke_fum@] has quit [Quit: KVIrc 4.2.0 Equilibrium]
05:54:31  <Flygon> Real issue is
05:54:41  <Flygon> I don't have Big Boys yet... or any real alts.
05:55:03  <Flygon> But the Oil Wells will die if I don't use them
05:55:24  <Flygon> Time to chain 6-8 steam locos together, and hope I hit at least 50km/h
05:56:21  <Supercheese> you could use the Invisible Power Booster if you have that grf installed
05:56:29  <Flygon> Yeeaaaah, true
05:56:34  <Flygon> But it feels a bit like cheating
05:56:36  <sim-al2> 2cc trainset?
05:56:43  <Supercheese>
05:56:45  <Flygon> (says the guy using Magic Bulldozer)
05:56:57  <Flygon> sim-al2: Yeah
05:57:07  <Flygon> 1918
05:57:20  <Flygon> Best option atm is the SBB C5/6
05:57:36  <Supercheese> no Garratts or something?
05:57:40  <Flygon> aka. the thing that goes slow as all hell, but WILL haul anything.... under 20 tiles long
05:57:42  <sim-al2> Yeah, Big Boy arrives in 1941...
05:58:00  <Flygon> Yeah
05:58:10  <Flygon> I couldn't find a list for the current NML ver on Baanas
05:58:12  <Flygon> Bananas*
05:58:21  <sim-al2> Milwaukee EP2 arrives in 1919, has 4400hp
05:58:24  <Flygon> When does the AT&SF one arrive?
05:58:31  <Flygon> Yeah, but the Bipolar is Electric
05:58:44  <sim-al2> ATSF 5000 is 1930
05:58:50  <Flygon> Damn
05:58:59  <Flygon> Looks like Switzerland better hold up
05:59:21  <Flygon> (I WOULD use the Bipolar... if it wasn't going through raw wilderness. It looks too weird to have your longest line be electric in 1919)
05:59:37  <sim-al2> Milwaukee Road was literally that though
05:59:39  <Flygon> sim-al2: Got a link to the updated list?
05:59:43  <Flygon> Haha, true
05:59:44  <sim-al2> Rocky Mountain division
05:59:57  <Flygon> I will prolly use the Bipolar for Passenger, tho
06:00:13  <Supercheese> Flygon: Just save, use the date-cheat to skip ahead a few, and check which engines appear :P
06:00:14  <sim-al2> Although the Coast Divsion wasn't exactly urban either
06:00:19  <Flygon> Shorter distance, but still way long
06:00:28  <Flygon> Supercheese: I... er... good point
06:01:14  <sim-al2> If you want to wait until 1922 or so, the E-28 is pretty good, 2250hp, still electric though
06:01:39  <Flygon> Yeah, I'm sticking with Steam/Diesel for this line until Electric feels more....
06:01:40  <Flygon> Natural
06:01:49  <Flygon> aka. when I've built up everything that IS along the route
06:01:59  <sim-al2> 1924 for the GWR 4900, 1750hp, steamer
06:02:19  <sim-al2> Not much going on until 1930
06:02:41  <Flygon> Yeah
06:02:49  <Flygon> What's the kn rating on the GWR?
06:03:05  <sim-al2> 123
06:03:19  <Flygon> Damn
06:03:28  <Flygon> I think I'll stick with the SBB C5/6 xP
06:03:34  <Flygon> Around 220kn per loco
06:03:44  <sim-al2> Dat speed rating
06:03:55  <Flygon> Yeah, but at least it can climb a hill
06:08:01  <sim-al2> I have to wonder why there's gondolas and Self-discharging hoppers, since the latter weight a few tons more and don't seem to have a loading speed advantag
06:08:23  * Flygon shrug
06:08:40  <Flygon> btw, half the reason high kn is desired
06:08:54  <Flygon> Is due to the strong possibility of stopping mid-line for other traffic mergig
06:08:57  <Flygon> merging*
06:09:04  <Flygon> Also the other reason Big Boys are wanted...
06:09:12  <Flygon> That 128km/h is a godsend, with the right wagons
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08:26:04  <andythenorth> o/
08:28:09  *** Progman [] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
08:29:35  <V453000> yo
08:32:20  *** Hiddenfunstuff [] has joined #openttd
08:36:28  <andythenorth> what’s left for FIRS v2?
08:36:33  <andythenorth> where is the trello?
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08:38:19  <V453000> idk I am in full factorio mode atm
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08:42:28  <Supercheese> aren't we all
08:43:41  * andythenorth not so much
08:43:53  <andythenorth> I played
08:43:56  <andythenorth> the demo
08:44:38  * andythenorth might try it again after V453000 fixes the terrain :P
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08:44:50  <V453000> what wrong with the terrain?
08:44:55  <andythenorth> one word
08:44:59  <andythenorth> “locomotion"
08:45:21  <V453000> idk I think our terrain is way nicer
08:45:26  <V453000> like levels nicer
08:45:55  <V453000> I never played locomotion but from screenshots it looks very shitty
08:46:14  <V453000> mostly cause it is done the same way as openttd
08:46:20  <V453000> 1 sprite per hill angl
08:46:21  <V453000> e
08:46:34  <V453000> we have quite awesome randomizer which makes it look much more natural
08:46:45  <V453000> the terrain will get some love, but not for 0.13
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09:33:28  *** Quatroking [] has joined #openttd
09:34:34  <andythenorth> @seen frosch123
09:34:34  <DorpsGek> andythenorth: frosch123 was last seen in #openttd 1 week, 2 days, 16 hours, 18 minutes, and 58 seconds ago: <frosch123> the build station gui will tell you
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09:55:38  <andythenorth> V453000: do I need to fix these buildings?
09:55:45  <andythenorth> before v2 release?
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10:18:43  * andythenorth needs a better name for “FIRS” economy
10:18:49  <andythenorth> “FIRS Extreme”?
10:18:52  <andythenorth> “Extreme”?
10:18:59  <andythenorth> “FIRS Max”?
10:20:56  <V453000> I'd say they look ultra shit yes
10:21:09  <V453000> FIRS WTF
10:22:21  <andythenorth> it’s not really WTF though :P
10:22:29  <andythenorth> FIRS ultra-mega-realism-overkill
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10:24:15  <andythenorth> WTF would be if I started inventing things, instead of making a newgrf by reading wikipedia
10:29:21  <Flygon> "Can't build station here.... station too far spread out"
10:29:51  <Flygon> Oh goodie
10:29:56  <Flygon> 64 tiles IS enough
10:30:11  <Flygon> #megastationproblems
10:47:38  <andythenorth> action 14 eh?
10:51:04  <Flygon> Action 14?
10:52:31  * andythenorth is talking aloud
10:52:38  <andythenorth> newgrf problem
10:56:16  <V453000> wikifirs?
10:58:40  <andythenorth> nice suggestion
10:58:56  <Flygon> Oh man
10:59:02  <Flygon> I read that as Wikifur for a second there
10:59:11  <Flygon> And oh boy that's completely different to #OpenTTD
10:59:28  * andythenorth called it ‘Extreme'
10:59:35  <andythenorth> will see what players think of that :P
10:59:54  * andythenorth is shocked and appalled that daylength patch makes things go slower
10:59:56  <andythenorth> also
11:03:38  <andythenorth> “Each economy provides a different combination of cargos and industries.{}{}For players who want simple gameplay, 'Basic' economies contain fewer industries and cargos than other FIRS economies.{}{}The FIRS website provides much more information about each economy.”
11:04:06  <Flygon> I wonder if 1,521hp is enough to haul 1,156 tonnes. <_>
11:05:46  <andythenorth> how much hill?
11:05:56  <Flygon> Too much
11:06:03  <andythenorth> moar
11:06:10  <Flygon> srsly tho
11:06:16  <Flygon> Only one segment of slope... but
11:06:43  <Flygon> It's tw 6% inclines consecutively
11:06:44  <Flygon> >_>
11:07:01  * andythenorth wishes action 14 had separators, or a progressive disclosure
11:07:06  <andythenorth> ‘advanced settings’
11:07:23  <andythenorth> the only important FIRS parameter is ‘economy'
11:07:45  <andythenorth> but there are 9 others that are irrelevant to most players
11:09:18  * Flygon adds a second NZR X-Class. Absolutely HATES double heading Steam Locos. x.x
11:09:57  <Flygon> 1.8 tiles wasted to a Loco
11:10:42  <Flygon> Then again, I'm triple heading a 48 tile train...
11:11:00  <andythenorth> @seen alberth
11:11:00  <DorpsGek> andythenorth: alberth was last seen in #openttd 14 hours, 15 minutes, and 51 seconds ago: <Alberth> fair enough :)
11:11:17  <andythenorth> clearly everyone has gone shopping :P
11:11:18  * andythenorth too
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11:13:01  <V453000> 1156t must be a stupidly long train for just one engine
11:14:17  <Flygon> Separate train hauling 145 carriages...
11:14:33  <Flygon> 4,930 tonnes
11:14:41  <Flygon> Hopefully 4,200hp is good- no, it isn't
11:14:43  <Flygon> PERELEE :D
11:15:22  <Flygon> 1910s Steam Locos aren't strong nuff
11:15:48  <V453000> doesn't sound very realistic to carry that weight in 1910
11:15:51  <V453000> ultimate argument fired
11:16:00  <Flygon> You have a point
11:16:13  <Flygon> But I'm balancing rule-of-cool and realism here :DD
11:16:33  <V453000> well if your engine can't climb a hill it isn't so cool :)
11:16:49  <Flygon> Got the 12 tile train with two NZR X-Classes
11:17:01  <Flygon> And the 48 tile one with 4 SBB C5/6's
11:18:05  <Flygon> Annnd the NZR locos hit max speed while still exiting depot
11:19:01  <Flygon> It's lke
11:19:07  <Flygon> Seeing the snake out of Snake
11:32:43  *** Alberth [~alberth@2001:981:c6c5:1:be5f:f4ff:feac:e11] has joined #openttd
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12:01:34  <Flygon> Well
12:01:47  <Flygon> They don't dip below 51km/h across the one incline plane
12:01:52  <Flygon> With just two NZR X's
12:29:35  <Flygon> Alright
12:29:39  <Flygon> Mister 48 Tile is now running
12:29:44  <Flygon> Now to see how it runs
12:30:08  <Flygon> Having 4 Steam Locos coupled looks so silly....
12:31:06  *** Supercheese [] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
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12:32:27  <Flygon> Still, they do lose some speed uphill...
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12:34:56  <frosch123> Hoi
12:35:14  <Flygon> Eyyy
12:37:56  <frosch123> Ah, Andy already Left :p
12:38:34  <frosch123> So, i am like danmack now
12:39:02  <Alberth> :)
12:39:03  <Alberth> hoi
12:41:38  <frosch123> V453000: btw, too much cc is bad
12:43:32  *** Rejf [] has quit [Quit: leaving]
12:46:09  *** ConductCat [] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds]
13:22:11  *** Myhorta [] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
13:32:20  <frosch123> Night
13:32:45  <Alberth> bye
13:33:17  *** frosch123 [] has quit [Quit: meh]
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14:28:14  <argoneus> good morning train friends
14:33:09  *** FLHerne [] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds]
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15:17:08  <drac_boy> hi
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15:55:02  <drac_boy> hows the stopped-chasing-codes alberth?
15:55:03  <drac_boy> heh :)
15:55:43  <Alberth> quite forgotten :)
15:56:58  <drac_boy> :p
16:00:20  * drac_boy is doing ok other than for sorting through endless non-english links
16:01:43  <Alberth> :)
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16:06:08  <drac_boy> might not interest you too much but still I found this earlier on, talk about finding two different krokodils present together :)
16:06:40  <drac_boy> (and yes, one is 1000mm while other is 4'8"
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16:17:07  <andythenorth> o/
16:19:59  <drac_boy> hi there o :)
16:20:01  <drac_boy> heh
16:21:23  <Alberth> o/
16:26:18  <drac_boy> anyway going off for now, have fun
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16:30:35  <andythenorth> Alberth: have you seen the new parameters in recent FIRS, for production?
16:30:36  <andythenorth> o_O
16:30:50  * andythenorth thinks they might need more / better explaining
16:31:00  <Alberth> I attempted to translate, and failed
16:31:22  <andythenorth> I attempted to play the game, and failed :)
16:31:30  <Alberth> haha :)
16:31:53  *** Mazur [] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
16:32:18  <andythenorth> I am not sure how to improve them
16:32:26  <andythenorth> and frosch is not here to discuss :)
16:33:32  <Alberth> he was, but you were not :p
16:34:07  <andythenorth>
16:34:22  <Alberth>
16:35:14  <Alberth> :o  looks very customizable-ish :)
16:35:15  <andythenorth> oic :P
16:35:24  <andythenorth> I missed him
16:36:36  <Alberth> hmm,  devzone still doesn't get how to pack a newgrf :p
16:40:10  <andythenorth> so yes, the production behaviour is very customisable
16:40:21  <andythenorth> but that requires quite a detailed understanding of how it works
16:48:02  <Alberth> this is only about primary industries>
16:48:08  <Alberth> s/>/?/
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16:52:31  <andythenorth> farms, mines, ports, forests
16:52:32  <andythenorth> yes
16:53:28  <Alberth> ah, ok
16:53:34  <Alberth> seems to make sense
16:54:10  <unleashy> hello, I have a problem with the android version of OpenTTD (version basically, relative mouse movement doesn't work as in the cursor goes under my finger and follows it instead of staying wherever it is. volume button binding also doesn't work (i can bind them but they don't do anything in the actual game)
16:57:08  <Alberth> unleashy:  not sure there is anyone that can help you here
16:57:19  <Alberth> you may want to post
16:58:25  <Alberth> andythenorth: what is the percentage now?
16:58:25  <unleashy> ok
17:00:58  *** unleashy [b39e0beb@] has quit [Quit: - A hand crafted IRC client]
17:03:13  <andythenorth> Alberth: prior to the patch, the boosts were 100% and 300% (giving 2x and 4x total production, if that makes sense)
17:03:56  <andythenorth> and the ‘gung ho’ 4x delivery requirement is ~4x the delivery requirement for 2x
17:04:04  <Alberth> yes production increase makes sense
17:04:53  <Alberth> but number of crates to deliver doesn't
17:05:32  *** FLHerne [] has joined #openttd
17:05:46  <Alberth> I'd talk in absolute production levels instead of bonus percentages
17:05:56  <Alberth> 200% production
17:06:37  <Alberth> otherwise you are always off by 100%, which doesn't add anything, and is only confusing
17:06:40  <andythenorth> yeah, I think so
17:06:44  <andythenorth> that confused me
17:07:13  <Alberth> you can set a lower limit on the parameter :)
17:07:36  <Alberth> although a gung ho < enhanced could be fun :p
17:07:53  <andythenorth> :P
17:07:56  <andythenorth> penalty
17:08:04  <andythenorth> precise delivery requirement
17:09:57  <Alberth> but how do you derive number of crates?
17:10:08  <andythenorth> it’s a constant
17:10:19  <andythenorth> per class of industry (farm, mine, port)
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17:13:14  <Alberth> right, any reason not to use absolute number of crates?
17:15:20  <Alberth> assuming you don't do fractions of crates :p
17:16:13  <andythenorth> it varies by industry :|
17:16:16  <andythenorth> otherwise I would
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17:18:21  <Alberth> ah, makes sense
17:18:33  <Alberth> how many industries are we talking about?
17:18:58  <Alberth> alternatively, mention the number in the description?
17:20:19  <Alberth> ie less than 5?  10?
17:20:35  <Alberth> beyond that it too much anyway :)
17:20:41  <Alberth> +is
17:23:23  <Alberth> "Adjust" throws me off onto the wrong track in the option name
17:24:37  <Alberth> Also, the option says "cargo requirement", while the explanation says "amount of supplies required", which is not clear to be the same thing to me
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17:29:20  <Alberth> andythenorth:   Required supplies deliveries for 'enhanced level' (% of base amount)   ?
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17:48:31  <andythenorth> Alberth: I’ll try that shortly, than,s
17:48:32  <andythenorth> thanks *
17:48:41  * andythenorth cooking
17:48:47  <Alberth> me too :)
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19:36:17  * andythenorth -> bed
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21:18:39  <Nakilon> hi guys
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21:19:01  <Nakilon> I wanna create a bot that would play via LAN
21:19:28  <Nakilon> I'm looking into and see PACKET_CLIENT_GAME_INFO
21:20:06  <Nakilon> but grep shows nothing about that constant in the 1.5.3 source code that I've just checked out of svn
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21:20:54  <peter1138> you should use the AI system i guess
21:21:43  <Nakilon> I don't want to
21:22:00  <Nakilon> I want to write in another programming language than squirrel
21:23:16  <Nakilon> oh
21:24:06  <peter1138> well you have to build it into openttd at least
21:26:56  <Nakilon> is anywhere network protocol descrbed better than ion that wiki page?
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21:40:25  <Eddi|zuHause> in the code.
21:41:14  <Eddi|zuHause> but really, if you just want a different language, you should patch the script interface, not abuse the network protocol
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22:22:06  <Nakilon> then I'll try to reverse
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22:38:12  <peter1138> you'll figure it out :)
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