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00:05:48 <PublicServer> *** Uristqwerty joined the game 00:06:04 <PublicServer> *** Uristqwerty has left the game (connection lost) 00:06:18 *** Uristqwerty has quit IRC 00:07:18 <KyleS_> !password 00:07:18 <PublicServer> KyleS_: incest 00:07:25 <KyleS_> :x 00:07:28 <KyleS_> bad publicserver! 00:07:46 <PublicServer> *** KyleS joined the game 00:08:25 <PublicServer> <VVG> Hey KyleS 00:08:30 <PublicServer> <KyleS> hello 00:08:35 <PublicServer> <VVG> Care to rebuild your rubber pickup? :) 00:08:49 <PublicServer> <KyleS> jam 00:08:50 <PublicServer> <KyleS> :o 00:08:55 <PublicServer> <VVG> where? 00:09:03 <PublicServer> <KyleS> at the copper main station hub 00:09:18 <PublicServer> <KyleS> something borked with the flip-flop 00:10:06 <PublicServer> <VVG> it was me 00:10:06 <PublicServer> <KyleS> i'll think about the rubber drop station :s 00:10:14 <PublicServer> <VVG> i rebuild them and forgot to remove entry sigs 00:10:19 <PublicServer> <KyleS> think as in look at try to decide what to do 00:10:20 <PublicServer> <KyleS> ah, ok 00:10:48 <PublicServer> <KyleS> it needs more trains lol 00:11:01 <PublicServer> <VVG> rubber drop? 00:11:12 <PublicServer> <KyleS> pickup 00:12:23 <PublicServer> <KyleS> hmm, does it need much more capacity? it's doing fine now :) 00:13:41 <PublicServer> *** made screenshot at 0003B24F: http://ps.openttdcoop.org/public/webcam/0003B24F.png 00:13:45 <PublicServer> <KyleS> although we don't know how it would do with 2x the numbers of trains -_- 00:13:52 <PublicServer> <KyleS> possibly not well 00:14:23 <PublicServer> <VVG> no idea 00:14:38 <PublicServer> <VVG> i only want to build one more forfcefull splitter :) 00:14:45 <PublicServer> <KyleS> lol 00:14:53 <PublicServer> <VVG> to split the rubber pickup traffic over 2 central drops 00:20:08 <PublicServer> <VVG> played only 2 coop games and learned a bunch of stuff already 00:20:20 <PublicServer> *** VVG has joined spectators 00:20:27 <PublicServer> <KyleS> nice 00:20:28 <PublicServer> <Mazur> Yes, it goes quickly, not 00:20:41 <PublicServer> <KyleS> mazur, i has a question :o 00:21:03 <PublicServer> <KyleS> the rubber pickup only has a 35% rating on goods 00:21:08 <PublicServer> <KyleS> which means it could handle more trains 00:21:08 <PublicServer> <Mazur> I had ansers, plemti of tdem. 00:21:21 <PublicServer> <KyleS> however 00:21:45 <PublicServer> <KyleS> however, since only 8 platforms are operational, i don't know how many trains the stations itself could handle 00:22:06 <PublicServer> <KyleS> it probably needs more platforms if at some point we will add trains to it 00:22:25 <PublicServer> <KyleS> should i demolish the unused part of the station and build more platforms there? 00:22:30 <PublicServer> <Mazur> Rubber goods pickup? 00:22:34 <PublicServer> <KyleS> aye 00:24:12 <PublicServer> <KyleS> i kinda think that needs to be done...dunno tho -.- 00:24:21 *** mixrin has quit IRC 00:24:26 <PublicServer> <KyleS> at least if we want more goods trains :o 00:24:28 <PublicServer> <Mazur> Yes, it would need more platforms, the fancy layout by Spike already is taxed beyond capacity. 00:24:45 <PublicServer> <KyleS> yeah, the drop wuld need more stations too :s 00:25:13 <PublicServer> <VVG> i doubt drop will be getting more platforms :) 00:25:15 <PublicServer> <Mazur> Sounds reasonablr. 00:26:04 <PublicServer> <Mazur> Why do you sday that, VVG? 00:26:23 <PublicServer> <VVG> entry is kinda hard to edit 00:27:28 <PublicServer> <Mazur> Oh, I don't know. Seems quite possible. 00:27:31 <PublicServer> <VVG> wtf 00:27:38 <PublicServer> <VVG> central drop doesnt accept food 00:27:51 <PublicServer> <VVG> 27k piled up already 00:27:58 <PublicServer> <Mazur> Since when not? 00:28:10 <PublicServer> <VVG> no idea, that's something recent 00:28:36 <PublicServer> <VVG> fix needed ASAP 00:28:44 <PublicServer> *** made screenshot at 0002C60C: http://ps.openttdcoop.org/public/webcam/0002C60C.png 00:28:45 <PublicServer> <VVG> thouhg, i don't know how to fix it 00:29:29 <PublicServer> <KyleS> the station itself seems kinda low throughput >.< 00:29:38 <PublicServer> <VVG> which one? 00:29:49 <PublicServer> <Mazur> I added Prunport Beeches to the customers. 00:29:50 <PublicServer> <KyleS> rubber/wood drop 00:30:40 <PublicServer> <Mazur> Droip could handle way more. 00:31:31 *** thgergo has quit IRC 00:31:45 <PublicServer> <Mazur> It's 2⅓ platform per line in, and low traffic on that. 00:31:48 <PublicServer> <VVG> hm, it's 12 platforms station 00:32:02 <PublicServer> <VVG> and the whole msh was supposed to be LL_RR 00:33:45 <PublicServer> <Mazur> It is, sort of, only the southeast entrance has reworked the 2 line bit to accomodate whatever. 00:34:36 <PublicServer> <KyleS> but yeah, i could remove the portion of the pickup that is unused and build a terminus section there 00:35:30 <PublicServer> <Mazur> Go head, make your day. 00:35:35 <PublicServer> <VVG> 443 trains at central drop 00:36:56 <PublicServer> *** VVG has joined company #1 00:37:32 <PublicServer> <KyleS> the drop definitely bakcs up :s 00:37:43 <PublicServer> <KyleS> usually only like three trains per waiting bay 00:38:04 <PublicServer> <KyleS> but if we want to up the train limit then it is the thing preventing that 00:42:25 <PublicServer> <Mazur> Where are the left side entrances? 00:43:46 <PublicServer> *** made screenshot at 00037BCF: http://ps.openttdcoop.org/public/webcam/00037BCF.png 00:44:12 <PublicServer> <Mazur> I think: first the East-West oriented terminus, then the N-S one where the remainder is. 00:45:15 <PublicServer> <KyleS> left side entrances to the wood/rubber drop were removed 00:45:24 <PublicServer> <KyleS> during The Reorganization :o 00:45:33 <PublicServer> <KyleS> i'm drawing a blank -_- 00:45:34 <XeryusTC> yarr 00:45:38 <PublicServer> <Mazur> bur you just removed a station that fed from there, no? 00:45:45 <PublicServer> <KyleS> nay 00:45:52 <PublicServer> <KyleS> it had not been removed 00:45:53 <XeryusTC> !dl win64 00:45:53 <PublicServer> XeryusTC: http://binaries.openttd.org/nightlies/trunk/r20214/openttd-trunk-r20214-windows-win64.zip 00:46:12 <PublicServer> <KyleS> trains went to it at the start of the gam 00:46:23 <XeryusTC> !password 00:46:23 <PublicServer> XeryusTC: wavier 00:46:29 <PublicServer> <KyleS> but there was no path to it for the trains when i removed it 00:46:30 <PublicServer> *** XeryusTC joined the game 00:46:36 <PublicServer> <KyleS> the logic trains took up all the space :( 00:46:39 <PublicServer> <Mazur> Ah. 00:48:42 <PublicServer> <Mazur> Well, the logic can be rebuilt, they are simple 1-> two flipflops. 00:49:12 <PublicServer> <KyleS> i have a fun idea for a terminus so its np :o 00:49:43 <PublicServer> <Mazur> From gthe other side. 00:49:46 <PublicServer> <Mazur> I see. 00:50:00 <PublicServer> <Mazur> I was hoping to get one for either side. 00:50:08 <PublicServer> <Mazur> or rather, two, one for each side. 00:51:22 <PublicServer> <KyleS> zzz brian borked 00:51:24 <PublicServer> <KyleS> brain* 00:51:25 <PublicServer> <KyleS> lol 00:51:47 <PublicServer> <Mazur> I gathered as much, you've bom,bed what is it, 5 attempts now? 00:51:54 <PublicServer> <KyleS> :p 00:52:23 <PublicServer> <KyleS> main issue is i can't think of how much space i need -.- 00:52:31 <PublicServer> <KyleS> which is a lot :s 00:53:34 <PublicServer> <Mazur> Just plop a station down where you might like it, and work from there. 00:53:45 <PublicServer> <KyleS> ok, thanks :D 00:54:05 <PublicServer> <Mazur> If it fails, you see where and why, and adjust. 00:54:25 <PublicServer> <Mazur> Kept it seperate for now, and after we join it. 00:56:12 <PublicServer> <KyleS> this type of terminus takes a lot of space :s 00:56:30 <PublicServer> <KyleS> well 00:56:37 <PublicServer> <Mazur> Nah, you're not thinkoing with the old one gone, whbich it will be, no? 00:56:38 <PublicServer> <KyleS> not rly, but since we have TL5 :P 00:56:52 <PublicServer> <KyleS> i wasn't thinking of it being gone 00:57:10 <PublicServer> <XeryusTC> do we have a jam somewhere? 00:57:11 <PublicServer> <Mazur> K, then we have to relocate. 00:57:32 <PublicServer> <Mazur> No idea, not that I heard of. 00:57:39 <PublicServer> <XeryusTC> slh 7 :o 00:58:48 <PublicServer> *** made screenshot at 00006F59: http://ps.openttdcoop.org/public/webcam/00006F59.png 00:59:11 <PublicServer> <Mazur> Not really, even. 00:59:30 <PublicServer> <XeryusTC> yeah, it was just a few mins ago :o 00:59:49 <PublicServer> <XeryusTC> half of the exit lanes jam from time to time 01:00:21 <PublicServer> <KyleS> ooo 01:00:22 <PublicServer> <KyleS> i have an idea 01:00:32 <PublicServer> <KyleS> for ze terminus :o 01:01:07 <PublicServer> <Mazur> Yes, it can mov e way west, still. 01:02:37 <PublicServer> <Mazur> What's your idea? 01:02:59 <PublicServer> <XeryusTC> i need a depot :P 01:03:21 <PublicServer> <Mazur> there are two SCs. 01:03:32 <PublicServer> <Mazur> And else, who's stopping you building one? 01:04:47 <PublicServer> <XeryusTC> hmm 01:04:59 <PublicServer> <XeryusTC> the somewhat smaller boxcar is somewhat better than the one we use now 01:05:07 <PublicServer> <XeryusTC> dont know if it is better in loading/unloading though 01:05:15 <PublicServer> <XeryusTC> but the current one is quite slow anyway 01:06:09 <PublicServer> <Mazur> You can always try out one train and compare it with its sister. 01:06:23 <PublicServer> <XeryusTC> anyway, i'm feeling mildly sick after that fruity drink xD 01:06:37 <PublicServer> <XeryusTC> and it was suppose to get the beer taste out of my mouth before i went to sleep 01:06:47 <PublicServer> <XeryusTC> so i'm off, gn 01:06:49 <PublicServer> *** XeryusTC has left the game (connection lost) 01:06:59 <PublicServer> <Mazur> Have some strawberries with cream. 01:07:08 <PublicServer> <Mazur> Sleep well. 01:07:31 <PublicServer> <Mazur> Kyla and I will take care of the strawberries. 01:07:41 *** Mitcian has quit IRC 01:07:49 <PublicServer> <Mazur> s/Kyla/Kyle/ 01:07:59 <PublicServer> <KyleS> om nom nom 01:09:58 <PublicServer> <Mazur> Miss. 01:11:33 <PublicServer> <KyleS> a V-style terminus :-) 01:13:23 <PublicServer> <Mazur> Block-type signalling for the platforms? 01:13:50 <PublicServer> *** made screenshot at 00005832: http://ps.openttdcoop.org/public/webcam/00005832.png 01:14:00 <PublicServer> <KyleS> yeah 01:14:34 <PublicServer> <KyleS> well those will be the exits 01:15:42 <PublicServer> <KyleS> was thinking more like this :o 01:17:51 *** Fuco has quit IRC 01:18:21 <PublicServer> <KyleS> :o 01:18:54 <PublicServer> <Mazur> Whatever cranes your tranes. 01:19:01 <PublicServer> <KyleS> lol 01:19:24 <PublicServer> <VVG> sorry 01:20:19 <PublicServer> <KyleS> we could use this if we need too :-) 01:20:33 <PublicServer> <KyleS> i was thinking of just using both 01:20:38 <PublicServer> <KyleS> but that might end up being complicated 01:21:23 <PublicServer> <KyleS> VVG, have you seen the new terminus at Rubber/Wood Drop? :o 01:21:38 <PublicServer> <VVG> not yet 01:23:20 <PublicServer> <Mazur> Shall we upscale the bridges? 01:24:07 *** Keyboard_Warrior has quit IRC 01:24:28 <PublicServer> <KyleS> hmm 01:24:45 <PublicServer> <Mazur> Oh, you already have the faster concrete ones. 01:24:52 <PublicServer> <Mazur> nvm\ 01:25:36 <PublicServer> <KyleS> it might have been better to build this with the last station where at"!here" 01:25:47 <PublicServer> <KyleS> which i haven't denoted yet 01:25:48 <PublicServer> <KyleS> :p 01:26:24 <PublicServer> <KyleS> o wait nvm 01:26:33 <PublicServer> <KyleS> it would be too long with the exits and stuff 01:27:08 <PublicServer> <Mazur> So, what is your plan, hook it up in addition or in place of? 01:27:45 <PublicServer> <KyleS> /thinking -_- 01:28:15 <PublicServer> <Mazur> In addition seems like massive overkill. 01:28:18 <PublicServer> <KyleS> yeah 01:28:33 <PublicServer> <KyleS> massive throughput overkill :p 01:28:52 <PublicServer> *** made screenshot at 000359D9: http://ps.openttdcoop.org/public/webcam/000359D9.png 01:28:53 <PublicServer> <KyleS> should we depot the trains for now so we don't have to deal with backups and such? 01:29:34 <PublicServer> <KyleS> i'll do that :o 01:29:35 <PublicServer> <Mazur> hardlh seems worth the trouble, unless you want me to build a flipflop for the entrance. 01:29:42 <PublicServer> <Mazur> You do that. 01:30:12 <PublicServer> <KyleS> yeah the stations could be equally used by using a flip-flop .. i say no tho >_< 01:30:47 <PublicServer> <Mazur> It's tyour funeral.. i mean, Station. 01:30:48 <PublicServer> <KyleS> if somehow the demand increases even higher than this new station can handle, we can simply siphon off some of the traffic onto a RoRo station where the old one is now 01:30:51 <PublicServer> <KyleS> D: QQ 01:31:27 <PublicServer> <Mazur> Shall I go join up the platforms? 01:31:49 <PublicServer> <KyleS> hmm 01:32:03 <PublicServer> <KyleS> not sure -_- 01:32:08 <PublicServer> <KyleS> could you rephrase the question? 01:32:30 <PublicServer> <Mazur> Shall I joi n the new station platforms to hgte old pickup? 01:32:42 <PublicServer> <KyleS> oh, sure! 01:32:53 <PublicServer> <KyleS> i'll work on the entrance 01:34:14 <PublicServer> <Mazur> Station gets too spread out. 01:34:35 <PublicServer> <KyleS> ugh, oh yeah 01:34:45 *** Chillosophy has quit IRC 01:35:04 <PublicServer> <KyleS> it's about 70 tiles from the food plant 01:35:14 <PublicServer> <Mazur> Well, I got 8 plaatforms, so the old one can go for now. 01:36:50 <PublicServer> <KyleS> hmm, i guess rebuild the new one in the place where the old one existed previously? 01:37:08 <PublicServer> <KyleS> looks like it :D 01:37:20 <PublicServer> <VVG> what are you guys doing? 01:37:32 <PublicServer> <KyleS> blowing things up :( 01:37:37 <PublicServer> <Mazur> Or just delete the element of the olf one that is keeping the spread locatrkion. 01:38:16 <PublicServer> <KyleS> the main issue is the part of the station that is at the Food Prcoessing Plant itself 01:38:20 <PublicServer> <KyleS> near the edge of the map :x 01:38:39 <PublicServer> <Mazur> Flock, yeah. 01:38:48 <PublicServer> <KyleS> but this should work out ok :-) 01:39:48 <PublicServer> <KyleS> yeah, Deeningdore Exchange is only 40-ish tiles away from the platform 01:39:57 <PublicServer> *** VVG has left the game (leaving) 01:40:08 <VVG> it's quite laggy :( 01:40:10 <PublicServer> <KyleS> just gotta reuilbd now >_< 01:40:16 <PublicServer> <KyleS> yeah it is, VVG :S 01:40:25 <PublicServer> <Mazur> Not at all. 01:40:36 <PublicServer> <KyleS> do you have a nice computer tho? :p 01:41:05 <VVG> nope 01:41:10 <PublicServer> <KyleS> oops, i made a mistake 01:41:27 <PublicServer> <KyleS> i had them on the inner side 01:41:58 <VVG> Looks like my involvement in this game is over 01:42:01 *** theholyduck has joined #openttdcoop 01:43:54 <PublicServer> *** made screenshot at 0000442C: http://ps.openttdcoop.org/public/webcam/0000442C.png 01:47:00 <PublicServer> <Mazur> k, Just the station for the orders preservation left. 01:48:00 <PublicServer> <Mazur> Oops/. 01:50:37 <PublicServer> <KyleS> blah i don't have a mousepad 01:50:40 <PublicServer> <KyleS> mouse moves slowly -_- 01:51:13 <PublicServer> <Mazur> I have both on this lappie. 01:51:22 <PublicServer> <KyleS> cool 01:51:45 <PublicServer> <Mazur> I mean, touchpad and mouse-that-needs-no-pad. 01:55:27 <PublicServer> <Mazur> Miind you, if a train comes in and the first 5 platforms are full, it's going to wait blocking most of them. 01:55:39 <PublicServer> <KyleS> aye :/ 01:55:53 <PublicServer> <KyleS> there should be enough throughput to prevent that 01:56:06 <PublicServer> <KyleS> if not we might able to do some fancy presignaling 01:56:12 <PublicServer> <KyleS> on the end with no railroad tracks 01:56:20 <PublicServer> <Mazur> Simple will do. 01:57:03 <PublicServer> <Mazur> Exit sigs on the entrances, and combos on the conneccting line. 01:57:10 <PublicServer> <KyleS> yeah 01:58:16 <PublicServer> <KyleS> thanks a lot for helping me :-) 01:58:22 <PublicServer> <KyleS> i was quite confused as to how to start >_< 01:58:56 <PublicServer> *** made screenshot at 00008E27: http://ps.openttdcoop.org/public/webcam/00008E27.png 01:59:13 <PublicServer> <Mazur> It's one of my great assets: breaking up a problem and disentangling knots. 01:59:21 <PublicServer> <KyleS> :) 01:59:52 <PublicServer> <Mazur> that's why I became a great bug-hunter back in the business. 02:00:15 <PublicServer> <KyleS> do you still do programming work? 02:00:20 <PublicServer> <Mazur> Noipe. 02:00:32 <PublicServer> <Mazur> Noone'll hire me. 02:00:42 <PublicServer> <KyleS> :( why not? 02:00:45 <PublicServer> <Mazur> So I simply enjoy life. 02:00:48 <PublicServer> <KyleS> if you don't mind me asking 02:01:15 <PublicServer> <Mazur> Been fired last two jobs, becaues of alcoholism. beat that, but now I'm "old". 02:01:24 <PublicServer> <KyleS> :/ 02:01:24 <PublicServer> <Mazur> 48 02:02:03 <PublicServer> <KyleS> ok, i think it is time to connect the platforms to the main DROP platform :o 02:02:36 <PublicServer> <Mazur> And already written off by staff-managemt. 02:03:03 <PublicServer> <Mazur> Yup, hook 'er up and lets see how she rolls. 02:03:12 <PublicServer> <KyleS> ok :o 02:04:45 <PublicServer> <KyleS> ooops 02:04:50 <PublicServer> <KyleS> connected it to the drop -_- 02:05:56 <PublicServer> <KyleS> ok, started them up, i'll brb in a bit 02:06:07 <PublicServer> <Mazur> k 02:06:20 <PublicServer> <Mazur> Not going places anymore. ;-) 02:06:53 <PublicServer> <Mazur> Well, the lavatory, and such, but that's not worth an epic. 02:11:18 <PublicServer> <KyleS> hmm we might need an overflow 02:11:35 <PublicServer> <KyleS> i didn't think about the fact that this is good for a drop but not as great for a pickup 02:11:58 <PublicServer> <Mazur> True. 02:12:38 <PublicServer> <Mazur> Move the first six platforms one east to alopow for a 2way eol overflow? 02:12:57 <PublicServer> <Mazur> s/alopow/allow/ 02:13:41 <PublicServer> <KyleS> ohhh i see 02:13:48 <PublicServer> <KyleS> at first i was like ?_? 02:13:49 <PublicServer> <KyleS> :p 02:13:58 <PublicServer> *** made screenshot at 00000000: http://ps.openttdcoop.org/public/webcam/00000000.png 02:14:05 <PublicServer> <KyleS> yeah i think that should work 02:14:19 <PublicServer> <Mazur> Oh, I _know- it'll work. 02:14:24 <PublicServer> <KyleS> xD 02:15:09 <PublicServer> <Mazur> Hmm, yes. 02:16:00 <PublicServer> <KyleS> it still needs a tunnel i think :o 02:16:10 <PublicServer> <KyleS> so that the next station has room for a bridge 02:16:13 <PublicServer> <Mazur> just to get him out. 02:16:20 <PublicServer> <KyleS> oh all right :) 02:20:50 <PublicServer> <Mazur> Silleh me, I also movedtghe last six platforms. 02:20:55 <PublicServer> <Mazur> I'll rectofyn that, 02:23:07 <PublicServer> <KyleS> gonna try something 02:23:08 <PublicServer> <Mazur> Oh, it's 14 split 7-7? 02:23:13 <PublicServer> <KyleS> yeah xD 02:23:26 <VVG> what are you working on? 02:23:40 <PublicServer> <KyleS> an overflow for the rubber wood pickup 02:24:27 <PublicServer> <Mazur> A wood rubber wood sounds wrong in so many ways. 02:24:41 <PublicServer> <KyleS> >.< 02:24:47 <VVG> Is it needed? 02:24:55 <Razaekel> rubber for your wood! 02:25:03 <PublicServer> <Mazur> Yes. Because we want to. 02:25:06 <PublicServer> <KyleS> lol :p 02:25:45 <VVG> !password 02:25:45 <PublicServer> VVG: furled 02:25:57 <PublicServer> *** VVG joined the game 02:29:00 <PublicServer> *** made screenshot at 0000581F: http://ps.openttdcoop.org/public/webcam/0000581F.png 02:33:06 <PublicServer> <KyleS> oh ya forgot room for the prio :o 02:33:14 <PublicServer> <Mazur> Damn, no room for the logic. 02:35:04 <PublicServer> <KyleS> that would be nice :o i think i'll stick with this one tho :s 02:35:40 <PublicServer> <VVG> bleh! 02:35:45 <PublicServer> <VVG> i bombed something 02:35:47 <PublicServer> <VVG> :( 02:35:52 <PublicServer> <KyleS> :o its ok 02:36:03 <PublicServer> <KyleS> twas a part of track that isn't used yet 02:36:38 <PublicServer> <VVG> no, the bridge i place is intentional, but i bombem one tile of a track at drop station 02:36:40 <PublicServer> <KyleS> oo interesting :o 02:36:43 <PublicServer> <VVG> by mistake 02:36:58 <PublicServer> <KyleS> would need one more bridge in the air tho 02:37:01 <PublicServer> <KyleS> one more tile* 02:38:52 <De_Ghosty> !passwrod 02:38:55 <De_Ghosty> !password 02:38:55 <PublicServer> De_Ghosty: skewer 02:39:31 <PublicServer> <VVG> looks like a bit too short of a prio 02:39:42 <PublicServer> <KyleS> yeah it's not great yet -_- 02:42:40 <PublicServer> <VVG> inner lane overflow still can kinda fail, trains might return to it :) 02:42:56 <PublicServer> <KyleS> yeah :x 02:43:05 <PublicServer> <KyleS> it might not even see much traffic tho xD 02:43:14 <PublicServer> <KyleS> depending upon how many trains are added 02:43:27 <PublicServer> <Mazur> Which one? Mine or KyleS? 02:43:32 <PublicServer> <VVG> i doubt it will see any traffic :) 02:44:02 <PublicServer> *** made screenshot at 00007627: http://ps.openttdcoop.org/public/webcam/00007627.png 02:44:29 <PublicServer> <Mazur> It's just, that witout overflow, a train would block the entrance to most platforms. 02:45:28 <PublicServer> <KyleS> lol 02:45:47 <PublicServer> <KyleS> at something i built not what you said :S 02:46:25 <PublicServer> <Mazur> yes, I love those waterlevel bits you built. 02:46:35 <PublicServer> <KyleS> :P 02:56:27 <PublicServer> <Mazur> KyleS: You also started the Trainyard train. :-) 02:56:38 <PublicServer> <KyleS> lol 02:57:40 <PublicServer> <KyleS> the drop might need to be rebuilt but i don't want to think about it >_< (plus it's not my station to tinker with :p) 02:58:17 <PublicServer> <KyleS> i use random emoticons perhaps too often ... lol 02:59:04 <PublicServer> *** made screenshot at 00008836: http://ps.openttdcoop.org/public/webcam/00008836.png 02:59:18 <PublicServer> <Mazur> Nah. Emoticons help convey what usually would be visible in non-verbal communication. 02:59:32 <PublicServer> <KyleS> true 03:00:00 <PublicServer> <VVG> not the random ones :) 03:00:05 <PublicServer> <KyleS> well it's pretty much finished now 03:00:10 <PublicServer> <KyleS> (the pickup) 03:00:34 <PublicServer> <Mazur> Yup, bring in moar tranes. 03:00:41 <PublicServer> <Mazur> ;-) 03:00:44 <PublicServer> <VVG> You 2 free train slots to add to new pickup 03:00:46 <PublicServer> <VVG> :) 03:00:51 <PublicServer> <KyleS> lol :p 03:00:56 <PublicServer> <KyleS> i'll get right on it 03:03:06 <PublicServer> <KyleS> got two new trains headed the the pickup :p 03:03:31 <PublicServer> <KyleS> there is a slight jame at MSH 02 03:03:44 <PublicServer> <KyleS> it's not logic-related tho 03:03:50 <PublicServer> <KyleS> just throughput-related i think 03:04:29 <PublicServer> <VVG> it's waving 03:05:00 <PublicServer> <Mazur> it's waving goodbye to sanity. 03:05:03 <PublicServer> <KyleS> lol 03:05:18 <PublicServer> <KyleS> well, i'm going to log off now, need to get somethings done before it gets too late (9pm currently -_-) 03:05:21 *** gr00vy has quit IRC 03:05:31 <PublicServer> <VVG> whoo 03:05:44 <PublicServer> * Mazur is a card, sometimes. 03:05:47 <PublicServer> <VVG> train 499 - is that a new one? 03:06:01 <PublicServer> <Mazur> Nope. 03:06:19 <KyleS_> thanks again for your help mazur, i don't think i couldn't have gotten past my mental block without your advice -_- 03:06:23 <PublicServer> <VVG> it's quite lost 03:06:42 <PublicServer> <VVG> prolly due to your work at rubber 03:07:06 <PublicServer> <VVG> that wasn't the only one such train 03:07:09 <Mazur> I know the feeling and the problem, I'm an Aspie, myself. 03:07:27 <PublicServer> <VVG> theyall want to turn around at copper drop 03:07:45 *** gr00vy has joined #openttdcoop 03:07:46 <PublicServer> <Mazur> It seesm right on track, now. 03:08:20 <PublicServer> <KyleS> yar 03:08:24 <PublicServer> <KyleS> all right, good night 03:08:27 <PublicServer> *** KyleS has left the game (leaving) 03:08:28 <VVG> gn 03:08:36 *** KyleS_ has quit IRC 03:08:38 <Mazur> Sweep lell./ 03:08:42 <Mazur> Loo tate. 03:09:27 <PublicServer> <Mazur> Well, at some point someone decided to remove the entrance to pickup from the west. 03:10:55 <PublicServer> <VVG> nice rebuild 03:11:03 <PublicServer> <Mazur> Thanks. 03:12:42 <PublicServer> <Mazur> KyleS' idea, i just helped getting him over the inital bump of where how to start and with the actual work once it was clear what he wanted. And the overflows. 03:14:06 <PublicServer> *** made screenshot at 00000000: http://ps.openttdcoop.org/public/webcam/00000000.png 03:14:38 <PublicServer> <Mazur> Because if influx of maize and fruit halts because of some rework elsewhere, piickup would jam the world. 03:15:15 <PublicServer> <Mazur> Erm, rubber and wood, I mean. 03:16:00 <PublicServer> <VVG> btw, i really like how central station turned out, 400 trains handled easily 03:16:43 <PublicServer> <Mazur> yeah., that was sorta the idea in my plan. 03:19:39 <PublicServer> <Mazur> Doing good business, Central Dope. 03:22:56 <PublicServer> <Mazur> gah, a fooking station with a fscking reverse trck behind it in a vast area of nothing. 03:23:17 <PublicServer> <Mazur> And no culprit claimed it. 03:23:26 <PublicServer> <VVG> : 03:23:30 <PublicServer> <VVG> :) 03:29:08 <PublicServer> *** made screenshot at 000063F6: http://ps.openttdcoop.org/public/webcam/000063F6.png 03:30:12 <Mazur> Moar Tranes! 03:30:41 <Mazur> bdeer 03:30:44 <Mazur> beer 03:32:37 <PublicServer> <Mazur> Nope, they must be all asleep. 03:33:00 <PublicServer> *** VVG has left the game (leaving) 03:33:02 <PublicServer> <Mazur> Weird that, it's only 5:30 AM. 03:33:19 <PublicServer> *** Mazur has left the game (leaving) 03:34:21 <Mazur> Glad we decided to do over the rubbeer/wood pickup, so we had something to do. 03:34:58 <Mazur> But now I'll go do something else, I suppose. 03:55:08 *** Max| has quit IRC 04:03:44 *** robobed has joined #openttdcoop 05:00:20 *** robotboy has joined #openttdcoop 05:06:36 *** robobed has quit IRC 05:23:30 *** Aali has quit IRC 05:41:01 *** bothie|ac has quit IRC 05:52:19 *** bothie|ac has joined #openttdcoop 05:56:27 *** robotboy has quit IRC 06:21:33 *** robotboy has joined #openttdcoop 06:26:21 *** duckblaster has joined #openttdcoop 06:26:29 *** duckblaster has quit IRC 06:29:17 *** pugi has joined #openttdcoop 06:30:13 *** duckblaster has joined #openttdcoop 06:37:40 *** ^Spike^ has joined #openttdcoop 06:37:40 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o ^Spike^ 06:42:55 *** Phazorx has joined #openttdcoop 06:42:55 *** Webster sets mode: +o Phazorx 06:44:16 *** duckblaster has quit IRC 06:51:16 *** heffer has joined #openttdcoop 07:05:46 *** Progman has joined #openttdcoop 07:32:30 *** Combuster has joined #openttdcoop 07:47:35 *** Combuster has quit IRC 07:48:11 *** duckblaster has joined #openttdcoop 08:18:33 <PublicServer> *** Spike joined the game 08:25:02 *** Phazorx has quit IRC 08:25:48 *** fonsinchen has joined #openttdcoop 08:30:23 *** Combuster has joined #openttdcoop 08:37:47 *** benom has joined #openttdcoop 08:43:55 *** damalix has joined #openttdcoop 08:56:53 *** fonsinchen has quit IRC 09:00:46 *** duckblaster has quit IRC 09:01:42 *** Aali has joined #openttdcoop 09:08:27 *** thgergo has joined #openttdcoop 09:10:19 *** Seberoth has joined #openttdcoop 09:13:20 *** fmauneko has joined #openttdcoop 09:17:51 *** benom has quit IRC 09:18:00 *** damalix has quit IRC 09:29:54 *** benom has joined #openttdcoop 09:53:25 *** ODM has joined #openttdcoop 09:53:25 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o ODM 10:11:59 *** Synthon has joined #openttdcoop 10:12:04 <Synthon> !password 10:12:04 <PublicServer> Synthon: aching 10:12:31 <PublicServer> *** Synthon joined the game 10:13:35 *** sharpy has joined #openttdcoop 10:13:39 <sharpy> !password 10:13:39 <PublicServer> sharpy: aching 10:14:22 <sharpy> !password 10:14:22 <PublicServer> sharpy: shrewd 10:14:43 <PublicServer> *** sharpy joined the game 10:15:01 <PublicServer> *** Synthon has left the game (connection lost) 10:15:15 <Synthon> !password 10:15:16 <PublicServer> Synthon: shrewd 10:15:28 <PublicServer> *** Synthon joined the game 10:15:45 <PublicServer> *** Synthon has left the game (connection lost) 10:16:09 <PublicServer> *** Synthon joined the game 10:16:43 <PublicServer> <Synthon> omg its so laggy, even in highest zoom 10:16:59 <PublicServer> <sharpy> only for bad comps 10:17:04 <PublicServer> <sharpy> mines seemelss 10:17:11 <PublicServer> <Synthon> 0,5 fps 10:17:22 <PublicServer> *** Synthon has left the game (connection lost) 10:17:23 <PublicServer> <sharpy> abuot standard FPS for me 10:17:55 <Synthon> i even lose connection all the time, but yeah this comp is kinda old 10:18:48 <Synthon> 2 ghz, 1gig ram 10:18:59 <PublicServer> <sharpy> dual core? 10:19:03 <Synthon> nope 10:19:09 <PublicServer> <sharpy> theres your problem 10:19:26 <Synthon> cant wait to sit at my own comp again 10:19:35 <planetmaker> sharpy, dual core, quad core etc. do not play a role 10:19:43 <planetmaker> OpenTTD only uses one 10:19:56 <planetmaker> It only is important, if you run a bunch of other processes in parallel 10:20:03 <PublicServer> <sharpy> i never said i knew what i was talking about :p 10:20:08 <Synthon> when do you think a new map will start? i feel to noobish to change anything right now : 10:20:10 <Synthon> :D 10:20:52 <planetmaker> !info 10:20:52 <PublicServer> planetmaker: #:1(Orange) Company Name: 'Epical Company of Epic' Year Founded: 1950 Money: 18009462288 Loan: 0 Value: 18015232146 (T:1234, R:0, P:0, S:0) unprotected 10:21:03 <PublicServer> <sharpy> still plenty of network capacity left, though can't be sure, last game finished very suddenly 10:21:14 <planetmaker> Synthon, hard to say when. But... in the next days is likely 10:21:24 *** pugi has quit IRC 10:21:49 <Synthon> i hope i can witness the start 10:21:52 <planetmaker> Games tend to end when 'it is done' - a rather vague definition 10:22:02 <planetmaker> Synthon, you might subscribe to the twitter. 10:22:11 <planetmaker> If we remember, start of games are sometimes announced there 10:22:18 <PublicServer> <V453000> hi 10:22:18 <planetmaker> !twitter 10:22:18 <PublicServer> *** V453000 joined the game 10:22:22 <PublicServer> <sharpy> hiya 10:22:24 <planetmaker> moin V453000 10:22:29 <Synthon> errrr, dont like twitter, dont have twitter :D 10:22:29 <V453000> hi pm 10:22:47 <V453000> @coopstats are better for that 10:22:47 <Webster> http://hyru.ath.cx:60080/~kenji/ottdcoop/stats.html 10:22:49 <V453000> in the topic changes 10:23:09 <planetmaker> Synthon, I don't like nor use it either :-P 10:23:21 *** Phazorx has joined #openttdcoop 10:23:21 *** Webster sets mode: +o Phazorx 10:23:25 <planetmaker> But a bunch of people seem to like it, so I thought I just mention it ;-) 10:24:20 <Synthon> k thx 10:24:21 <PublicServer> *** V453000 has left the game (leaving) 10:24:37 <Synthon> i think i will read through some articles on the hp until then 10:24:44 <planetmaker> :-) 10:24:49 *** sharpy has quit IRC 10:24:54 <planetmaker> not a bad choice. Do you know the PublicServer archive? 10:25:01 <planetmaker> !archive 10:25:01 <PublicServer> planetmaker: http://www.openttdcoop.ORG/wiki/PublicServer:Archive | http://www.openttdcoop.org/wiki/ProZone:Archive | http://www.openttdcoop.org/wiki/MemberZone:Archive 10:25:09 <Synthon> read about it 10:25:13 <Synthon> thx 10:25:25 <planetmaker> past savegames might give you some ideas / clues or inspiration :-) 10:25:27 *** pugi has joined #openttdcoop 10:25:30 *** Synthon has quit IRC 10:25:38 <planetmaker> hm 10:25:43 *** Synthon has joined #openttdcoop 10:25:47 <Synthon> oups 10:25:50 <V453000> :) 10:26:12 <planetmaker> :-) 10:26:22 <planetmaker> shit happens. Ctrl+W in the wrong window ;-) 10:28:33 *** Synthon has quit IRC 10:28:45 *** Synthon has joined #openttdcoop 10:28:48 <PublicServer> *** tneo joined the game 10:29:10 <PublicServer> *** made screenshot at 0000B7E5: http://ps.openttdcoop.org/public/webcam/0000B7E5.png 10:31:54 <PublicServer> *** sharpy has left the game (leaving) 10:34:41 <PublicServer> *** tneo has left the game (leaving) 10:38:09 <PublicServer> *** tneo joined the game 10:38:45 <PublicServer> *** tneo has left the game (connection lost) 10:41:00 <XeryusTC> !password 10:41:00 <PublicServer> XeryusTC: disown 10:41:07 <PublicServer> *** XeryusTC joined the game 10:41:52 *** damalix has joined #openttdcoop 10:42:19 <XeryusTC> !unpause 10:42:19 <PublicServer> *** XeryusTC has unpaused the server. (Use !auto to set it back.) 10:42:37 *** perk11 has joined #openttdcoop 10:42:40 <V453000> hi luv 10:42:54 <fmauneko> Hi, V. 10:43:02 <XeryusTC> !auto 10:43:03 <PublicServer> *** XeryusTC has enabled autopause mode. 10:44:02 <PublicServer> <XeryusTC> oh, ottd can display production chains :D 10:44:07 *** Paltala has joined #openttdcoop 10:44:11 <Paltala> !password 10:44:12 <PublicServer> *** made screenshot at 00004AC9: http://ps.openttdcoop.org/public/webcam/00004AC9.png 10:44:12 <PublicServer> Paltala: revamp 10:44:29 <fmauneko> Oh yeah, ReVamp 10:44:41 <Paltala> need to update my game first... 10:44:49 * fmauneko is listening to Million by ReVamp from ReVamp 10:45:12 <XeryusTC> bah, weird band that is :P 10:45:23 <PublicServer> *** fmauNeko joined the game 10:46:56 <XeryusTC> !auto 10:46:56 <PublicServer> *** XeryusTC has enabled autopause mode. 10:47:28 <Paltala> !password 10:47:28 <PublicServer> Paltala: revamp 10:47:38 <PublicServer> *** Paltala joined the game 10:50:33 <PublicServer> <Paltala> are there any places that need fixing/improving? 10:51:18 <PublicServer> <Paltala> if not, please can we have some more trains 10:52:08 *** Mitcian has joined #openttdcoop 10:55:00 <PublicServer> <Paltala> wow, these industry chains are complicated 10:56:15 <PublicServer> *** Spike has joined company #1 10:56:35 <fmauneko> Where do you see that ? 10:56:36 <PublicServer> <Paltala> hi Spike 10:56:59 *** Synthon has quit IRC 10:57:14 <damalix> !svn 10:57:14 <PublicServer> damalix: svn update -r20214 && make && ./bin/openttd -n ps.openttdcoop.org#1 -p revamp 10:57:14 <PublicServer> damalix: svn checkout -r20214 svn://svn.openttd.org/trunk openttdcoop && cd openttdcoop && ./configure && make 10:57:26 <PublicServer> <Paltala> holy hell 10:57:36 <PublicServer> <Paltala> guys....i have maxed out production on an industry!! 10:58:06 *** Mark has joined #openttdcoop 10:58:06 *** Webster sets mode: +o Mark 10:58:12 <Mark> hello 10:58:18 <PublicServer> <Paltala> morning Mark 10:58:25 <PublicServer> <Paltala> i maxed out production of an industry :D 10:58:29 <fmauneko> Hi Mark 10:58:36 <Mark> !info 10:58:36 <PublicServer> Mark: #:1(Orange) Company Name: 'Epical Company of Epic' Year Founded: 1950 Money: 18192480713 Loan: 0 Value: 18198070996 (T:1234, R:0, P:0, S:0) unprotected 10:59:14 <PublicServer> *** made screenshot at 00000000: http://ps.openttdcoop.org/public/webcam/00000000.png 10:59:48 *** fonsinchen has joined #openttdcoop 11:00:10 <fmauneko> How do you display production chains ? 11:00:22 <PublicServer> <Paltala> click on the industry 11:00:26 <PublicServer> <Paltala> then select display chain 11:00:59 <PublicServer> <fmauNeko> Waw 11:01:10 <damalix> !svn 11:01:10 <PublicServer> damalix: svn update -r20214 && make && ./bin/openttd -n ps.openttdcoop.org#1 -p codded 11:01:10 <PublicServer> damalix: svn checkout -r20214 svn://svn.openttd.org/trunk openttdcoop && cd openttdcoop && ./configure && make 11:01:11 <PublicServer> <Paltala> must be new with this revision 11:01:25 <PublicServer> *** Damalix joined the game 11:08:46 *** Mark has quit IRC 11:13:05 <PublicServer> *** Paltala has left the game (connection lost) 11:13:10 *** Paltala has quit IRC 11:14:16 <PublicServer> *** made screenshot at 00002D34: http://ps.openttdcoop.org/public/webcam/00002D34.png 11:16:38 <PublicServer> *** fmauNeko has left the game (leaving) 11:16:56 <damalix> !players 11:16:58 <PublicServer> damalix: Client 47 (Orange) is Spike, in company 1 (Epical Company of Epic) 11:16:58 <PublicServer> damalix: Client 68 (Orange) is XeryusTC, in company 1 (Epical Company of Epic) 11:16:58 <PublicServer> damalix: Client 75 (Orange) is Damalix, in company 1 (Epical Company of Epic) 11:17:36 <PublicServer> *** Damalix has left the game (connection lost) 11:17:46 *** damalix has left #openttdcoop 11:18:35 <PublicServer> *** XeryusTC has left the game (connection lost) 11:19:29 <thgergo> !password 11:19:29 <PublicServer> thgergo: vilify 11:19:44 <PublicServer> *** thgergo joined the game 11:22:32 *** damalix has joined #openttdcoop 11:24:08 <PublicServer> *** Damalix joined the game 11:24:48 <PublicServer> *** Damalix has left the game (connection lost) 11:24:56 *** damalix has left #openttdcoop 11:29:18 <PublicServer> *** made screenshot at 0001C079: http://ps.openttdcoop.org/public/webcam/0001C079.png 11:30:45 *** Chris_Booth has joined #openttdcoop 11:30:46 <PublicServer> *** thgergo has left the game (connection lost) 11:33:45 *** damalix has joined #openttdcoop 11:34:06 *** fonsinchen has quit IRC 11:35:01 *** damalix has quit IRC 11:38:45 *** Fuco has joined #openttdcoop 11:38:49 *** ChanServ sets mode: +v Fuco 11:50:41 <Ammler> !getsave http://devs.openttd.org/~smatz/PublicServerGame_62_Final-fixed.sav 11:50:42 <PublicServer> Ammler: OK :-) 11:50:59 <V453000> 62? :o 11:51:15 <Ammler> !transfer 11:51:15 <PublicServer> Ammler: !transfer gamenr save: transfer the save to our web 11:51:23 <V453000> oh :) 11:51:38 <Ammler> !transfer 62 uploads/PublicServerGame_62_Final-fixed.sav 11:51:46 <PublicServer> Ammler: PublicServerGame_62_Final.sav 11:51:46 <PublicServer> Ammler: This game (62) is already archived. (you might use --force) 11:52:08 <Ammler> !transfer -f 62 uploads/PublicServerGame_62_Final-fixed.sav 11:52:10 <PublicServer> Ammler: PublicServerGame_62_Final.sav 11:52:10 <PublicServer> Ammler: Transfer done. (/home/openttd/website/public/save/uploads/PublicServerGame_62_Final-fixed.sav->http://www.openttdcoop.org//files/PublicServer_archive/PublicServerGame_62_Final.sav) 12:06:11 *** Chris_Booth has quit IRC 12:07:35 *** Phazorx has quit IRC 12:17:13 *** Fuco has quit IRC 12:17:38 <PublicServer> *** SmatZ joined the game 12:18:03 <PublicServer> <SmatZ> hello Spike 12:18:16 *** Fuco has joined #openttdcoop 12:18:20 *** ChanServ sets mode: +v Fuco 12:20:45 *** `Fuco` has joined #openttdcoop 12:21:44 <thgergo> !dl win32 12:21:45 <PublicServer> thgergo: http://binaries.openttd.org/nightlies/trunk/r20214/openttd-trunk-r20214-windows-win32.zip 12:27:25 *** Fuco has quit IRC 12:28:01 *** Fuco has joined #openttdcoop 12:28:05 *** ChanServ sets mode: +v Fuco 12:29:20 <PublicServer> *** made screenshot at 0000993A: http://ps.openttdcoop.org/public/webcam/0000993A.png 12:29:55 *** `Fuco` has quit IRC 12:31:45 *** `Fuco` has joined #openttdcoop 12:33:09 *** `Fuco` has quit IRC 12:33:18 *** `Fuco` has joined #openttdcoop 12:34:17 *** Fuco has quit IRC 12:38:53 *** Fuco has joined #openttdcoop 12:38:57 *** ChanServ sets mode: +v Fuco 12:39:17 *** `Fuco` has quit IRC 12:40:20 *** Fuco has quit IRC 12:41:00 *** Yexo has joined #openttdcoop 12:42:15 <PublicServer> *** SmatZ has left the game (leaving) 12:43:53 <PublicServer> *** V453000 joined the game 12:44:00 <PublicServer> <V453000> hi 12:44:07 <PublicServer> *** V453000 has left the game (connection lost) 12:44:16 <V453000> oh :D laptop on battery mode not good 12:44:22 <PublicServer> *** made screenshot at 00003F42: http://ps.openttdcoop.org/public/webcam/00003F42.png 12:45:10 *** Yso has joined #openttdcoop 12:45:31 *** heffer has quit IRC 12:52:46 *** Seberoth has quit IRC 12:57:39 <thgergo> !password 12:57:39 <PublicServer> thgergo: hoofed 12:57:50 <PublicServer> *** thgergo joined the game 12:58:30 <asnoehu> !dl win64 12:58:30 <PublicServer> asnoehu: http://binaries.openttd.org/nightlies/trunk/r20214/openttd-trunk-r20214-windows-win64.zip 12:59:24 <PublicServer> *** made screenshot at 0000AF78: http://ps.openttdcoop.org/public/webcam/0000AF78.png 12:59:41 <asnoehu> !password 12:59:41 <PublicServer> asnoehu: dreamy 12:59:55 <PublicServer> *** tycoondemon joined the game 13:00:23 <PublicServer> <tycoondemon> yaiks 13:02:54 *** asnoehu is now known as tycoondemon 13:03:21 *** asnoehu has joined #openttdcoop 13:03:32 *** asnoehu is now known as tycoondemon 13:04:57 <PublicServer> *** Spike has joined spectators 13:14:26 <PublicServer> *** made screenshot at 0000BF72: http://ps.openttdcoop.org/public/webcam/0000BF72.png 13:16:09 <PublicServer> *** thgergo has left the game (connection lost) 13:17:10 <SmatZ> !players 13:17:12 <PublicServer> SmatZ: Client 47 is Spike, a spectator 13:17:12 <PublicServer> SmatZ: Client 90 is tycoondemon, a spectator 13:17:44 <PublicServer> *** SmatZ joined the game 13:17:56 <PublicServer> <SmatZ> o hai 13:34:53 *** fonsinchen has joined #openttdcoop 13:37:13 <thgergo> !password 13:37:13 <PublicServer> thgergo: flabby 13:37:24 <PublicServer> *** thgergo joined the game 13:37:25 <PublicServer> <thgergo> hi 13:37:32 <PublicServer> <SmatZ> hello thgergo 13:39:41 *** benom has quit IRC 13:41:37 <PublicServer> <thgergo> Smatz can you look t !glitch ? 13:41:46 <PublicServer> <SmatZ> I am just looking there 13:41:49 <PublicServer> <thgergo> It looks very strange 13:42:04 <PublicServer> <thgergo> even according to a tt forum post 13:42:05 <PublicServer> <SmatZ> what's wrong there? 13:42:13 <PublicServer> <thgergo> even a grf order affects it 13:42:20 <PublicServer> <thgergo> pillar mismatch 13:42:21 <PublicServer> <SmatZ> too short pillar? 13:42:26 <PublicServer> <thgergo> floating pillars 13:42:43 <thgergo> http://www.tt-forums.net/viewtopic.php?f=29&t=46303&start=0&hilit=bridge+pillar 13:42:45 <Webster> Title: Transport Tycoon Forums • View topic - Pillar height issue and solution (at www.tt-forums.net) 13:42:48 <PublicServer> <SmatZ> looks like a bug 13:43:07 <PublicServer> <thgergo> When I have seen this I didnt bothered too much 13:43:12 <PublicServer> <thgergo> at first time 13:43:13 <SmatZ> but I don't know if that's a bug in OTTD or bridge set 13:43:49 <SmatZ> according to that forum post, it's the newgrf bug 13:43:54 <PublicServer> *** tycoondemon has joined company #1 13:44:16 <PublicServer> <thgergo> only Idrustrial Renewal makes this 13:44:21 <PublicServer> <thgergo> conflict 13:44:27 <PublicServer> <thgergo> I have tested with many others 13:44:30 *** Benom has joined #openttdcoop 13:44:35 <PublicServer> <thgergo> kinda strange 13:51:14 *** Max| has joined #openttdcoop 13:59:28 <PublicServer> *** made screenshot at 00006155: http://ps.openttdcoop.org/public/webcam/00006155.png 14:09:18 *** Synthon has joined #openttdcoop 14:09:55 <PublicServer> *** SmatZ has left the game (connection lost) 14:11:13 <Synthon> hiho 14:14:25 *** robotboy has quit IRC 14:14:30 <PublicServer> *** made screenshot at 0002FB3E: http://ps.openttdcoop.org/public/webcam/0002FB3E.png 14:18:14 *** perk111 has joined #openttdcoop 14:19:48 *** puk has joined #openttdcoop 14:19:54 <puk> !password 14:19:54 <PublicServer> puk: pulpit 14:20:16 <puk> rha 14:20:20 <puk> !dl win32 14:20:20 <PublicServer> puk: http://binaries.openttd.org/nightlies/trunk/r20214/openttd-trunk-r20214-windows-win32.zip 14:21:21 <PublicServer> *** XeryusTC joined the game 14:21:24 *** heffer has joined #openttdcoop 14:22:29 <PublicServer> <XeryusTC> slh 9 entrence has a join before split a bit too much :o 14:22:45 <Synthon> !password 14:22:45 <PublicServer> Synthon: pulpit 14:23:02 <PublicServer> *** SmatZ joined the game 14:23:37 <PublicServer> *** Puk joined the game 14:23:41 *** perk11 has quit IRC 14:23:43 <PublicServer> <XeryusTC> ah fixed :D 14:24:55 *** mixrin has joined #openttdcoop 14:25:41 <PublicServer> *** Synthon joined the game 14:27:07 *** mixrin_ has joined #openttdcoop 14:27:07 *** mixrin has quit IRC 14:27:13 <PublicServer> <Puk> i'm sorry but the merger you added pm s;h07 is really bad =p 14:27:19 <PublicServer> <Puk> it's jamming like hell 14:28:20 <PublicServer> <SmatZ> not "like hell", but it's a bit jamming 14:28:28 <PublicServer> <Puk> true 14:28:45 <PublicServer> <Puk> i'd love to improve it but this comp is lagging 14:29:33 <PublicServer> *** made screenshot at 00000000: http://ps.openttdcoop.org/public/webcam/00000000.png 14:29:55 <PublicServer> <Synthon> got 2ghz dual core now, but still a bit laggy 14:30:00 <PublicServer> <SmatZ> :-x 14:30:06 <PublicServer> <SmatZ> 1.6GHz here 14:30:10 <PublicServer> <SmatZ> and fine :) 14:30:15 <PublicServer> <Puk> it's fine on my comp but this one is a dinosaur 14:30:26 <PublicServer> <SmatZ> ~70% load 14:31:02 <PublicServer> <Synthon> 50-60 14:32:35 <PublicServer> <SmatZ> I would like to rebuild SLH07, but I am leaving soon :( 14:32:51 <PublicServer> <Puk> doesn't need to be rebuild 14:33:05 <PublicServer> <Puk> just need a new exit/entrance 14:33:13 <PublicServer> <SmatZ> it needs many more trains 14:33:16 <PublicServer> <Synthon> which side? 14:33:25 <PublicServer> *** SmatZ has left the game (connection lost) 14:37:33 <PublicServer> *** Puk has left the game (leaving) 14:37:47 <puk> they want to rebuild the entrance/exit 14:38:01 <puk> which def has to be 14:43:55 <PierreW> !help 14:43:55 <PublicServer> PierreW: http://www.openttdcoop.org/wiki/IRC_Commands 14:44:21 <PierreW> !download win32 14:44:21 <PublicServer> PierreW: http://binaries.openttd.org/nightlies/trunk/r20214/openttd-trunk-r20214-windows-win32.zip 14:45:09 <PublicServer> <Synthon> i have an improvement for merging on the left side of slh7 in mind, but that would cause a lot of disruption to the traffic 14:47:10 <PublicServer> <Synthon> what about moving SL1 between ML1 and ML2, so trains can choose between them instead of waiting for ML1 to clear? 14:48:04 <PublicServer> <Synthon> trains from SL2 can already choose between ML2 and ML3 14:48:15 <PublicServer> <Synthon> at SLH07 14:48:44 *** gleeb has joined #openttdcoop 14:49:02 <PublicServer> <Synthon> no one interested? ok 14:54:29 *** puk has left #openttdcoop 14:56:28 *** modi has joined #openttdcoop 14:56:35 <modi> !password 14:56:35 <PublicServer> modi: staffs 14:56:51 <PublicServer> *** modi joined the game 14:57:46 *** mixrin_ has quit IRC 14:58:36 <PublicServer> *** XeryusTC has left the game (connection lost) 15:02:00 *** Seberoth has joined #openttdcoop 15:02:23 <PublicServer> *** thgergo has left the game (connection lost) 15:08:13 *** Mucht has joined #openttdcoop 15:08:13 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o Mucht 15:14:35 <PublicServer> *** made screenshot at 0000776A: http://ps.openttdcoop.org/public/webcam/0000776A.png 15:20:57 <PublicServer> *** modi has left the game (connection lost) 15:21:06 *** modi has quit IRC 15:27:43 *** Lukeus_Maximus has joined #openttdcoop 15:29:37 <PublicServer> *** made screenshot at 00007568: http://ps.openttdcoop.org/public/webcam/00007568.png 15:42:15 *** Paltala has joined #openttdcoop 15:42:19 <Paltala> !password 15:42:19 <PublicServer> Paltala: murmur 15:42:31 <PublicServer> *** Paltala joined the game 15:42:38 <PublicServer> <Paltala> afternoon all 15:44:39 <PublicServer> *** made screenshot at 00007769: http://ps.openttdcoop.org/public/webcam/00007769.png 15:45:42 <PublicServer> <Synthon> argh 15:46:01 <PublicServer> <Paltala> D: you just took out one of my fruit trains 15:46:28 <PublicServer> <Synthon> wat, cant copy them D: 15:46:40 <PublicServer> <Synthon> damn 15:46:41 <PublicServer> <Paltala> limit reached 15:46:42 <PublicServer> <Paltala> ill sort it 15:46:47 <PublicServer> <Synthon> thx 15:46:48 <PublicServer> <Paltala> you deal with fixing your mess 15:46:57 <PublicServer> <Synthon> mess should be fixed... 15:47:04 <PublicServer> <Synthon> that sign was one to many :( 15:47:25 <PublicServer> <Paltala> you had a signla facing the wrong way 15:47:27 <PublicServer> <Synthon> i know... 15:48:44 <PublicServer> <Paltala> trains replaced 15:49:03 <PublicServer> <Synthon> ty 15:51:31 <PublicServer> *** 0DM joined the game 15:51:53 <PublicServer> <0DM> jamz! 15:51:56 *** robotboy has joined #openttdcoop 15:52:04 <PublicServer> <Paltala> ah SLH 07, we know 15:52:11 <PublicServer> <0DM> just saying 15:52:31 <V453000> guys you have jams there 15:52:35 <V453000> :p 15:53:12 <PublicServer> <Synthon> i am such an idiopt 15:53:15 <PublicServer> <0DM> thatll help:P 15:53:20 <PublicServer> <Paltala> jesus christ, ANOTHER one of my fruit trains XD 15:53:35 <PublicServer> <Synthon> T_T 15:53:52 <PublicServer> <Synthon> train limit reached again... 15:54:18 <PublicServer> <0DM> fix the jams, then ill up it^^ 15:54:41 <PublicServer> <0DM> i think ive spotted the problem, thinking of a solution now 15:54:46 <PublicServer> <Synthon> i got it too 15:54:51 <PublicServer> <Synthon> waiting for clear space 15:54:55 <PublicServer> <0DM> ok 15:55:04 <PublicServer> <Paltala> ill deal with the trains 15:55:09 <PublicServer> <Synthon> k thx 15:55:15 <PublicServer> <Paltala> AGAIN >.< 15:55:16 <PublicServer> <Synthon> sorry guys, i am still learning :/ 15:55:43 <PublicServer> <Paltala> trains replaced 15:56:34 <PublicServer> <Synthon> letting some trains through first... 15:57:57 <PublicServer> <0DM> game is quite nice 15:58:06 <PublicServer> <Paltala> we need more trains... 15:59:25 <ODM> !trains 1270 15:59:25 <PublicServer> *** ODM has set max_trains to 1270 15:59:41 <PublicServer> *** made screenshot at 0000634F: http://ps.openttdcoop.org/public/webcam/0000634F.png 15:59:54 <PublicServer> <Paltala> legend, ive made 6 more for my fruit run 16:00:12 <PublicServer> <Paltala> grimhill north :) 16:03:30 <PublicServer> *** V453000 joined the game 16:03:33 <PublicServer> <V453000> hi 16:03:36 <PublicServer> *** Synthon has left the game (connection lost) 16:03:39 <PublicServer> <Paltala> hey, V 16:03:50 <Synthon> !password 16:03:50 <PublicServer> Synthon: walnut 16:04:01 <PublicServer> *** Synthon joined the game 16:05:47 <PublicServer> *** Mazur joined the game 16:06:51 <PublicServer> *** 0DM has left the game (connection lost) 16:07:36 <PublicServer> <Synthon> FUCKFUCKFUCK 16:07:46 <PublicServer> <Synthon> i dont get it 16:08:36 <PublicServer> <Paltala> trains replaced 16:09:12 *** Chris_Booth has joined #openttdcoop 16:10:25 <PublicServer> *** V453000 has left the game (connection lost) 16:14:43 <PublicServer> *** made screenshot at 00007368: http://ps.openttdcoop.org/public/webcam/00007368.png 16:18:46 <PublicServer> *** Chris Booth joined the game 16:19:02 <PublicServer> *** Chris Booth has left the game (connection lost) 16:22:10 *** Max| has quit IRC 16:23:42 *** mixrin has joined #openttdcoop 16:23:51 *** Max| has joined #openttdcoop 16:24:59 <PublicServer> *** Mazur has left the game (leaving) 16:28:47 <PublicServer> <Paltala> guys 16:28:57 <PublicServer> <Paltala> say i have 2 entry signals and 3 exits 16:29:14 <PublicServer> <Paltala> how do i make it so trains dont wait at an exit signal if another is green 16:29:21 <PublicServer> <Paltala> grimhill north is what im talking about 16:29:45 <PublicServer> *** made screenshot at 00007569: http://ps.openttdcoop.org/public/webcam/00007569.png 16:31:33 <PublicServer> *** Paltala has left the game (connection lost) 16:31:51 *** Paltala has quit IRC 16:32:30 *** Chris_Booth has quit IRC 16:32:43 <PublicServer> <Synthon> i better wait for the next map, i can only worsen traffic right now... 16:33:02 <PublicServer> <Synthon> and destroy trains Q_Q 16:36:50 <PublicServer> *** Synthon has left the game (leaving) 16:37:37 *** fmauneko has quit IRC 16:38:56 *** fmauneko has joined #openttdcoop 16:39:01 *** mixrin has quit IRC 16:41:02 *** fmauneko has quit IRC 16:44:47 <PublicServer> *** made screenshot at 0000756B: http://ps.openttdcoop.org/public/webcam/0000756B.png 16:51:09 *** perk11 has joined #openttdcoop 16:51:09 *** avdg has quit IRC 16:51:31 *** perk111 has quit IRC 16:51:51 *** avdg has joined #openttdcoop 16:55:26 *** Combuster has quit IRC 16:56:31 *** Benom has quit IRC 16:59:34 *** damalix has joined #openttdcoop 17:00:20 <PublicServer> *** Damalix joined the game 17:04:40 *** perk11 has quit IRC 17:09:15 *** LukeusMaximus has joined #openttdcoop 17:13:11 *** robotboy is now known as robobed 17:13:14 *** perk11 has joined #openttdcoop 17:14:49 <PublicServer> *** made screenshot at 00033684: http://ps.openttdcoop.org/public/webcam/00033684.png 17:16:16 *** Lukeus_Maximus has quit IRC 17:19:17 <PublicServer> *** Mazur joined the game 17:19:45 *** Ammler has quit IRC 17:19:53 *** V453000 has quit IRC 17:19:55 *** Hirundo has quit IRC 17:19:57 *** Synthon has quit IRC 17:21:31 *** Hirundo has joined #openttdcoop 17:23:06 *** Ammler has joined #openttdcoop 17:23:06 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o Ammler 17:24:01 *** V453000 has joined #openttdcoop 17:24:01 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o V453000 17:26:34 <PublicServer> *** Damalix has joined spectators 17:26:55 *** Combuster has joined #openttdcoop 17:29:51 <PublicServer> *** made screenshot at 0003C780: http://ps.openttdcoop.org/public/webcam/0003C780.png 17:32:03 *** pugi_ has joined #openttdcoop 17:38:11 *** pugi has quit IRC 17:38:11 *** pugi_ is now known as pugi 17:40:54 *** Synthon has joined #openttdcoop 17:42:04 <Synthon> !password 17:42:04 <PublicServer> Synthon: shucks 17:42:13 <PublicServer> *** Synthon joined the game 17:43:09 *** slaca has joined #openttdcoop 17:47:44 <slaca> !password 17:47:44 <PublicServer> slaca: pantry 17:48:00 <PublicServer> *** slaca joined the game 17:48:07 <PublicServer> <slaca> hi 17:51:48 <PublicServer> *** slaca has left the game (connection lost) 17:51:54 *** slaca has quit IRC 17:56:24 <PublicServer> <Synthon> what are the single trains driving in circuits for? 17:56:49 <ODM> they're trying to break the sound barrier 17:56:57 <PublicServer> <Synthon> aha 17:57:02 <PublicServer> <Synthon> so no sense at all? 17:57:07 <planetmaker> :-) 17:57:12 <PublicServer> <Synthon> except fun/eyecandy 17:57:13 *** Fuco has joined #openttdcoop 17:57:15 <planetmaker> they do have sense 17:57:17 *** ChanServ sets mode: +v Fuco 17:57:19 <planetmaker> most probably 17:57:30 <PublicServer> *** Synthon has left the game (connection lost) 17:57:37 <planetmaker> check out self regulating networks 17:57:40 <planetmaker> @srnw 17:57:40 <Webster> srnw: Self-regulating Network, see also: http://wiki.openttdcoop.org/SRNW 17:57:51 <Synthon> thx 17:59:19 <PublicServer> *** tycoondemon has left the game (connection lost) 17:59:53 <PublicServer> *** made screenshot at 0000F3E0: http://ps.openttdcoop.org/public/webcam/0000F3E0.png 18:00:18 <ODM> its probably logicP 18:00:20 <ODM> :P 18:02:09 <thgergo> !password 18:02:09 <PublicServer> thgergo: squirt 18:02:25 <PublicServer> *** thgergo joined the game 18:02:47 <PublicServer> *** thgergo has joined spectators 18:05:08 <Synthon> lolwut 18:06:03 *** Vitus has joined #openttdcoop 18:06:23 <Vitus> Hey 18:06:35 <Synthon> !password 18:06:35 <PublicServer> Synthon: squirt 18:06:48 <PublicServer> *** Synthon joined the game 18:08:34 *** Vitus has quit IRC 18:09:11 *** Vitus has joined #openttdcoop 18:10:05 <PublicServer> *** Synthon has left the game (connection lost) 18:10:19 *** Synthon has quit IRC 18:10:22 *** kyles_ has joined #openttdcoop 18:10:31 <kyles_> !passwordc 18:10:33 <kyles_> !password 18:10:33 <PublicServer> kyles_: squirt 18:10:44 <PublicServer> *** KyleS joined the game 18:11:56 *** Combuster has quit IRC 18:14:36 *** Seberoth has quit IRC 18:14:55 <PublicServer> *** made screenshot at 00007A24: http://ps.openttdcoop.org/public/webcam/00007A24.png 18:15:04 <PublicServer> *** KyleS has left the game (connection lost) 18:15:09 *** kyles_ has quit IRC 18:18:16 *** Seberoth has joined #openttdcoop 18:23:50 *** devilsadvocate has joined #openttdcoop 18:31:56 *** devilsadvocate has quit IRC 18:34:13 *** Mitcian has quit IRC 18:39:49 *** devilsadvocate has joined #openttdcoop 18:40:44 <XeryusTC> !password 18:40:44 <PublicServer> XeryusTC: coyote 18:40:53 <PublicServer> *** XeryusTC joined the game 18:41:14 <PublicServer> <XeryusTC> Mazur: why are you making overflows everywhere? 18:41:32 <damalix> !players 18:41:33 <PublicServer> damalix: Client 47 is Spike, a spectator 18:41:33 <PublicServer> damalix: Client 117 is Damalix, a spectator 18:41:33 <PublicServer> damalix: Client 126 is thgergo, a spectator 18:41:33 <PublicServer> damalix: Client 118 (Orange) is Mazur, in company 1 (Epical Company of Epic) 18:41:33 <PublicServer> damalix: Client 131 (Orange) is XeryusTC, in company 1 (Epical Company of Epic) 18:42:00 <PublicServer> *** Damalix has joined company #1 18:43:06 <PublicServer> *** avdg joined the game 18:43:22 <PublicServer> <avdg> hey 18:43:27 <PublicServer> <Damalix> hey 18:43:34 *** mixrin has joined #openttdcoop 18:43:38 <PublicServer> <thgergo> hi 18:43:58 <PublicServer> <XeryusTC> hey 18:44:29 <XeryusTC> !trains 1300 18:44:29 <PublicServer> *** XeryusTC has set max_trains to 1300 18:44:55 <PublicServer> <avdg> hmm 18:44:57 <PublicServer> *** made screenshot at 00019446: http://ps.openttdcoop.org/public/webcam/00019446.png 18:45:10 <PublicServer> <avdg> extra platforms for rubber/wood? 18:45:50 <PublicServer> <XeryusTC> possibly 18:46:08 <PublicServer> <avdg> its jamming hard now 18:46:20 <PublicServer> <avdg> but it has at least a good buffer now 18:49:33 <PublicServer> *** XeryusTC has left the game (leaving) 18:51:34 *** Chillosophy has joined #openttdcoop 18:51:38 <PublicServer> *** thgergo has left the game (connection lost) 18:54:16 *** fmauneko has joined #openttdcoop 18:58:53 <VVG> hello 18:59:01 <PublicServer> <avdg> hey 18:59:02 <VVG> !info 18:59:02 <PublicServer> VVG: #:1(Orange) Company Name: 'Epical Company of Epic' Year Founded: 1950 Money: 21281412168 Loan: 0 Value: 21294102276 (T:1291, R:0, P:0, S:0) unprotected 18:59:07 <PublicServer> <Damalix> 'lo 18:59:16 <VVG> that's a lot of trains :( 18:59:59 <PublicServer> *** made screenshot at 0000ADF4: http://ps.openttdcoop.org/public/webcam/0000ADF4.png 19:00:46 <avdg> and almost train limit again 19:02:45 <VVG> i was thinking, latest rebuild of rubber pickup kinda made my splitter on other 3 pickups useless, if let the traffic there go free. Only food trains might need forcing to go east route 19:08:44 <PublicServer> <Damalix> I think we have a PBS !bug 19:09:19 <damalix> !players 19:09:21 <PublicServer> damalix: Client 47 is Spike, a spectator 19:09:21 <PublicServer> damalix: Client 117 (Orange) is Damalix, in company 1 (Epical Company of Epic) 19:09:21 <PublicServer> damalix: Client 118 (Orange) is Mazur, in company 1 (Epical Company of Epic) 19:09:21 <PublicServer> damalix: Client 132 (Orange) is avdg, in company 1 (Epical Company of Epic) 19:09:39 <PublicServer> <avdg> not a bug 19:09:56 <PublicServer> <avdg> the tracks didn't had electricity 19:10:00 <PublicServer> <Damalix> then why the train was stopped ? 19:10:04 <PublicServer> <Damalix> oh 19:10:07 <PublicServer> <Damalix> ok 19:10:23 *** Ramsus08191 has joined #openttdcoop 19:10:24 <PublicServer> <Damalix> catenary transparency is on on my computer 19:10:29 <PublicServer> <avdg> if there is no save waitingarea, pbs just skip these platforms 19:10:35 <Ramsus08191> !password 19:10:35 <PublicServer> Ramsus08191: snares 19:10:58 <Ramsus08191> !dl win32 19:10:58 <PublicServer> Ramsus08191: http://binaries.openttd.org/nightlies/trunk/r20214/openttd-trunk-r20214-windows-win32.zip 19:11:01 <PublicServer> <avdg> well, rebuild the industry :p 19:11:03 <PublicServer> <Damalix> ok 19:11:20 <PublicServer> <avdg> if we could... 19:11:52 <PublicServer> <Damalix> destry this station 19:11:56 <PublicServer> <Damalix> then ? 19:12:06 <PublicServer> <avdg> well, do :p 19:12:19 <PublicServer> <avdg> hmm 19:13:23 <PublicServer> <avdg> I think it should be possible for the server detecting connection between erail and non-erail :p 19:13:39 <PublicServer> <avdg> just saying 19:14:35 <PublicServer> <avdg> :p 19:14:40 <PublicServer> <avdg> useless depots 19:15:01 <PublicServer> *** made screenshot at 000395FB: http://ps.openttdcoop.org/public/webcam/000395FB.png 19:15:37 <PublicServer> <Damalix> Some parts of our network are particularly underloaded O_o 19:15:55 <Ramsus08191> !password 19:15:55 <PublicServer> Ramsus08191: liming 19:16:11 <PublicServer> *** Ramsus08191 joined the game 19:16:23 <PublicServer> <Ramsus08191> Howdy 19:17:14 <PublicServer> <avdg> I don't see that many diffrends with 1300 and 800 trains (at last join) 19:17:19 <PublicServer> <Ramsus08191> hm 1300 insuch small map 19:17:36 <PublicServer> <avdg> well, we are using short routes 19:18:02 <PublicServer> <avdg> except for some primairies 19:18:03 <PublicServer> *** tneo joined the game 19:18:26 <PublicServer> <Damalix> I think it'll be time to expand BBH02-06 ML ? 19:27:09 *** fonsinchen has quit IRC 19:28:48 <PublicServer> *** Damalix has joined spectators 19:29:35 <PublicServer> *** tneo has left the game (leaving) 19:30:05 <PublicServer> *** made screenshot at 0000F3E0: http://ps.openttdcoop.org/public/webcam/0000F3E0.png 19:33:02 <PublicServer> *** avdg has joined spectators 19:39:26 <PublicServer> *** Ramsus08191 has left the game (connection lost) 19:39:32 *** Ramsus08191 has quit IRC 19:45:00 *** benom has joined #openttdcoop 19:45:07 <PublicServer> *** made screenshot at 0002A410: http://ps.openttdcoop.org/public/webcam/0002A410.png 19:47:56 *** robobed has quit IRC 19:52:10 <PublicServer> *** avdg has joined company #1 20:00:09 <PublicServer> *** made screenshot at 00023258: http://ps.openttdcoop.org/public/webcam/00023258.png 20:08:06 <PublicServer> *** Damalix has joined company #1 20:08:22 <PublicServer> <avdg> hmm 20:08:49 <PublicServer> <Damalix> ? 20:09:00 <PublicServer> <avdg> bbh02-06 has now a LLL_RR configuration 20:09:15 <PublicServer> <avdg> and the joiner at BBH02 is far from optimal 20:09:37 <PublicServer> <avdg> check !join 20:10:01 <PublicServer> <avdg> the fillers are too slow now 20:14:18 *** Combuster has joined #openttdcoop 20:15:11 <PublicServer> *** made screenshot at 00000000: http://ps.openttdcoop.org/public/webcam/00000000.png 20:15:37 <PublicServer> <Damalix> I'll be going off to bed 20:15:40 <PublicServer> <Damalix> Good noght 20:15:41 <PublicServer> <avdg> cya 20:15:49 <PublicServer> <Damalix> Cya 20:15:54 <PublicServer> *** Damalix has left the game (connection lost) 20:16:06 *** damalix has left #openttdcoop 20:22:13 *** perk111 has joined #openttdcoop 20:22:20 *** Combuster has quit IRC 20:27:16 *** perk11 has quit IRC 20:29:50 <XeryusTC> !password 20:29:50 <PublicServer> XeryusTC: brooks 20:29:57 <PublicServer> *** XeryusTC joined the game 20:30:04 <PublicServer> <avdg> hey 20:30:13 <PublicServer> *** made screenshot at 0002305B: http://ps.openttdcoop.org/public/webcam/0002305B.png 20:32:25 <PublicServer> <avdg> any plans about BBH02-06? 20:34:38 *** mixrin has quit IRC 20:36:54 <PublicServer> <XeryusTC> hello 20:45:15 <PublicServer> *** made screenshot at 0000D636: http://ps.openttdcoop.org/public/webcam/0000D636.png 20:54:34 *** sharpy has joined #openttdcoop 20:54:38 <sharpy> password 20:54:42 <sharpy> !password 20:54:42 <PublicServer> sharpy: disarm 20:55:14 <PublicServer> *** sharpy joined the game 20:55:23 <PublicServer> <avdg> hey sharpy 20:55:28 <PublicServer> <sharpy> hey guys 20:55:37 <PublicServer> <XeryusTC> heya 20:57:20 *** Max| has quit IRC 20:57:37 <PublicServer> <sharpy> is anyone building? 20:57:41 <PublicServer> <avdg> nope 20:58:02 <PublicServer> <avdg> but I have concerns about BBH02 (and I guess I'm not the only one :p) 20:58:19 <PublicServer> <avdg> I just donno how to do it 20:58:37 <PublicServer> <sharpy> what do you mean, whats wrong with it? 20:58:54 <PublicServer> <sharpy> oh yeah, 2 from west 20:59:14 <PublicServer> <avdg> well, the connection between BBH02-06 is now a LLL_RR ml 20:59:25 <PublicServer> <sharpy> yeah 20:59:40 <PublicServer> <sharpy> well it woulod start at a rebuild of !here 20:59:43 <PublicServer> <avdg> and the joins should be redone 21:00:17 <PublicServer> *** made screenshot at 00000000: http://ps.openttdcoop.org/public/webcam/00000000.png 21:00:21 <PublicServer> *** sharpy has left the game (connection lost) 21:00:28 <PublicServer> <avdg> too heavy? 21:00:58 <sharpy> yeah gettting that way 21:01:09 <PublicServer> <avdg> 104 % here 21:01:22 <thgergo> !password 21:01:22 <PublicServer> thgergo: lunged 21:01:29 <sharpy> though have a new hub on order from BT so hopefully wifi will be more consistant for me soon 21:01:32 <PublicServer> *** thgergo joined the game 21:01:36 <PublicServer> <thgergo> hi 21:01:39 <PublicServer> <avdg> hey 21:01:43 <PublicServer> *** sharpy joined the game 21:02:08 <PublicServer> <sharpy> but do you see where i mean? 21:03:07 <PublicServer> <sharpy> we take away that 3+3=>2 and replace with 3+3=>3 21:03:22 <PublicServer> <sharpy> then build on up to the hub with the third line 21:03:24 <PublicServer> <avdg> it will be heuge :p 21:03:44 <PublicServer> <sharpy> i think its safe to say we're bored enough to do it 21:03:51 <PublicServer> <avdg> :D 21:04:06 <PublicServer> <avdg> well, I think we should add the 3th line first 21:04:10 <PublicServer> <avdg> but not connect it 21:04:29 <PublicServer> <sharpy> and then see what space we have left? 21:04:32 <PublicServer> <avdg> and redo the join so it can handle the new traffic 21:04:43 <PublicServer> <avdg> not that much :p 21:04:52 <PublicServer> <sharpy> lol true 21:04:57 <PublicServer> <sharpy> ok lets do that 21:04:59 <PublicServer> <avdg> just the 2 > 3 balancers 21:05:49 <PublicServer> <sharpy> i'm assuming we balance the tracks before the hub 21:06:03 <PublicServer> <avdg> hmm... 21:06:11 <PublicServer> <avdg> can we reduce traffic with penalties? 21:06:16 <PublicServer> <avdg> ugly hack 21:06:21 <PublicServer> <sharpy> yeah 21:06:27 <PublicServer> <avdg> but thats what we do with rebuilding :) 21:06:53 <PublicServer> <sharpy> ok 21:08:11 <PublicServer> <sharpy> first things first, i'ma eat this piece of melon 21:08:28 <PublicServer> <avdg> lol 21:08:37 *** Razmir has joined #openttdcoop 21:09:39 *** Razmir has left #openttdcoop 21:10:48 <PublicServer> <sharpy> om nom nom 21:12:37 <PublicServer> <sharpy> right lets do this 21:15:19 <PublicServer> *** made screenshot at 00023077: http://ps.openttdcoop.org/public/webcam/00023077.png 21:15:35 <PublicServer> <sharpy> avdg? 21:15:38 <PublicServer> <avdg> ? 21:15:52 <PublicServer> <sharpy> are we gonna whack in this line? 21:16:07 <PublicServer> <avdg> yeah 21:16:24 <PublicServer> <avdg> but I'm missing some inspiration 21:16:26 <PublicServer> <avdg> now 21:16:53 <PublicServer> <sharpy> oh, well i've nearlly got a line that goes through to the Northern ML 21:17:39 *** Combuster has joined #openttdcoop 21:17:45 <PublicServer> <avdg> hmm 21:18:02 <PublicServer> <avdg> I was thinking about 1 balancer and no balancer at al behind 21:18:13 <PublicServer> <avdg> donno if that can work 21:18:17 *** Yso has quit IRC 21:18:34 <PublicServer> <avdg> we really have to balance traffic then 21:18:55 <PublicServer> <sharpy> yeah, or we just have a mixer and prios with choice 21:19:17 <PublicServer> <avdg> V's implementation is a bit overkill, but maybe its his one :d 21:19:48 <PublicServer> <sharpy> yeah, he does love to build 21:21:25 <PublicServer> <avdg> hmm... what does give a lot of penaltie :p 21:21:53 <PublicServer> <avdg> eol hack? 21:21:59 <PublicServer> <avdg> nah :p 21:22:10 <PublicServer> <sharpy> if i knew what that was :p 21:22:32 <PublicServer> <avdg> pf are not smart enough to detect paths after an eol 21:22:41 <PublicServer> <sharpy> ah 21:22:56 <PublicServer> <avdg> its a very dirty one :p 21:23:41 <PublicServer> <sharpy> well lets be honest, whats not going to be scrappy and hacked about this thirdline :p 21:24:06 <PublicServer> <avdg> nah its a construction road :p 21:26:45 <PublicServer> <avdg> that will reduce the traffic I guess 21:27:19 <PublicServer> <sharpy> yeah 21:27:32 <PublicServer> <sharpy> trains will not like that 21:27:54 <PublicServer> <avdg> we can put all kinds of penalties in it 21:27:59 <PublicServer> <sharpy> yeah 21:28:02 <PublicServer> <sharpy> anything 21:28:25 *** heffer has quit IRC 21:29:39 *** Progman has quit IRC 21:30:21 <PublicServer> *** made screenshot at 000128DA: http://ps.openttdcoop.org/public/webcam/000128DA.png 21:30:22 *** Lelle has joined #openttdcoop 21:30:22 <PublicServer> <XeryusTC> oh right, i was playing this 21:30:44 <PublicServer> <avdg> hmm 21:30:51 <PublicServer> <avdg> seems we have another option... 21:30:53 <PublicServer> <avdg> just build 21:30:59 <PublicServer> <avdg> :) 21:31:11 <PublicServer> <sharpy> :D 21:31:14 <PublicServer> <avdg> we're thinking too much 21:31:17 <PublicServer> <sharpy> its what i've been doing 21:31:31 <PublicServer> <avdg> I think so 21:32:36 <PublicServer> <sharpy> line to far side is done, half balanced 21:33:03 <PublicServer> <XeryusTC> rubber/wood needs more platforms or a new station :o 21:33:40 <avdg> i know 21:33:59 <avdg> i told already that it needed more 21:34:22 <avdg> but there are good buffers there, so there is no real jam there 21:35:10 <PublicServer> <avdg> hmm 21:35:52 <PublicServer> <avdg> is !bridge more helping then wasting length? 21:36:00 <PublicServer> <avdg> I don't know 21:38:03 *** Lelle has quit IRC 21:39:45 <^Spike^> the game is leading towards an end... and it's not really jamming cause of the overflows 21:40:21 <PublicServer> <sharpy> true 21:40:40 <PublicServer> <avdg> I had a lot hope in capacity in this network earlier 21:40:55 <^Spike^> !server_status 21:40:56 <PublicServer> ^Spike^: 23:40:55 up 20 days, 21:35, 1 user, load average: 0.66, 0.25, 0.20 21:40:56 <PublicServer> ^Spike^: Cpu(s): 35.1%us, 6.8%sy, 5.9%ni, 50.7%id, 1.5%wa, 0.0%hi, 0.1%si, 0.0%st 21:40:57 <PublicServer> ^Spike^: 28690 openttd 30 10 55104 21m 2936 S 41 1.1 399:33.63 ./openttd -c opentt 21:41:00 <PublicServer> <avdg> actually its not suprising me -yet- 21:41:09 <PublicServer> <sharpy> yeah 21:41:20 <PublicServer> <avdg> my gamble is at 1750 21:41:25 <^Spike^> the game is starting to get hard for others.. and looking at the server i think there aswell 21:41:32 <PublicServer> <sharpy> its taken all the traffic well for a relatively condensed network 21:41:50 <PublicServer> <avdg> the bad implementation is the only problem atm 21:41:55 <PublicServer> <sharpy> yeah 21:41:59 *** ed has joined #openttdcoop 21:42:10 <^Spike^> it's using almost a full core 21:42:16 <PublicServer> <sharpy> what ever the next game, proper balanced junctions will be a must 21:43:34 <PublicServer> <sharpy> lol 21:43:48 <PublicServer> <sharpy> that amuses me 21:44:09 <PublicServer> *** Spike has left the game (leaving) 21:44:12 <PublicServer> <avdg> if we had neutraliser on the network, it would making balancers a lot easier 21:44:25 <PublicServer> <avdg> the bad thing is that its forced 21:44:46 <PublicServer> <avdg> so we can't really have any missing connection then 21:44:55 <PublicServer> <sharpy> mmmmm 21:45:24 <PublicServer> *** made screenshot at 00023270: http://ps.openttdcoop.org/public/webcam/00023270.png 21:45:39 <PublicServer> <avdg> lets say exit 21:46:02 <PublicServer> <avdg> if the other doesn't have that connection 21:46:16 <PublicServer> <avdg> trains would possibly pass it 21:46:21 <PublicServer> <avdg> get it 21:46:24 <PublicServer> <sharpy> yeah 21:46:57 <PublicServer> <sharpy> trains would be lost all over the shop 21:47:38 <PublicServer> <avdg> its just sad that pf aren't smart enough to recognise ml's 21:47:57 <PublicServer> <avdg> they aren't that smart :p 21:48:38 <PublicServer> *** XeryusTC has left the game (connection lost) 21:48:59 *** [com]buster has joined #openttdcoop 21:49:55 <PublicServer> <avdg> hmm 21:50:11 <ed> !password 21:50:11 <PublicServer> ed: ankled 21:51:02 <PublicServer> *** ed joined the game 21:51:18 <PublicServer> *** ed has left the game (connection lost) 21:51:24 <PublicServer> <avdg> hmm... lets go a step further... 21:51:28 *** LukeusMaximus has quit IRC 21:51:31 <PublicServer> <avdg> disconnect? 21:51:31 *** Chris_Booth has joined #openttdcoop 21:51:39 <ed> must be one crazy map 21:51:42 <PublicServer> <sharpy> plan 21:51:52 <PublicServer> *** sharpy has left the game (connection lost) 21:52:14 <sharpy> my internets messing around, but yes dissconect and work on sounds best option 21:52:17 <PublicServer> <avdg> rebuild the balancer and rebuild the lines to the requirements 21:52:41 <sharpy> why not 21:52:49 <sharpy> MAW 21:53:25 <PublicServer> <avdg> well, best moment is if we had more people 21:53:38 <PublicServer> <avdg> hmm.. 21:54:10 <PublicServer> <avdg> do we have less people because the cpu or because the boringness? 21:54:21 <sharpy> probs a bit of both 21:54:35 <PublicServer> <avdg> or are they too "buzy"? 21:54:39 <sharpy> lol 21:54:49 <sharpy> sunday night, doubt buzy 21:55:41 *** Combuster has quit IRC 21:55:41 *** [com]buster is now known as Combuster 21:59:46 *** fmauneko has quit IRC 22:00:26 <PublicServer> *** made screenshot at 00000000: http://ps.openttdcoop.org/public/webcam/00000000.png 22:04:39 *** sharpy has quit IRC 22:07:12 *** Seberoth has quit IRC 22:07:28 *** perk111 is now known as perk11 22:11:27 *** ODM has quit IRC 22:15:42 *** perk11 has quit IRC 22:15:48 *** pugi has quit IRC 22:17:47 *** ed has quit IRC 22:24:52 <PublicServer> *** avdg has joined spectators 22:24:58 <PublicServer> *** avdg has left the game (leaving) 22:27:29 *** Razmir has joined #openttdcoop 22:28:11 *** devilsadvocate has quit IRC 22:30:27 <PublicServer> *** made screenshot at 0002347C: http://ps.openttdcoop.org/public/webcam/0002347C.png 22:32:52 <PublicServer> *** thgergo has left the game (leaving) 22:56:32 *** Razmir has left #openttdcoop 22:57:01 *** Combuster has quit IRC 22:58:43 *** Razmir has joined #openttdcoop 22:58:45 *** Razmir has left #openttdcoop 23:00:13 <PublicServer> *** Mazur has left the game (leaving) 23:00:58 *** ^Spike^ has quit IRC 23:01:13 *** elmz_ has joined #openttdcoop 23:03:48 *** Chillosophy has quit IRC 23:09:00 *** elmz has quit IRC 23:09:02 *** Yexo has quit IRC 23:11:42 *** Vitus has quit IRC 23:36:57 *** snc has quit IRC 23:55:03 *** Chris_Booth has quit IRC 23:59:41 *** thgergo has quit IRC