Log for #openttd on 24th April 2016:
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00:08:01  *** AdmiralKew_ [~pcc31@] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds]
00:15:47  <drac_boy> going off for now :)
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02:59:41  *** Ethereal_Whisper [] has joined #openttd
03:00:43  <Ethereal_Whisper> I've decided I've had enough of Quassel
03:09:02  <Ethereal_Whisper> Totally random question; what's the advantage of using pre-signals over block signals? I do it anyway of course, I'm just curious as to why.
03:11:54  *** emma__ [~wircer@] has joined #openttd
03:12:02  <emma__> g
03:12:18  <Ethereal_Whisper> g
03:12:27  <Ethereal_Whisper> :P
03:12:39  <emma__> hello
03:13:01  <emma__> how are you?
03:13:48  <Ethereal_Whisper> Annoyed
03:14:51  <emma__> why?
03:14:57  <Ethereal_Whisper> The Chicago Blackhawks won
03:16:43  <emma__> that bad
03:17:04  <Ethereal_Whisper> Not necessarly; they beat the St. Louis Blues who I'm not necessarily a fan of. I'd just like them to get eliminated ASAP
03:18:54  <emma__> ah
03:20:21  <Eddi|zuHause> it's not like you have a Bayern MÃŒnchen who dominate every season
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03:20:59  <Ethereal_Whisper> Yeah. NHL has a hard salary cap, mandatory revenue sharting, and cash transfers are banned, so it helps with parity quite a bit
03:24:06  <Eddi|zuHause> but to answer your question: you should use path signals for every complex situation. we only have pre-signals around for legacy reasons, and they have very limited use cases that cannot really be covered with path signals, like priority lanes
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03:30:33  <Ethereal_Whisper> so would this be better as entry/entry and exit or is it fine to just use block signals there
03:34:50  <Eddi|zuHause> it'll be fine with just block signals, but with pre- and combo-signals you can make it so one line gets priority in a way that trains on the other line will wait for a large enough gap to not disrupt traffic
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03:38:22  <Ethereal_Whisper> Ok thanks :)
03:42:44  <ST2> screenshot is so small that your sings will work as good as any pre/pro/PBS or whatever you place there
03:42:57  <ST2> since not wrong faced
03:44:25  <ST2> unless Eddi|zuHause is on the game and can the the whole picture ^^
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03:45:46  <Ethereal_Whisper> Well, a friend wants to play a different game with me right now so I'll come back to it later
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03:56:46  *** glx [] has quit [Quit: Bye]
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08:12:09  <andythenorth> o/
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08:22:25  <Alberth> hi hi
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09:25:36  <Samu> hi
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09:48:13  <Samu> SetDParam(0, (_game_mode != GM_NORMAL || (_game_mode == GM_NORMAL && IsEditable((CompanyID)selected_slot) && (!Company::IsValidID(selected_slot) || Company::IsValidAiID(selected_slot) && Company::Get(selected_slot)->ai_instance->IsDead()))) ? STR_AI_CONFIG_CONFIGURE : STR_AI_DEBUG_SETTINGS);
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09:57:34  <Alberth> you don't think I am going to decipher that, right?
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09:58:03  <Alberth> o/
09:58:08  <Wolf01> o/
10:00:47  <Samu> sec, i post patch
10:01:04  <Samu> i mean, paste, not gonna post yet, not ready
10:02:50  <Samu>
10:03:05  <Samu> couldn't do better than this
10:05:03  <Alberth> if you break that line in 2  "bool b = ....;  SetDParemt(0, b ? ... : ...); "  would be better
10:05:15  <Alberth> but that's not the biggest problem
10:06:25  <Alberth> I have absolutely no idea what code you're hacking, or how that code works. It would cost me several hours to understand the code and then your patch
10:07:34  <Samu> yah, bools
10:09:15  <Samu> if in a normal game and selected slot is GS, have the button change text to "Settings"
10:09:26  <Samu> otherwise, "Configure"
10:09:35  <Samu> the other is a bit harder
10:10:38  <Samu> it is about finding a dead AI slot, if it finds one, say "Configure", if not, say "Settings"
10:10:52  <Alberth> why are you changing max companies values in a "change button text" patch?
10:13:57  <Samu> it's the continuation of what I was doing
10:14:06  <Samu> a week or 2 ago
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10:21:58  <Wolf01> anybody good with TCL?
10:22:31  <Alberth> I have no doubt about that, but you seem to be doing lots of different stuff, I don't follow that at all
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10:23:43  <Alberth> changing the text of a button should be around 10 lines of code probably a lot less, even
10:24:54  <Alberth> just making a big dump and adding a "?" isn't going to work, imho
10:25:50  <Alberth> Ha, I dropped TCL in favour of Python, around 20 years ago :p
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10:29:41  <Alberth> Samu:  simplify the change to as few lines as possible, just for changing the text.  Even just a partial patch eg just one condition to change the text suffices. Once you get the idea expanding the conditions or replicating the same thing 100 times is easy to do afterwards
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10:48:48  <Alberth> o/
10:57:31  <Samu> a patch for a patch
10:58:15  <frosch123> hoi
11:00:06  <Wolf01> o/
11:00:56  <Wolf01> Alberth, I found a problem in a tcl script (seen), it returns 0 for some nicks without any reason
11:02:23  <Wolf01> I suppose it's because the author used strings as lists, but other nicks with the same symbols work
11:03:41  <Alberth> in TCL everything is a string
11:04:13  <Alberth> the puzzle is always the order of evaluation, which you state with quotes
11:04:40  <Wolf01> yes, but if you use lindex for a string with {[(" it breaks
11:05:13  <Alberth> oh, could be, it has been some time :p
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11:05:50  <Alberth> but I got sick of the quote puzzle stuff, it gets messy at > 2 levels, so I dropped TCL when I found Python (1.5, at the time)
11:06:25  <Wolf01> I'm trying to replace some occurrencies with [lindex [split $string]] but seem to be worse :/
11:07:21  <Wolf01> also this stuff is a pita to debug, every time I must reload the bot
11:07:48  <Alberth> take out the offending lines, and run it as a separate tcl script?
11:08:16  <Wolf01> eheh, if only I can find the offending lines
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11:08:58  <Samu> I trimed the code just for string change, but this code alone makes little sense without the rest of it :(
11:09:12  <Wolf01> I figured out it should just be the part which prompts the result, because the reading goes well
11:09:21  <Wolf01> also the variables have the right values
11:10:37  <Samu> IsEditable has different rules in the original trunk version
11:10:55  <Alberth> Samu:  looks good enough, you change both the button text and the tool tip?
11:11:09  <Samu> i'd like to change the tooltip, i can't manage to do it
11:11:19  <Alberth> I would suggest only change the text now
11:12:08  <Alberth> also instead of a complicated boolean condition, just set it to one string in the switch , and test, then set it to the other string and test
11:12:27  <Alberth> if that works, you know the widget and the switch work
11:13:25  <Alberth> if that works, add a boolean with a simple case, instead of the zillion things you have now, and test if it switches
11:13:48  <Alberth> if it does, add more condition, test again, and so on until you have all cases
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11:14:23  <Alberth> don't do everything in one giant leap acros the sea if you can\t swim, take small steps
11:16:06  <Eddi|zuHause> oh, snow. how very april.
11:16:21  <Wolf01> rainy here ::/
11:16:43  <Wolf01> leave a pair of eyes..
11:16:52  <Eddi|zuHause> well, it stops being snow the instant it hits the ground :p
11:20:07  <argoneus> good morning train friends
11:21:38  <Eddi|zuHause> so many words wrong in that greeting. every time.
11:22:53  <Wolf01> the only right word is "train"
11:28:28  <Wolf01> fuck... it uses it's own variable for nick length, and it was set to 9, the nick was 11
11:29:08  <Wolf01> if {[string length $data] > $bs(nicksize)} {return 0} <- really meaningful :|
11:29:47  <Alberth> I always consider "train friend" the wrong part, mostly
11:30:13  <Samu> if (bla) SetDParam else SetDParam ?
11:30:52  <Alberth> ha, otherwise people would make too long nicks?   :)
11:31:23  <Wolf01> it was set for undernet which has a limit of 9 chars
11:32:49  <Samu> i have a hard time to understand your lingo
11:32:52  <Wolf01> I can't even understand why it doesn't use the global nick length set on the config
11:32:54  <Alberth> Samu: Your idea could work      SetDParam(.. , b ? X : Y) is good too, but limit length of a statement to 80-100 characters or so. If you need more, break it into more lines, so you can just read it without having t decipher pairs of parentheses from a big jumble of symbols
11:33:48  <Samu> I made this
11:34:02  <Alberth> it's the same idea as writing several short sentences on irc, instead of a long 1000 word text on one line
11:36:11  <Wolf01> now I should figure out how to maintain an index of the help sections for my script
11:36:41  <Alberth> Samu: first step is just unconditionally    SetDParam(0, STR_AI_CONFIG_CONFIGURE);
11:36:51  <Alberth> that should work
11:37:11  <Alberth> then  unconditionally SetDParam(0, STR_AI_DEBUG_SETTINGS);
11:37:16  <Alberth> that sohlud work too
11:37:59  <Samu> unconditionally means, without if?
11:38:34  <Alberth> yep
11:39:03  <Samu> oh, strange, that's confusing me, how would it check?
11:39:06  <Alberth> if things fail, simplify stuff out of the way, so you get a handle on where the problem actually is
11:39:19  <Alberth> rather than random guessing and trying
11:39:50  <Alberth> putting things together again afterwards is quite easy if all the pieces work
11:40:30  <Alberth> how would it check what ?
11:41:02  <Alberth> if you always set that string, it should show at the button, shouldn't it?
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11:41:40  <Alberth> if it doesn't something is wrong
11:42:04  <Samu> first step is SetDParam(0, STR_AI_CONFIG_CONFIGURE);
11:42:42  <Samu> what if it's not
11:44:10  <Samu> the problem is probably in the widget
11:44:18  <Alberth> then your SetDParam isn't working
11:44:18  <Samu> line 10
11:44:35  <Alberth> and not for example in the big condition or the if
11:45:07  <Alberth> more likely it's in the string texts
11:45:32  <Alberth> or you never reach "default" in the switch
11:46:13  <Alberth> ie the SetSParam is never executed
11:48:32  <Samu> STR_JUST_STRING
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11:51:07  <Samu> STR_JUST_STRING : {STRING}
11:52:00  <Samu> {STRING} changes to either STR_AI_CONFIG_CONFIGURE or STR_AI_DEBUG_SETTINGS
11:52:19  <Samu> i need a if to decide to what it changes
11:52:45  <Samu> if I don't put ifs there, where would I put them?
11:53:21  <Alberth> your code doesn't work right?
11:54:21  <Alberth> and you want to find out why
11:54:41  <Samu> partially works
11:54:46  <Alberth> one good strategy is to remove as much as you can, and try if it works
11:55:11  <Alberth> if it still does not work, the problem is in the code you still have
11:55:23  <Alberth> if it does work, the problem is in the code you removed
11:56:02  <Alberth> so by throwing some code away, and testing, you are one step closer to finding where the problem is exactly
11:56:44  <Samu> the conditions work
11:56:55  <Alberth> ok
11:57:08  <Samu> what i'd like to do however is to also do this for the TOOLTIP part
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11:57:44  <Alberth> as I said yesterday already, you cannot use string parameters for that
11:57:55  <Alberth> you have to change the string itself
11:58:05  <Alberth> inside the widget
11:58:39  <Samu> i tried, couldn't manage to do it, intellisense was complaining too much
11:59:18  <Alberth> that's a message I cannot help you with anything
11:59:51  <Alberth> "it does not work"  contains no clue whatsoever why or how or what
12:00:43  <Samu> the conditions work, it changes the button to "Configure" or "Settings". This part I tested. Sorry
12:01:08  <Samu> the tooltip is the hardest part, gonna try do something again
12:03:32  <Samu> "Configure" will have "Configure tooltip", "Settings" will have "Settings tooltip"
12:03:43  <Samu> this is what's missing
12:04:31  <Samu> sorry, lunch time, be back later with this
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13:00:09  <Wolf01> o/
13:03:38  <Samu> back
13:05:25  <Samu> @logs
13:05:25  <DorpsGek> Samu:
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13:12:00  <Samu>;a=blob;f=src/order_gui.cpp;h=3ca29e087ab1d931a6724843060a5d51e062e1c9;hb=HEAD#l934
13:22:39  <Samu> i can't do it as a parameter
13:22:56  <Samu> oninvalidate ?
13:23:47  <Alberth> tooltip gets handled directly by the generic mouse handling, the window is never used
13:24:07  <Alberth> aside from retrieving the widget you queried
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13:41:59  <Ethereal_Whisper> mfw I accidentally bulldoze an important line and create a traffic jam that lasts for 2 years
13:42:20  <Wolf01> reload the last autosave
13:43:04  <Ethereal_Whisper> I fixed it already, heh
13:43:04  <Alberth> repairing is much more fun :p
13:43:39  <Wolf01> You reminded me to repair that lone outpost near the biters nest
13:44:17  <Alberth> better check it's still there :)
13:45:00  <Alberth> but indeed, accidents happen when you modify things at or near a live transport line :)
13:45:01  <Wolf01> Oh, it is, don't worry, I have laser turrets now... upgraded to 3 (both damage and speed)
13:45:21  <Alberth> poor aliens :(
13:45:41  <Ethereal_Whisper> How do I remove just part of a station again? Control-Click with bulldozer?
13:46:00  <Alberth> select station building, then the bulldozer
13:46:24  <Alberth> click removes a tile iirc, ctl+click also the tracks
13:47:00  <Alberth> just bulldoze without the station build kills the station
13:47:12  <Alberth> or was that dynamite? don't remember
13:47:14  <Ethereal_Whisper> Thanks
13:47:20  <Eddi|zuHause> that was dynamite
13:47:33  <Eddi|zuHause> but i think it now leaves the tracks behind
13:47:36  <Ethereal_Whisper> Had a RoRo expansion go wrong, forgot to leave room for a block signal in front of it
13:47:49  <Alberth> so just bulldozer doesn't do anything with stations?
13:48:01  <Ethereal_Whisper> It bulldozes the entire station
13:48:12  <Eddi|zuHause> bulldozer is always used with another tool
13:48:15  <Ethereal_Whisper> Bad idea if you just want to modify one of the platforms
13:48:15  <Alberth> ah right, as I remembered
13:48:23  <Eddi|zuHause> cannot be activated alone
13:48:37  <Alberth> ah, could be
13:49:00  <Alberth> I always use the keyboard, hardly ever look at the construction bar
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14:09:16  <Samu> holy crap i think i did it
14:10:48  <Samu>
14:10:55  <Samu> got this working somehow
14:11:22  <Samu> I set it on OnInvalidateData instead of SetStringParameters
14:14:27  <Samu> i got to simplify that bool
14:14:57  <Alberth> sure, SetDataTip works
14:22:52  <Samu> will have to simplify that, must think
14:23:20  <Samu> how do i patch my patch?
14:23:24  <Samu> if that is possible
14:24:18  <Samu> it only lets me select a folder to apply a patch, not a patch
14:24:23  <Samu> ;\
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14:25:04  <Samu> bah, i'll edit by hand
14:27:27  <Alberth> there are patch utils to operate on patch files, but even for linux, they are not installed by default, so pretty niche
14:28:35  <Alberth> standard solution is to apply both patches after each other on the same set of files, then ask for the diff of that folder relative to the unmodified version
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14:33:49  <Ethereal_Whisper> Why the hell is my 8-track RoRo station so congested
14:35:14  <FLHerne> Ethereal_Whisper: Screenshots?
14:35:28  <Ethereal_Whisper> I just blew it up. Going to completely redesign it
14:35:56  <FLHerne> If the exit layout causes trains to wait for each other too much, you get already-full trains standing in the platforms, which kills throughput
14:38:57  <FLHerne> Make sure you have standing room after each platform before the merge, because some waiting is inevitable
14:39:22  <Ethereal_Whisper> this is the space I'm working with and load balancing
14:40:11  <Ethereal_Whisper> Far right platform is part of an S-bahn single-track point-to-point, don't mind it
14:40:27  <Ethereal_Whisper> I think I'm going to just delete that line
14:41:15  <Alberth> those pieces of track seem pretty useless unless you have very short trains
14:41:25  <Ethereal_Whisper> Train length is 3.0
14:41:47  <Eddi|zuHause> i know why your trains get stuck. the tracks are not connected to anything.
14:42:37  <Alberth> better use all space after the platform instead of twice not doing much imho
14:43:21  <Alberth> 1 tile signal, 3 tiles train, 1 tile signal, and a turn/merge
14:43:27  <Ethereal_Whisper> Eddi|zuHause, lol
14:44:14  <Eddi|zuHause> no, but seriously. build the whole thing, send the trains in there, and then show us a picture with the trains
14:44:48  <Eddi|zuHause> THEN maybe we can tell you where your bottleneck is
14:44:54  <Ethereal_Whisper> I've got a shit ton of exit space if I build long exits... I think I dare to blow up some of the city for the sake of efficiency. It'll re-grow
14:46:08  <Alberth> yep, TIAS is a good strategy in these things :)
14:47:01  <Eddi|zuHause> also, split/join your lines in stages, like 1-2 <trainlength> 2-4 <trainlength> 4-8 <platform>, or 1-3 <trainlength> 3-9 <platform>
14:47:30  <Eddi|zuHause> same backwards
14:48:32  <Eddi|zuHause> that way, trains which are not at full speed yet will not block each other so much
14:53:36  <Samu> what's the difference between INVALID_OWNER and INVALID_COMPANY?
14:54:10  <Alberth> there are more owners than companies
14:54:33  <Ethereal_Whisper> Alright, I got a design down
14:54:59  <Samu> INVALID_OWNER   = 0xFF, ///< An invalid owner
14:55:08  <Samu> INVALID_COMPANY = 0xFF, ///< An invalid company
14:55:16  <Alberth> any INVALID_XXX is 0xFF
14:58:00  <Samu> ok, gonna use INVALID_COMPANY
15:01:00  <Ethereal_Whisper> that's the redesign
15:01:05  <Ethereal_Whisper> I think I messed something up still
15:05:11  <Ethereal_Whisper> Split the entrance lines
15:06:04  <Eddi|zuHause> no point in merging two unrelated lines only to split them apart a tile later
15:06:22  <Eddi|zuHause> make two separate entrances/exits for each line
15:07:45  <Ethereal_Whisper> That's what I did. Splits into lines A and B, line A uses platforms 1-4, line B uses platforms 5-8
15:10:13  <Ethereal_Whisper> For reference, 52 trains are serving it
15:10:48  <Eddi|zuHause> that's a pretty meaningless number
15:23:47  <Ethereal_Whisper> Oh hey, the congestion has cleared
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15:37:59  <Samu> i really need a GS script that dies
15:38:14  <Samu> for my testings
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16:18:14  <V453000> hm musa says you must pass a configuration file
16:18:16  <V453000> but I believe I do
16:18:34  <V453000> esp weird because it always used to work
16:20:56  <V453000>
16:21:01  <Rubidium> missing space, space too many, wrong working directory?
16:21:17  <V453000> it is called from the same directory where the config is
16:21:22  <Rubidium> tab instead of space?
16:21:42  <Rubidium> .cfg instead of .ini?
16:21:56  <V453000> are spaces, is ini
16:23:46  <Samu> i'm slightly confused. CompanyID can accept OWNER_DEITY?
16:24:24  <Samu> or only 0-14?
16:25:31  <V453000> should I try to give musa absolute paths?
16:25:48  <V453000> sounds majorly bs, since it used to work earlier
16:26:04  <V453000> on a different machine, I wonder if win10 can fuck this up as well
16:28:36  <Samu> explain me this thing
16:28:38  <Samu> template <> struct EnumPropsT<Owner> : MakeEnumPropsT<Owner, byte, OWNER_BEGIN, OWNER_END, INVALID_OWNER> {};
16:28:57  <Samu> OWNER_BEGIN is = 0x00
16:29:05  <Samu> OWNER_END is = 0x13
16:29:24  <Samu> OWNER_DEITY is = 0x12
16:29:48  <Samu> can i use CompanyID to refer to a game script, even though it's not really a company?
16:29:58  <Samu> game script uses OWNER_DEITY
16:31:14  <Samu> INVALID_OWNER is = 0xFF
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16:33:35  <Samu> erm, i'll ask this some other way
16:34:42  <Samu> if i know beforehand that selected_slot is OWNER_DEITY, which one is better correct? IsEditable(this->selected_slot) or IsEditable((CompanyID)selected_slot)
16:34:58  <Samu> or there is no difference?
16:34:58  <V453000> nice, now musa broke completely
16:35:23  <frosch123> since when can you run ".py" files on win?
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16:35:51  <V453000> I have python installed so it should?
16:36:00  <V453000> I run python files at work as well on windoze
16:36:00  <Samu> halp, someone
16:36:18  <frosch123> wouldn't you need to run "c:\xxx\python.exe -c ..."
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16:36:30  <V453000> this folder of musa absolutely did work earlier
16:36:40  <V453000> I just copied the folder, replaced the grf, readme and changelog
16:36:43  <V453000> and it doesn't
16:36:54  <frosch123> well, the error is about not even detecting the "-c"
16:36:57  <V453000> I guess
16:37:16  <frosch123> maybe it's no proper "-", but a ­"—" :p
16:37:28  <V453000> I didn't change it, it worked before
16:44:57  <Wolf01> I remember some weird behavior with python when we were trying tools for css compression/minification/obfuscation
16:45:39  <V453000> idk I will just wire up my desktop and try it there
16:45:48  <V453000> I can't be arsed spending an evening with some technical bullshit just to upload a grf
16:50:30  <Samu> I just dissected that bool code line:
16:50:38  <Samu> Alberth:
16:50:48  <Samu> now how to simplify
16:52:02  <Alberth> usually, assign a part of the condition onto a boolean variable, and use that variable in computing the final answer
16:52:38  <Alberth> where you generally avoid computing the same condition more than once
16:52:51  <Wolf01> V453000 iirc our errors are due to the different python versions installed, 2.0.x vs 2.2.x vs 2.3.x ... vs 3.x
16:53:24  <Alberth> 2.3  :O
16:53:39  <Samu> oops ValidAiID is not correct, brb
16:54:33  <Wolf01> we had some script which needed to run with 2.2.3, some others with ~2.5 others >2.6
16:54:40  <Wolf01> and it was really a mess
16:55:04  <Samu>
16:56:38  <Wolf01> oh, the sun, nice... too bad it is going to sleep now
16:57:05  <Samu> oki, will try
17:00:21  <V453000> yeah
17:00:35  <V453000> well I had python 2.7
17:01:01  <V453000> which I also have on teh desktop
17:01:13  <V453000> desktop also has some weird python35-32
17:02:06  *** TrueBrain [] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds]
17:02:17  <Alberth> python 3.5, 32 bit?
17:02:42  <V453000> oh
17:02:43  <V453000> :)
17:02:51  <Alberth> newer nmls require python 3
17:06:34  <V453000> nice I apparently reinstalled windows on the desktop since I last used musa as well
17:06:39  <V453000> at least this is win7
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17:10:36  <andythenorth> V453000: you need some web service that will run musa for you :P
17:10:46  <andythenorth> and a tool to upload your grf to that :P
17:10:50  <V453000> yes
17:10:54  <V453000> gg
17:11:13  <V453000> anything that "just works"
17:11:24  <V453000> idiot-proofly
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17:15:12  <V453000> uploading :D
17:15:16  <V453000> for some weird reason here it works
17:15:21  <V453000> might juts require python35
17:15:56  <V453000> forum post says 2.6+ though
17:20:40  <Samu> it can't get any smaller than this if (_game_mode == GM_NORMAL && this->selected_slot != INVALID_COMPANY && IsEditable(this->selected_slot) && (this->selected_slot == OWNER_DEITY) || (Company::IsValidAiID(selected_slot) && Company::Get(selected_slot)->ai_instance->IsDead()))
17:20:59  <Samu> t.t
17:21:59  <Samu> oops typo at the last check
17:22:11  <Samu> *!Company::Get
17:23:34  <V453000>
17:23:37  <V453000> progress! :D
17:23:39  <V453000> another error
17:23:49  <V453000> oh a wild TrueBrain appeared :)
17:24:23  <Samu> more bools?
17:24:47  <V453000> Samu: is anybody in this channel even communicating with you?
17:24:54  <Samu> yes
17:25:00  <V453000> sorry but, wall of text whenever I join
17:25:43  <Alberth> well, you seem obsessed with having one huuuuuge statement
17:25:47  <V453000> did bananas just crash?
17:26:14  <V453000> no
17:27:21  <Alberth> it's exactly 107MB
17:28:05  <Alberth> hmm, 544768 bytes off
17:28:53  <Samu> i'm trying to make some bools, but ... hmm
17:29:05  <V453000> no when I try it again, it doesn't even progress after confirming that I am one of the authors
17:29:07  <Samu> either the bool is big, or the if is big
17:29:19  <Samu> no matter what, something big will stand
17:29:28  <Samu> :8
17:29:42  <Alberth> you can make more than one boolean :p
17:33:37  <Wolf01> bbl
17:33:40  *** Wolf01 [] has quit [Quit: Once again the world is quick to bury me.]
17:36:09  <V453000> shit's borked
17:36:17  <V453000> I guess I can only try tomorrow
17:36:56  <V453000>
17:37:02  <V453000> waitinggg
17:37:19  <V453000> for 10 minutes already actually ... now I restarted it
17:45:06  <frosch123> TrueBrain: did V crash musad? :p
17:51:19  <Samu> what a great mess of bools
17:51:39  *** Quatroking [] has quit [Read error: No route to host]
17:51:45  <V453000> something certainly seems very wrong with musa
17:51:48  <Samu>
17:51:52  <V453000> and this time it looks like it isnt on my side XD
17:53:04  <Samu> what's the difference between this->selected_slot and selected_slot ?
17:53:11  <TrueBrain> 6 letters
17:53:15  <Samu> :(
17:53:15  <TrueBrain> frosch123: make him stop doing it!
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17:53:50  <V453000> TrueBrain: I have just let musa run :D
17:53:55  <V453000> not doing anything until poked
17:54:25  <Samu> if i can remove this-> i can spare 6 characters
17:54:30  <TrueBrain> member_descriptor object is not callable
17:54:35  <TrueBrain> my last error
17:54:41  <TrueBrain> but someone forgot to add timestamps
17:54:42  <TrueBrain> so meh
17:55:01  <TrueBrain> in SSLSocket
17:55:19  <TrueBrain> no SSL validation errors too
17:55:56  <TrueBrain> V453000: all I can see you are not talking SSL with musad ... for one reason or the other
17:56:10  <frosch123> TrueBrain: <- that is dated to about 19:35 or so
17:56:15  <TrueBrain> frosch123: best to ask Rb for details; I can only see musad is up and running
17:56:42  <TrueBrain> and I have a small error log, with no timestamps
17:57:02  <TrueBrain> there I can see SSL connections fails a few times, some person tried to upload the same content 3 times in a row, and that is about it :D
17:57:21  <V453000> who could have it been :D
17:57:28  <V453000> <-
17:57:58  <frosch123> maybey some out-dated ssl version, that has been proven insecure, and is rejected by the server
17:58:09  <frosch123> but V's substandard OS still runs it?
17:58:31  <V453000> ._.
17:58:55  <TrueBrain> I do still see 2 active connections to musad
18:00:04  <V453000> that might be the 2 attempts where my musa didn't progress after I confirmed that I am one of the original authors
18:00:24  <V453000> closed it now
18:00:34  <TrueBrain> guess you are not that IP :P
18:00:43  <TrueBrain> as those 2 connections are still open, and very recent
18:01:15  <V453000> k XD
18:01:21  <TrueBrain> I am sorry, I am not of much help any further .. musad is up and running, and not producing backtraces I can work with
18:01:35  <TrueBrain> only errors are duplicated md5s, and SSL errors
18:01:39  <V453000> sooo I should terrorize Rubidium? :D
18:02:03  <TrueBrain> duplicated MD5s are user-problems, SSL Errors .. no clue where to start :D
18:02:15  <TrueBrain> frosch123: it is more likely the server is outdated tbh
18:02:24  <TrueBrain> possibly the certificate expired? I dont know if that is validated
18:03:07  <frosch123> did it print an md5 at least? :p
18:03:14  <TrueBrain> nope
18:03:22  <TrueBrain> the errorlogging is seriously very poor
18:05:02  *** supermop [] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds]
18:05:59  <Samu> OnInvalidateData is becoming a serious pile of bools :(
18:07:31  <Samu> tada!
18:17:55  <Alberth> organize by slot number?
18:18:26  <Alberth> inserting newlines may also work
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18:29:39  <Samu> switch/case?
18:29:56  <Samu> what are newlines
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18:56:54  <Samu>
18:57:17  <Samu> less bools, or just scattered
18:57:26  <Samu> wondering if it still works
18:59:53  <Alberth> just get much better no matter what you do, I think
19:00:07  <Alberth> *doesn't get much better
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19:12:08  <V453000> Musa seems sad :(
19:12:19  <V453000> Hopefull it works tomorrow
19:12:21  <V453000> Gnight
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20:05:47  <Samu> I think I can get rid of IsEditable
20:10:54  *** Progman [] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
20:24:11  <Samu> I also think I can get rid of (CompanyID)
20:25:39  <Samu> nope, cannot
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20:27:01  <Samu> can't simplify this any further !IsEditable((CompanyID)(this->selected_slot - 1))
20:27:59  *** Arveen [] has quit [Quit: Nettalk6 -]
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20:43:33  <Samu>
20:43:46  <Samu> can't get any better than this
20:44:01  <Samu> can't remove any more code
20:44:47  <Samu> I hope the order of bool checking is from left to right
20:44:52  <Samu> and not random
20:45:03  <Samu> else this code will fail
20:47:02  <Samu> this || that || maybe_that || or_that - does is makes the checking from left to right?
20:47:15  <Samu> does it*
20:49:00  <Samu> if "this" is false, check "that", if "that" fails, check "maybe_that", and if "maybe_that" fails, check "or_that"
20:49:20  <Samu> anyone knows?
20:51:34  <Samu> if there's a IsEditable in "maybe_that" and it fails, I am working with the assumption of the opposite for "or_that", so I won't have to have an IsEditable in "or_that" - is my thinking correct?
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21:51:05  <Samu> is this good british english? The AIs that are currently loaded or that will be loaded next time they start on these Company IDs
21:51:14  <Samu> it's for a tooltip
21:52:20  <Samu> and another, british english: The Game Script that is loaded or will be loaded in the next game
21:56:36  <Samu> "The AIs that are currently loaded or will be loaded next time they start on these Company IDs while in a game"
21:57:00  <Samu> bah, my english :/
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22:46:18  * drac_boy throws a water balloon at flygon simply because winter's almost gone now finally? :P
22:46:24  <drac_boy> hehe... :)
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22:54:07  <drac_boy> hows supermop?
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23:20:46  <Eddi|zuHause> winter is coming.
23:21:19  <Eddi|zuHause> it also snowed today.
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23:25:21  <drac_boy> so whats you up to atm?
23:28:26  <Samu> bed
23:28:28  <Samu> soon
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23:30:56  <Eddi|zuHause> finding out why my system randomly freezes so often lately. like in the order of once per day
23:35:31  <drac_boy> hm, not much fun there I imagine :-s
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23:49:54  <Samu> topic edited.
23:50:04  <Samu> now i'm off to bed, cyas good night
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