Log for on 18th May 2014:
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12:13:03  <Alberth> Recently, I have come to appreciate the need for upgrading newgrf presets as asked in the todo list. However current storage is
12:13:04  <Alberth> [preset-firs+nars2+ttrs]
12:13:04  <Alberth> firs_industry_replacement_set-0.5.2/firs.grf =
12:13:04  <Alberth> north_american_renewal_set.2_03/nars2w.grf =
12:13:04  <Alberth> TTRS3w.grf =
12:13:28  <Alberth> with optional parameters. The question is thus where to store the md5sum/newgrf id
12:13:31  <frosch123> yup, it is a mess
12:13:36  <frosch123> and the paths are even more a mess
12:14:12  <Alberth>   point 11.4 suggests making a file for them, and putting them onto bananas
12:15:33  <Alberth> one thing I found in favour of the paths, if you don't have the newgrf, you at least have a human-readable name-ish line
12:16:26  <frosch123> <- last year i started that
12:16:35  <Alberth> new scenario format also doesn't have a newgrf config yet
12:16:40  <frosch123> biggest problem with paths is the way we handle tars
12:16:56  <frosch123> we only store the path within the tar which results in a big mess of path ambiguity
12:17:12  <Alberth> +1  :)
12:17:53  <frosch123> anyway, back then that patch queue needed a lot of debugging :p and now it will most likely need a lot of merging
12:18:25  <Alberth> I am in full support of better information for newgrfs
12:18:56  <frosch123> [14:15] <Alberth> one thing I found in favour of the paths, if you don't have the newgrf, you at least have a human-readable name-ish line <- imo the cfg should contain everything: path, grfid, md5sum
12:19:09  <frosch123> (with optional parts)
12:19:17  <frosch123> (for hand-written cfg)
12:19:19  <Alberth> I just mentioned a use of paths that may be useful in case 12345678 doesn't ring a bell which newgrf that is :)
12:19:50  <frosch123> anyway, ai and gs are an ever bigger mess, they have a user visible name and a unique id
12:20:06  <frosch123> but the unique id is not used as it is meant for, but everywhere the user name is used to identify it
12:20:10  <frosch123> even in savegames :/
12:20:32  <Alberth> so that would imply every newgrf gets its own section, and presets sections refer to those sections
12:21:06  <frosch123> hmm, why?
12:21:13  <Alberth> just forbid an author to write more than one AI/GS  :p
12:21:37  <frosch123> path/to/file:grfid:md5sum=paramters
12:21:53  <frosch123> resp. grfid:md5sum:path/to/file=parameters
12:22:55  <Alberth> latter is better for : in paths
12:23:47  * Alberth ponders about 12345678:  in a path
12:24:14  <frosch123> not at the start of a path
12:24:43  <Alberth> so you hope, no version number in openttd.cfg files :(
12:24:59  <frosch123> anyway, issues occur only for hand-written files, so blame the user
12:25:34  <frosch123> <- actually it used "|"
12:27:39  <Alberth> technically also not safe probably, but close enough :)
14:43:43  <planetmaker> re storing newgrf presets: does it need the paths at all? Doesn't the grfID (+ md5sum) suffice?
14:44:35  <planetmaker> but yes... for human readable the filename would be nice
14:44:42  <planetmaker> or the grfname (action14?)
14:53:41  <frosch123> also for grfdevs :)
14:53:49  <frosch123> your md5sum changes all the time
14:54:59  <planetmaker> yes
14:55:18  <LordAro> i'd expect the filename to change quite a bit too
14:55:25  <planetmaker> but it useful for those who don't know newgrf versions ;)
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19:58:54  <Alberth> frosch123: after reading a bit, your 80 patch looks asif it would pretty much do the job, at least w.r.t. storage and retrieval od grfid and md5sum
19:59:11  <Alberth> s/od/of/
20:00:17  <Alberth> you didn't commit it because it was part of a bigger patch queue?
20:01:18  <frosch123> no, because it crashes all the time :)
20:02:13  <planetmaker> more and earlier cake :P
20:04:35  <Alberth> there are easier ways to obtain cake :p
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21:01:20  *** frosch123 has quit IRC

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