Log for #openttd on 15th June 2022:
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00:00:06  *** wallabra has quit IRC
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06:29:07  <andythenorth> hmm I have done an evil thing
06:29:21  <andythenorth> in make
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06:33:43  <andythenorth>
06:34:32  <andythenorth> I have some lists of prerequisites where every prerequisite in the list is built by a single python script, which is intended to be run once
06:34:50  <andythenorth> but make will run the script for each prerequisite
06:35:05  <andythenorth> in a non-parallel compile that's inefficient
06:35:29  <andythenorth> in a parallel compile it's causing errors as the two running scripts scribble over each other (e.g. adding and deleting dirs etc)
06:36:24  <andythenorth> I am sure there is a better way than having a no-op target for the individual nml files, but I don't know what it is
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08:29:07  <andythenorth> I need to rewrite the python files to handle individual prerequisites anyway
08:29:12  <andythenorth> so this is a temporary shim
08:34:40  <andythenorth> eh, sys.argv relies on positional args
08:34:44  <andythenorth> this is limiting :P
08:34:56  <andythenorth> maybe I can use argparse
08:35:12  <LordAro> andythenorth: the "proper" way is to rewrite the python file as you say, but in the meantime you should be able to give the $(NML_FILES) rule a dependency of nml_cabbage, and make the nml_cabbage rule create the file (touch $@)
08:35:25  <LordAro> make is clever enough to only run the rule once then
08:35:41  <andythenorth> I think that's what the graphics target does
08:35:47  <andythenorth> frosch added a similar approach
08:35:49  <andythenorth> thanks
08:57:21  <peter1138> Too hot eh
08:57:48  <LordAro> bit warm for the next few days, for sure
08:57:55  <LordAro> unfortunately saturday is looking a bit damp
08:59:25  <peter1138> Typical
09:00:07  <peter1138> Today is the mid-week rides, at least for the retired/non-working members. Bah!
09:02:17  <andythenorth> non-working is the new in thing
09:02:37  <andythenorth> not sure how that squares with stagflation and cost of living, but eh
09:13:03  <andythenorth> so maybe I sort of understand makefiles
09:13:12  <andythenorth> after 10 years of using them :P
09:13:20  <andythenorth> this might be a false dawn but eh
09:29:17  <LordAro> \o/
10:16:09  *** Samu has joined #openttd
10:35:40  <Samu> so i uninstalled  visual studio community 2019 and now visual studio community 2022 can't build openttd...
10:59:21  <peter1138> Install Debian instead.
11:00:30  <LordAro> is that really the best idea here? :p
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12:08:23  <glx> do you get an error message Samu ?
12:10:18  <glx> but I think the first step would be to clear cmake cache (if you did not when switching to VS2022)
12:13:33  <Samu> it solved itself, kinda
12:13:46  <Samu> i switched from x64 release to x64 debug
12:13:59  <Samu> then back to x64 release and it worked
12:14:27  <Samu> main menu had a background with water though
13:27:40  *** frosch123 has joined #openttd
13:32:02  <frosch123> WormnestAndroid: <- is that you?
13:33:14  <frosch123> hmmm, how do I edit pngs now... install some older gimp version? try to patch gimp myself? try some other software?
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13:42:21  <andythenorth> oh quak
13:42:34  <andythenorth> frosch123
13:43:16  <andythenorth> oh that's not actually a thing, just a meme
13:43:20  * andythenorth never knew
13:43:48  <frosch123> i use that at work on windows
13:44:07  <frosch123> it's decend
13:44:16  <frosch123> anyway, i think i found the correct gimp source
13:44:22  <frosch123> just need to dust of my gitlab account
13:44:53  <frosch123> oh wait... lol
13:45:02  <frosch123> gnome self-hosts a gitlab
13:45:08  <frosch123> so ofc i have no account there
13:45:48  <frosch123> apparently i can sign-in with gh and gl though
13:46:09  <frosch123> why do they host their own gitlab though?
13:47:11  <andythenorth> 'reasons'
13:47:39  <WormnestAndroid> frosch123: yes, that's me
13:47:49  <frosch123> nice :)
13:49:53  <WormnestAndroid> Own gitlab I think is to have more control with deploying to websites,among other things.
13:53:19  <dwfreed> a lot of larger open source orgs have a social contract they need to adhere to
14:16:52  <frosch123> well... compiling gimp seems to be another story :)
14:17:11  <frosch123> it may be easier to use a hexeditor on the regular binary
14:24:17  <WormnestAndroid> As long as you use meson (master branch only) building shouldn't be too bad.
14:25:11  <frosch123> it wants a installation of babl and gegl, which i won't do without a container
14:25:28  <frosch123> and the Dockerfile claims to be abandoned
14:25:48  <frosch123> *dev version of babl/gegl
14:33:35  <andythenorth> frosch123 I edit PNGs with PIL :P
14:38:31  <andythenorth> peter1138
14:39:09  <peter1138> Hahahahahhahaa
14:40:18  <glx> doesn't mean people will stop to use it :)
14:42:08  <frosch123> now building a gimp tag, which matches the system's gegl/babl
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14:49:29  <Wormnest> yeah, GIMP usually needs fairly up-to-date babl and gegl since they are closely tied together
14:52:46  <frosch123> great, now i cannot reproduce my issue :p
15:00:05  <frosch123> probably user error, i guess i did something that added an alpha channel
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17:48:57  <andythenorth> time for adventures in argparse
17:55:32  <Samu> is it aproximate or approximate?
17:57:11  <andythenorth> approximate
17:58:16  <Samu> thx
18:00:40  <andythenorth> hmm naming args
18:01:12  <andythenorth> I have args to makefile, which are consumed by make or passed on to other build scripts
18:01:25  <andythenorth> if I do normal -f or --foo= names
18:01:35  <andythenorth> that might collide with make built-in args
18:03:24  <frosch123> isn't there -- for that?
18:03:48  <andythenorth> that's maybe what I needed to know
18:03:50  <frosch123> also, makefiles with arguments, really? :p
18:03:57  <andythenorth> google is not finding me much
18:04:55  <andythenorth> they mostly relate to 'go faster' things
18:05:26  <andythenorth> one of them tells how many python pool workers to use
18:05:31  <andythenorth> could just abuse -j for that
18:06:03  <andythenorth> the only other one allows building one grf instead of all 3
18:06:14  <andythenorth> I would do a target, but I can't figure out how to combine targets
18:06:20  <andythenorth> e.g. `make install moose`
18:06:34  <andythenorth> literally what targets are for though, afaict
18:06:53  <andythenorth> maybe I can evaluate the passed targets
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18:08:42  <andythenorth> this is a fun page, I wonder how many people actually have this memorised :P
18:14:00  <andythenorth> googling for conditionals based on target name(s) gets nothing useful
18:14:14  <andythenorth> apart from a faint suggestion that it's a very weird idea, and use args instead
18:17:11  <frosch123> just use separate targets
18:17:23  <frosch123> install: install_pony install_ibex install_andy
18:17:52  <frosch123> build: build_pony build_ibex build_andy
18:17:59  <frosch123> build_andy: andy.grf
18:18:18  <frosch123> %.grf: %.nml
18:18:26  <frosch123> andy.nml: horse.pynml
18:18:28  <frosch123> and so on
18:20:27  <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenGFX] loops opened issue #79: Incorrect URL in Content Downloading window
18:20:32  <andythenorth> is there some way I can parse the target name?
18:20:37  <andythenorth> for equivalent of
18:20:46  <andythenorth> I know I can set the var in each target, but eh
18:21:19  <andythenorth> install_pony, html_docs_pony, release_pony, no_cargo_sprites_pony, no_docs_pony
18:22:00  <frosch123> why set the roster at all?
18:22:05  <andythenorth> python needs it
18:22:17  <frosch123> just generate all three nml each time
18:22:27  <frosch123> it's the nml step you want to save, right?
18:22:30  <frosch123> not the pynml step
18:22:50  <andythenorth> I want to generate only one grf when developing
18:23:00  <andythenorth> everything is so slow, even with -j
18:23:16  <andythenorth> release is unknown so far
18:23:35  <frosch123> you also want to skip the pynml part?
18:23:48  <andythenorth> skip anything not related to this roster
18:23:58  <andythenorth> also I often use `make html_docs` for actual dev, because it's so much faster to develop via docs
18:24:35  <frosch123> maybe just use an environment variable then
18:24:43  <frosch123> export HORSE_ROSTER=moose
18:24:47  <andythenorth> yup
18:24:54  <frosch123> in Makefile: HORSE_ROSTER?=all
18:24:57  <andythenorth> I think I can drop some of the other args
18:25:06  <frosch123> so, it defaults to all, but you can set a single one in advance
18:25:07  <andythenorth> oh that's a nice shortcut
18:25:32  <andythenorth> I can probably abuse -j for the python pool workers
18:25:40  <andythenorth> and the other speed ups aren't really much faster maybe
18:27:26  <andythenorth> ok one of the speed ups is broken :P
18:27:30  <andythenorth> so that's useless :)
18:30:34  <TrueBrain> are OpenGFX+ repos migrated? Or lost in time now?
18:33:05  <frosch123> why one do you want?
18:33:14  <TrueBrain> issue of a bit earlier
18:33:53  <frosch123> ah, well, i am too lazy to migrate them
18:34:38  <TrueBrain> so the answer to the dude is: no, there is no location (anymore) :P
18:34:54  <TrueBrain> would you mind answering? :D
18:35:32  <frosch123> i assumed you wanted them as truegrf templates or so :)
18:35:48  <TrueBrain> nah :)
18:37:19  <andythenorth> wonder how I should abuse -j
18:37:29  <andythenorth> maybe just pass it straight through and cross my fingers
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19:23:29  <glx> boto3 and botocore are noisy (well dependabot is)
19:28:00  <TrueBrain> yup
19:28:06  <TrueBrain> there is a reason I didn't want it to announce here :P
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19:30:11  <glx> at least it doesn't do all repo at once
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19:45:32  <andythenorth> oh make has functions :P
19:45:36  <andythenorth> any reason not to use?
19:46:03  <andythenorth> need to do some repetitive processing of python args
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20:09:45  <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] milsa opened issue #9923: [Bug]: Property maitenance cost is very high for airport
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20:30:12  <frosch123> andythenorth: do you know the rule "use python instead of shell scripts"?
20:30:28  <frosch123> it may have a sister "use python instead of make"?
20:32:12  <Samu> why can't i set my AI to require API 1.12?
20:32:39  <Samu> 1.11 works
20:33:54  <Samu> i get unknown error when compiling script
20:33:56  <andythenorth> my python graphics processor has a small adventure into 'only generate if newer'
20:34:00  <andythenorth> but I didn't enjoy it :P
20:34:31  <andythenorth> I am quite enjoying finally learning some make
20:34:39  <andythenorth> also the magic arguments are amusing
20:35:13  <glx> Samu: didn't check but 1.12 might be 12
20:35:45  <Samu> oh, that might be it
20:36:08  <glx> <-- it is :)
20:36:58  <Samu> thx, it works now
20:38:43  <Samu> I am about to upload the new version of LuDiAI AfterFix
20:38:51  <Samu> with ships
20:40:15  <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] nielsmh commented on issue #9923: [Bug]: Property maitenance cost is very high for airport
20:43:21  <Samu> still have to write the changelog, it's a tedious task
20:43:39  <Samu> i made too many changes at once
20:44:04  <Samu> but didn't write them down
20:48:13  <andythenorth> oh can't read make -j flag value :P
20:48:16  <andythenorth> funny
20:50:38  <andythenorth>
20:51:00  <frosch123> $(MAKEFLAGS) ?
20:51:13  <andythenorth> echo  --jobserver-fds=3,4 -j)
20:51:33  <andythenorth> not sure how I split -j out of that, or how to interpret the values
20:52:03  <andythenorth> I don't really understand shell args
20:52:10  <andythenorth> I assumed it would be available to shell somehow
20:52:30  <frosch123> pass it to sed :p
20:54:47  <glx> an awk script could work too ;)
20:55:30  <frosch123> or m4
20:56:07  <glx> shell has access to command line arg, but make is not shell, it already parsed args from shell
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21:04:22  <andythenorth> should I wrap make in a shell script? :P
21:04:29  <andythenorth> maybe also some perl?
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21:10:33  <frosch123> <- maybe that helps
21:11:07  <frosch123> show it to your CTO
21:11:35  <andythenorth> I like the Crackers
21:11:48  <frosch123> yeah, but i already had some other snack instead
21:11:54  <andythenorth> that is a superb diagram
21:12:07  <frosch123> i am surprised myself :)
21:12:35  <andythenorth> maybe I could run make via Apache and cgi-bin?
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21:32:13  <Samu> erm, the auto-fill option in bananas upload form can be a bit annoying, I can't edit some text descriptions or tags
21:32:29  <Samu> I added ship support, and wanted to change that part a bit
21:46:56  <Samu> uploaded v19!
21:46:59  <Samu> finally
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21:52:51  <Samu> does it run? someone test ludiai afterfix v19
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22:00:59  <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/nml] frosch123 commented on issue #256: Object company_colour variable points to wrong NFO variable number
22:02:26  <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenGFX] frosch123 commented on issue #79: Incorrect URL in Content Downloading window
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