Log for #openttdcoop on 18th April 2009:
Times are UTC Toggle Colours
00:03:04  *** Booth has quit IRC
00:36:54  *** Progman has quit IRC
01:01:28  *** Aeternum has joined #openttdcoop
01:06:12  *** Spaarvarken has quit IRC
01:15:56  *** KenjiE20 has quit IRC
01:30:22  *** Aeternum has quit IRC
01:55:16  <Kupuham> Everybody gone?
01:58:50  *** Kupuham has quit IRC
02:01:53  *** carter has quit IRC
02:03:34  *** Polygon has quit IRC
02:10:27  *** phyrex1an has quit IRC
02:22:21  *** phyrex1an has joined #openttdcoop
02:37:11  *** phyrex1an1 has joined #openttdcoop
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02:58:12  *** Bennythen has joined #openttdcoop
02:58:20  <Bennythen> !password
02:58:20  <PublicServer> Bennythen: mutant
02:58:34  <PublicServer> *** Bennythen00b joined the game
03:08:47  *** phyrex1an has joined #openttdcoop
03:15:12  *** phyrex1an1 has quit IRC
03:16:35  *** Bennythen has quit IRC
03:16:41  <PublicServer> *** Bennythen00b has left the game (leaving)
03:16:41  <PublicServer> *** Bennythen00b has left the game (connection lost)
03:40:33  *** phyrex1an1 has joined #openttdcoop
03:46:07  *** phyrex1an has quit IRC
03:59:00  *** LA has joined #openttdcoop
04:01:58  <LA> !download
04:01:58  <PublicServer> LA: !download autostart|autoupdate|lin|lin64|osx|win32|win64|win9x
04:02:04  <LA> !download win32
04:02:04  <PublicServer> LA:
04:11:44  *** Webster has joined #openttdcoop
04:15:04  <LA> !password
04:15:04  <PublicServer> LA: morale
04:15:16  <PublicServer> *** Lordy joined the game
04:17:05  *** phyrex1an1 has quit IRC
04:20:11  <PublicServer> *** Lordy has left the game (leaving)
04:20:11  <PublicServer> *** Lordy has left the game (connection lost)
04:43:12  *** phyrex1an1 has joined #openttdcoop
04:49:31  *** phyrex1an has quit IRC
04:53:15  *** LA has quit IRC
05:15:15  *** phyrex1an has joined #openttdcoop
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05:37:42  *** ODM has joined #openttdcoop
05:37:42  *** ChanServ sets mode: +o ODM
05:42:53  *** LA has joined #openttdcoop
05:47:53  *** phyrex1an1 has joined #openttdcoop
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06:37:16  *** carter has joined #openttdcoop
06:43:41  *** welterde has quit IRC
06:44:17  *** murr4y has quit IRC
07:10:43  *** ODM has quit IRC
07:26:39  *** Progman has joined #openttdcoop
07:35:04  *** andy|p has quit IRC
07:55:33  <Sol2> anybody kno the "Xperia" of sony ericsson?
07:55:39  <Sol2> mobile phone
08:02:54  *** TinoM has joined #openttdcoop
08:05:37  <PublicServer> *** tneo joined the game
08:09:29  <tneo> !unpause
08:09:38  <tneo> !rcon unpause
08:09:38  <PublicServer> tneo: you are not allowed to use !rcon
08:09:47  <tneo> @op
08:10:19  <PublicServer> *** tneo has left the game (leaving)
08:10:20  <PublicServer> *** tneo has left the game (connection lost)
08:40:09  *** TinoM has quit IRC
08:46:42  *** TinoM has joined #openttdcoop
08:51:41  <Ammler> tneo: happens sometimes
08:51:47  <Ammler> nobody knows why
08:52:36  * LA waves to [insert a fellow name here]
08:52:36  <Ammler> you would need to rejoin
08:53:01  <Ammler> lalala
08:53:15  <LA> :)
08:53:28  <Ammler> :-)
09:03:02  *** Venxir has joined #openttdcoop
09:08:18  *** carter has quit IRC
09:08:22  *** Booth has joined #openttdcoop
09:13:37  <Booth> !password
09:13:37  <PublicServer> Booth: looped
09:13:46  <PublicServer> *** Chris Booth joined the game
09:17:04  *** ChanServ sets mode: -o tneo
09:17:07  *** ChanServ sets mode: +o tneo
09:17:33  <tneo> !rcon unpause
09:17:33  <PublicServer> tneo: Game unpaused.
09:17:37  <tneo> !rcon pause
09:17:37  <PublicServer> tneo: Game paused.
09:17:41  <tneo> !playercount
09:17:41  <PublicServer> tneo: Number of players: 1
09:17:52  <Booth> i am just looking arround
09:17:57  <Booth> unless you want to join me
09:19:26  *** jonde has joined #openttdcoop
09:19:44  <Mark> morning
09:19:48  <PublicServer> <Chris Booth> morning
09:19:49  <jonde> morning
09:19:52  <jonde> !password
09:19:52  <PublicServer> jonde: looped
09:19:54  <PublicServer> *** Game unpaused (enough players)
09:20:04  <PublicServer> *** jondisti joined the game
09:20:12  <Mark> !password
09:20:12  <PublicServer> Mark: looped
09:20:23  <PublicServer> *** Mark joined the game
09:21:01  <PublicServer> <Mark> wtf
09:21:07  <PublicServer> <Chris Booth> what?
09:21:10  <PublicServer> <Chris Booth> the beast?
09:21:13  <PublicServer> <Chris Booth> ask ammler
09:21:15  <PublicServer> <Mark> glad it's not my plan, i'd hate that "beast"
09:21:20  <PublicServer> <Mark> meh
09:21:21  <PublicServer> <Chris Booth> i hate it
09:21:22  <tneo> horrible huh :P
09:21:30  <PublicServer> <Mark> Ammler made that?
09:21:35  <PublicServer> <Mark> unbelievable
09:21:48  <tneo> it states it has been discussed
09:21:48  <PublicServer> <Chris Booth> i know
09:21:50  <PublicServer> <Mark> i'd nuke it if this plan was mine
09:21:51  <PublicServer> *** tneo joined the game
09:22:16  <Ammler> hehe
09:22:19  <PublicServer> <Mark> i doubt pm will like it
09:22:28  <PublicServer> <Chris Booth> i was tempted to nuke it last night
09:22:40  <LA> !password
09:22:40  <PublicServer> LA: looped
09:22:45  <PublicServer> <tneo> i say let pm decide
09:22:47  <Ammler> you are free to nuke it
09:22:56  <LA> i want i want
09:22:59  <LA> :P
09:23:18  <PublicServer> *** Lordy has left the game (connection lost)
09:23:27  <Ammler> but it was interesting "minigame" ;-)
09:23:34  <LA> !password
09:23:34  <PublicServer> LA: tinker
09:23:44  <PublicServer> *** Lordy joined the game
09:23:51  <PublicServer> <tneo> why are town names colored?
09:23:51  <LA> interesting tho
09:24:06  <LA> how could I leave the game without joining in the first place
09:24:08  <LA> :P
09:24:13  <PublicServer> *** Mark has left the game (leaving)
09:24:13  <PublicServer> *** Mark has left the game (connection lost)
09:24:39  <PublicServer> *** AmmIer joined the game
09:25:01  <PublicServer> <AmmIer> hehe
09:27:03  <PublicServer> *** tneo has left the game (connection lost)
09:27:25  <PublicServer> *** tneo joined the game
09:27:57  <PublicServer> *** tneo has left the game (leaving)
09:27:58  <PublicServer> *** tneo has left the game (connection lost)
09:28:03  *** Wurzel49 has joined #openttdcoop
09:28:20  <PublicServer> <Lordy> oh noes, I get scared on such maps
09:28:25  <PublicServer> <Lordy> and can't buid anything
09:31:02  <PublicServer> *** Chris Booth has left the game (connection lost)
09:31:06  *** Booth has quit IRC
09:35:34  <PublicServer> *** Lordy has left the game (leaving)
09:35:35  <PublicServer> *** Lordy has left the game (connection lost)
09:43:39  *** mitooo has joined #openttdcoop
09:43:48  <mitooo> !playercount
09:43:48  <PublicServer> mitooo: Number of players: 2
09:43:49  *** Dr_Jekyll has joined #openttdcoop
09:44:11  <mitooo> !password
09:44:11  <PublicServer> mitooo: ensues
09:44:27  <PublicServer> *** mitooo joined the game
09:47:19  <PublicServer> *** mitooo has joined company #1
09:48:11  *** Wolle has quit IRC
09:48:44  <PublicServer> *** jondisti has left the game (leaving)
09:48:44  <PublicServer> *** jondisti has left the game (connection lost)
09:55:45  <PublicServer> *** mitooo has left the game (connection lost)
09:55:45  <PublicServer> *** Game paused (not enough players)
09:56:19  <Ammler> !rcon unpause
09:56:19  <PublicServer> Ammler: Game unpaused.
09:59:31  <PublicServer> *** AmmIer has joined spectators
09:59:47  <PublicServer> *** AmmIer has joined company #1
09:59:51  <PublicServer> *** AmmIer has joined spectators
09:59:55  <PublicServer> <AmmIer> hmm
10:00:02  <PublicServer> <AmmIer> why not pause?
10:00:35  <PublicServer> *** AmmIer has joined company #1
10:01:48  <mitooo> !password
10:01:48  <PublicServer> mitooo: corned
10:02:07  <PublicServer> *** mitooo joined the game
10:02:17  <PublicServer> *** mitooo has joined company #1
10:02:18  <PublicServer> *** Game unpaused (enough players)
10:02:28  <PublicServer> *** AmmIer has joined spectators
10:02:28  <PublicServer> *** Game paused (not enough players)
10:02:30  <PublicServer> *** AmmIer has joined company #1
10:02:31  <PublicServer> *** Game unpaused (enough players)
10:02:40  <PublicServer> <AmmIer> seems like it needs a new client
10:02:43  <PublicServer> <AmmIer> strange
10:05:27  <PublicServer> *** mitooo has left the game (connection lost)
10:05:27  <PublicServer> *** Game paused (not enough players)
10:05:35  <PublicServer> *** AmmIer has joined spectators
10:05:53  <PublicServer> *** mitooo joined the game
10:05:56  <PublicServer> *** mitooo has joined company #1
10:08:25  <PublicServer> *** AmmIer has joined company #1
10:08:25  <PublicServer> *** Game unpaused (enough players)
10:08:38  <PublicServer> *** AmmIer has joined spectators
10:08:39  <PublicServer> *** Game paused (not enough players)
10:17:38  *** Castaras has joined #openttdcoop
10:18:41  <PublicServer> *** Game unpaused (enough players)
10:18:41  <XeryusTC> !password
10:18:41  <PublicServer> XeryusTC: ambush
10:18:52  <PublicServer> *** XeryusTC joined the game
10:19:36  <PublicServer> <XeryusTC> wow big maglev line :o
10:19:54  <Ammler> 64tile train :-)
10:20:00  <Castaras> Hey... I'm trying to get into the server to spectate... What's the TTD version y'all are using?
10:20:13  <XeryusTC> !revision
10:20:13  <PublicServer> XeryusTC: Game version is r16055
10:20:17  <XeryusTC> !download
10:20:17  <PublicServer> XeryusTC: !download autostart|autoupdate|lin|lin64|osx|win32|win64|win9x
10:20:34  <PublicServer> <XeryusTC> SRSL :o
10:20:42  <Ammler> @wiki Quickstart
10:20:43  <Cooper>
10:20:54  <Castaras> ah, thanks. =)
10:20:55  <Ammler> Castaras: worth to read too ^
10:21:36  <PublicServer> *** XeryusTC has left the game (connection lost)
10:21:36  <PublicServer> *** Game paused (not enough players)
10:37:46  <PublicServer> *** Castaras has left the game (connection lost)
10:38:09  <PublicServer> *** Castaras has left the game (connection lost)
10:38:12  *** welterde has joined #openttdcoop
10:40:55  <PublicServer> *** Castaras has left the game (connection lost)
10:41:57  <PublicServer> *** Castaras has left the game (connection lost)
10:44:15  *** Wurzel49 has quit IRC
10:49:13  *** Aeternum has joined #openttdcoop
10:49:37  *** Castaras has left #openttdcoop
10:52:17  *** Polygon has joined #openttdcoop
10:52:21  <Patrick> @tunnels 4 8
10:52:21  <Cooper> Patrick: 2
10:52:31  <Patrick> @tunnels 4 10
10:52:31  <Cooper> Patrick: 2
10:53:34  <PublicServer> *** Game unpaused (enough players)
10:53:37  <Seppel> !password
10:53:38  <PublicServer> Seppel: eludes
10:53:47  <PublicServer> *** Sepp joined the game
10:59:22  <PublicServer> *** mitooo has left the game (connection lost)
10:59:22  <PublicServer> *** Game paused (not enough players)
11:00:40  <PublicServer> *** Sepp has left the game (leaving)
11:00:40  <PublicServer> *** Sepp has left the game (connection lost)
11:05:01  <Aeternum> !password
11:05:01  <PublicServer> Aeternum: eludes
11:08:07  *** Aeternum_ has joined #openttdcoop
11:13:46  *** Aeternum has quit IRC
11:18:25  <PublicServer> *** jondisti has left the game (connection lost)
11:18:39  <jonde> !password
11:18:39  <PublicServer> jonde: tinges
11:18:47  <PublicServer> *** jondisti joined the game
11:18:48  *** blinky has quit IRC
11:23:06  *** Polygon has quit IRC
11:24:15  *** blinky has joined #openttdcoop
11:25:16  *** LA has quit IRC
11:26:46  *** Wurzel49 has joined #openttdcoop
11:27:47  *** snake has joined #openttdcoop
11:28:26  <PublicServer> *** Game unpaused (enough players)
11:28:31  <snake> !password
11:28:31  <PublicServer> snake: heeled
11:28:56  <PublicServer> *** snake joined the game
11:33:21  <PublicServer> *** jondisti has left the game (leaving)
11:33:21  <PublicServer> *** jondisti has left the game (connection lost)
11:33:21  <PublicServer> *** Game paused (not enough players)
11:33:28  <PublicServer> *** AmmIer has joined company #1
11:33:28  <PublicServer> *** Game unpaused (enough players)
11:37:36  *** Aeternum has joined #openttdcoop
11:39:55  <PublicServer> *** Player has left the game (connection lost)
11:40:11  *** Aeternum_ has quit IRC
11:40:12  <PublicServer> *** Player has left the game (connection lost)
11:40:20  <Aeternum> !password
11:40:20  <PublicServer> Aeternum: upshot
11:40:34  <PublicServer> *** Player has left the game (connection lost)
11:42:23  <PublicServer> <AmmIer> snake: you are around?
11:42:43  <PublicServer> *** AmmIer has joined spectators
11:42:44  <PublicServer> *** Game paused (not enough players)
11:42:52  <PublicServer> *** Aeternum joined the game
11:43:06  <snake> I've just checked how it is going on
11:43:10  <snake> have to go :(
11:43:21  <PublicServer> <AmmIer> please switch to spec if you are afk
11:43:26  <PublicServer> <AmmIer> else you waste cpu
11:43:36  <snake> I'm here. Will disconnect now
11:43:43  <snake> I'm not leaving connected client alone
11:43:53  <PublicServer> <AmmIer> good :-)
11:43:59  <PublicServer> *** snake has left the game (leaving)
11:43:59  <PublicServer> *** snake has left the game (connection lost)
11:44:32  <PublicServer> <AmmIer> well, you don't hurt as long you are spec
11:45:41  *** snake has quit IRC
11:47:24  *** Sulimo has joined #openttdcoop
11:49:33  *** KenjiE20 has joined #openttdcoop
11:49:33  *** ChanServ sets mode: +o KenjiE20
12:02:46  *** mib_d514zq9w has joined #openttdcoop
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12:15:19  <PublicServer> *** Aeternum has left the game (connection lost)
12:21:41  *** blinky has quit IRC
12:32:39  *** Aeternum has quit IRC
12:38:10  *** ODM has joined #openttdcoop
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12:41:20  *** Tomas has joined #openttdcoop
12:41:27  <Tomas> !password
12:41:27  <PublicServer> Tomas: stanch
12:41:41  <PublicServer> *** Tomas joined the game
12:44:48  *** phyrex1an1 has quit IRC
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12:54:35  <PublicServer> *** Game unpaused (enough players)
12:54:38  <PublicServer> *** Thraxian has left the game (connection lost)
12:54:39  <PublicServer> *** Game paused (not enough players)
12:54:54  <PublicServer> *** Thraxian joined the game
12:56:27  *** Tomas has left #openttdcoop
12:57:40  *** Tomas has joined #openttdcoop
12:58:39  <PublicServer> *** Thraxian has left the game (leaving)
12:58:39  <PublicServer> *** Thraxian has left the game (connection lost)
13:00:10  <PublicServer> *** Tomas has left the game (leaving)
13:00:10  <PublicServer> *** Tomas has left the game (connection lost)
13:03:39  *** StarLite has joined #openttdcoop
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13:17:35  *** Polygon has joined #openttdcoop
13:33:01  *** LA has joined #openttdcoop
13:38:41  *** phyrex1an has quit IRC
13:49:43  *** Tomas has left #openttdcoop
13:49:49  *** Progman has quit IRC
14:01:24  *** snake has joined #openttdcoop
14:01:28  <snake> !password
14:01:28  <PublicServer> snake: buffet
14:01:54  <PublicServer> *** snake joined the game
14:09:49  <PublicServer> *** snake has left the game (leaving)
14:09:50  <PublicServer> *** snake has left the game (connection lost)
14:26:56  <PublicServer> *** AmmIer has joined company #1
14:27:42  <PublicServer> *** Game unpaused (enough players)
14:27:45  <Kommer> !password
14:27:45  <PublicServer> Kommer: circus
14:27:46  <Ammler> @stage Building
14:27:46  *** Cooper changes topic to "Welcome to #openttdcoop, the Cooperative OpenTTD | PSG #138 (r16055) | STAGE: Building | | Use !help for IRC-commands | InfrastructureSharing at | Client record: 24 | looking for latest save of PSG #135 - please make it available to us, if you played | For Head-To-Head competition join #coopetition | this is a UTF-8 channel!"
14:27:58  <PublicServer> *** Kommer joined the game
14:32:24  *** jonde has quit IRC
14:34:27  <PublicServer> <AmmIer> heya Kommer
14:34:32  <PublicServer> <Kommer> hey ammler :)
14:34:42  <PublicServer> <AmmIer> check !jam
14:34:43  <PublicServer> <Kommer> how are you?
14:34:44  <PublicServer> <Kommer> ok
14:35:35  <PublicServer> <AmmIer> thanks and how is dutchyland?
14:35:40  <PublicServer> <Kommer> good, hot :)
14:36:41  <PublicServer> <AmmIer> the double part is too long
14:38:59  <ODM> woo dutchyland
14:39:10  <PublicServer> <AmmIer> :P
14:39:13  <PublicServer> <Kommer> :P
14:47:03  *** snake has quit IRC
14:47:48  *** Thraxian has joined #openttdcoop
14:49:03  <Thraxian> anything exciting happening today?
14:49:26  <PublicServer> <AmmIer> not really
14:49:35  <PublicServer> <AmmIer> server was paused most time.
14:51:48  <Sulimo> hi there!
14:52:00  *** murr4y has joined #openttdcoop
14:52:07  <Sulimo> i've just installed the openttdcoop-grfpack and the public server config
14:52:17  <Sulimo> just to get in the move of playing coop ;)
14:52:38  <Ammler> the config?
14:53:54  <Sulimo> yes, I found it somewhere in the wiki
14:54:27  <KenjiE20> config's just for the server, all you need is right rev, and grfs
14:54:32  <KenjiE20> @wiki Quickstart
14:54:33  <Cooper>
14:55:03  <Sulimo> I read that :)
14:55:15  <Ammler> the config will be transfered to your client with the save
14:55:16  <Sulimo> my point was to find a nice set of newgrfs to learn the game in
14:55:21  <Ammler> since version 0.6
14:55:24  <Sulimo> so i copied the cfg from
14:55:42  <Sulimo> so I can play in SP with the same config as you use on the server
14:55:54  <Ammler> that might be very old
14:56:02  <Ammler> (outdated)
14:56:08  <ODM> its very old
14:56:20  <Sulimo> :/
14:56:29  <Thraxian> Ammler, can we have a !savecfg command to copy the config to a location where the wiki can pick it up?
14:56:36  <Levi> !password
14:56:36  <PublicServer> Levi: leeway
14:56:36  <Sulimo> well, that's what happens if you follow links with "current" in it :D
14:56:43  <PublicServer> *** Levi joined the game
14:58:11  <PublicServer> <Levi> 6 beast trains? o_O
14:58:28  <Ammler> Thraxian: no
14:58:37  <Sulimo> looks like I'm back to square one: I'm searching a set of newgrf with some new, nice trains and perhaps new industries. And whatver is "standard" in multiplayer.
14:58:39  <Ammler> that doesn't exist
14:58:53  <Ammler> (ask SmatZ for another patch ;-)
14:59:31  <Ammler> also a problem would be that there are some sensitive data in the cfg
15:00:24  <Ammler> Sulimo: we don't have a "standard"
15:00:40  <Ammler> we change from game to game...
15:01:00  <Ammler> some like stations are always in.
15:01:19  <Ammler> Sulimo: where did you find a link to the cfg?
15:01:36  <Sulimo>
15:01:42  *** avdg has joined #openttdcoop
15:01:55  <Thraxian> I just removed it, AMmler
15:01:58  <mitooo> !password
15:01:58  <PublicServer> mitooo: leeway
15:01:59  <Thraxian> it was on the Servers page
15:02:08  <Sulimo> linked on
15:02:20  <PublicServer> *** mitooo joined the game
15:02:24  <Ammler> I will update the cfg with current settings
15:02:29  <PublicServer> *** mitooo has joined company #1
15:02:35  <Ammler> wiki*
15:02:44  <Thraxian> FYI: you can go to the page he linked and click the "What links here" link on the left to find out how he got there :)
15:03:00  <Sulimo> the magic of wikis ;)
15:03:15  <Thraxian> if you're updating the CFG page, I'll undo my change to the servers page
15:04:00  <Ammler> Thraxian: I clicked on that link, that was why I wondered ;-)
15:05:40  <Ammler> hmm, no I don't
15:08:22  <Seppel> !password
15:08:22  <PublicServer> Seppel: weaves
15:08:35  <PublicServer> *** Sepp joined the game
15:10:16  <Ammler> cfg deleted from wiki...
15:20:51  *** sbn has joined #openttdcoop
15:20:53  <sbn> Hey
15:21:26  <avdg> hey
15:21:34  <PublicServer> <mitooo> hi
15:21:49  *** AbsintheChris has joined #openttdcoop
15:23:25  <sbn> Seems like a long time ago since I last was here
15:23:37  <XeryusTC> seems so indeed
15:23:52  <PublicServer> <AmmIer> in this game or general?
15:24:08  <sbn> general
15:24:45  *** LA has quit IRC
15:24:45  <PublicServer> <AmmIer> hmm, somehow I rember that name.
15:24:46  <PublicServer> *** mitooo has left the game (connection lost)
15:24:52  <sbn> :p
15:24:55  <mitooo> !help
15:24:55  <PublicServer> mitooo:
15:24:58  <sbn> it's been about a month ago I think
15:28:01  <PublicServer> *** Sepp has left the game (leaving)
15:28:01  <PublicServer> *** Sepp has left the game (connection lost)
15:30:24  <PublicServer> <AmmIer> Wrenfingbridge: would need a 4th plattform
15:30:54  * avdg cming
15:31:08  <avdg> !password
15:31:08  <PublicServer> avdg: tipped
15:31:46  *** De_Ghosty has quit IRC
15:31:50  <mitooo> !password
15:31:50  <PublicServer> mitooo: tipped
15:31:52  <PublicServer> *** avdg joined the game
15:31:56  <PublicServer> <avdg> ok
15:32:05  <PublicServer> *** mitooo joined the game
15:32:10  <PublicServer> <avdg> stupid bridge :/
15:32:23  <PublicServer> <AmmIer> bridge?
15:32:46  <PublicServer> <avdg> that new long train xd
15:33:41  <PublicServer> <AmmIer> well, it has influence to the income graph
15:34:10  <PublicServer> <avdg> lol
15:34:42  <PublicServer> <AmmIer> but it is only temporary, so if you need to remove it, remove it.
15:34:55  <PublicServer> <avdg> oh i keep it
15:35:06  <PublicServer> <avdg> its just not looking openttdcoop
15:35:20  <PublicServer> <AmmIer> it is.
15:35:33  *** Walle has joined #openttdcoop
15:35:58  <sbn> !password
15:35:58  <PublicServer> sbn: tipped
15:35:59  <PublicServer> <AmmIer> at least, we built it together ;-)
15:36:11  <PublicServer> *** sbn joined the game
15:36:22  <PublicServer> <avdg> hmmm why building 2 bridges without signals between them :/
15:36:40  <PublicServer> *** Walle joined the game
15:36:42  <PublicServer> <avdg> max bridge lengt?
15:36:46  <PublicServer> <Walle> hello
15:36:49  <PublicServer> <avdg> hi
15:37:05  <PublicServer> <Kommer> no idea?
15:37:06  <PublicServer> <Kommer> hi
15:37:26  <PublicServer> *** sbn has left the game (leaving)
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15:38:46  <PublicServer> *** Walle has left the game (connection lost)
15:39:02  <PublicServer> *** Walle has left the game (connection lost)
15:39:08  <PublicServer> *** Walle has left the game (connection lost)
15:39:20  <Walle> !password
15:39:21  <PublicServer> Walle: naiver
15:39:37  <PublicServer> *** Levi has left the game (leaving)
15:39:37  <PublicServer> *** Levi has left the game (connection lost)
15:39:53  <PublicServer> *** Walle joined the game
15:40:02  <PublicServer> <AmmIer> ok. lets remove one
15:40:07  <PublicServer> *** mitooo has left the game (connection lost)
15:40:39  <PublicServer> <avdg> ?
15:41:03  <PublicServer> <AmmIer> make it only single line
15:41:15  <PublicServer> <AmmIer> or remove it completly
15:41:18  <PublicServer> <avdg> what?
15:41:26  <PublicServer> <avdg> the long maglev?
15:41:45  <PublicServer> *** avdg has left the game (connection lost)
15:42:09  <avdg> !password
15:42:09  <PublicServer> avdg: naiver
15:42:35  <avdg> !password
15:42:35  <PublicServer> avdg: naiver
15:42:40  *** avdg has left #openttdcoop
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15:43:06  <avdg> !password
15:43:07  <PublicServer> avdg: naiver
15:43:18  <PublicServer> *** avdg has left the game (connection lost)
15:43:27  <avdg> ?
15:43:43  <PublicServer> *** avdg joined the game
15:44:47  <PublicServer> <avdg> lol
15:45:13  <PublicServer> <avdg> better double
15:46:51  <PublicServer> <AmmIer> people come to the idea to expand it
15:47:06  <PublicServer> <avdg> how?
15:47:23  <PublicServer> <AmmIer> adding trains and such
15:52:51  <PublicServer> <avdg> lol
15:52:58  <PublicServer> <Kommer> ?
15:52:59  <PublicServer> <avdg> check the income
15:53:13  <PublicServer> <Kommer> down
15:53:22  <AbsintheChris> Hi. I was hoping to watch a game to get a feel for co-op play, but I've got a version mismatch. Where can I get the correct build?
15:53:25  <PublicServer> *** Kenji joined the game
15:53:38  <Kommer> !dl win
15:53:38  <PublicServer> Kommer: unknown option "win"
15:53:41  <Kommer> !dl win32
15:53:42  <PublicServer> Kommer:
15:53:49  <PublicServer> <AmmIer> I am removing some Beasts
15:53:53  <Patrick> hey, so I know on the wiki someone came up with an "extendible platform set"
15:54:01  <PublicServer> <Kenji> heh, map size still under 1Mb
15:54:04  <Patrick> where you could just build a station longer to add more capacity
15:54:13  <Patrick> but what about going from e.g. 2 lines to 3
15:54:19  <AbsintheChris> Ah, thanks, the main site only linked to the latest build
15:54:49  *** De_Ghosty has joined #openttdcoop
15:54:57  <KenjiE20> @wiki Quickstart
15:54:58  <Cooper>
15:55:08  <KenjiE20> ^ you may want to read that if you haven't already
15:55:28  <AbsintheChris> Thanks
15:57:16  <PublicServer> *** avdg has left the game (connection lost)
15:57:46  <avdg> !password
15:57:46  <PublicServer> avdg: allots
15:58:27  <avdg> ty allots server
15:58:42  <PublicServer> *** avdg joined the game
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16:00:53  <PublicServer> *** avdg joined the game
16:02:03  <PublicServer> <avdg> bye i'll go
16:02:10  <PublicServer> *** avdg has left the game (leaving)
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16:03:28  <AbsintheChris> !password
16:03:28  <PublicServer> AbsintheChris: allots
16:03:40  <PublicServer> *** AbsintheChris joined the game
16:05:58  *** Booth has joined #openttdcoop
16:06:25  <PublicServer> <AmmIer> he?
16:06:48  <PublicServer> <AmmIer> looks nice :-)
16:07:05  <Booth> !password
16:07:05  <PublicServer> Booth: allots
16:07:10  <PublicServer> <Kenji> apart from the signal gap >_>
16:07:16  <PublicServer> *** Chris Booth joined the game
16:07:16  <Booth> what looks nice?
16:07:25  <PublicServer> <AmmIer> oh
16:07:49  <PublicServer> <Chris Booth> oh?
16:07:56  <PublicServer> <AmmIer> ask Kenji
16:08:05  <PublicServer> <Kenji> $concept
16:08:06  <PublicServer> <Chris Booth> i asked any one
16:08:31  <PublicServer> <AmmIer> well, one small isue
16:08:36  <PublicServer> <AmmIer> else it is ok
16:08:43  <PublicServer> <AmmIer> 2way signal
16:08:47  <PublicServer> <Chris Booth> that issue can be fixed
16:09:04  <PublicServer> <Kenji> considering its on a LR SL a 1 tile signal gap shouldn't affect too badly
16:12:17  <PublicServer> <Chris Booth> see what i am getting at?
16:12:44  <PublicServer> <Kenji> I still think that's a signal gap, but I see your idea
16:14:20  <PublicServer> *** Kenji has left the game (connection lost)
16:14:56  <KenjiE20> !password
16:14:56  <PublicServer> KenjiE20: testis
16:14:58  <KenjiE20> ^ ick
16:15:00  <PublicServer> *** Kenji joined the game
16:15:14  <PublicServer> <AmmIer> pax game is very expensive
16:15:30  <ODM> heh
16:16:54  <PublicServer> <Chris Booth> kenji i have placed train in my example to show a real case
16:18:31  <PublicServer> <Chris Booth> you can also add prior to my modle aswell
16:20:27  <PublicServer> <Chris Booth> ammler my home has gone :'(
16:20:36  <PublicServer> <AmmIer> yeah :-)
16:20:56  <PublicServer> <Chris Booth> that means i cant go to switzerland
16:23:12  *** Yexo_ has joined #openttdcoop
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16:25:29  <PublicServer> *** Razaekel has left the game (connection lost)
16:25:51  <Razaekel> !password
16:25:52  <PublicServer> Razaekel: netted
16:26:09  <PublicServer> *** Razaekel joined the game
16:26:20  <PublicServer> <Kenji> chris, mind if I remove your example?
16:27:48  *** Zulan has joined #openttdcoop
16:29:27  <PublicServer> <AmmIer> who added so many ICEs to DFD
16:29:38  <PublicServer> <Chris Booth> on one
16:29:40  <PublicServer> <Kommer> i'll remove some
16:29:45  <PublicServer> <AmmIer> stopped the maglev btw.
16:29:53  <PublicServer> <Chris Booth> they are all lost
16:29:59  <PublicServer> *** AmmIer has left the game (connection lost)
16:30:00  <PublicServer> <Chris Booth> check orders
16:30:04  <PublicServer> <Kommer> without the maglev much trains are needed
16:30:19  <PublicServer> <Kenji> I see no lost
16:30:25  <PublicServer> <Razaekel> not all of them are lost
16:31:47  <PublicServer> *** AmmIer joined the game
16:31:54  <PublicServer> <Kommer> now DFD is better.
16:41:34  <PublicServer> <Razaekel> DFD needs more trains no
16:41:37  <PublicServer> <Razaekel> now
16:41:40  <PublicServer> <Kommer> yes
16:41:45  <PublicServer> <Kommer> and exit balancing...
16:41:50  <PublicServer> <Kommer> trains jam now
16:41:53  <PublicServer> <Razaekel> or entry balancing
16:41:56  <PublicServer> <Walle> send them to sff :p
16:42:04  <PublicServer> <Razaekel> that; because theyre mostly concentrated on that track
16:42:42  *** Dr_Jekyll has quit IRC
16:43:44  <PublicServer> <AmmIer> DFD needs eye candy
16:51:16  <ODM> !password
16:51:16  <PublicServer> ODM: ravage
16:51:24  <PublicServer> *** 0DM joined the game
16:52:20  <PublicServer> <0DM> heh, the one who came up witht the KFB station is creative
16:54:30  <PublicServer> <0DM> tbh shouldnt have my name on it, i just picked a location
16:54:47  <PublicServer> <Kenji> hehe bribe
16:54:58  <PublicServer> <Walle> want me :p
16:55:01  <PublicServer> <Walle> *wasnt
16:56:09  *** Tuz has joined #openttdcoop
16:56:23  <PublicServer> <0DM> thats quite alot of ICE btw:P
16:56:33  *** Yexo has quit IRC
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16:58:54  <PublicServer> <0DM> tl64 maglev... srsly:D
16:59:27  <PublicServer> <Kenji> gotta love it
16:59:40  <PublicServer> <0DM> the non bridging thing is kinda fun
17:00:26  <PublicServer> *** Tuz joined the game
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17:00:35  <PublicServer> <Kenji> ty, it needs work but, yea, it should work
17:01:09  <PublicServer> *** 0DM has left the game (leaving)
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17:01:23  <PublicServer> *** Tuz joined the game
17:04:22  <PublicServer> <Kenji> is it just me, or do the bouys look like something from pak96.comic?
17:04:37  <ODM> uh
17:04:39  <PublicServer> <AmmIer> maybe you use opengfx?
17:04:43  <ODM> im sure its just you:P
17:04:44  <PublicServer> <Kenji> nope
17:05:25  <PublicServer> <Kenji> I'm keen on opengfx, I find it slightly 'out-of-focus' for lack of a better term
17:06:01  <PublicServer> <Kenji> I think it's that black outline they got, makes it stand out
17:06:40  <PublicServer> <Kenji> oh and that was "I'm *not keen"
17:07:30  <ODM> small error, changing the entire meaning:D
17:07:37  <PublicServer> <Kenji> hehe
17:08:13  <PublicServer> *** Kenji has left the game (connection lost)
17:08:46  <KenjiE20> hmm, that wasn't 'lost'
17:08:52  <KenjiE20> that was abandon
17:08:55  <KenjiE20> >_>
17:09:52  <ODM> eh
17:10:30  <PublicServer> *** Razaekel has left the game (leaving)
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17:12:36  <PublicServer> <AmmIer> nice rating at Brinbourne
17:12:49  <PublicServer> *** Thraxian joined the game
17:13:19  <PublicServer> <AmmIer> Thraxian: your town is bigger than my city
17:13:39  <PublicServer> <Thraxian> I just noticed that and was about to say something
17:13:49  <PublicServer> <AmmIer> hehe
17:14:01  <ODM> heh
17:14:09  <PublicServer> <AmmIer> I guess, there is a min of stations needed?
17:14:30  <PublicServer> <AmmIer> town with only one station doesn't grow :-(
17:14:45  <PublicServer> <AmmIer> also if the whole town is serviced
17:14:53  <PublicServer> <Thraxian> and I need to add about 6 more stations
17:15:08  <PublicServer> <Thraxian> and add more stops to the ones I already have
17:15:27  *** Booth has quit IRC
17:15:27  <PublicServer> *** Chris Booth has left the game (connection lost)
17:16:18  <PublicServer> <AmmIer> road blocks do also block towns from growing btw.
17:16:36  <PublicServer> <Thraxian> they're there for a reason, and there's not too many of them
17:17:05  <PublicServer> <AmmIer> and you could also use road stops as waypoints
17:17:56  <PublicServer> *** Tuz has left the game (leaving)
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17:22:16  <PublicServer> *** AbsintheChris has left the game (leaving)
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17:23:07  <AbsintheChris> Thanks guys, learnt a lot of new things from watching you. Gonna go practice some now.
17:23:31  <PublicServer> <Walle> good luck!
17:31:10  <PublicServer> *** AmmIer has left the game (connection lost)
17:31:37  <ODM> heh, practise
17:34:21  <sbn> btw ODM
17:34:24  <sbn> congrats :)
17:34:33  <ODM> uh thanks
17:34:35  <ODM> on what?:P
17:34:43  <sbn> Become a member
17:34:56  * ODM points at KenjiE20
17:35:08  <KenjiE20> o/
17:35:12  <KenjiE20> lol
17:35:30  <sbn> February 19, 2009
17:35:38  <ODM> oooh
17:35:41  <sbn>  New member for #openttdcoop: ODM
17:35:42  <sbn> written by planetmaker
17:35:47  <ODM> thanks then:P
17:35:50  <sbn> :p
17:35:53  <sbn> congrats KenjiE20
17:35:53  <ODM> just thought that since we just membered kenji
17:36:04  *** Progman has joined #openttdcoop
17:36:05  <KenjiE20> lol, highlight spasms
17:36:19  <ODM> sorry:(
17:36:25  <ODM> ill call you newbie from now on:p
17:36:30  <KenjiE20> rofl
17:36:41  <sbn> lol
17:36:54  <sbn> newbie is acceptable thou
17:37:27  <ODM> hehe
17:42:11  <PublicServer> *** Kommer has left the game (leaving)
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17:42:31  <PublicServer> *** AmmIer joined the game
17:43:23  <Razaekel> ok that's weird
17:43:37  <Razaekel> for some reason, i'm getting a 'connot build railway station here' error
17:44:17  <Razaekel> it is on perfectly flat land
17:44:40  <ODM> is there a town in the way?:D
17:44:44  <Razaekel> no
17:44:46  <PublicServer> <Walle> :p
17:44:53  <ODM> road?:O bus?:D
17:44:57  <ODM> ill keep on going:p
17:45:04  <Razaekel> there is nothing but grass
17:45:10  <ODM> frogs!?:D
17:45:15  <ODM> environmentalists protest
17:45:21  <Razaekel> >.<
17:45:38  <Razaekel> it's a brand new game
17:45:39  <PublicServer> <Walle> :p
17:45:49  <ODM> !password
17:45:49  <PublicServer> ODM: wafers
17:45:50  <PublicServer> <Walle> odm is on fire :p
17:45:58  <PublicServer> *** 0DM joined the game
17:46:00  <Razaekel> i am not amused
17:46:08  <PublicServer> <0DM> where is it?
17:46:32  <Razaekel> solo game
17:46:40  <PublicServer> <0DM> oh, darn:D
17:53:12  <PublicServer> <AmmIer> double bridge on sl is plain ugly
17:53:39  <PublicServer> <Thraxian> but so is trains slowing down
17:53:52  <PublicServer> <Thraxian> that bridge was backing up my station exit
17:54:03  <PublicServer> <Walle> 24k pax at sff :p
17:54:14  <PublicServer> <AmmIer> that is ML ;-)
17:54:34  <PublicServer> <AmmIer> I mean !ugly
17:54:49  <PublicServer> <Thraxian> oh, that
17:55:08  <PublicServer> <AmmIer> :-)
17:58:51  <PublicServer> *** 0DM has left the game (leaving)
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18:03:15  <PublicServer> <Thraxian> wow - my "town" is the most populous city on the map !
18:03:24  <PublicServer> <AmmIer> :-D
18:03:31  <PublicServer> <Thraxian> I'd hate to see what I'd do with an actual city
18:03:34  <PublicServer> <Walle> :p
18:04:15  <PublicServer> <Walle> my first city is 7th :(
18:04:29  <PublicServer> <Thraxian> one of my pet projects is building the largest city I can....haven't worked on that in a while
18:04:41  <PublicServer> <Walle> hehe
18:05:16  <PublicServer> <Thraxian> and I've got a couple of variants of that project in the works also
18:05:23  <ODM> wow, the dutch railnetwork in openttd
18:05:24  <ODM> rox:D
18:05:30  <PublicServer> *** Thraxian has joined spectators
18:05:31  *** Addi has joined #openttdcoop
18:08:59  <Addi> !download win32
18:08:59  <PublicServer> Addi:
18:10:20  <Addi> !password
18:10:20  <PublicServer> Addi: hornet
18:10:31  <PublicServer> *** Addj joined the game
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18:11:31  <sbn> ODM: screenshot?
18:11:42  <Ammler> Hello Addi
18:11:54  <Addi> hi Ammler
18:12:04  <Ammler> do you know, your bugs grf is already in trunk, since quite a long time.
18:12:16  <PublicServer> <Addj> yes, i know
18:12:35  <Ammler> why did you upload it to bananas?
18:12:54  <Ammler> you should set max version to 0.7
18:12:58  <PublicServer> <Addj> hm, good question...
18:13:18  <ODM> uh, to big for that
18:13:22  <ODM> its on the openttd forums
18:14:13  <Ammler> ODM, what is there?
18:14:31  <PublicServer> *** Walle has left the game (leaving)
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18:15:30  <ODM> someone made a map with dutch trainset, putting down the dutch grid on a dutch map:P
18:15:36  <ODM> its quite accurate, although small stations miss
18:16:26  <PublicServer> <AmmIer> pbs rocks
18:18:58  <Addi> isn't it possible to remove a grf from bananas?
18:18:59  <PublicServer> <AmmIer> Thraxian: your town should use trams
18:19:08  <Ammler> Addi: no and no need
18:19:17  <Ammler> just set version correctly
18:19:34  <Ammler> in your case maxversion to <0.7
18:19:45  <Ammler> 0.6 or so
18:19:52  *** Walle has quit IRC
18:20:01  <Ammler> openttd 0.6 still needs it.
18:20:07  <Addi> ok
18:20:18  <Addi> didnt see that max. version field
18:20:55  <Ammler> well, 0.7 is the first version which can use bananas, so :-P
18:21:15  <Ammler> setting max version to 0.6 is like hidding it at all :-)
18:21:25  <Ammler> but maybe, you find a new bug?
18:21:39  <Addi> i set the max. version to 0.6.3
18:22:06  <PublicServer> <AmmIer> yes, gone
18:22:09  <Addi> the highest version below 0.7
18:22:29  <PublicServer> *** Addj has left the game (connection lost)
18:22:29  <PublicServer> *** Game paused (not enough players)
18:22:52  <PublicServer> <AmmIer> now, lets hope, those admins recognize it too ;-)
18:23:26  <PublicServer> *** AmmIer has joined spectators
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18:23:50  <Addi> :-)
18:25:53  *** elmex has quit IRC
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18:32:09  *** Quit has joined #openttdcoop
18:32:19  *** sbn_ has joined #openttdcoop
18:32:30  <Quit> Heya.
18:32:51  <sbn_> back
18:32:57  <ODM> wb
18:34:17  <sbn_> my router is being dump
18:34:50  <Quit> I'm just wondering where the autopilot channel has gone, I've got some kind of problem with it right now and all channels seems to be dropped
18:36:40  *** sbn has quit IRC
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18:36:55  *** ChanServ sets mode: +o KenjiE20
18:38:53  <Ammler> Quit: maybe we can help or direct you to help :-)
18:39:27  <Ammler> bugs could be posted here:
18:39:55  <Quit> Well
18:40:06  <Quit> It doesn't work with the new ActiveTCL thing
18:40:19  <Quit> It seems that the 0.85 package doesn't contain expect.
18:45:23  *** draconnier has quit IRC
18:45:29  <Ammler> oh, no idea about windows.
18:45:53  <Ammler> dih is sometimes in #openttd
18:45:53  <Quit> Well, the installer for 0.84 is listening expect
18:46:00  <Quit> So I expect Expect to work
18:46:05  *** Walle has joined #openttdcoop
18:46:06  <Ammler> :-)
18:46:13  <Walle> !password
18:46:13  <PublicServer> Walle: enamel
18:46:38  <Quit> couldn't execute "echo": no such file or directory <= awesome :D
18:46:51  <PublicServer> *** Walle joined the game
18:47:03  <PublicServer> <Walle> hello
18:47:26  <PublicServer> <Walle> hm, i'm alone here :p
18:48:00  <mitooo> !playercount
18:48:00  <PublicServer> mitooo: Number of players: 3
18:49:05  <Quit> nothing is working anymore
18:49:07  <Quit> stfu :(
18:49:59  <mitooo> !password
18:50:00  <PublicServer> mitooo: enamel
18:50:19  <PublicServer> *** mitooo joined the game
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18:50:24  <PublicServer> *** Game unpaused (enough players)
18:53:23  <PublicServer> *** mitooo has left the game (connection lost)
18:53:23  <PublicServer> *** Game paused (not enough players)
18:54:38  <PublicServer> *** Walle has left the game (leaving)
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18:54:40  *** Walle has quit IRC
18:57:57  <Ammler> Quit: well, I am not the first suggesting you using a proper os, I assume ;-)=
18:58:48  <Quit> well
18:58:53  <Quit> outline this line
18:58:55  <Quit> and everything is fine
19:03:25  <Quit> no
19:03:27  <Quit> nothing is fine
19:03:40  *** mensi has joined #openttdcoop
19:03:45  <mensi> !playercount
19:03:45  <PublicServer> mensi: Number of players: 2
19:03:48  <mensi> !password
19:03:49  <PublicServer> mensi: bribes
19:04:29  <PublicServer> *** mensi joined the game
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21:16:26  <Booth> evening
21:16:48  <Booth> !password
21:16:48  <PublicServer> Booth: adepts
21:17:11  <PublicServer> *** Chris Booth joined the game
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21:20:52  <PublicServer> <Chris Booth> anyone want to play?
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21:24:54  <Booth> !password
21:24:54  <PublicServer> Booth: quills
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21:25:47  <Booth> does anyone here know how hard it would be for me to read speeds from traveling trains?
21:27:08  <Ammler> he?
21:27:34  <Booth> well i was thinking of writing a patch
21:27:40  <Booth> to speed limit tracks
21:27:56  <Booth> would have a tool like laying signals
21:28:18  <Booth> you could then limit trains to stop trains from causing jams
21:28:22  <Booth> by stop starting
21:30:04  <Booth> this would work by spliting line so say you have 200 mph trains running at 1 signal gap
21:30:22  <Booth> add another track and slow them to 100mph for a tight section of track
21:30:29  <Booth> or for a merge
21:30:37  <Booth> or a station entrance
21:33:01  <KenjiE20> it's been discussed before;
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21:42:46  <Booth> i think they are blowing it out of proportion
21:43:00  <Booth> trains tell us their speed
21:43:29  <Booth> if you can read the speeds of a train
21:43:35  <Booth> then you can limit a track
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21:45:23  <Ammler> I would check, how bridges are doining it
21:46:49  <Booth> well i am going to start on the returning a speed value for each train( in a useful form)
21:47:09  <Booth> or find the code writen to put speed into train windows
21:47:27  <Booth> then look at the code used to limit wagons
21:47:37  <Booth> since that allready works
21:47:46  <Booth> then throw something crude togeather
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21:48:05  <Booth> once i have the crude workings of it
21:48:15  <Booth> then i can see if my ideas works
21:48:34  <Booth> but it will take alot of design work
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21:51:18  <Ammler> hmm, indeed waggon speed limit
21:51:34  <Ammler> might be better code than bridge
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21:52:58  <KenjiE20> isn't that GRF based rather than base code?
21:53:50  <Ammler> of course, but the the code needs to support the GRF ;-)
21:54:51  <KenjiE20> true enough
21:55:11  <Ammler> grf is just a description language, it needs a engine to support or however you call that, I am not a coder.
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21:57:55  <KenjiE20> bridges may well use the same code anyway
21:58:21  <KenjiE20> I cant spot anything in the various .cpp for bridges
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22:04:40  <Ben_Totterdell> !password
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22:55:38  <Patrick> @tunnels 4 20
22:55:38  <Cooper> Patrick: 4
22:56:02  <Patrick> @ tunnels 4 25
22:56:02  <Cooper> Patrick: 5
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22:58:42  <Booth> 'tunnels
22:58:47  <Booth> 'tunnel
22:58:55  <Booth> `tunnels
22:58:55  <Webster> Booth: (tunnels <an alias, 2 arguments>) -- Alias for "math calc ceil(max( 2,  / (  + 2 )))".
22:59:04  <Booth> `tunnel
22:59:04  <Webster> Usage of tunnels command: tunnels <TrainLength> <TunnelLength>
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23:29:14  <PublicServer> *** AmmIer has left the game (leaving)
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23:29:17  <Sol2> `tunnels 2 2
23:29:17  <Webster> Sol2: 2
23:29:23  <Sol2> wth
23:29:25  <Sol2> lol?
23:29:36  <Sol2> `tunnels 2 5
23:29:36  <Webster> Sol2: 2
23:29:41  <Sol2> `tunnels 4 5
23:29:41  <Webster> Sol2: 2
23:29:42  <Sol2> `tunnels 4 1
23:29:42  <Webster> Sol2: 2
23:29:45  <Sol2> `tunnels 4 2
23:29:45  <Webster> Sol2: 2
23:29:48  <Sol2> `tunnels 5 2
23:29:48  <Webster> Sol2: 2
23:30:12  <Sol2> that's for what? /o/?
23:31:51  <Patrick> @tunnels 4 25
23:31:51  <Cooper> Patrick: 5
23:32:02  <Patrick> I have 4-tile trains that need to go across a 325-tile bridge
23:32:12  <Patrick> how many bridges do I need in parallel to guarantee there's no queue?
23:32:17  <Patrick> oops
23:32:21  <Patrick> for 325 read 25
23:32:42  <Patrick> Sol2: handy, no?
23:34:12  <KenjiE20> `newtunnels 5
23:34:12  <Webster> Bugger, I dunno, KenjiE20.
23:34:27  <Sol2> lol sry but i cannot understand
23:35:16  <Patrick> ok, let's say you have a line with signals every 2 tiles
23:35:29  <Patrick> if you have a bridge, that bridge can't have any signals on it, so trains need to space out more
23:35:39  <Patrick> and if your line is busy, the bridge will cause a tailback
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23:39:43  <KenjiE20> blech
23:40:29  <KenjiE20> also, it was `newtunnel I was after
23:40:39  <KenjiE20> only needs trainlength
23:41:05  <XeryusTC> hmm
23:41:16  <XeryusTC> why would it only need that?
23:41:24  <KenjiE20> `newtunnel 8
23:41:24  <Webster> 2 tunnels for 2 - 10 spaces, 3 tunnels for 11 - 20 spaces, 4 tunnels for 21 - 30 spaces
23:41:33  <XeryusTC> oh :P
23:41:36  <KenjiE20> hehe
23:41:53  <XeryusTC> i guess that my guesswork still works properly :
23:42:06  <KenjiE20> afaik
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23:49:22  <XeryusTC> really, going like "ah, for that distance i'll just need x tunnels" still works best imo :P
23:52:06  <Seppel> !password
23:52:06  <PublicServer> Seppel: prefab
23:52:14  <KenjiE20> I think newtunnel is more useful in game, especially since we usually have a fixed TL, if one person calls it and someone else needs it they don't have to repeat
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23:57:06  <XeryusTC> well, i tend to rely on my experience more
23:57:23  <XeryusTC> and guess what the load of a line will be so i dont have to reserve alot of space for tunnels
23:57:33  <KenjiE20> indeed
23:57:50  <XeryusTC> it usually makes hubs etc bigger and more tightly fit than necessary
23:57:55  <KenjiE20> did you see my non-bridging SL joiners conecpts?
23:58:06  <XeryusTC> nope
23:58:09  <XeryusTC> wiki link maybe?
23:58:35  <KenjiE20> it's in the current game atm
23:58:45  <KenjiE20> or it was last time I was in
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