Log for on 28th April 2014:
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06:03:32  *** Supercheese has joined
06:03:32  *** ChanServ sets mode: +v Supercheese
08:04:26  *** Supercheese has quit IRC
16:20:54  *** Alberth has joined
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17:36:45  *** frosch123 has joined
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17:49:36  *** DorpsGek changes topic to "OpenTTD Dev Channel || Latest SVN: r26537 || Logs: || Voice (talk-right) upon request via #openttd; make sure you are registered to NickServ before asking"
18:11:44  * Rubidium wonders why FS#5994 doesn't happen more
18:13:25  <Rubidium> based on the crash log there's a straight path from calling ShowWindow into the WM_PAINT callback
18:13:48  <Rubidium> ShowWindow is called from MakeWindow / VideoDriver::Start
18:14:11  <Rubidium> PaletteAnimate dereferences _video_driver
18:14:23  <Rubidium> after VideoDriver::Start _video_driver is set
19:52:06  <Rubidium> <- removes the double accounting of the drivers
19:54:09  <Rubidium> <- should be the fix for the problem, not 100% sure though
20:03:01  <planetmaker> more c++ :)
20:03:40  <LordAro> :)
21:06:52  *** DorpsGek changes topic to "OpenTTD Dev Channel || Latest SVN: r26538 || Logs: || Voice (talk-right) upon request via #openttd; make sure you are registered to NickServ before asking"
21:09:19  *** DorpsGek changes topic to "OpenTTD Dev Channel || Latest SVN: r26539 || Logs: || Voice (talk-right) upon request via #openttd; make sure you are registered to NickServ before asking"
21:11:44  *** Alberth has left
22:16:20  *** frosch123 has quit IRC

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