Log for #openttd on 8th December 2016:
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18:17:20  <Alberth> qual
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19:05:39  <Alberth> o/
19:06:13  <frosch123> anyone still uses autoreplace?
19:06:31  <frosch123> anyone using autoreplace with multiple railtypes?
19:06:46  <Alberth> if the need arises
19:06:59  <andythenorth> autoreplace or autorenew? o_O
19:07:03  <Alberth> usually NUTS trains or so
19:07:04  <frosch123> replace
19:07:16  <andythenorth> I use replace every game, unless I get bored before new vehicles arrive
19:07:36  <andythenorth> I am always amazed how much it does
19:07:56  <andythenorth> it has some really thoughtful aspects
19:07:58  <Alberth> needs new engine every year :p
19:08:19  <andythenorth> frosch123: what’s the underlying question? o_O
19:08:51  <Alberth> random guess: NRT breaks stuff :p
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19:10:17  <andythenorth> I use it with multiple railtypes
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19:15:45  <frosch123> <- i suggest to change the windowlayou to something like that
19:15:57  <frosch123> adding an option "all types" to the railtype dropdown
19:16:10  <frosch123> and turning the wagon button into a combobox "engines", "wagon", "both"
19:16:29  <frosch123> then use a similar gui (but without the wagon thingie) for nrt
19:17:04  <andythenorth> what problem have you run into that needs a change? :)
19:17:57  <frosch123> the separation by rail/road type seems very weird to me
19:18:05  <frosch123> i think a filter is ok, but it needs an "all" option
19:18:17  <frosch123> and while changing that, i think the boxes make more sense at the top
19:22:41  <frosch123> the separation made sense when there was rail, mono and maglev
19:23:03  <frosch123> but already with elrail it appeared weird, if i remember correctly
19:23:18  <frosch123> with various rail compatibilities it is even more pointless
19:28:12  <andythenorth> I find the UI weird for the railtypes
19:28:19  <andythenorth> I always forget how to use that part
19:28:38  <andythenorth> I tend to click engine/wagon a few times until I remember what to do
19:28:43  <supermop> yeah
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19:36:16  <andythenorth> with elrail it’s definitely weird
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19:45:04  <frosch123> <- placing them horizontally looks better
19:45:28  <frosch123> what text to put into the left box for all railtypes?
19:45:54  <frosch123> currently it says "rail vehicles", "electrified rail vehicles" and "narrow gauge trains"
19:46:13  <andythenorth> does the railtype specify it?
19:46:18  <frosch123> should i add "all vehicles"? or is that weird together with "engines" and "wagons"?
19:46:26  <frosch123> andythenorth: yes
19:46:29  <andythenorth> ‘Any type’ ?
19:46:32  <andythenorth> Any railtype?
19:46:47  <frosch123> well, the other talk about the vehicles
19:46:54  <frosch123> "any rail vehicles"?
19:47:02  <andythenorth> PIPE adds ‘Pipeline Pumps’ iirc
19:47:03  <andythenorth> :)
19:47:20  <frosch123> also "any" or "all"? :p
19:47:32  <andythenorth> perenial question of filter designers :P
19:47:52  <andythenorth> it likely doesn’t matter, just be consistent with rest of game?
19:48:26  <andythenorth> ‘All’ is probably better here
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19:54:15  <supermop> coke oven a little messed up
19:54:24  <supermop> got pipes off the lot
20:00:00  <andythenorth> I should draw that industry eh :)
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20:03:47  <frosch123>  <- i like that behaviour
20:04:16  <frosch123> showing all railtypes by default is way more intuitive than selecting some "most used" one
20:09:13  <Alberth> nice
20:09:33  <andythenorth> +1
20:10:09  <Alberth> aren't there squirrel widgets that need to be changed too?
20:10:20  <frosch123> yes, i excluded that from the diff
20:10:30  <frosch123> i also excluded removing strings from all translations :)
20:11:00  <Alberth>  ///< Type of rail tracks selected. INVALID_RAILTYPE to show all.   <-- that needs a '#' in front of the literal
20:13:22  <Alberth> if (this->sel_railtype != INVALID_RAILTYPE && rvi->railtype != this->sel_railtype) return false;  <-- correct, but bit complicated way of saying    if (this->sel_railtype == INVALID_RAILTYPE) return true;
20:14:34  <Alberth> looks fine otherwise, to me
20:15:07  <frosch123> how weird, the railtype is only used for engines, not for wagons?
20:15:49  <Alberth> you need shunting before you worry about that :p
20:16:21  <frosch123> there are different wagons for narrrow gauge
20:16:48  <Alberth> and maybe not even that, any engine that can bring a wagon somewhere is by definition compatible with the tracks
20:17:10  <andythenorth> looked like railtype support had been crowbarred in
20:17:37  <Alberth> you always do the minimum work to make a feature
20:17:38  <frosch123> i removed that check
20:18:02  <frosch123> filtering wagons by railtype is just like filtering engines
20:18:11  <frosch123> the list is empty for electrified wagons
20:18:13  <goodger> hooray!
20:18:17  <frosch123> but you can always select "all railtypes"
20:18:55  <goodger> this means I will no longer have to choose between Electrified Railway and Modern High-Speed Railway (Electrified)?
20:19:24  <frosch123> andythenorth: i switched to playing short games before railtypes were added :)
20:19:46  <andythenorth> :)
20:21:44  <DorpsGek> Commit by frosch :: r27683 /trunk/src (62 files in 5 dirs) (2016-12-08 21:21:39 +0100 )
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20:21:45  <DorpsGek> -Change: Rearrange the autoreplace GUI for trains, and do not filter it by railtype by default.
20:30:31  <andythenorth> win
20:30:43  <andythenorth> who says OpenTTD is dying? :D
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20:32:30  <frosch123> i think over the weekend it is time to add roadtypes to vehicles
20:32:40  <frosch123> all the construction stuff is done
20:32:57  <frosch123> after the vehicles, there is only the horrible roadtype introduction and compatibility :p
20:33:14  <andythenorth> nice :)
20:33:20  <andythenorth> then I have to make some real grfs :P
20:34:44  * andythenorth currently trying to automate most of the FIRS industry window extra text
20:34:54  <andythenorth> world of substrings
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20:47:10  <andythenorth> ha this is going to make loads of mess
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20:47:25  <Alberth> :D
20:47:25  <andythenorth> but it will save a lot of pointless translation effort
20:47:43  <andythenorth> and minor text bugs
20:47:51  <Wolf01> Good
20:47:56  <Alberth> ah, making string changes in firs
20:47:59  <Alberth> +1
20:48:51  <andythenorth> not sure how I’ll get the cargo units
20:48:56  <andythenorth> but eh, ploughing on
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22:02:54  <__ln__> John Glenn 1921-2016
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22:56:01  <supermop> what
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23:23:07  <supermop> they just renamed the airport in my home town after him
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