Log for on 11th September 2014:
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17:08:22  <Alberth> hmm, /me made a stupid typo :(
17:10:39  *** DorpsGek changes topic to "OpenTTD Dev Channel || Latest SVN: r26811 || Logs: || Voice (talk-right) upon request via #openttd; make sure you are registered to NickServ before asking"
17:37:26  <frosch123> i have no idea why the engine pool is not zero initialised
17:37:50  <Alberth> :O
17:38:54  <frosch123> oh wait, the trap is the _temp_engine thingie
17:39:07  <frosch123> it does not use the pool "new" operator
17:39:32  <frosch123> and pool item constructors must not zero stuff for other reasons
17:40:27  *** ChanServ sets mode: +v Rubidium
17:40:30  <Rubidium> didn't we work around that for vehicles?
17:40:51  <Rubidium> or maybe orders?
17:41:16  <frosch123> constructors may not zero the "index" member, so they do not zero anything
17:41:22  <frosch123> instead the new operator does the zeroing
17:41:32  <frosch123> but _temp_engine does not use the new operator
17:46:30  *** DorpsGek changes topic to "OpenTTD Dev Channel || Latest SVN: r26812 || Logs: || Voice (talk-right) upon request via #openttd; make sure you are registered to NickServ before asking"
17:51:07  <Rubidium> frosch123: ?
17:52:00  <frosch123> trying the same currently :)
17:52:14  <frosch123> also replacing the map with a vector
17:52:32  <frosch123> later on it uses < size() to check membership :p
17:52:33  <Rubidium> although, you might need to call the constructor if needed
18:35:08  <frosch123> <- my version
18:41:01  <frosch123> hmm, wait, that likely does not do what i wanted
18:41:11  <frosch123> we have an overloaded new operator
18:41:23  <frosch123> ottd is too tricky :p
18:42:21  <frosch123> ah, nah, it's fine
18:42:29  <frosch123> that operator is overloaded just as well
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19:35:45  <Rubidium> frosch123: I think the coding style is 'new (param) Class()'
19:36:24  <Rubidium> although fixedsizearray and 3rdparty are not following that style
19:36:48  <Rubidium> it is not possible to have a hole in the engine array?
19:36:59  <Rubidium> removing vehicle newgrfs or so?
19:48:59  <Rubidium> would it make sense to use smallvec to prevent the copying?
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19:54:26  <frosch123> it reads them from the save file, which is a non-sparse array
19:54:50  <frosch123> also, if there were holes, then CopyTempEngineData would completely break
19:55:00  <frosch123> since it checks membership with >= size()
19:55:12  <frosch123> resp. < size()
19:56:40  <frosch123> i'll try smallvec
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