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00:05:09 <PublicServer> *** made screenshot at 00027F1E: http://ps.openttdcoop.org/publicserver/webcam/00027F1E.png 00:11:01 *** smoovi has quit IRC 00:20:09 <PublicServer> *** made screenshot at 000346FB: http://ps.openttdcoop.org/publicserver/webcam/000346FB.png 00:31:46 *** KenjiE20 has quit IRC 00:35:09 <PublicServer> *** made screenshot at 00031D9E: http://ps.openttdcoop.org/publicserver/webcam/00031D9E.png 00:37:55 <PublicServer> *** Sylf joined the game 00:47:25 <tycoondemon> I stil dont understand how to make a screenshot 00:47:39 <PublicServer> <Sylf> ctrl-s? 00:48:40 <tycoondemon> like that is pastes it here in channel? 00:49:14 <Sylf> come again? 00:50:09 <PublicServer> *** made screenshot at 00034057: http://ps.openttdcoop.org/publicserver/webcam/00034057.png 00:50:50 <Sylf> the screenshots from the public server game are products of some patch that they apply, which is stored on the server, at a location that can be served to the web 00:51:04 *** pugi has quit IRC 00:54:13 *** Keiya_ has joined #openttdcoop 01:02:02 <PublicServer> <Mazur> You still working at anything? 01:02:50 <PublicServer> <Mazur> Anyway, I'm off,. 01:02:54 <PublicServer> *** Mazur has left the game (connection lost) 01:05:10 <PublicServer> *** made screenshot at 00034052: http://ps.openttdcoop.org/publicserver/webcam/00034052.png 01:16:59 *** thgergo has quit IRC 01:20:10 <PublicServer> *** made screenshot at 0001D34C: http://ps.openttdcoop.org/publicserver/webcam/0001D34C.png 01:30:55 *** fonsinchen has quit IRC 01:35:10 <PublicServer> *** made screenshot at 00021EE6: http://ps.openttdcoop.org/publicserver/webcam/00021EE6.png 01:44:41 *** Keiya_ has quit IRC 01:45:02 *** Keiya_ has joined #openttdcoop 01:50:10 <PublicServer> *** made screenshot at 0002BF4F: http://ps.openttdcoop.org/publicserver/webcam/0002BF4F.png 01:50:18 *** Chillosophy has quit IRC 02:02:15 <PublicServer> *** Sylf has left the game (connection lost) 02:02:17 <PublicServer> *** Game paused (number of players) 02:02:27 <Sylf> !password 02:02:28 <PublicServer> Sylf: relaid 02:02:37 <PublicServer> *** Game still paused (number of players) 02:02:37 <PublicServer> *** Game unpaused (number of players) 02:02:38 <PublicServer> *** Sylf joined the game 02:05:11 <PublicServer> *** made screenshot at 0003A674: http://ps.openttdcoop.org/publicserver/webcam/0003A674.png 02:20:11 <PublicServer> *** made screenshot at 00026AC8: http://ps.openttdcoop.org/publicserver/webcam/00026AC8.png 02:35:11 <PublicServer> *** made screenshot at 0000702B: http://ps.openttdcoop.org/publicserver/webcam/0000702B.png 02:35:50 *** Fuco has quit IRC 02:45:02 *** Keiya has joined #openttdcoop 02:50:11 <PublicServer> *** made screenshot at 0000A058: http://ps.openttdcoop.org/publicserver/webcam/0000A058.png 02:51:53 *** Keiya_ has quit IRC 02:52:30 *** theholyduck has quit IRC 02:52:35 *** theholyduck has joined #openttdcoop 03:02:56 <juliano> !password 03:02:57 <PublicServer> juliano: mascot 03:03:19 <PublicServer> *** Juliano joined the game 03:03:27 <PublicServer> <Sylf> hi 03:03:59 <PublicServer> <Juliano> hi 03:05:11 <PublicServer> *** made screenshot at 0001C945: http://ps.openttdcoop.org/publicserver/webcam/0001C945.png 03:18:30 *** Keiya_ has joined #openttdcoop 03:20:12 <PublicServer> *** made screenshot at 0001BB45: http://ps.openttdcoop.org/publicserver/webcam/0001BB45.png 03:25:53 *** Keiya has quit IRC 03:35:12 <PublicServer> *** made screenshot at 00033E54: http://ps.openttdcoop.org/publicserver/webcam/00033E54.png 03:42:35 <PublicServer> *** Juliano has left the game (connection lost) 03:43:08 *** murr4y has quit IRC 03:50:12 <PublicServer> *** made screenshot at 000395D6: http://ps.openttdcoop.org/publicserver/webcam/000395D6.png 03:54:33 *** murr4y has joined #openttdcoop 04:00:03 *** Keiya has joined #openttdcoop 04:05:12 <PublicServer> *** made screenshot at 00034B9C: http://ps.openttdcoop.org/publicserver/webcam/00034B9C.png 04:07:23 *** Keiya_ has quit IRC 04:11:25 *** PulseNeon has joined #openttdcoop 04:17:50 *** juliano has quit IRC 04:20:13 <PublicServer> *** made screenshot at 0003AF55: http://ps.openttdcoop.org/publicserver/webcam/0003AF55.png 04:35:13 <PublicServer> *** made screenshot at 0003739F: http://ps.openttdcoop.org/publicserver/webcam/0003739F.png 04:43:56 *** sample has quit IRC 04:44:01 *** hylje has joined #openttdcoop 04:44:01 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o hylje 04:50:13 <PublicServer> *** made screenshot at 0002BD58: http://ps.openttdcoop.org/publicserver/webcam/0002BD58.png 04:57:11 *** Keiya_ has joined #openttdcoop 05:04:23 *** Keiya has quit IRC 05:05:13 <PublicServer> *** made screenshot at 0002B948: http://ps.openttdcoop.org/publicserver/webcam/0002B948.png 05:20:13 <PublicServer> *** made screenshot at 000399E3: http://ps.openttdcoop.org/publicserver/webcam/000399E3.png 05:30:49 *** theholyduck has quit IRC 05:35:14 <PublicServer> *** made screenshot at 00036BDE: http://ps.openttdcoop.org/publicserver/webcam/00036BDE.png 05:36:11 *** Firartix has joined #openttdcoop 05:38:22 <PublicServer> *** Sylf has left the game (leaving) 05:38:22 <PublicServer> *** Game paused (number of players) 05:48:11 <uliko> !players 05:48:13 <PublicServer> uliko: Client 91 (Orange) is tycoondemon, in company 1 (Martian Maniacs UnLTD.) 05:50:14 <PublicServer> *** made screenshot at 000373E3: http://ps.openttdcoop.org/publicserver/webcam/000373E3.png 05:54:19 *** Keiya has joined #openttdcoop 06:01:56 *** Keiya_ has quit IRC 06:04:30 *** lasershock has quit IRC 06:27:03 *** Firartix has quit IRC 06:41:06 *** hylje has quit IRC 06:45:32 *** fmauneko has joined #openttdcoop 06:45:58 *** fmauneko has quit IRC 06:46:01 *** Keiya_ has joined #openttdcoop 06:53:40 *** Keiya has quit IRC 07:21:38 *** sample has joined #openttdcoop 07:22:16 *** DayDreamer has joined #openttdcoop 07:24:26 *** lasershock has joined #openttdcoop 07:48:25 *** Keiya has joined #openttdcoop 07:55:56 *** Keiya_ has quit IRC 08:30:41 <V453000> !password 08:30:41 <PublicServer> V453000: brooms 08:30:59 <PublicServer> *** Game still paused (number of players) 08:30:59 <PublicServer> *** Game unpaused (number of players) 08:31:00 <PublicServer> *** V453000 joined the game 08:31:01 <PublicServer> <V453000> hi 08:33:49 *** fonsinchen has joined #openttdcoop 08:37:03 <PublicServer> *** V453000 has left the game (connection lost) 08:37:03 <PublicServer> *** Game paused (number of players) 08:50:14 <PublicServer> *** made screenshot at 0003C280: http://ps.openttdcoop.org/publicserver/webcam/0003C280.png 09:04:09 <dih> still on that ugly looking mars game? :-P 09:07:25 *** ODM has joined #openttdcoop 09:07:25 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o ODM 09:08:42 *** pugi has joined #openttdcoop 09:11:51 *** Keiya_ has joined #openttdcoop 09:19:10 *** Keiya has quit IRC 09:36:36 *** ODM has quit IRC 09:36:47 *** ODM has joined #openttdcoop 09:36:47 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o ODM 09:40:38 <planetmaker> moin 09:46:26 *** mrruben5 has joined #openttdcoop 09:46:33 *** mrruben5 has left #openttdcoop 09:49:41 *** ODM has quit IRC 09:53:13 *** fonsinchen has quit IRC 10:05:54 <PublicServer> *** tycoondemon has joined spectators 10:06:12 <PublicServer> <tycoondemon> this mars game kccks ass 10:13:01 *** sample has quit IRC 10:14:50 *** Keiya has joined #openttdcoop 10:15:27 *** ksf__ has joined #openttdcoop 10:21:50 *** ksf_ has quit IRC 10:22:06 *** Keiya_ has quit IRC 10:30:57 *** benom has quit IRC 11:09:15 *** Keiya_ has joined #openttdcoop 11:16:06 *** Progman has joined #openttdcoop 11:16:35 *** Keiya has quit IRC 11:47:51 <PublicServer> *** tycoondemon has joined company #1 11:53:23 <PulseNeon> !password 11:53:23 <PublicServer> PulseNeon: tycoon 11:53:33 <PublicServer> *** Game still paused (number of players) 11:53:33 <PublicServer> *** Game unpaused (number of players) 11:53:35 <PublicServer> *** PulseNeon joined the game 11:57:59 *** KenjiE20 has joined #openttdcoop 11:57:59 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o KenjiE20 12:00:33 <PublicServer> *** PulseNeon has left the game (leaving) 12:00:33 <PublicServer> *** Game paused (number of players) 12:05:16 <PublicServer> *** made screenshot at 0002632F: http://ps.openttdcoop.org/publicserver/webcam/0002632F.png 12:11:32 *** Keiya has joined #openttdcoop 12:19:01 *** Keiya_ has quit IRC 12:23:22 *** mrruben5 has joined #openttdcoop 13:18:02 *** glevans2 has quit IRC 13:20:54 *** Fuco has joined #openttdcoop 13:20:58 *** ChanServ sets mode: +v Fuco 13:21:47 *** Suzari has joined #openttdcoop 13:23:17 *** glevans2 has joined #openttdcoop 13:24:26 *** PulseNeon has quit IRC 13:25:43 *** Suzari has quit IRC 13:26:10 *** PulseNeon has joined #openttdcoop 13:26:17 <PulseNeon> !password 13:26:17 <PublicServer> PulseNeon: canter 13:26:24 <PublicServer> *** Game still paused (number of players) 13:26:24 <PublicServer> *** Game unpaused (number of players) 13:26:26 <PublicServer> *** PulseNeon joined the game 13:27:42 <PulseNeon> Hello my fellow co-opers. 13:28:09 <avdg> hi 13:29:03 <PublicServer> *** avdg joined the game 13:29:03 <PulseNeon> avdg, could you help me build an expansion? 13:29:24 <PublicServer> <PulseNeon> There's a sugar station that seems to have some issue freeing up 13:29:30 <PublicServer> <PulseNeon> or I suppose that's intentional 13:29:42 <PublicServer> <PulseNeon> sign is !requires upgrade? 13:29:42 <PublicServer> <avdg> which one? 13:30:30 <PublicServer> <avdg> there is more coming in than the output handler can handle 13:31:14 <PublicServer> <PulseNeon> More trains than the sugar plant puts out in cargo? 13:31:22 <PublicServer> <avdg> lets upgrade it :) 13:31:32 <PublicServer> <avdg> step 1: use 1 platform instead of 2 13:31:37 <PublicServer> <PulseNeon> I intended too, but would appreciate the help 13:31:39 <PublicServer> <PulseNeon> Oh? 13:31:51 <PublicServer> <PulseNeon> I was going to add another platform XD 13:32:11 <PublicServer> <PulseNeon> I didn't build this station, I just found it like this. 13:32:41 <PublicServer> <avdg> better now :) 13:33:00 <PublicServer> <avdg> hmm 13:33:02 <PublicServer> <avdg> missing not 13:33:18 <PublicServer> <PulseNeon> seemed to methis was build to make for fully loaded trains 13:33:54 <PublicServer> <PulseNeon> I see you removed one platform and added a long reach around track? 13:34:12 <PublicServer> <PulseNeon> Just trying to learn how this works. 13:35:16 <PublicServer> *** made screenshot at 00025D25: http://ps.openttdcoop.org/publicserver/webcam/00025D25.png 13:40:09 <PublicServer> <PulseNeon> I'm sorry if I didn't add anything, just trying to observe and realize what you did. Why the added platofrm? 13:40:23 <PublicServer> <avdg> to move stuff 13:40:31 <PublicServer> <PulseNeon> ah 13:40:55 <PublicServer> <avdg> that toyland is something painfull 13:41:06 <PublicServer> <PulseNeon> Why? not seeing the mars look? 13:41:13 <PublicServer> <PulseNeon> or you don't like the mars look? 13:41:26 <PublicServer> <avdg> no I mean, it blocks the upgrade 13:41:39 <PublicServer> <PulseNeon> -blinks- 13:41:45 <PublicServer> <PulseNeon> oh. toy shop XD 13:41:51 <PublicServer> <PulseNeon> I understand 13:42:03 <PublicServer> <PulseNeon> could you explain the 4 platforms to me? since we use two? 13:42:35 <PublicServer> <avdg> each incoming track requires 2 width 13:42:53 <PublicServer> <avdg> but I'm moving stuff, so I need those between them 13:42:59 <PublicServer> <PulseNeon> -nod- 13:44:42 <PublicServer> <PulseNeon> I'm amazed the trains have no orders o.O 13:44:46 <PublicServer> <avdg> yeah 13:44:53 <PublicServer> <avdg> these are the most important trains 13:44:59 <PublicServer> <avdg> we need to control them 13:45:07 <PublicServer> <avdg> which is why we need special constructions 13:45:18 <PublicServer> <PulseNeon> -nod- 13:45:33 <PublicServer> <avdg> just forced that one :p 13:47:39 <PublicServer> <avdg> no, that bridge :) 13:47:39 <PublicServer> <PulseNeon> didn't fit XD 13:47:56 <PublicServer> <avdg> force it :) 13:47:59 <PublicServer> <avdg> now it works 13:48:01 <PublicServer> <avdg> should 13:48:03 <PublicServer> <PulseNeon> Force what? 13:48:13 <PublicServer> <avdg> using 2way signal 13:48:23 <PublicServer> <avdg> to provent the previous train from blocking 13:48:27 <PublicServer> <avdg> *prevent 13:49:05 <PublicServer> <PulseNeon> why the bend in this? 13:49:34 <PublicServer> <PulseNeon> to prevent blocking? 13:49:48 <PublicServer> <avdg> because it creates jams? 13:49:54 <PublicServer> <PulseNeon> right. 13:50:17 <PublicServer> *** made screenshot at 00027D27: http://ps.openttdcoop.org/publicserver/webcam/00027D27.png 13:50:27 <PublicServer> <PulseNeon> What if you move the bridge one down so that bend is straight? 13:50:35 <PublicServer> <PulseNeon> Signals, I think 13:50:35 <PublicServer> <PulseNeon> blah. 13:50:49 <PublicServer> <avdg> bweh, then you have the other 2 13:50:55 <PublicServer> <PulseNeon> -nod- 13:51:06 <PublicServer> <PulseNeon> needs space for signals, if the bend wasn't there, signals wouldn't fit on either side. 13:51:08 <PublicServer> <avdg> its possible to fix, but its good enough right now 13:52:40 <PublicServer> <PulseNeon> Sundstone is still overflowing, but I think we'd need more trains 13:53:01 <PublicServer> <avdg> yeah 13:53:09 <PublicServer> <avdg> but that requires adding train 13:53:17 <PublicServer> <PulseNeon> just remarking :) 13:53:19 <PublicServer> <avdg> because the ml has too little trains 13:53:26 <PublicServer> <PulseNeon> Not gonna do anything until I'd get the okay. 13:53:33 <PublicServer> <avdg> its ok now 13:53:40 <PublicServer> <avdg> just adding trains :) 13:54:18 <PublicServer> <avdg> that ring isn't ready yet for that many traffic 13:54:42 <PublicServer> <PulseNeon> Ah 13:54:49 <PublicServer> <PulseNeon> Looks very chaotic :) 13:55:05 <PublicServer> <avdg> yeah, 3rd line isn't done yet 13:55:23 <PublicServer> <avdg> that adds a bit more complexity 13:55:50 <PublicServer> <PulseNeon> :) been meaning to join in, but everytime I wonder "what the hell would I do with my newbie mind" XD 13:57:42 <PublicServer> <avdg> bleh, another drop station is failing 13:57:48 <PublicServer> <PulseNeon> oh? 13:58:01 *** DayDreamer has quit IRC 13:58:32 <PublicServer> <avdg> drop 4 13:59:42 <V453000> !password 13:59:42 <PublicServer> V453000: disuse 14:00:10 <PublicServer> *** V453000 joined the game 14:00:14 <PublicServer> <V453000> lo 14:00:16 <PublicServer> <V453000> oh wtf 14:00:16 <PublicServer> <avdg> hi 14:00:26 <PublicServer> <avdg> why are we red btw 14:00:32 <PublicServer> <V453000> dont ask me 14:00:42 <PublicServer> <avdg> :p you just joined 14:01:06 <PulseNeon> Can't find drop 04 14:01:17 <PublicServer> <V453000> get station list 14:01:20 <PublicServer> <V453000> see network plan 14:01:23 <PulseNeon> -nevermind- 14:01:25 <PublicServer> <V453000> :) 14:01:41 <PublicServer> <avdg> the go google it complaining answer :) 14:02:49 <PublicServer> <avdg> fixed a very small signalgap at drop 4 14:02:55 <PublicServer> <avdg> seems it helped more then expected 14:03:23 <PublicServer> <V453000> Drop 04 should get waiting bays instead of the combo signals if you want to make it faster 14:03:31 <PublicServer> <avdg> true 14:03:39 <PublicServer> <avdg> now is 1 signalblok serving 6 stations 14:03:57 <PublicServer> <avdg> thats also a hard thing 14:04:11 <PublicServer> <V453000> kind of 14:04:38 <PublicServer> <V453000> just needs reorganizing :) 14:05:00 <PublicServer> <PulseNeon> some blocks seem to have working waiting bays 14:05:17 <PublicServer> *** made screenshot at 00007A3E: http://ps.openttdcoop.org/publicserver/webcam/00007A3E.png 14:05:34 <PublicServer> <avdg> whoops 14:05:48 <PublicServer> <V453000> oh you thought waiting bays in front of platforms 14:05:54 <PublicServer> <V453000> well that might help but not much 14:05:56 <PublicServer> <avdg> indeed :p 14:06:03 <PublicServer> <V453000> the main problem are the combo signals 14:06:15 <PublicServer> <V453000> these are slow 14:06:18 <PublicServer> <avdg> just move them away 14:06:28 <PublicServer> <V453000> should be replaced with proper mixing 14:06:36 <PublicServer> <avdg> thats the signalblock I mean 14:06:39 <PublicServer> <PulseNeon> mixing? 14:06:57 <PublicServer> <V453000> just balancing stuff around 14:07:33 <PublicServer> <avdg> @drop 2 I've added these gaps especially for caching purpose 14:07:49 <PublicServer> <avdg> since there is a big change of it 14:07:53 <PublicServer> <V453000> thats their point ... 14:07:59 <PublicServer> <avdg> *chance 14:08:09 <PublicServer> <V453000> although that balanced entrance is pretty bad 14:08:15 <PublicServer> <avdg> true 14:08:42 <PublicServer> <PulseNeon> Good luck guys, I'm going to take a nap. 14:08:54 <PublicServer> <avdg> gn 14:09:04 <PublicServer> *** V453000 has joined spectators 14:09:27 <PublicServer> *** PulseNeon has left the game (leaving) 14:13:09 <PublicServer> <V453000> meh will have to go 14:13:11 <PublicServer> <V453000> -.- 14:13:13 <PublicServer> <V453000> cya 14:13:15 <PublicServer> *** V453000 has left the game (leaving) 14:13:17 <PublicServer> <avdg> cya 14:14:03 *** Keiya_ has joined #openttdcoop 14:14:51 *** Intexon has joined #openttdcoop 14:16:06 <PublicServer> *** Intexon joined the game 14:16:07 <PublicServer> <Intexon> hey 14:16:07 <PublicServer> <avdg> hi 14:20:17 <PublicServer> *** made screenshot at 00020314: http://ps.openttdcoop.org/publicserver/webcam/00020314.png 14:20:35 *** Fuco has quit IRC 14:21:26 *** Keiya has quit IRC 14:25:04 <PublicServer> *** Mazur joined the game 14:27:46 <PublicServer> *** Intexon has left the game (leaving) 14:35:17 <PublicServer> *** made screenshot at 00020B0E: http://ps.openttdcoop.org/publicserver/webcam/00020B0E.png 14:40:15 *** Intexon has quit IRC 14:50:17 <PublicServer> *** made screenshot at 0001F90F: http://ps.openttdcoop.org/publicserver/webcam/0001F90F.png 14:52:40 *** thgergo has joined #openttdcoop 14:57:22 <PublicServer> <avdg> just moving some splits more away @drop 4 and I'm done :p 15:01:11 *** Keiya has joined #openttdcoop 15:05:18 <PublicServer> *** made screenshot at 0001FF0E: http://ps.openttdcoop.org/publicserver/webcam/0001FF0E.png 15:08:25 *** Keiya_ has quit IRC 15:13:18 *** Djarshi has joined #openttdcoop 15:20:19 <PublicServer> *** made screenshot at 0002090F: http://ps.openttdcoop.org/publicserver/webcam/0002090F.png 15:24:45 <PublicServer> *** tycoondemon has left the game (connection lost) 15:33:13 *** DayDreamer has joined #openttdcoop 15:35:19 <PublicServer> *** made screenshot at 00018728: http://ps.openttdcoop.org/publicserver/webcam/00018728.png 15:38:09 *** Fuco has joined #openttdcoop 15:38:13 *** ChanServ sets mode: +v Fuco 15:41:01 *** PulseNeon has quit IRC 15:50:14 *** Fuco has quit IRC 15:50:19 <PublicServer> *** made screenshot at 0001D8EE: http://ps.openttdcoop.org/publicserver/webcam/0001D8EE.png 15:55:36 *** Keiya_ has joined #openttdcoop 15:58:48 <PublicServer> <avdg> Mazur: are you doing something? 15:59:52 <PublicServer> *** avdg has joined spectators 15:59:52 <PublicServer> *** Game paused (number of players) 16:02:53 *** Keiya has quit IRC 16:05:13 *** Fuco has joined #openttdcoop 16:05:17 *** ChanServ sets mode: +v Fuco 16:05:19 <PublicServer> *** made screenshot at 0000F2D9: http://ps.openttdcoop.org/publicserver/webcam/0000F2D9.png 16:08:29 <PublicServer> *** avdg has joined company #1 16:08:29 <PublicServer> *** Game unpaused (number of players) 16:10:09 <PublicServer> <avdg> server slow? 16:12:46 *** sample has joined #openttdcoop 16:20:20 <PublicServer> *** made screenshot at 0000F724: http://ps.openttdcoop.org/publicserver/webcam/0000F724.png 16:29:20 *** hylje has joined #openttdcoop 16:29:20 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o hylje 16:35:20 <PublicServer> *** made screenshot at 00019528: http://ps.openttdcoop.org/publicserver/webcam/00019528.png 16:47:46 *** Keiya has joined #openttdcoop 16:49:53 *** TheRisen has joined #openttdcoop 16:50:02 *** TheRisen has left #openttdcoop 16:50:20 <PublicServer> *** made screenshot at 0002070F: http://ps.openttdcoop.org/publicserver/webcam/0002070F.png 16:51:51 *** hylje has quit IRC 16:55:16 *** Keiya_ has quit IRC 17:02:35 *** hylje has joined #openttdcoop 17:02:35 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o hylje 17:05:20 <PublicServer> *** made screenshot at 0000F8E7: http://ps.openttdcoop.org/publicserver/webcam/0000F8E7.png 17:05:36 *** smoovi has joined #openttdcoop 17:13:54 *** dutchie has quit IRC 17:13:55 *** dutchie has joined #openttdcoop 17:18:01 *** DayDreamer has quit IRC 17:20:21 <PublicServer> *** made screenshot at 000220D8: http://ps.openttdcoop.org/publicserver/webcam/000220D8.png 17:31:15 <V453000> @clcalc maglev 502 17:31:15 <Webster> V453000: Required CL for maglev at 502km/h is 7 (13 half tiles) or TL 17:35:21 <PublicServer> *** made screenshot at 000236C2: http://ps.openttdcoop.org/publicserver/webcam/000236C2.png 17:38:37 *** ksf__ has quit IRC 17:38:43 *** ksf__ has joined #openttdcoop 17:42:45 *** Intexon has joined #openttdcoop 17:50:21 <PublicServer> *** made screenshot at 000226F6: http://ps.openttdcoop.org/publicserver/webcam/000226F6.png 17:56:39 *** pugi has quit IRC 18:05:22 <PublicServer> *** made screenshot at 000200FF: http://ps.openttdcoop.org/publicserver/webcam/000200FF.png 18:07:52 <PublicServer> *** avdg has joined spectators 18:07:52 <PublicServer> *** Game paused (number of players) 18:10:38 *** Keiya has quit IRC 18:18:16 *** Qjet has joined #openttdcoop 18:18:22 <Qjet> !password 18:18:22 <PublicServer> Qjet: turnip 18:18:34 <PublicServer> *** Game still paused (number of players) 18:18:34 <PublicServer> *** Game unpaused (number of players) 18:18:34 <PublicServer> *** Qjet joined the game 18:19:47 <PublicServer> *** Qjet has joined spectators 18:19:47 <PublicServer> *** Game paused (number of players) 18:20:39 <Qjet> x.x my little netbook does not like. 18:21:26 <PublicServer> *** Qjet has left the game (connection lost) 18:25:12 *** [com]buster has joined #openttdcoop 18:25:12 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o [com]buster 18:25:16 <Qjet> wow Frinningwell Valley is cool. 18:25:20 *** Djarshi has quit IRC 18:28:12 <PublicServer> *** Game still paused (number of players) 18:28:12 <PublicServer> *** Game unpaused (number of players) 18:28:14 <PublicServer> *** Combuster joined the game 18:30:07 <Qjet> oh wait 18:30:11 <Qjet> your using hat for all the industries 18:36:01 <V453000> !password 18:36:01 <PublicServer> V453000: yapped 18:36:17 <PublicServer> <V453000> h 18:36:17 <PublicServer> *** V453000 joined the game 18:36:19 <PublicServer> <V453000> i 18:36:21 <PublicServer> <Combuster> Hi V 18:36:28 <PublicServer> <V453000> HI :) havent seen you in a while 18:36:38 <PublicServer> <Combuster> true 18:36:48 <PublicServer> <Combuster> I have work to do, so I'm finding an excuse to slack 18:37:59 <PublicServer> <Combuster> I noticed a lot of stations lack capacity 18:38:35 <PublicServer> *** avdg has left the game (connection lost) 18:38:39 <PublicServer> <V453000> yea, industries keep growing and growing :) 18:39:09 <PublicServer> <V453000> main lines are getting upgrades too 18:40:01 <PublicServer> <Combuster> tl = default? 18:40:02 <PublicServer> <V453000> 3 18:40:04 <PublicServer> <Combuster> *tf 18:40:10 <PublicServer> <V453000> as you need 18:41:18 <Qjet> it's a shame there isn't a more sensible way to build a not gate .( 18:41:31 <V453000> this is sensible already 18:42:57 <Qjet> well it WORKS yah, but... Honestly having a signal show green when a block is occupied is literally a matter of crossing two wires, not having two trains spin in a loop .P 18:43:24 <V453000> ... 18:44:02 <V453000> then ignore that it is a not gate and consider it just a construction in the game, just like anything else 18:44:11 <V453000> if that helps you 18:44:22 <Qjet> .| 18:44:26 <PublicServer> <V453000> :) 18:44:34 <Qjet> ooooo keeey doookeeey... 18:44:56 <avdg> drop 6 has cl issues 18:45:37 <PublicServer> <V453000> the mess in front of station? 18:45:42 <avdg> yeah 18:45:59 <avdg> touched already a bit 18:46:10 <PublicServer> <V453000> that is a whole lot of wtf on its own already 18:46:21 <avdg> yeah 18:46:59 <PublicServer> <V453000> but well it works so I dont really worry about it 18:47:10 <PublicServer> *** Strontium joined the game 18:47:51 <PublicServer> *** V453000 has left the game (leaving) 18:47:54 <V453000> will come later 18:50:22 <PublicServer> *** made screenshot at 000351DA: http://ps.openttdcoop.org/publicserver/webcam/000351DA.png 18:51:45 <avdg> I've reduced the jam a bit 18:52:07 <avdg> think it will jam soon if we add a bit of traffic 19:03:34 <PublicServer> *** Strontium has left the game (connection lost) 19:05:22 <PublicServer> *** made screenshot at 0002D351: http://ps.openttdcoop.org/publicserver/webcam/0002D351.png 19:07:16 <Qjet> ooohhh I see why you guys use so few signals on the entrances to the stations 19:07:26 <Qjet> the trains enter whenever there is a spot... 19:15:59 *** Mitcian has joined #openttdcoop 19:17:21 *** lasershock has quit IRC 19:19:14 *** theholyduck has joined #openttdcoop 19:20:22 <PublicServer> *** made screenshot at 0002B14A: http://ps.openttdcoop.org/publicserver/webcam/0002B14A.png 19:20:32 *** lasershock has joined #openttdcoop 19:20:55 <PublicServer> <Combuster> hrm, not getting enough trains in here 19:28:19 <avdg> Combuster: feel free to add more, but know there are stations with capacity problems 19:28:54 <PublicServer> <Combuster> I am fixing capacity issues mainly 19:30:04 <PublicServer> <Combuster> bigger issue: jam 19:31:22 <Qjet> bleh. I wish there was abetter way to do not gates T.T 19:31:37 <PublicServer> <Combuster> forget it :P 19:32:20 <Qjet> my computer wont even run on the public server cause of the extra load .( 19:32:37 <Qjet> well... thats not a very fair assesment 19:34:59 <Qjet> Hmm Hentborough east has a problem 19:35:03 <Qjet> how could you fix that? 19:35:23 <PublicServer> *** made screenshot at 000141B2: http://ps.openttdcoop.org/publicserver/webcam/000141B2.png 19:35:54 <PublicServer> <Combuster> lack of trains? 19:36:01 <Qjet> yah 19:36:24 <Qjet> how could you get them to prioritize turning in before moving on? 19:37:10 *** pugi has joined #openttdcoop 19:37:17 <avdg> we are almost at 1500 trains iirc 19:37:25 <avdg> kinda heavy for cpu 19:37:44 <avdg> Qjet: check openttd and openttdcoop wiki 19:37:57 <hylje> Qjet: short answer: pathfinder-weighed track 19:38:00 <PublicServer> <Combuster> runs fine regardless of train number 19:38:12 <Qjet> ah so other side of pbs then 19:38:16 <Qjet> ill try that 19:38:18 <PublicServer> <Combuster> Fixed the train problem 19:39:19 <PublicServer> *** avdg joined the game 19:41:34 <Qjet> hmm no that didn't work 19:41:41 <PublicServer> <avdg> ? 19:41:44 <Qjet> how else do you weight a track? 19:42:00 <PublicServer> <Combuster> without orders, you don't 19:42:10 <PublicServer> <Combuster> that's the point 19:42:14 <Qjet> .| 19:42:30 <PublicServer> <Combuster> trains default to a direction and the mechanics make them go somewhere else 19:42:40 <PublicServer> <Combuster> usually by means of yes/no 19:42:40 <PublicServer> <avdg> they do some penalty checking however (penalty stuff still works) 19:43:00 <Qjet> yah the only penalty I know of is the back side of PBS's 19:43:05 <Qjet> and I think stations 19:43:05 <PublicServer> *** Spike joined the game 19:43:11 <PublicServer> <Combuster> Pathfinding is unreliable at best< 19:43:12 *** mrruben5 has joined #openttdcoop 19:43:35 <PublicServer> <Combuster> It helps if you ignore it 19:43:50 <Qjet> so... did you fix hentborough east? 19:44:05 <PublicServer> <Combuster> Watch :P 19:44:17 <PublicServer> <Combuster> (yes its fixed) 19:44:24 <Qjet> My computer has a hernia when I join the public. I can't run it at full speed. 19:44:31 <PublicServer> <Combuster> (but the fix was made elsewhere) 19:45:03 <Qjet> !password 19:45:03 <PublicServer> Qjet: hooves 19:45:05 *** mrruben5 has left #openttdcoop 19:45:20 *** pugi has quit IRC 19:46:38 <PublicServer> <avdg> kinda long 19:46:54 <Mazur> Yeah, the old lots of train, not a lot of CPU problem. 19:47:06 *** pugi has joined #openttdcoop 19:47:11 <PublicServer> *** Qjet joined the game 19:47:29 <PublicServer> *** Qjet has left the game (connection lost) 19:47:35 <Qjet> wheew got it 19:47:41 <PublicServer> <avdg> :) 19:49:09 <Qjet> wa... where did you ." 19:49:12 <Qjet> .| 19:50:16 <PublicServer> <Combuster> it has to do with the ML exit 19:50:23 <PublicServer> *** made screenshot at 0000D814: http://ps.openttdcoop.org/publicserver/webcam/0000D814.png 19:50:29 <PublicServer> <avdg> that its slow? 19:50:36 <PublicServer> <avdg> yeah, we know that already 19:51:09 <PublicServer> <avdg> adding diagonals for better measurements then adds the problem of slow trains 19:51:10 <[com]buster> Qjet: the wonders of getting more trains into the SL ;) 19:51:41 <PublicServer> <Combuster> (missing signal at the merge 19:51:43 <PublicServer> <avdg> quickfillers :) 19:52:22 <Qjet> .| 19:52:23 <PublicServer> <Combuster> quickfillers as in trident joins or what other construction? 19:53:19 <PublicServer> <avdg> more a signalplacement way 19:53:25 *** Tray has joined #openttdcoop 19:53:51 <PublicServer> <Combuster> care to point me to an example? 19:53:57 <PublicServer> <Combuster> i probably use some other term for it 19:54:30 <PublicServer> <avdg> check !quickfiller 19:55:40 <PublicServer> <Combuster> ah, gap 0 at a smart place :) 19:56:02 <PublicServer> <avdg> yeah 19:56:20 <PublicServer> <Combuster> I must've been off for too long that you guys gave the thing a name :P 19:56:22 <PublicServer> <avdg> reduces the reaction a hell faster 19:56:40 <PublicServer> <avdg> I've used it for more then 50 games I think 19:56:51 <PublicServer> <avdg> donno, the name even comes from nothing 19:57:02 <PublicServer> <avdg> but its logic imo, so I keep using it 19:57:07 <PublicServer> <Combuster> I've been doing that for a while too 19:57:22 <PublicServer> <avdg> problem is that many people don't use them 19:58:04 <PublicServer> <Combuster> those things are only a temporary fix 19:58:19 <PublicServer> <avdg> its only 1 thing to do :p 19:58:29 <PublicServer> <Combuster> they work best when the load is high that you get seasonal jams 19:58:32 <PublicServer> <avdg> more lines could also help :) 19:59:02 <PublicServer> <Combuster> the kind you can get rid of with little effort now (with tricks like that), but will stubbornly return later 19:59:14 *** valhallasw has joined #openttdcoop 20:00:44 <PublicServer> <avdg> hmm, I should add more trains 20:00:52 <PublicServer> <avdg> loop 2 is getting empty 20:01:11 <PublicServer> <Combuster> Does not surprise me 20:01:11 <PublicServer> <avdg> and others are I think 20:01:21 <PublicServer> <Combuster> I've been sinking a few more trains recently 20:01:24 <PublicServer> <avdg> nah 20:01:30 <PublicServer> <avdg> problem is in drop 5 20:01:42 <PublicServer> <avdg> it sucks trains 20:01:50 <PublicServer> <avdg> into jam 20:02:26 <PublicServer> <Combuster> want fast merge... 20:02:38 <PublicServer> <Combuster> acceleration stinks 20:02:46 <PublicServer> <avdg> I know 20:03:00 <PublicServer> <avdg> and hill is kinda late 20:03:08 <PublicServer> <avdg> which is a small cheat :p 20:03:29 *** lasershock has quit IRC 20:03:32 <PublicServer> <avdg> :) 20:03:47 <PublicServer> <avdg> longer prio may help too 20:04:05 <PublicServer> <Combuster> unjams one, worsens the other 20:04:06 <Qjet> what do you call those big trains that signal the haulers to move into the station? 20:04:38 <PublicServer> <Combuster> do they have a name? 20:04:56 <PublicServer> <avdg> donno 20:05:02 <PublicServer> <avdg> some have a term for them 20:05:08 <PublicServer> <avdg> ask them ;-) 20:05:14 <PublicServer> <Combuster> different idea: don't balance the merge ;) 20:05:23 <PublicServer> *** made screenshot at 0000F61A: http://ps.openttdcoop.org/publicserver/webcam/0000F61A.png 20:05:28 <PublicServer> <Combuster> there's one from the north and two to the east 20:05:30 <PublicServer> <avdg> we should use a third line 20:05:40 <PublicServer> <Combuster> +1 that 20:05:54 <PublicServer> <Combuster> forgot it was unconnected 20:06:02 <PublicServer> <avdg> I've done already some stuff 20:06:20 <PublicServer> <avdg> but station isn't my thing in this case :) 20:06:39 <PublicServer> <avdg> hmm 20:06:45 <PublicServer> <avdg> things are clearing 20:06:59 <PublicServer> <Combuster> must be the weather :P 20:07:02 <PublicServer> <avdg> lol 20:07:29 <PublicServer> <avdg> then I should change my sentence and say "things are getting dark" :p 20:07:46 <PublicServer> <Combuster> :) 20:15:40 <PublicServer> <avdg> hmm 4th line? 20:16:07 <PublicServer> <Combuster> no, a fix for when that industry is finally gone 20:16:13 <PublicServer> <avdg> :) 20:18:15 <PublicServer> <avdg> kinda wavy thing 20:18:28 <PublicServer> <avdg> I think the jam is cause because the traffic was coming back 20:18:35 <PublicServer> <avdg> and now we have to process it again 20:19:06 <PublicServer> <avdg> and jam on the presorter :p 20:20:23 <PublicServer> *** made screenshot at 0003A7B0: http://ps.openttdcoop.org/publicserver/webcam/0003A7B0.png 20:21:00 <Qjet> sure are alot of trees on mars 20:21:13 <PublicServer> <Combuster> trees? 20:21:18 <PublicServer> <Combuster> :) 20:21:20 <PublicServer> <avdg> default generator :) 20:21:26 <PublicServer> <Mazur> Part of hte terraforming attempts/. 20:21:30 <Qjet> haha 20:21:58 <PublicServer> * Combuster only sees a lot of weeds 20:22:16 *** lasershock has joined #openttdcoop 20:24:38 *** DayDreamer has joined #openttdcoop 20:24:56 <PublicServer> <Combuster> avdg: did you do the rest of that third line or does someone else deserve credit? 20:26:03 <PublicServer> <Combuster> hmm, the exit's jammed now 20:29:08 <PublicServer> <avdg> 3 vs 2 :p 20:30:13 <PublicServer> <Mazur> I nevver no connected noone nowheres. 20:30:44 <PublicServer> <Mazur> 'cept Trinnington North. 20:33:49 <PublicServer> <avdg> lets do things simple :p 20:34:15 <PublicServer> <avdg> and then improve it afterwards :) 20:34:43 <Qjet> hmm need a hotkey to change railtypes .( 20:35:05 <PublicServer> <avdg> hmm, we would need a hotkey window 20:35:23 <PublicServer> *** made screenshot at 0000EE18: http://ps.openttdcoop.org/publicserver/webcam/0000EE18.png 20:35:55 <PublicServer> <avdg> would however add many translation strings 20:36:29 <PublicServer> <avdg> hmm 20:41:06 *** tycoondemon has quit IRC 20:44:20 *** Progman has quit IRC 20:45:44 *** PulseNeon has joined #openttdcoop 20:50:24 <PublicServer> *** made screenshot at 0000FE1C: http://ps.openttdcoop.org/publicserver/webcam/0000FE1C.png 20:53:48 <PublicServer> <avdg> anyone active? 20:53:56 <PublicServer> *** avdg has joined spectators 20:54:04 <PublicServer> <Mazur> Half. 20:54:27 <PublicServer> <avdg> that cokespring is almost jumping to dead 20:54:37 <PublicServer> <Mazur> Looking at Dinthill East, which isn;t gettiong hte trains it needs. 20:54:47 <PublicServer> <avdg> add 20:55:05 <PublicServer> <avdg> unless there are related problems with it 20:55:08 <PublicServer> <Mazur> No, it's a local cicruit problem. 20:55:16 <PublicServer> <avdg> sign? 20:55:49 *** `real has quit IRC 20:55:54 <PublicServer> <avdg> hm 20:56:01 <PublicServer> <avdg> that would need a third unload platform 20:56:11 *** `real has joined #openttdcoop 20:56:12 <PublicServer> <Mazur> EDmpties prefert the other Sugar mine. 20:56:30 <PublicServer> <Mazur> They go 3 to 1 to Windtown 20:56:52 <PublicServer> <avdg> they have orders 20:57:04 <PublicServer> <Mazur> Ah. 20:57:07 <PublicServer> <avdg> :p 20:57:24 <PublicServer> *** avdg has joined company #1 20:59:43 <PublicServer> <avdg> set order to middle :) 21:00:18 <PublicServer> <avdg> and the exit then? 21:00:32 <PublicServer> <avdg> I want a separate exit 21:01:07 <PublicServer> <Mazur> Hm, miscaalc, need to lower the ridge one further back. 21:03:38 <PublicServer> *** Combuster has joined spectators 21:05:24 <PublicServer> *** made screenshot at 0000EEE0: http://ps.openttdcoop.org/publicserver/webcam/0000EEE0.png 21:06:02 <PublicServer> <Mazur> I love these "hot" rebuilds. 21:06:28 <PublicServer> <avdg> oh we need it yet :p 21:06:58 <PublicServer> <avdg> exit? 21:06:59 *** fonsinchen has joined #openttdcoop 21:07:04 <PublicServer> *** Combuster has left the game (connection lost) 21:08:49 <PublicServer> <avdg> hmm 21:08:59 <PublicServer> <Mazur> Indeed. 21:09:42 *** tycoondemon has joined #openttdcoop 21:11:20 <PublicServer> <Mazur> Two two-platform terminals? 21:11:30 <PublicServer> <Mazur> With a simple cross each? 21:11:47 <PublicServer> <Mazur> hat would fit. 21:12:35 <PublicServer> <avdg> ? 21:12:37 <PublicServer> <avdg> stop 21:12:48 <PublicServer> <avdg> just fixed it :( 21:13:01 <PublicServer> <Mazur> Ok. gp ahead. 21:13:18 <PublicServer> <Mazur> For a moment it looked like you were going to go with my idea. 21:13:34 <PublicServer> <avdg> :p 21:14:06 <PublicServer> <Mazur> Which I would still prefer over this. 21:14:26 <PublicServer> <avdg> bweh, they don't 'conflict' 21:16:49 <PublicServer> <Mazur> Just for clarity. 21:16:51 <PublicServer> <avdg> :) 21:17:05 <PublicServer> <avdg> I'm too lazy to do if I have something already to think of 21:17:11 <PublicServer> <avdg> bad habit 21:17:21 <PublicServer> <Mazur> I don;t mind. 21:17:49 <PublicServer> <Mazur> The station I build an hour ago, I build a few plaforms with mono. 21:18:03 <PublicServer> <avdg> :p 21:18:18 <PublicServer> <Mazur> Don;t know the hotmey switch if there is one. 21:18:49 <PublicServer> <avdg> hotmey? 21:18:55 <PublicServer> <avdg> injector? 21:19:05 <PublicServer> <Mazur> Hotkey. Can't you read? 21:19:07 <PublicServer> <Mazur> ;-) 21:19:10 <PublicServer> <avdg> oh :p 21:19:20 <PublicServer> <avdg> read the hotkey.config 21:19:22 <PublicServer> <avdg> or something 21:19:38 <PublicServer> <avdg> . 21:19:41 <PublicServer> <avdg> .cfg 21:19:58 <PublicServer> <Mazur> Got it printed out somewhere, but there did not use to be one for switching railtype. 21:20:08 <PublicServer> <avdg> buildin configuration tool would be handy 21:20:24 <PublicServer> *** made screenshot at 000200FF: http://ps.openttdcoop.org/publicserver/webcam/000200FF.png 21:20:41 <PublicServer> <Mazur> A lot of things would. 21:21:37 <PublicServer> <Mazur> Third train for East seems to help. 21:24:51 <PublicServer> <avdg> more traffic at drop 2 :) 21:25:14 <PublicServer> <Mazur> MOAR TRAFFICKXCS! 21:26:22 <PublicServer> <Mazur> That's the one we redesigned a bit, not? 21:26:40 <PublicServer> <avdg> yeah, there it partly cames from 21:27:19 <PublicServer> <Mazur> Yeah, made more room for a proper approach and distributed platfrom filling. 21:29:22 <PublicServer> <avdg> still hard to get ride of that traffic at the exit 21:29:48 <PublicServer> <Mazur> Exit of 02? 21:29:48 <PublicServer> <avdg> I've used some tricks to get speed on their acceleration, but seems not working well enough 21:30:02 <PublicServer> <avdg> exit pickup of feeder 21:30:25 <PublicServer> <Mazur> Who is feeder? 21:30:35 <PublicServer> <avdg> dinthill woods 21:31:02 <PublicServer> <avdg> actually feeder receiver or something 21:31:46 <PublicServer> <Mazur> You mean, speed up of traffic leaving ' Woods? 21:31:52 <PublicServer> <avdg> yeah 21:32:11 *** hylje has quit IRC 21:33:54 <PublicServer> <avdg> hmm 21:34:04 <PublicServer> <avdg> stupid coke is gone 21:34:10 <PublicServer> <Mazur> Yep. 21:34:22 <PublicServer> <Mazur> DOA. 21:35:25 <PublicServer> *** made screenshot at 0003A3AD: http://ps.openttdcoop.org/publicserver/webcam/0003A3AD.png 21:37:55 <PublicServer> *** Spike has left the game (connection lost) 21:38:12 <PublicServer> <avdg> happy? 21:38:44 <PublicServer> <Mazur> Anout what? 21:38:50 <PublicServer> <avdg> station entry 21:39:02 <PublicServer> <avdg> exit still is a mess :p 21:39:04 <PublicServer> <Mazur> Are we still talking ' Woods? 21:39:10 <PublicServer> <avdg> drop 05 21:40:13 <PublicServer> <Mazur> Sure, why not? 21:40:28 <PublicServer> <avdg> donno 21:40:32 <Qjet> dang it I crashed the trains X.X 21:40:52 <PublicServer> <Mazur> Where? 21:40:55 <Qjet> Trying to implement a terminus style tation in trinnington vally, 21:40:57 <Qjet> oh on my own save game 21:41:02 <PublicServer> <avdg> :p 21:41:06 <Qjet> don't worry .) 21:41:10 <PublicServer> <Mazur> k 21:41:12 <PublicServer> <avdg> thats why I've got no msg :) 21:41:34 <Qjet> I've got a little timer set up so that the gate stays open long enough to fill the station 21:41:45 <PublicServer> <avdg> lol @ speed of news 21:42:02 <Qjet> grrr I need a train undertaker 21:42:08 <Qjet> someone get the corpses off the track >.| 21:42:21 <PublicServer> <avdg> idiots you mean 21:42:31 <PublicServer> <Mazur> I usually just clone them. 21:42:33 <PublicServer> <avdg> use that not construction on the ml of the empties 21:43:18 <Qjet> gah idiots indeed >.| 21:43:26 <Qjet> I thought trains avoided red signals .( 21:43:38 <PublicServer> <avdg> 2way? 21:43:54 <Qjet> yah 21:43:56 <PublicServer> <Mazur> THey do, until you remove them. 21:44:10 <PublicServer> <avdg> or face 'all reds' 21:44:34 <Qjet> it's a presignaled section so they shouldn't see all reds 21:44:43 <Qjet> even with two greens, they kep pick... 21:44:46 <Qjet> oh 21:44:59 <Qjet> oh no never mind, for a second I thought i used the wrong track... 21:45:04 <PublicServer> <avdg> :) 21:46:05 <Qjet> grrr 21:46:15 <Qjet> would someone be willing to take a look at the save game and explain what's going on? 21:46:27 <PublicServer> <Mazur> Sure. 21:48:01 <Qjet> see how happy IRC transfers are... 21:48:10 <Qjet> or maybe not... 21:48:31 <Mazur> I might have my router not open fior it, yet. 21:48:44 <Mazur> What ports are we talking about again? 21:48:50 <Qjet> i forget 21:48:55 <Qjet> i think ill just use an intermediary... 21:50:23 <Qjet> grrr though I can't remember a good one 21:50:25 <PublicServer> *** made screenshot at 0001C4F4: http://ps.openttdcoop.org/publicserver/webcam/0001C4F4.png 21:53:14 <Mazur> Try /dcc again? 21:53:31 <Qjet> nah it's a configuration thing on my end 21:53:41 <Qjet> this is what I get for trusting ubuntus preinstalled crud. 21:54:19 <Qjet> I love how empathy feels that disabling controls without telling me why is a simpler way to do things 21:55:03 <Qjet> oh I see 21:55:13 <Qjet> it doesn't support it... period. 21:56:16 <Qjet> hmm oh right 21:56:24 <Qjet> i think hotfile will work 21:56:51 <Qjet> http://hotfile.com/dl/89258047/82dcc3b/Trinnington_Valley_WAT.sav.html 21:56:52 <Webster> Title: Hotfile.com: One click file hosting: Trinnington Valley WAT.sav (at hotfile.com) 21:57:14 <Qjet> yah that does the job. 21:57:41 *** Intexon has quit IRC 22:00:09 <Qjet> got it mazur? 22:04:43 <Qjet> well... that's a surprise, they pick that station even if it's using a one way signal 22:05:21 <PublicServer> <avdg> 2way gives eolpenalty when red, no? 22:05:25 <PublicServer> *** made screenshot at 0001C0D9: http://ps.openttdcoop.org/publicserver/webcam/0001C0D9.png 22:06:05 <Qjet> well they're all two way, and they're all picking the middle station, no matter what 22:06:23 <PublicServer> <avdg> then there is an error somewhere else 22:07:23 <Mazur> Weird. 22:07:43 <Qjet> ok yah so I'm not exactly the davinci of trains 22:08:01 <PublicServer> <avdg> davinci also failed a lot :p 22:08:30 <Qjet> yah but he did it theatrically, not pathetically .P 22:08:36 <PublicServer> <avdg> :) 22:08:46 <PublicServer> <avdg> so as you I think 22:08:53 <PublicServer> <avdg> in this case 22:09:14 <V453000> I believe vinci was a total retard when i comes to trains 22:10:34 <Mazur> I solved it by moving the Station status signals to behind the platforms. 22:11:05 <Qjet> ... i am not sure how that would work ." 22:11:37 <Mazur> One combo signal behind each platform 22:12:04 <Qjet> oh I see 22:12:38 <Mazur> No extra signals before the platforms after the entry signal, and separate exits for each platform, joining father on. 22:12:38 <Qjet> not sure how that fixes the behavior though but sure might as well try 22:12:53 <Qjet> yah that solves that problem as well. 22:13:10 *** Tray has quit IRC 22:14:46 <Mazur> http://53551A99.cm-6-6a.dynamic.ziggo.nl/pics/Trinnington_North.png 22:15:08 <avdg> does load slowly (or maybe not at all) 22:15:36 <Qjet> imgur 22:15:40 <Qjet> remember it .P 22:16:03 <Qjet> made by redditors so they had somewhere to put pictures 22:16:06 <Qjet> handy site 22:17:27 <Qjet> sorry mazur I can't see it . 22:17:59 <Mazur> Oh, damkn, router not forwarding http yet. 22:20:25 <PublicServer> *** made screenshot at 00006CE0: http://ps.openttdcoop.org/publicserver/webcam/00006CE0.png 22:20:48 <Qjet> geez I can't even figure out how to get the station signals over there >.| 22:21:27 <PublicServer> <avdg> mazur: still busy here? 22:24:16 <PublicServer> <Mazur> Nah, trying to figure out why ,y rtouter is ignoring the http port foerwarding. 22:25:37 *** DayDreamer has quit IRC 22:26:25 <Qjet> gah I have no idea how you did it .( 22:26:30 <PublicServer> <avdg> ? 22:28:25 <Qjet> ... 22:28:42 <Qjet> are you sure you can't use imgur? Cause i'd. .( 22:29:46 <Qjet> oooh wait I think I see why that worked... 22:30:08 <Qjet> do orderless trains try to path on incompatible rail types? 22:33:20 *** perk11 has joined #openttdcoop 22:35:26 <PublicServer> *** made screenshot at 0000EAEC: http://ps.openttdcoop.org/publicserver/webcam/0000EAEC.png 22:36:15 <Qjet> mazur? 22:38:04 <Mazur> ttp://yfrog.com/76trinningtonnorthp 22:38:18 <Mazur> http://yfrog.com/76trinningtonnorthp 22:38:20 <Webster> Title: Yfrog Photo : yfrog.com/76trinningtonnorthp - Shared by Lokimaros (at yfrog.com) 22:39:13 <Qjet> err oh... 22:39:21 <Qjet> well i guess that's better .P 22:39:44 <Mazur> Unless you want to go with a roro. 22:39:58 <Qjet> yah yah <.( 22:40:19 <Mazur> But I didn't like the conection possibilities going north. 22:40:58 <PublicServer> <avdg> hmm 22:41:08 <PublicServer> <avdg> I was not building erail wtf :p 22:42:30 <PublicServer> <Mazur> Whatcher doin'? 22:42:36 <PublicServer> <avdg> marks station 22:42:47 *** Chrill has joined #openttdcoop 22:43:10 <PublicServer> <Mazur> Oh, Dumbhill Woods again. 22:43:26 <PublicServer> <Mazur> Don;'t know why I bother going elsewher. 22:43:44 <PublicServer> <avdg> fixed some things there, something was changed to 1way signals, where things go dumber and idiots became idiots 22:43:55 <Qjet> woHO whats up with the statues on mars?! 22:44:09 <PublicServer> <avdg> thats something you may answer 22:44:11 <PublicServer> <Mazur> What statues? 22:44:21 <PublicServer> <avdg> townstatues 22:44:24 <Qjet> there might still be one in Dronningley 22:44:45 <V453000> !password for me 22:44:45 <PublicServer> V453000: badger 22:44:48 <PublicServer> <avdg> they are not alone boosting the rate of cities, but .. :) 22:45:00 <PublicServer> *** V453000 joined the game 22:45:02 <PublicServer> <V453000> hi 22:45:03 <Qjet> I am starting to appreciate martian art 22:45:04 <PublicServer> <avdg> hi v 22:45:04 <PublicServer> <Mazur> lo 22:45:11 <PublicServer> <avdg> :D 22:45:29 <PublicServer> <V453000> yea martians are wise 22:45:31 <PublicServer> <Mazur> I see your point about the necessity of dummies, V. 22:45:41 <PublicServer> <V453000> finally :p 22:45:55 <PublicServer> <Mazur> But they still slow loading. 22:46:10 <PublicServer> <V453000> then make more dummies 22:46:22 <PublicServer> <Mazur> That could be solved by making 2 dummies per station. 22:46:30 <PublicServer> <V453000> and if you count the average loading, they cant basically slow it since there is just some average throughput :) 22:46:44 <PublicServer> <V453000> no, then the trains would steal cargo from each other 22:46:56 <PublicServer> <V453000> but making multiple stations is a good idea 22:47:00 <Qjet> dummies? 22:47:17 <PublicServer> <V453000> Qjet: the trains that have full load orders in our self regulation games 22:47:19 <PublicServer> <avdg> hmm, some trains are crashed and I missed it? :( 22:47:29 <PublicServer> <Mazur> Yeah, I ran up against the stealing, too, so you must make the second dummy the last to arrive at the station. 22:47:30 <Qjet> ooooh 22:47:34 <Qjet> that's the name for them 22:48:20 <PublicServer> <V453000> Mazur: it is good to make each industry have a station 22:48:28 <PublicServer> <V453000> so the stations get less stress 22:48:42 <PublicServer> <V453000> making a large SRNW station might be cool, but it also makes massive waves 22:49:06 <PublicServer> <V453000> that can also be solved like in psg 180 22:49:24 <PublicServer> <V453000> where trains were disintegrated by the flipflops so much that waves were quite negated 22:50:26 <PublicServer> *** made screenshot at 0001C6E1: http://ps.openttdcoop.org/publicserver/webcam/0001C6E1.png 22:55:45 <PublicServer> <Mazur> Does ring 01 have too few trains? Cheston East has a 32% service rating. 22:56:12 <PublicServer> <V453000> it could use some proably 22:56:27 <PublicServer> <V453000> some more waiting space would help 22:58:10 <Qjet> i think cheston east can be fixed with just a block signal on the entrance 22:58:19 <Qjet> or.. or maybe now 22:58:23 <Qjet> not* 22:58:50 <PublicServer> <V453000> added a few to 01 22:59:04 <PublicServer> <Mazur> Danke. 22:59:11 <PublicServer> <V453000> bitte 22:59:13 <PublicServer> <V453000> bitch 23:00:16 <PublicServer> <V453000> the network concept works better than I expected though 23:00:30 <PublicServer> <Mazur> Southern feeder of Marks station needs expansion. 23:00:45 *** Chrill has quit IRC 23:00:56 <PublicServer> <V453000> hmm 23:00:56 <PublicServer> <V453000> ya 23:01:15 <PublicServer> <V453000> we could make another part of the station 23:01:38 <PublicServer> <Mazur> We could do any nu,ber of things. 23:02:50 <Qjet> is each ring self contained? or do overflows go to the next ring? 23:03:02 <PublicServer> <V453000> the overflows go to the next one 23:03:06 <PublicServer> <V453000> thats the very point 23:03:13 <PublicServer> <V453000> but after a while, overflows should be empty 23:03:27 <PublicServer> <V453000> because trains should find their places in their rings 23:04:01 <PublicServer> <avdg> better some overflow 23:04:13 <PublicServer> <avdg> so things are always filled 23:04:25 <PublicServer> <V453000> well sure, some 23:05:27 <PublicServer> *** made screenshot at 000100DA: http://ps.openttdcoop.org/publicserver/webcam/000100DA.png 23:08:49 <PublicServer> *** avdg has left the game (connection lost) 23:11:23 *** [com]buster has quit IRC 23:11:44 <PublicServer> *** avdg joined the game 23:12:42 *** fonsinchen has quit IRC 23:13:01 *** dih has quit IRC 23:17:45 *** dihedral has joined #openttdcoop 23:20:28 <PublicServer> *** made screenshot at 00013EDF: http://ps.openttdcoop.org/publicserver/webcam/00013EDF.png 23:23:20 <PublicServer> <avdg> 4 1's trains now 23:25:35 *** Mitcian has quit IRC 23:25:37 <PublicServer> <Mazur> Damn,m I keep forgetting, you can;t read off of a climbing track. 23:27:11 *** Progman has joined #openttdcoop 23:28:57 <PublicServer> <avdg> hmm switched prio at a join on full train ring 02, but there is so much traffic, that its jamming now 23:29:33 <PublicServer> <V453000> that makes no sense 23:30:45 <PublicServer> <V453000> this does 23:32:27 <PublicServer> <avdg> hmm 23:35:05 <PublicServer> <Mazur> I'm off. 23:35:07 <PublicServer> <V453000> cya 23:35:09 <PublicServer> <avdg> gn 23:35:15 <PublicServer> *** Mazur has left the game (connection lost) 23:35:28 <PublicServer> *** made screenshot at 0000C9D1: http://ps.openttdcoop.org/publicserver/webcam/0000C9D1.png 23:43:00 *** Seberoth has quit IRC 23:44:18 *** seberoth has joined #openttdcoop 23:46:28 *** valhallasw has quit IRC 23:46:30 *** dihedral has quit IRC 23:50:15 *** dihedral has joined #openttdcoop 23:50:28 <PublicServer> *** made screenshot at 0000A4CA: http://ps.openttdcoop.org/publicserver/webcam/0000A4CA.png