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00:06:30 <PublicServer> *** Sedontane has left the game (leaving) 00:06:30 <PublicServer> *** Game paused (not enough players) 00:06:48 <Sedontane> Well thats me for tonight 00:06:53 <Sedontane> sleep well folks 00:06:57 *** Sedontane has quit IRC 00:11:03 *** TD has quit IRC 00:16:12 *** Xhizor has quit IRC 00:16:34 *** Sapakara has quit IRC 00:19:19 *** Polygon has quit IRC 00:20:11 *** Seppel has quit IRC 00:20:12 *** Kalaidos has quit IRC 00:31:24 <Cap_J_L_Picard> !password 00:31:24 <PublicServer> Cap_J_L_Picard: stokes 00:31:44 <PublicServer> *** Player joined the game 00:31:44 <Webster> Player, please change your in game nick 00:32:47 <PublicServer> *** Player has left the game (connection lost) 00:32:47 <PublicServer> *** Game paused (not enough players) 00:33:40 <PublicServer> *** ewanm89 joined the game 00:45:36 *** pugi has quit IRC 00:59:52 <PublicServer> *** Gleeb has left the game (leaving) 00:59:53 <PublicServer> *** Game paused (not enough players) 01:06:38 *** PeterT has joined #openttdcoop 01:20:32 <PeterT> !password 01:20:33 <PublicServer> PeterT: wining 01:22:09 <PublicServer> *** Peter joined the game 01:24:30 <PublicServer> *** Peter has left the game (connection lost) 01:24:31 <PublicServer> *** Game paused (not enough players) 01:28:49 *** KenjiE20|LT has joined #openttdcoop 01:28:49 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o KenjiE20|LT 01:29:50 *** KenjiE20 has quit IRC 01:42:24 *** sietse has quit IRC 01:42:30 <PublicServer> *** Sietse has left the game (leaving) 01:43:56 <PublicServer> *** Thraxian has left the game (connection lost) 01:57:34 <PublicServer> *** De_Ghost has left the game (leaving) 02:05:08 *** TD has joined #openttdcoop 02:09:18 *** Cap_J_L_Picard is now known as ewanm89 02:18:03 *** TD has quit IRC 02:30:37 *** Hirundo has quit IRC 02:31:15 *** Hirundo has joined #openttdcoop 02:33:12 *** Xhizor has joined #openttdcoop 02:33:51 <Xhizor> !password 02:33:51 <PublicServer> Xhizor: grumpy 02:33:58 <PublicServer> *** Xhizor joined the game 02:43:05 <PeterT> Xhizor: nothing's happening :( 02:44:30 <PeterT> !password 02:44:30 <PublicServer> PeterT: haggle 02:44:33 <Xhizor> i noticed 02:44:45 <Xhizor> just planning 02:44:45 <PublicServer> *** Peter joined the game 02:45:32 <PublicServer> <Peter> Xhizor :) 02:45:37 <PublicServer> <Xhizor> I has voted. 02:45:43 <PublicServer> <Xhizor> :D 02:45:51 <PublicServer> <Peter> I does me vote you. 02:46:28 <PublicServer> <Xhizor> I guess this wont start till tomorrow 02:46:33 <PublicServer> <Peter> nope 02:47:10 <PublicServer> <Xhizor> We should build a massive network right now. And when they come on tomorrow they'll be like, holy cows. what happened? 02:47:20 <PublicServer> <Xhizor> :D 02:47:27 <PublicServer> <Peter> Actually, they would ban us 02:47:29 <PublicServer> <ewanm89> hehehe, that would be mean... 02:47:34 <PublicServer> <Peter> for being idiots 02:47:43 <PublicServer> <Xhizor> Probably :o 02:47:48 <PublicServer> <ewanm89> but I think a clear winner is comming off the vote. 02:48:06 <PublicServer> <Xhizor> Not yet. 02:48:28 <PublicServer> <ewanm89> he moved it. 02:48:35 <PublicServer> <Peter> Chris_Booth always submits the same plan... 02:48:47 <PublicServer> <Peter> it looks ugly 02:49:06 <PublicServer> <Peter> at least Gleeb has a creative design 02:49:21 <PublicServer> <Xhizor> noonoo 02:49:34 <PublicServer> <Xhizor> Dam has 02:50:01 <gleeb> Which one's Dam's? The one with all the boring loops? :P 02:50:01 <PublicServer> <ewanm89> I like Gleeb's but it is likely to jam at that central hub... 02:50:20 <PublicServer> <Xhizor> at the here it'll jam sign 02:50:41 <PublicServer> <Xhizor> probably. 02:50:48 <PublicServer> <Peter> So many loops at dam 02:50:49 <PublicServer> <ewanm89> yeah, one hub for the whole network is just askign for disaster. 02:50:55 <PublicServer> <ewanm89> would be fun though 02:51:04 <PublicServer> <Peter> It's LLLL_RRRR! 02:51:08 <PublicServer> <Peter> four mainlines 02:51:09 <gleeb> ewanm89: It's not so much a hub as a giant round-about. 02:51:21 <PublicServer> <Peter> that's worse, but I'm still on your side 02:51:25 <gleeb> :P 02:51:27 <PublicServer> <Xhizor> a giant roundabout works. 02:51:28 <PublicServer> <Peter> roundabouts suck 02:51:34 <PublicServer> <Xhizor> they work. 02:51:37 <PublicServer> <Peter> alright, whatever 02:51:43 <gleeb> !password 02:51:43 <PublicServer> gleeb: haggle 02:51:44 <PublicServer> <Peter> I'm still voting for gleebv 02:51:49 <PublicServer> <ewanm89> Dam's would not get the throughput across all the lines, most would be empty most of the time 02:51:58 <PublicServer> *** Gleeb joined the game 02:52:16 <PublicServer> <Peter> gleeb, vote 02:52:35 <PublicServer> <ewanm89> CB's is asking for the same trouble as Gleeb's 02:52:46 <PublicServer> <Gleeb> I'm gonna vote me, I was just waiting for someone to vote me first :P 02:53:18 <PublicServer> <Peter> you're welcome 02:53:47 <PublicServer> <ewanm89> Gleeb thatmassive roundabout hub, is it going to be two way, or one way? 02:54:18 <gleeb> 2 way, as shown on the plan. 02:55:07 <gleeb> 1-way is asking for trouble :P 02:55:12 <PublicServer> <ewanm89> okay, so one stretches the hub out enough and it's a loop with sideline stations, running the mills 02:55:21 <PublicServer> <ewanm89> fun though 02:55:36 <PublicServer> <Gleeb> It's more like 4 BBHs :P 02:58:59 <PublicServer> <Peter> come on ewanm89 02:59:02 <PublicServer> <Peter> vote for geelb 02:59:05 <PublicServer> <Peter> gleeb 02:59:13 <PublicServer> <Xhizor> :o 02:59:24 <PublicServer> <ewanm89> that tl sorter isn't working... 03:01:32 <PublicServer> <ewanm89> what is this vote fixing by peer pressure? 03:02:09 <PublicServer> <Xhizor> 4:02am 03:02:28 <PublicServer> <Xhizor> must sleep... 03:02:31 <PublicServer> <Xhizor> :D 03:02:36 <PublicServer> <ewanm89> when was the last time there was a major ICE game? 03:03:17 <PublicServer> <Peter> not long enough 03:03:20 <PublicServer> <Peter> I hate ICE 03:03:22 <PublicServer> <Xhizor> :D 03:03:34 <PublicServer> <ewanm89> hehehe 03:03:35 <PublicServer> <Xhizor> needs more ICEcream 03:03:46 <PublicServer> <ewanm89> I was only wondering... 03:03:52 <PublicServer> <Peter> Inter-City-Expresscream 03:03:59 <PublicServer> <Xhizor> i have a nice idea 03:04:03 <PublicServer> <Xhizor> B2B game! 03:04:12 <PublicServer> <ewanm89> did a road/tram only once that was fun... 03:04:27 <PublicServer> <Peter> we just had one 03:04:30 <PublicServer> <ewanm89> that was a while ago though 03:04:41 <PublicServer> <Peter> I want a toyland 03:04:57 <PublicServer> <ewanm89> yeah, I think I was there for the second road/tram only on the server... 03:05:11 <gleeb> B2B was last game. 03:05:16 <PublicServer> <ewanm89> toyland, hehehe, would be interessing... 03:05:19 <gleeb> I liked it, but I prefer plans. 03:06:03 <PublicServer> <ewanm89> I think we are limited in GRFs with toylang though... 03:06:28 <PublicServer> <ewanm89> default set only possibly? 03:06:56 <PublicServer> <Peter> we could use the comic town set by planetmaker 03:07:37 <PublicServer> <Xhizor> is that done? :O 03:08:20 <ewanm89> okay, suggest it to the server admins for next scenario, lols. 03:09:02 <PublicServer> <Peter> Xhizor: well.... 03:09:14 <PublicServer> <Peter> the drawings are done, but coding is still being done by planetmaker 03:11:56 <PublicServer> <Peter> I'm off 03:12:00 <PublicServer> <Peter> Keep voting for gleeb 03:12:01 <PublicServer> *** Peter has left the game (leaving) 03:17:32 <PeterT> @quotes 03:17:32 <Webster> #openttdcoop quotes: latest quotes - http://hyru.ath.cx:60080/~kenji/ottdcoop/quotes/ 03:19:07 <PeterT> @slowstart 03:19:07 <Webster> Read everything on the wiki, and I mean everything 03:19:15 <PeterT> Webster: Everything? Like Everything? 03:21:33 <PeterT> reading quotes is fun... 03:27:09 <Xhizor> . 03:34:12 <PeterT> good night all 03:34:20 *** PeterT has quit IRC 03:37:57 *** Fuco has quit IRC 03:45:08 *** KenjiE20|LT has quit IRC 03:46:56 *** Xhizor has quit IRC 03:47:00 <PublicServer> *** Xhizor has left the game (connection lost) 03:53:50 <ewanm89> anyone know why the MM is passenger flights? 03:54:15 <ewanm89> ah, finish reading rest of wiki, lols... 03:55:47 <PublicServer> <ewanm89> new road vehicle design!!! 04:20:49 *** StarLite` has quit IRC 04:21:05 *** StarLite has joined #openttdcoop 04:21:05 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o StarLite 04:37:48 <PublicServer> *** ewanm89 has left the game (leaving) 04:37:49 <PublicServer> *** Game paused (not enough players) 04:49:40 <De_Ghosty> because we can 04:50:40 <De_Ghosty> toyland = eye cancer 04:50:41 <De_Ghosty> :o 04:59:57 <PublicServer> *** Gleeb has left the game (leaving) 06:44:50 *** FiCE has joined #openttdcoop 07:18:27 *** ODM has joined #openttdcoop 07:18:28 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o ODM 07:18:32 <FiCE> !password 07:18:32 <PublicServer> FiCE: lasses 07:18:44 <PublicServer> *** FiCE joined the game 07:28:35 <PublicServer> *** FiCE has left the game (leaving) 07:41:16 *** ^Spike^ has joined #openttdcoop 07:41:16 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o ^Spike^ 07:44:47 *** Polygon has joined #openttdcoop 07:48:43 *** elmex has quit IRC 08:16:14 *** Polygon has quit IRC 08:38:49 *** Chris_Booth has joined #openttdcoop 08:47:37 *** Chris_Booth has quit IRC 09:12:38 *** el_B has joined #openttdcoop 09:13:24 <el_B> !password 09:13:24 <PublicServer> el_B: lizard 09:13:35 <PublicServer> *** Kalaidos joined the game 09:17:22 <PublicServer> *** Kalaidos has left the game (leaving) 09:22:28 *** bartaway is now known as bartavelle 09:23:06 <bartavelle> hello 10:12:56 *** ODM has quit IRC 10:48:08 *** pugi has joined #openttdcoop 10:59:46 *** Progman has joined #openttdcoop 11:07:04 *** Seppel has joined #openttdcoop 11:56:56 *** TD has joined #openttdcoop 11:57:42 <TD> Who's the maintainer of openttdcoop on twitter? 11:59:06 <TD> !players 11:59:07 <PublicServer> TD: There are currently no clients connected to the server 11:59:11 *** TD has quit IRC 12:10:35 *** Fuco has joined #openttdcoop 12:17:06 *** KenjiE20 has joined #openttdcoop 12:17:07 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o KenjiE20 12:31:33 <PublicServer> *** Kenji joined the game 12:37:41 <PublicServer> *** Kenji has left the game (leaving) 12:37:55 <KenjiE20> @stage Planning & Voting 12:37:55 *** Webster changes topic to "Welcome to #openttdcoop, the Cooperative OpenTTD | PSG #167 (r18279) | STAGE: Planning & Voting | www.openttdcoop.org | New players, use @quickstart & !help | Screenshots: http://mz.openttdcoop.org/img/ | Coopetition ladder: http://mz.openttdcoop.org/ladder | IS2/FIRS game at #openttdcoop.dev" 12:38:34 <KenjiE20> !tweet Voting for PSG #167 game plan under way 12:38:35 <PublicServer> KenjiE20: Tweet sent: http://twitter.com/openttdcoop 12:39:36 *** pugi has quit IRC 12:43:47 *** Mark has joined #openttdcoop 12:43:47 *** Webster sets mode: +o Mark 13:10:49 *** Doomah has joined #openttdcoop 13:33:44 <Doomah> !player 13:33:50 <Doomah> !players 13:33:51 <PublicServer> Doomah: There are currently no clients connected to the server 13:53:28 <Doomah> !password 13:53:29 <PublicServer> Doomah: nephew 13:53:37 <PublicServer> *** Doomah joined the game 13:54:28 <Seppel> !password 13:54:28 <PublicServer> Seppel: dittos 13:54:34 <PublicServer> *** Sepp joined the game 13:56:55 <PublicServer> *** Doomah has joined company #1 13:59:11 <PublicServer> *** Sepp has left the game (leaving) 13:59:12 <PublicServer> *** Game paused (not enough players) 13:59:55 <Ammler> !tweet We urgently need to move the web, this server should shutdown today. ;-) 13:59:56 <PublicServer> Ammler: Tweet sent: http://twitter.com/openttdcoop 14:00:57 <KenjiE20> that kinda makes it sound like PS/twitter is shutting down 14:01:56 <Ammler> ok, domain and ssh is made, only the transfer of the db and files is missing, so I do it now... 14:02:18 <PublicServer> *** Doomah has left the game (leaving) 14:02:21 <Ammler> some special php mods might be missing there, hope, we will see that soon. 14:02:47 <Ammler> TTL of DNS is around 10min, so it might move quite fast... 14:04:34 * Ammler wonders, how well the stats will be migrated 14:14:22 <Ammler> a lot of crap on our webserver like debug saves 14:15:18 <Ammler> http://openttdcoop.salieri.openttdcoop.org 14:16:47 *** PeterT has joined #openttdcoop 14:19:10 <PeterT> !dl lin 14:19:10 <PublicServer> PeterT: http://binaries.openttd.org/nightlies/trunk/r18279/openttd-trunk-r18279-linux-generic-i686.tar.bz2 14:19:54 *** sietse has joined #openttdcoop 14:20:51 <PeterT> oh crap I don't have the GRFs 14:21:45 <sietse> you can auto download them 14:22:10 <sietse> !players 14:22:11 <PublicServer> sietse: There are currently no clients connected to the server 14:22:44 <PeterT> no worries, I'm going to switch to windows 14:23:13 <sietse> ok 14:23:22 <Ammler> PeterT: :'-( 14:23:35 <Ammler> you gave up quite fast. 14:24:59 <Doomah> Any of you have some knowledge of old(er) computers? 14:25:30 <Ammler> Doomah: I am an old man who knws what a computer is :-) 14:26:01 <Ammler> but meta questions are in general very annoying :-P 14:26:24 <Ammler> KenjiE20: could you code webster to autokick such user? 14:26:31 *** jondisti has joined #openttdcoop 14:26:58 <Doomah> here is my problem; I have an computer about 3,5 years old. Pentium D @3 GHz and a GeForce 6600GT card with 512 mb RAM. Now my Grapics card died and I need a new one, cheap as possible with about the same performance 14:27:28 <Ammler> Doomah: you should be fine with the cheapest available 14:27:37 <jondisti> !password 14:27:37 <PublicServer> jondisti: bowels 14:27:44 <PublicServer> *** jondisti joined the game 14:27:45 <sietse> you need to find out what slot it is using 14:27:51 <Doomah> cheapest available is a 6200 card :P 14:27:57 <Doomah> PCI-e 16x 14:28:01 <Doomah> (1.0) 14:28:21 <sietse> your computer probably doesn't support PCI-e 14:28:35 <Doomah> it does, Ive looked at that 14:28:36 <Doomah> :) 14:28:39 <sietse> ooh ok 14:28:50 <sietse> then you should be fine with the cheapest PCI-e model 14:28:55 <Doomah> okee 14:29:06 <Ammler> and 6600 isn't available anymore? 14:29:27 <sietse> since hardware performance of the cheapest now is better then topline model of 3 years back in general 14:29:48 <Doomah> 6600 is available for about 80 euro 14:29:52 <sietse> 6600 was very popular so you should even be able to find that one 14:30:13 <KenjiE20> Ammler: probably 14:31:36 <Ammler> KenjiE20: lol 14:31:45 <KenjiE20> I was tempted to make an auto-reply to things like "when is next game" too :P 14:32:11 <Doomah> the shop i'm looking at now has this; 8400GS 37 euro, 9500 gt 53 euro, 8500 gt 55 euro, 8600gt 83 euro, 9600gt 87 euro, 6600gt 89 euro, 8600GTS 106 euro 14:42:25 <PublicServer> *** samorajp has left the game (connection lost) 14:43:42 * PeterT switches to Windows 14:43:47 *** PeterT has quit IRC 14:44:40 <PublicServer> *** Thraxian joined the game 14:46:31 <PublicServer> *** Thraxian has joined spectators 14:46:32 <PublicServer> *** Game paused (not enough players) 14:47:09 *** mib_p5pvop has joined #openttdcoop 14:47:12 <mib_p5pvop> !password 14:47:12 <PublicServer> mib_p5pvop: Please, read the rules! 14:47:20 <PublicServer> *** jondisti has joined spectators 14:47:26 <mib_p5pvop> !password 14:47:26 <PublicServer> mib_p5pvop: Please, read the rules! 14:47:29 *** mib_p5pvop has quit IRC 14:48:11 *** samorajp has joined #openttdcoop 14:48:16 <samorajp> !password 14:48:16 <PublicServer> samorajp: prepay 14:48:22 <PublicServer> *** samorajp has left the game (connection lost) 14:48:39 <PublicServer> *** samorajp joined the game 14:54:48 <PublicServer> *** samorajp has left the game (leaving) 14:59:27 *** PeterT has joined #openttdcoop 15:02:31 <el_B> !password 15:02:31 <PublicServer> el_B: crummy 15:02:43 <PublicServer> *** Kalaidos joined the game 15:03:06 <Ammler> PHP Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_ENDWHILE in /home/openttdcoop/public_html/blog/wp-content/themes/dark_4coop/index.php on line 96 15:03:18 <Ammler> why is that an issue on the new server but wasn't on the old? 15:04:04 <PublicServer> *** Kalaidos has left the game (leaving) 15:04:19 <PeterT> wow, I hate windows 15:04:44 <sietse> !password 15:04:44 <PublicServer> sietse: crummy 15:04:51 <PublicServer> *** Sietse joined the game 15:05:02 <sietse> windows is best for gaming by far 15:05:05 <PublicServer> *** Peter joined the game 15:05:22 <PeterT> true that, but it sucks for anything else 15:05:30 <PeterT> Most programs are for windows, also 15:05:52 <PublicServer> <Peter> Yay! Go gleeb go! 15:06:07 <sietse> I am fine with linux for everything except gaming 15:06:12 <PublicServer> <Peter> same here 15:06:20 <PeterT> wine doesn't work for me though 15:06:34 <PeterT> I install a program, load it, and it hangs for about 5 minutes and closes 15:07:21 <sietse> wine works but somehow it performs shitty compared to native windows (not tested scientificly though) 15:07:48 <sietse> openttd one of the few games running nice on linux 15:13:44 <PublicServer> <Peter> sietse? care to join? 15:13:45 <De_Ghosty> spring engine 15:14:17 <De_Ghosty> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MpKqQxTURik 15:14:18 <Webster> Title: YouTube - Spring: Total Annihilation Trailer 2 (at www.youtube.com) 15:14:33 <Doomah> !password 15:14:33 <PublicServer> Doomah: revved 15:14:42 <PublicServer> *** Doomah joined the game 15:14:55 <sietse> I could but doing some other stuff atm 15:15:24 <sietse> would be just to fake the min_active_clients rule 15:15:54 <sietse> someone else already there :) 15:18:28 *** Sedontane has joined #openttdcoop 15:19:05 <PublicServer> *** Doomah has left the game (leaving) 15:19:05 <PublicServer> *** Game paused (not enough players) 15:19:09 <Sedontane> !players 15:19:10 <PublicServer> Sedontane: Client 172 is jondisti, a spectator 15:19:10 <PublicServer> Sedontane: Client 176 is Thraxian, a spectator 15:19:10 <PublicServer> Sedontane: Client 185 is Sietse, a spectator 15:19:10 <PublicServer> Sedontane: Client 187 (Orange) is Peter, in company 1 (#openttdcoop) 15:19:49 <PublicServer> <Peter> Doomah! 15:19:51 <PublicServer> <Peter> :( 15:22:35 <PublicServer> *** jondisti has joined company #1 15:22:51 <PublicServer> <jondisti> there you go 15:23:21 *** pugi has joined #openttdcoop 15:24:23 <PublicServer> <Peter> thanks 15:25:22 *** haseo has joined #openttdcoop 15:25:36 <pugi> hi :D 15:25:47 <haseo> ah hi, normal people 15:26:22 <haseo> had a really bad experince in one of the public non openttdcoop games 15:27:15 <haseo> what password protected games are good ? 15:27:43 <Ammler> #openttdcoop servers :-) 15:27:59 <haseo> is IS online at the moment ? 15:28:05 <Ammler> no 15:28:20 <Ammler> we move the server so it won't today anyway. 15:28:29 <haseo> rats, I like the idea, just a shame no one is usually online when I go to play 15:28:42 <haseo> moved house or something ? 15:29:02 <KenjiE20> PeterT | I install a program, load it, and it hangs for about 5 minutes and closes <-- wine doesn't hang, your WM's have a tendency to leave program windows open which end unexpectedly 15:29:12 <Ammler> nah, simple upgrade to a bigger one. 15:29:32 <PeterT> Oh 15:29:36 <PeterT> WM? 15:29:45 <KenjiE20> Window Manager 15:29:46 <Ammler> I have quite good experience with wine 15:29:49 <PeterT> Oh 15:30:00 <KenjiE20> try running the wine instance from a terminal 15:30:05 <PeterT> how? 15:30:07 <KenjiE20> then you'll get an error output 15:30:10 <PeterT> with what command 15:30:12 <Ammler> wine sol.exe 15:30:13 <KenjiE20> by launching terminal? 15:30:23 <PeterT> No, what ammler said 15:30:23 <KenjiE20> and 'wine' 15:31:16 <PeterT> @quickstart 15:31:18 <KenjiE20> "wine /path/to/install.exe" or 'wine "C:\Program Files\Program\file.exe"' 15:31:18 <Webster> Quickstart - #openttdcoop Wiki - http://www.openttdcoop.org/wiki/Quickstart 15:31:31 <KenjiE20> 'wine "C:\Program Files\Program\file.exe"' sorry 15:31:56 <KenjiE20> Ammler: you figure what that was on index.php? 15:32:30 <PeterT> Oh, wine is the application, and the directory following is what's being loaded? 15:32:38 <PeterT> by wine 15:32:54 <sietse> kinda 15:32:54 <KenjiE20> yes, that's normally how a program works 15:32:58 <haseo> it uses windows paths 15:33:11 <KenjiE20> executable options arguement 15:33:13 <PeterT> Also, are you sure it's C:\ and not C:\ 15:33:16 <KenjiE20> yes 15:33:20 <PeterT> Ok 15:33:26 <KenjiE20> that's why I corrected the second time 15:33:28 <sietse> linux paths works aswell I think 15:33:39 <sietse> like Kenji said 15:34:02 <KenjiE20> yup, pink whichever's easiest 15:34:05 <KenjiE20> pick* 15:34:45 <KenjiE20> passing linux paths resolve to "Z:\$whatever" iirc 15:35:09 <PeterT> on another note, how many votes does it take for a plan to win? it's not mentioned in quickstart 15:35:24 <KenjiE20> 'some' 15:35:31 <KenjiE20> boarding on 'many' 15:35:37 <KenjiE20> bordering* 15:35:46 <KenjiE20> brain doesn't work today >_> 15:36:12 <KenjiE20> QS doesn't state for a reason 15:36:21 <jondisti> gleeb's plan is not going to win since he has voted it himself 15:36:31 <KenjiE20> fail 15:36:36 <jondisti> i mean atm 15:36:45 <KenjiE20> well yes 15:36:51 <haseo> you mean only him 15:37:03 <PeterT> why can't he win if he voted himself? 15:37:24 <KenjiE20> see also: Goron Brown 15:37:27 <KenjiE20> Gordon* 15:38:10 <PublicServer> <Peter> CB always comes up with such a simple plan, it's annoying 15:38:29 <KenjiE20> nothing wrong with that 15:38:31 <haseo> I don't like simple, too easy to finish 15:38:35 <PublicServer> <Peter> Also, to use CB's plan, we'd have to wait 35 years 15:38:46 <PublicServer> <Peter> haseo: good point 15:38:52 <KenjiE20> no really 15:39:06 <KenjiE20> we can build in anything, and convert track later 15:39:13 <KenjiE20> not like trains will run immeadiately 15:39:28 <KenjiE20> immediately* 15:39:29 <haseo> those spinning load ballancers though are too hard to make, for me anyway 15:39:36 <PeterT> that's true 15:39:50 <PublicServer> *** Mark joined the game 15:39:56 <PublicServer> <Peter> Hi Mark 15:39:57 <KenjiE20> 'lo 15:40:00 <PublicServer> <Mark> :) 15:40:02 <PublicServer> <Mark> hiya 15:40:15 <PublicServer> <Mark> i hate CB's plan 15:40:19 * KenjiE20 runs off with Mark's word 15:40:33 <PublicServer> <Peter> thanks mark :-D 15:40:55 <PublicServer> <Mark> that's about the worst possible bottleneck one could think off 15:41:34 <PublicServer> <Mark> gleeb's is much better 15:41:57 <PublicServer> <Peter> I like the way mark thinks 15:42:08 <PublicServer> <Mark> i do too 15:42:30 <PublicServer> <Peter> so has gleeb won now? 15:42:40 <PublicServer> <Mark> not too convincing yet 15:43:08 <PublicServer> <jondisti> now? 15:43:13 <PublicServer> <Mark> heh 15:43:20 <PublicServer> <Mark> all right 15:43:24 <PeterT> somebody change the stage 15:43:32 <PublicServer> <Mark> we'll have to wait for gleeb though 15:43:55 <PeterT> exactly, @stage waiting for the gleeb 15:44:07 <PublicServer> <Mark> everyone is running off with my words 15:44:14 <PublicServer> <jondisti> hmm what does TL have to do with bridges? 15:44:16 <KenjiE20> lol 15:44:22 <Mark> @stage Waiting for the Gleeb 15:44:22 *** Webster changes topic to "Welcome to #openttdcoop, the Cooperative OpenTTD | PSG #167 (r18279) | STAGE: Waiting for the Gleeb | www.openttdcoop.org | New players, use @quickstart & !help | Screenshots: http://mz.openttdcoop.org/img/ | Coopetition ladder: http://mz.openttdcoop.org/ladder | IS2/FIRS game at #openttdcoop.dev" 15:44:22 <PublicServer> <jondisti> TL4 (due to bridges) 15:44:25 *** Doomah has quit IRC 15:44:39 <PeterT> funny you should notice that mark :-) 15:44:40 <PublicServer> <Mark> jondisti: shorter trains require more bridges for a certain gap 15:44:50 <PublicServer> <Peter> @tunnels 4 15:44:53 <KenjiE20> !tweet Gleeb, if you're out there, come on back 15:44:54 <PublicServer> KenjiE20: Tweet sent: http://twitter.com/openttdcoop 15:45:04 <PublicServer> *** bartavelle joined the game 15:45:06 <KenjiE20> :D 15:46:05 <PublicServer> <jondisti> that one i already knew:P 15:46:34 <samorajp> !password 15:46:34 <PublicServer> samorajp: sneers 15:46:54 <PublicServer> *** samorajp joined the game 15:48:07 *** ODM has joined #openttdcoop 15:48:07 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o ODM 15:49:00 <haseo> hmm, screenshots link takes me to an upload page, oops 15:49:10 <PublicServer> *** bartavelle has left the game (leaving) 15:49:20 <KenjiE20> that's what it's for :) 15:49:21 <PeterT> I think it's where you upload screenshots 15:49:24 <PeterT> not view them 15:50:03 <haseo> ah ok, was wondering 15:56:31 <PublicServer> <Thraxian> so...what're we waiting for? 15:56:37 <PublicServer> <Peter> The gleeb 15:56:45 <PublicServer> <Thraxian> why? 15:56:52 <PublicServer> <Peter> because he won 15:57:01 <PublicServer> <Thraxian> since when do we wait for the winner to begin construction? 15:57:12 <PublicServer> <Mark> at least since game 48 15:57:14 <PublicServer> <Peter> Since always? 15:57:35 <PublicServer> <Thraxian> I've never noticed.... 15:58:46 <KenjiE20> IRC you not be in 15:59:32 <PublicServer> <Peter> what Icr? 16:00:53 *** Thraxian has joined #openttdcoop 16:00:53 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o Thraxian 16:01:00 <PublicServer> <Thraxian> be now I am yes, hrm.... 16:01:27 <PublicServer> <Thraxian> slow for me it be today.... 16:03:25 *** Progman has quit IRC 16:07:12 <PublicServer> <jondisti> tl sorter blocked itself :( 16:08:09 <PublicServer> <Mark> that's because of the nasty single loc 16:09:19 <PublicServer> <jondisti> again 16:09:34 <PublicServer> <Mark> it should have left earlier 16:12:35 <PublicServer> *** jondisti has joined spectators 16:17:39 * Mark is bored like hell 16:18:28 <PublicServer> <Mark> hmm, imo the spokes on gleeb's plan should be twoway 16:18:41 <PublicServer> <Mark> though that would prohibit sidelines between the hubs 16:18:45 <PublicServer> <Mark> so never mind 16:18:57 <PublicServer> <Mark> note to self: think before speaking 16:19:03 <KenjiE20> lol 16:20:17 <Ammler> !players 16:20:18 <PublicServer> Ammler: Client 172 is jondisti, a spectator 16:20:18 <PublicServer> Ammler: Client 176 is Thraxian, a spectator 16:20:18 <PublicServer> Ammler: Client 185 is Sietse, a spectator 16:20:18 <PublicServer> Ammler: Client 187 (Orange) is Peter, in company 1 (#openttdcoop) 16:20:18 <PublicServer> Ammler: Client 190 (Orange) is Mark, in company 1 (#openttdcoop) 16:20:19 <PublicServer> Ammler: Client 196 is samorajp, a spectator 16:20:34 <PublicServer> <Thraxian> hubs? 16:20:35 <Mark> @qd 16:20:38 <PublicServer> <Thraxian> looks like just 1 16:20:41 <Mark> hubs 16:20:46 <Mark> @quotes 16:20:46 <Webster> #openttdcoop quotes: latest quotes - http://hyru.ath.cx:60080/~kenji/ottdcoop/quotes/ 16:21:13 <PublicServer> <Thraxian> Gleeb's plan only has 1 BBH though 16:21:26 <PublicServer> <Mark> hmm that's ugly 16:21:33 <PublicServer> <Mark> should be 4 3-ways 16:21:37 <KenjiE20> I thikn qdb was what you were after Mark, though that's the same as quotes :) 16:21:47 <PublicServer> <Mark> yeah i guess :P 16:21:57 <PublicServer> <Peter> Damn it gleeb, get in here 16:24:51 <PublicServer> *** Mark has joined spectators 16:24:52 <PublicServer> *** Game paused (not enough players) 16:26:36 <PublicServer> *** samorajp has left the game (leaving) 16:28:27 *** samorajp has quit IRC 16:28:37 <gleeb> Hihi 16:29:04 <KenjiE20> go reveive mark's boredom 16:29:07 <gleeb> Thraxian: my plan has 4 BBH 16:29:12 <KenjiE20> relieve * 16:29:51 <PublicServer> <Thraxian> then why does your plan say "Hub" instead of "4 hubs" 16:30:10 <PublicServer> <Thraxian> and what does the note "THE HUB can take as much space as it needs." [emphasis added] 16:30:16 <gleeb> Because it's on HUGE hub, made of sub-hubs. 16:30:26 <PublicServer> <Thraxian> so it has 1 hub, with 4 parts 16:30:28 <PublicServer> <Thraxian> that's still 1 hub 16:30:43 <gleeb> Made of 4 sub hubs with pent of space between them. 16:30:49 <gleeb> plenty * 16:31:07 <KenjiE20> so 4 hubs chained? 16:31:12 <gleeb> Yes. 16:31:18 <PublicServer> <Thraxian> dangit - gotta run - heading to the folks for lunch 16:31:29 <gleeb> I'm joining to clarify. 16:31:33 <PublicServer> <Thraxian> enjoy this game - I may be on LATE tonight, or LATE tomorrow 16:31:34 <gleeb> !password 16:31:35 <PublicServer> gleeb: snooze 16:31:40 <KenjiE20> and to start :P 16:31:44 <PublicServer> *** Gleeb joined the game 16:31:47 <PublicServer> <Thraxian> either way, I'll probably miss most (if not all) of the construction 16:31:49 <PublicServer> *** Thraxian has left the game (connection lost) 16:32:38 <KenjiE20> ping Mark 16:32:48 <KenjiE20> wakey wakey 16:32:56 <sietse> breakfast is ready 16:33:29 <KenjiE20> it is steel and delicious 16:35:34 <PublicServer> <Peter> gleeb here! 16:35:46 <PublicServer> <Gleeb> Yeah. See !HUB CLARIFICATION 16:35:54 <PublicServer> <Peter> I'm watching you build it 16:37:12 <PeterT> Mark: gleeb is back 16:37:39 *** haseo has quit IRC 16:37:52 <KenjiE20> No need to highlight him again... 16:37:59 <PublicServer> <Peter> again? 16:38:08 <KenjiE20> read up about 10 lines 16:38:18 <PublicServer> <Peter> Oh, sorry 16:40:29 <PublicServer> <Gleeb> I find it od that my plan won, but I'm glad it did. I do enjoy a challenge. 16:41:00 <PublicServer> <Peter> When there isn't an amazing plan, we vote for the one that sucks the least ;-P 16:41:11 <PublicServer> <Peter> (kidding) 16:41:12 <KenjiE20> go drop some markers and get cracking :) 16:41:51 <PublicServer> <Peter> Can I suggest a GRF for the next game, Kenji? 16:42:04 <KenjiE20> I don't know, can you? 16:42:16 <PublicServer> <Peter> UK Towns Set? 16:42:16 <PublicServer> <Gleeb> lolsarcasm 16:43:05 <KenjiE20> UK Town Set? You mean Tal UK Houses? 16:43:24 <PeterT> Tal? 16:43:24 <PeterT> http://www.tt-forums.net/viewtopic.php?f=26&t=45736 16:43:26 <Webster> Title: Transport Tycoon Forums • View topic - UK Towns Set [Coding in Progress!] (at www.tt-forums.net) 16:43:51 <KenjiE20> not on Bananas, not going on 16:43:59 <PeterT> Ok 16:44:02 <KenjiE20> though it is a nice set 16:44:06 <PublicServer> <Gleeb> BaNaNaS <£ 16:44:08 <PublicServer> <Gleeb> <3 * 16:44:27 <PeterT> the drawings are beautiful 16:44:49 <PeterT> I will mention adding it to BaNaNas in the topic 16:44:58 <KenjiE20> well Zeph has had years to tweak them :) 16:45:56 <PeterT> :-) 16:46:04 <PeterT> Zephyris is a great artist 16:46:23 <PublicServer> *** bartavelle joined the game 16:47:36 <PublicServer> <Sietse> will triple lanes be enough on the ML? 16:47:47 <PublicServer> <Peter> Yes 16:47:50 <PublicServer> <Peter> LLL_RRR 16:48:08 *** PeterT has left #openttdcoop 16:48:38 <PublicServer> <Sietse> I mean in terms of capacity 16:48:42 *** PeterT has joined #openttdcoop 16:48:52 <PeterT> KenjiE20: will you update the topic? 16:49:15 <KenjiE20> did you actually just leave to check the topic? 16:49:22 <PeterT> No 16:49:29 <KenjiE20> @stage Building 16:49:29 *** Webster changes topic to "Welcome to #openttdcoop, the Cooperative OpenTTD | PSG #167 (r18279) | STAGE: Building | www.openttdcoop.org | New players, use @quickstart & !help | Screenshots: http://mz.openttdcoop.org/img/ | Coopetition ladder: http://mz.openttdcoop.org/ladder | IS2/FIRS game at #openttdcoop.dev" 16:49:40 <PeterT> I pressed some keys by accident 16:49:48 <PublicServer> <Sietse> whahahah 16:49:52 <KenjiE20> !tweet PSG 167 is underway :D 16:49:53 <PublicServer> KenjiE20: Tweet sent: http://twitter.com/openttdcoop 16:50:05 <PeterT> can only chanops tweet? 16:50:11 <KenjiE20> yes 16:50:20 <sietse> Maybe I should start using twitter 16:50:38 <KenjiE20> pfft, this is about as close to twitter as I'm ever, ever going to get 16:50:39 <PeterT> maybe 16:50:45 <PeterT> hehe 16:51:11 <PeterT> Kenji: what does the LT stand for in your nick? 16:51:18 <PeterT> KenjiE20|LT 16:51:24 <KenjiE20> Laptop 16:51:32 <PeterT> Oh 16:51:46 <PeterT> I understand now 16:55:00 <Ammler> KenjiE20: is tweeting... :-) 16:55:02 *** damalix has joined #openttdcoop 16:55:40 <Ammler> I would like to tweet finished movement :-( 16:56:58 <damalix> !players 16:57:00 <PublicServer> damalix: Client 172 is jondisti, a spectator 16:57:00 <PublicServer> damalix: Client 201 (Orange) is bartavelle, in company 1 (#openttdcoop) 16:57:00 <PublicServer> damalix: Client 185 is Sietse, a spectator 16:57:00 <PublicServer> damalix: Client 187 (Orange) is Peter, in company 1 (#openttdcoop) 16:57:00 <PublicServer> damalix: Client 190 is Mark, a spectator 16:57:01 <PublicServer> damalix: Client 197 (Orange) is Gleeb, in company 1 (#openttdcoop) 16:57:09 *** Xhizor has joined #openttdcoop 16:57:30 <Xhizor> !dl win32 16:57:30 <PublicServer> Xhizor: http://binaries.openttd.org/nightlies/trunk/r18279/openttd-trunk-r18279-windows-win32.zip 16:57:57 <PeterT> damalix: gleeb plan won 16:58:01 <Xhizor> woot 16:58:03 <Xhizor> it did? 16:58:06 <PeterT> yeah! 16:58:33 <PublicServer> *** bartavelle has left the game (leaving) 16:59:19 <Xhizor> any far on the building yet? 16:59:35 <PublicServer> <Peter> the signs have been put down 16:59:38 <Xhizor> !password 16:59:38 <PublicServer> Xhizor: duking 16:59:45 <PublicServer> *** Xhizor joined the game 17:00:30 <PublicServer> <Peter> gleeb, are all the drops/pickups roro? 17:00:37 *** Chris_Booth has joined #openttdcoop 17:00:41 <PublicServer> <Xhizor> yep 17:00:44 <PublicServer> <Xhizor> look at the plan 17:01:03 <PublicServer> <Gleeb> The spokes are RoRo, as per the plan. Sideline stations are at suspect's discression. 17:01:25 <damalix> !players 17:01:27 <PublicServer> damalix: Client 172 is jondisti, a spectator 17:01:27 <PublicServer> damalix: Client 203 (Orange) is Xhizor, in company 1 (#openttdcoop) 17:01:27 <PublicServer> damalix: Client 185 is Sietse, a spectator 17:01:27 <PublicServer> damalix: Client 187 (Orange) is Peter, in company 1 (#openttdcoop) 17:01:27 <PublicServer> damalix: Client 190 is Mark, a spectator 17:01:29 <PublicServer> damalix: Client 197 (Orange) is Gleeb, in company 1 (#openttdcoop) 17:02:23 <PublicServer> <Xhizor> thats gonna be a frigging huge hub 17:02:36 <damalix> !players 17:02:37 <PublicServer> damalix: Client 172 is jondisti, a spectator 17:02:37 <PublicServer> damalix: Client 203 (Orange) is Xhizor, in company 1 (#openttdcoop) 17:02:37 <PublicServer> damalix: Client 185 is Sietse, a spectator 17:02:37 <PublicServer> damalix: Client 187 (Orange) is Peter, in company 1 (#openttdcoop) 17:02:37 <PublicServer> damalix: Client 190 is Mark, a spectator 17:02:39 <PublicServer> damalix: Client 197 (Orange) is Gleeb, in company 1 (#openttdcoop) 17:04:12 <PublicServer> <Peter> is the placing of those rails correct near the factory? 17:04:18 <Chris_Booth> hello 17:04:27 <Chris_Booth> whos plan won? 17:04:32 <PublicServer> <Gleeb> Mine 17:04:33 <PublicServer> <Peter> Gleeb 17:04:46 <Chris_Booth> ok we have some mad people 17:04:52 <PublicServer> <Gleeb> I thought for sure you'd win, Chris. 17:05:03 <Chris_Booth> so did i 17:05:05 <PublicServer> <Gleeb> Haha, I guess they like a challenge. 17:05:10 <PublicServer> <Peter> hehe 17:05:19 <PublicServer> <Peter> you had 4 votes, chris 17:05:28 <PublicServer> <Peter> then mark came 17:05:34 <Chris_Booth> i cant remeber you plan gleeb 17:05:42 <Chris_Booth> !password 17:05:42 <PublicServer> Chris_Booth: duking 17:05:58 <PublicServer> *** Chris Booth joined the game 17:06:04 <PublicServer> <Xhizor> the first rails are there! 17:06:22 <PublicServer> <Xhizor> near factory 17:07:10 <PublicServer> <Xhizor> meh thats ugly! 17:08:06 <PublicServer> *** Chris Booth has left the game (connection lost) 17:08:23 <PublicServer> <Peter> how many stations per? 17:08:28 <PublicServer> <Peter> 4? 17:08:42 <PublicServer> <Gleeb> What do you mean? 17:08:44 <PublicServer> <Peter> gleeb, how big do you expect this game to get? 17:08:45 <PublicServer> *** Chris Booth joined the game 17:08:51 <PublicServer> <Peter> how many trains? 17:08:59 <PublicServer> <Gleeb> I can't predict that. 17:09:00 <PublicServer> <Peter> how many stations per rail at the factory drop? 17:09:14 <PublicServer> <Gleeb> *shrug* Just make is expandable. 17:09:18 <PublicServer> <Chris Booth> erm 7 per rail 17:09:19 <PublicServer> <Gleeb> WAIT 17:09:22 <PublicServer> <Chris Booth> * 3 17:09:23 <PublicServer> <Chris Booth> so 21 17:09:28 <PublicServer> <Chris Booth> i would say 14 drop 17:09:30 <PublicServer> <Gleeb> Peter, are you building at Lindham heights? 17:09:32 <PublicServer> <Chris Booth> and 7 pivkup 17:09:36 <PublicServer> <Peter> yes gleeb 17:09:41 <PublicServer> <Gleeb> That's terrible. 17:09:52 <el_B> !password 17:09:52 <PublicServer> el_B: floral 17:09:59 <PublicServer> <Chris Booth> you need to split for 3 - 3 + 3 17:10:06 <PublicServer> <Chris Booth> 3 -> 3 + 3 17:10:11 <PublicServer> *** Kalaidos joined the game 17:10:12 <PublicServer> <Chris Booth> for drop and pickup 17:10:20 <PublicServer> <Chris Booth> then i would say 14 drop plats 17:10:25 <PublicServer> <Chris Booth> and 7 pickup 17:10:28 <PublicServer> <Peter> gleeb, what's the problem 17:10:31 <PublicServer> <Chris Booth> maybe 15 and 6 17:10:38 <PublicServer> <Peter> 14 drop plats in total chirs? 17:10:42 <PublicServer> <Peter> *chris 17:10:42 <PublicServer> <Gleeb> You need seperate pickup and drop. 17:10:46 <PublicServer> *** Spike joined the game 17:10:48 <PublicServer> <Peter> I know! 17:10:48 *** damalix has quit IRC 17:10:49 <PublicServer> <Gleeb> You need to balance the split. 17:11:00 <PublicServer> <Chris Booth> erm peter i would say 15 drop total and 6 pickup total 17:11:23 <PublicServer> <Peter> what do you mean gleeb 17:11:42 <PublicServer> <Chris Booth> i would also adivce changing the way the lines enter the station 17:12:02 <PublicServer> <Gleeb> Every lane needs to be a about to get to every other lane entering the stations. 17:12:19 *** damalix has joined #openttdcoop 17:12:27 <PublicServer> *** bartavelle joined the game 17:12:53 <damalix> !password 17:12:53 <PublicServer> damalix: floral 17:13:00 <damalix> :o 17:13:38 <PublicServer> <Xhizor> there 17:13:42 <PublicServer> <Xhizor> much better i guess 17:13:44 <PublicServer> <Peter> build in e-rail please 17:13:49 <PublicServer> *** Damalix joined the game 17:13:59 <PublicServer> <Xhizor> arr yes 17:14:04 <PublicServer> *** Spike has left the game (leaving) 17:14:14 <PublicServer> <Chris Booth> it doesnt matter 17:14:20 <PublicServer> <Chris Booth> as we will use maglev in the end 17:14:29 <PublicServer> <Chris Booth> which isnt about for a few years 17:14:30 <PublicServer> <Peter> no we aren't 17:14:37 <PublicServer> <Gleeb> Who says? 17:14:40 <PublicServer> <Chris Booth> realy why not? 17:14:44 <PublicServer> <Peter> I don't see it on your plan 17:15:06 <PublicServer> <Gleeb> You also don't see sidelines... are we not building those? 17:15:15 <PublicServer> <Gleeb> You don't see bridges, will we build those? 17:15:18 <PublicServer> <Gleeb> What about tunnels? 17:15:19 <PublicServer> <Peter> of course 17:15:33 <PublicServer> <Peter> but something you _should_ mention is what type of rail we are building in 17:15:33 <PublicServer> <Chris Booth> so peter are you going to build the factory? 17:15:40 <PublicServer> *** Chris Booth has left the game (connection lost) 17:15:48 <PublicServer> <Peter> in a sec, I still don't see what gleeb meant before 17:16:03 <PublicServer> <Gleeb> Peter: When it's not mentioned, it's a safe bet that it's "Best Available" 17:16:16 <PublicServer> <Kalaidos> yeah, thought so too 17:16:23 <PublicServer> <Peter> The default in #openttdcoop is e-rail 17:16:36 <Chris_Booth> no it isnt PeterT 17:16:46 <Chris_Booth> we only use erail as we use new grfs 17:16:47 <PublicServer> <Gleeb> No, that's the default for GRFs that don't have support for MagLev for the cargo we're running. 17:16:54 *** Osai has left #openttdcoop 17:16:55 <PublicServer> <Kalaidos> well, gleeb, you want to use MagLev? 17:17:02 <Chris_Booth> and not many good monorail or maglev sets exist 17:17:02 *** Osai has joined #openttdcoop 17:17:02 *** Webster sets mode: +o Osai 17:17:02 *** Osai has left #openttdcoop 17:17:13 <PublicServer> <Peter> whatever 17:17:14 <PublicServer> <Gleeb> Of course I wanna use Maglev. Nice and fast <3 17:17:19 <PublicServer> <Peter> gleeb, show me what you meant 17:17:21 <PublicServer> <Kalaidos> good, problem solved : o 17:17:28 <PublicServer> <bartavelle> indeed 17:17:28 <PublicServer> <Gleeb> What I meant by what? 17:17:33 <PublicServer> <Peter> never mind 17:17:47 *** samorajp has joined #openttdcoop 17:17:50 <PublicServer> *** Damalix has joined spectators 17:17:52 <samorajp> !password 17:17:52 <PublicServer> samorajp: floral 17:18:00 <PublicServer> *** Damalix has left the game (connection lost) 17:18:16 <PublicServer> *** samorajp joined the game 17:18:17 <PublicServer> <Peter> what???? 17:18:30 <PublicServer> <Gleeb> Look at what I build. 17:18:33 <PublicServer> <Peter> this is exactly what I meant 17:18:46 <PublicServer> <Xhizor> you gotta balance the entry 17:18:50 <Chris_Booth> just let PeterT build 17:18:59 <Chris_Booth> if its bad it can be fixed 17:19:03 <PublicServer> <Gleeb> See that? 17:19:11 <PublicServer> <Gleeb> Oh, erm 17:19:12 <PublicServer> <Gleeb> Haha 17:19:20 <PublicServer> <Gleeb> My example isn't complete. 17:19:34 <PublicServer> <samorajp> o.O Gleb ;-) 17:19:35 <Xhizor> http://openttdcoop.org/wiki/Implicit_Load_Balancing @ PeterT 17:19:39 <PublicServer> <samorajp> Gleeb* ;] 17:19:41 <PublicServer> <Xhizor> check the link @ IRC 17:19:59 <PublicServer> <Peter> yes, thanks for highlighting me 17:20:42 <PublicServer> <Xhizor> isnt it better if you let someone build something first before poiting out the errors? :D 17:20:45 <PublicServer> <Gleeb> ... 17:20:58 <Chris_Booth> exactly Xhizor 17:21:09 <Chris_Booth> once it is built you can highlight bad areas 17:21:22 <Chris_Booth> how can you befor its built? 17:21:23 <PublicServer> <Peter> gleeb, that is something that can do before you get to the factory area 17:21:41 <PublicServer> <Gleeb> *shrug* 17:22:03 <PublicServer> <Xhizor> poof 17:23:21 <PublicServer> <Xhizor> eh 17:23:22 <Chris_Booth> PeterT: gets alot of stick arround here i think 17:23:31 <Chris_Booth> i am kinda supprised he comes back 17:23:39 <Paul2> !password 17:23:39 <PublicServer> Paul2: floral 17:23:40 <PeterT> Wow, thanks 17:24:15 <PublicServer> <Peter> Hmm, how should we build this 17:24:29 * Paul2 waits for openttd to load... 17:25:12 <PublicServer> <Gleeb> Hmm, flaw... 17:25:16 <PublicServer> <Peter> I know 17:25:22 <PublicServer> <Peter> I can't think of how to build this 17:25:31 <PublicServer> <Xhizor> its almost right 17:25:38 <PublicServer> <Xhizor> or is it 17:25:39 <PublicServer> <Xhizor> hm 17:25:48 <Paul2> !password 17:25:48 <PublicServer> Paul2: swills 17:25:50 <PublicServer> <Peter> best thing is to start over 17:25:58 <PublicServer> <Gleeb> I'm sure one of the more experienced builders could help >.< 17:26:04 <PublicServer> *** Paul joined the game 17:26:14 <PublicServer> <Sietse> cross three platforms 17:26:23 <PublicServer> <Xhizor> never done these kinds of stations with a 3 ML 17:26:35 <PublicServer> <Sietse> then connect 4 lines to one of the 3 of each 17:26:37 <PublicServer> <Xhizor> but now i get it 17:26:46 <PublicServer> <Xhizor> nono 17:26:48 <PublicServer> <bartavelle> you have lanes ABC, do AB AC BC AB AC BC ? 17:26:49 <PublicServer> <Xhizor> those were right 17:27:04 <PublicServer> <Sietse> going better now :) 17:27:09 <PublicServer> <Xhizor> yes 17:27:09 <PublicServer> <bartavelle> oh this is better 17:27:10 <PublicServer> <Xhizor> like that 17:27:21 <PublicServer> <Xhizor> now the balancing part 17:27:22 <PublicServer> <Xhizor> and its right 17:27:30 <Chris_Booth> just do AAAAA BBBBB CCCCC 17:27:35 <Chris_Booth> then balance the exit 17:27:37 <PublicServer> <Xhizor> but thats just 12 stations 17:28:02 <Chris_Booth> so 123 123 123 123 123 17:28:09 <PublicServer> <bartavelle> CB: you mean just connect the lanes in the station without mixing and balance the exit ? 17:28:10 <Chris_Booth> Xhizor: no its 15 17:28:17 <PublicServer> <Gleeb> Minimum TF, please :) 17:28:19 <Chris_Booth> yes 17:28:38 <Chris_Booth> and make a LB @ entrace to 3 -> 3 + 3 mixed 17:28:48 <PublicServer> <Xhizor> i count 12 stations there. could be me :| 17:29:00 <PublicServer> <bartavelle> there are 3*4 17:29:04 <PublicServer> <Kalaidos> Xhizor: Chirs suggested 15 17:29:23 <PublicServer> <Gleeb> So extend it. 17:29:27 <PublicServer> *** Paul has left the game (leaving) 17:29:33 <PublicServer> <Sietse> easy to extend anyways 17:29:33 <Chris_Booth> AAAAA = 5, BBBBB = 10, CCCCC = 15 17:29:59 <PublicServer> <Sietse> lol 17:30:02 <PublicServer> <samorajp> lol 17:30:38 <PublicServer> <Gleeb> Wait... 17:30:43 <PublicServer> <Gleeb> Have I built extra? O.o 17:30:48 <PublicServer> <Peter> are you moving factory up? 17:30:54 <PublicServer> <Peter> who destroyed it? 17:31:06 <PublicServer> <Xhizor> no its fine 17:31:09 <PublicServer> <Xhizor> its 15 now 17:31:12 <PublicServer> <Peter> Oh 17:31:35 <PublicServer> <Gleeb> Can people please not do something someone is already doing? 17:31:37 <PublicServer> <Sietse> this should be more then enough imho 17:32:02 <PublicServer> <Peter> CL problem 17:32:29 <PublicServer> <Gleeb> ffs 17:32:32 <PublicServer> <Xhizor> amagash 17:32:34 <PublicServer> <samorajp> lol. 17:33:34 <PublicServer> <Xhizor> silence. 17:33:37 <PublicServer> <Gleeb> shh 17:33:46 <PublicServer> <Peter> Breaking news: One 14 year old boy continues to hit his head on his keyboard, the cause, likely because of a game called OpenTTD. 17:34:10 <PublicServer> <Gleeb> I repeat: Please do do things other people are doing. 17:34:15 <PublicServer> <Gleeb> don't do * 17:34:24 <PublicServer> <Peter> What the hell are you talking about? 17:34:25 <PublicServer> <samorajp> yes sir. 17:34:32 <PublicServer> <Peter> we aren't supposed to co-op? 17:34:36 <PublicServer> <Xhizor> someone could start on the hub corner btw 17:34:44 <PublicServer> <Xhizor> NE hub corner 17:34:57 <PublicServer> <Gleeb> When you see someone doing something, don't do it. 17:35:13 <PublicServer> <Gleeb> Yes, co-op, not walk-all-over. 17:35:33 <PublicServer> <Gleeb> Who's making the exit? 17:36:10 <PublicServer> <Peter> PeterT is 17:36:18 <PublicServer> <Gleeb> How are you planning to balance it? 17:36:59 <PublicServer> <Peter> I was sort of hoping to just build it first, then find a way later ( I know, awful teqnique) 17:37:18 <PublicServer> <Gleeb> You could just copy the entry :P 17:37:28 <PublicServer> <Peter> Room? 17:37:39 <PublicServer> <Gleeb> Make room <3 17:38:05 <PublicServer> <Gleeb> Towns are expendable >:3 17:38:15 *** De_Ghosty has quit IRC 17:38:33 <PublicServer> <Xhizor> lawl 17:39:17 <PublicServer> <Peter> this drop is much bigger than needed 17:39:26 <PublicServer> <Xhizor> nah 17:39:27 <PublicServer> <Xhizor> 4TL 17:39:29 <PublicServer> <samorajp> monumental. ;-) 17:40:07 <PublicServer> <Xhizor> didnt we kind of forget pickup? 17:40:13 <PublicServer> <bartavelle> how big the pickup should be ? 17:40:16 <PublicServer> <bartavelle> heh :) 17:42:05 <PublicServer> <Peter> we didn't 'forget' we just haven't done it yet 17:42:25 <PublicServer> <bartavelle> will the pathfinder give priority to the lanes to the west of the station ? 17:42:27 <PublicServer> <Xhizor> well im pulling the lines to NE corner 17:42:31 <PublicServer> <Xhizor> NE hub corner 17:44:01 <PublicServer> <Gleeb> That you building that, Peter? 17:44:10 <PublicServer> <Peter> yeah, I'm having some trouble 17:44:23 <PublicServer> <Gleeb> What you building? 17:44:33 <PublicServer> <Peter> balancer 17:44:41 <PublicServer> <Gleeb> Ah. 17:45:27 <PublicServer> <Gleeb> Argh. 17:45:31 <PublicServer> <Sietse> that lake will be a problem 17:45:36 <PublicServer> <Gleeb> Don't forget, MINIMUM TF :P 17:45:36 <PublicServer> <Peter> yeah 17:45:53 <PublicServer> <Xhizor> there done 17:46:00 <PublicServer> <Xhizor> now we can also start on the NE hub corner 17:46:03 <PublicServer> <Peter> I tf'ed 10 tiles, total 17:46:28 <PublicServer> <Gleeb> Yup. That's not minimum :P 17:47:52 <bartavelle> might be a noob question, but if the 3 entry lanes have trains choosing the left side of the station, the left exit will be packed with lots of trains while the right ones will not : will this be ok to only balance after this ? 17:48:10 <PublicServer> <Peter> we need penalties 17:48:34 <PublicServer> <Gleeb> We don't need penalties >.< 17:48:51 <PublicServer> <bartavelle> well if this this OK you don't need penalties 17:48:54 <PublicServer> *** samorajp has joined company #1 17:49:05 <PublicServer> <Kalaidos> hm? 17:49:11 <PublicServer> *** samorajp has joined spectators 17:49:17 <PublicServer> <Gleeb> So long as it's balanced, there's no need for penalties, surely? 17:49:38 <PublicServer> <bartavelle> so is this ok to balance after merging like that ? 17:49:49 <PublicServer> <Gleeb> Barta? Where? 17:50:18 <PublicServer> <Sietse> merging will result in all trains taking the inner line imho 17:50:18 <PublicServer> <Gleeb> Yeah. I don't like that either. 17:50:18 <PublicServer> <bartavelle> placed a sign 17:50:26 <PublicServer> <Gleeb> He's building a blancer. 17:50:46 <PublicServer> <Gleeb> It's not finished yet, it seems. 17:50:47 <PublicServer> *** Mark has left the game (connection lost) 17:50:50 <PublicServer> <bartavelle> hum how do you remove signs ? 17:50:58 <PublicServer> <Sietse> but all trains will prefer the inner line I think (shortest) 17:51:00 <PublicServer> <Xhizor> ehm 17:51:06 <PublicServer> <bartavelle> got it ... 17:51:17 <PublicServer> <Gleeb> I'll do the bridges, don't worry, peter 17:51:22 <PublicServer> <Peter> Ctrl + Click on sign 17:51:29 <PublicServer> <Peter> to delete 17:51:50 <PublicServer> <bartavelle> thx 17:52:48 <PublicServer> <Kalaidos> how many drop / pickup lines would other stations need ? 17:52:50 <PublicServer> <Peter> minimum TF? 17:53:10 <PublicServer> <Gleeb> They, that's minimum TF :P 17:53:14 <PublicServer> <Gleeb> Yup * 17:53:16 <PublicServer> <samorajp> ^^ 17:54:13 <PublicServer> <Gleeb> Peter, you gonna finish the balancer? 17:54:26 <PublicServer> <Peter> I'll try 17:54:36 <PublicServer> <samorajp> change the STAGE: ;-) 17:54:36 <PublicServer> <Peter> should all lines be able to go to all lines? 17:54:50 <PublicServer> <Peter> samorjp: to what? 17:54:59 <PublicServer> <samorajp> Building? 17:55:00 <PublicServer> <Gleeb> All lines to all lines, yeah. 17:55:01 <PublicServer> <Peter> Oh, you meant in game 17:55:11 <PublicServer> *** bartavelle has left the game (leaving) 17:55:13 <PublicServer> <samorajp> ;) 17:55:18 <bartavelle> have fun! 17:55:18 *** bartavelle is now known as bartaway 17:55:31 <PublicServer> <Gleeb> They say "All Roads Lead To Rome" but they were wrong. Everywhere should go everywhere. 17:56:03 <PublicServer> <Xhizor> I dont even want to go to Rome 17:56:04 <PublicServer> <Xhizor> :( 17:56:36 <PublicServer> <Peter> can I make a request to all players? 17:56:38 <PublicServer> <Gleeb> If you look at the Factory Drop entry, you'l see that each lane can go to ech platform. 17:56:42 <PublicServer> <Gleeb> Go for it 17:57:15 <PublicServer> <Peter> @All: please do NOT signal until we are done building everything/we start buying trains 17:57:16 <PublicServer> <Xhizor> how many stations did it need again? 17:57:16 <PublicServer> <Xhizor> 6? 17:57:29 <gleeb> hy not, Peter? 17:57:42 <PublicServer> <Peter> it's easier to re-build things 17:57:48 <PublicServer> <Gleeb> No it's not O.o 17:57:53 <PublicServer> <Peter> deleting signals, re building signals 17:58:38 <PublicServer> <Xhizor> pickup needed 15 stations right? 17:58:41 <PublicServer> <Xhizor> err 17:58:42 <PublicServer> <Gleeb> That's not a problem, is it? 17:58:43 <PublicServer> <Xhizor> 6* 17:58:48 <PublicServer> <Gleeb> 6 stations? 17:58:58 <PublicServer> <samorajp> Where are you from? 17:59:04 <Mark> !password 17:59:04 <PublicServer> Mark: giants 17:59:13 <PublicServer> <samorajp> UK/US? 17:59:15 <PublicServer> *** Mark joined the game 17:59:20 <PublicServer> <Mark> hello 17:59:23 <PublicServer> <Kalaidos> hi 17:59:25 <PublicServer> <Mark> don't signal until building is done? 17:59:30 <PublicServer> <Mark> what kind of advice is that? 17:59:33 <PublicServer> <Mark> and from who? 18:00:17 <PublicServer> <Mark> Gleeb: i strongly suggest to make 4 3-way hubs instead of one big one 18:00:30 <PublicServer> <Gleeb> Mark: You mean like it is in my plan? 18:00:41 <PublicServer> <Mark> yes 18:00:58 <PublicServer> <Gleeb> Good to know, I'll adjust my plan to how it already is now. :P 18:01:06 <Chris_Booth> or a massive roundabout 18:01:11 <PublicServer> <Mark> so that's 4 seperated hubs rather than 1 big one 18:01:13 <PublicServer> <Sietse> you would end up with lots of balancers around the hub otherwise 18:01:20 <PublicServer> <Gleeb> That's how it is, Mark. 18:01:26 <PublicServer> <Mark> right 18:01:33 <PublicServer> <Mark> then why use the singular "hub"? 18:01:36 <Chris_Booth> a roundabout 18:01:39 <Chris_Booth> would be much more fun 18:01:49 <PublicServer> <Mark> @kban.. 18:01:53 *** csuke has joined #openttdcoop 18:01:58 <PublicServer> <Gleeb> See !HUB CLARIFICATION 18:02:02 <Chris_Booth> W/E mark 18:02:17 <PublicServer> <Sietse> one big roundabout would be really nice ye 18:02:20 <PublicServer> <Sietse> yes* 18:03:05 <PublicServer> <Gleeb> That's essentially what it is, Sie. 18:03:28 <Chris_Booth> but by-directional 18:03:33 <PublicServer> <Sietse> no, because the "hub" connections are twoway 18:03:51 <PublicServer> <Sietse> I meant bidirectional yes 18:05:31 <PublicServer> <Peter> mark, can you check !ugly as hell? 18:05:40 <PublicServer> <Peter> is that a bottleneck? 18:05:53 <PublicServer> <Mark> no 18:05:57 <PublicServer> <Peter> oh 18:06:04 <PublicServer> <Peter> really? it looks awkward 18:06:18 <PublicServer> <Mark> the ML doesn't get smaller than 3 lanes at any point 18:06:23 <PublicServer> <Peter> oh... 18:06:29 <PublicServer> <Peter> thanks! 18:07:01 <PublicServer> <Xhizor> it just needs trees 18:07:16 <PublicServer> <Xhizor> ;D 18:07:26 <PublicServer> <Peter> :) 18:07:31 <PublicServer> <Sietse> against global warming? xD 18:07:35 <PublicServer> <Xhizor> Yes. 18:07:42 <PublicServer> <Peter> go plant trees in a corner 18:07:48 <PublicServer> <Peter> who needs air anyway 18:07:55 <PublicServer> <Xhizor> trains dont run on air 18:07:58 <PublicServer> <Kalaidos> our trains don't 18:08:05 <PublicServer> <Peter> not yet they dont 18:08:09 <PublicServer> <Sietse> That villager of Mufingway will have health problems 18:08:18 <PublicServer> <Peter> should there be priorities on load balancing? 18:08:25 <PublicServer> <Kalaidos> maybe the customers who will buy the goods will need air tho. 18:12:02 <PublicServer> <Gleeb> Bribing the toen? 18:12:04 <PublicServer> <Gleeb> town * 18:12:05 <PublicServer> <Peter> yeah 18:12:08 <PublicServer> <Gleeb> Why? 18:12:21 <PublicServer> <Peter> I have a new idea, but I need to destroy a house 18:12:29 <csuke> use trees! 18:12:45 <ewanm89> !password 18:12:45 <PublicServer> ewanm89: taping 18:12:56 <PublicServer> *** ewanm89 joined the game 18:13:08 <PublicServer> <Peter> csuke: you say that, but you don't see how many trees are at this town 18:13:15 <PublicServer> <Mark> blow them up 18:13:19 <PublicServer> <Gleeb> So destroy the trees. 18:13:21 <csuke> exactly :) 18:13:41 <csuke> kill the trees to plant more, not quite sure of the global warming impact though :P 18:14:17 <PublicServer> <Mark> your attemp to balance is nothing but some random crossovers so far 18:14:33 <PublicServer> <Peter> so fix it, if you wish 18:14:45 <PublicServer> <Mark> there is absolutely no point in balancing that 18:14:49 <PublicServer> <Mark> or attempting to 18:15:00 <PublicServer> <Mark> you completely missed the point 18:15:08 <PublicServer> <Xhizor> :o 18:15:52 <PublicServer> <Peter> I just did what Gleeb said to 18:16:02 <PublicServer> <Peter> shall I delete the balancer? 18:16:03 <PublicServer> <Mark> let me take a screenie for educational purpose 18:16:08 <PublicServer> <Mark> there is no balancer 18:16:39 <PublicServer> <Xhizor> there is no spoon 18:17:07 <PublicServer> <ewanm89> anything specific wanted for the town drop, or can I start it? 18:17:28 <PublicServer> <Mark> if no one claimed it, you can start 18:17:33 <PublicServer> <Gleeb> Only that it serves New Bontborough 18:18:58 <PublicServer> *** Mark has left the game (leaving) 18:19:19 <PublicServer> <ewanm89> what's the exact TF rules on this game? 18:19:26 <PublicServer> <Kalaidos> "minimal" 18:19:43 <PublicServer> <Sietse> treehugger stylu 18:19:47 <PublicServer> <Sietse> style* 18:20:08 <PublicServer> <ewanm89> okay 18:21:01 *** valhallasw has joined #openttdcoop 18:21:17 <PublicServer> <ewanm89> I'll just take out the 6 square lump, and straighten out the hill egges slightle for room to put the station. 18:21:48 *** Polygon has joined #openttdcoop 18:22:43 <PublicServer> <Peter> thanks, but I can handle it 18:22:47 <Mark> minimal TF is also known as TF as you like but let no one notice it 18:23:00 <PublicServer> <Kalaidos> pssh Mark 18:23:04 <PublicServer> <Gleeb> Exactly, Mark ;) 18:23:12 <PublicServer> <ewanm89> hehehe 18:23:34 <Mark> i remember i once built an island in a low TF game 18:23:36 <PublicServer> <Gleeb> Thanks, I can handle it. 18:23:54 <PublicServer> <Peter> Did you forget that I was signalling in the first place? 18:24:00 *** Condac has quit IRC 18:24:07 <PublicServer> <Gleeb> :P 18:24:20 <PublicServer> <Gleeb> This is what I mean by 'Don't do things other people are doing.' 18:24:22 <PublicServer> *** Damalix joined the game 18:24:32 <PublicServer> <Peter> Yeah, I was signalling, and you started too also 18:24:58 <PublicServer> <Gleeb> I was building the entry, and you started too also. 18:25:56 <PublicServer> <Gleeb> Peter, would you mind me redoing the exit? 18:26:57 <PublicServer> <Peter> how do you want it re-done? 18:27:18 <PublicServer> <Gleeb> I was gonna copy the entry, basically. 18:27:33 <PublicServer> <Peter> It's fine 18:27:44 <PublicServer> <Peter> If you want, you can do it like so 18:27:58 <PublicServer> <Gleeb> Are you saying you don't mind me rebuilding? 18:28:09 <PublicServer> <Peter> why would I mind? 18:28:14 <PublicServer> <Gleeb> You built it? :P 18:28:25 <PublicServer> <Peter> is this your first #openttdcoop game? 18:28:29 <PublicServer> <Gleeb> Nope. 18:28:38 <PublicServer> <Gleeb> I'm being polite. 18:28:39 <PublicServer> <Xhizor> it is for me! :c 18:28:47 <PublicServer> <Peter> Ok, go ahead 18:28:52 <PublicServer> <Peter> just don't mess it up 18:28:58 <PublicServer> <Peter> the entrance, don't touch it 18:29:05 <PublicServer> <Peter> I'll be watching you 18:29:09 <PublicServer> <Xhizor> :D 18:29:17 <PublicServer> <Gleeb> I helped build the entry :P 18:29:39 <PublicServer> <Gleeb> The entry is perfect. No dicking with it <3 18:30:27 <PublicServer> <ewanm89> ooh, using PBS now? 18:31:16 <PublicServer> <ewanm89> but old fashioned presignalling was just so much fun... 18:32:00 <PublicServer> <Gleeb> Good bye, Hospital! 18:32:03 <PublicServer> <Xhizor> i think we have to nuke murfingway 18:32:04 <PublicServer> <Gleeb> Damn 18:32:09 <PublicServer> <Gleeb> Yeah, goona nuke now 18:32:35 <PublicServer> <Sietse> minimal town fuckup specified? 18:32:44 <PublicServer> <Gleeb> No :P 18:32:59 *** csuke has quit IRC 18:33:17 <PublicServer> <Gleeb> Damned thing 18:33:30 <PublicServer> <Gleeb> ffs 18:33:31 <PublicServer> <Xhizor> omg lol 18:33:34 <PublicServer> <ewanm89> eeps 18:35:41 <PublicServer> *** samorajp has joined company #1 18:35:45 <PublicServer> <Gleeb> I'm gonna fetch my dinner, someone mind finishing up the factory exit for me? 18:36:04 <PublicServer> <Sietse> leaving 3 houses without damage xD 18:36:41 <PublicServer> *** samorajp has joined spectators 18:38:38 <PublicServer> <Xhizor> How big was the pickup supposed to be? 18:39:02 <PublicServer> <Xhizor> 6 stations? 18:39:21 <PublicServer> <ewanm89> I built the town drop as big as fitted in the space, lols. 18:39:47 <PublicServer> <Xhizor> amagash 18:40:15 <Ammler> !tweet www.openttdcoop.org moved to a new server, please check and report issues 18:40:16 <PublicServer> Ammler: Tweet sent: http://twitter.com/openttdcoop 18:40:23 <PublicServer> <ewanm89> just trying to decide which side to make entrance, and which exit... 18:41:11 <PublicServer> <ewanm89> one is going to be a little crammed 18:43:02 <PublicServer> <Gleeb> Ew: South side, obv... that's where the trains are gonna come from. 18:43:41 <PublicServer> <Gleeb> Either that, or you'll have to cross the tracks :P 18:44:05 <PublicServer> <ewanm89> yeah, which might be easier... 18:50:26 <gleeb> Hmm 18:51:41 <PublicServer> <Gleeb> Blam, done. 18:51:58 <PublicServer> <Gleeb> Thanks to the tree-planter. 18:54:17 <PublicServer> <ewanm89> oi, off ma station 18:54:23 <PublicServer> <Gleeb> Just helping 18:54:28 <PublicServer> <Gleeb> Can I point something out to you? 18:54:40 <PublicServer> <ewanm89> you can 18:55:05 <PublicServer> <ewanm89> not much room though 18:55:22 <PublicServer> <ewanm89> got to turn around before that watet 18:55:38 <Ammler> someone checked the new web? 18:56:41 <PublicServer> <Xhizor> mufingway gone yet? 18:56:48 <PublicServer> <Gleeb> It's done, Xhi 18:58:14 <PublicServer> <Gleeb> Ewan, Some good building here :) 18:58:21 <PublicServer> <ewanm89> hehehe 18:58:51 <XeryusTC> !dl win64 18:58:51 <PublicServer> XeryusTC: http://binaries.openttd.org/nightlies/trunk/r18279/openttd-trunk-r18279-windows-win64.zip 18:58:55 <PublicServer> <ewanm89> I use to play coop a lot, but it's been a while. 18:59:02 <PublicServer> <Gleeb> Who's working on Pleb... Heights? 18:59:38 <XeryusTC> !password 18:59:38 <PublicServer> XeryusTC: soared 18:59:47 <PublicServer> *** XeryusTC joined the game 19:00:49 <PublicServer> <ewanm89> we're still short of a signal game 19:00:56 <PublicServer> <ewanm89> *gap 19:00:59 <PublicServer> <Gleeb> Where? 19:01:08 <PublicServer> <ewanm89> before the bridges 19:01:15 <PublicServer> <XeryusTC> northern ML is too small :P 19:01:21 <PublicServer> <XeryusTC> should be LLL5RRR 19:01:46 <PublicServer> <XeryusTC> oh wait 19:01:49 <PublicServer> <Gleeb> So fix it :3 19:01:51 <PublicServer> <XeryusTC> looking at the wrong plan 19:01:54 <PublicServer> <XeryusTC> nvr mind :P 19:01:59 <PublicServer> <Xhizor> its gleebs plan 19:03:45 <PublicServer> *** XeryusTC has left the game (connection lost) 19:04:50 *** highpinger has joined #openttdcoop 19:07:29 <PublicServer> <ewanm89> well, that is town drop entrance done. 19:07:38 <Paul2> !password 19:07:38 <PublicServer> Paul2: soared 19:07:49 <PublicServer> <ewanm89> will do exit when I get back if you lot not already done it (won't be long) 19:07:53 <PublicServer> <Gleeb> Ewan: You can just copy it for the exit ;) 19:08:25 <PublicServer> <ewanm89> I know that 19:08:54 <PublicServer> <ewanm89> I just want to go to the local shop before they close... 19:09:07 <PublicServer> <Gleeb> The local shop? 19:09:10 <PublicServer> <Gleeb> For local people? 19:09:17 <PublicServer> <Gleeb> We'll have no trouble here ... 19:09:27 <hylje> the local sheep 19:10:36 <Paul2> !password 19:10:36 <PublicServer> Paul2: defers 19:10:52 <PublicServer> *** Paul joined the game 19:11:00 <PeterT> Hi all 19:11:05 <PeterT> anything happening? 19:11:07 <PublicServer> <Damalix> hi all 19:11:12 <Paul2> would it be a good idea to get a bot to auto annoce the password when it changes in the channel? 19:11:15 <PublicServer> *** samorajp has left the game (connection lost) 19:11:16 <PublicServer> <Paul> hiya :) 19:11:19 <PublicServer> <Damalix> seems like some ppl are building 19:11:30 <PublicServer> <Peter> Paul2: No. 19:11:33 <ewanm89> I'm sure the smaller towns and villages in the US have little shops in them for the locals? Here in the UK we often have them in suburbs too... 19:11:48 <ewanm89> Paul2: and have it spam the channel every couple of minutes... 19:11:52 <PublicServer> <Gleeb> Oooooh. I confused Peter and Paul, I think O.o 19:12:00 <Paul2> PeterT: why no? 19:12:13 <PeterT> Because it would be annoying 19:12:20 <PeterT> the password changes every 10 minutes 19:12:22 <gleeb> It would be annoying and a security risk. 19:12:30 <Paul2> yes but is !password all the time not annoying too? 19:12:30 <PeterT> just private message PublicServer 19:12:38 <Paul2> how a security risk? 19:12:45 <ewanm89> gleeb: the security is pretty slack there anyway. 19:13:10 <gleeb> The password is there to recude trolling. It's pretty successful. 19:13:15 <ewanm89> but !password is only used when someone wants to join. 19:13:24 <Paul2> ok 19:13:45 <ewanm89> also there are other methods to get it automatically, that some people use. 19:14:33 <ewanm89> got a patch to autostart and connect grabbing pass from server (it only tested on Linux and admins have to give you specific details). 19:14:43 <Paul2> oh cool 19:14:47 <planetmaker> Peter, Paul and Mary? 19:15:29 <ewanm89> If my code is still valid, when next on linux I might use it again. 19:15:36 <planetmaker> songs from my father's youths :-P 19:15:38 <planetmaker> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peter,_Paul_and_Mary 19:15:39 <Webster> Title: Peter, Paul and Mary - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (at en.wikipedia.org) 19:16:36 <planetmaker> btw, autostart needs no patching 19:17:01 <ewanm89> planetmaker: well, it did when I helped Ammler write it... 19:17:10 <ewanm89> that was a while ago... 19:17:19 <planetmaker> but it supports it out of the box... via config file 19:17:22 <ewanm89> yeah, merged into trunk now? 19:17:34 <planetmaker> for two years or so 19:18:08 <PeterT> What is merged into trunk? 19:18:12 <ewanm89> the autostart config file always had it, it was the command line argument to openttd we patched when we auto compile openttd. 19:18:13 *** samorajp has quit IRC 19:18:18 <PublicServer> <Paul> im going to make tracks at !HUB NE corner LLL3RRR instead of LLL_RRR 19:18:20 <planetmaker> no need to patch openttd. 19:18:31 <planetmaker> oh... right. Yes. Forgot that. 19:18:44 <planetmaker> It's now in trunk. For... dunno. Half a year? A year? 19:19:04 <ewanm89> yeah, I said I not been around for a while. 19:19:05 <planetmaker> PeterT: pw_arguments.diff 19:19:20 <PeterT> Oh, that reminds me 19:19:33 <PeterT> planetmaker: are you ever going to continue your client_patches repo at devzone? 19:19:36 <planetmaker> ewanm89: I don't recognize you... did you ever go by another name? 19:19:56 <planetmaker> PeterT: maybe. If I feel like 19:20:05 <PeterT> Ok 19:20:13 <PeterT> I'd love it if you did 19:20:17 <planetmaker> :-) 19:20:29 *** mixrin has joined #openttdcoop 19:20:31 <planetmaker> There's currently only two things, maybe three or four which I'd like to see: 19:20:56 <planetmaker> newgrf_gui, station_build_gui, ctrl+w to leave map (but not game), g for map query 19:20:56 *** ewanm89 is now known as Cap_J_L_Picard 19:21:11 <Cap_J_L_Picard> planetmaker: I always went by both. 19:21:12 <PublicServer> <Gleeb> Infrastructure sharing, Cargodist <3 19:21:15 <planetmaker> Cap_J_L_Picard: yeah, that I recall :-) 19:21:27 <planetmaker> gleeb: gui only patches ;-) 19:21:37 <Cap_J_L_Picard> they been linked for years 19:21:39 <planetmaker> I didn't talk about other features 19:21:44 <PublicServer> <Gleeb> :( 19:21:48 <PublicServer> <Gleeb> But they're AWESOME. 19:21:48 <PeterT> planetmaker: how about smallmap zoomin and zoom out? 19:22:02 <planetmaker> gleeb: doesn't mean I don't like them. But a "client_pach_pack" by definition cannot have them. 19:22:17 <PublicServer> <Gleeb> pah 19:22:22 <planetmaker> PeterT: I don't need it really sufficiently often. 19:22:24 *** Zulan has joined #openttdcoop 19:22:28 <PublicServer> <Gleeb> PAH, I SAY! :P 19:22:29 <planetmaker> Nice though as it is. 19:22:36 <PeterT> What about other people? I would need it 19:22:51 <planetmaker> gleeb: I agree with "awesome" concerning those two features, though :-) 19:23:01 <planetmaker> PeterT: I wrote that pack for myself 19:23:06 <PublicServer> <Peter> Oh 19:23:26 <planetmaker> and whoever wants to use it: fine with me, I'm happy to share :-) 19:24:49 <planetmaker> but since I started with the devzone and newgrfs... well... there's less time for other things. Among them, the client patch pack 19:25:52 <planetmaker> Same reason actually why I started patching at all: I missed wwottdgd/1. And I desperately wanted to take part in one. Alas I learnt patching OpenTTD and made wwottdgd/2 come to live 19:26:24 <planetmaker> I do what I currently find interesting and joyful ;-) 19:26:37 * planetmaker is a hedonist 19:27:31 <PublicServer> <Gleeb> Hey, who built the exit at Town Drop? One of the more experience suspects should be able to confirm this, but I thought stations need to be synced, like bridges. 19:28:07 <PublicServer> <Damalix> such a station cannot be synced 19:28:15 <PublicServer> <Gleeb> Sure it can. 19:28:17 <SmatZ> stations are rarely synced 19:28:30 <PublicServer> <Damalix> due to "X" near the station 19:28:34 <SmatZ> there's a little point in that 19:29:34 <PublicServer> <Damalix> I'm out to eat 19:29:55 <PublicServer> <Gleeb> Ooh, those planes tilt as they land/take off :o 19:30:31 <Seppel> !password 19:30:32 <PublicServer> Seppel: bathed 19:30:40 <PublicServer> *** Sepp joined the game 19:30:46 <PublicServer> *** Damalix has joined spectators 19:34:01 <PublicServer> *** Sepp has left the game (leaving) 19:37:58 <PublicServer> *** Spike joined the game 19:38:38 <PublicServer> <Spike> double mixing? 19:39:21 <PublicServer> <Spike> but that could je be me.. 19:39:26 <PublicServer> <Spike> just* 19:39:33 <PublicServer> <Gleeb> Double Mixing? 19:39:37 <PublicServer> <Spike> town drop.. 19:39:43 <PublicServer> <Spike> mix as they enter.. and mix as they leave.. 19:39:49 <PublicServer> <Spike> what advantage does it have? 19:40:07 *** kimby has joined #openttdcoop 19:40:10 <PublicServer> <Gleeb> Maximum balancing 19:40:39 <PublicServer> <Spike> redundant redundancy is being overredundant or something like that? 19:41:39 <PublicServer> <Gleeb> Nope. 19:41:50 <kimby> !password 19:41:50 <PublicServer> kimby: libels 19:42:04 <PublicServer> *** Kimby joined the game 19:42:12 <PublicServer> <Spike> it's just gonna cost you time... 19:42:13 <PublicServer> <ewanm89> who biut the exit that way so the farm was in the wat? 19:42:28 <PublicServer> <Gleeb> Not I. 19:42:57 <PublicServer> <ewanm89> I didn't say someone could be stupid when they finished my station... 19:43:03 <PublicServer> <Spike> personally i would remove the cross-overs at the exits.. and flip the exit to the other side... 19:43:09 <PublicServer> <Spike> ewanm89: why is that stupid 19:43:14 <PublicServer> <Spike> cause the farm is in the way? 19:43:28 <PublicServer> <ewanm89> same, cross to the north not the south. 19:43:44 <PublicServer> <Spike> but.. it is stupid like that cause the farm is there? 19:44:16 <PublicServer> <Spike> i can see a thing why it is wrong.. but it sure isn't the farm 19:44:27 <PublicServer> <ewanm89> no, because someone built it that way when there is an obvious clear sollution 19:44:58 <PublicServer> * Spike gets a feeling he's the only one seeing the real problem that doesn't involve syncing.. 19:45:05 <PublicServer> <ewanm89> yeah, they didn't connect them all up fully... 19:45:11 <PublicServer> <Gleeb> Spike, it's going to be merging into traffic. The way it is now will balance it out. 19:45:29 <PublicServer> <Gleeb> The crosses and all. 19:45:52 <^Spike^> by crossing the entrances you are mixing it already and also A BIT balancing it.. 19:46:02 <^Spike^> making crossings twice isn't maximizing it.. 19:46:09 <^Spike^> it's just screaming for slowdowns on exits 19:46:44 *** highpinger has quit IRC 19:47:29 <PublicServer> <Paul> why not just demolis farm? 19:47:41 <Cap_J_L_Picard> how would you merge 15 -> 3 then 19:47:54 <Cap_J_L_Picard> It wasn't connected properly either 19:47:56 <PublicServer> <Spike> because coop == think-out-of-the-box? 19:48:08 <PublicServer> *** Spike has joined company #1 19:48:41 *** highpinger has joined #openttdcoop 19:48:58 <PublicServer> <ewanm89> lets have some fun with some new exit ideas here. 19:49:10 <PublicServer> <Paul> exit on an angle? 19:49:45 <PublicServer> <Spike> way simpler in this case.. entrance could also be improved on some points but well.. 19:50:04 <PublicServer> <Paul> why not just have it angled other way and go through farmalnd? 19:50:18 <PublicServer> <ewanm89> entrance was built like that with very little TF 19:50:23 <PublicServer> <Paul> like that 19:50:38 <PublicServer> <Paul> mirror of what was there... 19:50:43 <PublicServer> <Spike> well i more went signal wise :) 19:50:48 <PublicServer> <ewanm89> nah. 19:50:59 <PublicServer> <ewanm89> mirror boring... 19:51:05 <PublicServer> <Paul> lol fair enough 19:51:26 <PublicServer> <ewanm89> I'm thinking middle 5 platforms into middle line 19:51:33 <PublicServer> <ewanm89> left 5 into left line 19:51:43 <PublicServer> <ewanm89> and right 5 into right hand line 19:51:55 <PublicServer> <ewanm89> as station has the capacity for it. 19:52:13 <PublicServer> *** Damalix has joined company #1 19:52:21 <PublicServer> <Spike> just a question: What would the use of the mixing @ the entrance be? 19:52:56 <PublicServer> <Gleeb> It means they can use ANY free platform. 19:53:05 <PublicServer> <Paul> how about no joining at alljust maake all 15 lines do a 90deg left turn and do all the joining etc to th west of druntbirdge/ new bontorough 19:53:21 <Cap_J_L_Picard> 5 line exit... 19:53:26 <Cap_J_L_Picard> 15 line... 19:53:28 <Cap_J_L_Picard> lols 19:53:46 <PublicServer> <Spike> mhm.. but if you group the exits by 5 left/middle/right.. why mix the lines@ the entrance 19:53:55 <Cap_J_L_Picard> howbout merge to 5 lines? 19:54:09 <PublicServer> <Paul> merge to five lines sounds fair 19:54:19 <Cap_J_L_Picard> each of those sets of three 19:54:24 <PublicServer> <Paul> yeah 19:55:24 <PublicServer> <Spike> that grouping is the idea right? 19:55:28 <PublicServer> <Paul> no 19:55:31 <PublicServer> <Paul> i think he meant 19:55:51 <PublicServer> <Spike> he said make groups of 5 left/middle right 19:55:56 <PublicServer> <Paul> 5 like that 19:56:10 <PublicServer> <Spike> those are groups of 3 19:56:28 <Cap_J_L_Picard> both ideas running through my head actually ;) 19:56:29 <^Spike^> (20:51:11) (+PublicServer) <ewanm89> I'm thinking middle 5 platforms into middle line 19:56:29 <^Spike^> (20:51:19) (+PublicServer) <ewanm89> left 5 into left line 19:56:29 <^Spike^> (20:51:28) (+PublicServer) <ewanm89> and right 5 into right hand line 19:56:36 <PublicServer> <Spike> that's what was said.. 19:56:43 <Cap_J_L_Picard> I figured second way would balance better 19:56:54 <PublicServer> <Spike> now look at the groups i've made... and the entrance mixups.. 19:57:01 <PublicServer> <Spike> and same with groups of 3 19:57:01 <Paul2> 19:53 <+PublicServer> <Spike> mhm.. but if you group the exits by 5 left/middle/right.. 19:57:09 <Paul2> 5 blocks...? 19:57:37 <^Spike^> i meant what he said.. make groups of 5 19:57:41 <^Spike^> left/middle/right 19:58:29 <Paul2> if you think so...I would be more inclined to go groups of 3 lines (as they are out of platforms)...but it's 2v1, so you guys win :) 19:58:46 <Cap_J_L_Picard> groups of 5 make 3 lines total but doesn't compliment the front mixing well, but will make merge to main easier. 19:58:48 <PublicServer> <Spike> i'm not saying to build like that.. i'm trying to get you guys to see something :) 19:59:14 <Cap_J_L_Picard> 5 groups of 3 complements the entrance mixing, but makes the pain at the merge to the 3 main. 19:59:26 <Paul2> ah true 19:59:34 <Paul2> good point 19:59:40 <Cap_J_L_Picard> hence I bought up both 19:59:40 <PublicServer> <Spike> groups of 3 makes you go 15->5 19:59:50 <PublicServer> <Spike> but then again.. mixing at the entrance is made useless 20:00:05 <PublicServer> <Spike> cause you're gonna mix 3 lines that end up in the same line after the station 20:00:24 <Cap_J_L_Picard> more to use every platform... 20:00:34 <Cap_J_L_Picard> but yeah, not so effecient 20:00:37 *** Cap_J_L_Picard is now known as ewanm89 20:00:39 <PublicServer> <Spike> see !check 20:00:42 <PublicServer> <Spike> why would you mix then 20:00:51 <PublicServer> <Spike> they end up in the same line anyway 20:01:19 <ewanm89> I would take out the mixing as the exit the station 20:01:19 <PublicServer> <Spike> i would just mirror the entrance and remove the crossings after the station 20:01:26 <Paul2> the thing is 5 groups of three lines means less infrastructure in that limited spapce, so the 5 lines could go somewhere else where there is room to deal with it.. 20:01:54 <PublicServer> <Gleeb> Spike, the trains will be merging into traffic. Balancing would be a good idea. 20:02:21 <PublicServer> <Spike> go ahead.. i know what is gonna happen 20:02:27 <PublicServer> <Spike> i've made the same mistake.. 20:02:37 <PublicServer> <Spike> but i'm not stopping you.. go ahead 20:02:54 <PublicServer> *** samorajp has left the game (connection lost) 20:03:04 <PublicServer> <Gleeb> They try explaining the problem. 20:03:17 <PublicServer> <Peter> back 20:03:32 <PublicServer> <Spike> train leaves platform.. sees empty track.. cross all the way over.. or finds it's the shortest route doing the same.. 20:03:40 <PublicServer> <Spike> blocking the other 2 trains from leaving 20:03:50 <PublicServer> <Spike> all platforms full.. blocking trains from entering 20:04:47 <ewanm89> take out those whatever we do. 20:06:41 <PublicServer> <Peter> Kalaidos? 20:06:44 <PublicServer> <Kalaidos> hm? 20:06:51 <PublicServer> <Peter> Ok, what shall we do? 20:07:10 <ewanm89> right ^Spike^? 20:07:20 <PublicServer> <Spike> your call.. your station.. 20:07:22 *** Ammler has quit IRC 20:07:28 *** Hirundo has quit IRC 20:07:45 <PublicServer> <Peter> How do you propose to do that? 20:08:13 <PublicServer> <Kalaidos> who's even currently building the merger at oil/power? 20:08:48 <PublicServer> <ewanm89> me 20:08:52 <PublicServer> <Paul> ...ok 20:09:00 <ewanm89> my station 20:09:05 <Paul2> yeah fair enough 20:09:18 <Paul2> that was my original suggestion to the problem...lol 20:09:29 <PublicServer> <Peter> good! 20:09:34 <PublicServer> <Spike> and the TF there isn't a big problem... 20:09:36 <PublicServer> <Peter> this is much better 20:09:47 <PublicServer> <Spike> you can do it without too much 20:09:54 <PublicServer> <Paul> lol well I though it was good! :p 20:10:03 <ewanm89> there is one way I want to do... but, can't see how I would get all the bridges to go. 20:10:24 <PublicServer> <Peter> Paul: I was talking about me and kalaidos 20:10:38 <PublicServer> <Spike> i would also start by giving the most W track atleast TL to accelerate 20:11:09 <PublicServer> <ewanm89> was getting to that thanks 20:11:31 <PublicServer> <Gleeb> Mills is an interesting design. 20:11:47 <PublicServer> <Damalix> not originally mine though 20:11:49 <PublicServer> <Spike> doing it the wrong way around 20:11:58 <PublicServer> <Spike> just wait tiwht the TF 20:12:01 <PublicServer> <Spike> only TF when you get there.. 20:12:12 <PublicServer> <Spike> don;t immediatly get out you're shovel when you see something :) 20:12:33 <PublicServer> <Paul> what is TL again? 20:12:36 <PublicServer> <Gleeb> Minimum TF <3 20:12:38 <PublicServer> <Gleeb> 4 20:12:42 <PublicServer> <Paul> ok cool 20:13:04 <PublicServer> <Gleeb> 4 is the optimum train length for any game, I'm writing a theory on it. 20:13:12 <PublicServer> <Peter> what do you think kalaidos? 20:13:24 <PublicServer> <Kalaidos> hm? 20:13:24 <damalix> @tunnels 4 20:13:25 <Webster> For trainlength 4: < 4 needs 2, 5 - 10 needs 3, 11 - 16 needs 4. 20:13:25 <PublicServer> <Gleeb> 4 is the magic number in this game, franklu. 20:13:32 <PublicServer> <Peter> how shall we connect those? 20:13:53 <PublicServer> *** Kalaidos has left the game (connection lost) 20:14:05 <PublicServer> <Spike> why not TL 20:14:07 *** el_B has quit IRC 20:14:09 <PublicServer> <Spike> cause of the bridge? 20:14:16 <PublicServer> <Spike> it's can't accelerate on a bridge? :) 20:14:19 <PublicServer> <Spike> it stops there? :) 20:14:30 *** el_B has joined #openttdcoop 20:14:31 <el_B> !password 20:14:31 <PublicServer> el_B: roasts 20:14:34 <PublicServer> <Paul> yup. trains cant go over bridges 20:14:37 <PublicServer> <Paul> ever 20:14:42 <PublicServer> <Paul> they just stop and turn round 20:14:42 <PublicServer> <Spike> :) 20:14:45 <PublicServer> <Paul> its the latest patch 20:14:46 <PublicServer> *** Kalaidos joined the game 20:15:13 <PublicServer> <Kalaidos> I'm thinking, Peter 20:15:15 <PublicServer> <Spike> see.. if you've left it wasn't much need for TF 20:16:18 <ewanm89> actually, we did co over the teraformed part... 20:16:24 <PublicServer> <Damalix> working with the terrain is not always easy, but is often prettier 20:16:48 <ewanm89> it was only for the diagonols of the connectors I did it. 20:17:39 <PublicServer> <Kalaidos> Peter, look at !here 20:17:44 <PublicServer> <Kalaidos> think that'd work? 20:18:00 <PublicServer> <Peter> yes 20:18:08 <PublicServer> <Peter> but bridges I think need to be doubled 20:18:15 <PublicServer> <Kalaidos> yeah obviously 20:18:20 <PublicServer> <Kalaidos> that's just a rough sketch 20:18:33 <PublicServer> <Spike> there exit! 20:20:12 *** Hirundo has joined #openttdcoop 20:20:16 <PublicServer> <Spike> any more questions class? :) 20:20:30 <PublicServer> <Paul> yes sir! 20:20:37 <PublicServer> <Paul> I'm stuck on question 2. b) 20:20:44 <ewanm89> rofl 20:20:50 <PublicServer> <Spike> open your console and try: restart 20:21:09 <PublicServer> *** Peter has left the game (leaving) 20:21:24 <PeterT> !password 20:21:24 <PublicServer> PeterT: roasts 20:21:34 <PublicServer> *** Peter joined the game 20:22:28 <ewanm89> that tl sorter is starting to annoy me... 20:22:40 <PublicServer> <Spike> cause 20:22:53 <ewanm89> more the messages about the trains not having orders... 20:23:13 <PublicServer> <Spike> that all? 20:23:16 <PublicServer> <Spike> just disable news? 20:23:22 <PublicServer> <Spike> and specially that one? 20:23:36 <ewanm89> I keep adjusting them. 20:23:48 <ewanm89> when not playing coop I want them back sometimes. 20:23:53 <PublicServer> <Spike> ah.. 20:23:56 *** mixrin has quit IRC 20:26:07 <ewanm89> the Mills station reminds me of the prePBS stations we had 20:26:30 <ewanm89> presignaled only. 20:27:22 *** Intexon has joined #openttdcoop 20:27:47 <Intexon> !password 20:27:47 <PublicServer> Intexon: typify 20:28:04 <PublicServer> *** Intexon joined the game 20:28:42 <damalix> Anyway I do hate PBS, so I use presignals as much as I can 20:29:03 <planetmaker> they also use less CPU ;-) 20:29:07 <PublicServer> <Damalix> ? 20:29:24 <ewanm89> when I was last playing PBS was experimental at best 20:29:39 <planetmaker> it's trunk for a year or so. 20:29:52 <ewanm89> yeah, planetmaker stop reminding me... 20:29:59 <planetmaker> :-P sorry 20:31:18 <hylje> :3 20:33:46 <PublicServer> <Sietse> why not combine coal and oil drop into one station? 20:34:00 <PublicServer> <Gleeb> Volume, 20:34:16 <PublicServer> <Gleeb> Dam, what are you doing? O.o 20:34:23 <PublicServer> <Sietse> that can be solved by adding some platforms 20:34:51 <PublicServer> <Xhizor> back 20:35:02 <PublicServer> <Xhizor> and brb switching pc 20:35:06 *** Xhizor has quit IRC 20:35:08 <PublicServer> *** Xhizor has left the game (connection lost) 20:35:43 <PublicServer> <ewanm89> it's the lump a little east from there that is ugly 20:36:22 <PublicServer> <ewanm89> two square rigdges like that always are though 20:36:23 <PublicServer> <Spike> where 20:36:25 *** Osai has joined #openttdcoop 20:36:25 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o Osai 20:36:35 *** Xhizor has joined #openttdcoop 20:36:52 <Xhizor> !password 20:36:52 <PublicServer> Xhizor: typify 20:37:00 <PublicServer> *** Xhizor joined the game 20:37:12 <PublicServer> <Sietse> that's ugly 20:37:29 <PublicServer> <Gleeb> Minimum TF <3 20:38:26 <PublicServer> <Xhizor> Rip mufingway tho 20:39:13 <ewanm89> I like Mufingway, should rename it trainspotters town... 20:39:23 <PublicServer> <Xhizor> are we gonna do LLL3RRR on the hub? 20:39:35 <PublicServer> <Sietse> y 20:39:48 <Chris_Booth> Xhizor: that would be a stupid idea 20:40:02 <PublicServer> <Xhizor> its not my idea :o 20:40:29 <PublicServer> <Sietse> stupid or not, that is the plan xD 20:40:55 <Chris_Booth> then the plan is wrong 20:41:10 <PublicServer> <Damalix> the plan says 4 lanes on the hub 20:41:15 <PublicServer> <ewanm89> yeah 20:41:23 <PublicServer> <Sietse> it says 4, but according to some discussion it is 3 now imho 20:41:30 <PublicServer> <ewanm89> plan says LLLL_RRRR 20:41:38 <PublicServer> <Paul> hi 20:41:42 <PublicServer> <ewanm89> Gleeb? 20:41:45 <Chris_Booth> if the hub has more than the ML the ML would jam 20:41:46 <PublicServer> <Spike> LLL_RRR 20:41:51 <PublicServer> <Spike> that is what plan says 20:42:06 <ewanm89> the hub is sort of the ML. 20:42:14 <PublicServer> <Paul> can someone check !curve and !curve2 for curve radius, considering TL please 20:42:15 <PublicServer> <Sietse> plus you get some crazyness at the hub corners 20:42:19 <PublicServer> <Paul> and let me know 20:42:45 <PublicServer> <Spike> what's wrong with those 20:43:14 <ewanm89> Nothing 20:43:39 <ewanm89> I think he just wants to moan at us Masters... 20:43:59 <Chris_Booth> who wants to moan? 20:45:20 <PublicServer> <Paul> cheer for sorting curves 20:45:29 <PublicServer> <Spike> why must all curves be CL4? :) 20:45:29 <ewanm89> who changed !curve? 20:45:35 <PublicServer> <Spike> is longer bad? :) 20:45:40 <PublicServer> <Paul> chheers gleeb :) 20:45:40 <PublicServer> <Spike> explain.. :) 20:45:40 <ewanm89> why can't they be longer? 20:45:43 *** Polygon has quit IRC 20:45:52 <Chris_Booth> !password 20:45:53 <PublicServer> Chris_Booth: biding 20:45:54 <PublicServer> <Paul> yeah i thought longer was ok, just wasnt sure on shortest one if it was long enough 20:45:57 <PublicServer> <Gleeb> They can, it just looks better this way. 20:46:03 <PublicServer> <Paul> i disagree tbh 20:46:08 <PublicServer> <Paul> but fair enough 20:46:13 <ewanm89> I prefer them closer together too 20:46:16 <PublicServer> <Gleeb> Paul, Look at the signals... 20:46:19 <ewanm89> my stations so... 20:46:27 <PublicServer> <Spike> it doesn't matter.. since trains will follow no matter what 20:46:30 <PublicServer> <Gleeb> See how the signals stay synced around the corner? 20:46:34 <PublicServer> <Spike> even if you decide to use a loop 20:46:41 <PublicServer> *** Chris Booth joined the game 20:46:49 <PublicServer> * Spike remembers a game with a loop at a corner... :) 20:47:35 <PublicServer> <Chris Booth> loops are the way forward 20:47:52 <ewanm89> tracks look neater close together 20:48:07 <ewanm89> and tracks can be seen from further away 20:48:21 <ewanm89> so neat due to tracks not signals... 20:48:37 *** Ammler has joined #openttdcoop 20:48:37 *** Webster sets mode: +o Ammler 20:48:41 <PublicServer> <Paul> imo tracks closer together look better than the signal alignment thing... 20:48:47 *** Ammler is now known as Guest140 20:49:02 <PublicServer> <Spike> let's get 1 thing straight: It doesn't matter how they are layed.. :) 20:49:13 <PublicServer> <Chris Booth> it doesnt 20:49:17 <ewanm89> I want my tracks back close together... 20:49:18 <PublicServer> <Spike> it's just looks wise ppl do it the other way.. 20:49:22 *** Guest140 is now known as Ammler 20:49:30 <PublicServer> <Chris Booth> acualty signal missalignment can be benificial as well 20:49:33 <PublicServer> <Paul> no I just wanted to check the curve radius of the inner one :p 20:49:49 <ewanm89> Chris_Booth: I wasn't going to mention that 20:51:47 <PublicServer> *** Chris Booth has left the game (connection lost) 20:52:07 <PublicServer> <Gleeb> Who re-edited !curve? 20:52:23 <PublicServer> <Peter> I don't know 20:52:27 <PublicServer> <Peter> I just deleted the signs 20:52:32 <PublicServer> <Peter> since the curve is fine now 20:52:46 <Sedontane> !password 20:52:46 <PublicServer> Sedontane: biding 20:52:48 <Sedontane> hello 20:52:56 <PublicServer> *** Sedontane joined the game 20:54:20 <PublicServer> <Peter> Hello 20:54:32 <damalix> 'lo 20:54:45 <PublicServer> <ewanm89> Hello 20:54:53 *** samorajp has joined #openttdcoop 20:54:59 <samorajp> !password 20:54:59 <PublicServer> samorajp: paunch 20:55:19 <PublicServer> <Sedontane> hello samor 20:55:20 <PublicServer> *** samorajp joined the game 20:55:20 <PublicServer> *** samorajp has joined spectators 20:55:24 <PublicServer> <samorajp> ;-) 20:55:34 <PublicServer> <samorajp> only watching masters ;-) 20:56:02 <PublicServer> <Sietse> want to see that station of dam under heavy load 20:56:09 <PublicServer> <Sietse> must be looking pretty awesome 20:56:27 <PublicServer> <samorajp> i see someone from poland was ;-)Ginfingpool PrzedmieÅ›cie 20:56:30 <PublicServer> <samorajp> yeach ;] 20:56:40 <ewanm89> go back to some of the early public games... 20:56:54 <ewanm89> you'll see that style quite a bit... 20:57:06 <PublicServer> <samorajp> need to download old versions? 20:57:19 <PublicServer> <samorajp> of nightlies 20:57:44 <ewanm89> only if that game uses a feature pulled back out of openttd 20:57:49 <ewanm89> you may be okey. 20:57:53 <PublicServer> *** jondisti has left the game (leaving) 20:58:05 <PublicServer> <samorajp> ok ;-) homework can wait ;-) 20:59:09 <PeterT> you have homework over thanksgiving break? 20:59:43 <ewanm89> PeterT: not all countries celebrate thanksgiving... 20:59:58 <PeterT> Unfortunately 21:00:10 <planetmaker> Well... I never perceived it as a holiday. 21:00:10 <PeterT> I don't have school until next monday :-P 21:00:15 <planetmaker> I don't miss what I don't know 21:00:17 <ewanm89> And a lot of coop players are european... 21:00:22 <PeterT> Yeah 21:00:56 <ewanm89> and I believe overall the UK has more days of holiday a year than any other country? 21:01:08 *** jondisti has quit IRC 21:01:36 <PublicServer> <samorajp> in Poland is the most free days ;-) 21:01:41 <PeterT> This is an interesting article ->http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_holidays_by_country 21:01:43 <Webster> Title: List of holidays by country - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (at en.wikipedia.org) 21:01:49 <PublicServer> <samorajp> ofc sorry for my simple english ;] 21:02:04 <hylje> nothing wrong with simple english 21:02:10 <hylje> check simple.wikipedia.org 21:02:15 <PeterT> Simple english rules 21:02:17 <samorajp> yes i know it ;-) 21:02:32 <Chris_Booth> PeterT: thanksgiving is a stupid holiday 21:02:34 <samorajp> how many words it have? 21:02:40 <Paul2> evamm not true 21:02:48 <Chris_Booth> just made up to make money for 21:02:51 <PeterT> Chris_Booth: Sure it is, but I don't have school :-P 21:02:54 <Paul2> france,spain,loads of places get more holiday than the UK 21:03:21 <ewanm89> I said believe, at one time it was true, but we all keep adding holiday days here and there. 21:03:25 <Chris_Booth> UK has very little holiday until you become a university student 21:03:32 <Paul2> haha yes 21:03:38 <Paul2> 5months a year :| 21:03:50 <PublicServer> <Sedontane> @Booth - hah 21:03:53 <ewanm89> still most european countries have more holidays than the US does. 21:04:08 <PublicServer> <Sedontane> you would think, im busy as a bee, then in summer i get bored 21:04:17 <PublicServer> <Sedontane> space em out better is what i say 21:04:23 <ewanm89> and yeah, being at Uni rules in terms of non term time. 21:04:46 <Paul2> who here is from uk just out of interest? 21:04:48 <ewanm89> but it does make those terms a bit overloaded. 21:04:51 * ewanm89 21:05:00 <hylje> We suggest that articles should use only the 1000 most common and basic words in English. 21:05:08 <PublicServer> *** samorajp has left the game (leaving) 21:05:46 <Paul2> ewanm89: what uni you at? 21:05:52 <ewanm89> Paul2: it would be to note, that England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland have different holidays 21:06:08 <ewanm89> Royal Holloway, University of London 21:06:14 <Chris_Booth> wales doesnt 21:06:16 <Paul2> Teaching? 21:06:23 <Paul2> Wales doesnt count. :p 21:06:23 <Chris_Booth> Plymouth University 21:06:24 <PublicServer> <Sedontane> Paul: I am 21:06:32 <Paul2> wow we all are! 21:06:36 <PublicServer> <Sedontane> Staffordshire University 21:06:53 <PublicServer> <Kalaidos> meh 21:07:08 <Paul2> I'm in London. Woop 21:07:45 <PublicServer> <Sedontane> Ok heres a question 21:07:51 <PublicServer> <Peter> what exactly are you trying to prioritize kalaidos? 21:08:00 *** samorajp has quit IRC 21:08:13 <PublicServer> <Sedontane> in the N-S sections of the hub is it L on the inside or outside? 21:08:16 <ewanm89> well if the wlesh only want to feast on St. Davids day, that's their problem... 21:08:30 <PublicServer> <Kalaidos> actually the good trains should have ~9 tiles of priority 21:08:49 *** Torben has joined #openttdcoop 21:08:52 <PublicServer> <Kalaidos> and both oil drop and coal drop should wait in case goods are to deliver 21:08:56 <ewanm89> to be fair Blair told them they weren't allowed to make it a Bank Holiday... 21:08:57 <Torben> !password 21:08:57 <PublicServer> Torben: bulges 21:09:06 <PublicServer> <Sietse> it might be easier to let the good trains get onto the most southern tracks 21:09:06 <PublicServer> <Kalaidos> the construction isn't too priority-friendly tho 21:09:08 <Chris_Booth> Sedontane: L is always left 21:09:14 <PublicServer> *** Torben Paw joined the game 21:09:15 <PublicServer> <Sedontane> yes 21:09:19 <PublicServer> <Sedontane> I get that 21:09:43 <Paul2> why are trains on the left if we are all british eh? :p 21:09:47 <PublicServer> <Sedontane> but do the L tracks go on the inside of the big loop or the outside? or hang on 21:09:47 <Paul2> i know it says on wiki 21:09:52 <hylje> lr ring means the inner track is clockwise 21:10:14 <PublicServer> <Sedontane> thanks hylje 21:10:30 <Chris_Booth> think of a ring road in france or germany 21:11:05 <PublicServer> <Sedontane> I dont really get ring roads in england let alone germany 21:11:30 <Chris_Booth> england has lots of ring roads 21:11:40 <Paul2> tbh they are normally some town planner one way abonination :p 21:11:47 <Paul2> but think M25, thats a ring road :) 21:11:51 <PublicServer> <Torben Paw> ring roads=roundabout? 21:11:56 <PublicServer> <Paul> no 21:12:14 <PublicServer> <Torben Paw> oh its like a main road around towns 21:12:18 <PublicServer> <Sedontane> yup 21:12:24 <Chris_Booth> like the M25 21:12:30 <Chris_Booth> the worlds longest ring road 21:12:42 <PublicServer> <Torben Paw> lots of them here in Denamrk 21:13:14 <Paul2> LUL circle line :D 21:13:20 <Paul2> will be no longer soon :( 21:13:42 <ewanm89> M25 isn't a ring road, it's a bloody carpark in which people keep their engines running... 21:13:48 <Chris_Booth> WTF the circle line will always be tehre 21:13:59 <Paul2> Chris_Booth: it's changing format 21:14:12 <Chris_Booth> i used to use it every day befor i came uni 21:14:16 <Chris_Booth> what are they doing to it? 21:14:17 <Paul2> you will no longer be able to do a continuous circuit 21:14:33 <Chris_Booth> that would mean you cant play the circle line game 21:14:37 *** FrancoBegbie has joined #openttdcoop 21:14:38 <ewanm89> took too long to do a continous circuit oneywat... 21:14:42 <ewanm89> slow line... 21:14:49 <Paul2> circle line game was good 21:15:00 <Chris_Booth> ahh but the idea of the game it to get drunk 21:15:03 <Chris_Booth> not to get the train 21:15:04 <Paul2> http://www.tfl.gov.uk/gettingaround/13280.aspx 21:15:05 <Webster> Title: Circle line extension Transport for London (at www.tfl.gov.uk) 21:15:22 <Paul2> no more circle line back carraige parties 21:15:35 <PublicServer> <Damalix> I'm off to bed Cya 21:15:40 <PublicServer> *** Damalix has left the game (leaving) 21:15:46 *** damalix has quit IRC 21:15:57 <Chris_Booth> WTF thats the hammersmith and city line 21:16:03 <Paul2> well yeah kinda 21:16:24 <ewanm89> yeah... 21:16:38 <PublicServer> <Gleeb> Who made the MILLS station? 21:16:42 <ewanm89> they just ranmed part of H&C, that's cheating 21:16:55 <ewanm89> Dam I think 21:16:58 <PublicServer> <Sietse> check the sign 21:17:01 <PublicServer> <Sietse> Damalix yes 21:17:30 <PublicServer> <ewanm89> nothing wrong about it... 21:17:39 <PublicServer> <Gleeb> Yes there is. 21:17:46 <Chris_Booth> i am going to write to boris johnson and tell him the issue with the circle line and not being able to partake in the game anymore 21:17:46 <PublicServer> <ewanm89> like what? 21:17:59 <Paul2> heh 21:18:02 <PublicServer> <Gleeb> It's contraflow. 21:18:02 <PublicServer> <Sietse> lol 21:18:06 <PublicServer> <ewanm89> You go Chris 21:18:39 <Paul2> On the plus side, oyster on national rail next year <3 21:19:07 <PublicServer> <ewanm89> ooh, free rail transport next year... 21:19:42 <PublicServer> <ewanm89> hint, oyster was cracked within a few weeks of release... 21:19:51 <hylje> rename circle line to spiral line 21:20:04 <Chris_Booth> yeah i was just going to say that 21:20:08 <Paul2> ewanm89: ... 21:20:10 <PublicServer> <Torben Paw> whats the plan for slh`s? joining all 3 tracks in each direction or the just the outermost track? 21:20:38 <hylje> continuous circle lines are problematic for reliability 21:20:38 <Chris_Booth> Torben: read the wiki befor you ask stupid questions 21:20:52 <hylje> so i think that's why they merged the two lines into a long spiral with two terminuses 21:20:57 <Chris_Booth> hylje: its been a circle line for ever 21:21:13 <Chris_Booth> edgeware road isnt a terminus 21:21:23 <Chris_Booth> its a just a RO RO stations 21:21:28 <Chris_Booth> that had 3 lines in it 21:21:29 <hylje> Some trains will terminate at Edgware Road so check the changes to your journey. 21:21:46 <Chris_Booth> but it wasnt a terminus 21:21:49 <ewanm89> yeah, but it's not built as a terminus station. 21:21:55 <Chris_Booth> its was a standard RO Ro 21:21:56 <hylje> waah nitpickery 21:22:16 <Paul2> can has crossrail plz? 21:22:17 <ewanm89> we all knoe RO RO is more effecient, don't we... 21:22:41 <Chris_Booth> yeah 21:22:45 <PublicServer> <Torben Paw> Chris what part of the wiki excactly? 21:22:48 <hylje> roro is more efficient for continous streams of traffic 21:22:50 <PublicServer> <Spike> why is that big hub being LLLL_RRRR? 21:23:06 <hylje> real trains run on a schedule that's hardly continuous 21:23:56 <hylje> terminals are good for reliability as they're obvious places to have spare rolling stock in 21:24:02 <PublicServer> *** Spike has left the game (leaving) 21:24:05 <hylje> in case something disrupts the traffic somewhere down the line 21:24:08 <ewanm89> Paul2: as I study information security (well computer science specialising in information security) I can tell one exactly how to add any amount of funds to their oyster card. 21:24:30 <ewanm89> Paul2: the system they use is so insecure it's pointless. 21:24:36 <Paul2> ewanm89: ... are you sure? 21:24:41 <ewanm89> oh, and UK passports are even more fun. 21:24:42 <Chris_Booth> Torben: the archive 21:24:49 <Chris_Booth> and look @ old games with SLHs 21:24:53 <Paul2> ewanm89: using what? 21:25:06 <ewanm89> Yes, I'm sure, RFID is mostly pretty bad. 21:25:29 <ewanm89> technically you need a small radio transmitter on the right frequency. 21:25:34 <Paul2> what software are you using to write to it? 21:25:56 <hylje> most transit cards are fundamentally insecure because the flow of people is more important than having absolutely everyone pay the fare 21:26:00 <^Spike^> rfid.. that m... them what was that chip again.. 21:26:04 <^Spike^> started with M 21:26:06 <^Spike^> damn.. 21:26:16 <ewanm89> oh, loads of that, including open source software, but hey, I could write the software myself. 21:26:25 <hylje> can't afford a two second delay in verifying the transaction 21:26:28 <PublicServer> <Xhizor> is there anything in the builds? 21:26:41 <Paul2> I'm very close to calling bullshit on you... 21:26:50 <Paul2> have you acutally done it in practise? 21:27:04 <hylje> five of six random people will pay their fares even if they are never asked to verify it 21:27:05 <^Spike^> here we have had several reports and stuff about those chips since we also use that in public transport.. 21:27:15 <^Spike^> shamefully me included cause i'm a student and am forced to 21:27:21 <ewanm89> MIFARE 21:27:25 <^Spike^> that idd :) 21:27:44 <Paul2> yes I know mifare is the technology 21:28:10 <ewanm89> Radbound University has done it... 21:28:17 *** valhalla1w has joined #openttdcoop 21:28:18 <^Spike^> radboud idd :) 21:28:22 <^Spike^> but also others 21:28:29 <ewanm89> there are several researchers who have. 21:28:33 <Paul2> but oyster is not the mifare light, and yes, theorectically you can brute force it, but for TfL oyster cards odds are like winning lottery several times in a row 21:28:37 <ewanm89> Radbound were first 21:28:49 <^Spike^> ewanm89 without the n :) 21:29:01 <ewanm89> sorry 21:29:02 <ewanm89> lols 21:29:14 <^Spike^> might sound more logical in english.. but it's a name :D 21:29:36 <ewanm89> and oyster uses MIFARE Classic, not light. 21:29:39 <PublicServer> <Torben Paw> Chris ive looked at every savegame there and participated in 10-15 of them, the reason for my question is that the last game i played with LLL-RRR mainlines all trains was fed to the outermost track (PS 124) so i think my Q was good not stupid! 21:29:42 <hylje> but anyway 21:29:53 <Paul2> yes, that's what I said... 21:29:56 <hylje> it's not too important that transit cards are completely counterfeit safe 21:30:05 <SmatZ> that's what SHE said 21:30:09 <hylje> because solutions today that are are too slow 21:30:20 <hylje> or too expensive on the passenger side 21:30:46 <^Spike^> totally safe idd.. 21:30:47 <hylje> and most people are honest anyway 21:30:55 <Chris_Booth> Torben: yes it is as PSG #124 was SML 21:31:07 * ^Spike^ remembers a story of a student having a card with the name osame bin laden.. and travelling with it for months 21:31:07 <Chris_Booth> which is a special type of network 21:31:12 <ewanm89> hylje: it is when your UK passport also contains the same crappy technology, as does those new remote credit cards they are starting to have in the US 21:31:12 <^Spike^> that's how safe it is.. 21:31:15 <Chris_Booth> once again explained in the WIKI 21:31:27 <hylje> ewanm89: i agree that passports are serious business 21:31:31 <hylje> ewanm89: transit cards are not 21:31:32 <PublicServer> <Sedontane> Chris tAKE IT EASY 21:31:33 <Paul2> yeha I don't get why they need passports with RFID tbh 21:31:41 <PublicServer> <Sedontane> theres a lot of data in there 21:31:47 <ewanm89> hylje: they are based on the same principle. 21:31:50 *** highpinger has quit IRC 21:31:59 <sietse> RFID is not what makes it unsafe 21:31:59 <^Spike^> transit cards don't matter... they can figure out where you go.. but it doesn't matter.. 21:32:06 <^Spike^> we give up more privacy everyday.. 21:32:06 <ewanm89> Paul2: yeah, they can put a lot more into RFID than any other format. 21:32:07 <PublicServer> <Sedontane> Torben read up PS 124s descrip in the archive, SML and traditional in the wiki 21:32:09 <sietse> you can make it safe without problems 21:32:10 <^Spike^> and all in the name of terrorism 21:32:20 <^Spike^> and when all the threat is over.. we'll never get it back 21:32:32 <Sedontane> !wiki SML 21:32:33 <PublicServer> Sedontane: http://www.openttdcoop.org/wiki/Main_Page 21:32:37 <PublicServer> <Kalaidos> ugh, guess I got the prios done at oil/power merge 21:32:41 <PublicServer> <Kalaidos> time to fetch some food 21:32:44 <Chris_Booth> define: sml 21:32:44 <Webster> sml: Shift Main Line, see also: http://www.openttdcoop.org/wiki/Shift_Mainlines 21:32:59 <Chris_Booth> define: SLH 21:32:59 <Webster> slh: Sideline Hub, see also: http://www.openttdcoop.org/wiki/Sideline_Hub 21:32:59 <Paul2> ewanm89: so what year of uni you in? 21:33:02 <ewanm89> ^Spike^: that's what MIT do with TfL... 21:33:05 <Paul2> (if you dont mind me asking) 21:33:08 <ewanm89> Paul2: Third 21:33:11 <Chris_Booth> me i am in 2nd year 21:33:19 <Paul2> final year project/dissertation? 21:33:29 <hylje> ewanm89: the principle is sound for transit cards, but it's dubious for passports which can afford slower validation and/or more expensive card hardware 21:33:31 <ewanm89> project, and yeah, don't remind me... 21:34:15 *** Mark has quit IRC 21:34:23 *** valhallasw has quit IRC 21:34:29 <hylje> Trains on the Circle line will become more reliable and evenly spaced. Other changes will depend on which part of the line you use: 21:34:30 <Paul2> heh ;) 21:34:44 <hylje> yeah, so they do that to improve reliability 21:34:50 <hylje> by having more terminal stations 21:35:12 <ewanm89> It's not circle line that is really a problem... 21:35:25 <Chris_Booth> hylje: they do it so they dont have to change the signals 21:35:25 *** FrancoBegbie has left #openttdcoop 21:35:43 <ewanm89> It's Birmingham New Street, if you are traveling on the National Rail system try to avoid it at all costs. 21:35:57 <Torben> so question i would have to ask to not be called stupid is: Whats the plan for the Slh´s regular or SML? 21:36:01 <hylje> Chris_Booth: they could also enlarge some existing stations to have room for spare rolling stock and waiting for schedule 21:36:17 <ewanm89> hylje: not so easy on the underground. 21:36:19 <hylje> Chris_Booth: guess what's way more expensive 21:36:27 <Chris_Booth> Torben: that would still have the stupid reply 21:36:40 <hylje> ewanm89: exactly 21:36:52 <Chris_Booth> as if it was SML it would say it int the plan 21:36:59 <Chris_Booth> and the BBH's would be SML 21:37:01 <Paul2> heh 21:37:09 <Paul2> East London Line opening soon! exciting! 21:37:16 <Paul2> (reopening) 21:37:28 <Chris_Booth> paul that isnt going to be tube anymore though 21:37:32 <Chris_Booth> its going to be overground 21:37:33 <Paul2> no, 21:37:48 <Paul2> originally was going to be NR, then LUL, now just Overground 21:37:57 <Paul2> just make your mind up!!! 21:38:03 <ewanm89> when they put an underground line out to Egham, I'll be happy, the current Reading to Waterloo line has too many darn level crossings along it. 21:38:10 <PublicServer> <Torben Paw> well it doesnt say its not only thing about SLH`s in the plan is the remark: sidelines at suspects pleasure... 21:38:25 <ewanm89> makes it so slow... 21:38:46 <PublicServer> <Torben Paw> well stupid is of for the night... 21:38:52 <PublicServer> *** Torben Paw has left the game (leaving) 21:38:55 <Chris_Booth> night 21:39:04 <ewanm89> Southern Rail drivers don't even like that one... 21:39:13 *** Torben has quit IRC 21:39:30 <hylje> ewanm89: i disagree. metropolitan railways generally have top speeds of about 80km/h, which is (at least here in Finland) usual speed for passing level crossings 21:39:49 <Paul2> would have though it was SOuth West down there... 21:39:56 <Chris_Booth> why would you go reading to waterloo when reading to padington is shorter and faster 21:39:57 <Paul2> although southern run some random services 21:40:04 <hylje> ewanm89: even trams can be guaranteed free signals so long they come down to 2 minutes apart 21:40:12 <Paul2> like that one that goes round the tfl overground line past acton... 21:40:24 <PublicServer> <ewanm89> Egham is on the line about halfway down. 21:40:31 <PublicServer> <ewanm89> which is where RHUL is. 21:40:35 <Paul2> egham is like stains 21:40:45 <PublicServer> <ewanm89> staines is next stop 21:42:00 * Paul2 looks at map and remmbers he wanted to do some of the thames path 21:42:48 <ewanm89> sorry, yeah, South West trains run the suburban line from Reading to London... 21:42:51 <PublicServer> <Sedontane> hmmm this should be fun never built a 4 to 3 joiner before 21:42:52 <hylje> ewanm89: overground lines are only useful for really fast (>120km/h top) trains and car drivers 21:43:33 <ewanm89> anyway, still, the problem is they aren't allowed to accelerate up due to the level crossings every few meters... 21:44:38 <Paul2> meh it's not like trains in south london run at any speed anyway 21:44:52 <Paul2> (except HS1 / CTRL ofc) 21:45:13 <ewanm89> yeah, but when it's half the speed they should be able to go... 21:45:55 <hylje> just to protect asshat drivers 21:46:09 <PublicServer> *** Intexon has left the game (leaving) 21:46:15 <hylje> who will die anyway when hit by a train 21:46:26 <ewanm89> it's not the drivers fault... 21:46:33 <Paul2> but if you can stop them hitting a train no one dies... 21:46:35 <PublicServer> <Sedontane> the question is - is it easier to join 4 to 4 then compress to 3? 21:46:56 <hylje> well a signaled junction should be enough to keep the level crossing clear 21:46:57 <ewanm89> and the drivers aren't that likely to die eeither... 21:47:12 <ewanm89> train carries a lot more momentum than the car... 21:47:22 <hylje> car drivers i'm talking about 21:47:25 <Paul2> I think he meant car drivers? 21:47:29 <ewanm89> hehehe 21:47:43 <ewanm89> well, we all want more bridges and less level crossings... 21:47:58 <PublicServer> *** Gleeb has joined spectators 21:48:01 <ewanm89> it's one of the slowest lines in the country... 21:48:06 <hylje> level crossings are only bad when the rules are made to appease asshats 21:48:19 <Paul2> I think Docklands light railway is probably slower :p 21:48:37 <hylje> in some other parts of Europe level crossings just work 21:48:42 <hylje> trams and trains alike just speed past 21:48:45 <ewanm89> DLR isn't that slow in full auto mode. 21:49:12 <ewanm89> but yeah, DLR probably is. but then it was designed to be. 21:49:18 <ewanm89> it doesn't need to be fast. 21:49:19 <Paul2> it's got stations every 200metres...that makes it slow :p 21:50:24 <Sedontane> Chris_Booth: any tips? 21:50:30 <PublicServer> <Peter> Add your name to !! BUILDERS BOARD if you haven't already 21:51:35 <Sedontane> done 21:52:14 <PeterT> good 21:52:26 <PublicServer> <Peter> anyone esle? 21:53:04 <ewanm89> well, DLR is even slower when someone is at the controls. 21:53:18 <Paul2> um...very rarely is someone actually driving it 21:53:35 <ewanm89> yeah, it's totally automated. 21:54:01 <Paul2> it's what's happening to the jubilee line (hence all the closures all the time) 21:57:06 *** TD has joined #openttdcoop 21:57:42 *** TD has quit IRC 21:57:51 <ewanm89> DLR trains max speed is 62mph, but they only get to 50 on the route 21:58:03 *** Condac has joined #openttdcoop 21:59:06 <Paul2> how and why do you know that? lol 21:59:21 <Paul2> I'm tempted to check that. 21:59:44 <ewanm89> well, that was the original rolling stock. 22:00:07 <ewanm89> and I believe the information is available on wikipedia ;) 22:00:31 <ewanm89> no reason such information isn't available 22:01:36 <ewanm89> http://www.tfl.gov.uk/corporate/modesoftransport/dlr/7126.aspx#20 22:01:38 <Webster> Title: Common questions Transport for London (at www.tfl.gov.uk) 22:01:57 <ewanm89> there, on the DLR route is limited to 50mph. 22:02:00 <PublicServer> <Sietse> anyone building atm? 22:02:14 *** Intexon has quit IRC 22:02:21 <Paul2> yeah wikipedia says it as well 22:02:27 <PublicServer> <Peter> who is building the hub SE corner 22:02:30 <Paul2> I'm going to tell them to ramp it up to the max 22:02:37 <ewanm89> the rolling stock is commercially available, so one can check that from the manufacturers specs there 22:02:57 <ewanm89> it goes into auto limit mode in manual control. 22:03:37 <ewanm89> I can't remember what the limit is... 22:04:35 *** Condac has quit IRC 22:05:16 <Paul2> wikipedia says 12mph 22:05:34 <Paul2> I'm going get them to rreprogram it to go faster :D 22:09:47 <PublicServer> *** Sietse has left the game (connection lost) 22:11:38 <sietse> !password 22:11:38 <PublicServer> sietse: floras 22:11:50 <PublicServer> *** Sietse joined the game 22:14:11 <Osai> !password 22:14:11 <PublicServer> Osai: floras 22:14:33 <PublicServer> *** 0sai joined the game 22:14:59 <Chris_Booth> anyone in here who is british an likes closed line info should read this site:http://www.subbrit.org.uk/sb-sites/stations/sites.shtml 22:15:01 <Webster> Title: Subterranea Britannica: SB-Sites: Sites List! (at www.subbrit.org.uk) 22:15:22 <PublicServer> *** Paul has left the game (leaving) 22:15:37 <PublicServer> <Sedontane> hi Osai 22:15:42 <PublicServer> <0sai> hi 22:16:48 <PeterT> Hey Osai 22:16:59 <PeterT> How do you like the game 22:17:44 <PublicServer> <0sai> nice 22:17:49 <PublicServer> <0sai> only bad thing 22:17:56 <PublicServer> <0sai> all the big stations are already built :/ 22:18:15 <PublicServer> <Sedontane> well could you gimme some pointers with the SE BBH then 22:18:20 <PublicServer> <Kalaidos> factory pickup is still missing, no? 22:18:30 <PublicServer> <Sedontane> Its been about a year since I built one and im stumped 22:19:08 <PublicServer> <Gleeb> Yes it is. 22:19:14 <PublicServer> <Gleeb> Hence, !need pickup 22:19:35 <PublicServer> <0sai> I see 22:19:39 <PublicServer> <0sai> cool 22:19:44 <PublicServer> <ewanm89> i think build mainline around first, leaving space at hub points to get the tracks and bridges in? 22:20:11 <PublicServer> <0sai> are the center mainlines three tracks? 22:20:19 <PublicServer> <0sai> to connect N and S 22:20:27 <PublicServer> <Sedontane> no LLLL_RRRR 22:20:32 <PublicServer> <0sai> okay 22:21:09 *** Xaroth_ has joined #openttdcoop 22:21:17 <PublicServer> <Peter> Osai, please help build factory pickup 22:23:37 <PublicServer> <0sai> argh my gf came 22:23:44 <PublicServer> <0sai> can I continue tomorrow :| 22:23:48 <PublicServer> <0sai> I have a great idea 22:23:51 <PublicServer> <Sedontane> hehe 22:23:52 <PublicServer> <0sai> something mindblowing 22:23:55 <PublicServer> <0sai> grrrr 22:24:04 <PublicServer> <0sai> laters :( 22:24:12 <PublicServer> *** 0sai has left the game (leaving) 22:25:23 *** Peter_ has joined #openttdcoop 22:27:12 *** Xaroth has quit IRC 22:28:22 <PublicServer> <Sedontane> why are you going backwards? 22:30:21 <PublicServer> <Sedontane> ahh ok 22:30:37 <PublicServer> <ewanm89> so, I'm trying to do ML first 22:30:47 <PublicServer> <Sedontane> I was buiding a 4 -> 4 T BBH then compressing to 3 lines 22:30:50 <PublicServer> <ewanm89> then connect into the BBH 22:30:53 <PublicServer> <Sedontane> Or trying to 22:31:26 <PublicServer> <ewanm89> I figured to make that corner first, then build around it. 22:31:52 <PublicServer> <Sedontane> ewan 22:32:15 <PublicServer> <ewanm89> yes 22:32:18 <PublicServer> <Sedontane> could you build perhaps the NE corner and let me build this one? 22:32:36 <PublicServer> <ewanm89> hehehe, oi, this one does go to my station. 22:32:49 <PublicServer> <Sedontane> I dont have a station 22:32:57 <PublicServer> <ewanm89> I just want the ML tracks around... 22:33:01 <PublicServer> <Sedontane> meh ill move then 22:33:48 *** Polygon has joined #openttdcoop 22:35:39 <PublicServer> *** Gleeb has joined company #1 22:37:34 *** Condac has joined #openttdcoop 22:37:34 <Condac> ssd 22:39:14 *** PeterT has quit IRC 22:39:37 *** Peter_ is now known as PeterT 22:41:20 <PublicServer> <Peter> Gleeb, how do you plan on changing from LLL_RRR to LLLL_RRRR 22:42:06 <PublicServer> <ewanm89> several of us are trying to work that out 22:42:27 <PublicServer> <Peter> :) 22:42:31 <PublicServer> <Peter> good luck 22:43:19 <PublicServer> <ewanm89> i'm starting by getting all lines to be available to/from both sides of the ML, and in the middle.... 22:47:06 *** Xaroth has joined #openttdcoop 22:47:58 <PeterT> KenjiE20: http://www.tt-forums.net/viewtopic.php?p=835248#p835248 22:47:59 <Webster> Title: Transport Tycoon Forums • View topic - UK Towns Set [Coding in Progress!] (at www.tt-forums.net) 22:49:55 <gleeb> I don't plan that kind of thing, I expect the experienced types to figure it out :P 22:50:04 <el_B> lol 22:50:21 <gleeb> What do I look like, someone who's good at OpenTTD? 22:50:48 <Sedontane> there used to be an article on the wiki about that 22:50:59 <gleeb> What? About how good I am at OpenTTD? 22:51:06 <Sedontane> 4 to 3 compressors they were called 22:51:12 *** csuke has joined #openttdcoop 22:51:16 <csuke> !password 22:51:16 <PublicServer> csuke: usurps 22:51:28 <Sedontane> and csuke usurps the game 22:51:46 <PublicServer> *** csuke joined the game 22:52:03 *** Xaroth_ has quit IRC 22:52:08 <hylje> can openttd sprites spill over to neighboring tiles? 22:52:45 <Sedontane> yes otherwise the buildings and bridge sprites wouldnt work 22:52:56 <planetmaker> hylje: if you wish to code it such in NFO: yes 22:53:05 <planetmaker> you can basically shift them by MANY tiles 22:53:09 <hylje> heh 22:53:33 <planetmaker> and each building is usually one sprite. They're already larger 22:53:41 <hylje> so the only thing preventing neatly merging inner town buildings is lazy grf makers 22:53:50 <planetmaker> Nope 22:54:08 <Sedontane> ahhh 22:54:10 <planetmaker> One-tile house is one sprite. 22:54:18 <Sedontane> now I understand better 22:54:22 <planetmaker> Multi-tile is usually more sprites 22:54:41 <PublicServer> <ewanm89> that's ugly... 22:54:41 <hylje> yeah but one tile one sprite would spill over to neighboring tiles a little to make the buildings seem contiguous 22:54:58 <planetmaker> the height is something given to openttd by the bounding box 22:55:17 <PublicServer> <ewanm89> I mean my BBH here... 22:55:32 <planetmaker> well... what is "one tile" to you? Foundations there? Then one tile, one sprite is what is done 22:55:46 <Sedontane> planetmaker: what happened to the article on n to n-p lines 22:55:49 <planetmaker> if "one tile" = exactly that drawing space for ground tiles: then not 22:56:01 <PublicServer> <csuke> can i do SW BBH? 22:56:06 <Sedontane> like 4->3 systems 22:56:11 <planetmaker> Sedontane: which? Link? 22:56:34 <PublicServer> <Gleeb> If no-one is working it 22:56:40 <PublicServer> <csuke> /taken 22:56:43 <Sedontane> there was an article about reducing tracks a while ago 22:56:52 <PublicServer> <csuke> are we low tf? :( 22:57:06 *** Progman has joined #openttdcoop 22:57:12 <PublicServer> <Kalaidos> nope 22:57:15 <PublicServer> <Kalaidos> we are minimal. 22:57:16 <planetmaker> ah, mergers, splits etc? Dunno... 22:57:28 <planetmaker> Wiki? Blog? I've no idea what you talk about :-) 22:57:29 <PublicServer> <Gleeb> Mark said it best... 22:57:30 <PublicServer> <csuke> so i can move land to make hub efficient? 22:57:48 <PublicServer> <Kalaidos> as long as no one notices 22:57:51 <PublicServer> <csuke> :) 22:57:52 <PublicServer> <Gleeb> Minimal means "Don't let anyone notice you TF'd" (Paraphrased) 22:57:57 <PublicServer> <Gleeb> No 22:58:15 <PublicServer> <Gleeb> You can move the ub, though :P 22:58:26 <PublicServer> <Gleeb> That why they're labelled "About here" 22:58:29 <PublicServer> <csuke> it will be moved, just slightly 22:58:35 <PublicServer> <csuke> on the same screen area 22:58:38 <PublicServer> <Kalaidos> minimal terraforming, maximal hubforming? 22:58:40 <PublicServer> <Gleeb> Go for it. I don't like precision :P 23:03:47 <PublicServer> <Gleeb> csuke, those bridges are too short. 23:03:56 <PublicServer> <csuke> ? 23:04:08 <PublicServer> <Gleeb> They're too short to be fast. 23:04:21 <PublicServer> <csuke> whats the fastest train we use? 23:04:26 <PublicServer> <Gleeb> The fastest bridge is 4 tile minimum. 23:04:30 <PublicServer> <Gleeb> 600+mph 23:04:41 <PublicServer> <Gleeb> We're going MagLev. 23:04:50 <PublicServer> <csuke> oh 23:04:53 <PublicServer> <csuke> darn lol 23:04:58 *** Progman has quit IRC 23:05:43 <PublicServer> <ewanm89> my 4->3 just merges one line into the other three 23:05:57 <PublicServer> <Gleeb> csuke, lemme show you something 23:06:22 <PublicServer> <Sedontane> thats not a 4->3 then 23:06:40 <PublicServer> <Sedontane> it needs to evenly blanace the remaining track into the others 23:07:11 <PublicServer> <csuke> whats wrong with mine? 23:07:30 <PublicServer> <Gleeb> Well, nothing... it's just a good habit to get into :P 23:08:54 <PublicServer> <Gleeb> No pressure, csuke, though. 23:09:36 <PublicServer> <Gleeb> I've just been thinking alot about bridges recently, working the math and whatever O.o 23:11:33 <Paul2> !password 23:11:33 <PublicServer> Paul2: oiling 23:11:42 <PublicServer> <csuke> will put birdges when doen layout 23:12:10 <Paul2> !password 23:12:10 <PublicServer> Paul2: oiling 23:12:22 <PublicServer> *** Paul joined the game 23:13:28 <ewanm89> !players 23:13:30 <PublicServer> ewanm89: Client 252 is Sietse, a spectator 23:13:30 <PublicServer> ewanm89: Client 246 (Orange) is Sedontane, in company 1 (#openttdcoop) 23:13:30 <PublicServer> ewanm89: Client 243 (Orange) is Xhizor, in company 1 (#openttdcoop) 23:13:30 <PublicServer> ewanm89: Client 256 (Orange) is csuke, in company 1 (#openttdcoop) 23:13:30 <PublicServer> ewanm89: Client 237 (Orange) is Peter, in company 1 (#openttdcoop) 23:13:31 <PublicServer> ewanm89: Client 258 (Orange) is Paul, in company 1 (#openttdcoop) 23:13:31 <PublicServer> ewanm89: Client 197 (Orange) is Gleeb, in company 1 (#openttdcoop) 23:13:33 <PublicServer> ewanm89: Client 235 (Orange) is Kalaidos, in company 1 (#openttdcoop) 23:13:33 <PublicServer> ewanm89: Client 221 (Orange) is ewanm89, in company 1 (#openttdcoop) 23:13:35 <PublicServer> ewanm89: Client 233 is Kimby, a spectator 23:14:48 <PeterT> ewanm89, yeah, refrain from doing that :) 23:15:04 * PeterT suggests using /msg PublicServer !players 23:15:06 <gleeb> Doing what? 23:15:09 <gleeb> !players 23:15:10 <PublicServer> gleeb: Client 252 is Sietse, a spectator 23:15:10 <PublicServer> gleeb: Client 246 (Orange) is Sedontane, in company 1 (#openttdcoop) 23:15:10 <PublicServer> gleeb: Client 243 (Orange) is Xhizor, in company 1 (#openttdcoop) 23:15:10 <PublicServer> gleeb: Client 256 (Orange) is csuke, in company 1 (#openttdcoop) 23:15:10 <PublicServer> gleeb: Client 237 (Orange) is Peter, in company 1 (#openttdcoop) 23:15:11 <PublicServer> gleeb: Client 258 (Orange) is Paul, in company 1 (#openttdcoop) 23:15:11 <PublicServer> gleeb: Client 197 (Orange) is Gleeb, in company 1 (#openttdcoop) 23:15:13 <PublicServer> gleeb: Client 235 (Orange) is Kalaidos, in company 1 (#openttdcoop) 23:15:13 <PublicServer> gleeb: Client 221 (Orange) is ewanm89, in company 1 (#openttdcoop) 23:15:14 *** Kolo has joined #openttdcoop 23:15:15 <PublicServer> gleeb: Client 233 is Kimby, a spectator 23:15:48 <hylje> !playercount 23:15:48 <PublicServer> hylje: Number of players: 10 23:16:45 <PeterT> gleeb: using !players 23:16:57 <gleeb> Oh. O:) 23:17:03 <PeterT> when there are so many clients 23:17:52 <PublicServer> <Peter> OH NOES! 23:18:01 <PublicServer> <Peter> It's Dec 10th 2012 23:18:07 <PublicServer> <Kalaidos> corrupt hags : ( 23:18:07 <PublicServer> <Peter> 12 days! 23:18:10 <PublicServer> <Peter> 11 23:18:12 <PublicServer> <Peter> 10 23:18:15 <PublicServer> <Peter> 10 23:18:19 <PublicServer> <Peter> wait 23:18:21 <PublicServer> <Peter> umm 23:18:22 <hylje> terraform everything to sea level 23:18:35 <PublicServer> <Peter> 1 day!! 23:18:39 <PublicServer> <Peter> DEATH! 23:18:58 <PublicServer> <Kalaidos> there's no meteor in openttd 23:22:10 *** ODM has quit IRC 23:22:56 <PublicServer> <ewanm89> what do you guys think of the 4->3 compresser at !how's this? 23:23:11 *** Seppel has quit IRC 23:24:31 <PublicServer> <Gleeb> It kinda works. I think there's probably a better way of doing it, one of the more experienced suspects would know. 23:24:52 <ewanm89> I was trying to think of a better way 23:25:18 <PublicServer> <Gleeb> There's also MASSIVE signal gaps. 23:25:43 <ewanm89> no way to avoid that though... 23:25:44 <PublicServer> <csuke> ARGH stupid power plant!! 23:25:50 <PublicServer> <Kalaidos> lol 23:25:51 <PublicServer> <Gleeb> Yes there is. 23:26:08 <PublicServer> <Gleeb> Blam, fixed. 23:26:18 <ewanm89> that would kill the effeciency over the bridges 23:26:19 <PublicServer> *** Kimby has left the game (leaving) 23:26:28 *** kimby has quit IRC 23:26:36 <PublicServer> <Gleeb> Actually, it improves it. 23:26:40 <Sedontane> no real prios on it, its just gonna stop flowing trains to mix in line 4 23:26:48 <ewanm89> the bridge pairs are to make up for the signale gaps... 23:27:04 <ewanm89> yeah, but which line do I prio? 23:27:35 <PublicServer> <Gleeb> 1, 2 and 3. 23:27:37 <ewanm89> that's the point of the 4th merging into all the other three in balance... 23:27:46 <PublicServer> <Gleeb> However, what you need is a 4>3 mixer. 23:27:55 <ewanm89> will still stop the trains on line three 23:27:58 <Sedontane> thats it 23:28:07 <ewanm89> s/three/four/ 23:28:07 <Sedontane> I knew I was getting a word wrong 23:28:26 *** TD has joined #openttdcoop 23:28:39 <PublicServer> * csuke will have a stroke soon!!! 23:28:50 <ewanm89> hehehe 23:29:15 <ewanm89> full all to all mixing would be better. 23:29:24 <PublicServer> <Gleeb> Yup 23:29:28 <ewanm89> but I can't see how one manages it for 4->3 23:29:38 <PublicServer> <Gleeb> It's like 3->4 in reverse. 23:29:46 <ewanm89> that 4th line still causes hell... 23:29:51 <PublicServer> <Gleeb> Not at all. 23:31:09 <ewanm89> not to mention, it wouldn't be anywhere near as compact. 23:31:24 *** TD has quit IRC 23:32:04 <ewanm89> one could at prio's to this design easily enough if it's needed. 23:32:41 <ewanm89> the idea is to filter the 4th line into whichever of the other 3 are free though. 23:32:43 <PublicServer> <Gleeb> Mixer >.< 23:32:53 <PublicServer> <Gleeb> *shtug* 23:32:57 <PublicServer> <Gleeb> shrug, too. 23:33:16 <PublicServer> *** Paul has left the game (leaving) 23:36:20 <Sedontane> m89 23:36:51 <ewanm89> is that suppose to be my nick? 23:37:34 <Sedontane> i was typing into a sign ingame and forgot to refocus 23:37:50 <ewanm89> ah 23:38:31 <ewanm89> I still need to add the stuff for the ML going tht other way... 23:38:52 <ewanm89> it's actually 8->3 needed... 23:38:53 <PublicServer> <Kalaidos> look at !4 ->3 test, what do you think? : x 23:39:10 <PublicServer> <Peter> looks nice 23:39:19 <PublicServer> <ewanm89> mix both ways 23:39:30 <PublicServer> <ewanm89> but takes up oh so much space... 23:39:39 <PublicServer> <Kalaidos> yeah.. 23:40:26 <PublicServer> <ewanm89> need half of the map to build it... 23:41:00 <PublicServer> <ewanm89> okay, I'll go to mine, and preset it up to allow prio's just to be added as needed 23:41:12 <PublicServer> <Kalaidos> plan: "hub can be as big as needed" : p 23:41:24 <PublicServer> <ewanm89> and see how well the compact design works... 23:41:42 <PublicServer> <ewanm89> yeah. but you need 4 more of those, just for that one BBH... 23:42:03 <PublicServer> <ewanm89> well, at least 2 23:42:19 <PublicServer> <ewanm89> and 2 8->4 merges 23:42:50 <PublicServer> <Kalaidos> couldn't those just be 4x 2-> 1? 23:43:02 <PublicServer> <csuke> SW hub is getting big lol 23:43:09 <PublicServer> <Kalaidos> as they'll enter the 4-> 3 afterwards anyway? 23:43:17 <ewanm89> well, they come from the ML in each direction. 23:43:25 <PublicServer> <Sedontane> im trying to Keep BBH 01 smallish 23:43:35 <PublicServer> <Kalaidos> Sed: good luck with that 23:43:44 <ewanm89> you know, I'm really thinking one way around the hub would be easier... 23:43:49 *** TD has joined #openttdcoop 23:43:55 <ewanm89> I'm trying to keep mine compact too. 23:44:10 <PublicServer> <Kalaidos> everyone does 23:44:24 <PublicServer> <ewanm89> I'm also going for no Bridges on the ML 23:44:30 <PublicServer> <Sedontane> I dont think im doing too badly 23:44:54 <PublicServer> <ewanm89> only bridges on the spokes. 23:45:25 *** Polygon has quit IRC 23:45:29 <PublicServer> <ewanm89> Sedontane: you like your bridges don't you? 23:46:00 <PublicServer> <Gleeb> Sed: !Wibbling is bad. 23:46:24 <PublicServer> *** Kolo joined the game 23:46:42 <TD> What is the TL for the current game? 23:46:46 <PublicServer> <Kalaidos> 4 23:47:15 <TD> Ok thx 23:48:29 *** TD has quit IRC 23:49:37 <PublicServer> <Gleeb> Sed, you there? 23:50:15 <Sedontane> !players 23:50:16 <PublicServer> Sedontane: Client 252 is Sietse, a spectator 23:50:16 <PublicServer> Sedontane: Client 243 (Orange) is Xhizor, in company 1 (#openttdcoop) 23:50:16 <PublicServer> Sedontane: Client 256 (Orange) is csuke, in company 1 (#openttdcoop) 23:50:16 <PublicServer> Sedontane: Client 237 (Orange) is Peter, in company 1 (#openttdcoop) 23:50:16 <PublicServer> Sedontane: Client 260 (Orange) is Kolo, in company 1 (#openttdcoop) 23:50:17 <PublicServer> Sedontane: Client 197 (Orange) is Gleeb, in company 1 (#openttdcoop) 23:50:17 <PublicServer> Sedontane: Client 235 (Orange) is Kalaidos, in company 1 (#openttdcoop) 23:50:19 <Sedontane> yes 23:50:19 <PublicServer> Sedontane: Client 221 (Orange) is ewanm89, in company 1 (#openttdcoop) 23:50:19 <PublicServer> Sedontane: Client 246 (Orange) is Sedontane, in company 1 (#openttdcoop) 23:50:37 <PublicServer> <Gleeb> BBH01 is kinda broken :| !Wibbling is bad. 23:50:48 <PublicServer> <Sedontane> i will fix it 23:50:50 <PublicServer> <Gleeb> kk :) 23:51:06 <PublicServer> <Kalaidos> question: would !x work or would it cause too many blocks? 23:51:26 <PublicServer> <Peter> Xs are bad in general 23:51:51 <PublicServer> <Kalaidos> I guess that's a no. 23:51:51 <PublicServer> <Gleeb> X? 23:52:38 <PublicServer> <Sedontane> fixed 23:55:04 <PublicServer> <Peter> TF! 23:55:12 *** Chris_Booth has quit IRC 23:55:17 <PublicServer> <Peter> csuke!!!!!!!! 23:55:23 <PublicServer> <Peter> minimum tf!!! 23:55:40 *** ^Spike^ has quit IRC 23:55:54 <PublicServer> <Peter> *facepalms* 23:56:06 <ewanm89> someone was caught!!!! 23:56:21 <PublicServer> <Kalaidos> guess the part "as long as no one notices" didn't work out. 23:56:36 <PublicServer> <Peter> guess not 23:59:09 <PublicServer> <Peter> I consider the hub to be completely failed 23:59:39 *** SekiSelu has joined #openttdcoop