Log for #openttd on 7th July 2016:
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00:05:19  *** Hiddenfunstuff [] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds]
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01:02:01  *** JezK_ [~jez@2407:7800:400:107f:3db5:daca:8457:e66a] has joined #openttd
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01:35:02  *** pereba [~adiirc@2804:7f2:80:115d:5c13:6e44:4de3:5c72] has joined #openttd
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08:00:03  *** JezK_ [~jez@2407:7800:400:107f:3db5:daca:8457:e66a] has quit [Quit: :q!]
08:02:55  *** zeknurn [] has joined #openttd
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08:48:14  *** Wolf01 [] has joined #openttd
08:48:58  <Wolf01> o/
08:51:26  <V453000> dear customer, your shipment has been shipped, please send us 100000$ for the slug USBs you requested
08:55:18  <Wolf01> shipped to which address? :D
08:55:28  <V453000> all of htem
08:56:15  <V453000> :)
08:56:36  <Wolf01> \o/ purchased the baseset in the usb-slug for the entire world
08:56:44  <Wolf01> hell yesh
08:56:48  <Wolf01> *yeah
08:57:22  <Wolf01> now, bigger containers
08:57:57  <Wolf01> a 3x3 crate would be really useful
08:58:10  <V453000> why though
08:58:17  <V453000> it's not like the wagon is already a gigantic hack
08:58:36  <Wolf01> mmmh, good point, I could use wagons
08:59:04  <Wolf01> or the car... cars everywhere
08:59:12  <V453000> yep or even that
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09:01:42  <V453000> it's not like using bots is already trivial
09:01:57  <V453000> simplifying crafing by putting large chests everywhere is even worse
09:03:52  <Wolf01> I use a lot of storage for iron/copper plates
09:04:28  <V453000> well normal chests already have absurd capacity
09:04:41  <V453000> or you can of course have bigger chest arrays if you need to go even moar absurd :)
09:04:53  <peter1138> why do those bases have mouths?
09:05:09  <V453000> haha
09:05:27  <V453000> they crush/pulverize some ores
09:05:39  <Wolf01> I do with chests array, a row of chests, a row of inserters, another row of chests and so on
09:05:55  <Wolf01> but I think it's better with wagons
09:06:12  <V453000> wagons have way less capacity
09:06:20  <V453000> even individually, not mentioning per tile
09:06:43  <Wolf01> but I can move wagons
09:07:04  <Wolf01> and place 65535 of them
09:07:09  <Wolf01> connected
09:07:19  <V453000> you can yes
09:07:22  <V453000> xD
09:07:24  <Wolf01> with 200 engines
09:09:15  <Wolf01> electric engines! steam engines! and real diesel engines running on [crude|heavy|light]oil
09:09:30  <V453000> meh
09:12:43  <Wolf01> why not? more thing to produce, isn't the base idea of the game to produce things?
09:13:17  <Wolf01> also you add more researches
09:13:30  <Wolf01> because you start with a boiler on wheels
09:14:27  <Wolf01> and you need more time to get a fast and powerful engine
09:15:09  <V453000> well, also think about video memory
09:15:25  <V453000> locomotive is like 10% of the game's requirements
09:15:40  <V453000> 256 rotations and basically 8x2 entity
09:16:03  <V453000> but even if that wasn't the case, I don't consider it a priority
09:16:30  <Wolf01> aren't 640Kb enough for everybody?
09:17:23  <V453000> lol
09:18:15  <Wolf01> we have 8GB video cards now, also the boiler engine could be 3x2 and just allow to carry one wagon
09:18:38  <V453000> "we" do, but many people don't
09:18:52  <V453000> and limits to amount of wagons carried is bad restriction
09:19:01  <V453000> yes the engine can be weak to reasonably haul only 1
09:19:14  <Wolf01> put 2 engines and haul 2
09:19:38  <Wolf01> or 1.5 per engine, so 2 engines allow 3
09:20:08  <V453000> make a mod :)
09:20:25  <Wolf01> I was already thinking about it
09:21:01  <Wolf01> but I really don't know if is possible to power an engine from the electric poles
09:38:23  *** innocenat [sid8070@2604:8300:100:200b:6667:2:0:1f86] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
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10:33:51  *** Samu [] has joined #openttd
10:33:54  <Samu> hi
10:35:14  <Samu> 2013, 2041, 2029
10:37:47  *** zeknurn [] has joined #openttd
10:38:07  <Samu> 10 years till 2051, aka 2 days
10:50:02  <argoneus> good morning
10:50:04  <argoneus> my train friends
10:50:17  <argoneus> how's everyone doing?
10:53:08  *** NoShlomo [~NoShlomo@] has joined #openttd
10:58:45  <Wolf01> meh, trying to build one last thing before the exposition of this weekend, I'm running out of ideas
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13:10:49  <Samu> 2014, 2042, 2031
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14:20:54  <Eddi|zuHause> build a space elevator
14:21:29  <Wolf01> I built a 4D simulator
14:22:09  <Wolf01> <-
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15:08:31  <Wolf01> o/
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15:12:36  <Alberth> hi hi
15:12:53  <supermop> hi Alberth
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16:03:18  <Samu> 2015, 2044, 2033
16:04:36  <Alberth> hmm, your sums get more complicated
16:04:56  <Alberth> 6092
16:06:46  *** milda is now known as NGC3982
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16:40:56  <Wolf01> o/
16:43:46  <frosch123> hoin
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16:45:28  *** NGC3982 [] has joined #openttd
16:51:12  <NGC3982> Is there a way for me to start the dedicated server with a specific autosave?
16:51:40  <NGC3982> I want to protect the server from accidental reboots
16:52:10  <NGC3982> It's not hard to reload the server, but i do not know how to reload the <last saved state> of a specific server.
16:52:30  <NGC3982> With that said, i usually start my servers with individual screens running -c option and <ttdX.cfg>
16:59:56  <frosch123> you can pass a savegame via -g
17:00:06  <frosch123> but you need some shellscript to discover which one is the latest
17:02:11  <NGC3982> I see.
17:02:31  <NGC3982> Can i choose the save-file name with openttd itself?
17:03:14  <NGC3982> If each instance of openttd autosaved to game1.autosave that would make my day. :-p
17:03:26  <Alberth> 'test' command can compare file time stamps
17:03:55  <Alberth> ls -1t *.sav | head -1   ?
17:08:39  <Taede> NGC3982, have a look at ofs-scripts
17:08:51  <Taede> they are meant to be used by soap, but will also function standalone
17:09:05  <Taede> ofs-start is set to start openttd using the latest autosave
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17:14:48  <NGC3982> I see.
17:15:01  <NGC3982> I was just about to try out Soap (Suds) again.
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17:56:11  <NGC3982> Taede: I managed to get suds working with four different clients (four supybots doing four servers with each using a different admin port). Text from the servers end up on IRC, but text on IRC does not end up on the servers.
17:56:19  <NGC3982> Something tells me this is an issue i have experienced earlier.
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18:15:08  <NGC3982> That one solved itself.
18:15:15  <NGC3982> Next issue is to autostart the servers..
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18:22:22  <Samu> 2016, 2045, 2034
18:22:59  *** andythenorth [] has joined #openttd
18:23:11  <Wolf01> o/
18:23:16  <andythenorth> o/
18:26:02  <frosch123> earlier i was looking at heqs source while looking for an example
18:26:09  <frosch123> then i discovered that it is written in nfo
18:27:43  <Eddi|zuHause> i suppose it never was ported like FIRS
18:28:06  <frosch123> oh right, first was also nfo once
18:28:09  <frosch123> now it is python
18:28:48  <frosch123> i barely remember the pre-nml times :)
18:30:32  <andythenorth> FIRS was auto converted :)
18:30:37  <andythenorth> yexo wrote some magic
18:30:47  <andythenorth> then some other people split the result into templates
18:32:13  * andythenorth wonders how many loading states are needed
18:32:22  <andythenorth> for piece goods
18:38:04  <Eddi|zuHause> i'd say 3, but split the "not quite full" one over several, so the "full" one only shows when it's actually full
18:39:12  <Eddi|zuHause> so like: 1, 2, 2, 2, 3
18:41:03  <Eddi|zuHause> so 1 shows 0-16% loaded, 2 shows 17-83% loaded and 3 shows 84-100% loaded
18:42:37  <andythenorth> I wondered
18:42:45  <andythenorth> I had one
18:42:48  <andythenorth> for loading
18:43:05  <andythenorth> but because I’m automating it now, I could add more :P
18:43:38  <Eddi|zuHause> more not really necessary
18:43:53  <andythenorth> there s a weird case with coils
18:43:56  <andythenorth> or crates
18:44:09  <andythenorth> I can draw 50% of a stack of logs, but not 50% of a crate :P
18:44:51  <Eddi|zuHause> well, have two crates for "full"
18:45:59  <frosch123> maybe we need to split the "capacity" property into two:: max_capacity_station, max_capacity_low_bridge
18:46:03  <andythenorth> ha ha
18:46:08  <andythenorth> also, either my switch is wrong
18:46:25  <andythenorth> or vehicles in articulated RV consist load all cargo at once
18:47:57  <andythenorth> var[0x61, 0, 0x0000FFFF, 0xBC]*100/var[0x61, 0, 0x0000FFFF, 0xBA]
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18:48:06  <andythenorth> I suspect that’s reading the lead vehicle’s cargo
18:52:30  * andythenorth tries to figure out from the spec what it’s doing :P
18:53:43  <frosch123> it reads the vehicle cargo yes,
18:54:02  <frosch123> however "which vehicle" is set earlier into register 10F or something
18:57:37  <andythenorth> hmm
18:57:45  <andythenorth> does nml magic that for me?
18:57:49  <andythenorth> I can’t see a register being set
18:58:31  <frosch123> no, your code must have some STORE_TEMP
18:58:56  <andythenorth> or it’s broken :P
18:59:54  <frosch123> well, there days the registers are reset to zero before each callback
19:00:33  <frosch123> earlier they were left unchanged between callback, which broke random grfs when other grfs were present
19:01:03  <frosch123> s/earlier/in the past/
19:03:21  *** FLHerne [] has quit [Quit: There's a real world out here!]
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19:07:51  <andythenorth> only one STORE_TEMP in road hog codebase
19:07:55  <andythenorth> and not the right one :P
19:08:03  <andythenorth> so that switch is looking at bad data?
19:08:27  <frosch123> in theory :)
19:08:38  <andythenorth> it’s copied from Iron Horse which has the crazy 3-part pseudo vehicle thing
19:08:46  <frosch123> but it actually defaults to "same vehicle"
19:09:00  <andythenorth> I’m not sure I even need it
19:09:12  <andythenorth> all I want is ‘cargo loaded’ and ‘cargo capacity’
19:10:42  <frosch123> you can get that easier with "cargo_count * 100 / cargo_capacity"
19:11:21  <Eddi|zuHause> that's probably a line i gave you from CETS
19:11:43  <frosch123> Eddi|zuHause: from oberhÃŒmer? :p
19:11:48  <Eddi|zuHause> lmao :p
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19:12:10  <andythenorth> afaik, it works in IH
19:12:17  <andythenorth> but I might stuff the register appropriately there
19:15:29  <Eddi|zuHause> the line in CETS reads: slice_var = "[STORE_TEMP(%d, 0x10F), var[0x61, 0, 0x0000FFFF, %s]*100/var[0x61, 0, 0x0000FFFF, %s]]"%(veh_slice, "0xBC", "0xBA")
19:15:47  <Eddi|zuHause> so it includes the STORE_TEMP
19:17:31  <andythenorth> yes, Iron Horse has that too
19:17:45  <andythenorth> ok thanks
19:18:23  <andythenorth> ah, but still, all units of an articulated RV load cargo simultaneously
19:18:33  <Eddi|zuHause> if you don't need the 3-part vehicles, you can leave all that stuff out, and use the action2 loading stages
19:19:16  <frosch123> andythenorth: you only need the 10F/61 thing, if some parts have zero capacity
19:19:42  <frosch123> or maybe if you need to sync the graphics of multiple parts
19:19:49  <andythenorth> it’s both in IH
19:19:52  <andythenorth> neither apply to RH
19:23:49  <andythenorth> ho, I could probably make vehicles load sequentially in newgrf :P
19:23:54  <andythenorth> TMWFTLB?
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19:28:45  <frosch123> less work than drawing more loading stage sprites?
19:30:41  <andythenorth> I could patch openttd? o_O
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19:31:17  <frosch123> ottd already loads from front to back
19:31:28  <frosch123> unless there is enough cargo to load vehicles in parallel
19:32:28  <frosch123> andythenorth: you can also move the threshold for the loading stage
19:32:35  <andythenorth> hmm
19:32:47  <frosch123> first vehicle: 20% = full. second vehicle: 40% = full, ...
19:32:52  <andythenorth> oic
19:32:55  <andythenorth> yes I could
19:33:04  <andythenorth> I moved the thresholds already, 1%-99% = loading
19:33:14  <andythenorth> I _could_ adjust that
19:33:33  <frosch123> randomise it :)
19:34:28  <andythenorth> :P
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19:37:48  <andythenorth> so first vehicle 0-50% loading
19:37:58  <andythenorth> second vehicle 50%-99%
19:37:59  <andythenorth> or so
19:39:59  * andythenorth does evil
19:40:45  <Eddi|zuHause> you could just put all the capacity in the front vehicle, then use var 61
19:43:02  <andythenorth> yes
19:43:16  <andythenorth> ach, that reminds me, articulated trucks already move capacity around :P
19:43:36  * andythenorth does not fix sequential loading, will have odd results for articulated trucks
19:46:14  *** Leanden [] has joined #openttd
19:46:46  <Leanden> Is there a callback in NML where you can change capacity based on which cargo is chosen for refit?
19:47:02  <andythenorth> Leanden: I just pasted the answer in forums thread
19:47:14  <andythenorth> it shows classes, but you could change to labels, bit more work
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19:48:22  <Leanden> thanks
19:49:01  <Leanden> what do i replace the bitmask with to call by a particular label?
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19:51:19  <andythenorth> which label?
19:51:53  <Leanden> "it shows classes, but you could change to labels,"
19:52:12  <andythenorth> yeah, I’m looking if I have an example of that
19:52:16  <andythenorth> I don’t :)
19:52:26  <andythenorth> classes are probably safer actually
19:52:53  <Leanden> naaaa :P
19:53:17  <Leanden> im going to do it by labels because im a cool guys :D
19:53:27  <andythenorth> you might have to split into multiple switches
19:53:37  * andythenorth thinking
19:54:21  <andythenorth> ok you shouldn’t need a bitmask for labels
19:54:48  <andythenorth>
19:55:14  <Leanden> cargo_type_in_veh?
19:55:20  <andythenorth> yup
19:55:27  <andythenorth> then just check the label directly
19:55:28  <Leanden> oh haha :D
19:55:30  <andythenorth> and return the amount
19:55:41  <andythenorth> ‘watch out for tourists'
19:56:44  <Leanden> tourists?
19:57:20  <Leanden> that worked a treat
19:57:22  <Leanden> thanks andy :)
19:59:10  <Eddi|zuHause> Leanden: thing about cargo labels is you will never catch every label, since people make new ones all the time
20:00:48  <Leanden> Thats ok
20:01:12  <Leanden> this is for a very particular train that has only ever carried Wood
20:01:39  <Leanden> but i wanted to be able to refit it to either carry wood or carry no cargo at all.
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20:03:42  <Leanden> Thanks guys
20:05:25  <andythenorth> Leanden: let it carry engineering supplies ;)
20:05:26  <Eddi|zuHause> you're better off having two refit subtypes for wood there: Wood (20t) and Wood (0t), instead of the other cargos
20:05:42  <Eddi|zuHause> you're only going to confuse AIs with 0 capacity vehicles
20:10:35  <Leanden> they are disabled for AIs anyway. eye candy trains.
20:10:49  *** frosch123 [] has quit [Quit: be yourself, except: if you have the opportunity to be a unicorn, then be a unicorn]
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20:21:53  <andythenorth> hmm
20:22:00  <andythenorth> silly single-piece cargos :P
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22:19:22  <Samu> 2017, 2046, 2036
22:23:22  <Wolf01> 'night
22:23:24  *** Wolf01 [] has quit [Quit: Once again the world is quick to bury me.]
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22:31:28  *** Gja [] has quit [Quit: Going offline, see ya! (]
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23:59:34  <Samu> 2017, 2047, 2037
23:59:39  <Samu> almost there

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