Log for #openttd on 23rd January 2017:
Times are UTC Toggle Colours
00:05:30  <Wolf01> 'night
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02:02:00  <markasoftware> hi
02:03:49  <markasoftware> just started playing today
02:03:51  <markasoftware> fun game
02:16:05  <markasoftware> what are some good world generation settings?
02:16:09  <markasoftware> for a beginner?
02:44:17  <supermop> 128x128 or 256x256
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03:14:04  <Lejving> hey markasoftware when you're bored of singleplayer you should totally check out #openttdcoop.stable
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04:12:49  <markasoftware> why would i want a small map rather than a big one?
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04:29:26  <supermop> easier to connect everything on a small map
04:34:03  <markasoftware> "road vehicle 5 is lost"
04:34:07  <markasoftware> it jumped to a disconnected area
04:34:12  <markasoftware> not connected by roads
04:37:35  <Lejving> supermop, you got any nml exp?
04:37:41  <Lejving> (doubt anyone else is awake)
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04:47:30  <supermop> not much
04:49:24  <markasoftware> i did a subsidy thing, how do i claim the money?
04:50:37  <supermop> It is not a lump amount
04:51:52  <markasoftware> ok
04:52:04  <supermop> it you deliver the cargo as requested the payments for each delivery will be more than normal
04:52:26  <supermop> sorry im writing with a stylus
04:52:38  <markasoftware> i placed a statidon within range of the sawmill but it says "accepts nothing"...
04:53:27  <supermop> not all tiles of every industry anept the car go
04:54:02  <markasoftware> i deleted an old station there
04:54:06  <markasoftware> then made a new one and it no longer works
04:54:12  <markasoftware> and the name stays in grey even after a destroy the station
04:54:30  <supermop> when building the station, check that it says wood accepted
04:54:35  <markasoftware> it doesn't
04:54:37  <markasoftware> that's the problem
04:54:59  <Lejving> how sure are you that you're in range?
04:55:00  <supermop> then you must build it closer
04:55:10  <markasoftware> OOH lol i was trying to build a bus station
04:55:12  <markasoftware> it needs to be truck
04:55:30  <Lejving> hah
04:55:38  <Lejving> believe me I've done that so many times
04:55:41  <supermop> a deleted station remains for so me fine
04:55:45  <markasoftware> the icons are so damn small
04:55:56  <markasoftware> can i make them a bit bigger (but not 2x) in the cfg or something?
04:55:57  <supermop> some time
04:56:19  <supermop> there is a setting somewhere now
04:56:31  <markasoftware> well i don't know if that subsidy is going to pay off rebuilding the station like 5 times
04:56:34  <supermop> not sure where
04:57:36  <markasoftware> do you start losing money on a route if you do it too much?
04:57:52  <supermop> not really
04:58:00  <supermop> ok i have to go to bed
04:58:09  <Lejving> there should be to double the size of gui
04:58:10  <Lejving> in settings
04:58:11  <Lejving> afaik?
04:58:23  <markasoftware> i don't want to double it
04:58:27  <markasoftware> that's too big
04:58:29  <markasoftware> i tried already
04:58:45  <Lejving> oh didn't read the "but not 2x" :P
04:58:53  <markasoftware> how can I view the price of stuff
04:58:55  <markasoftware> before i buy it
04:59:04  <Lejving> press shift before you place
04:59:05  <markasoftware> i can see it for vehiclesl and stuff, but what about stations, etc
04:59:15  <Lejving> will give you estimated cost
04:59:49  <markasoftware> nothinsg changes when i press shift
04:59:57  <Lejving> shift+click
05:00:02  <Lejving> with a station or something
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12:23:59  <Wolf01> are them studying python?
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15:54:09  <Wolf01> misterious indeed
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17:03:43  <Lejving> Wolf01, font?
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17:12:33  <Alepod> Hi guys!
17:12:42  <Lejving> sup
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17:15:32  <Alepod> How to select in-game fonts?
17:15:40  <Alepod> IDENTIFY
17:15:48  <Alepod> sorry
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17:18:40  <Lejving> Alepod, they're in openttd.cfg
17:19:42  <Alepod> But almost any font which I try to select leads to error
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17:23:23  <ALEX_> IDENTIFY
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17:30:03  <Alberth> snakes studying Python would be meta-Python
17:30:32  <Lejving>
17:30:43  <Lejving> obligatory :P
17:31:21  <Alberth> :)
17:32:33  <Alberth> it gets weird if you recognize the quote by its number :p
17:32:44  <Lejving> haha
17:32:58  <frosch123> Alepod: <- use those from the example
17:33:40  <Lejving> I recognize the youtube numbers for rick roll
17:34:21  <Alberth> :)
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18:40:56  <Alepod> How can I register and protect my nick here?
18:41:14  <peter1138> nickserv i guess
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18:58:11  <Alepod> where is it?
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19:02:07  <andythenorth> o/
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19:04:27  <frosch123> Alepod: /query nickserv
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19:04:33  <frosch123> then continue with "help"
19:05:09  <frosch123> hoi andy
19:05:20  <andythenorth> lo
19:06:58  <andythenorth> frosch123: this is an interesting station name :)
19:07:02  <andythenorth> no I didn’t rename it
19:07:33  <andythenorth> I haven’t explored further, it _could_ plausibly be FIRS, but I’m thinking the new string formatting more likely?
19:07:35  <andythenorth> o_O
19:07:53  <frosch123> i would think some industry strings got swapped
19:08:40  <andythenorth> I’ll check FIRS src first
19:08:58  <frosch123> i doubt it is related to string formatters
19:09:33  <frosch123> did you run out of string ids maybe?
19:09:49  <frosch123> i would think the station names also use the precious DCxx strings
19:10:47  <andythenorth> DCxx strings: 236/256
19:11:09  <andythenorth> some of the stations are named using the FIRS name
19:11:41  <andythenorth> it’s happened more than once, I’ll try to get a repro
19:13:22  <Alberth> looks like a useful feature, just read the name to know how cargo it has :)
19:13:31  <Alberth> +much
19:14:21  <andythenorth> got ‘0 batteries’ at another one
19:14:33  <Alberth> :)
19:15:01  <andythenorth> ok got a repro
19:15:09  <andythenorth> ‘probably FIRS'
19:15:54  <andythenorth> missing substring
19:16:45  <Alberth> sounds feasible at least
19:17:04  <andythenorth> what station name for ‘hunting camp’? o_O
19:17:07  <andythenorth> ‘Lodge’ ?
19:17:46  * andythenorth thinks so
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19:18:42  <frosch123> depends on what is being hunted
19:19:10  <andythenorth> Rudolf
19:19:13  <andythenorth> it’s Finland
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19:21:54  <__ln__> the red-nose one?
19:22:51  <frosch123> somehow "hunting" and "load truck stop" do not work for me
19:23:15  <frosch123> s/load/loud/
19:23:31  <andythenorth> I’ll do trolley trucks :P
19:23:39  <andythenorth> quiet ones
19:23:56  <andythenorth> it’s ok, they catch rudolf in the woods, then drag him in with snowmobiles
19:24:25  <frosch123> "pirsch panzer"
19:25:56  * andythenorth googles
19:25:58  <andythenorth> yes
19:26:12  <andythenorth> currently hunting camp has no inputs
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19:26:19  <andythenorth> but this economy does have ‘explosives’ in it :P
19:26:25  <frosch123> no idea what it actually is, but somehow that term came to mind
19:26:39  <__ln__> you know, reindeers aren't *really* wild animals, they have been domesticated.
19:26:58  <andythenorth> it’s agriculture, no?
19:27:42  <frosch123> reindeers are domesticated to make a nice christmas present?
19:27:50  <__ln__> kind of that, and kind of a lifestyle of the indigenous people
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19:28:48  <frosch123> andythenorth: do you have some basic food?
19:28:51  <__ln__> reindeers spend most of their time all over the forests, but each one of them is owned by someone.
19:29:15  <andythenorth> basic food comes from the hunting camp
19:29:15  <frosch123> chestnuts are popular
19:29:23  <andythenorth> it could be circular :P
19:29:36  <frosch123> nah, that is too brittish
19:30:07  <frosch123> only brittish people feed hardly boiled cow to cows
19:30:48  <frosch123> andythenorth: anyway, which economy?
19:31:20  <frosch123> arctic basic seems to have hunting camp
19:32:01  <frosch123> i guess "farm supplies"?
19:32:19  <frosch123> there is no farm otherwise
19:32:25  <andythenorth> nah, just a forest
19:32:33  <andythenorth> farm supplies could include guns o_O
19:32:37  <andythenorth> 'farm'
19:32:49  <frosch123> adding another cargo for forest->hunting camp is also weird
19:32:51  <andythenorth> ‘extraction of organic materials supplies'
19:32:58  <andythenorth> translators would love that :P
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19:33:05  <frosch123> the forest could directly produce food
19:33:11  <frosch123> did you already draw the hunting camp?
19:33:13  <andythenorth> nah
19:33:30  <andythenorth> but the forest might get pulpwood added as an output
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19:34:34  <frosch123> andythenorth: well, i thought more about animal food than guns
19:35:04  <frosch123> widelands has these weird food chains
19:35:15  <frosch123> all 3 tribes have fishers and hunters
19:35:53  <frosch123> but only barbarians have a game keeper to make hunter sustainable, and only atlantians have a fish breeder to make fishing sustainable
19:36:02  <frosch123> romans have pig farms instead
19:36:45  * andythenorth looking for chains
19:36:57  <andythenorth> google images doesn’t have any, nvm :)
19:37:37  <frosch123> yeah, my google is also broken
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19:37:48  <frosch123> i get ottd screenshots when looking for "widelands cargo chain"
19:38:09  <frosch123> actually, i also get truck and ship pictures
19:38:26  <frosch123> andy broke it obviously :)
19:38:43  <andythenorth> oops
19:39:23  <andythenorth> clearly I should subscribe to this magazine
19:39:52  <Wolf01> :D
19:40:22  <andythenorth> my actual indian truck is also in the search results :P
19:40:29  <andythenorth> although mine is broken, so eh
19:42:06  <frosch123> <- problem is that so many cargos are focused on construction
19:42:18  <frosch123> "thatch reed" would be an interesting ottd cargo :p
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19:44:20  <andythenorth> quite a lot of ‘deliver xyz to get a new building’?
19:48:26  <frosch123> i think the problem is that in other games the cargos have some purpose
19:48:36  <frosch123> while ottd is only about transporting them
19:49:14  <frosch123> that makes ottd cover a broader variety and distinguish less details
19:49:39  <frosch123> so, no copying of cargo chains from factorio or widelands :)
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19:55:18  <andythenorth> I think I am ok for cargos right now :)
19:55:20  <andythenorth> no shortage
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19:56:35  <frosch123> well, maybe you want to add a steampunk economy to firs
19:56:43  <supermop_> ooh internet back at office
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20:27:05  * andythenorth playing ottd
20:27:07  <andythenorth> it’s good eh?
20:28:45  <frosch123> i've heard about it
20:28:49  <supermop_> esp the cute little trains
20:29:13  <supermop_> and how easy it is to use up 100% of a cpu core
20:34:45  <andythenorth> 20% for me :P
20:34:50  <andythenorth> 138 ships
20:38:06  <andythenorth> that could escalate quickly :P
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20:45:46  * andythenorth winning SV
20:45:48  <andythenorth> nearly
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21:00:07  <supermop_> what goal cargo?
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21:01:09  <andythenorth> paper
21:01:15  <andythenorth> in arctic basic
21:02:06  <andythenorth> ha I won
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21:09:14  <andythenorth> bed
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