Log for #openttd on 19th November 2020:
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18:36:38  <DorpsGek_III> [OpenTTD/aws-infra] TrueBrain commented on pull request #4: Add: ansible playbook for configuring new caching content servers
18:39:16  <FLHerne> andythenorth:
18:41:26  <Wolf01> Ahaha
18:42:36  <andythenorth> wow
18:43:05  <andythenorth> should be the subject of next screenshot competition
18:43:08  <andythenorth> 'recreate this'
18:45:58  <FLHerne> map:,4.3744548,3a,68.5y,165.06h,82.09t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sen9PP_9tzjzf8rfTlZGBnw!2e0!7i16384!8i8192
18:52:35  <andythenorth> Contest!
18:53:39  <FLHerne> Somewhere I have a savegame where I hand-picked individual trees in various places
18:54:10  <FLHerne> (thus being That Guy who requires each savegame to be 5x bigger or whatever the number is)
18:58:00  <DorpsGek_III> [OpenTTD/aws-infra] LordAro commented on pull request #4: Add: ansible playbook for configuring new caching content servers
19:05:28  <Wolf01> <andythenorth> Contest! <- IMO in those screenshots NRT really show it's greatness as a feature, it was really needed
19:06:53  <andythenorth> particularly
19:07:20  <andythenorth> oh wow, loads of great screenshots
19:07:24  <andythenorth>
19:07:32  <andythenorth> what an amazingly detailed game OpenTTD is now
19:07:41  <andythenorth> there seem to be more good newgrfs than ever
19:07:51  <Wolf01> I might need that wall sections newgrf
19:09:53  <Wolf01> I really need this too
19:10:05  <Wolf01> The river is amazing
19:11:09  <andythenorth> needs a better boat :|
19:11:26  <Wolf01> Draw it!
19:11:35  <andythenorth> been doing the boats slowly
19:11:50  <andythenorth> got stuck on train wagon colours TBH
19:11:51  <Wolf01> also this, epic
19:12:14  <andythenorth> oh yeah that uses the fake small rivers
19:15:59  <Wolf01> also wonderful
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19:43:37  <andythenorth> anyone solved my company colour puzzle?
19:43:38  <andythenorth> :P
19:47:47  <frosch123> random per vehicle/consist, or pseudo-random per build-year
19:48:09  <frosch123> or per cargo-type
19:49:19  <andythenorth> yes
19:49:25  <andythenorth> || || ||
19:50:08  <andythenorth> I still have to choose some kind of starting colour palette, or let player choose one :P
19:50:12  <andythenorth> is red best?
19:50:14  <andythenorth> blue? :P
19:50:19  <frosch123> green
19:50:29  <andythenorth> green is kind of ugly
19:50:29  <frosch123> steam engines should be green
19:50:35  <andythenorth> dark green and pale green are ok
19:50:43  <andythenorth> I tried remapping green, but limited choices :P
19:50:48  <frosch123> well, green, not lime :p
19:51:19  <andythenorth> I think depot painting tools or bust
19:51:25  <andythenorth> especially airbrush
19:52:32  <andythenorth> enforced random for all vehicles!
19:52:41  <andythenorth> but from player defined set of colours
19:52:52  * andythenorth should probably do tanks
19:53:12  <frosch123> you can simplify that by sustituting "player" with "andy"
19:53:24  <andythenorth> I know, but then I have to choose :D
19:53:28  <FLHerne> Just draw them all black
19:53:31  <andythenorth> I asked forums, but they ghosted me
19:53:50  <andythenorth> I often change colours within a game, due to attention span issues
19:54:10  <frosch123> black is ugly. too few shades
19:54:47  <andythenorth> 50 shades of black
19:54:50  <andythenorth> 50 shades of white
19:54:54  <andythenorth> hmm
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