Log for #openttd on 7th June 2022:
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01:27:01  *** Wormnest has quit IRC
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07:22:46  <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] LordAro commented on pull request #9910: Fix: Refresh company window when switching companies
07:24:48  <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] LordAro closed pull request #9897: Update IDR currency to current exchange rate
07:24:51  <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] LordAro commented on pull request #9897: Update IDR currency to current exchange rate
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12:35:55  <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] James103 commented on issue #9295: Music Audio is not normalized/leveled correctly
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14:28:31  <Samu> i've been working on adding a starting tile cost for yapf
14:28:56  <Samu> but the way yapf is done, i also had to add one for ships
14:29:13  <Samu> so be it, road and ships now both get a starting tile cost
14:30:08  <Samu> main issue in implementing this, is getting slope cost for road, and getting curve cost for ship
14:30:28  <Samu> it depends on 2 tiles to properly calculate that
14:30:32  <Samu> and i have only 1
14:31:29  <glx> yes the cost is not for a tile, it's for going from a tile to the next one
14:35:57  <glx> so in, the issue is not starting node not having a cost, but left node not having rotation cost
14:39:41  <dwfreed> I mean, it looks like the vehicle is on the tile before, so the starting point is one off
14:40:00  <dwfreed> changing that would solve the displayed issue
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15:52:02  <Samu> tunnelbridge really complicate
15:52:15  <Samu> i feel like giving up on this
15:53:10  <Samu> i cannot use TileAddByDiagDir
15:53:32  <Samu> well, i can, but on tunnels, it's just too complicated
15:56:33  <Samu> i think for ships, can I assume the ship already made the curve, and not add the cost?
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16:08:48  <Samu> for road, there are two possible inputs, the vehicle can already be in the starting node tile, or it is 1 tile away, I have at times two tiles to work with
16:10:50  <Samu> in the case v->tile == startingtile, i then am in the same situation as ships
16:24:03  <Samu>
16:24:33  <Samu> the commented out code is buggy, I don't feel like continuing with it
16:26:41  <glx> <-- using v->tile and trackdir derived from enterdir here might be simpler
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17:39:46  <Samu> welp, i'm still using TileAddByDiagDir which could put me on non road tiles :(
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18:48:09  <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] DorpsGek pushed 1 commits to master
18:48:10  <DorpsGek>   - Update: Translations from eints (by translators)
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18:48:45  <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] SamuXarick updated pull request #9915: Fix #9914, 86818e5: prevent useless pathfinder run for blocked vehicles
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19:17:52  <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] SamuXarick commented on pull request #9910: Fix: Refresh company window when switching companies
19:19:11  <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] SamuXarick updated pull request #9910: Fix: Refresh company window when switching companies
19:20:13  <wallabra> What if a train waiting on rail has less running cost than a train running, and a train waiting on a station has even less running cost?
19:31:20  <Rubidium> then you're playing with a NewGRF like NARS2 ;)
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19:54:21  <wallabra> What's that :o
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20:39:45  <Samu> npf does add the cost of starting tile
20:39:53  <Samu> interesting, maybe i can copy from there some bits
20:41:32  <Samu> npf curve cost is 100 + 100
20:41:43  <Samu> yapf curve cost is 100 + 71
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20:56:40  <wallabra> ugh, why are trams turning right into tram stations on the occupied lane, instead of doing the loop around to enter from the vacant side!
20:57:21  <wallabra> I have to manually click the Turn Around button and they'll prod station by station, until they're past the stations and then they actually do the loop around!
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23:22:45  <wallabra> What's the most efficient layout for a cargo tram station?
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23:44:07  <wallabra> Also huff, those freight wagons from 2cc Trains have quite the punishingly low max speeds. There should be a better kind of caveat, that just makes it harder to use them effectively...
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