Log for #openttd on 2nd August 2022:
Times are UTC Toggle Colours
01:15:12  *** linda[m] has joined #openttd
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08:02:24  <andythenorth_> OpenTTD is dying? :p
08:03:37  * andythenorth_ will now get disconnected from IRC by iOS
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08:47:59  <LordAro> wasn't wrong
09:25:13  <peter1138> Hungry. Not yet hangry.
09:27:04  *** Samu has joined #openttd
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12:35:24  <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] SamuXarick updated pull request #9930: Add: ScriptCargo::GetWeight to get cargo weights
12:35:50  <Samu> there was a typo, weigth -> weight
13:05:05  <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/team] DarthPall commented on issue #331: [ru_RU] Translator access request
13:09:08  <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/team] DarthPall commented on issue #332: [zh_CN] Translator access request
13:12:35  <TrueBrain> I think we made the right call there, and dodged a bullet ... what a clown
13:13:16  <TrueBrain> "a joke" .. twice .. lol .. guess it is hard to admit you actually didn't read
13:13:18  <TrueBrain> owh well :)
13:16:53  <LordAro> lol.
13:39:42  <supermop_work_> good morning
13:44:13  *** WormnestAndroid has joined #openttd
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13:51:56  <TrueBrain> hi :)
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14:17:20  <thomas[m]1> Hello, I was looking at doing a custom message for events for a server and I'm not sure how. For example, I was doing a space themed map and wanted either custom news message or pop up on dates where an important event such as the Hubble launch. Can anyone point me in the right direction?
14:24:12  <LordAro> probably admin port or a gamescript
14:25:01  <LordAro>
14:26:05  <TrueBrain> awh, Matrix doesn't even send the thumbsup to IRC?
14:26:06  <TrueBrain> that is just sad
14:33:52  <LordAro> πŸ‘
14:35:43  <thomas[m]1> Sorry, thank you LordAro  will look into that
15:04:29  *** wallabra_ has joined #openttd
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16:03:31  *** frosch123 has joined #openttd
16:07:52  <frosch123> AWS sent a mail consisting of >80% accounting abbreviations. i am sure we have to pay more for something :)
16:19:20  <TrueBrain> lol, yeah, basically they changed their legal entity in EU :P
16:19:43  <TrueBrain> from AWS EMEA SARL to Amazon Web Services EMEA SARL
16:19:44  <TrueBrain> :P
16:20:36  <frosch123> did you read that from the mail, or did you know that from elsewhere?
16:20:44  <frosch123> your turing skills are better than mine :)
16:20:48  <TrueBrain> that is in the email :P
16:21:15  <TrueBrain> and EMEA ofc is Europe, Middle East and Africa
16:21:18  <TrueBrain> so that was the clue :P
16:22:16  <frosch123> oh, yeah, sometimes i also get mails like that at work. i think i set up a filter for them
16:23:28  <frosch123> is GB part of EMEA or AMERICAS?
16:24:27  <TrueBrain> I hope EMEA, otherwise they really fucked up :P
16:24:41  <TrueBrain> (as far as I know, leaving the EU didn't mean they moved continent :P
16:24:59  <TrueBrain> EMEA is about the landmass, not some politcal structure :P
16:25:27  <frosch123> i thought it was about culture and marketing
16:25:54  <TrueBrain> "it is a shorthand way of referencing the two continents (Africa and Europe) and the Middle Eastern sub-continent all at once"
16:27:04  <frosch123> sure, but that doesn't answer why corporatings split business into A, EMEA, AP and japan
16:27:38  <TrueBrain> I can't answer that; I am however fairly certain GB didn't move to the left so far they are no longer considered EMEA :P
16:28:03  <frosch123> well, i also never understood the latin part about LA
16:28:22  <TrueBrain> maybe it is for the better we are not in marketing etc :P
16:29:46  <peter1138> 17:24 < TrueBrain> I hope EMEA, otherwise they really fucked up :P
16:30:08  <peter1138> Well, we are :D
16:30:19  <TrueBrain> to both, you mean? :P
16:30:25  <TrueBrain> (both EMEA and fucked up?)
16:30:28  <peter1138> Yup
16:30:30  <TrueBrain> :D
17:28:11  *** andythenorth_ has joined #openttd
17:28:26  <andythenorth_> Is cat?
17:34:35  <TrueBrain> you left IRC! :o
17:34:36  <TrueBrain> LIAR!
17:35:42  *** wallabra_ has joined #openttd
17:38:35  <andythenorth_> Am I hear
17:38:41  <andythenorth_> Or not?
17:39:04  <andythenorth_> Oh I can’t spell
17:39:23  <andythenorth_> No editing here 😏
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18:54:00  <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] DorpsGek pushed 1 commits to master
18:54:01  <DorpsGek>   - Update: Translations from eints (by translators)
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21:13:35  <supermop_work_> frosch123: basically the parts of the americas where a romance language is the primary language... a pretty awkward term though
21:14:29  <supermop_work_> of course Quebec does not count... basically latin meaning only Spanish and Portuguese
21:15:21  <supermop_work_> though also french for the purposes of the Caribbean
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