Log for on 22nd February 2015:
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13:35:48  <Alberth>
13:40:23  *** DorpsGek sets mode: +v frosch
13:40:26  <frosch> hmm, i am comparing it to ScriptGoal::New
13:41:14  <frosch> either we should add multiple functions to ScriptGoal instead of using the GoalTpe enum
13:41:21  <frosch> or the news function should use a similar enum
13:42:59  <frosch> ScriptSotryPAge::NewElement also uses an enum
13:45:38  <frosch> functions using "tiles" seem to be named "Location" in most cases, instead of "Position"
13:46:41  <frosch> possibly, instead of adding new funtions, we can extent the old functions, and provide a compatibility thingie in the compat scripts
13:49:37  <Alberth> goaltype-like approach would work too
13:51:55  <frosch> i think i prefer extending the existing function with parameters, and adding a wrapper in the compat_*.nut files
13:52:25  <frosch> also, ScriptStoryPage::UpdateElement looks weird
13:52:36  <frosch> it updates the reference id, but not the type
13:53:16  <frosch> though i do not see a way to fix that in a compatible way
13:54:53  <Alberth> k, will change it, and see what happens :)
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14:51:16  <Alberth> should the call still silently drop the reference if it is not valid?
14:52:20  <Alberth> hmm, doesn't make much sense I guess, the text will still talk about that reference
14:54:09  <frosch> problem is that scripts to not really notice when a reference becomes invalid
14:54:38  <frosch> a industry may close just in the moment between the script scanning all industries and updating the news
15:05:49  *** DorpsGek changes topic to "OpenTTD Dev Channel || Latest SVN: r27162 || Logs: || Voice (talk-right) upon request via #openttd; make sure you are registered to NickServ before asking"
15:07:20  <Alberth> indeed, but should it skip publishing in such a case, or publish anyway?
15:08:09  <Alberth> it doesn't make a lot of sense, so perhaps not
15:08:18  <frosch> i believe industry closure deletes news referencing to it
15:08:34  <frosch> so, i guess ottd should drop new items with invaild references
15:08:51  <frosch> that way the behaviour is the same if the industry closes 1 tick before/after adding the news item :p
15:09:25  <Alberth> if (!IsValidTile(p2)) return CMD_ERROR;    <-- it checks the reference in the command
15:09:40  <Alberth> and refuses to publish it thus
15:10:22  <frosch> ah, so it even tells the script in the return value :)
15:10:42  <Alberth> assuming the referenced thing is mentioned in the news, that would fail too
15:10:52  <Alberth> haven't checked what happens there
15:11:08  <frosch> in the past ottd crashed :p
15:11:34  <frosch> since scripts and since strings from scripts are stored in the save, there are "<invalid thingie>" fallbacks everywhere
15:14:22  <Alberth> doesn't seem to do anything special with invalid references in the parameters
15:18:41  <Alberth> well, since the news system is rejecting it anyway, let's reject the message without ever reaching the cmd code.
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15:46:28  <Alberth> should GSController.GetVersion return a 1.5 version if you have eg 1.4 compatibility enabled?
15:49:09  <frosch> why not, returning the script's own value from Info.GetAPIVersion makes no sense
15:49:22  <frosch> s/,/?/
15:49:29  <frosch> i have a terrible typing day today :)
15:53:07  <Alberth> fair enough
15:55:13  <frosch> oh, also, the 1.4 compatibility does not disable the new 1.5 functions
15:55:20  <frosch> i believe some scripts check the version
15:55:29  <frosch> to use new functions or fall back to older ones
15:55:41  <frosch> but you probably would have to ask zuu about that :)
15:58:00  <Alberth> that's why I was wondering, I do remove the old news function   line 10 and further
15:58:10  <Alberth> s/old/new/
15:58:34  <Alberth> assuming that code actually works :p
15:59:34  <frosch> yeah, the compat scripts are funny :p
15:59:57  <frosch> copying a native-function-reference into some placeholder name
16:00:17  <frosch> and then redefining it with something new, which calls the real one again
16:00:23  <Alberth> functions are just first citizens
16:02:11  <Alberth> thus if you check the actual program version, you have to consider the compatibility setting into consideration as well to know what to call :)
16:04:18  <Alberth> such fun! :p
16:04:35  <Alberth> I'll ask Zuu some time :)
16:58:41  <Alberth>  updated patch
17:08:29  <frosch> looks nice :)
17:09:24  <Alberth> should be took a whole day :p
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