Log for #openttd on 26th June 2019:
Times are UTC Toggle Colours
00:10:43  *** HerzogDeXtEr has quit IRC
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02:29:35  <DorpsGek_II> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] ddm999 opened pull request #7627: Fix #7626: Allow building of drive-through stops over one-way/blocked roads owned by towns (instead of crashing).
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03:47:44  <DorpsGek_II> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] ddm999 opened pull request #7628: Fix #7625: Road infrastructure cost is correctly updated when upgrading your own roads.
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06:09:43  <peter1138> Is it lunch time yet?
06:09:55  <reldred> Yes
06:10:04  <nakki> it is not
06:10:08  <nakki> two hours until lunch time
06:10:46  <reldred> a late lunch maybe
06:10:52  <reldred> two hours and it's early dinner
06:11:01  <Corns[m]> FLHerne: thank you :)
06:11:04  <nakki> oh, you're across the pond?
06:11:16  <reldred> the penal colonies, yes.
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06:46:00  <andythenorth> moin
06:46:05  <nakki> morning
06:55:03  <reldred> aloha
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17:02:44  <Wolf01> o/
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17:46:12  <andythenorth> yo again
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18:21:54  <andythenorth> quak
18:22:32  <frosch123> moo
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20:14:24  <andythenorth> so can I do any more to debug this?
20:14:43  <andythenorth> cos it eats saves, which makes newgrf dev a bit tricky
20:17:10  <LordAro> it regularly happens? interesting
20:17:21  <LordAro> i thought it was just an issue woth that particular save
20:19:53  <andythenorth> it's happened a couple of times
20:20:15  <andythenorth> bearing in mind that I recompile Road Hog maybe 20-30 times in an hour if I get a run at some dev
20:20:22  <andythenorth> and sometimes OpenTTD just loses a grf
20:25:00  <andythenorth> probably not many see that except me :)
20:34:49  *** Samu has joined #openttd
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20:57:18  <Wolf01> lol, undo knob
21:05:59  <Eddi|zuHause> i use that in KSP all the time
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