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00:22:27 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] LordAro opened pull request #8710: Fix road pathfinder behaviour with speed limits on roadtypes/bridges https://git.io/Jt9GI 00:22:33 <LordAro> right, bedtime 00:29:29 *** HerzogDeXtEr has quit IRC 00:32:04 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] michicc approved pull request #8710: Fix road pathfinder behaviour with speed limits on roadtypes/bridges https://git.io/Jt9GP 00:42:58 <TrueBrain> There is a bug in that PR :D 00:43:08 <TrueBrain> Min speed is missing the same thing as max 00:43:29 <TrueBrain> Not logged in to GH on mobile, sadddd 00:43:30 <LordAro> it is in the rail pathfinder too 00:43:47 <LordAro> given there is nothing with a minimum speed anywhere, i didn't worry too much 00:44:31 <TrueBrain> Really weird .. why would bridge length not matter all of a sudden 00:44:50 <LordAro> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 00:45:02 <LordAro> you'd have to ask the madman that wrote YAPF, it appears to date back that far 00:45:48 <TrueBrain> Yeah ... let's not dwindle in the past too much :D 00:46:43 <TrueBrain> It will take 20 years for someone to notice if that is broken, so who cares :D 00:46:56 <TrueBrain> Took 10 years for someone to find this :p 00:47:58 <TrueBrain> Right, bed, good idea, night! 00:51:37 *** sla_ro|master has quit IRC 01:20:36 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] perezdidac updated pull request #8706: Feature: rail station class name filtering https://git.io/Jt9ev 01:29:16 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] perezdidac updated pull request #8706: Feature: rail station class name filtering https://git.io/Jt9ev 01:36:46 *** Flygon has joined #openttd 02:13:29 *** didac has joined #openttd 02:30:15 *** Progman has quit IRC 02:53:11 *** jellyknight has joined #openttd 03:00:35 *** gelignite has quit IRC 03:02:45 *** snail_UES_ has quit IRC 03:03:14 *** snail_UES_ has joined #openttd 03:25:50 *** D-HUND has joined #openttd 03:29:10 *** debdog has quit IRC 03:51:10 *** jellyknight has quit IRC 03:54:07 *** glx has quit IRC 04:02:37 *** WormnestAndroid has quit IRC 04:07:16 *** WormnestAndroid has joined #openttd 04:28:53 *** Wuzzy2 has quit IRC 06:16:05 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] reldred commented on pull request #8480: Multitile depots https://git.io/Jt9zm 06:36:43 *** snail_UES_ has quit IRC 07:02:42 *** muffindrake has joined #openttd 07:51:24 *** nielsm has joined #openttd 07:54:11 *** didac has quit IRC 08:14:20 *** Wolf01 has joined #openttd 08:16:18 *** andythenorth has joined #openttd 08:17:58 <Wolf01> o/ 08:18:32 *** jottyfan has joined #openttd 08:24:09 *** jottyfan has quit IRC 08:48:26 <andythenorth> yo 09:00:16 *** jottyfan has joined #openttd 09:10:14 *** Progman has joined #openttd 09:17:57 <TrueBrain> W00p, another reply from someone who clearly did not start the game to test :) 09:18:27 <TrueBrain> It surprises me that seems to be the most difficult to people :p 09:18:45 <TrueBrain> Also shows how little people really care about that climate :D 09:19:31 *** HerzogDeXtEr has joined #openttd 09:20:32 <andythenorth> TrueBrain "I've heard you're planning to kill babies" 09:20:40 <andythenorth> "I'd just like to say that I don't agree" 09:32:08 <TrueBrain> currently it reads more like: "I've heard you're planning to eat pancakes - I'd just like to say that I don't agree" :) 09:32:50 <andythenorth> I don't like your socks 09:33:27 <andythenorth> actual thing btw https://www.hempsons.co.uk/green-socks-clause/ 09:37:10 <TrueBrain> "Will you still be supporting BaNaNaS, or there are plans to implement the support of the Steam Workshop, try and encourage the grf creators to move there and then pull the plug on BaNaNaS for good? " 09:37:16 <TrueBrain> I love clear questions 09:37:19 <TrueBrain> allow for clear answers 09:38:19 <TrueBrain> https://steamcommunity.com/app/1536610/discussions/0/3113646913571195532/ for reference 09:38:54 * andythenorth seriously considering Iron Horse trading cards 09:39:20 <andythenorth> make Snap! card game from https://grf.farm/iron-horse/2.19.0/html/train_whack.html?sprite_size_factor=4 09:41:53 <andythenorth> custom card printing is a thing 09:44:29 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] TrueBrain commented on pull request #8710: Fix road pathfinder behaviour with speed limits on roadtypes/bridges https://git.io/Jt9wW 09:50:12 *** gelignite has joined #openttd 10:01:33 <TrueBrain> ugh, I need to be able to compile OpenTTD faster ... 10:03:56 <andythenorth> me too 10:04:02 <andythenorth> that bisecting yesterday was painful 10:04:07 <andythenorth> so useful though 10:05:29 *** Progman has quit IRC 10:06:29 <LordAro> get a threadripper 10:08:57 <andythenorth> how long do compiles take? 10:09:17 * andythenorth can't be bothered to time one :P 10:09:20 <andythenorth> seems like about 2 mins 10:09:52 <TrueBrain> LordAro: I did consider it. Then I was like, maybe I should get a job first :P 10:10:07 <TrueBrain> but mostly LTO is just annoying .. 10:15:10 <TrueBrain> okay, space in folder works fine for Linux 10:15:11 <nielsm> newgrf.cpp is gigantic and should be split up in some way 10:15:12 <TrueBrain> lets test Windows ... 10:16:56 <andythenorth> delete newgrf.cpp? :) 10:17:04 <andythenorth> simplify lives of content authors 10:17:20 <LordAro> nielsm: i've thought about putting all the newgrf* files in their own folder before 10:17:53 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] TrueBrain commented on issue #8687: CMake include error when building new project. https://git.io/JtM7E 10:18:16 <TrueBrain> adding folders in general would be lovely 10:18:26 <TrueBrain> as the root folder is just too darn long to scroll through 10:29:35 <andythenorth> so because you don't all read forums 10:29:39 <andythenorth> this is really good 10:29:40 <andythenorth> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v2u37dnZwmc&feature=youtu.be 10:29:51 <andythenorth> (there is a newgrf 'high speed' contest running) 10:31:50 *** sla_ro|master has joined #openttd 10:35:47 <FLHerne> andythenorth: !!! 10:36:54 <andythenorth> outstanding use of unreleased feature at the end 10:37:09 <Wolf01> The hovercraft at the end 10:37:12 <Wolf01> Lol 10:37:23 <LordAro> lol 10:37:30 <TrueBrain> the stuttering, aarrrghhh .. we should fix that .. 10:38:17 <Wolf01> TB: I should check better, but I think I noticed some mouse pointer lag at the title screen, but not in game 10:39:04 <TrueBrain> there is no render-difference between title screen and in-game 10:39:08 <TrueBrain> so that would be a bit odd 10:39:18 <Wolf01> In game it really disappear when I move it fast 10:39:25 <andythenorth> I so love this stuff https://www.tt-forums.net/viewtopic.php?f=26&t=88258 10:39:35 <TrueBrain> but make sure you test with latest master :) 10:39:57 <andythenorth> so much fun, so much better than arguing with net-negative contributors about boring crap 10:40:32 * Wolf01 recompiling 10:40:42 <FLHerne> "If TrueBrain really did have graphics and code for diagonal roads back in 2012, he would have released them a few time ago at least." <-- is true? :p 10:40:58 <TrueBrain> huh? 10:40:59 <TrueBrain> context? 10:41:24 <TrueBrain> wtf are "diagonal roads"? 10:41:51 <andythenorth> roads that go N-S or E-W 10:42:18 <FLHerne> TrueBrain: https://www.tt-forums.net/viewtopic.php?p=1212523#p1212523 10:42:18 <andythenorth> rubidium said they're impossible as they need to span multiple tiles per 'tile' 10:42:51 <FLHerne> I was just reading forum for some reason 10:42:59 <TrueBrain> FLHerne: yeah, I have no clue what that user was smooking 10:42:59 <FLHerne> It's all andy's fault 10:43:02 <TrueBrain> absolutely zero 10:43:06 *** Samu has joined #openttd 10:43:10 <TrueBrain> the only graphics I ever did, was Lego bla 10:43:24 <TrueBrain> so no, he is heavily confusing me who someone else 10:43:31 <TrueBrain> who? with 10:43:34 <FLHerne> TrueBrain: Well, if you *did* have graphics and code, you'd have released them, right? 10:43:39 <FLHerne> So they're not actually wrong 10:43:48 <TrueBrain> even that is not true; depends if it added value :) 10:44:09 <TrueBrain> owh, lol, I made an image 10:44:09 <TrueBrain> haha 10:44:11 <TrueBrain> now I get it 10:44:14 <TrueBrain> 2012 .. lol 10:44:43 <TrueBrain> sorry, context is everything 10:44:47 <TrueBrain> but he meant the image I posted in 2012 10:44:48 <Wolf01> <TrueBrain> but make sure you test with latest master :) <- Fixed in title screen now, but lagging in game, wtf? 10:44:48 <TrueBrain> gotcha 10:45:40 <Wolf01> After alt-tabbing it gets better in game but the pointer disappear totally or partially when moved 10:47:08 <TrueBrain> FLHerne: zero memories of that event ... clearly I was just having fun with andy .. some things never change :D 10:48:05 <michi_cc> Wolf01: This is some interesting OS/display/screen interaction. I see partial cursor clipping as well, but a screen capture is completely fine. There's some kind of problem in the way Windows gets the window contents onto the physical screen. 10:48:27 <TrueBrain> Wolf01: try setting in your openttd.cfg under [gui] the refresh_rate to 30 10:48:29 <TrueBrain> see what that does 10:48:37 <TrueBrain> but yeah, it sounds like vsync trouble 10:48:51 <TrueBrain> which is annoying, as not using WM_PAINT should kinda solve that 10:48:58 <TrueBrain> michi_cc: just hurry up with OpenGL would you :P 10:53:29 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] LordAro merged pull request #8710: Fix road pathfinder behaviour with speed limits on roadtypes/bridges https://git.io/Jt9GI 10:53:32 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] LordAro closed issue #8594: NRT - Pathfinder doesn't consider speed limits when calculating a route https://git.io/JtqIG 10:53:36 <TrueBrain> \o/ 10:54:04 <Wolf01> <TrueBrain> Wolf01: try setting in your openttd.cfg under [gui] the refresh_rate to 30 <- it gets better, but I feel it a bit laggy 10:54:15 <TrueBrain> the "lag" you experience is 30fps :) 10:54:25 <TrueBrain> but yes, in that case you are seeing vsync issues 10:54:39 <TrueBrain> from what I understand, that has always been there on Windows 10:55:03 <TrueBrain> guess it is a bit more obvious now because on one hand you are focused on it, on the other hand making things smoother makes the non-smooth stick out more 10:55:11 <Wolf01> It seem to be more horizontal tearing than vertical tearing 10:55:22 <TrueBrain> if the issues happens on the horizontal axis 10:55:25 <TrueBrain> it is vsync issue :) 10:55:35 <TrueBrain> if it is over the vertical axis, it is our dirty-stuff acting up :) 10:55:48 <TrueBrain> (screens are drawn from top left to top right, line by line to the bottom) 10:56:18 <TrueBrain> so if you see horizontal striping etc, it is vsync most of the time :) 10:57:14 <TrueBrain> (when the screen comes at the bottom right, in the old days, there was time for "vsync", meaning all horizontal lines were drawn over the vertical axis, before it continues again at the top left to start all over again) 10:57:19 <Wolf01> I see half pointer, like only the left part only when moving it, or alternating the top and bottom parts 10:57:20 <TrueBrain> at the end of each line is "hsync" time 10:57:34 <TrueBrain> yeah, I guess this is what you "see" indeed 10:57:44 <TrueBrain> and only when you move it quick, I assume? 10:57:47 <Wolf01> Yup 10:57:55 <TrueBrain> yup, vsync 10:58:07 <Wolf01> "Quick", the usual speed :P 10:58:11 <TrueBrain> try out 1.10.3 I would say, if it happens there too 10:58:36 <TrueBrain> owh, and can you try starting the game with "-v win32:no_threads" 10:58:39 <TrueBrain> does that change anything? 10:58:55 <Wolf01> Lol, 1.10.3 crashed badly at title screen, I should not mix the configs 10:59:30 <LordAro> it shouldn't... 11:00:09 <Wolf01> Maybe some newgrf 11:00:14 <Wolf01> It crashes while scanning 11:00:23 <Wolf01> Windows store version 11:00:46 <LordAro> would be interested in seeing the crash.log 11:05:36 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] Wolfolo opened issue #8711: Microsoft store version 1.10.3 crashing at start https://git.io/Jt9Kw 11:07:00 <Wolf01> The crash screenshot is interesting 11:08:28 <LordAro> now, how to read the dmp... 11:08:33 <LordAro> where's glx when you want him? 11:08:37 <Wolf01> :D 11:08:46 <TrueBrain> want? or need? :D 11:08:53 <LordAro> 0xC0000005 means a segfault though 11:09:20 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] James103 commented on issue #8711: Microsoft store version 1.10.3 crashing at start https://git.io/Jt9Kw 11:09:42 <LordAro> TrueBrain: weren't you going to get dorpsgek to decode the dmps at one point? 11:09:45 <Wolf01> I'll try to disable the automatic UI sizing, it's the only thing I changed 11:10:24 <Wolf01> HA! It's that one 11:10:56 <TrueBrain> LordAro: I was .. but everyone told me it was a waste of time .. so I didn't :) 11:11:41 <michi_cc> Hmm, min/max settings clamping is broken somehow? 11:11:45 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] Wolfolo commented on issue #8711: Microsoft store version 1.10.3 crashing at start https://git.io/Jt9Kw 11:12:41 <Wolf01> Lunch time 11:17:59 <TrueBrain> I like how you distracted him now :) 11:35:08 <andythenorth> features are weird 11:35:23 <andythenorth> something seems big with moving parts, then suddenly...it's done 11:35:33 * andythenorth devloloper lifestyle 11:36:26 <michi_cc> Can anyone recalled if we did any changes to the actual "read settings from ini" code in 1.11? (Not meaning the address stuff) 11:37:22 <michi_cc> As far as I can see settings clamping works fine, except that for the zoom it means it clamps to maximum zoom-in. Which in turn would mean the crash is caused by maximum GUI/font zoom. 11:38:14 <LordAro> something to do with the "bootstrap" settings? 11:39:56 <michi_cc> Okay, check git history, and the settings clamping part was not touched recently at all. Which indicates a problem with maximum GUI zoom, not settings loading. 11:41:27 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] michicc commented on issue #8711: Microsoft store version 1.10.3 crashing at start https://git.io/Jt9Kw 12:07:31 <FLHerne> andythenorth: I showed this video to some people and none of them comprehended it :-( 12:08:39 <andythenorth> I think it's niche 12:08:51 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] Wolfolo commented on issue #8711: Microsoft store version 1.10.3 crashing at start https://git.io/Jt9Kw 12:08:54 *** iSoSyS has joined #openttd 12:09:10 <andythenorth> it works for me because my kids sing the Gas Gas Gas song to my great irritation :) 12:09:11 <FLHerne> andythenorth: How can NML not suck? 12:09:21 <FLHerne> Perhaps this question is too open-ended 12:09:23 <FLHerne> But it sucks 12:09:31 <andythenorth> FLHerne it nearly doesn't 12:09:32 *** iSoSyS has quit IRC 12:09:37 <FLHerne> The abstractions are all at the wrong level 12:10:22 <andythenorth> it's proving to be a very productive tool for those of us who can (usually python) abstract it :P 12:10:57 <andythenorth> FLHerne serious answers? 12:11:07 <FLHerne> Yes 12:11:23 <FLHerne> (I was trying to make it faster, but got fed up again because nothing works) 12:11:24 <andythenorth> ok it sucks on multiple levels, long list follows :P 12:11:39 <andythenorth> 1. it's horrible to extend nml, because it's horrible to extend newgrf spec 12:12:24 <andythenorth> 2. it's horrible to extend nml because it's unpleasant to write docs for it 12:12:35 <andythenorth> 3. nml is (still) relatively slow to compile 12:13:14 <andythenorth> 4. nml is very forgiving of some kinds of authoring sloppiness, and completely hostile to others, which can be confusing 12:13:45 <andythenorth> 5. nobody enjoys working on nml afaict; even though it's python, I am terrified to touch it because it's way beyond my skills 12:14:21 <FLHerne> Hm 12:14:43 <andythenorth> 6. it has no kind of templating 12:15:23 <andythenorth> 7. it doesn't expose entities as actual entities (e.g. 'my blue train', 'my red train') etc, everything in source is just a morass of strings to the average author 12:15:44 <andythenorth> 8. it has a cache, but can't speed it up with partial compiles because it has no concept of scopes 12:15:55 <Wolf01> It seem that nml only needs to be more user-friendly 12:18:10 <andythenorth> I would make a terrible language designer, but I though it should be scoped, and use a tree 12:18:50 <andythenorth> so author declares 'train' and then all switches etc are scoped to that train, unless declared global or (global procedure) 12:19:08 <andythenorth> oh it has a few weird pseudo-helpful things as well 12:19:30 <andythenorth> like auto-managing vehicle IDs, which will instantly fail for savegames when more vehicles are added 12:20:21 <andythenorth> also it seems to miss the opportunity to automatically generate basic (sparse) reference docs as html or plain text 12:20:40 <Wolf01> It's like the IDE we are using at work, you declare a bool variable and then proceed to set the initial value to "true", the IDE autosuggests the function "trunc()", it's not even in alphabetical order, and it even returns a string 12:20:43 <andythenorth> e.g. from the tree, it could output something similar to grf2html 12:21:00 <TrueBrain> Wolf01: did you try if -vwin32:nothreads changes anything about the tearing? 12:21:09 <Wolf01> TB: not yet 12:21:23 <michi_cc> Wolf01: Ah, you must have changed the "maximum zoom in level" some time in the past. Was this intentional? 12:21:59 <michi_cc> I think you can crash any old OTTD by manually editing the config to have a GUI zoom level that is outside the allowed maximum zoom. 12:22:00 <andythenorth> FLHerne I don't have the ability to carry it off, but if I was replacing it, I would ship something more frameworky, like Iron Horse, but not programmed by me 12:22:12 <andythenorth> and then have it read something like YAML files 12:22:45 <Wolf01> michi_cc: I changed it from master, set to auto-detect, nothing else, I just wanted to see what it did detect and then forgot about it 12:22:52 <andythenorth> the way Jekyll / Liquid handles templates and vars (e.g. OpenTTD website) is really neat 12:23:05 <michi_cc> Wolf01: I'm not talking about the GUI scale setting. 12:23:16 <andythenorth> declaring a train, should be more like: red_train.yaml 12:23:22 <andythenorth> and then declare which template to use 12:23:28 <andythenorth> and then declare props 12:23:42 <michi_cc> Quad zoom is only disabled in the GUI dropdown if you changed the advanced setting for maximum zoom away from the default to allow all zooms. 12:24:20 <Wolf01> Oh, the viewport, no, I didn't change it from the .ini, I set it to 2x/8x 12:25:09 <Wolf01> It's set to those values for ages 12:25:10 * FLHerne files answer in head 12:25:19 <FLHerne> "which template" ? 12:25:29 <FLHerne> I don't really know how Horse works 12:25:46 <andythenorth> I would split properties and templating 12:25:59 <andythenorth> my approach is very 'web publishing framework' 12:26:14 <andythenorth> where typically you have a html template with slots or loops in it 12:26:18 <michi_cc> There's your problem :) OTTD it seems does not validate the GUI zoom loaded from the config against the min/max zoom. Unfortunately, I wrote the autozoom in a way that old versions interpret it as maximum zoom in. 12:26:19 <andythenorth> then you feed it content 12:26:31 <andythenorth> so a train would have a template, e.g. 'steam engine with tender' or whatever 12:26:34 <andythenorth> 'wagon' 12:26:51 <andythenorth> other approaches might be better, it's just a convention I am used to 12:27:35 <andythenorth> oh I also wondered, I suspect nml is constructing some very very elaborate advanced varact2 in places, probably over and over again 12:27:44 <andythenorth> I wondered if procedures can replace any of that 12:28:06 <andythenorth> procedures have been revolutionary for the way I'm writing grfs 12:28:15 <andythenorth> so much repetition eliminated 12:28:29 <andythenorth> so much to read and write the code 12:28:31 <andythenorth> easier * 12:28:54 <andythenorth> faster compiles, smaller files 12:29:15 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] JGRennison opened issue #8712: Thread safety issues detected by ThreadSanitizer https://git.io/Jt9Pk 12:30:50 <Wolf01> TrueBrain: I checked with 1.10.3, the mouse cursor does not lag and does not have tearing, it behaves like the hardware pointer on windows where you see ghost ones when moving really fast, with master instead I get 2-3 ghosts and only parts of the pointer with 60fps, and a bit laggy but the same ghosting as 1.10.3 12:31:08 <Wolf01> Now I'll try with nothreads 12:31:34 <TrueBrain> the next thing on the list: set refresh_rate to 144 or something 12:31:57 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] michicc commented on issue #8711: 1.10.3 crashing at start when interface size is set to auto-detect from master (1.11), shared config in document folder https://git.io/Jt9Kw 12:32:17 <andythenorth> FLHerne not sure if this is of use, discussion with Alberth from 2019, might be just me waffling https://gist.githubusercontent.com/andythenorth/3ebb91277db6bb66e4c599f7f61b1735/raw/36d3beba490349459c74ac682502d1325f431844/gistfile1.txt 12:32:38 <Wolf01> With nothreads it does not break, no ghosting but jumps 12:34:10 *** nielsm has quit IRC 12:34:55 *** roadt__ has quit IRC 12:35:05 <TrueBrain> that is a bit odd .. curious what a higher refresh-rate does for you 12:35:44 <Wolf01> With 144 behaves like nothreads, 144+nothreads it's super fast, no ghosting, I can't follow it :P 12:36:10 <michi_cc> I might have a work-around for the mouse cursor issue, but I have to measure how much of an performance impact it is. 12:36:12 <andythenorth> somehow I persuaded openttd to load a partially written grf without crashing 12:36:14 <andythenorth> that was lolz 12:36:23 <andythenorth> half the vehicles gone, that's usually an assert :) 12:36:37 <andythenorth> I should buy a lottery ticket today 12:36:42 <TrueBrain> Wolf01: how much Hz are your displays? 12:36:58 <TrueBrain> michi_cc: we could do the old "trick" and use what-ever CPU time is left over the draw the mouse 12:37:03 <TrueBrain> but it is hacky as fuck :P 12:37:10 <Wolf01> It seem like my hardware pointer when I set the mouse resolution up to 3000 12:37:15 <TrueBrain> I am somewhat tempted to wait and see if your OpenGL patch improves the situation 12:37:23 <Wolf01> <TrueBrain> Wolf01: how much Hz are your displays? <- 60hz 12:38:07 *** Tulitomaatti has joined #openttd 12:38:24 <TrueBrain> I would have expected the GDI to sync this correctly .. bit surprised it does not 12:38:24 <michi_cc> Okay, that work around is no work-around. It limits the whole game loop to screen refresh rate :( 12:38:30 <TrueBrain> especially as we just blit the whole screen 12:38:43 <michi_cc> But it basically confirms that it is a GDI/DWM sync issue. 12:39:28 <FLHerne> andythenorth: "I suspect nml is constructing some very very elaborate advanced varact2 in places, probably over and over again" <-- it is 12:39:40 <FLHerne> Particularly for the FIRS spriteayours 12:39:47 <TrueBrain> documentation suggests you don't have to worry about syncing 12:39:50 <TrueBrain> which is clearly a lie :D 12:40:00 <TrueBrain> I will fiddle with it a bit tomorrow, see if I can reproduce at least 12:40:23 <TrueBrain> but we can also decouple mouse handling from draw-ticks 12:40:26 <TrueBrain> so we get a mouse-tick 12:40:27 *** nielsm has joined #openttd 12:40:27 <TrueBrain> that runs quicker 12:40:33 <TrueBrain> should fix it for most people 12:40:43 <andythenorth> FLHerne pretty certain that can be proceduralised, they all check the same tile stuff 12:40:53 <andythenorth> mostly they just want 0 and 1 12:41:09 <michi_cc> TrueBrain: The "magic" call to fix it is DwmFlush. But it has to be called on the main thread before signalling the draw thread and will basically look the main loop to vsync. 12:41:20 <michi_cc> s/look/lock/ 12:41:54 <TrueBrain> can't it be done in the draw thread? 12:42:03 <nielsm> okay got my visual studio updated 12:42:12 <nielsm> let's see if I can build ottd 12:42:48 <TrueBrain> \o/ 12:43:51 <nielsm> the best part about the cmake change is still that building language files no longer takes forever 12:44:21 <TrueBrain> michi_cc: what I was thinking .. with OpenGL not using threads, and not drawing in the thread solves a few things .. with OpenGL, shouldn't we just drop threaded drawing? 12:44:27 <nielsm> oh right... debugging symbols... going to take a while to download 12:44:36 <TrueBrain> so if people use the GDI, everything is a lot smoother 12:44:38 *** roadt__ has joined #openttd 12:45:02 <michi_cc> TrueBrain: I tried that, but it doesn't change anything in the draw thread. And yes, with OpenGL the problem seems to vanish. 12:45:46 <nielsm> the purpose of threaded drawing is to avoid situations where sending the blitted picture over to the graphics memory (or window system buffer) takes a long time, and that's basically a non-problem nowadays, yes? 12:45:53 <TrueBrain> so I see two paths: 1) put the mouse on its own tick, and run it twice as fast, 2) wait for OpenGL to land and remove threadng for drawing 12:46:13 <TrueBrain> nielsm: not as big as it used to, for sure 12:47:04 <nielsm> I just had a really stupid idea for ottd on windows 12:47:12 <michi_cc> I don't think it has anything to do with too slow mouse ticks, but simply that GDI blitting from a secondary thread is not proberly synchronized by Windows. 12:47:35 <TrueBrain> michi_cc: I am still surprised it works at all 12:47:39 <nielsm> remove the system title bar, put a main window title bar next to the game toolbar and add the system menu and window management buttons too 12:47:39 <TrueBrain> it is such a bad idea :P 12:48:04 <TrueBrain> michi_cc: I always learnt to never draw anywhere not the main thread :) 12:48:07 <nielsm> also then totally replace the main menu with a toolbar 12:48:09 <milek7_> would also fix wayland though :P 12:48:15 <TrueBrain> that is why I am a bit tempted to just remove the threading code 12:48:24 <TrueBrain> nielsm: sorry, I do not follow; make a mockup? :D 12:51:41 <TrueBrain> michi_cc: I have also been wondering if we can't flip it around .. do drawing in main thread, but allow the gameloop in another thread to run at the same time 12:52:37 <michi_cc> Yes, that is definitely the more canonical way and might even allow threading on platforms like OSX. 12:52:38 <TrueBrain> I might give that a spin tomorrow, see if that changes anything 12:52:50 <TrueBrain> shouldn't be hard 12:52:56 <TrueBrain> especially now that code is nearly all in a single place 12:57:12 <TrueBrain> stuff to improve on :D 12:57:46 *** glx has joined #openttd 12:57:47 *** ChanServ sets mode: +v glx 13:02:21 <TrueBrain> now I come to think of it, flipping it around also means it works with OpenGL 13:02:41 <TrueBrain> and if we can delay more of the drawing part, the game makes more and more use of multithreaded system 13:02:46 <TrueBrain> so hmm .. yeah, that sounds like a good idea 13:03:56 <nielsm> TrueBrain: https://0x0.st/-8eK.jpg 13:04:27 <glx> https://github.com/glx22/OpenTTD/pull/9/files <-- includes manual vcpkg and a workaround for caching on VS2017 13:04:38 <reldred> ahahahah that's kinda goofy nielsm 13:04:45 <TrueBrain> nielsm: next, borderless windowed fullscreen? :D 13:05:13 <LordAro> i don't like it 13:05:27 <nielsm> I said it was a stupid idea 13:05:45 <glx> what happens if you resize to minimal width ? 13:05:52 <nielsm> pain 13:05:57 <TrueBrain> nielsm: I am so used to playing games borderless windowed, that adding that to OpenTTD would be valuable to me :) 13:06:06 <TrueBrain> but that can be without the blue bar 13:06:18 <TrueBrain> glx: I think that is a lot easier to maintain 13:06:20 <LordAro> making the toolbar disappear until you mouse over/near it might be nice 13:06:22 <nielsm> you mean resizeable border just no title bar_ 13:06:23 <TrueBrain> than the battle what we are currently battling 13:06:24 <nielsm> ? 13:06:32 <TrueBrain> nielsm: like any modern game, yes 13:06:47 <TrueBrain> well, mostly it is used in combination with fullscreen 13:06:51 <TrueBrain> but without going to fullscreen 13:06:59 <glx> TrueBrain: yeah and it's finally quite simple 13:06:59 <TrueBrain> maximized windowed borderless 13:07:10 <nielsm> well having the system buttons and a little area to move the window around will still be nice imo 13:07:32 <glx> I just need to do the same for release workflow 13:07:52 <nielsm> but also I've been thinking for a while that the open areas next to the menu bar and status bar are kind of weird, I'd rather just they span the entire width anyway 13:08:21 <TrueBrain> had to look up how the rest of the world calls it: Borderless Windowed 13:08:28 <TrueBrain> I always forget the weird combination of words 13:08:31 <TrueBrain> and that is "fullscreen" 13:08:44 <TrueBrain> what is cool about it, it allows your mouse to freely move in and out of that screen 13:08:52 <TrueBrain> open any modern game and you will see it has this mode btw :) 13:08:58 <TrueBrain> Dyson Sphere Program was an exception :P 13:09:03 <glx> there are 2 fullscreen modes in today's world 13:09:18 <reldred> some don't implement it well and still capture the cursor 13:09:48 <glx> usually borderless has better support to alt-tab 13:10:30 <glx> but the other one may have direct access to GPU 13:10:33 <glx> IIRC 13:11:14 <glx> and different resolution than desktop of course 13:11:30 <glx> (but ugly on LCD anyway) 13:12:19 <nielsm> make ottd run windowed fullscreen, but the only resolutions allowed are full/1, full/2, full/3, full/4, full/6, full/8 (depending on when it becomes too small) 13:12:30 <nielsm> i.e. whole divisors of the actual desktop resolution 13:12:36 <TrueBrain> most games don't bother with that 13:12:45 <TrueBrain> borderless windowed is just what-ever-your-native-resolution-is 13:13:09 <glx> yup borderless is a normal window, so it can only use desktop 13:13:10 <nielsm> I've seen several that allow you to render the game in lower resolution which is then upscaled 13:13:29 <nielsm> like rendering at 1080p then upscaling to 2160p 13:13:46 <Xaroth> That only works with DLSS 13:13:52 <Xaroth> and really isn't relevant for openttd. 13:16:39 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] JGRennison opened issue #8713: Win32 OTTD2FS/FS2OTTD used from multiple threads but use a static buffer https://git.io/Jt9XE 13:21:48 <nielsm> btw can we make win32 assume wchar_t everywhere instead of trying to pretend we still compile for windows 95? 13:24:38 <Xaroth> I hear we have a volunteer 13:30:03 <TrueBrain> nielsm: sounds like the proper fix for that issue, but that is a lot more work :P 13:32:23 <milek7_> I think real 'fullscreen' modes are going away 13:32:38 <nielsm> 1.8 was the last successful win9x build right? 13:32:53 <milek7_> windows even tries to do it even when application requests direct fullscreen 13:33:02 <milek7_> https://devblogs.microsoft.com/directx/demystifying-full-screen-optimizations/ 13:35:09 <andythenorth> when someone fixes https://github.com/OpenTTD/OpenTTD/issues/8575 please send it back in time to today 13:35:18 <andythenorth> adjusting vehicle cost balance is frigging painful 13:35:30 <andythenorth> when the profit numbers don't update 13:36:34 <andythenorth> k thx bai :) 13:37:50 <LordAro> the solution is relatively easy 13:42:23 <nielsm> hmm, this comment... "XXX: Hurray for MS only having an ANSI GetProcAddress function" 13:42:34 <nielsm> well yes, linker symbol names are not unicode 13:42:49 <nielsm> they are pure ascii 13:44:08 <TrueBrain> you will find in comments that in many cases the author had no idea how stuff really worked :D :D :) 13:50:14 <nielsm> oh nice, on windows WCHAR is 16 bit character type (alias for wchar_t) and WChar is 32 bit character type (alias for char32_t) 13:50:36 <LordAro> obvs 13:50:54 <nielsm> okay WChar is a type of our own definition apparently 13:51:06 <supermop_Home> ugg dropped and chipped coffee mug 13:51:15 <supermop_Home> not quite awake 13:51:18 <milek7_> couldn't we get rid of these silly windows widechar functions? 13:51:24 <supermop_Home> despit it being alost 9 13:51:26 <milek7_> and use utf8 everywhere? 13:52:39 <milek7_> "Starting in Windows 10 build 17134 (April 2018 Update), the Universal C Runtime supports using a UTF-8 code page. This means that char strings passed to C runtime functions will expect strings in the UTF-8 encoding. To enable UTF-8 mode, use "UTF-8" as the code page when using setlocale. For example, setlocale(LC_ALL, ".utf8") will use the current default Windows ANSI code page (ACP) for the locale and UTF-8 for the code page." 13:52:51 <TrueBrain> nielsm: so the first thing you do after setting up your IDE, is dropping in wchar hell :D I appreciate your approach :) (without sarcasm) 13:52:55 <LordAro> milek7_: windows will always use utf16 internally, so no, not entirely 13:53:11 <LordAro> and modifying the codepage has ...other weird results 13:53:13 <glx> milek7_: we still support windows before 10 1804 13:54:19 <glx> and yes I enabled utf8 on my windows, but it has some nasty effects with some CLI tools 13:55:32 <milek7_> setlocale sets it per-application 13:55:52 <milek7_> but yes, older windows is a problem 14:05:21 <michi_cc> Also, many of the OS functions we call are not part of the C runtime anyway. 14:07:52 <LordAro> TrueBrain: https://pasteboard.co/JPocE8u.png i love how the slow dump trucks still take the wooden bridge, because the loss in speed isn't big enough to make it worth going to the faster bridge :) 14:08:09 <TrueBrain> AND HE IS RIGHT IN DOING SO :D 14:08:10 <TrueBrain> hah 14:08:12 <TrueBrain> that is funny :) 14:09:55 <andythenorth> LordAro that's an awesome side effect 14:10:02 <andythenorth> pls try to retain it :) 14:10:09 <glx> if veh max speed is lower than bridge max speed anyway 14:10:24 <LordAro> https://pasteboard.co/JPodJKk.png same thing here, though i'm less sure about the scania using the gravel road 14:10:44 <TrueBrain> working as intended 14:10:48 <TrueBrain> but awesome that is finally works :) 14:11:06 <LordAro> glx: yes, but it is faster than the bridge speed (32 vs 80), just not enough slower 14:11:34 * LordAro goes back to trying to work out why the vehicle list window is never invalidated 14:11:37 *** frosch123 has joined #openttd 14:11:49 *** jellyknight has joined #openttd 14:12:20 <glx> ok implemented my changes in release workflow, let's trigger a fake release 14:12:53 <andythenorth> LordAro well we know which commit introduced it :) 14:13:02 <glx> hmm but I'll wait for CI run (in case it can reuse cache) 14:13:05 <TrueBrain> awesome work there glx :D Should be a lot less buggy and "magic" :D 14:13:20 <LordAro> andythenorth: the issue is that there's nothing in there that should change anything about that 14:13:33 <andythenorth> oof 14:13:33 <supermop_Home> love to see that huge mining truck on a wood bridge 14:13:44 <TrueBrain> not unsafe AT ALL 14:13:46 *** magla has joined #openttd 14:13:48 <TrueBrain> max-weight next? 14:13:49 <LordAro> supermop_Home: :D 14:13:52 <glx> I kept the GNU tar workaround in release (even if it doesn't use VS2017) so it may reuse cache from CI 14:14:08 <glx> (not sure it will, but...) 14:14:14 <LordAro> TrueBrain: that was basically the rest of Zorg's comment on the original issue 14:14:17 <LordAro> i largely ignored it 14:14:36 <TrueBrain> it was? Haha, I was being sarcastic :D 14:14:38 <TrueBrain> says enough :P 14:14:41 <LordAro> i think 14:14:46 <LordAro> i didn't read it all that closely 14:15:19 <glx> yeah it was about vehicle using roads they "should not" 14:15:39 <glx> but we don't have these limitations implemented 14:16:24 <glx> not even in the spec 14:17:44 <glx> https://github.com/glx22/OpenTTD/actions/runs/586560185 <-- started 14:18:15 *** gelignite has quit IRC 14:20:15 *** jellyknight has quit IRC 14:21:39 <glx> ok it can reuse CI cache, keeping the same cache config was a good idea 14:22:35 <glx> hmm was too fast, not reusing cache 14:23:27 <LordAro> you know, i'm not sure i'm a fan of the new vehicle location button 14:23:30 <LordAro> it's very small 14:24:49 <TrueBrain> if things are too small, it is time you change your GUI zoom factor :) 14:25:08 <LordAro> it's a fairly standard screen 14:25:17 <LordAro> no highdpi weirdnesses going on 14:25:48 <TrueBrain> so you need glasses :P 14:26:20 <LordAro> yes, but not for close-stuff :p 14:26:23 <supermop_Home> ok I had an idea for https://github.com/OpenTTD/OpenTTD/issues/8647 … what if I just draw the bounding box of the RV very tall... would that help? but seems you cant really change that either 14:26:44 <frosch123> well, that "rocket gronk" video is clearly the end-scene for the next stream :) 14:26:55 *** jottyfan has quit IRC 14:30:01 <glx> Warning: /Users/runner/work/OpenTTD/OpenTTD/src/video/cocoa/cocoa_v.mm:95:15: warning: unused function 'GetTick' [-Wunused-function] <-- need to check recent master, my branch is not fully up to date 14:30:51 <TrueBrain> only used in debug 14:30:54 <TrueBrain> and even then unused really 14:31:00 <TrueBrain> I thought I removed most of it .. 14:31:42 <LordAro> mm, _tEvent is set, but never read 14:32:07 *** peter1138 has joined #openttd 14:32:07 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o peter1138 14:32:10 <TrueBrain> recent change by me 14:32:18 <TrueBrain> there was a lot of debugging timing stuff in the OSX driver 14:32:25 <Wolf01> Oh, hi peter1138 14:32:41 <glx> there was a lot of weird thing in OSX driver ;) 14:34:17 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] TrueBrain opened pull request #8714: Codechange: [OSX] remove final bits of old debugging code https://git.io/Jt9Dy 14:34:24 <TrueBrain> did not compile it myself, so lets see if the CI agrees with my change :) 14:36:38 <glx> building OSX release is slow (of course it's building 2 arch) 14:41:45 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] LordAro approved pull request #8714: Codechange: [OSX] remove final bits of old debugging code https://git.io/Jt9yU 14:42:19 <glx> TrueBrain: should I also use "cmake --build ." for all ? 14:42:25 <TrueBrain> I think we should 14:42:32 <TrueBrain> but that is my opinion :D 14:42:41 <glx> does it auto use -j ? 14:42:45 <TrueBrain> dunno 14:43:09 <glx> ok I'll check the doc 14:43:44 <TrueBrain> could always influence it by setting MAKEFLAGS ofc 14:44:18 <TrueBrain> no, it runs -j1 it seems from a local test :) 14:44:30 <TrueBrain> cmake --build accepts -j 14:46:21 <glx> yes --parallel [<jobs>], -j [<jobs>] 14:58:29 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] TrueBrain merged pull request #8714: Codechange: [OSX] remove final bits of old debugging code https://git.io/Jt9Dy 15:12:46 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] stormcone commented on pull request #8710: Fix road pathfinder behaviour with speed limits on roadtypes/bridges https://git.io/Jt9Sm 15:13:32 <TrueBrain> haha, someone is asking for the magic 4 :D 15:13:59 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] LordAro commented on pull request #8710: Fix road pathfinder behaviour with speed limits on roadtypes/bridges https://git.io/Jt9Sc 15:14:03 <TrueBrain> I was surprised there was no comment at the rail PF about it 15:16:18 <LordAro> i think the tiles_skipped accounts for the bridgeheads, so it's not that 15:16:25 <LordAro> maybe just arbitrarily increasing the cost? 15:16:31 <TrueBrain> at least 1 of them is from the tile itself 15:16:40 <TrueBrain> the other 3 ... shrug 15:16:46 <TrueBrain> sounds like the cost is overestimating this way 15:16:53 <TrueBrain> but I am sure it is not the only weird thing in the PF :) 15:21:52 <nielsm> progress: it compiles and doesn't crash violently 15:22:01 <nielsm> but doesn't find any language files either 15:23:49 <nielsm> hmm another stupid idea: allow reading data files from embedded resources, so you can have a genuinely standalone openttd.exe that contains language files and baseset files even 15:27:38 <glx> hmm which generator ? 15:28:17 <glx> because language files not found is typical to "Visual Studio" cmake generators IIRC 15:30:14 <nielsm> the same build worked before I started editing all the file handling code 15:30:23 <glx> ha 15:30:57 <glx> then I guess you are using Ninja (default in "open folder" mode) 15:31:16 <nielsm> yes 15:31:31 <glx> so yeah, your changes broke something :) 15:36:48 *** Flygon has quit IRC 15:37:24 <nielsm> oh now it's working 15:38:29 <nielsm> I have no idea why... I made FS2OTTD() and OTTD2FS() return std::string and std::wstring, and in some of the places they're used calling .c_str() on the returned object gives an empty string despite the returned std::(w)string not being empty 15:38:49 <nielsm> but if I store the return from FS2OTTD or OTTD2FS into a local variable then it works 15:39:24 <nielsm> shouldn't the returned temporary be scoped to the scope it's returned inside? 15:39:35 <nielsm> or is that me misunderstanding something? 15:39:39 <glx> ah yes I noticed things like that before 15:39:57 <LordAro> shouldn't have an issue returning a function-local std::string 15:39:59 <LordAro> it's a class 15:40:03 <LordAro> /object 15:42:04 *** jottyfan has joined #openttd 15:42:22 <glx> in https://github.com/OpenTTD/OpenTTD/commit/45e8b7a5bd6f2bbfbda8688911ae20d4186298f4 I first tried SetDParamStr(0, (std::string(d_name) + PATHSEP).c_str()); but it was always empty 15:42:24 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] LordAro opened pull request #8715: Fix: Vehicle list windows did not update when this year's profit changed https://git.io/Jt99a 15:43:12 <LordAro> glx: i think there are issues with calling c_str on a temporary 15:43:20 <LordAro> as the object is immediately destructed 15:43:33 <LordAro> and/or goes out of scope 15:43:45 *** jottyfan has quit IRC 15:44:11 <glx> maybe it's the same for return if it's not stored anywhere 15:44:23 <LordAro> possibly the same thing that nielsm is describing? if the std::string is going out of scope, it, and the memory returned by c_str() is freed 15:44:40 <LordAro> c_str isn't a copy - if you haven't made your own copy, it'll disappear 15:47:52 <nielsm> I guess it's only scoped to the statement then, the string object? 15:50:43 <nielsm> unix.cpp also has some unsafe iconv code using a global 15:51:38 <glx> oups ubuntu 18.04 cmake is too old to support -j 15:54:03 <LordAro> nielsm: glx: https://godbolt.org/z/YeorE8 i think this demonstrates what's going on 15:54:28 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] nielsmh commented on issue #8713: Win32 OTTD2FS/FS2OTTD used from multiple threads but use a static buffer https://git.io/Jt9XE 15:58:58 <michi_cc> .c_str() is basically just the internal pointer. For it to remain valid, the object must stay around, too. 15:59:20 <nielsm> yes the question was about the lifetime of the object 16:00:18 <michi_cc> nielsm: https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/language/lifetime :D 16:05:30 <michi_cc> "All temporary objects are destroyed as the last step in evaluating the full-expression that (lexically) contains the point where they were created" combined with rule 3 from https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/language/eval_order would read to me that the temporary does not survive into the function body. 16:06:49 <michi_cc> To make that stuff more interesting, if the function argument would be of type std::string& (i.e. a reference), temporary lifetime is in fact extended. 16:09:11 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] nielsmh opened pull request #8716: Fix #8713: Change OTTD2FS and FS2OTTD to return string objects https://git.io/Jt9Ha 16:11:46 <LordAro> ideally those changes would be separate commits 16:12:02 <nielsm> yeah I know, that's why I made it a draft so far 16:18:54 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] nielsmh updated pull request #8716: Fix #8713: Change OTTD2FS and FS2OTTD to return string objects https://git.io/Jt9Ha 16:30:07 <andythenorth> the mac performance improvements also yield when openttd is paused and in the background btw michi_cc 16:30:09 <glx> ahah looking at the diff I new some platform won't build, and it seems only macos is using iconv 16:30:30 <andythenorth> openttd is sitting at 1.3% of one thread unit right now, it used to sit at 5-10% paused 16:30:40 <andythenorth> was a constant tiny battery lag 16:30:40 <TrueBrain> far less drawing :) 16:30:49 <TrueBrain> where is my love for that?! :P 16:31:02 <andythenorth> hangon 16:31:18 <andythenorth> I disabled the emoji bar on this mac so I can play openttd 16:31:34 <andythenorth> 💕💕❤️😍 16:31:40 <andythenorth> ^ for TrueBrain 16:31:40 <TrueBrain> now that is better! 16:31:44 <TrueBrain> :D 16:31:48 <andythenorth> emojibar support anyone? :P 16:31:54 <andythenorth> emojibar, such a turkey 16:32:20 <michi_cc> Is that a codeword for touch bar, or it there some other bar? 16:32:21 <glx> so using cmake, ctest and cpack everywhere mostly work, except for ubuntu 18.04 16:33:27 <andythenorth> touch bar yes 16:33:33 <andythenorth> for adding emojis 16:33:46 <andythenorth> and silently turning off your screen, or sound, or accidentally locking the mac 16:33:50 <andythenorth> "it's great" 16:34:13 <andythenorth> a totally flat surface, right next to the number keys, with no haptic or audio feedback 16:34:14 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] nielsmh updated pull request #8716: Fix #8713: Change OTTD2FS and FS2OTTD to return string objects https://git.io/Jt9Ha 16:35:15 <glx> --parallel/-j is 3.12+ 16:37:08 <LordAro> we can probably cope with a slightly slower compilation for 18.04 for now 16:37:24 <LordAro> alternatively, MAKEFLAGS is universal 16:38:06 <glx> I can probably go with MAKEFLAGS to work around yes 16:44:32 <glx> oh I can also try adding -- so -j is not handled by cmake 16:44:55 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] LordAro updated pull request #8715: Fix: Vehicle list windows did not update when this year's profit changed https://git.io/Jt99a 16:47:24 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] LordAro opened pull request #8717: Fix #8349: Close depot vehicle list windows when closing the depot window https://git.io/Jt97e 16:54:40 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] LordAro commented on pull request #8468: Fix #8316: Make sort industries by production and transported with a cargo filter possible https://git.io/Jt970 16:55:29 <LordAro> we can probably close #8300 now, right? 16:55:54 <glx> ah yes 16:56:00 <glx> andythenorth: ? 16:57:44 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] LordAro commented on issue #8292: Game cutting of savefile name after charecters with diacritics. https://git.io/JJMxx 16:57:47 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] LordAro closed issue #8292: Game cutting of savefile name after charecters with diacritics. https://git.io/JJMxx 16:59:11 <frosch123> nielsm: the static code checker on gh found some valid issues in 8716 17:01:38 <andythenorth> glx **** yes 17:01:44 <andythenorth> close that ******* 17:07:21 *** Tirili has joined #openttd 17:07:47 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] LordAro commented on issue #8300: Low framerate on macOS https://git.io/JUqTu 17:07:50 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] LordAro closed issue #8300: Low framerate on macOS https://git.io/JUqTu 17:08:08 <andythenorth> \o/ 17:14:42 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] nielsmh updated pull request #8716: Fix #8713: Change OTTD2FS and FS2OTTD to return string objects https://git.io/Jt9Ha 17:18:48 *** magla has quit IRC 17:20:40 <andythenorth> right what am I doing? 17:21:13 <Eddi|zuHause> if you don't know... 17:24:17 *** snail_UES_ has joined #openttd 17:24:52 <andythenorth> finishing Restaurant Cars apparently 17:30:12 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] glx22 opened pull request #8718: Change: [Actions] stop relying on external actions for trivial stuff, and rely on cmake tools to build, test and pack https://git.io/Jt959 17:31:25 <Wolf01> Hmmmm, it looks like "somebody" forgot to give me an ilness certificate for covid... so I'm losing working hours (and days) like a broken pipe 17:31:33 <Wolf01> *illness 17:31:52 <andythenorth> no pay? 17:31:56 <Wolf01> No pay 17:32:58 <Wolf01> Also, since I'm literally ill, I should not have smart wrecked on the past days (and the next days too), even for the 1-2 hours at day I'm able to do it 17:34:33 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] LordAro opened pull request #8719: Fix #8276: Crash when a NewGRF object's size was not set https://git.io/Jt95b 17:35:42 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] btzy commented on pull request #8715: Fix: Vehicle list windows did not update when this year's profit changed https://git.io/Jt95p 17:38:27 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] JGRennison commented on pull request #8716: Fix #8713: Change OTTD2FS and FS2OTTD to return string objects https://git.io/Jt9dt 17:39:03 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] LordAro commented on pull request #8715: Fix: Vehicle list windows did not update when this year's profit changed https://git.io/Jt9dq 17:41:45 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] btzy commented on pull request #8715: Fix: Vehicle list windows did not update when this year's profit changed https://git.io/Jt9dG 17:49:47 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] LordAro commented on pull request #8706: Feature: rail station class name filtering https://git.io/Jt9dz 17:50:16 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] nielsmh commented on pull request #8716: Fix #8713: Change OTTD2FS and FS2OTTD to return string objects https://git.io/Jt9dV 17:51:54 *** jottyfan has joined #openttd 17:55:45 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] glx22 approved pull request #8717: Fix #8349: Close depot vehicle list windows when closing the depot window https://git.io/Jt9dh 17:55:59 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] stormcone commented on pull request #8706: Feature: rail station class name filtering https://git.io/Jt9dj 17:57:19 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] LordAro commented on pull request #8716: Fix #8713: Change OTTD2FS and FS2OTTD to return string objects https://git.io/Jt9FT 17:58:23 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] LordAro merged pull request #8717: Fix #8349: Close depot vehicle list windows when closing the depot window https://git.io/Jt97e 17:58:26 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] LordAro closed issue #8349: Minor inconsistency in Depot List Window behaviour https://git.io/JIvZj 17:58:27 *** Wuzzy has joined #openttd 17:58:48 <Wolf01> Btw, today I played the first entire game on OpenTTD since years, it was on fast forward and lasted for 3 minutes, but I enjoyed it :P 17:58:56 <LordAro> ahaha 17:59:18 <Eddi|zuHause> did you reach 1000 rating? 17:59:22 <Wolf01> Nah 17:59:27 <Eddi|zuHause> or 100% coverage? 17:59:30 <Wolf01> Nope 17:59:37 <Eddi|zuHause> sad. 18:00:12 <Wolf01> I did not bankrupt until 2050, that's all, and I played with some different NRT roads too 18:01:03 <Wolf01> Just a wood chain to try the performance :P 18:01:58 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenSFX] LordAro approved pull request #14: Change readme, license, descriptions https://git.io/Jt9F8 18:04:31 *** jottyfan has quit IRC 18:09:40 <frosch123> ahahahaha, timberwolf submitted a titlegame entry showing the new terrain generator 18:10:09 <Wolf01> New terrain generator? 18:10:29 <frosch123> desert at tile height > 4 18:10:36 <frosch123> i think that is new, isn't it? 18:10:52 <Wolf01> Probably 18:10:55 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] glx22 approved pull request #8719: Fix #8276: Crash when a NewGRF object's size was not set https://git.io/Jt9FF 18:11:00 <LordAro> ooh that is nice too 18:11:15 <frosch123> hmm, otoh, i think that map was made with scenario eidtor 18:11:32 <Wolf01> Yup, it's really nice 18:11:33 <frosch123> desert is not close to the ocean otherwise 18:14:02 *** Wormnest has joined #openttd 18:15:01 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] frosch123 approved pull request #8719: Fix #8276: Crash when a NewGRF object's size was not set https://git.io/Jt9bO 18:16:12 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] LordAro merged pull request #8719: Fix #8276: Crash when a NewGRF object's size was not set https://git.io/Jt95b 18:16:15 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] LordAro closed issue #8276: Crash when trying to use a newgrf object https://git.io/JJcGj 18:17:28 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/nml] LordAro opened issue #191: Does not error when defining an object without a size https://git.io/Jt9bE 18:17:58 *** Progman has joined #openttd 18:24:49 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] nielsmh commented on pull request #8716: Fix #8713: Change OTTD2FS and FS2OTTD to return string objects https://git.io/Jt9bd 18:33:53 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] nielsmh updated pull request #8716: Fix #8713: Change OTTD2FS and FS2OTTD to return string objects https://git.io/Jt9Ha 18:34:01 <nielsm> OS/2 CI when? 18:34:29 <TrueBrain> I so hope the correct answer is: nevah! 18:39:32 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] perezdidac updated pull request #8706: Feature: rail station class name filtering https://git.io/Jt9ev 18:43:32 *** qwebirc21041 has joined #openttd 18:45:40 <nielsm> hmm okay I think there's 3 separate changes in that PR, I need to separate out 18:46:23 <nielsm> there's some stuff in crashlog_win32.cpp changing how allocations are done, that's mostly stand-alone (removes dependency on OTTD2FS) 18:46:39 <nielsm> then there's simplifying win32 by always assuming UNICODE 18:46:55 <nielsm> and then the actual changing OTTD2FS and FS2OTTD 18:57:50 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] perezdidac commented on pull request #8706: Feature: rail station class name filtering https://git.io/Jt9AJ 18:57:55 *** qwebirc21041 has quit IRC 19:00:26 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] DorpsGek pushed 1 commits to master https://git.io/Jt9Am 19:00:27 <DorpsGek> - Update: Translations from eints (by translators) 19:01:16 *** jottyfan has joined #openttd 19:35:50 *** gelignite has joined #openttd 19:45:39 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] SamuXarick updated pull request #8468: Fix #8316: Make sort industries by production and transported with a cargo filter possible https://git.io/JLHah 19:49:04 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] SamuXarick commented on pull request #8468: Fix #8316: Make sort industries by production and transported with a cargo filter possible https://git.io/Jt9ps 19:49:18 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] SamuXarick commented on pull request #8468: Fix #8316: Make sort industries by production and transported with a cargo filter possible https://git.io/Jt9pG 19:51:47 <peter1138> "Fix" "Make ... possible" hmm 19:52:21 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] LordAro commented on pull request #8468: Fix #8316: Make sort industries by production and transported with a cargo filter possible https://git.io/Jt9pl 19:52:27 <LordAro> he speaks! 19:52:28 <LordAro> o/ 19:52:43 <supermop_Home> hi 19:52:46 <LordAro> peter1138: my bike is broken :( 19:53:12 <peter1138> Mine too. 19:53:17 <LordAro> oh no 19:53:19 <peter1138> I broke its heart by not riding it. 19:53:28 <LordAro> :(( 19:53:48 <LordAro> i've done less than 100 miles in the last 2 months 19:53:50 <LordAro> very sad 19:53:59 <Wolf01> :( 19:54:17 <peter1138> Same. Well, zero is less than 100 ... 19:54:55 <LordAro> anything particular stopped you, or...? 19:55:07 <peter1138> Weather, laziness, working from home, etc... 19:55:21 <peter1138> Oh and lockdown. "Stay local" 19:56:16 <Wolf01> I've got covid instead :( 19:56:27 <LordAro> eh, that's only ever mattered if you actually went in anywhere. less of an issue on a bike 19:56:40 <LordAro> the weather this past month has been particularly awful though 19:58:39 <peter1138> Actually I think it started when I had no heating or hot water for a month in October. I didn't want to go out and get cold and wet and come back home... stay cold and wet. 19:59:10 <LordAro> ouch 19:59:16 <LordAro> i can understand that 19:59:19 <peter1138> Then once you've had a month or so off and it's getting cold, just... couldn't be arsed with it. 20:01:06 <peter1138> Still, at least the bike hasn't been ruined by shitty winter weather. Silver linings! 20:01:36 <LordAro> mine spent a month in the garage and the bearings haven't forgiven me 20:01:55 <LordAro> (which were dying anyway) 20:05:23 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] stormcone commented on pull request #8468: Fix #8316: Make sort industries by production and transported with a cargo filter possible https://git.io/Jt9pH 20:12:29 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] nielsmh opened pull request #8720: Remove remaining Windows 95 support https://git.io/Jt9hY 20:13:32 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] nielsmh commented on pull request #8716: Fix #8713: Change OTTD2FS and FS2OTTD to return string objects https://git.io/Jt9hs 20:14:47 <peter1138> Windows 95 is 25 years ago, isn't this a bit premature? 20:22:19 <nielsm> https://www.tt-forums.net/viewtopic.php?p=1241849#p1241849 gasp, people are calling version 1.10.3 just version 10.3 ... almost as if the 1. part barely matters 20:22:23 <nielsm> (version 2 when?) 20:22:40 <LordAro> the hard bit would be finding a c++17 compiler that supports win9x 20:22:44 <TrueBrain> 1st of april nielsm ? :D 20:23:09 <LordAro> TrueBrain: speaking of, RC1 when? 20:23:10 <nielsm> I think removing windows 95 support officially will be a good 2.0 feature 20:23:14 <LordAro> (or beta2?) 20:23:25 <TrueBrain> LordAro: I was hoping that we could merge OpenGL before RC 20:23:30 <TrueBrain> but I am looking at michi_cc here if that is realistic 20:23:36 <TrueBrain> was I think we should RC before the end of the month 20:23:58 <TrueBrain> was? because .. lol 20:24:03 <TrueBrain> brain faster than hands .. 20:24:15 <LordAro> ideally, yeah 20:24:39 <michi_cc> TrueBrain: It's mostly a question of how fast how many people can test. 20:25:01 <TrueBrain> we have seen that can be done pretty quickly :) 20:25:07 <TrueBrain> and to be clear, I don't expect we get it right the first time .. 20:25:13 <TrueBrain> the 60fps already had 2 fixes ;) 20:25:41 <michi_cc> I'm currently tinkering with OSX, because I want to have something new for testing, but I would expect that the final PR will not have GL as the preferred driver for OSX. 20:26:14 <TrueBrain> would it be possible to have the PR reviewable, without OSX in that case? 20:26:19 <TrueBrain> just so we can start testing the other OSes? 20:28:49 *** Tirili has quit IRC 20:33:00 <supermop_Home> man what the hell was I trying to do here: "switch (FEAT_ROADVEHS, SELF, switch_pickup_box, var[0xBF,0,0xFF]) { " 20:33:31 <supermop_Home> it looks like pick the color of a box on the truck by something, but what and why 20:37:43 *** Tirili has joined #openttd 20:39:27 <andythenorth> whatever var BF is :D 20:39:37 <andythenorth> is that 80+ vars? 20:39:41 * andythenorth can't be bothered to look it up 20:40:32 <supermop_Home> i have no idea why i was trying to do some magic with the box in the bed of a pickup truck 20:42:27 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] 2TallTyler commented on pull request #8480: Multitile depots https://git.io/Jt9jc 20:45:32 <supermop_Home> there is no variable for vehicle_is_decelerating huh 20:45:50 <supermop_Home> there is braking but only for trains 20:46:00 <Eddi|zuHause> yes, BF is a 80+ var 20:46:27 <supermop_Home> i guess that mean no fun splashes for the logs in the log flume 20:46:47 <frosch123> supermop_Home: that's because there is no braking for road vehicles in ottd 20:46:50 <frosch123> they stop instantly 20:48:46 <supermop_Home> can you have a switch based on the day of the year that a RV was bult? 20:49:39 <frosch123> there is only a build_year 20:49:46 <frosch123> the exact date is not remembered 20:50:47 <Eddi|zuHause> are you sure? i thought age is counted more fine grained than just year? 20:50:59 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] glx22 commented on pull request #8720: Remove remaining Windows 95 support https://git.io/Jt9jg 20:51:38 <frosch123> oh, age... funny how we store things redundantly 20:51:52 <frosch123> there is an absolute and an relative build date :p 20:52:11 <supermop_Home> Eddi|zuHause if that is true there is no documented way to run a switch off that afaict 20:52:22 <glx> haha of course it compiled, it's "dead code" 20:52:56 <frosch123> supermop_Home: var B0 :) 20:53:45 <frosch123> but it's clamed to 64k days 20:53:56 <frosch123> @calc 65536/365.25 20:53:57 <DorpsGek> frosch123: 179.4277891854894 20:53:57 <supermop_Home> hmm 20:54:21 <frosch123> so you don't know the build_date after 180 years 20:54:27 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] nielsmh updated pull request #8720: Remove remaining Windows 95 support https://git.io/Jt9hY 20:54:34 <supermop_Home> well my idea was to give the RV a special livery if you bought it in the last week of october 20:54:45 <supermop_Home> no idea how workable that is 20:54:56 <andythenorth> the halloween truck 20:55:22 <frosch123> it will break after 180 years, but as long as it is only visual, it won't desync 20:55:53 <supermop_Home> well the paint will probably rust off in 180 years anyway 20:56:16 <frosch123> people say 180 years can pass in a few seconds... 21:00:16 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] J0anJosep commented on pull request #8480: Multitile depots https://git.io/Jt9jQ 21:02:14 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] J0anJosep commented on pull request #8480: Multitile depots https://git.io/Jt9jN 21:05:52 *** Tirili has quit IRC 21:07:36 <andythenorth> this is interesting https://www.tt-forums.net/viewtopic.php?p=1241852#p1241852 21:07:54 <andythenorth> that's a train tick increase, isn't that completely isolated from the video loop change? 21:09:01 <glx> more drawing, less time to compute 21:09:20 <TrueBrain> no, train ticks take longer glx 21:09:25 <TrueBrain> like the time of a single tick 21:09:30 <TrueBrain> that cannot be caused by more drawing :) 21:09:53 <andythenorth> I am curious if we have some other performance regression recently 21:10:13 <TrueBrain> we still have to finish that savegame archive :D 21:10:24 <andythenorth> I have a relatively small savegame (161 trains) but stopping the trains makes a huge difference to FFWD speed 21:10:32 <andythenorth> subjectively more than it used to 21:10:43 <andythenorth> but that's a crap judgement because Mac FFWD used to be about 8x at best :P 21:10:47 <andythenorth> now it's 80x 21:10:48 <glx> ideally he should compare with beta, not 1.10.3 21:11:01 <TrueBrain> well, still it is a question why trains take 25% longer 21:11:05 <TrueBrain> that feels weird :P 21:11:16 <glx> yeah but maybe it happens in beta too 21:11:52 <TrueBrain> absolutely something to check out 21:11:54 <TrueBrain> and bisect it otherwise :D 21:12:13 <glx> everything in game loop seems slower in the screenshot 21:12:42 <glx> more visible for trains because many of them 21:13:41 <TrueBrain> good point 21:14:01 <TrueBrain> then I am still not 100% sure what those ms mean 21:14:10 <TrueBrain> but I assume it is the time between when the variable comes in scope and goes out of scope 21:14:30 <TrueBrain> nielsm: am I right in that assumption? Do ticks mean how long the PFE variable was in scope? 21:15:23 <nielsm> yes the time taken is how long the PerformanceMeasurer was in scope 21:15:33 <TrueBrain> averaged over the amount of time it happens 21:15:35 <TrueBrain> ? 21:15:58 <TrueBrain> what is odd to me, in his earlier screenshots, that if the game runs 4 times as fast, the gameloop total time is 25% of the value 21:16:09 <TrueBrain> that makes little sense to me .. the "ms" per tick should remain the same, not? 21:16:27 <nielsm> yes I'm not sure what makes his game run faster there 21:16:42 <TrueBrain> well, all his screenshots have this 21:16:54 <nielsm> the "train ticks" is how long the code to move trains around takes to run per iteration of the game loop 21:16:55 <TrueBrain> so there seems to be a relation between frames/s and "ms" 21:17:16 <TrueBrain> https://www.tt-forums.net/download/file.php?id=216426 shows this rather clearly 21:17:38 <TrueBrain> sorry glx, I was jumping the gun there .. it indeed does not seem to mean that the train are the cause perse 21:17:40 <nielsm> yes the simulation of trains somehow got 4x faster between those two versions 21:18:44 <TrueBrain> I need to get a better grasp on what it all means myself :) I am assuming waaayyyyy too much :P 21:21:58 <nielsm> "game look total" is how much time (on average, per tick) the game spends inside the game loop, "train ticks" is how much time (on average, per tick) the game spends on moving trains as part of the game loop 21:22:25 <TrueBrain> it is weird that the "ms" correlates with the simulation rate, not? 21:22:28 <TrueBrain> would that just be pure luck? 21:22:39 <nielsm> no that's exactly what it does 21:23:06 <TrueBrain> if I run the game 4x my normal speed, the time, per tick, it spends on train ticks remains the same, not? 21:23:18 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] michicc updated pull request #7744: Draft Feature: OpenGL video driver https://git.io/JeO8B 21:23:22 <nielsm> if the game loop + graphics rendering + video output takes longer than the budget of 30 ms per frame, then you get simulation rate limited by the game loop time taken 21:23:32 <michi_cc> TrueBrain: Assume I have broken SDL while rebasing :D I haven't even compiled with SDL. 21:23:49 <TrueBrain> michi_cc: well, CI will tell you soon enough :P 21:23:52 <TrueBrain> I will test it tomorrow :) 21:24:35 <nielsm> the indented figures under game loop (cargo, train, rv, ship, aircraft, world, link graph) are sub-components of the game loop, and their sum should roughly add up to the game loop total 21:24:42 <michi_cc> andythenorth: I've changed the OSX implementation for OpenGL to what felt fastest with the Apple software renderer. No idea if that is also the best for real hardware. 21:25:41 <TrueBrain> nielsm: somewhere in my mind there still is a crash :D 21:25:44 <TrueBrain> my mind? my head 21:25:46 <TrueBrain> what-ever, english hard 21:26:08 <nielsm> when you run the game on ffwd, then the game loop time should be inverse proportional to the simulation rate 21:26:15 <TrueBrain> my simplistic logic says: if game-loop total took 80ms, and now it took 15ms, that means that the GameLoop itself got 4 times faster, not? (per tick) 21:26:30 <nielsm> assuming the rendering/output stages don't cost too much 21:26:40 <nielsm> yes that's exactly right 21:26:54 <TrueBrain> so that makes me wonder ... did we change anything that makes 1.11 4 times faster? 21:26:59 <TrueBrain> (in GameLoop) 21:27:05 <nielsm> yeah that's the weird thing 21:27:06 <TrueBrain> I guess it is possible 21:27:33 <nielsm> or can there be a difference in compiler (that somehow makes things that much better)? 21:27:49 <TrueBrain> debug vs release 21:27:49 <TrueBrain> etc 21:27:55 <TrueBrain> that would make much more sense, honestly 21:28:00 <nielsm> 1.10.3 shouldn't be a debug build tho 21:28:07 <TrueBrain> 1.10 is build old-style 21:28:12 <TrueBrain> 1.11 is build new-style (CMake etc) 21:28:14 <TrueBrain> might also be a reason 21:28:26 <_dp_> are you sure it calculates avg durations correctly? 21:28:28 <TrueBrain> okay, that would add up a lot more 21:28:33 <nielsm> should still be same compiler and same LTO 21:28:44 <TrueBrain> no clue honestly .. we now let CMake do the right thing :) 21:29:28 *** JGR has joined #openttd 21:29:51 <andythenorth> michi_cc does it need testing? 21:30:12 <michi_cc> Yes, I could have broken something for real hardware. 21:30:15 <JGR> The 4x faster is most likely because that test is using Timberwolf's trains, and the sprite caching changes were added since then 21:30:25 <TrueBrain> JGR: YES! 21:30:27 <TrueBrain> tnx :D 21:30:54 <andythenorth> michi_cc 7744 as above? 21:31:42 <TrueBrain> JGR: that makes a lot more sense :D 21:31:59 <TrueBrain> well, for the user that is transparent of course, knowing what causes a speed improvement is not always as clear :) 21:32:10 <michi_cc> andythenorth: yep 21:32:30 <LordAro> do nightlies still have asserts enabled? 21:32:37 <LordAro> that difference might be enough 21:32:44 <michi_cc> SDL is broken right now, but that doesn't affect OSX. 21:33:08 <TrueBrain> LordAro: they should, yes 21:35:16 <andythenorth> michi_cc fatal errors in build, you want the paste? 21:35:24 <andythenorth> looks like GL stuff at first glance 21:35:39 <michi_cc> Yes, please. 21:36:01 <andythenorth> https://gist.githubusercontent.com/andythenorth/9bb6861db636ad0296e851ff3ec50b5d/raw/2630b90eb4ed628f111124dc3f7c51a12bd25f77/gistfile1.txt 21:36:14 <nielsm> yeah drawing the trains makes a huge difference on that savegame with PKS 21:36:26 <TrueBrain> PKS? 21:36:32 <michi_cc> Interesting, especially since CI actually passed for OSX. 21:36:45 <nielsm> PKP I mean 21:36:46 <andythenorth> it's XCode nonsense? 21:36:52 *** WormnestAndroid has quit IRC 21:36:53 <TrueBrain> PKP? :D 21:37:03 <andythenorth> PKP? :D 21:37:03 <nielsm> polish trains newgrf 21:37:05 <michi_cc> And also because I didn't actually touched the headers in that file in the recent rebase. 21:37:12 <TrueBrain> ah :D 21:37:14 <nielsm> in 1.10.3 it just runs slowly all the time, in master the speed depends heavily on how many trains are on screen 21:37:22 <TrueBrain> to be expected 21:37:25 <TrueBrain> that is a nice improvement :) 21:37:32 *** WormnestAndroid has joined #openttd 21:37:37 <andythenorth> michi_cc my build relies on CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH="/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include" 21:37:49 <andythenorth> dunno if that's relevant here 21:38:08 <andythenorth> nielsm what if you stop the trains? 21:38:21 <andythenorth> it's interesting how effective stopping trains is in my game 21:38:58 <andythenorth> (bit limiting for fun game...but look at the ffwd speed!) 21:39:08 <michi_cc> andythenorth: But you did compiled successfully before? I didn't touch that file up to the point of first error, so I have no idea what is going on. 21:39:20 <michi_cc> Possibly do a clean / delete the build dir? 21:39:27 <andythenorth> yeah my build does that 21:39:29 <nielsm> 2-3x speedup of ffwd by stopping the trains 21:39:30 <andythenorth> but I'll try again 21:40:23 <andythenorth> from configuration output 21:40:25 <andythenorth> -- Found OpenGL: /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.15.sdk/System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework found components: OpenGL 21:42:26 <michi_cc> Same SDK path as for me, and that result in including the right header that has the types it complains about. 21:42:33 <michi_cc> And apparently for the CI as well. 21:43:27 * andythenorth looks up how to get the xcode version report 21:43:54 <andythenorth> Xcode 12.1 21:43:54 <andythenorth> Build version 12A7403 21:45:26 <andythenorth> google not producing much 21:50:37 *** frosch123 has quit IRC 21:50:38 <andythenorth> michi_cc I can look more tomorrow night? It's usually some path issue 21:50:55 <andythenorth> usually google turns up a clue in the end 21:51:09 <michi_cc> Probably. Work for me and works for the CI, so I'm afraid I can't really help. 21:52:27 <supermop_Home> i think 1 in 160+ is an ok ratio: https://imgur.com/a/g1iWUoy 21:53:31 <_dp_> ok, unless I made a mistake somewhere here is what cargo aging does to profits: https://imgur.com/a/eNG5APZ 21:54:24 <andythenorth> _dp_ :D 21:55:19 <andythenorth> ok, so I know play styles vary 21:55:28 <andythenorth> but I mostly play 256x256 or 256x512 21:55:35 *** Samu has quit IRC 21:55:37 <andythenorth> so cargo aging barely moves the needle 21:55:54 <andythenorth> charts show same 21:56:17 <_dp_> yeah, I guess 21:56:21 <_dp_> sh125 is too fast for 256 21:56:47 <andythenorth> I tested a lot locally 21:56:54 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] Milek7 opened pull request #8721: Fix: Allow building with Allegro and without SDL on Linux https://git.io/JtHfy 21:56:56 <andythenorth> 75mph you can see difference on 100 tile route 21:56:56 <supermop_Home> 160 Imprezas, with 3 passengers each, will turn a slight profit eventually over longer distances.. 21:56:59 <andythenorth> 125mph...not 21:57:05 <_dp_> thouh it's diagonal so 512 on 256x256 21:57:07 <supermop_Home> so long as there are no speedlimits 21:58:07 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] nielsmh commented on pull request #8721: Fix: Allow building with Allegro and without SDL on Linux https://git.io/JtHf7 21:58:43 <supermop_Home> andythenorth how should i hide this Subaru so people can't find it right away? 21:59:30 <andythenorth> do the buy menu sprite as a crate 21:59:42 <andythenorth> and then the vehicle is a surprise (random) 21:59:54 * andythenorth plays too many games with crates 21:59:58 <andythenorth> they're a plague 22:00:20 <supermop_Home> currently its a 3 in 256 chance that you get a team 555 one 22:00:29 <supermop_Home> otherwise its a regular wrx 22:00:45 <supermop_Home> i guess i could also take off the spoiler and make it slower 22:01:07 <andythenorth> OpenTTD FEATURE REQUEST 22:01:17 <supermop_Home> kei van with 1 in 100 chance of being a rally car? 22:01:29 <andythenorth> 'build surprise vehicle' button when purchase menu is filtered by cargo 22:01:43 <supermop_Home> currently the rally car and the regular have the same speed and hp 22:02:06 <supermop_Home> and number of seats 22:02:42 <supermop_Home> what i really need is a vehicle that is allowed to ignore speedlimits when on DIRT 22:04:13 <supermop_Home> ok may need to nerf it or mess with cargo decay 22:04:38 <supermop_Home> I've now earned 2M quid from this swarm of subarus 22:04:54 <andythenorth> lol 22:07:50 *** Tirili has joined #openttd 22:08:09 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] michicc updated pull request #7744: Draft Feature: OpenGL video driver https://git.io/JeO8B 22:13:15 <supermop_Home> maybe 200 kmh is a little too generous 22:13:48 <supermop_Home> random bits for an RV are the same for all switches? 22:14:09 *** WormnestAndroid has quit IRC 22:14:45 *** WormnestAndroid has joined #openttd 22:15:48 <Eddi|zuHause> supermop_Home: random bits are per vehicle part 22:18:12 *** nielsm has quit IRC 22:29:03 *** Progman has quit IRC 22:30:32 *** mirrorbird has joined #openttd 22:30:45 *** Wolf01 has quit IRC 22:31:19 *** Tirili has quit IRC 22:34:38 *** Tirili has joined #openttd 22:36:12 <andythenorth> is it bedtime? 22:37:50 <gelignite> yes 22:37:52 *** gelignite has quit IRC 22:39:05 *** mirrorbird has quit IRC 22:39:18 *** sla_ro|master has quit IRC 22:50:27 *** jottyfan has quit IRC 22:58:23 *** mirrorbird has joined #openttd 23:05:25 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] LordAro commented on pull request #8720: Remove remaining Windows 95 support https://git.io/JtHkh 23:05:46 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] LordAro approved pull request #8721: Fix: Allow building with Allegro and without SDL on Linux https://git.io/JtHIv 23:05:53 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] LordAro merged pull request #8721: Fix: Allow building with Allegro and without SDL on Linux https://git.io/JtHfy 23:08:53 *** andythenorth has quit IRC 23:10:15 <NGC3982> any suggestion on available newgrf's containing "lots of trains"? 23:10:25 <NGC3982> my players demands it and i shalt supply it 23:10:32 <NGC3982> apparently 23:11:35 *** Tirili has quit IRC 23:30:30 <FLHerne> NGC3982: 2cc was the traditional one, being international and huge 23:30:49 <peter1138> dbsetxl 23:30:53 <FLHerne> Timberwolf's has lots of UK trains 23:31:24 <FLHerne> Iron Horse has lots compared to the default set, but is a bit more sane 23:32:02 <FLHerne> UKRS2 and UKRS2+, or NARS, or both 23:32:56 <FLHerne> I think Dutch Trainset is pretty big 23:33:11 <FLHerne> (and definitely add Dutch Stations + the additions, those are great) 23:34:29 <NGC3982> oh, cool 23:34:30 <NGC3982> thanks 23:36:37 <LordAro> pathfinder pays attention to order speed limits: yay/nay? 23:36:59 <LordAro> (that feature of timetables that even fewer people use than timetables themselves) 23:37:17 <FLHerne> In principle, yay 23:37:32 <FLHerne> But tbh I've used them in about two games ever 23:38:12 <LordAro> (see the text and/or save in #8594) 23:38:17 <FLHerne> They're slightly useful for equalizing train speeds, if the rail speed limit doesn't do it for you 23:38:40 <LordAro> the actual implementation is a single line addition 23:38:57 <FLHerne> Also, I think it's "yea" /pedant 23:39:02 <LordAro> also not sure how it will interact with path caches 23:39:41 <LordAro> though path caches only go from one order to another, which is the only point where speed limits can be changed, so should be fine 23:41:15 <FLHerne> How is pathfinder supposed to "fix" there being a compatible road with a higher speed limit that's Wrong? 23:41:24 <FLHerne> There's a long explanation, but it doesn't make sense :p 23:42:07 <LordAro> https://pasteboard.co/JPrXzha.png it's kinda funny - before my change in #8710, road vehicles took the shorter route, despite it being slower road. Then they took the faster expressway, now they've gone back to taking the slower road :) 23:42:20 <LordAro> FLHerne: oh you can ignore most of the text :p 23:42:36 <LordAro> "road classes" are not a thing anywhere 23:42:40 <FLHerne> tbc, by "take into account" you mean "treat all speed limits as max(road limit, order limit)" ? 23:42:51 <LordAro> pretty much, yes 23:44:16 <FLHerne> Then yeah, if it's simple to implement and doesn't break, it seems obviously Right to me 23:44:24 <FLHerne> Unless I missed something 23:46:23 <LordAro> actually, i think i did it slightly wrong 23:46:30 <LordAro> just 2 changed lines, rather than adding 1 :) 23:47:41 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] michicc updated pull request #7744: Draft Feature: OpenGL video driver https://git.io/JeO8B 23:49:16 *** k-man has quit IRC 23:51:06 *** k-man has joined #openttd