Log for #openttd on 18th December 2018:
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00:04:11  *** Fuco has joined #openttd
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08:07:35  <dihedral> good morning
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14:19:34  <andythenorth> what to call these in Horse?
14:19:52  <andythenorth> they were 'Supplies Cars' but I want to change refit to more than supplies
14:22:30  <nielsm> as it is? "well wagon"
14:23:43  <andythenorth> in US English 'well car' is for intermodal containers :P
14:23:53  <andythenorth> which is confusing
14:24:06  <andythenorth> they call them 'depressed center flat cars'
14:24:20  <nielsm> depressingly long name
14:24:37  <andythenorth> depressingly
14:24:42  <andythenorth> also they're not strictly flat :P
14:25:07  <andythenorth> 'heavy item car' is silly
14:25:14  <andythenorth> 'outsize load car' is silly
14:25:35  <nielsm> special load car
14:25:41  <andythenorth> machinery car
14:25:43  <andythenorth> low loader car
14:26:22  <nielsm> low center car
14:28:45  <andythenorth>
14:29:04  <andythenorth> kind of favouring well car
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14:40:39  <planetmaker> isn't it like 'flatbed car'?
14:40:46  <planetmaker> even when it's not exactly flat?
14:41:32  <planetmaker> would be much better understandable, too (IMHO)
14:42:58  <andythenorth> might conflate with flat car :)
14:43:45  <planetmaker> from my quick wiki search the difference is (mostly) in allowed load - which is higher for the type of cars you want a name for
14:44:41  <andythenorth> US Set calls them heavy item cars
14:45:16  <andythenorth> one option is always to delete them
14:45:38  <planetmaker> well, wiki does indeed call 'well wagons'. Or most are 'schnabel wagons'
14:46:02  <planetmaker> which would imply cargotype 'oversized' :P
14:46:13  <andythenorth> tractors mostly :P
14:47:22  <andythenorth>
14:47:36  <planetmaker> :)
14:47:44  <andythenorth>
14:48:21  <planetmaker> <-- and that on it, too? ;)
14:48:26  <andythenorth> hmm, but 'low floor' wagon means rolling road in Europe
14:48:38  <andythenorth> that crane is as big as one of my kids
14:48:56  <planetmaker> I felt like buying it... for some fun over Christmas :P
14:49:10  <planetmaker> same size as my Lego Saturn V
14:49:17  <andythenorth> it's probably good, but takes up a lot of space
14:49:34  <andythenorth> the coaster is supposed to be good
14:50:01  <planetmaker> he, sounds fun, too
14:50:13  <andythenorth>
14:51:49  <planetmaker> :) yay
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14:52:35  <planetmaker> but answering your original question: I might actually not be sure they really add much... but I'm somewhat a fan of not too big sets :)
14:53:09  <andythenorth> Horse is pretty gigantic now
14:53:10  <planetmaker> if the flat cars can take over the well wagon purpose... it's something for realism people. Or for the extra variety of wagons
14:53:15  <andythenorth> it might be the biggest train set soon :P
14:53:39  <planetmaker> If you keep them ... well wagon seems most reasonable... but I'm no native speaker. And no clue how to translate it:P
14:54:05  <planetmaker> "Sonderwagen". which can be back-translated as "special wagon". Oh yeah
14:54:27  <planetmaker> oder Tiefladewagen... low-floor wagon
14:54:34  <planetmaker> but it implies heavy load
14:54:42  <andythenorth> or Rollende Landstraße
14:55:04  <planetmaker> that usually looks different... *I think*
14:55:26  <andythenorth> I'm going with well wagon :P
14:55:29  <andythenorth> it's the UIC code
14:55:33  <planetmaker> ^^
14:56:00  <planetmaker> SBB seems to market the 'rollende landstrasse' a lot
14:56:20  <planetmaker> could well be cheaper than driving through switzerland
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15:18:39  <andythenorth> 'vehicle and machinery car'
15:18:42  <andythenorth> 'machinery car'
15:18:56  <andythenorth> the loads are ENSP, FMSP, Electrical Machines, Vehicles
15:18:58  <andythenorth> maybe goods
15:20:53  * andythenorth biab
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17:33:23  <Eddi|zuHause> so, 1/2 chicken and keyboard probably don't mix well
17:36:05  <planetmaker> what about chicken-keyboard tard?
17:36:32  <planetmaker> a bit of cheese toping, 10 minutes in the oven you've got a crunchy meal :P
17:40:09  <frosch123> i gues there is no option to block devzone registration with yopmail adresses
17:44:56  <Eddi|zuHause> so i think i have successfully managed to prevent the two from interacting
17:45:32  <Eddi|zuHause> frosch123: i can't imagine a blacklist being such deep magic...
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18:00:13  <Eddi|zuHause> <planetmaker> a bit of cheese toping, 10 minutes in the oven you've got a crunchy meal :P <-- sounds a bit like some of the dishes in starbound
18:18:26  <andythenorth> Eddi|zuHause: 'well car', 'machinery car', or 'depressed center car' ?? o_O
18:18:38  <Eddi|zuHause> uhm what?
18:18:55  <andythenorth>
18:19:57  <Eddi|zuHause> i wouldn't know what that word means
18:21:18  <andythenorth> machinery car?
18:23:23  <Eddi|zuHause> oversized cargo wagon?
18:23:42  <Eddi|zuHause> machinery sounds a bit too specific
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18:39:29  <andythenorth> it doesn't refit much
18:39:57  <Wolf01> So, last patch for TF
18:40:07  <Wolf01> Moving on to TF2
18:41:05  <Wolf01> Hoped for traffic lights support, but backward train driving is nice to have too
18:41:38  * andythenorth has run out of motivation for Horse
18:41:43  <andythenorth> dead Horse? :)
18:41:48  <Wolf01> Do tank horses
18:43:31  <andythenorth> tank horse
18:43:38  <Eddi|zuHause> andythenorth: call it a release? :p
18:43:40  <andythenorth> maybe I should work on FIRS a bit
18:43:52  <andythenorth> 80% is a release :P
18:44:27  <andythenorth> I am at 74%
18:45:43  <andythenorth> if I simply delete some things, I get 80% :P
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19:03:55  <Gustavo6046> Who wants hug-snuggles?
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19:19:58  <Wolf01> Gustavo6046: are you a cat?
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19:20:55  <Samu> hi
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19:26:41  <Gustavo6046> Wolf01, no, I'm a kangaroo.
19:26:45  <Gustavo6046> A small one
19:27:02  <Wolf01> Ok, we missed that
19:35:10  <andythenorth> all animatls
19:35:19  <andythenorth> can someone finish Horse for me?
19:40:05  <Wolf01> I could finish biscuits
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21:00:01  <TrueBrain> that moment you realise you lost a script because you forgot to commit it :D
21:01:57  <nielsm> oops
21:03:58  <TrueBrain> yeah ... especially as it was Powershell, which I suck at
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21:09:31  <TrueBrain> nielsm: lolz; I am trying the Azure stuff for Windows Docker .. you cannot create a pipeline without making a commit?! :D
21:09:34  <TrueBrain> that is weird :P
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21:27:46  <TrueBrain> okay, that works .. lets see how quick/slow it is if they host it :P
21:35:29  <TrueBrain> okay, as slow as it was for me :)
21:35:39  <TrueBrain> so it was not me, that docker containers on windows are crazy slow to build :P
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