Log for #openttdcoop on 4th July 2010:
Times are UTC Toggle Colours
00:02:35  *** KenjiE20 has quit IRC
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00:11:28  <waterfoul> I am trying to get autopilot working aand when I try to run it i get what did I mess up?
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01:52:13  <waterfoul> anyone know how to stop autopiliot from unpausing?
02:18:05  <Ammler> pause_level = -1
03:10:53  *** benom has quit IRC
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03:28:38  <PublicServer> *** Benom joined the game
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04:08:21  <KyleS> !password
04:08:21  <PublicServer> KyleS: joying
04:08:37  <KyleS> !password
04:08:37  <PublicServer> KyleS: marine
04:08:39  <KyleS> wat
04:09:29  <PublicServer> *** KyleS joined the game
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04:12:05  <waterfoul> so why do the primary industries dissappear?
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04:14:52  <theholyduck> waterfoul, because nobody is servicing them
04:14:59  <theholyduck> no point running a mine if you cant sell your coal
04:15:00  <theholyduck> etc
04:15:31  <waterfoul> but I've had them dissappear when I had a train waiting for cargo ~80% of the time
04:15:41  <theholyduck> that is weirder
04:16:53  <waterfoul> I read somehwere is you are transporting over a certian % they dissappear but I can't find any evidence
04:58:50  *** gnemo is now known as gnemonix
05:04:55  *** einKarl has joined #openttdcoop
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05:36:36  <waterfoul> any autopilot pros around?
06:28:44  *** Intexon has joined #openttdcoop
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07:55:36  *** Phazorx has joined #openttdcoop
07:55:36  *** Webster sets mode: +o Phazorx
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09:44:31  <PublicServer> *** J_Darnley joined the game
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09:51:30  <fmauneko> Hai :)
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10:40:57  <sharpy> !sharpy
10:41:01  <sharpy> !password
10:41:01  <PublicServer> sharpy: elopes
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10:52:05  <fmauneko> !players
10:52:07  <PublicServer> fmauneko: Client 61 is J_Darnley, a spectator
10:52:07  <PublicServer> fmauneko: Client 63 is sharpy, a spectator
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11:05:10  <fmauNeko> !password
11:05:10  <PublicServer> fmauNeko: outran
11:05:22  <PublicServer> *** fmauNeko joined the game
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11:29:40  <PublicServer> *** J_Darnley has joined company #1
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12:04:07  <PublicServer> *** J_Darnley has joined spectators
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12:21:21  <PublicServer> *** fmauNeko has left the game (connection lost)
12:23:21  <Vitus> !screen
12:23:21  <PublicServer> *** Vitus liked to make screenshot of last action, but nobody was working since. (
12:25:32  *** benom has quit IRC
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14:51:28  <planetmaker> @records
14:51:28  <Webster> #openttdcoop Records: Clients: 24 | Trains: 2001 (PSG#186) - 2522 (PZG#5) - ( 3000 (PSG#180) logic net) | Single cargo type output: 100,983 (PSG#176) | World Pop: 3,075,319 (PSG#101) 
14:56:58  <fmauNeko> !playercount
14:56:58  <PublicServer> fmauNeko: Number of players: 1
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16:36:29  <welterde> !password
16:36:29  <PublicServer> welterde: eloped
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16:40:15  <fmauNeko> !playercount
16:40:15  <PublicServer> fmauNeko: Number of players: 2
16:45:05  *** Phoenix_the_II has joined #openttdcoop
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17:39:20  <PublicServer> *** Gnemo joined the game
17:39:24  <planetmaker> Osai, Ammler we need you as coopetition partners :-)
17:39:55  <planetmaker> the old guard (Osai + Mucht) against the greenhorns (Ammler + planetmaker) ;-)
17:40:06  <Mucht> heh
17:40:28  <planetmaker> well... that'd be like old times :-)
17:41:21  <Mucht> I wonder when we played the first coopetition
17:41:25  <Mucht> I guess that must be some 3 years ago
17:41:29  <Mucht> maybe 4
17:41:57  <planetmaker> that long?
17:42:21  <Mucht> I guess so
17:42:26  <Mucht> 2006
17:42:35  <Mucht> but we didn't play for years then :-P
17:42:44  <Ammler> [19:39] <planetmaker> the old guard (Osai + Mucht) against the greenhorns (Ammler + planetmaker)  <-- aren't we the oldies?
17:42:55  <planetmaker> haha :-)
17:43:00  <planetmaker> indeed we might
17:43:09  <Mucht> heh
17:43:29  <planetmaker> hm... Ammler can you have a look at ap+ in the h2h folder?
17:43:34  <planetmaker> It doesn't seem to join here
17:43:58  <PublicServer> *** Gnemo has left the game (leaving)
17:44:09  <planetmaker> nvm
17:44:22  <Ammler> maybe svn up
17:44:59  <fmauNeko> !playercount
17:44:59  <PublicServer> fmauNeko: Number of players: 2
17:45:06  <fmauNeko> !password
17:45:06  <PublicServer> fmauNeko: fanned
17:45:18  <PublicServer> *** fmauNeko joined the game
17:48:46  <Mucht> Osai isnt actually in #coopetition -.-
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18:05:04  <PublicServer> *** Mazur joined the game
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18:09:56  <jondisti> !password
18:09:56  <PublicServer> jondisti: artery
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18:22:59  <Yso> !password
18:22:59  <PublicServer> Yso: artery
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19:08:00  <PublicServer> *** tneo joined the game
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19:42:16  <PublicServer> *** welterde has left the game (connection lost)
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21:11:31  <Razmir> !players
21:11:32  <PublicServer> Razmir: Client 61 is J_Darnley, a spectator
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21:39:47  <Phoenix_the_II> !save
21:39:47  <PublicServer> Saving game...
21:39:51  <Phoenix_the_II> !shutdown
21:39:53  <Phoenix_the_II> !quit
21:40:07  <Phoenix_the_II> :/
21:40:20  <Ammler> !rcon quit
21:40:22  <PublicServer> Server has exited
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21:40:29  <Ammler> Phoenix_the_II: ready :-)
21:40:31  <Phoenix_the_II> ta
21:40:32  <Phoenix_the_II> :D
21:40:49  <Ammler> when will it be up again approximately?
21:40:58  <Phoenix_the_II> tomorrow hopefully
21:41:11  <Phoenix_the_II> if all goes well
21:41:32  <Ammler> @stage SERVER DOWN FOR MAINTENANCE
21:41:32  *** Webster changes topic to "Welcome to #openttdcoop, the Cooperative OpenTTD | PSG #188 (r20030) | STAGE: SERVER DOWN FOR MAINTENANCE | | New players, use @quickstart and !help | Screenshots: | Coopetition ladder: | Welcome to the depths of insanity | create a wiki userpage"
21:43:30  <Phoenix_the_II> ok
21:43:33  <Phoenix_the_II> backup sycned
21:47:41  <Ammler> @post We shutdown our PublicServer and will come back with more power tomorrow.
21:47:42  <Webster> Ammler: Posted.
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21:50:16  *** VVG has joined #openttdcoop
21:51:58  <VVG> hello
21:52:16  <VVG> Do you use shift-mainlines in your latest games?
21:52:43  *** Davelister has joined #openttdcoop
21:52:46  <Davelister> hello world
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21:56:15  <Ammler> VVG: check the archives
21:56:33  <Ammler> it is still the most effective way
21:57:52  *** valhallasw has quit IRC
21:58:35  <VVG> i went from latest to 101-110 using ff's search searching shift, found none, decided to ask here.
21:59:00  <Ammler> we are at 180
21:59:13  <Ammler> so you checked 80 games?
21:59:19  <VVG> hmm, should have searched for sml, found one
21:59:25  <Ammler> I guess, sml should be mentioned in the descriptions
21:59:30  <VVG> i checkd their description :9
22:00:23  <Phoenix_the_II> Ammler more power?
22:00:27  <Phoenix_the_II> same server :P
22:00:43  <Ammler> Phoenix_the_II: shhht ;-)
22:00:51  <Phoenix_the_II> o
22:00:51  <Phoenix_the_II> :p
22:01:08  <Ammler> what kernel does the new debian have?
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22:02:16  <VVG> yep, definitly i should have used sml as search term
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22:06:26  <Ammler> Phoenix_the_II: your server is too powerful anyway
22:06:53  <Phoenix_the_II> :p
22:07:28  <Ammler> as we have some games, which nobody can join because the client can't hold the game
22:07:48  <Phoenix_the_II> i know ;D
22:08:07  <^Spike^> vvg 149 is an SML game.. to make it harder SRNW SML :)
22:08:12  <Ammler> if your server is at 50%, it is already fine
22:08:25  <^Spike^> 152 also is one...
22:08:34  <^Spike^> atleast those are the ones i can remember that quick :)
22:14:53  <VVG> I took a glance at games 122 125 133 and 162, it seems there are really long straight parts between hubs and, what surprised me even more, quite short parts of  it shifters. Why is that so?
22:17:29  <Ammler> try to find hubs, which aren't completely full
22:22:02  <VVG> what do you mean?
22:23:29  <Ammler> to see, how switching works
22:23:51  <Ammler> if we archive our games, they are mostly quite much full and SML doesn't switch that much anymore
22:24:38  <Ammler> the prio needs to have only a length of a train, as it is fullspeed only
22:32:56  <VVG> the fail-safe part of the joiner is a must? never used it before
22:34:26  <Ammler> yes
23:00:36  <VVG> seems i got it, though i need to adjust prio's lenght a bit, tyvm
23:03:15  *** ^Spike^ has quit IRC
23:09:49  <VVG> hmm, sometimes trains try to shift even though prio line obviously red and get stuck :(
23:12:41  <Ammler> but you have fail-safe part?
23:13:28  <Ammler> that is the whole point about fail-safe
23:18:23  <VVG> they try to turn, not always though, even when whole prio part is already occupied by train :(
23:18:58  <Ammler> force the train not to switch and look where it stucks
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23:24:48  <VVG> Bu stuck you mean can't find a route to a destination?
23:25:46  <Ammler> yes, that is why it would switch also on red
23:25:56  <Ammler> or else you could use eol sigs
23:27:25  <VVG> what is eol sigs?
23:28:04  <Razaekal> end-of-line
23:28:13  <Razaekal> ie, double signals instead of single
23:28:28  <VVG> how that will help?
23:28:49  <VVG> could a clogg up ahead a straight path affect train decision to try to turn?
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23:45:36  <VVG> here are two pictures, all three paths lead to trains' destination, the clogg ahead is probably because of the same reason this train tries to turn. I took pictures with a clogg there because i got a bit lucky to get a save right before this moment.
23:45:37  <Webster> Title: asd1.png (at
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23:56:49  <VVG> hm, and sometimes they don't turn even though the path is free
23:58:34  *** Seberoth has quit IRC

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