Log for on 14th October 2012:
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14:57:57  <frosch123> fs#5168 makes sense to me
14:58:24  <frosch123> moving a vehicle to the "all group" makes no sense, so it should not highlight the group or do anything
15:04:56  <Alberth>  /* this case can be omitted to simplify code */ <-- that line can be removed imho
15:05:07  <frosch123> yup
15:06:16  <Alberth> I'd merge the comment lines, but leaving them is fine too
15:18:10  *** DorpsGek changes topic to "OpenTTD Dev Channel || Latest SVN: r24593 || Logs: || Voice (talk-right) upon request via #openttd; make sure you are registered to NickServ before asking"
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16:46:52  <frosch123> <- fs#5168 done slightly different
16:47:10  <frosch123> it also highlights the first empty row below the groups in case of creating a new group via dragging
16:47:34  <frosch123> though this feature only works as long as there are empty rows, i.e. no longer when you need to scroll
17:06:34  <planetmaker> can you make the window larger so that there is free space?
17:07:00  <frosch123> the window?
17:07:12  <frosch123> we could extent the scroll range, so that there is always an emptyl ine
17:07:26  <frosch123> but there is no big difference between scrolling down or pressing "new group"
17:07:38  <frosch123> or there could be a permanent "new group" row, but that makes no sense either
17:07:45  <frosch123> so, i guess it is just like it is :)
17:08:28  <planetmaker> ok :-)
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