Log for #openttd on 16th November 2018:
Times are UTC Toggle Colours
00:00:13  <DorpsGek_II> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] frosch123 approved pull request #6971: Fix #6969: Account for BOM when reading script files
00:01:42  <frosch123> except it does mailing lists instead of web-based prs
00:02:18  <frosch123> hmm, or is it?
00:02:44  <LordAro> ooh, it's sircmpwn
00:02:49  <LordAro> he does a lot of stuff
00:03:25  <frosch123> i do not know any celebs :)
00:03:36  <LordAro> i keep coming across him
00:03:48  <LordAro> i'm not sure i've actually used anything of his
00:04:07  <frosch123> <- 1 contribution in the last year. so that's not him :p
00:04:30  <LordAro> that's the one listed on his website :p
00:04:44  <LordAro> ah, his actual is in the description
00:04:50  <frosch123> well, the profile text links to another one
00:04:59  <frosch123> <- looks better
00:06:26  <frosch123> i wonder whether the "sir" is just to make "drew" unambiguous
00:07:37  <LordAro> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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00:08:58  <frosch123> he, some of his git repos say "moved to" :)
00:09:29  <peter1138> "omg microsoft"
00:11:09  <frosch123> maybe we should make a featurerequest for
00:11:27  * LordAro hisses
00:11:37  <frosch123> cat
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00:31:07  <peter1138> Hmm, Muse have gone synthwave on their latest album, heh.
00:31:32  <peter1138> Complete with magenta/blue artwork.
00:31:50  <LordAro> Something Human was my favourite
00:32:06  <peter1138> I've not heard it yet, first listen.
00:32:16  <peter1138> Didn't know they even had a new album until I saw it on the shelf.
00:33:07  * LordAro slepteim
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06:27:08  <sponix> /!\ AΤTN︓ Ꭲhis chaᥒᥒel һɑѕ ⅿоved to irc.frееᥒο #/joiᥒ /︕\
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07:23:54  <Eddi|zuHause> maybe i should join #openttd on freenode just for giggles?
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08:40:46  <Xaroth> Eddi|zuHause: not that much going on there.
08:44:57  <DorpsGek_II> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] RailwAI commented on issue #6969: Bug in extracting .tar file
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10:43:40  <Own[cpp]> /!\ ATTN: This ⅽhaᥒnel һɑs moved to іrⅽ.frеenⲟⅾe․ᥒet #/join ᜵!⧹
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10:47:21  <Xaroth> they do keep trying, don't they
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11:01:08  <LordAro> mm
11:01:14  <LordAro> it's been going on for months
11:01:25  <LordAro> you'd think they'd have got bored by now
11:01:45  <LordAro> you'd've thought they'd've gotten bored now
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11:08:25  <Eddi|zuHause> i think the right way to handle these is to hide the messages from the user, but don't tell the spambots they've been muted, to avoid putting evolution pressure on them to circumvent the filters
11:09:28  <LordAro> the hard bit is detecting them before they message anywhere
11:09:49  <LordAro> as you can see, the existing load are immediately getting killed after their first message
11:15:25  <Eddi|zuHause> yes, it needs serverside filtering before the message is passed on to the users, not just a bot listening to messages as they're already being passed on
11:17:25  <LordAro> the trouble is that irc networks generally aren't structured to be able to do that
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11:21:49  <Eddi|zuHause> maybe my understanding is a bit naive, but IRC networks are a tree, right? so every message passes at least one server before it hits any client
11:23:13  <LordAro> it's certainly possible, but it requires significant rewriting of whatever ircd they're using
11:23:22  <LordAro> which they understandably would like to avoid
11:34:04  <Eddi|zuHause> anybody use Falkon? i'm missing a function i had in Konqueror where i could right click an image and block it...
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12:57:31  <DorpsGek_II> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] matthijskooijman commented on pull request #6912: Fix #6854: Compilation with ICU 62
13:03:51  <DorpsGek_II> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] matthijskooijman commented on pull request #6912: Fix #6854: Compilation with ICU 62
13:03:57  <DorpsGek_II> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] LordAro commented on pull request #6912: Fix #6854: Compilation with ICU 62
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13:18:55  <skywavesurfer> /!\ ATΤΝ: Thіs chaᥒnel has mഠveԁ to irc.freеnodᥱ.ᥒet #/join /!\
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15:08:57  <DorpsGek_II> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] matthijskooijman commented on pull request #6912: Fix #6854: Compilation with ICU 62
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18:02:53  <theglass10> /!⧹ AΤTN: Τhiѕ channel һas mo⋁eԁ tഠ іrс.frеeᥒοdе.net #/ϳഠin /ǃ\
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18:03:27  <andythenorth> yo
18:08:47  <LordAro> oy
18:09:56  *** erikd has joined #openttd
18:09:59  <erikd> /!\ AТΤN: This chɑᥒᥒеⅼ һaѕ ⅿoᴠeԁ to irⅽ.frᥱеᥒoԁe.ᥒet #/ϳⲟіn /!\
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18:12:56  <andythenorth> oh we've moved? o_O
18:13:06  <andythenorth> which unicode characters do I move to?
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19:23:12  <andythenorth> shall we make openttd?
19:25:20  <Eddi|zuHause> openttd is overrated
19:34:03  <andythenorth> over-rating is overrated
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19:34:10  <andythenorth> so that levels everything
20:04:45  *** sla_ro|master has quit IRC
20:06:38  <LordAro> rating is over
20:08:24  <andythenorth> +1
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21:08:56  *** Dunedan has joined #openttd
21:08:56  <Dunedan> /﹗\ ATTΝ: Thiѕ chaᥒᥒel hɑs mഠ⋁ed tο irc.frᥱeᥒoԁе.nᥱt #/jഠⅰn /!﹨
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21:53:10  *** Samu has joined #openttd
21:53:16  <Samu> hi
21:53:40  *** Samu is now known as Xarick
21:54:42  <Xarick> meh
21:55:04  <Xarick> isn't there a way to automatically identify myself
21:55:19  *** Xarick is now known as Samu
21:55:21  <Samu> screw this
21:55:56  <LordAro> get a better client
21:58:02  <Samu> is wormnest around?
21:59:00  <Samu> NoNoCAB isn't doing that great of a job imo
21:59:10  <Samu> was supposed to be the king of profit
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22:00:38  <Samu> was hoping to find him here
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23:06:17  <dwfreed> Samu: some IRC clients can send your NickServ password for you on connection, or you can use SSL client certificates for authentication
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23:10:56  <LordAro> dwfreed: gonna have to convince him not to use the webclient first
23:11:14  <dwfreed> yes
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23:58:16  <Xaroth> I use a webclient that supports it :P

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