Log for on 1st May 2014:
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14:28:24  <fonsinchen> I've changed another detail in the capacity branch: The capacities are only increased (as opposed to refreshed) at the station where the vehicle is full loading.
14:29:36  <frosch123> to avoid instability?
14:29:59  <fonsinchen> Increasing unrelated capacities is not very useful because more cargo being scheduled at those stations while the vehicle is waiting elsewhere just makes everything worse.
14:31:06  <fonsinchen> You can have a vehicle run clay with full load in one direction and engineering supplies _without_ full load in the other direction.
14:31:49  <fonsinchen> You want to record the theoretical capacity for the clay, but only the real one for the ES.
14:32:06  <frosch123> magic :)
14:32:34  <fonsinchen> Yeah, took me a while to figure that out.
14:32:51  <fonsinchen> If no one objects I'll commit the whole thing.
14:35:24  <frosch123> i think widespread testing it the only option there
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