Log for #openttd on 16th March 2017:
Times are UTC Toggle Colours
00:00:12  *** taco has quit IRC
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00:05:01  <Samu>
00:05:08  <Samu> just posted
00:05:29  <Samu> waiting for peter1138 disapproval
00:05:34  <Samu> hi ST2
00:05:49  <ST2> hi :)
00:06:02  <ST2> guess you have some words from dodger007
00:06:11  <ST2> I used the whip on him xD
00:06:27  <Samu> yes, i noticed, well i took the time to create that post
00:06:35  <Samu> didn't notice until now
00:08:46  <Samu> do u like my patch? i'm always looking for feedback even if it's bad
00:09:46  <ST2> sadly no time to test stuff, and won't give an opinion only based on how code looks xD
00:10:00  <ST2> because I'm bad there xD
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10:03:22  <__ln__>
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10:04:22  <Wolf01> o/
10:04:35  <Pikka> o
10:04:49  <crem> \o
10:05:23  <Wolf01> Oh, a Pikka
10:07:04  <Samu> hi
10:09:51  <Samu> gonna report a bug, brb
10:19:23  <Samu>
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10:27:25  <Wolf01> o/
10:27:38  <Wolf01> Samu, how comes that the first player is an AI?
10:28:32  <Wolf01> BTW, I don't see anything wrong, you can join every player you want
10:31:20  <Samu> it's possible when the first company that starts in a server is an AI
10:31:56  <Samu> you can't join AI companies in multiplayer games
10:32:03  <Samu> except for this bug
10:33:13  <Wolf01> In fact if one creates a new company he can't switch back
10:33:16  *** JacobD88 has quit IRC
10:34:43  <Wolf01> Also I really can't understand the abysmal difference of performance between single player and multiplayer of that savegame
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13:26:12  <Samu> woah tortoise svn bugged out t.t
13:27:40  <Samu> or maybe not, it was me
13:28:27  <peter1138> It is shit though.
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15:32:12  <andythenorth> such
15:32:25  <andythenorth> peter1138: so multistop docks is done? o_O
15:35:01  <peter1138> what about it?
15:35:13  <peter1138> it was... working. depending on pathfinder, i think.
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15:39:49  <peter1138> too close to 1.7 for that sort of malarkey anyway
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15:48:48  <andythenorth> 1.8 :D
15:49:20  *** Alberth has joined #openttd
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15:49:26  <LordAro> peter1138: 1.7 has already branched from trunk ;)
15:49:35  <LordAro> o7 Alberth
15:49:39  <Alberth> hi hi
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16:03:44  <peter1138> hmm
16:03:56  <peter1138> but still, makes it harder to backport ;p
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16:05:24  <Samu> 		operator~ returned	-3	TrackBits
16:05:31  <Samu> what does ~ do?
16:05:37  <peter1138> invert
16:06:04  <Samu> hmm ok
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16:47:16  <Alberth> o/
16:47:59  <frosch123> hoi
16:48:18  <LordAro> quak
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18:58:21  <ZirconiumX> LordAro: you singlehandedly killed IRC for two hours.
18:58:44  <Wolf01> Yeah, what was that?
18:58:53  <SpComb> quak
18:59:36  <LordAro> ZirconiumX: and you fixed it all by yourself!
18:59:38  <LordAro> good job!
19:00:12  * ZirconiumX curtseys awkwardly
19:05:51  <Eddi|zuHause> yay, i got a phishing mail...
19:06:07  <Wolf01> Selling kidney?
19:06:53  <andythenorth> you have purchased a song on itunes? o_O
19:07:00  <andythenorth> paypal has a refund?
19:07:07  <andythenorth> your tax account is ready to view?
19:07:29  <Eddi|zuHause> no, a bank (that i am not customer of) introduced a new security system and demands my cell phone number
19:07:51  <Wolf01> Classic
19:07:57  <Eddi|zuHause> otherwise they send me 2 letters and make a non-refundable charge
19:08:26  <andythenorth> should I move these scripts to the bin dir? o_O
19:08:36  <andythenorth> my repo has bin and scripts dirs now
19:09:20  <Eddi|zuHause> what do you have a bin dir for?
19:10:43  <frosch123> for binning?
19:12:01  <Wolf01> A bin for stuff
19:12:50  <Eddi|zuHause> rename it "Ablage P"?
19:17:13  *** kais58_ has quit IRC
19:17:50  <andythenorth> bin contains the compile scripts that alberth added when he rebuilt the makefile
19:17:59  <andythenorth>
19:18:48  <andythenorth> it’s amazing how much yak-shaving I will do to avoid drawing ships :P
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19:22:00  <peter1138> hmm
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19:22:59  <LordAro> mmh
19:26:20  <Wolf01> Uhm
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20:02:29  <andythenorth>
20:03:03  <andythenorth> is an arguably pointless python script that simply calls 4 other self-contained python build scripts
20:03:14  <andythenorth> I want to eliminate it, and do that directly from the makefile
20:03:29  <andythenorth> so I need targets for lang, docs, graphics, nml?
20:03:51  <andythenorth> this is the pointless file
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20:21:44  <peter1138> urgh at confusing tests
20:31:55  <andythenorth> urgh at make :)
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20:34:26  <peter1138> urgh at when you have an ugly solution that works, but you decide to do it another way which is cleaner
20:34:29  <peter1138> and then it doesn't work
20:34:34  <peter1138> and you didn't save the ugly way
20:34:36  <andythenorth> that is how I code everything :P
20:34:39  <andythenorth>
20:34:48  <andythenorth> rules work, but has no understanding of deps eh
20:34:53  <andythenorth> for ‘graphics’ and ‘lang'
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21:04:08  <andythenorth> eh it probably does no harm to always run these rules :)
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22:28:16  <Wolf01> 'night
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23:52:58  <peter1138> hmm, nearing working except for a timing issue :S
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