Log for #openttd on 10th August 2022:
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12:07:53  *** Samu has joined #openttd
12:20:10  <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/dibridge] TrueBrain opened pull request #22: feat(irc): assign an unique IPv6 address to each IRC puppet
12:20:21  <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/dibridge] TrueBrain updated pull request #22: feat(irc): assign an unique IPv6 address to each IRC puppet
12:20:45  <TrueBrain> code-wise that was simple .. figuring out what to do exactly .. was the hard part :P
12:22:39  <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/dibridge] TrueBrain updated pull request #22: feat(irc): assign an unique IPv6 address to each IRC puppet
12:24:19  *** glx has joined #openttd
12:24:19  *** ChanServ sets mode: +v glx
12:24:40  <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/dibridge] TrueBrain updated pull request #22: feat(irc): assign an unique IPv6 address to each IRC puppet
12:26:17  *** APTX has quit IRC
12:26:19  <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/dibridge] TrueBrain updated pull request #22: feat(irc): assign an unique IPv6 address to each IRC puppet
12:26:20  <TrueBrain> pff @ documentation typos :P
12:29:16  <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/dibridge] TrueBrain merged pull request #22: feat(irc): assign an unique IPv6 address to each IRC puppet
12:29:20  <glx> "Please use a part of the prefix assigned by your ISP, and not this example." <-- this part will not be read of course
12:29:43  *** APTX has joined #openttd
12:29:47  <TrueBrain> yeah, that is why I picked an IPv6 that is in more examples out there
12:30:26  <TrueBrain> and your local router will not route it anyway
12:30:30  <TrueBrain> so it will simply not work :P
12:32:58  <glx> I guess discord username is the username#XXXX
12:33:11  <TrueBrain> without the XXXX even
12:33:14  <TrueBrain> only the first part
12:33:24  <TrueBrain> I might add the XXXX, to make sure it is globally unique
12:33:26  <glx> yeah, not the displayed username
12:33:33  <TrueBrain> no, for sure, no :)
12:35:02  <TrueBrain> argh .. it worked locally on my machine, but it is failing on the production machine ... eeuuhhh .. let's find out!
12:35:39  <TrueBrain> ah, docker :P
12:35:40  <glx> probably more strict config
12:35:47  <glx> ah yes of course
12:35:54  <glx> an intermediate step
12:36:27  <TrueBrain> and it works :D
12:37:21  <TrueBrain> now for ident .. as joining is slow as fuck :P
12:39:02  <TrueBrain> or maybe if I refuse the port actively .. might be better
12:39:43  *** Deep3D has quit IRC
12:43:11  <TrueBrain> that works fine :)
12:43:23  <glx> ident is not required as you have a different IP per puppet
12:43:30  <TrueBrain> yeah
12:43:36  <TrueBrain> so I am now actively refusing the port
12:43:39  <TrueBrain> so joining is quick now :)
12:55:55  *** Deep3D has joined #openttd
13:20:11  *** ist5shreawf[m] has quit IRC
13:20:20  *** ist5shreawf[m] has joined #openttd

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