Log for #openttd on 19th March 2016:
Times are UTC Toggle Colours
00:08:57  *** drac_boy [] has joined #openttd
00:08:59  <drac_boy> hi
00:10:22  *** Krizz [~krizzmanw@] has joined #openttd
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00:28:10  <drac_boy> noone else here getting wet this week?? heh :)
00:29:30  <Supercheese> it snowed here two days ago, and we had a wicked lightning storm a few before that
00:29:50  <Supercheese> although it's snowed here in May before sooo
00:29:58  <Supercheese> not immensely surprising
00:31:58  *** Krizz [~krizzmanw@] has joined #openttd
00:32:04  <drac_boy> heh yeah weather can do weird thing once in a rare awhile..
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00:32:53  <drac_boy> supercheese actually there was one photo from cheyenne in usa .. it was of a Big Boy restarting its train while the snow was coming down hard almost horizontally .. the caption actually said that this "was an april fools blizzard that had shut down the highways but merely slowed down rail operations" ...!
00:33:25  <drac_boy> talk about roads not moving to anywhere at all :)
00:33:53  <Supercheese> Snow? Sure, whatever:
00:34:15  <drac_boy> heh these poor engineers seem to be almost blind :)
00:37:47  *** gelignite [] has quit [Quit:]
00:39:29  *** Hiddenfunstuff [] has quit [Quit:  HydraIRC -> <- Chicks dig it]
00:42:10  <drac_boy> so anyhow how you doing supercheese
00:43:06  <Supercheese> very happy, especially now that I've ordered take out for dinner from my favorite restaurant in town
00:43:27  <Supercheese> best BBQ ribs ever
00:50:38  <drac_boy> :p
00:51:22  <Supercheese> ribs and beer, dinner of champions
00:52:25  <drac_boy> anyway going read a bit then going to sleep...see you another time? :)
00:53:39  <Supercheese> sounds like a plan
00:53:46  *** drac_boy [] has left #openttd []
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01:21:12  *** Netsplit <-> quits: Extrems, Taco, Eddi|zuHause, @Belugas, @orudge, ABCRic, davidstrauss, ST2, Xaroth, blathijs,  (+28 more, use /NETSPLIT to show all of them)
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02:20:04  *** glx [] has quit [Quit: Bye]
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07:22:07  *** Wolf01 [] has joined #openttd
07:23:08  <Wolf01> hi o/
07:24:21  *** DanMacK [] has quit [Quit: Page closed]
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07:25:37  *** Alberth [~alberth@2001:981:c6c5:1:be5f:f4ff:feac:e11] has joined #openttd
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08:18:49  <Wolf01> I'm sick... 2 orders with a 280€ grand total on the lego shop
08:24:41  <Alberth> Maybe it's cheaper to buy the lego factory :)
08:24:53  <Wolf01> I'm starting to think that too
08:25:46  <Supercheese> get a 3D printer...? :P
08:25:53  <Wolf01> the problem is that when you enter the technic spiral... you always need more pieces than the ones you estimate
08:26:11  <Wolf01> also I just purchased 6 motors
08:26:56  <Alberth> you know you can break down models that you made back to pieces, and reuse them, I hope? :D
08:28:24  <Wolf01> yes and no, I usually keep some models for display purpose (you can't know when you need to put together a bunch of technic for a display event)
08:28:37  <Wolf01> and usually those are the big models with a lot of pieces
08:29:39  <Alberth> fair enough :)
08:34:26  <Wolf01> that's why I also purchased some of them twice ;)
08:39:11  <Alberth> euhm, to have 2 showcase models? :)
08:39:24  <Wolf01> no, the b-model or piecese
08:39:27  <Wolf01> *-e
08:39:57  <Alberth> ah, ok :)
08:40:28  <Wolf01> mainly to keep them in the box until I'll get a good idea/enough pieces to build the good idea
08:41:20  <Alberth> hmm, no wonder you're running out of space :)
08:43:04  <Wolf01> no, the main reason is that I have to fit all in a 3,5m x 4m room, which already contains a wardrobe, bed, library, desktop + pc + overhead library
08:54:20  *** Quatroking [] has joined #openttd
08:55:35  <Wolf01> V, just saw the post of the server traffic after steam release, amazing :D
09:00:59  *** _johannes [] has joined #openttd
09:01:15  <_johannes> Hi
09:01:27  <_johannes> is it possible to bulldoze a statue, once it has been built?
09:01:52  <Wolf01> only by cheating
09:01:54  <blathijs> Wolf01: Openttd on steam?
09:02:06  <Wolf01> nah, factorio
09:03:48  <blathijs> Ah :-)
09:04:07  * Hiddenfunstuff bought factorio and played 15 hours straight in single session. Feels no shame
09:07:14  <_johannes> I thought I had once removed that statue without cheating...
09:19:16  *** tycoondemon [] has joined #openttd
09:24:21  <Wolf01> lol
09:33:34  *** Ghostbird [] has joined #openttd
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10:30:59  <andythenorth> o/
10:35:15  <Wolf01> o/
10:37:33  <Wolf01> andy, I purchased the M motors, receivers and a train controller to start building the Stewart platform :P
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10:53:34  <Wolf01> meh I just found the mod I want on factorio is not compatible with 0.12.26
10:54:02  <Alberth> hi hi andy
10:57:26  *** Myhorta [] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
11:00:48  *** tokai [] has joined #openttd
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11:01:58  *** FLHerne [] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds]
11:07:39  *** tokai|noir [] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds]
11:38:21  <Wolf01> bye
11:38:23  *** Wolf01 [] has quit [Quit: Once again the world is quick to bury me.]
12:23:39  *** gelignite [] has quit [Quit:]
12:25:51  * andythenorth horses
12:26:30  <peter1138> hmm, macbook powered on with some magic combo
12:26:45  <peter1138> won't load OS though :(
12:27:06  <andythenorth> can you get it into open firmware prompt?
12:27:13  * andythenorth has only done that once :P
12:28:06  <peter1138> it's efi not open firmware
12:28:38  <andythenorth> that’s how long it is since I did it :P
12:29:13  <peter1138> i had linux on it, grub boot loader fires up, kernel loads but blank screen and never goes further
12:30:38  *** FLHerne [] has joined #openttd
12:31:07  *** Supercheese [] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
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12:38:00  *** Nico [] has joined #openttd
12:38:02  <Nico> Hello
12:38:21  <Nico> Anyone?
12:39:06  <Nico> Please
12:39:10  <Nico> Someone
12:39:12  <Nico> post
12:39:14  <Nico> something
12:39:18  <Nico> please
12:39:48  <Nico> w
12:40:45  <Alberth> bit impatient?
12:41:33  <Alberth> if you want to discuss something, just start talking, someone will read and perhaps reply if they know something about it
12:43:17  <Alberth> people are generally busy with other stuff, they don't watch the IRC screen literally every second
12:43:44  * andythenorth does!!!!
12:45:09  *** Doge [] has joined #openttd
12:45:15  <Doge> hello
12:45:18  <Doge> Hello
12:45:18  <Alberth> you must have been asleep then :)
12:45:22  <Doge> Oh hi
12:45:32  <Doge> i created OpenTTD Server
12:45:40  <Doge> but its on version 1.3.3
12:45:42  <Alberth> what is it with new users, expecting a reply within 2 seconds?
12:45:53  <Doge> Idk
12:46:22  <Doge> my server name is OpenWorld
12:46:26  <Doge> But its now inactive
12:46:40  <Doge> because i released OpenWorld Two demo.
12:46:43  <Alberth> nothing personal, you're just the second new person within 15 minutes or so :)
12:47:12  <Doge> did you see that Nico guy+
12:47:17  <Doge> it was guest
12:47:22  <Doge> before i made account
12:47:35  <Alberth> sure
12:47:40  <Alberth> he's still here
12:47:51  *** Nico [] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds]
12:48:03  <Doge> lol maybe qlitch
12:48:03  <Alberth> and he left :)
12:48:09  <Doge> because i was me
12:48:14  <Doge> still there :DDDD
12:48:30  <Alberth> nah, irc just doesn't update status every 8-10 minutes
12:48:53  <Doge> There are not active servers in 1.3.3
12:49:03  <Doge> How do i update openttd in linux ubuntu?
12:49:15  <Alberth> that sounds ok to me, 1.3.3 is about 3 years old
12:49:24  <Doge> Can you help me out
12:49:40  <Alberth> just install a newer version :)
12:49:45  <Doge> How?
12:49:52  <Doge> brb
12:50:13  <Alberth> just download the generic unix binary?
12:50:52  <Doge> wait
12:51:18  *** andythenorth [] has quit [Quit: andythenorth]
12:51:37  <Alberth> ha :)
12:51:46  *** andythenorth [] has joined #openttd
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12:55:57  <Alberth> wb
12:56:17  *** andythenorth is now known as Guest8410
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12:56:32  <Doge> im going to update yay!
12:57:27  <Doge> Thankyou
12:59:48  *** Guest8410 [] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds]
13:04:20  <andythenorth> stupid computer crashed :)
13:05:33  <Doge> do you have to update at OpenTTD Website?
13:06:00  <Doge> plea
13:06:03  *** frosch123 [] has quit [Quit: meh]
13:06:17  <Doge> Do you have to update at openttd website
13:06:29  <Alberth> ?
13:06:37  <Doge> Do you have to update there
13:06:45  <Doge> at OpenTTD Main website
13:06:50  <Alberth>
13:07:05  <Doge> thx
13:07:06  <Alberth> yeah, I can read, no need to say the same thing more than once :)
13:07:29  <Alberth> if I ask for clarification, your original statement wasn't clear
13:10:45  *** Ghostbird [] has quit [Quit: Page closed]
13:11:14  <Doge> Why it cant update
13:11:23  <Doge> is my ubuntu so old like grandmother?
13:13:30  <Alberth> it's not a package, just a binary you download and run
13:15:04  *** ConductorCat [] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds]
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13:41:25  *** Doge [] has quit [Quit: Page closed]
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13:50:58  <openbu> Hi
13:51:05  <Alberth> o/
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13:56:36  <andythenorth> bbl
13:56:37  *** andythenorth [] has quit [Quit: andythenorth]
13:57:18  <openbu> svn checkout svn://
13:57:22  <openbu>  ./configure
13:57:23  <openbu> make
13:57:36  <Alberth> ieks
13:57:48  <Alberth> svn checkout svn://     !!
13:58:10  <Alberth> unless you want all zillion releases
13:58:26  <openbu> thanks to Alberth
13:59:23  <openbu> make --jobs=99999999
13:59:30  <openbu> LOL....
13:59:44  <Alberth> you can simply check what you get with "list" or so, I always use "ls"      svn ls svn://
13:59:56  <Alberth> make -j0  works too
14:00:22  <Alberth> but not really, just 1 more than the number of processors that you have is mostly optimal
14:00:44  <Alberth> I have a fixed makefile configuration for j4
14:01:36  <Alberth> unless you want to test the HD LED for a few hours :p
14:01:53  <openbu> oh,,,,thanks to Alberth,,,,
14:03:57  <Alberth> but it's no fun with current systems, I once ran a kernel compile at a 1MB system, where a single compile job wouldn't fit in memory
14:04:09  <Alberth> HD LED didn't switch off for 3 hours :p
14:10:27  <openbu> oh,,,I worship you,,I love you....
14:21:53  <Alberth> not sure that is a wise thing to do :p
14:27:34  *** Mazur [] has joined #openttd
14:36:56  <Eddi|zuHause> could have used a cross compiler :p
14:37:40  <Eddi|zuHause> i usually use -j12 even though i have only 6 cores
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14:53:30  *** Doge [] has joined #openttd
14:53:43  <Doge> Alberth still here
14:54:04  <Doge> zzzzzzzzzz
14:54:10  <Doge> join to my server
14:55:12  <Alberth> you know there are more openttd servers than players, right? :)
14:56:01  <Alberth> I hardly ever play openttd
14:56:02  <Doge> yeah
14:56:18  <Doge> My server name is OpenWorld 2.0
14:56:32  <Doge> But i discontinue it laterdays :/
14:56:42  <Doge> because i make 3.0
14:57:00  <Doge> and my last openworld version is 5.0
14:57:02  <Alberth> you're progressing through worlds quickly :p
14:57:14  <Doge> lol :PP
14:57:35  <Doge> and now its on 1.5.3!
14:58:08  <Alberth> ah, I tend to run recent-ish trunk versions, if I play :)
14:58:22  <Doge> i know how do you update with linux
14:58:27  <Doge> i have problem i cant update
14:58:31  <Doge> so i deleted my old version
14:58:43  <Doge> and loaded it again but different one
14:58:45  <Doge> now it works
14:59:20  <Alberth> hg update; make
14:59:35  <Alberth> ie build my own version from source code
15:00:30  <Doge> Actually i had project called TTD World
15:00:41  <Doge> But it was merged into OpenWorld
15:06:22  <Eddi|zuHause> i somehow remember this song differently :p
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16:50:09  <andythenorth> meh
16:50:14  * andythenorth is grouping graphics into folders
16:50:16  <andythenorth> I hate this
16:53:02  <Alberth> don't do it then? :p
16:54:07  <andythenorth> yeah
16:54:10  * andythenorth reverts it
16:54:23  <andythenorth> it means I have to teach all the compile scripts to work with nested directories
16:54:26  <andythenorth> not worth it
16:55:27  <andythenorth> flat is better than nested etc :P
16:55:39  <andythenorth> but as I add more rosters, filenames like this are increasingly useless :P
16:55:39  <andythenorth> box_car_llama_gen_1_template
16:56:00  <andythenorth> nvm
16:56:25  <Alberth> quite :)
16:57:30  <Alberth> flatten relative paths into longer filenames?
16:57:44  <Alberth> a/b/c/d.png -> a_b_c_d.png
17:01:41  <Alberth> hmm, and the other way around of course too
17:01:51  <andythenorth> I think it’s potato / potato
17:02:00  <andythenorth> whichever way I do, there are downsides
17:02:23  <Alberth> yep, nothing is ever without dark side :)
17:02:25  <andythenorth> hmm
17:02:31  <andythenorth> I could write a file browser program
17:02:49  <andythenorth> so I could filter by roster, type etc
17:03:00  <andythenorth> sledgehammer, nut?
17:03:14  <Alberth> ls *hot*png  ?
17:03:19  <V453000> nut
17:06:59  <Alberth> not useful enough for the amount of work, usually
17:10:52  * andythenorth doesn’t bother
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17:32:30  <andythenorth> so will I use Busy Bee in my test game?
17:32:35  <andythenorth> or something else?
17:33:34  <Alberth> I was too busy with setting up a big coal move for a few years before arriving at BB
17:33:44  *** Myhorta [] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds]
17:34:17  <Alberth> my version seems to have many cases of nearby industry, which makes it less interesting
17:39:14  <andythenorth> of FIRS, or BB?
17:39:40  <Alberth> firs
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18:20:48  * andythenorth really should fix that
18:25:46  <andythenorth> Alberth: you want to write a conflict detector? o_
18:25:48  <andythenorth> o_O
18:26:09  <Alberth> you gave up on the algorithm? :)
18:27:04  <andythenorth> more like “didn’t start"
18:27:49  <Alberth> it's just comparing accepted cargos with provided of others, and provided cargo with accepted cargoes of others, right?
18:30:54  <Alberth> what's the catch?
18:32:12  <Alberth> ie that doesn't sound so complicated that you didn't consider it before
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18:34:14  <andythenorth> there’s no catch :)
18:34:18  <andythenorth> I just didn’t do it yet
18:35:19  <andythenorth> there is a small possibility that doing it 100% automatically (and therefore accurately) might slow down map gen, or lead to unplaceable industries
18:35:27  <andythenorth> currently it is very inaccurate :)
18:41:08  *** Myhorta [] has joined #openttd
18:42:26  <Alberth> :)
18:43:10  <Alberth> oh, I can have a look, tomorrow-ish?
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18:53:06  <andythenorth> that would be kind :)
18:53:29  <andythenorth> might be easier if I work out where to insert it to the templating, it will need a change of approach there
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21:27:38  <Wolf01> o/
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21:33:25  <Wolf01> oops... I did it again... found a rogue 8070 and purchased it
21:35:06  <Ketsuban> oh no
21:35:07  <Ketsuban>
21:35:15  <Ketsuban> NUTS has become sentient and is invading the real world
21:35:45  <Wolf01> :O
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21:40:53  <Alberth> I think it's a character from an children show where ships have adventures (3d animated)
21:41:13  <Wolf01> Tomas the tank cousin?
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21:56:28  <Alberth> it's not a thomas iirc, but I don't remember the name
21:56:31  <Alberth> gn
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23:19:51  <Wolf01> 'night
23:19:53  *** Wolf01 [] has quit [Quit: Once again the world is quick to bury me.]
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