Log for on 25th May 2014:
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15:02:05  *** DorpsGek changes topic to "OpenTTD Dev Channel || Latest SVN: r26614 || Logs: || Voice (talk-right) upon request via #openttd; make sure you are registered to NickServ before asking"
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18:36:07  <planetmaker> <-- I think that makes sense. Though I wonder why not simply the whole if (ci != NULL) block can't be moved below the company announcement. Can't it?
18:39:40  <frosch123> i have no idea what any of those functions do :p
18:40:35  <frosch123> shall the admin first learn about the client or about the company?
18:40:51  <frosch123> this feels like it was already discussed before
18:40:59  <planetmaker> well, the bug is that the order changed and it breaks existing clients
18:41:13  <frosch123> yes, that's what that diff do
18:41:17  <planetmaker> and it makes indeed sense to first communicate a company creation and then a client join
18:41:23  <frosch123> but moving it all would make it different in a third way :p
18:43:11  <frosch123> looks like the companyinfo contains manager name, is_ai and stuff
18:43:19  <frosch123> so, i guess it is not safe to change the order
18:44:10  <planetmaker> so the diff like in the FS issue?
18:45:31  <frosch123> <- found it
18:45:38  <frosch123> so, yes, only the fs task, no other changes
18:48:37  <planetmaker> Ah, interesting, ok, so I'll just take Taede's diff from
19:01:31  *** DorpsGek changes topic to "OpenTTD Dev Channel || Latest SVN: r26616 || Logs: || Voice (talk-right) upon request via #openttd; make sure you are registered to NickServ before asking"
19:47:08  <Rubidium> <- in essence the info nuts were all read by the same VM, so anything global would mess up others. Now it rebuilds the VM for each read of an info
19:49:19  <frosch123> is ResetCrashed still used after that?
19:49:45  <Rubidium> nope
19:51:54  <frosch123> looks fine
19:53:48  *** DorpsGek changes topic to "OpenTTD Dev Channel || Latest SVN: r26617 || Logs: || Voice (talk-right) upon request via #openttd; make sure you are registered to NickServ before asking"
20:01:09  <Rubidium> frosch123: about r23860; is it meant to round up? It triggers/causes FS#5965
20:01:40  <Rubidium> well... not quite up, but round to nearest instead of just truncating
20:04:07  <frosch123> it's an arbitrary decision
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20:04:22  <frosch123> i actually thought i would round up, to make sure vehicles have at least 1 capacity
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20:04:59  <frosch123> wrt. that fs task, i think the capacity check just needs relaxing for savegame conversions
20:05:22  <frosch123> i would not change the rounding just to help the savegame conversion
20:06:06  <frosch123> it does not need that much hysterical reasoning there :p
20:15:11  <Rubidium> so definitely not something I could do before my holiday
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