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00:02:22 *** iklucas has quit IRC 02:43:06 *** Mazur has quit IRC 03:07:02 *** duckblaster has joined #openttdcoop 04:04:21 *** duckblaster has quit IRC 04:04:47 *** duckblaster has joined #openttdcoop 04:23:38 *** Mazur has joined #openttdcoop 05:45:11 *** JesseW has joined #openttdcoop 05:46:26 <JesseW> I'm trying to understand why it's difficult to patch openttd to make the power plant smoke invisible. Any pointers? 05:46:43 <JesseW> I found the post on the forum that mentioned the problem (link to come) 05:47:26 <JesseW> and I found the sprites that hold the smoke (#3701-3708 in base) 05:48:08 <JesseW> but I didn't fully understand why those sprites can't simply be set not to be displayed when in invisible mode... 05:52:03 *** DayDreamer has joined #openttdcoop 05:54:08 <JesseW> I found that sprite numbers are in the code in the file table/sprites.h 06:00:06 <JesseW> hm, it looks like it might *already be fixed* (just not in my version...) sigh... 06:03:21 <JesseW> yep, found the revision svn r22506, made 2 months ago... 06:03:46 <JesseW> now where is the issue tracker (rhetorical question) 06:06:37 <JesseW> here: http://bugs.openttd.org/task/4625 06:07:05 <JesseW> and the bug was fixed **two days** after it was reported. Wow, impressively quick response. 06:07:19 <JesseW> Now back to your regularly scheduled quiet channel. ;-) 06:22:28 *** Absolutis has joined #openttdcoop 06:22:29 <Absolutis> !password 06:22:29 <PublicServer> Absolutis: butted 06:22:59 <PublicServer> *** Game still paused (number of players) 06:23:02 <PublicServer> *** Absolutis joined the game 06:29:41 *** Tray has joined #openttdcoop 06:30:58 <JesseW> !help 06:30:58 <PublicServer> JesseW: http://www.openttdcoop.org/wiki/IRC_Commands 06:33:19 <Tray> !password 06:33:19 <PublicServer> Tray: firsts 06:33:35 <PublicServer> *** Game still paused (number of players) 06:33:35 <PublicServer> *** Game unpaused (number of players) 06:33:37 <PublicServer> *** Tray joined the game 06:33:41 <PublicServer> <Absolutis> yo 06:33:49 *** sla_ro|master has joined #openttdcoop 06:37:00 <PublicServer> <Absolutis> hmm 06:37:50 <PublicServer> <Absolutis> i think !here has to be a mixer 06:38:00 <PublicServer> <Absolutis> at least kinda 06:38:32 <PublicServer> <Tray> yeah - feel free to do it 06:38:43 <PublicServer> <Tray> yesterday we talked for about an hour what and where to do it 06:39:35 <PublicServer> *** made screenshot at 0003B4AE: http://ps.openttdcoop.org/publicserver/webcam/0003B4AE.png 06:42:47 <PublicServer> *** Absolutis has joined spectators 06:42:47 <PublicServer> *** Game paused (number of players) 06:43:04 <PublicServer> <Absolutis> ima go eat breakfast, brb 06:50:00 *** Ryton has joined #openttdcoop 06:52:25 <Ryton> !archive 06:52:25 <PublicServer> Ryton: http://www.openttdcoop.ORG/wiki/PublicServer:Archive | http://www.openttdcoop.org/wiki/ProZone:Archive | http://www.openttdcoop.org/wiki/MemberZone:Archive 06:53:37 <PublicServer> *** Game still paused (number of players) 06:53:37 <PublicServer> *** Game unpaused (number of players) 06:53:40 <PublicServer> *** Ryton joined the game 06:53:44 <PublicServer> <Ryton> g day all 06:53:44 *** DayDreamer has quit IRC 06:54:35 <PublicServer> *** made screenshot at 0003DE78: http://ps.openttdcoop.org/publicserver/webcam/0003DE78.png 06:55:05 <PublicServer> *** Ryton has joined spectators 06:55:05 <PublicServer> *** Game paused (number of players) 06:57:09 <PublicServer> *** Ryton has joined company #1 06:57:09 <PublicServer> *** Game unpaused (number of players) 06:57:17 <PublicServer> *** Ryton has joined spectators 06:57:17 <PublicServer> *** Game paused (number of players) 06:58:13 <PublicServer> *** Absolutis has joined company #1 06:58:13 <PublicServer> *** Game unpaused (number of players) 07:03:17 <PublicServer> <Tray> Don't know I want to wait for more comments. 07:03:48 <PublicServer> <Ryton> comments on...? 07:04:05 <PublicServer> <Ryton> ah, !here and !there 07:04:36 *** Kangoo has joined #openttdcoop 07:04:54 <PublicServer> <Ryton> ah oke 07:05:25 <PublicServer> *** Kangoo joined the game 07:05:27 <Ryton> @webster coopy 07:05:30 <Ryton> @coopy 07:05:49 <PublicServer> <Kangoo> hi all 07:05:52 <Ryton> what does "coopy" mean? 07:05:54 <Ryton> hi kangoo 07:06:14 <Absolutis> @roulette spin 07:06:26 <Ryton> hmm 07:06:27 <Absolutis> :( 07:06:30 <Ryton> Coopy: A girl who is most likely to be your soul-mate but only on the friend level. 07:06:39 <Ryton> I doubt that they ment this :p 07:07:23 <PublicServer> <Ryton> Tray: about your idea: just do it, can easily be reversed if it is counter-productive, I'd say 07:07:29 <PublicServer> <Kangoo> network upgrade is complete? 07:08:01 <PublicServer> <Absolutis> after drop, yes 07:08:17 <PublicServer> <Absolutis> but the drop itself suffers from bad balancing 07:08:36 <PublicServer> *** Ryton has joined company #1 07:09:07 <duckblaster> any idea why i get the error "server didn't answer the request"? 07:09:18 <Absolutis> where? 07:09:27 <duckblaster> joining multiplayer 07:09:36 <PublicServer> *** made screenshot at 00029D70: http://ps.openttdcoop.org/publicserver/webcam/00029D70.png 07:09:40 <Absolutis> hmm, i'd think corrupt trunk 07:09:59 <duckblaster> it's with a stable version (not coop) 07:10:15 <PublicServer> <Absolutis> ah 07:10:19 <PublicServer> <Tray> let's see how that works out 07:10:24 <duckblaster> works fine on lan, but not internet 07:10:27 <PublicServer> <Ryton> try another server? 07:10:30 <PublicServer> <Absolutis> can you join other servers? 07:10:36 <duckblaster> yes 07:10:42 <duckblaster> it's just this one 07:10:44 <PublicServer> <Ryton> then its the servers fault :p 07:10:50 <duckblaster> i'm hosting it 07:11:07 <duckblaster> port 3978 and 3979 are forwarded 07:11:09 <PublicServer> <Absolutis> sounds like a port unforwarded 07:11:19 <duckblaster> tcp and udp 07:11:43 *** JesseW has quit IRC 07:11:55 <PublicServer> <Absolutis> you sure the server is at 3978/3979 07:12:02 <duckblaster> default 07:12:46 <PublicServer> <Absolutis> hmm, sounds like right to me 07:12:48 <duckblaster> it detects it, but doesn't show the company names 07:12:58 <PublicServer> <Absolutis> can i test it? 07:13:08 <duckblaster> sure 07:13:15 <duckblaster> duckblaster's server 07:13:25 <PublicServer> <Absolutis> 1.1.1? 07:13:31 <duckblaster> 07:13:32 <duckblaster> yes 07:14:55 <PublicServer> <Absolutis> shows up for me 07:15:16 <duckblaster> can you join? 07:15:59 <PublicServer> <Absolutis> nope, it is passworded, and i do not have firs r1121 07:15:59 <duckblaster> it's during the grey connecting window stage 07:16:03 <duckblaster> tpb3d 07:16:12 <duckblaster> drat 07:16:19 <duckblaster> i'll try without firs 07:16:24 <PublicServer> <Tray> I think it works. 07:16:37 <PublicServer> <Tray> at least it's better now 07:17:15 <PublicServer> <Ryton> stopping on the mainline 1 is ok 07:17:17 <PublicServer> <Ryton> ? 07:18:00 <duckblaster> can you try it now? 07:18:21 <PublicServer> <Absolutis> nope, server didn't answer the req 07:18:32 <duckblaster> that's the error 07:18:38 <duckblaster> any idea why? 07:19:13 <PublicServer> <Absolutis> my client sent packets to your server, and your server did not respond 07:19:26 <duckblaster> fix? 07:19:38 <duckblaster> could it be the isp? 07:19:59 <PublicServer> <Absolutis> hmm, maybe you could have two firewalls 07:20:14 <PublicServer> <Absolutis> and you forwarded the ports only on one 07:20:33 <duckblaster> linux, no firewall that i know of, router says firewall off 07:20:53 <duckblaster> ports are 3978 to 3978, 3979 to 3979 07:21:02 <duckblaster> udp and tcp 07:21:54 <PublicServer> <Absolutis> i'd think the isp has a firewall of its own 07:22:07 <PublicServer> <Absolutis> you just forwarded the ports on yours 07:22:11 *** alang has quit IRC 07:22:34 <duckblaster> ah well, i'll se if the other guy can host it 07:22:43 <duckblaster> thank you 07:24:36 <PublicServer> *** made screenshot at 00029770: http://ps.openttdcoop.org/publicserver/webcam/00029770.png 07:25:00 <duckblaster> !password 07:25:00 <PublicServer> duckblaster: graced 07:25:15 <PublicServer> *** duckblaster joined the game 07:25:51 <PublicServer> <Absolutis> you completed the plan already tray btw? 07:26:05 <PublicServer> <Tray> yeah. 07:26:44 <PublicServer> <Absolutis> hmm 07:26:54 <PublicServer> <Absolutis> the prob still persist 07:26:59 <PublicServer> <Absolutis> persists* 07:31:00 <PublicServer> <Ryton> what is !T3? 07:31:15 <PublicServer> <Tray> missing connection by purpose 07:31:25 <PublicServer> <Tray> for the moment at least 07:32:17 <PublicServer> <Ryton> that is a big one :-) 07:32:36 <PublicServer> <Kangoo> indeed 07:35:44 <PublicServer> *** duckblaster has joined company #1 07:36:35 <PublicServer> <Kangoo> hmm. at merge 2 mega, two of the lines from SLH 2x is merged intothe three rightmost lanes of ML, and four lines from SLH2x connected to the three left lines of ML...? 07:36:39 <PublicServer> <Absolutis> look at !intentional? 07:37:36 <PublicServer> <Kangoo> *dontgetit 07:37:38 <PublicServer> <Absolutis> is a split like that intentional? 07:38:39 <PublicServer> <Ryton> there is a partial mixer down further down the sideline too 07:39:11 <PublicServer> <Ryton> maybe that can be promoted or moved closer to the split? it would be easier to solve balancing problems there already (imho) ;-) 07:39:36 <PublicServer> *** made screenshot at 00028F78: http://ps.openttdcoop.org/publicserver/webcam/00028F78.png 07:39:39 <PublicServer> <Absolutis> i'd make a split like dat 07:39:41 <PublicServer> *** Tray has left the game (leaving) 07:40:38 <PublicServer> <Ryton> does it matter? :-) 07:40:56 <PublicServer> <Ryton> tracks 1-3 are more heavily loaded atm, right? 07:41:26 <PublicServer> <Ryton> just send all of 2D to 4-6, doesnt that work? with an overflow / alternative to go to 1-3 in emergencies? 07:41:32 <PublicServer> <Absolutis> imho they are pretty much equal to 4-6 07:41:44 <PublicServer> <Ryton> 6 is almost empty 07:41:51 <PublicServer> <Ryton> so is 5 07:43:13 <PublicServer> *** duckblaster has left the game (leaving) 07:43:33 <PublicServer> <Kangoo> but in merge 2, twice as many lines going from SLH2-line are connected to three left ML-lines, as to the three rightmost ML-lines. 07:44:03 <PublicServer> <Kangoo> that is OK due to goods trains? 07:44:13 <PublicServer> <Absolutis> i think that is due to steel 07:45:15 <PublicServer> <Kangoo> so mfbs goods-train distributor at old Merge 3 is good or bad? 07:46:34 <PublicServer> <Ryton> cool 07:46:39 <PublicServer> <Ryton> town drop is completely empty 07:46:46 <PublicServer> <Ryton> really wavy network 07:47:25 <PublicServer> <Ryton> lol 07:47:31 <PublicServer> <Ryton> jam at Mentfield valley 07:47:38 <PublicServer> <Ryton> see !jam 07:48:22 <PublicServer> <Ryton> hmm 07:48:24 <PublicServer> <Ryton> crash there :p 07:48:32 <PublicServer> <Kangoo> now that shoudl solve the jam.. :p 07:48:50 <PublicServer> <Ryton> this shoud :p 07:49:30 <PublicServer> <Kangoo> 20 trains might be slighty overkill, eh? 07:49:41 <PublicServer> <Ryton> 19 now :-à (I deleted one :p 07:49:44 <PublicServer> <Ryton> and crahed 2 07:49:58 <PublicServer> <Kangoo> so 17.. :p 07:50:00 <PublicServer> <Ryton> let's crash some more? 07:50:35 <PublicServer> <Ryton> woot: we are below train limit again ;-) 07:54:36 <PublicServer> *** made screenshot at 00000EE9: http://ps.openttdcoop.org/publicserver/webcam/00000EE9.png 07:55:11 *** Sigma has joined #openttdcoop 07:56:10 <PublicServer> <Absolutis> btw, scientist are trying to make integrated circuits from graphene 07:56:29 <PublicServer> <Kangoo> lol 07:56:36 <PublicServer> <Absolutis> ibm already made some kind of radio mixer that is 10Ghz 07:56:38 <PublicServer> <Ryton> hmm 07:56:40 <PublicServer> <Kangoo> it wasnt me 07:56:42 <PublicServer> <Ryton> wasnt in reverse :p 07:56:42 <PublicServer> <Ryton> me again 07:56:55 <PublicServer> <Ryton> just clone some trains 07:57:02 <PublicServer> <Ryton> its not like we can 't spare the cash 07:57:04 <PublicServer> <Absolutis> and: graphene is self-cooling! 07:57:10 <PublicServer> <Ryton> or that the station is booming :p 07:57:32 <duckblaster> !pasword 07:57:41 <duckblaster> !password 07:57:41 <PublicServer> duckblaster: salved 07:57:56 <PublicServer> *** duckblaster joined the game 07:58:56 <PublicServer> <Ryton> pff, long wait 08:03:41 <PublicServer> <Ryton> kangoo? 08:03:45 <PublicServer> <Kangoo> mhm? 08:03:51 <PublicServer> <Ryton> it seems to mess up the simple overflow logic 08:03:57 <PublicServer> <Ryton> at Mentfield north 08:04:09 <PublicServer> <Ryton> any idea how to squeese in an overflow then? 08:04:11 <PublicServer> <Ryton> other side maybe? 08:04:46 <PublicServer> *** duckblaster has left the game (connection lost) 08:05:20 <PublicServer> <Ryton> cl again :p 08:05:31 <PublicServer> <Kangoo> Xd 08:05:35 <PublicServer> <Kangoo> xD 08:07:09 <PublicServer> <Kangoo> lol 08:07:19 <PublicServer> <Ryton> just delete them from the first depot 08:07:25 <PublicServer> <Ryton> and clone from the second :p 08:07:25 *** pugi has joined #openttdcoop 08:07:35 <PublicServer> <Ryton> 5 grain trains is a bit muych, or a small farm 08:08:29 *** duckblaster1 has joined #openttdcoop 08:08:49 <PublicServer> <Kangoo> no overflow for grain though.. ;) 08:09:03 <PublicServer> <Absolutis> brb, ima test a cyclotron at slh4b in sp 08:09:26 <PublicServer> *** Absolutis has left the game (leaving) 08:09:27 <PublicServer> *** Mazur joined the game 08:09:37 <PublicServer> *** made screenshot at 000010E3: http://ps.openttdcoop.org/publicserver/webcam/000010E3.png 08:09:39 <PublicServer> <Ryton> not a nice solution anyway 08:09:47 <PublicServer> <Mazur> G'day. 08:10:08 <PublicServer> <Kangoo> howdy 08:12:01 <PublicServer> <Ryton> aha 08:12:07 <PublicServer> <Ryton> found another !broken overflow :p 08:13:23 *** duckblaster has quit IRC 08:13:39 <PublicServer> <Ryton> cl right behind the depot doesnt really matter, does it? 08:14:11 <PublicServer> <Kangoo> clearing out stations as fast as possible probably is a good thing though 08:15:04 *** SanderB has joined #openttdcoop 08:15:09 <SanderB> !password 08:15:09 <PublicServer> SanderB: sequin 08:15:21 *** DayDreamer has joined #openttdcoop 08:15:22 <PublicServer> *** SanderB joined the game 08:15:41 <PublicServer> <Ryton> hi sander 08:15:50 *** DayDreamer has quit IRC 08:15:56 <PublicServer> <SanderB> hihi 08:16:00 <PublicServer> <SanderB> goodmorning! 08:16:01 <Absolutis> !password 08:16:01 <PublicServer> Absolutis: sequin 08:16:06 <PublicServer> <Ryton> hope you dont mind, that we changed some of your overflows at Mentfield area 08:16:16 <PublicServer> *** Absolutis joined the game 08:16:18 <PublicServer> <SanderB> thats ok 08:16:27 <PublicServer> <Ryton> they had some issues... should be ok now :-) 08:16:29 <PublicServer> <Absolutis> heyhey. 08:16:53 <PublicServer> <Mazur> Lo. 08:16:56 <PublicServer> <Ryton> hi mazur 08:17:07 <PublicServer> <Ryton> could you notch up the train limit a bit? 08:17:20 <PublicServer> <Absolutis> he's not an op 08:17:36 <PublicServer> <Ryton> ah oke 08:17:38 <PublicServer> <Mazur> I do not have a magiuc wand to do so with. 08:17:44 <PublicServer> <Ryton> could you the, abso? ;-) 08:17:55 <PublicServer> <Absolutis> nah 08:18:03 <PublicServer> <Ryton> some station ratings are abominably low 08:18:18 <PublicServer> <Absolutis> or i could open up some train slots for u 08:18:28 <PublicServer> <Absolutis> by crashing trains >:D 08:18:42 <PublicServer> <Kangoo> we have already done that... 08:18:48 <PublicServer> <Ryton> yeah, do that :p just crashing 2 trains per mainline should be enough ;-) 08:18:56 <Mazur> Can we have some more trains, please? There are low serviced stations to help. 08:19:11 <Mazur> !admin 08:19:24 <PublicServer> <Ryton> 26/28% is the lowest, imho 08:19:30 <planetmaker> hm? 08:19:32 <PublicServer> <Ryton> and then a dozen below 50% 08:19:49 <planetmaker> !rcon set max_trains 08:19:49 <PublicServer> planetmaker: Current value for 'max_trains' is: '1450' (min: 0, max: 5000) 08:19:58 <PublicServer> <Kangoo> what about just switching ML 3&4 at !here? 08:19:59 <planetmaker> !rcon set max_trains 1550 08:20:11 <Mazur> Thank you. 08:20:21 <Ryton> thx 08:22:31 <PublicServer> <Absolutis> 15 is the lowest, actually (but that is fac+saw+ref drop) 08:22:42 <PublicServer> <Absolutis> and town drop 08:22:52 <PublicServer> <Ryton> ah, I'm checking at industries list, not at stations list 08:23:01 <PublicServer> <Ryton> so I dont see those :--) 08:24:37 <PublicServer> *** made screenshot at 00011D4D: http://ps.openttdcoop.org/publicserver/webcam/00011D4D.png 08:25:06 <PublicServer> *** Absolutis has left the game (leaving) 08:25:14 <PublicServer> <Kangoo> so how can the unbalanced stations problem be solved? 08:25:44 <PublicServer> <Mazur> You mean the DROPS? 08:25:57 <PublicServer> <Kangoo> mhm 08:26:27 <PublicServer> <SanderB> ya they wanted to split these lines evenly 08:26:37 <PublicServer> <Mazur> Please don't speak with your mouth full, I can;t see you nodding or shaking your head. 08:26:39 <PublicServer> <SanderB> force the trains to go 50/50 08:27:03 <PublicServer> <Mazur> Not a clue. 08:28:02 <PublicServer> <Mazur> I proposed and we implemented a change-ourt of a busy track with a free track, but that has been reversed, so apparently is had not the intended effect. 08:28:44 <PublicServer> <Kangoo> kk. that was my idea too 08:29:28 <PublicServer> <Kangoo> better leave it for someone more clever than me then.. ;) 08:30:38 <PublicServer> <SanderB> sorry bout that I thought I was demolishing something on a standalone savegame and not the main server 08:31:05 <PublicServer> <Mazur> Ah, there are sdtill some trains with no FULL LOAD order. 08:31:23 <PublicServer> <Ryton> are there? 08:31:25 *** alang has joined #openttdcoop 08:31:29 <PublicServer> <Ryton> is there an easy way to check that? 08:31:39 <PublicServer> <Ryton> or do you have to pass every train (group) man-ually? 08:31:45 <PublicServer> <Mazur> I just fixed a group at a low-serviced station. 08:31:55 <PublicServer> <Mazur> THe stations will be badly serviced. 08:33:33 <PublicServer> <Kangoo> whats the flipflop? 08:33:47 <PublicServer> <Mazur> Where? 08:33:49 <PublicServer> <Ryton> a logic device, that splits trains 08:33:55 <PublicServer> <Ryton> south side of map 08:34:09 <PublicServer> <Kangoo> close to !here 08:34:11 <PublicServer> <Ryton> sign "flipflop" 08:34:26 <PublicServer> <Ryton> its a locic thing,to force trains to go one side xx% of the time 08:34:32 <PublicServer> <Ryton> and take other track the other % 08:34:40 <PublicServer> <Ryton> you can make a perfect split that way 08:34:50 <PublicServer> <Ryton> withouth giving YAPF the choice ;-) 08:35:12 <PublicServer> <Ryton> the 2 roundabouts simbolyse the 2 possible tracks 08:35:34 <PublicServer> <Mazur> You give it the choice to wait for a red or gop on through s green. 08:35:46 <PublicServer> <Kangoo> hm. so there is a plan to implement it? 08:37:11 <PublicServer> <Kangoo> could be a 6-6 split followed by two 6->3 mergers.. 08:38:00 <PublicServer> <Mazur> Would be tricky: you'd have to pair up the six tracks in three pairs, and send those half north half south. 08:38:33 <PublicServer> <Mazur> Or you get 6->12. 08:38:33 <Tray> !password 08:38:33 <PublicServer> Tray: mushes 08:38:52 <PublicServer> *** Tray joined the game 08:39:37 <PublicServer> *** made screenshot at 000353E4: http://ps.openttdcoop.org/publicserver/webcam/000353E4.png 08:39:55 <PublicServer> <Mazur> Ladies and Gentlemen, please put your Tray in the upright position. 08:40:43 <PublicServer> <Ryton> lol 08:41:21 <PublicServer> <Kangoo> so- one balanced station with 6 entry-lines? 08:41:45 <PublicServer> <SanderB> thats the idea 08:44:50 <PublicServer> <Ryton> no fences GRF? 08:46:27 *** Maraxus has joined #openttdcoop 08:46:42 <Maraxus> !password 08:46:42 <PublicServer> Maraxus: mushes 08:46:52 <PublicServer> *** Maraxus joined the game 08:48:35 <PublicServer> <Mazur> Tronworth West + TRansfer are bewittched, and I can't see what's wrong. 08:48:49 <PublicServer> <Kangoo> now its electrified :p 08:49:15 <PublicServer> <Mazur> That would help. 08:49:17 <PublicServer> <Ryton> hehe 08:49:19 <PublicServer> <Kangoo> xD 08:49:29 <PublicServer> <Ryton> thats the annoying thing about hiding the electricity poles 08:49:31 <PublicServer> <Ryton> you cant see them anymore then :p 08:49:37 <PublicServer> <Ryton> or cant see they are not there 08:49:43 <PublicServer> <Mazur> I nver even think of that anymore, never make that mistake myself. 08:50:10 <PublicServer> <Kangoo> I often think about it... bah 08:50:12 <PublicServer> <Ryton> I do, in the beginning of the game :s 08:50:24 <PublicServer> <Ryton> but there is an option in advanced settings, right? 08:50:34 <PublicServer> <Ryton> that it sjust selects the track taht is available on themap the most 08:50:58 <PublicServer> <SanderB> think so yea 08:51:08 <PublicServer> <Kangoo> there is? ooh 08:51:08 <PublicServer> <Mazur> Yes, use most used track. 08:51:10 <PublicServer> <Ryton> aha, interface => default rail type 08:51:24 <PublicServer> <Ryton> standard is "first available" => normal rail 08:51:38 <PublicServer> <Kangoo> *clapclap* 08:51:45 <PublicServer> <Kangoo> tnx for the tip! 08:51:59 <PublicServer> <Ryton> adding steel trains = acceptable? :p 08:52:11 <PublicServer> <Ryton> only 37% transporte 08:52:11 <PublicServer> <Ryton> d 08:52:35 <PublicServer> <Ryton> and (atm) only 1 lane is used :-) 08:52:42 <PublicServer> <Ryton> 1 /2 08:52:44 <PublicServer> <Maraxus> can't add train unless someone ups the limit 08:52:47 <PublicServer> <Ryton> they did 08:52:59 <PublicServer> <Ryton> ah we hit it again 08:53:06 <Ryton> pretty please? 08:53:18 <Ryton> Can we have some more trains, please? There are low serviced stations to help. 08:53:21 <Ryton> !admin 08:53:41 <Ryton> is it ok to add steel trains? or rather not...? 08:54:11 <PublicServer> <Mazur> I have no idea. 08:54:29 <PublicServer> <Mazur> It's not forbidden, so if htey are needed.. 08:54:37 <PublicServer> *** made screenshot at 00009352: http://ps.openttdcoop.org/publicserver/webcam/00009352.png 08:54:49 <PublicServer> <Ryton> but the factory drop is clogged 08:55:03 <planetmaker> !rcon info 08:55:03 <PublicServer> planetmaker: Current/maximum clients: 6/255 08:55:03 <PublicServer> planetmaker: Current/maximum companies: 1/ 1 08:55:03 <PublicServer> planetmaker: Current/maximum spectators: 1/10 08:55:04 <PublicServer> <Ryton> so maybe better not do it, untill that can be extended/made more efficiently 08:55:08 <planetmaker> !rcon companies 08:55:08 <PublicServer> planetmaker: #:1(Orange) Company Name: 'Cunbridge Transport' Year Founded: 1970 Money: 10054321086 Loan: 0 Value: 10259150780 (T:1550, R:20, P:0, S:0) unprotected 08:55:18 <planetmaker> whoot? You added already 100 trains? 08:55:45 <Mazur> Apparently. 08:55:48 <PublicServer> <Tray> 200 I think. (: 08:56:01 <planetmaker> well, I raised the limit only by 100 ;-) 08:56:06 <planetmaker> But I don't know what was before 08:56:12 <Mazur> The limit was raised by 100, so I think not, Tray. 08:56:30 <PublicServer> <SanderB> in my memory it was 1350 when I logged in 08:56:32 <PublicServer> <Tray> I remember 1350 trains at 0830. 08:56:42 <PublicServer> <SanderB> prolly yesterday 08:56:49 <planetmaker> I checked it before raising it, though ;-) 08:56:58 <Ryton> yeah 08:56:59 <PublicServer> <Tray> well what ever 08:57:19 <Ryton> so 100 trains in 30 minutes :-) 08:57:32 <Ryton> Tray: he raised it 30 mins ago 08:58:30 <PublicServer> <Mazur> It's not hte number of platforms in hte south, tha's the problem, it's the distribution over the six incoming lines. 08:58:52 <PublicServer> <Ryton> so... the balancer should be rebuild? 08:59:22 <PublicServer> <Tray> I don't know. 08:59:41 <Absolutis> !password 08:59:41 <PublicServer> Absolutis: awhile 08:59:59 <PublicServer> <Mazur> MOre like merge 2. 09:00:16 <PublicServer> *** Absolutis joined the game 09:00:25 <PublicServer> <Mazur> That should use the last three lines more. 09:02:00 <PublicServer> <Mazur> No more new trains, merge 2 is jamming hard. 09:02:22 <PublicServer> <Absolutis> just noticed the same thing 09:02:53 <PublicServer> <Mazur> Uneven distribution of trains over the available lines. 09:02:57 <planetmaker> !password 09:02:57 <PublicServer> planetmaker: awhile 09:03:11 <PublicServer> <Absolutis> flipflop split should solve it 09:03:12 <PublicServer> *** planetm4ker joined the game 09:03:51 <PublicServer> <Tray> please don't split by logic the last thing I remered is that it is very slow 09:04:21 <PublicServer> *** Absolutis has joined spectators 09:05:08 <PublicServer> <planetm4ker> we've already too many trains at GOODS_PICKUP 09:05:28 <PublicServer> <planetm4ker> though... it's probably still ok 09:05:34 <PublicServer> <planetm4ker> but just 09:05:40 <PublicServer> <Ryton> true 09:06:08 <PublicServer> <planetm4ker> and factory+sawmill+refinery drop needs extension 09:06:31 <PublicServer> <Mazur> No, planetm4ker, that's already there, but it doesn;t get used. 09:06:42 <PublicServer> <planetm4ker> hu? 09:06:49 <PublicServer> <Mazur> DROP has two sets of 15 pltfrms. 09:07:17 <PublicServer> <Mazur> But the southern set is almost unused. 09:07:36 <PublicServer> <planetm4ker> for a simple reason: it has no preceeding load balancer 09:07:48 <PublicServer> <planetm4ker> no split which distributes incoming traffic to available platforms 09:07:50 <PublicServer> <SanderB> >_< we know 09:07:56 <PublicServer> <planetm4ker> it's basically two stations 09:08:18 <PublicServer> <Tray> Well Merge2 should balance traffic 09:09:16 <PublicServer> <planetm4ker> uhm... that's a merge 1/4 around the map 09:09:23 <PublicServer> <planetm4ker> it has nothing to do with the load balancing of that station 09:09:25 <PublicServer> <Ryton> it does a good job, but doesnt take into account if its good strains or raw material for the drop 09:09:35 <PublicServer> <planetm4ker> esp. as only part of the ML goes to that station 09:09:38 <PublicServer> *** made screenshot at 0003BBBF: http://ps.openttdcoop.org/publicserver/webcam/0003BBBF.png 09:09:44 <PublicServer> <Ryton> it balances the trains, but there are more goods trains on ML tracks 4;5 and 6 09:09:57 <PublicServer> <planetm4ker> exactly 09:09:59 <PublicServer> <Tray> well than 09:10:13 <PublicServer> <Ryton> because 4 of em are going to 4-6, and only 2 going toML 1-3 09:10:52 <PublicServer> <planetm4ker> thus... I suggest to fix that thing first before we add more trains and less people being able to connect ;-) 09:10:54 <PublicServer> <Kangoo> train-count at !TPM 09:13:55 <PublicServer> *** Mazur has joined spectators 09:14:02 <duckblaster1> !password 09:14:02 <PublicServer> duckblaster1: hosted 09:14:05 <PublicServer> <planetm4ker> but it's a nice network you guys got going here :-) 09:14:25 <PublicServer> <planetm4ker> where are all the trees, though? 09:14:29 <PublicServer> *** duckblaster joined the game 09:14:48 <PublicServer> <Tray> global warmin' 09:15:04 <PublicServer> <planetm4ker> ? 09:15:31 <PublicServer> <Ryton> still holding true 09:15:59 <PublicServer> <SanderB> i've planted a couple trees, they should spread eventually 09:16:20 <PublicServer> <planetm4ker> they will even without planting ;-) 09:18:14 <PublicServer> <SanderB> they havent been planted and its been a couple hundred years and they havent grown back 09:18:37 <PublicServer> <Ryton> first lane is definitely having more trafic 09:18:46 <PublicServer> <Ryton> yeah, earlier the drop was empty 09:19:00 <PublicServer> <planetm4ker> yes, it really needs a balancer 09:19:14 <PublicServer> <planetm4ker> to share it among all station tracks ;-) 09:19:48 <PublicServer> <Kangoo> would be nicer to manage to balance it all out in the existing mergersthough.. 09:20:02 <PublicServer> <Ryton> thats whats being done now more or lesss 09:20:04 <PublicServer> <planetm4ker> Kangoo: from the ML one? Not feasible 09:20:14 <PublicServer> <planetm4ker> after a split things will be unbalanced 09:20:18 <PublicServer> <Ryton> the full line is distributed over 3, the empty ones over 3 other ones 09:20:50 <PublicServer> <planetm4ker> and we have there 15 station tracks and 3 incoming lines 09:20:56 <PublicServer> <planetm4ker> that's actually the main issue 09:21:09 <PublicServer> <planetm4ker> one loaded incoming track needs 7 or 8 station tracks 09:21:23 <PublicServer> <planetm4ker> so re-balancing actually only moves the real issue to a later point 09:21:40 <PublicServer> <planetm4ker> the station IS too small for the amount of possible incoming traffic 09:22:24 <PublicServer> <planetm4ker> well, sometims 6 maybe suffice 09:22:30 <PublicServer> <planetm4ker> it depends a bit on TL 09:22:58 <PublicServer> <planetm4ker> with 6 incoming tracks split off the ML, we can never have 6 full loaded incoming tracks, though... 09:23:19 <PublicServer> <planetm4ker> though... 90% or so go there 09:23:25 <PublicServer> <Ryton> btw, why dont we move ML6 to the ML1 side? 09:23:31 <PublicServer> <Ryton> doesnt it make more sense? 09:23:41 <PublicServer> <planetm4ker> that's feasible, but IMO just a hack 09:24:23 <PublicServer> <Ryton> could be, maybe wount have a huge influence 09:24:29 <PublicServer> <planetm4ker> IMHO the proper solution would be a 6->6 balancer at about !here 09:24:38 <PublicServer> *** made screenshot at 0003CEAC: http://ps.openttdcoop.org/publicserver/webcam/0003CEAC.png 09:24:49 <PublicServer> <Ryton> but less trains have to be mixed then, so easier flow in merge 2 09:24:52 <PublicServer> <planetm4ker> alternatively re-build the whole entry 09:24:58 <PublicServer> <SanderB> do you have something in mind that can do that? 09:26:34 <PublicServer> <Ryton> 36 platforms in total for the drop 09:26:40 <PublicServer> <Ryton> for 6 lines... should be ok, no? 09:26:54 <PublicServer> <planetm4ker> if all 6 are fully loaded: it's hard 09:27:04 <PublicServer> <planetm4ker> as said 7 is the better number per track 09:27:14 <PublicServer> <planetm4ker> but it should still do the trick for current load 09:27:38 <PublicServer> *** Absolutis has joined company #1 09:27:42 <PublicServer> <Ryton> 6*7 = 42, so we need 6 more platforms 09:27:52 <PublicServer> <Ryton> there is still some space in the south ;-)) 09:27:56 <PublicServer> <planetm4ker> well. Not now. We need a balancer 09:28:02 <PublicServer> <planetm4ker> that's more important than platforms 09:28:05 <PublicServer> <Ryton> true: who can do that? (not me :p) 09:28:25 <PublicServer> <planetm4ker> why can't you? ;-) 09:28:46 <duckblaster1> if it is just connecting every line together, i could try it 09:29:28 <PublicServer> <Absolutis> i could help, but i don't think i could design it 09:29:39 <PublicServer> <planetm4ker> well... it needs something like we have in front of each of the station parts - but dealing with 6 incoming lines instead of 3 ;-) 09:30:04 <PublicServer> <SanderB> 6 over 3 makes it expenantially more complicated 09:30:17 <PublicServer> <planetm4ker> who would have guessed ;-) 09:30:23 <PublicServer> <planetm4ker> but not necessarily 09:30:34 <PublicServer> <planetm4ker> could be solved on a linear difficulty increase 09:30:43 <duckblaster1> someone has to do it 09:30:52 <duckblaster1> i'm not that good, but i can try 09:31:27 <PublicServer> <planetm4ker> I've to leave very soonish, so I should not start 09:31:41 <PublicServer> <Absolutis> same kind of design as merge 1 should work, no? 09:31:51 *** valhallasw has joined #openttdcoop 09:31:59 <PublicServer> <Absolutis> wait, no... 09:32:17 <PublicServer> <planetm4ker> that's a merger... 09:32:23 <PublicServer> <planetm4ker> we need a station entry or a balancer 09:33:06 <PublicServer> <planetm4ker> though... a merger could work as balancer, you're right 09:33:41 <duckblaster1> i'll give it a go 09:33:46 <PublicServer> <Absolutis> if a bit modified, that kind of design would indeed work. 09:34:04 <PublicServer> <planetm4ker> work together, this is coop :-) 09:34:26 <Sigma> !password 09:34:26 <PublicServer> Sigma: sixths 09:34:28 <PublicServer> <planetm4ker> and most importantly: enjoy :-) 09:34:31 <PublicServer> *** planetm4ker has left the game (leaving) 09:34:44 <planetmaker> see you later :-) 09:34:51 <PublicServer> <Ryton> will do, thx 09:35:01 <PublicServer> <Absolutis> i'm not the kind of man to design the balancer like i said, but if someone makes a basic scheme for it, i think i could help building it 09:35:08 <PublicServer> <Ryton> ditto :p 09:35:10 <PublicServer> <duckblaster> ok 09:35:33 <PublicServer> <duckblaster> should the flipflop go? 09:35:49 <PublicServer> <Absolutis> hmm, take a screen of it first? 09:35:58 <PublicServer> <Ryton> I'll move it 09:36:04 <PublicServer> <duckblaster> it doesn't seem to do anything, and it is in the way 09:36:07 <PublicServer> <duckblaster> thanks 09:37:33 <PublicServer> *** Sigma joined the game 09:38:37 <Sigma> wow I think 1500 trains exceeds the limits of my laptop CPU 09:38:41 <Sigma> lol 09:38:50 <Sigma> at least in multiplayer 09:38:51 <planetmaker> yes, it's the limit of my laptop... 09:38:57 <planetmaker> it still works, but... 09:39:10 <planetmaker> consider disabling full animation and full details 09:39:20 <planetmaker> don't zoom out and decrease your window size 09:39:23 <Sigma> a 17 year old game producing a slide show on a 2011 PC :D 09:39:29 <Sigma> that's awesome 09:39:38 <PublicServer> *** made screenshot at 000379AA: http://ps.openttdcoop.org/publicserver/webcam/000379AA.png 09:40:07 <planetmaker> this game is about 3 days old :-P 09:40:07 <duckblaster1> using 100% of one core on my machine 09:40:10 <PublicServer> *** Spike joined the game 09:40:25 <Sigma> but TTD is from 1994 09:40:27 <Sigma> lol 09:40:35 <duckblaster1> about 60% 09:40:53 <duckblaster1> sometimes it goes jerky 09:40:57 <duckblaster1> not always 09:41:04 <planetmaker> TTD allowed 256^2, no multiplayer, no newgrfs, not that many signals, no railtypes,... 09:41:15 <planetmaker> and you'd be VERY good had you 100 trains 09:41:37 <Sigma> yeah but it got stuck in our hearts 09:41:41 <duckblaster1> hows the flipflop move going? 09:41:43 <Sigma> now it can do all that and more 09:42:07 <planetmaker> of course :-) 09:42:22 <planetmaker> that's why we're (still) here with that game... it's an awesome concept. 09:42:35 <planetmaker> And we can keep it going 09:42:48 <planetmaker> oh, actually.. Sigma: TTD won't run on modern systems 09:42:52 <PublicServer> <Ryton> bah 09:42:58 <PublicServer> <Ryton> cant clone the logic trains :p 09:43:00 <PublicServer> <Ryton> too many ingame 09:43:05 <PublicServer> <Ryton> can someone crash 4? 09:43:13 <PublicServer> <Ryton> or I'll just delete teh existing ones 09:43:14 <planetmaker> you'll need either dosbox (maybe), or ttdpatch ;-) - and even then you're not always off well ;-) 09:43:22 <planetmaker> and it doesn't run on mobile phones :-P 09:43:25 <Sigma> haha 09:43:33 <planetmaker> Ryton: sell them? 09:45:08 <Sigma> but why is it so much slower in multiplayer mode? 09:45:21 <duckblaster1> 1500 trains 09:45:28 <duckblaster1> pathfinder goin flat out 09:45:33 <planetmaker> Sigma: you have (some) network overhead. But the game speed is always the same 09:45:45 <Sigma> it seems better if I load a save offline though 09:45:49 <planetmaker> the game speed is hard-coded 09:46:03 <planetmaker> some commands will need confirmation by the server 09:46:10 <planetmaker> like building a piece of track 09:46:18 <planetmaker> so that computers stay in sync 09:47:24 <PublicServer> <duckblaster> say good bye to the old flipflop 09:47:36 <PublicServer> <Ryton> hmm 09:47:40 <PublicServer> <Ryton> wanted to check it first 09:47:54 <PublicServer> <Ryton> but ok, shoudl be ok, else mfb or someone else should checki t :p 09:47:56 <PublicServer> <duckblaster> i have autosaves 09:48:01 <Sigma> nooo I accidentally hovered the screen over the factory drop and pickup 09:48:21 <PublicServer> <Absolutis> hey sigma, what are your PC specs? 09:48:37 <PublicServer> <Ryton> ok its working :-) 09:48:43 <PublicServer> <Ryton> red & white light 09:49:35 <Sigma> well I suppose the CPU is most important for this.. it's a 2009 laptop with only a 2core 2.25 GHz 09:50:16 <PublicServer> <Absolutis> hmm, odd, mine is 3 Ghz dualcore pentium, and works perfectly 09:50:33 <PublicServer> <duckblaster> feature request: copy and paste 09:50:49 <PublicServer> <Absolutis> some lag on fullzoom, but, otherwise, perfect 09:50:53 <PublicServer> <Maraxus> it is probably gfx card or lack of it 09:51:01 <PublicServer> <Absolutis> what is your OS sigma? 09:51:27 <Sigma> micro$oft -_- 09:51:38 <PublicServer> <Absolutis> on my old PC w/ mac and winxp in bootcamp, it ran much slower in mac mode than in win 09:51:44 <Sigma> could it really be the graphics? lol 09:51:48 <Sigma> that would be awesome 09:52:04 <Sigma> it seems to be using only 50% CPU time 09:52:16 <PublicServer> <Absolutis> openttd only uses 1 core 09:52:20 <Sigma> or is that just the maximum of 1 core :P 09:52:28 <Sigma> oh right 09:54:38 <PublicServer> *** made screenshot at 0003F0E4: http://ps.openttdcoop.org/publicserver/webcam/0003F0E4.png 09:55:37 <planetmaker> Maraxus: the graphics card is hardly used with OpenTTD 09:55:53 <planetmaker> it's the single core CPU speed which limits this map 09:56:28 <Sigma> I guess it's just the sheer number of train movements simulated 09:56:39 <planetmaker> that's a significant part, yes 09:56:46 <PublicServer> <Ryton> brownianmotion? 09:56:48 <planetmaker> and the related frequent graphics updates 09:57:04 <Sigma> and you don't even use pathfinding signals everywhere 09:57:11 <Sigma> that would be even worse 09:57:25 <PublicServer> <duckblaster> probably no different 09:57:43 <PublicServer> <Maraxus> so my old P4 3.0 Ghz could be better than newer processors? 09:58:38 <Sigma> I guess, if you can't exploit the benefits of multiple cores 09:58:57 <planetmaker> not necessarily. clock speed does not relate to the cpu speed itself 09:59:26 <planetmaker> an i7 at 2.7 GHz runs about twice as fast as a core2duo at 2.4 GHz - or so a friend of mine tested just yesterday 09:59:32 <duckblaster1> is there an easy way to see the cpu temp in linux? 09:59:54 <planetmaker> it is a measure if the CPU design is the same, but cpu design evolved a lot, too 10:00:06 <duckblaster1> 1.83ghz centrino duo 10:00:22 <duckblaster1> 60% cpu is ottd 10:01:03 <PublicServer> <Maraxus> so is there an OpenTTD chart of CPU's? Have anydone done any test with mapsize and traincounts? 10:02:05 <planetmaker> train count is also not train count ;-) 10:02:17 <planetmaker> there are train sets which are computationally more expensive than others ;-) 10:02:32 <planetmaker> easiest on the cpu are the base set trains 10:02:39 <Sigma> it might help if we parallellised oTTD :P 10:02:49 <^Spike^> duckblaster1 usually temp in linux can be seen with sensors 10:02:52 <planetmaker> it might. But it means a 50% rewrite of the game 10:02:54 <^Spike^> if setup and installed :) 10:03:03 <planetmaker> and the game is 300000 lines of code... 10:03:17 <Sigma> yeah as a nonprogrammer, ignorance is bliss I guess :) 10:03:19 <duckblaster1> how is that done? 10:03:32 <^Spike^> just check your packet manager for sensors 10:03:38 <^Spike^> it's in all distros if i'm right 10:03:48 <PublicServer> <Ryton> Kangoo: still around? 10:03:53 <duckblaster1> it's installed 10:04:01 <^Spike^> then just type sensors in a console 10:04:05 <planetmaker> openttd uses threads where possible, e.g. for autosaves etc. But the game core itself lends itself terrible to multi-threading 10:04:30 <planetmaker> it also breaks all assumptions the current multiplayer builds on... 10:04:53 <duckblaster1> could pathfinding be multithreaded? 10:05:00 <^Spike^> i get a feeling it's hard to paralize tasks like this.... cause running train pf and stuff paralel would sometimes make 1 go other then the other? 10:05:04 <duckblaster1> or split to seperate thread? 10:05:06 <PublicServer> <SanderB> you understand the vocabulary that you're using? 10:05:10 <PublicServer> <Tray> you could rewrite it in assembly? (: 10:05:21 <duckblaster1> one thread for pathfinding, one for ui? 10:06:26 <planetmaker> Tray: and loose 100% of the developers? 10:06:28 <PublicServer> <Ryton> btw, duckblaster: i doubht that a 3x3 balancer will work 10:06:35 <planetmaker> play TTDPatch if you want assembly-written game 10:06:39 <PublicServer> <Ryton> since its mainly an unbalance betweeen top and lower rows 10:07:16 <^Spike^> pm it's actually funny to see how development went visually... generated a clip from this svn repo till last week or so :) 10:07:26 <^Spike^> had to give the cpu something to do :) 10:07:29 <^Spike^> and a vm... 10:07:48 <planetmaker> is that the visualization thingy with the colourful blobs? 10:07:55 <^Spike^> ehm it is.. 10:07:59 <^Spike^> i didn't upload it anywhere though 10:07:59 <planetmaker> then yes, looks funny :-) 10:08:20 <^Spike^> there are several visulization tools on that part :) 10:08:21 <planetmaker> But it's getting less funny as development increasingly doesn't happen anymore in svn branches 10:08:32 <^Spike^> well... i just used the trunk.. 10:08:41 <^Spike^> cause if i also did the branches.. you kept seeing those... 10:08:49 <PublicServer> <Kangoo> results from train counts just in. see merge2 10:08:49 <^Spike^> and trunk looks like a small speck then :) 10:08:51 <planetmaker> yes, so? 10:08:59 <planetmaker> there's not many branches 10:09:08 <^Spike^> well... if you put on the option never expire 10:09:11 <planetmaker> I can assure you, taking them into account doesn#t hurt :-P 10:09:13 <^Spike^> there have been ALOT of branches :D 10:09:27 <planetmaker> I've seen it with decay 10:09:39 <PublicServer> *** made screenshot at 0003FCE2: http://ps.openttdcoop.org/publicserver/webcam/0003FCE2.png 10:09:42 <^Spike^> you get a big tree of all branches that ever existed and like not even 1% of the image is trunk :) 10:10:42 <planetmaker> maybe you used a different thing than I mean. I don't recall the name nor find the video 10:10:49 <PublicServer> <Ryton> so should be solved at !tpm5 somewher 10:10:55 <^Spike^> http://code.google.com/p/gource/ 10:10:56 <Webster> Title: gource - software version control visualization - Google Project Hosting (at code.google.com) 10:10:56 <^Spike^> used that 10:11:02 <PublicServer> <Kangoo> the two lines with lowest trainscount coming from SLH2xx is connected to the lines with lowest traincount from MLtowndrop 10:11:06 <^Spike^> without all the pointless bloom though :) 10:11:10 <PublicServer> <Absolutis> what does dat TPM stand for 10:11:18 <PublicServer> <Kangoo> trains per minute 10:11:23 <PublicServer> <Absolutis> ah 10:11:30 <Ryton> @tpm 10:11:35 <Ryton> @webster tpm 10:11:39 <Tray> sorry, pm, I just wanted to make a joke about assembly. \: 10:11:42 <Ryton> Webster: tpm :p 10:11:50 <Ryton> how do you ask webster? :-) 10:11:57 <^Spike^> if it's in there 10:11:58 <^Spike^> @slh 10:11:58 <Webster> slh: Sideline Hub, see also: http://wiki.openttdcoop.org/Sideline_Hub 10:12:07 <^Spike^> @cl 10:12:07 <Webster> cl: Curve Length, mostly used to describe how big a curve must be to let pass trains with a certain TL at full speed, see also: http://wiki.openttdcoop.org/Max_Curve_Speed 10:12:08 <PublicServer> <Ryton> its not :-) 10:12:10 <PublicServer> <Ryton> but we should add it then :-) 10:12:12 <^Spike^> if it isn't it doesn't respond :) 10:12:13 <Ryton> @tpm 10:12:30 <^Spike^> we usually got a magical person to add those.. as i don't know how :D 10:12:33 <PublicServer> <Kangoo> I just came up with it... :p 10:12:45 <PublicServer> <Kangoo> dunno if its used before 10:12:47 <PublicServer> <Ryton> normally the speed doesnt matter too much 10:12:53 <PublicServer> <Ryton> since it depends on train type & length 10:12:57 <PublicServer> <Ryton> just the ratio does 10:13:09 <PublicServer> <Ryton> but: balancing at the station, or before? 10:13:13 <PublicServer> <Kangoo> and the ratio is 2:1 10:13:25 <PublicServer> <Ryton> and 2:1 from the nothr 10:13:33 <PublicServer> <Ryton> together 4:1 10:13:55 <^Spike^> pm i wouldn't mind uploading my version of those clips btw... just... well.... i don't got the bw to deal with downloads :D 10:14:27 <PublicServer> <Kangoo> As i read the numbers the issue is merge2 10:14:49 <^Spike^> maybe a few... but not alot :) 10:15:17 <PublicServer> <Kangoo> two least trafficed lines are connected to three least tarfficed MLs. And the four lines with most traffic is connected to 3 most trafficed MLs from the north. 10:15:40 <PublicServer> <Absolutis> (okay, what?) 10:17:11 <PublicServer> <Kangoo> in short: ML4-6 is supplied with 13+33=46 trains in merge2, whilst M1-3 gets 47+44=91 10:17:43 <planetmaker> "bw" @ ^Spike^ ? 10:17:48 <^Spike^> bandwidth 10:19:12 <PublicServer> *** Maraxus has left the game (connection lost) 10:21:01 <PublicServer> *** Sigma has left the game (connection lost) 10:21:57 <Maraxus> !password 10:21:57 <PublicServer> Maraxus: lander 10:22:06 <PublicServer> *** Maraxus joined the game 10:24:39 <PublicServer> *** made screenshot at 0003EAD8: http://ps.openttdcoop.org/publicserver/webcam/0003EAD8.png 10:25:45 <PublicServer> *** Tray has left the game (leaving) 10:26:06 <PublicServer> <duckblaster> use !abso's plan and rebuild ML? 10:26:32 <PublicServer> <Absolutis> yep, designed the balancer after all :P 10:26:42 <PublicServer> <duckblaster> i like it 10:27:00 <PublicServer> <duckblaster> where to build it though? 10:27:28 <PublicServer> <Absolutis> see that plan at !here2? 10:27:30 <PublicServer> <duckblaster> should bridges be doubled? 10:27:32 <PublicServer> <Absolutis> similar. 10:27:58 <PublicServer> <duckblaster> how to connect to ML? 10:28:04 <PublicServer> <Absolutis> there practically is a double there 10:28:16 <PublicServer> <Absolutis> just that the other is not a bridge 10:28:43 <PublicServer> <Ryton> merge 2 style then? 10:28:50 <PublicServer> <SanderB> I've built a mixer and screenshotted it intended to help this problem 10:28:54 <PublicServer> <Ryton> mege 1 sorry 10:29:10 <PublicServer> <Absolutis> 6->6 sander? 10:29:20 <PublicServer> <duckblaster> expand !here2 10:29:28 <PublicServer> <duckblaster> and join to ML 10:29:36 <PublicServer> <SanderB> ye im trying to find out how to crop the map screenshot to upload it somewhere 10:29:57 <^Spike^> paint? 10:29:58 <^Spike^> :) 10:30:09 <PublicServer> <SanderB> not enough memory 10:30:33 <PublicServer> <duckblaster> what's TL? 10:30:40 <PublicServer> <SanderB> ill take 5 mins to combine 3 screenshots 10:30:41 <^Spike^> @tl 10:30:41 <Webster> tl: TrainLength. Indicating the amount of tiles a train occupies, see also: http://wiki.openttdcoop.org/User:Tim/Tilelength 10:30:49 <PublicServer> <duckblaster> 3? 10:31:09 <^Spike^> what makes you say that... :) 10:31:30 <PublicServer> <duckblaster> hard to tell with the trains going everywhere so fast 10:31:34 <PublicServer> <Spike> a good indication is usually platform length... in this case you're right... 3 :) 10:36:16 *** KenjiE20 has joined #openttdcoop 10:36:16 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o KenjiE20 10:37:05 <PublicServer> <Absolutis> hmm, do you think the tf at "would need TF is ok? 10:37:08 <PublicServer> <Ryton> sure 10:37:22 <PublicServer> <Ryton> imho at least ;-) 10:39:40 <PublicServer> *** made screenshot at 0003D4C2: http://ps.openttdcoop.org/publicserver/webcam/0003D4C2.png 10:41:19 <SanderB> what I made is this http://imageshack.us/f/585/cunbridgetransport12mei.jpg/ 10:41:21 <Webster> Title: ImageShack - Online Photo and Video Hosting (at imageshack.us) 10:42:09 <Absolutis> what i made in minecraft btw http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/6/screenshot2011051614345.png/ 10:42:25 <Ryton> loll 10:42:46 <PublicServer> <Ryton> btw, Absolutis: why doesnt it need prio's here? 10:43:41 <PublicServer> *** Spike has joined company #1 10:44:15 <PublicServer> <Spike> what is that construction for? 10:44:26 <Sigma> that looks like a hair braid 10:44:27 <Sigma> lol 10:44:29 <SanderB> actually the best link is http://img585.imageshack.us/img585/5840/cunbridgetransport12mei.jpg 10:44:32 <PublicServer> <Absolutis> that is much more compact without them afterall, and the prios will encourage trains NOT to join in another line 10:44:47 <PublicServer> <Absolutis> that is supposed to be a balancer 10:45:03 <PublicServer> <Absolutis> @@gap 3 3 10:45:03 <Webster> PublicServer: (gap <trainlength> [<split>]) -- Returns minimum and maximum signal gap sizes for 2,3 and 4 linesplits with <trainlength>. If <spilt> is given it will return the gap sizes for <split> (+/-) 1. 10:45:07 <PublicServer> <Spike> and the most S doesn't need to join the most E line 10:45:15 <PublicServer> <Absolutis> @@ gap 3 10:45:21 <PublicServer> <Absolutis> @@gap 3 10:45:21 <Webster> PublicServer: (gap <trainlength> [<split>]) -- Returns minimum and maximum signal gap sizes for 2,3 and 4 linesplits with <trainlength>. If <spilt> is given it will return the gap sizes for <split> (+/-) 1. 10:45:43 <PublicServer> <Spike> and i think this is gonna be inefficient balancing... 10:46:21 <PublicServer> <Spike> cause there is no balancing happening at all.. trains will just wait to join as early as possible 10:46:23 <duckblaster1> @gap 3 10:46:23 <Webster> duckblaster1: For Trainlength of 3: <= 9 needs 2, 10 - 14 needs 3, 15 - 19 needs 4. 10:46:29 <PublicServer> <SanderB> im going to try an saturate that save game 10:46:35 *** iklucas has joined #openttdcoop 10:46:39 <iklucas> !password 10:46:39 <PublicServer> iklucas: hinder 10:46:51 <PublicServer> <Kangoo> why is !this line so heavily preferred by trains? 10:46:54 <PublicServer> *** iklucas joined the game 10:46:55 <PublicServer> <iklucas> hay 10:46:57 <PublicServer> <Absolutis> i think steel bridges need to be moved 10:47:09 <PublicServer> <Spike> iklucas: check near needed TF plz 10:47:15 <PublicServer> <Spike> and give opinion about this balancer 10:47:17 <PublicServer> <iklucas> i saw:D 10:47:25 <PublicServer> <Kangoo> no trains allowed to join it from SLH2d or 2c... 10:47:27 <PublicServer> <Spike> since you did alot in this game 10:47:35 <PublicServer> <iklucas> well 10:48:00 <PublicServer> <iklucas> we've had earlyer shown that thing and it did proof itself as a proper merge thing 10:48:08 <PublicServer> <iklucas> but... it does need prio's in it 10:48:27 <PublicServer> <iklucas> i think:P 10:48:37 <PublicServer> <iklucas> but idk, i've only seen it as a merge, not as a split 10:48:43 <PublicServer> <Ryton> yeah tought so too... but why /why not? 10:48:47 <PublicServer> <Absolutis> balancer. 10:49:06 <PublicServer> <iklucas> ye balancer / split 10:49:16 <PublicServer> <iklucas> i totally agree we needed something there 10:49:31 <PublicServer> <iklucas> and... 10:49:35 <PublicServer> <iklucas> we need a 7 exit 10:49:36 <PublicServer> *** Sigma joined the game 10:50:05 <PublicServer> <iklucas> but i think splike wasn't too happy with it? 10:50:10 <PublicServer> <iklucas> or are you? 10:50:53 <PublicServer> <Spike> well.. it lacks the balancing part imo 10:51:01 <PublicServer> <Spike> trains will just crowd the first track now 10:51:05 <PublicServer> <iklucas> yep 10:51:15 <PublicServer> <Spike> cause that's their earliest opertunity to join 10:51:19 <PublicServer> <iklucas> thats why i thought you need a big prio part in it at least 10:52:05 <PublicServer> <Spike> such a construction has been used as balancing a station exit in on of the game i played.... 10:52:15 <PublicServer> <Spike> there it really used some pre signal stuff 10:52:15 <PublicServer> <iklucas> well 10:52:27 <PublicServer> <iklucas> it's been used as a merge 10:52:38 <PublicServer> <iklucas> now as a balancer exactly 10:52:52 <PublicServer> <Spike> i'll see if i can still recreate it... :) 10:53:05 <PublicServer> <Kangoo> if curves was i tile longer, pbs would allow trains to enter the bridge when one waiting to join exit line... 10:53:37 <PublicServer> <iklucas> i hate pbs:P 10:54:06 <Sigma> I love pbs 10:54:13 <PublicServer> <Kangoo> ok, with presignals it would need to be two tiles longer.. 10:54:39 <PublicServer> <Spike> what we then made was like !this here 10:54:40 <PublicServer> *** made screenshot at 0003B8EB: http://ps.openttdcoop.org/publicserver/webcam/0003B8EB.png 10:54:43 <PublicServer> <Spike> just with signals etc 10:54:59 <PublicServer> <Absolutis> hmm, with some prios you could prevent trains try joining at all if the line is not free 10:55:43 <PublicServer> <iklucas> the difference is 10:55:49 <PublicServer> <Kangoo> merge1 in other words.. ;) 10:56:01 <PublicServer> <iklucas> that merge 1 has 6 lies that are all used 10:56:05 <PublicServer> <Ryton> yeah lol 10:56:09 <PublicServer> <iklucas> and then 3 lines coming into it 10:56:15 <PublicServer> <iklucas> 6 lines* 10:56:15 <PublicServer> <Ryton> I asked 30 mins ago if we didnt need those ;-) 10:56:17 <PublicServer> <duckblaster> not enough space i think 10:57:26 <PublicServer> <iklucas> merge 1 has 1 difference 10:57:44 <PublicServer> <Kangoo> to look good the whole thing should be rotadet 90 degrees clockwise.. :p 11:04:00 <PublicServer> <iklucas> its at least starting to be a balancer 11:04:10 <PublicServer> <iklucas> still not sure if they wont all take the left lane.. but 11:07:14 <PublicServer> <iklucas> ^^ 11:07:23 *** Progman has joined #openttdcoop 11:08:07 <Sigma> but is it a problem if they do? 11:08:15 <PublicServer> <iklucas> it actually slows down i think 11:08:17 <Sigma> as long as they have a choice of the others if it should fill up 11:08:29 <PublicServer> <iklucas> as the bridge can jam 11:08:45 <PublicServer> <iklucas> single bridge> and left connection can be taken by other train 11:09:32 <PublicServer> <iklucas> we should make an 7th exit:P 11:09:40 <PublicServer> *** made screenshot at 0003BCD7: http://ps.openttdcoop.org/publicserver/webcam/0003BCD7.png 11:09:41 <Sigma> lol 11:09:43 <PublicServer> <iklucas> for the little platforms i think 11:09:49 <PublicServer> <SanderB> this looks odd 11:10:17 <PublicServer> <SanderB> I dont understand why the balancer has 7 exit lines 11:10:27 <PublicServer> <iklucas> ye atm its a fail 11:10:31 <PublicServer> <Ryton> shoudnt the signal be combo singals? 11:10:37 <PublicServer> <Kangoo> see !JAM 11:10:43 <PublicServer> <SanderB> k can we make it 6 lines then its hurting my eyes :( 11:10:54 <PublicServer> <Kangoo> that merger needs some work 11:10:54 <PublicServer> <Absolutis> uh oh. 11:11:10 <PublicServer> <Kangoo> What makes so many trains choose just that line? 11:12:35 <PublicServer> <iklucas> hmm you clearly can see the limit here -.- 11:12:57 <PublicServer> <Kangoo> trains hate the east part of the joiner 11:13:42 <PublicServer> <iklucas> ye, sorry but i dont think its the best balancer ever:P 11:14:13 <PublicServer> <Absolutis> yeh, neither do i, but it works :P 11:14:31 <Sigma> it's jammed all the way upstream from there 11:14:35 <PublicServer> <iklucas> will need replacement once the lines really fill up i think 11:14:50 <PublicServer> <iklucas> indeed 11:14:50 <PublicServer> *** Maraxus has left the game (connection lost) 11:14:56 <PublicServer> <iklucas> its jammed to merge 2:P 11:15:01 <Sigma> merge4 and the SLH 3d 11:15:13 <Sigma> tons of trains in the overflow 11:15:32 <PublicServer> <SanderB> im running a savegame from an hour ago and it doesnt have a jam right there 11:15:48 <PublicServer> <duckblaster> trying to see if the trains will take the last part 11:15:50 <PublicServer> <SanderB> running it simultaneously 11:16:07 <PublicServer> <iklucas> first 3 are disconnected on purpose? 11:16:12 <PublicServer> <duckblaster> yes 11:16:20 <PublicServer> <iklucas> why? 11:16:26 <PublicServer> <duckblaster> testing 11:16:38 <PublicServer> <iklucas> testing what lol? 11:16:44 <PublicServer> <duckblaster> last exit needs better signals 11:16:47 <PublicServer> <iklucas> how far the line can jam?:P 11:16:49 <PublicServer> <Ryton> how much trafic the south station an take 11:18:01 <Sigma> only the SE line seems to block hereat SLH 4e 11:18:13 <PublicServer> <Kangoo> the minute the line that jammed is changed to the other part of merge2, they stop taking that line... 11:18:40 <PublicServer> <Ryton> yeah I bypassed it, sorry 11:18:42 <PublicServer> <Ryton> signed it :;p 11:18:45 <PublicServer> <Ryton> but should have told 11:18:47 <PublicServer> <Kangoo> so did I 11:18:52 <PublicServer> <Kangoo> I saw it 11:19:02 <PublicServer> <iklucas> yes indeed 11:19:08 <PublicServer> <Kangoo> but see how few trains uses the bypass 11:19:08 <PublicServer> <iklucas> slh 2d etc is bad imo 11:19:17 <PublicServer> <Kangoo> hey moved one line to the left instead 11:19:25 <PublicServer> <iklucas> as only when the full line is jammed the trains will choose to take the outter 3 lines 11:19:29 <PublicServer> <iklucas> anbd even then just some trains 11:19:51 <Sigma> now 2 out of 3 are totally backed up 11:19:51 <Sigma> lol 11:19:51 <PublicServer> <Kangoo> no, its because of merge2 11:20:01 <PublicServer> <iklucas> nop it isnt 11:20:16 <PublicServer> <Ryton> line 1-3 and 4-6 are alwaysconnected so separate exits of SLH's 11:20:34 <PublicServer> <Ryton> so its normal that either 1-3 or 4-6 will jam 11:20:36 <PublicServer> <Kangoo> look at merge 2 11:20:42 <PublicServer> <Ryton> no use mixing those 11:20:44 <PublicServer> <iklucas> slh 2d and others should send more trains to outter 3 lines 11:21:05 <PublicServer> <Ryton> iklucas; check sign !TPM3 11:21:05 <PublicServer> <iklucas> nah the slh's just shouldnt send so much trains to the inner lines 11:21:18 <PublicServer> <Ryton> the number of trains are about equal, a bit more on lines 1-3 than 4-6 11:21:26 <PublicServer> <Kangoo> 5 mins ago line 4 was jammed from merge 2 to !JAmmed 11:21:48 <PublicServer> <Kangoo> so the problem is NOT that to few trains chose 4-6 11:22:00 <PublicServer> <iklucas> well 11:22:15 <PublicServer> <iklucas> imo 11:22:23 <PublicServer> <iklucas> you can clearly see there are less trains on 4-6 11:22:30 <PublicServer> <Kangoo> yes, now. 11:22:44 <PublicServer> <iklucas> and yesterday evening 11:22:46 <PublicServer> <Ryton> line 2 has wav es :-) 11:22:48 <PublicServer> <iklucas> it had the same problem 11:22:54 <PublicServer> <Kangoo> trains now go prefer line 3 instead of line 4 11:23:00 <PublicServer> <iklucas> merge 2 is now jamming up because 11:23:10 <PublicServer> <Kangoo> because they want to avoid "almost empty joiner" for some reason 11:23:12 <PublicServer> <iklucas> because of the balancer we just made 11:23:20 <Maraxus> !password 11:23:20 <PublicServer> Maraxus: plaque 11:23:26 <PublicServer> <duckblaster> strip out and rebuild? 11:23:34 <PublicServer> <iklucas> no time, g2g actually 11:23:34 <PublicServer> *** Maraxus joined the game 11:23:40 <PublicServer> <Kangoo> no. look at trains per minute (!TPM5) @2261 11:23:42 <PublicServer> <iklucas> will make a new one later;) 11:23:48 <PublicServer> <duckblaster> 11:30 pm here 11:23:50 <PublicServer> <iklucas> but g2g first 11:23:52 <PublicServer> <duckblaster> going soon 11:23:55 <PublicServer> <iklucas> 13:23 11:24:01 <PublicServer> <Kangoo> its not the balancer. it ws a problem already in 2261... 11:24:15 <PublicServer> <iklucas> well it is 11:24:25 <PublicServer> <iklucas> as now the trains cant exit since the ML is jammed 11:24:41 <PublicServer> *** made screenshot at 0003DCE4: http://ps.openttdcoop.org/publicserver/webcam/0003DCE4.png 11:25:04 <PublicServer> <iklucas> it will be at least allot less once 11:25:10 <PublicServer> <iklucas> there is a new balancer:P 11:25:24 <PublicServer> <iklucas> sry abso;) 11:25:44 <PublicServer> <iklucas> well, i'm off 11:25:52 <PublicServer> <iklucas> gotta prepare the festival i'm going to tomorow 11:25:54 <PublicServer> <iklucas> bb 11:25:54 <PublicServer> *** iklucas has left the game (leaving) 11:27:13 <Sigma> lol the amsterdam pride? 11:27:41 <PublicServer> <SanderB> what's that about? 11:27:57 <PublicServer> <Ryton> there was a huge sigal gap 11:27:59 <PublicServer> <Ryton> in ML3 11:28:16 <PublicServer> <Ryton> 10 tiles long 11:28:18 <PublicServer> <Kangoo> :o 11:28:20 <PublicServer> <Kangoo> where? 11:28:22 <PublicServer> <Ryton> that could be a reason :p 11:28:25 <Sigma> lol 11:28:48 <PublicServer> <Ryton> just fixed 11:28:53 <PublicServer> <Ryton> now it should move :p 11:29:59 <PublicServer> <Kangoo> jam is clearing up 11:31:11 <PublicServer> <Ryton> I miss theVAST fences GRF :'( 11:31:27 *** iklucas has quit IRC 11:32:58 <PublicServer> *** Sigma has left the game (connection lost) 11:33:07 <PublicServer> <Ryton> so, what's next? 11:33:19 <PublicServer> <Kangoo> Remove the bypass? 11:33:33 <PublicServer> <Ryton> just disconnect it, i'd say 11:33:39 <PublicServer> <Ryton> can come in handy from time to time 11:34:27 <PublicServer> <Ryton> btw; what is the keyb shortcut for A) station 11:34:31 <PublicServer> <Ryton> and B) sign listJ 11:34:33 <PublicServer> <Ryton> ? 11:34:42 <PublicServer> *** duckblaster has left the game (leaving) 11:34:50 <Sigma> with all this complexity you almost need mathematical tools 11:34:55 <Sigma> and graph theory 11:34:56 <duckblaster1> good night 11:34:59 <Sigma> to design all those junctions 11:35:13 <PublicServer> <Ryton> gn db 11:35:26 <Ryton> !admin 11:35:30 <Ryton> Can we have some more trains, please? There are low serviced stations to help. 11:35:43 <Ryton> and the 6mainline balancer is online :-) 11:36:14 <PublicServer> *** Absolutis has joined spectators 11:36:33 <Sigma> is it even humanly possible to have junctions in a, say, 6+6 bidirectional ML? 11:36:47 <Sigma> having this roundabout clears a lot of that trouble 11:36:51 <PublicServer> <Ryton> everything is possible in Pro-zone ;-) 11:36:56 <Absolutis> !dl stable win32 11:36:56 <PublicServer> Absolutis: unknown option "stable" 11:37:02 <PublicServer> <Maraxus> just did a train count after the new balancer in TPM. Counted 20,20,20,14,3,14 and it is also visually evident that more trains go to the north station 11:37:06 <Sigma> lol I said *humanly* 11:37:30 <PublicServer> <Ryton> true, Maraxus: but if it can handle it, whats the prob? 11:37:40 <PublicServer> <Ryton> now no jam is prolonged to the mainline anymore 11:37:50 <PublicServer> <Ryton> more trains => goes to other side too 11:38:12 <PublicServer> <Ryton> you could add penalties, to force trains to go to second station first, maybe 11:38:42 <PublicServer> <Maraxus> would just mention it in case anyone was interested - wasn't saying it's a problem - it might be if more train are added 11:39:02 <PublicServer> <Ryton> like this,3 first are penalised with 2 reverse PBS 11:39:04 <PublicServer> <Ryton> should count again now 11:39:41 <PublicServer> *** made screenshot at 0003CAD1: http://ps.openttdcoop.org/publicserver/webcam/0003CAD1.png 11:41:16 <PublicServer> <Ryton> looks more balanced now, imho 11:44:50 <Tray> !password 11:44:50 <PublicServer> Tray: dinghy 11:45:02 <PublicServer> *** Sigma joined the game 11:45:08 <PublicServer> *** Tray joined the game 11:45:39 <PublicServer> <Tray> the balancer is to slow 11:45:49 <PublicServer> *** Sigma has left the game (connection lost) 11:46:56 <PublicServer> <Maraxus> new traincount is 16,14,15,16,9,22 11:47:06 <duckblaster1> seems better 11:50:19 <PublicServer> <Tray> heck the balancer is even worst o: 11:50:37 <PublicServer> <Ryton> its working, no? 11:50:45 <PublicServer> <Tray> it's to slow 11:51:16 <PublicServer> *** Sigma joined the game 11:51:20 <PublicServer> <Ryton> harmonica on ML1 towards merge 2 11:52:43 <PublicServer> *** Sigma has left the game (connection lost) 11:52:51 <PublicServer> <Ryton> ML1 stops from time to time... 11:53:28 <PublicServer> <Ryton> shouldnt we make the waitingbays 1 bigger? 11:53:34 <PublicServer> <Ryton> at the first rows? 11:53:42 <PublicServer> <Tray> and it will get worse with more traffic on the other lines 11:53:48 <PublicServer> <Tray> double bridges 11:54:08 <PublicServer> <Ryton> where :p 11:54:19 <duckblaster1> !password 11:54:19 <PublicServer> duckblaster1: brewed 11:54:36 <PublicServer> *** duckblaster joined the game 11:54:41 <PublicServer> *** made screenshot at 0003F0F8: http://ps.openttdcoop.org/publicserver/webcam/0003F0F8.png 11:55:01 <PublicServer> <Tray> maybe like !this 11:55:04 <PublicServer> <Ryton> cant we just give priority to the trains on ml1? 11:56:10 <PublicServer> <Ryton> can you fit that in there? 11:56:18 <PublicServer> <Ryton> you need 1 more space , i assume? 11:56:39 <PublicServer> <Ryton> and bridges of length 4 11:56:49 <PublicServer> <Ryton> or one more distance NS too 11:56:55 <PublicServer> <Tray> no it's bigger like this 11:57:17 <PublicServer> <Ryton> one tile bigger in all directions => +6 to both sides 11:57:31 <PublicServer> <Ryton> plenty of space at the back 11:57:34 <PublicServer> *** duckblaster has joined company #1 11:57:38 <PublicServer> <Ryton> we can try to implement it on the last 2 rows 11:57:48 <PublicServer> <Tray> it would fit in that spot, but won't fit in that construction 11:58:05 <PublicServer> <Tray> but the problem is !here 11:58:13 <PublicServer> <Ryton> we have to shift the last line 6 tiles north, and 6 tiles East 11:58:27 <PublicServer> <Ryton> maybe first move the lines themselves 11:59:57 <PublicServer> *** Absolutis has joined company #1 12:02:37 <PublicServer> *** SanderB has left the game (leaving) 12:09:04 <PublicServer> <Ryton> hmm, we need to go 2x 6 tiles wider 12:09:06 <PublicServer> *** Absolutis has joined spectators 12:09:14 <PublicServer> <Ryton> -1 => 11 12:09:42 <PublicServer> *** made screenshot at 0003B8BC: http://ps.openttdcoop.org/publicserver/webcam/0003B8BC.png 12:10:15 <PublicServer> <Tray> there is a problem in my proposal 12:10:30 <PublicServer> <duckblaster> oil refinery? 12:10:54 <PublicServer> <Tray> not in praxis I mean in concept 12:11:18 <PublicServer> <Tray> but I 12:11:30 <PublicServer> <Tray> think it's only relevant while jamming 12:11:38 <PublicServer> <Tray> so: no problem. (: 12:13:10 <PublicServer> <duckblaster> should !remove? go? 12:19:04 <PublicServer> *** duckblaster has left the game (leaving) 12:19:06 <PublicServer> *** Absolutis has joined company #1 12:19:18 <PublicServer> <Absolutis> hmm, redesign with double bridges? 12:19:29 <duckblaster1> i vote yes 12:19:34 <duckblaster1> good night 12:19:34 <PublicServer> <Ryton> its slow :p 12:19:40 <PublicServer> <Ryton> according to some critics :-) 12:19:44 <PublicServer> <Ryton> and they like perfection 12:23:13 <PublicServer> <Ryton> wth 12:23:16 <PublicServer> <Absolutis> ? 12:23:18 <PublicServer> <Ryton> fast rebuilder :-) 12:23:21 <PublicServer> <Ryton> go for it :-)) 12:23:29 <PublicServer> <Ryton> i was still in the planning fase :p 12:23:33 <PublicServer> <Ryton> since 12:24:05 <PublicServer> <Ryton> the double bridge proposal also has some issues appearently 12:24:15 <PublicServer> <Absolutis> like? 12:24:42 <PublicServer> *** made screenshot at 0003EAC3: http://ps.openttdcoop.org/publicserver/webcam/0003EAC3.png 12:24:43 <SanderB> !password 12:24:43 <PublicServer> SanderB: botany 12:25:00 <PublicServer> <Absolutis> i'm not doing that thou 12:25:00 <PublicServer> *** SanderB joined the game 12:27:37 *** alang has quit IRC 12:27:38 *** duckblaster1 has quit IRC 12:28:50 <PublicServer> *** SanderB has left the game (leaving) 12:39:42 <PublicServer> *** made screenshot at 0003A8E6: http://ps.openttdcoop.org/publicserver/webcam/0003A8E6.png 12:40:28 *** iklucas has joined #openttdcoop 12:40:46 <PublicServer> <Absolutis> i did a little alteration to the double bridge prop, but that works aswell :P 12:42:01 <iklucas> !password 12:42:01 <PublicServer> iklucas: carved 12:42:26 <PublicServer> *** iklucas joined the game 12:42:27 <PublicServer> <iklucas> olla\ 12:42:29 <PublicServer> <iklucas> nice:D 12:42:37 <PublicServer> <Absolutis> ola 12:42:51 <PublicServer> <Absolutis> redesigning ze balancer 12:43:01 <PublicServer> <iklucas> indeed! 12:43:05 <PublicServer> <iklucas> the old merge 1 was like that 12:43:26 <PublicServer> <Absolutis> then why was it changed? 12:43:49 <PublicServer> <iklucas> because 12:43:57 <PublicServer> <iklucas> we split the lines 12:44:05 <PublicServer> <iklucas> before the only ml to left was a 6 lines one 12:44:55 <PublicServer> <iklucas> the only difference is/ was 12:45:11 <PublicServer> <iklucas> idk how to explain:P 12:46:19 <PublicServer> <Ryton> btw 12:46:23 <PublicServer> <iklucas> you'll still need the double prio's i think 12:46:25 <PublicServer> <Ryton> we should make bridges of length ' 12:46:27 <PublicServer> <Ryton> 4 12:46:29 <PublicServer> <Ryton> got the space now 12:46:47 <PublicServer> <Tray> they are double prioed 12:47:01 <PublicServer> <Absolutis> yes, but we can't penalty them then 12:47:04 <PublicServer> <Ryton> true 12:47:18 <PublicServer> <Tray> what penalty? 12:47:34 <PublicServer> <Absolutis> reverse PBS 12:47:42 <PublicServer> <Tray> where? 12:47:48 <PublicServer> <Ryton> last bridges 12:47:50 <PublicServer> <Ryton> just before 12:47:52 <PublicServer> <Absolutis> all bridges 12:48:04 <PublicServer> <Ryton> it worked very well earlier 12:48:08 <PublicServer> <Ryton> with the previous balancer: 12:48:14 <PublicServer> <Ryton> adding 2x reverse pbs 12:48:24 <PublicServer> <Ryton> at first 3 exits, made it much more balanced 12:48:30 <PublicServer> <Tray> please add a sign I don't get ya point 12:48:47 <PublicServer> <iklucas> he's adding penaltys 12:48:53 <PublicServer> <Absolutis> that's output lines, not the joiners 12:50:27 <PublicServer> <iklucas> no difference:D 12:50:33 <PublicServer> <Absolutis> yeah 12:53:22 <PublicServer> <Ryton> lighting wasnt really ready yet :p 12:54:43 <PublicServer> *** made screenshot at 0003C0F8: http://ps.openttdcoop.org/publicserver/webcam/0003C0F8.png 12:55:08 <PublicServer> <iklucas> that1 was just an building bug 12:55:26 <PublicServer> <iklucas> ehm, how about?no crossing to the right bridge? 12:55:30 <PublicServer> <iklucas> just to the left? 12:55:32 <PublicServer> <Ryton> lol 12:55:35 <PublicServer> <Ryton> who crahsed? :p 12:55:41 <PublicServer> <Absolutis> :( 12:55:45 <PublicServer> <Ryton> it happens :-) 12:55:52 <PublicServer> <Ryton> yay; no more hitting the train limit atm 12:56:00 <PublicServer> <Ryton> i can test the flipflop 12:56:18 <PublicServer> <Ryton> bah 12:56:22 <PublicServer> <Ryton> who took the 2 trains? ;-) 12:56:42 <PublicServer> <iklucas> not me;) 12:56:46 <PublicServer> <iklucas> idk who 12:56:54 <PublicServer> <Kangoo> not me 12:57:09 *** TWerkhoven has joined #openttdcoop 12:57:26 <PublicServer> <iklucas> hi 12:57:26 <PublicServer> *** TWerkhoven joined the game 12:57:38 <PublicServer> <Kangoo> trains change to riht track... heh 12:57:55 <PublicServer> <iklucas> yep:P 12:58:23 <PublicServer> <Kangoo> would maybe be better if entrance/bridges were in sync..? 12:58:45 <PublicServer> <iklucas> nah it's fine 12:59:01 <PublicServer> <TWerkhoven> ello 12:59:27 <PublicServer> <Absolutis> lo 12:59:31 <PublicServer> <Maraxus> hi 13:00:46 <PublicServer> <Ryton> we could make 7 outgoing lines 13:00:47 *** alang has joined #openttdcoop 13:00:52 <PublicServer> <Ryton> got the extra few tracks from absolutis's 13:01:10 <PublicServer> <iklucas> ye 13:01:18 <PublicServer> <Absolutis> meh, i do not think they are very efficient 13:01:20 <PublicServer> <iklucas> but then we first need to find a way to regulate the exit 13:01:22 <PublicServer> <Ryton> or make it half? 13:01:26 <PublicServer> <Ryton> just 3 last ones or so? 13:01:30 <PublicServer> <iklucas> they need also to be synced 13:01:37 <PublicServer> <Ryton> you dnt have to make a square balancer, right? 13:02:04 <PublicServer> <iklucas> ? why remove it 13:02:14 <PublicServer> <iklucas> they will be needed from time to time 13:02:20 <PublicServer> <Absolutis> because i can. because i can. 13:02:46 <PublicServer> <iklucas> as once all 6 lines are fully used the current station wont be able to handle the capacity 13:02:50 <PublicServer> <Absolutis> nah, others could design one that is more efficient and stuff 13:03:04 <PublicServer> <iklucas> ye well 13:03:12 <PublicServer> <iklucas> my plan was to add another like 12 platforms station:p 13:03:26 <PublicServer> <iklucas> but no real space for that:( 13:04:04 <PublicServer> <Absolutis> wow, prartown mines= 18% cargo rating 13:04:23 <PublicServer> <iklucas> yep 13:04:42 <PublicServer> <iklucas> but merge 2 needs to be fixed 13:04:44 <PublicServer> <Kangoo> anyone disagree on pbs in the new balancer? (see sign) 13:04:53 <PublicServer> <iklucas> before we can go on with adding trains 13:05:02 <PublicServer> <Tray> I agree 13:05:06 <PublicServer> <iklucas> me 13:05:12 <PublicServer> <iklucas> totally pointless 13:05:22 <PublicServer> <Kangoo> no, sometimes trains stop 13:05:41 <PublicServer> <iklucas> pbs and pre signals fail 13:05:55 <PublicServer> <iklucas> at least, ive experienced that multiple times 13:05:59 <PublicServer> <Ryton> btw, abso 13:06:02 <PublicServer> <Ryton> can your plan go then? 13:06:09 <PublicServer> <Ryton> since its executed & redesigned? 13:06:12 <PublicServer> <Absolutis> ya 13:06:14 <PublicServer> <iklucas> in theory it may not fail without the pbs 13:07:07 <PublicServer> <Absolutis> i do not like PBS being used where path sigs can 13:07:23 <PublicServer> <Ryton> no need for PBS I guess, since normally trains should stop there? 13:07:25 <PublicServer> <Kangoo> it eliminates some train stops 13:07:38 <PublicServer> <Ryton> I'd say w/o, till it jams heavily 13:07:48 <PublicServer> <Ryton> and evne then, adding a 7th outgoing line might do the trick 13:07:51 <PublicServer> <Kangoo> they can get red on the combo after choosing that direction 13:08:07 <PublicServer> <iklucas> why wud u change it then? 13:08:32 <PublicServer> <iklucas> see? 13:08:38 <PublicServer> <Ryton> so the joiner is a bit short for this TL 13:08:41 <PublicServer> <iklucas> now it will give fake green lights 13:08:43 <PublicServer> <Ryton> should be a bit bigger 13:08:56 <PublicServer> <Kangoo> caused by pbs? 13:08:59 <PublicServer> <iklucas> the wrong 1, see my signs 13:09:13 <PublicServer> <Ryton> which one, iklucas? 13:09:16 <PublicServer> <iklucas> so no, it cant be like that 13:09:26 <PublicServer> <iklucas> at the you are right ... ): 13:09:43 <PublicServer> *** made screenshot at 0003C0D1: http://ps.openttdcoop.org/publicserver/webcam/0003C0D1.png 13:10:52 <PublicServer> <Ryton> cant we make the combo sing an exit? 13:11:01 <PublicServer> <iklucas> well 13:11:03 <PublicServer> <Ryton> or is that what kangoo proposed? 13:11:05 <PublicServer> <iklucas> we'd better not 13:11:07 <PublicServer> <iklucas> sometimes its fine 13:11:22 <PublicServer> <Ryton> ah, it can stop if a train enters? 13:11:24 <PublicServer> <iklucas> but you'd better avoib it, so it keeps structural 13:12:38 <PublicServer> <Ryton> the !jams are recent? 13:13:14 <PublicServer> <iklucas> it might work 13:13:37 <PublicServer> <Tray> I think it's better like this 13:13:55 <PublicServer> <iklucas> i'm seeing another bug 13:13:58 <PublicServer> <Tray> 1) A Trains can join when a other leaves the joiner: dense package 13:14:00 <PublicServer> <iklucas> leme test something 13:14:04 <PublicServer> <Ryton> test on the first lane, Tray (its more busy 13:14:20 <PublicServer> <Ryton> yeah make it failsave :)à 13:14:32 <PublicServer> <iklucas> yep 13:14:39 <PublicServer> <iklucas> that is better, but leme test 13:15:21 <PublicServer> <iklucas> ye i think that1 works 13:16:13 <PublicServer> <Tray> your fail-save does not work. (: 13:16:19 <PublicServer> <iklucas> it doesnt? 13:16:29 <PublicServer> <iklucas> wtf? 13:16:42 <PublicServer> <iklucas> ah ye ur right lol 13:16:56 <PublicServer> <iklucas> and still not:P 13:17:04 <PublicServer> <iklucas> it has to have a NOT in it:P 13:17:24 <PublicServer> <iklucas> and that1 is kinda impossible to include 13:18:08 <PublicServer> <iklucas> we could even extend the prio to right now 13:18:16 <PublicServer> *** Maraxus has left the game (leaving) 13:18:18 <PublicServer> <iklucas> so make it a big longer 13:18:23 *** Maraxus has quit IRC 13:18:39 <PublicServer> <Ryton> how can you test if it s failsave? 13:18:45 <PublicServer> <Ryton> ok stil lnot 13:19:15 <PublicServer> <Ryton> yeah 13:19:17 <PublicServer> <Ryton> this is failsave now 13:19:23 <PublicServer> <iklucas> ye 13:19:28 <PublicServer> <iklucas> but then the next problem 13:19:42 <PublicServer> <iklucas> how to make it work on bridge? 13:19:42 <PublicServer> <Ryton> w/o pbs it might? 13:19:52 <PublicServer> <Ryton> hook it up before the bridge? 13:20:06 <PublicServer> <Ryton> and work with yellow (combo signals over bridge? 13:21:03 <PublicServer> <iklucas> oh 13:21:07 <PublicServer> <iklucas> now i know why they were there 13:21:13 <PublicServer> <iklucas> the left switchers 13:21:17 <PublicServer> <iklucas> in case the line to left is jammed 13:21:23 <PublicServer> <iklucas> that it goes straight on 13:21:51 <PublicServer> <Tray> you fail save breaks the joiner logic 13:22:49 <PublicServer> <Tray> I think it's better without that thing ... 13:23:03 <PublicServer> <Ryton> could be 13:23:07 <PublicServer> <Ryton> i'll test it offline :-) 13:24:43 <PublicServer> *** made screenshot at 0003F0EA: http://ps.openttdcoop.org/publicserver/webcam/0003F0EA.png 13:24:46 <PublicServer> <iklucas> i might know something:S 13:25:37 <PublicServer> <iklucas> ye check out 13:25:40 <PublicServer> <iklucas> i think this1 should work 13:25:46 <PublicServer> <Ryton> nope 13:25:49 <PublicServer> <Ryton> you relly 13:25:51 <PublicServer> <iklucas> hmm 13:25:54 <PublicServer> <iklucas> fail:P 13:25:58 <PublicServer> <Ryton> need to connect to the changing trains end 13:26:17 <PublicServer> <Ryton> there or there 13:26:31 <PublicServer> <Ryton> it gives a very short green light after the train leaves that block 13:26:38 <PublicServer> <Ryton> then it has priority 13:26:46 <PublicServer> <iklucas> and how about 13:26:50 <PublicServer> <iklucas> i know i think a way 13:27:02 <PublicServer> <iklucas> the problem is, we cant do that on other parts 13:27:09 <PublicServer> <iklucas> can i test 1 thing? 13:27:11 <PublicServer> <Ryton> at the reverse pbs 13:27:13 <PublicServer> <Ryton> sure 13:27:17 <PublicServer> <Ryton> but do it at hte back otherwise 13:27:19 <PublicServer> <Ryton> less trains there :-) 13:27:51 <PublicServer> <Ryton> where ru working? 13:28:05 <PublicServer> <Ryton> we can always widen the design 13:28:09 <PublicServer> <Ryton> still got 5 tiles left 13:28:25 <PublicServer> <iklucas> hmpf 13:28:25 <PublicServer> <iklucas> wait 13:28:25 <PublicServer> <Ryton> more if the oielref dies 13:29:03 *** dihedral has joined #openttdcoop 13:29:16 <dihedral> what happened to Mark? 13:29:51 <PublicServer> <iklucas> this 13:30:18 <PublicServer> <iklucas> i think this should work 13:30:20 <PublicServer> <Ryton> this is just a red light :-) 13:30:48 <PublicServer> *** Ryton has joined spectators 13:30:54 <PublicServer> *** Ryton has joined company #1 13:30:58 <PublicServer> <Ryton> TW / Absolutis: any idea? 13:31:08 <PublicServer> <iklucas> no, this does nothing extra indeed:P 13:32:11 <PublicServer> <Ryton> why do we need pbs there? 13:32:17 <PublicServer> <iklucas> idk 13:32:55 <PublicServer> <Kangoo> the left one just saved a potential trainstop 13:32:59 <PublicServer> <Ryton> I'd say we move all tiles 1 north, so we can fit one train into a waiting bay 13:33:51 <PublicServer> <Ryton> I dont konw 13:34:43 <PublicServer> <iklucas> how to make a NOT port? 13:34:49 <PublicServer> <Kangoo> pbs helps until fail-safe is in place... 13:35:24 <PublicServer> <Ryton> aha :-) 13:35:32 <PublicServer> <Ryton> still not ok 13:36:26 <PublicServer> <iklucas> this1 worked 13:36:29 <PublicServer> <Ryton> lol 13:36:31 <PublicServer> <iklucas> but it cant be made at the inner ones 13:36:41 <PublicServer> *** Absolutis has joined spectators 13:36:43 <PublicServer> *** Absolutis has joined company #1 13:38:32 <PublicServer> <iklucas> we still dont have a failsave 13:38:40 <PublicServer> <iklucas> so still the same issue 13:39:12 <PublicServer> <Ryton> aha 13:39:14 <PublicServer> <Ryton> that does the trick 13:39:22 <PublicServer> <Ryton> yay 13:39:34 <PublicServer> <Ryton> unless we make it bigger 13:39:42 <PublicServer> <iklucas> that take big space 13:39:43 <PublicServer> *** made screenshot at 0003DCE3: http://ps.openttdcoop.org/publicserver/webcam/0003DCE3.png 13:39:55 <PublicServer> <Ryton> the rest isnt as critical 13:40:00 *** dihedral has left #openttdcoop 13:40:47 <PublicServer> <iklucas> no 13:40:48 <PublicServer> <iklucas> it works already;) 13:41:40 <PublicServer> <iklucas> leme test it 13:41:44 <PublicServer> <iklucas> dont move it;) 13:42:10 <PublicServer> <iklucas> noo 13:42:12 <PublicServer> <iklucas> leme test it 13:42:49 <PublicServer> <iklucas> but the other1 is too short too then 13:43:36 <PublicServer> <iklucas> no its long enough 13:43:47 <PublicServer> <Spike> 2 exit signals behind each other 13:43:49 <PublicServer> <Kangoo> hm - unbalanced station load... 13:43:52 <PublicServer> <Spike> it never gets to the combo/entry 13:44:02 <PublicServer> <Spike> Ryton: that's never gonna work 13:44:11 <PublicServer> <iklucas> lol 13:44:13 <PublicServer> <Ryton> ok its not :p 13:44:37 <PublicServer> <Spike> that's not gonna work as prio 13:44:57 <PublicServer> <Ryton> was ment as failsave joiner 13:45:01 <PublicServer> <iklucas> no 13:45:05 <PublicServer> <iklucas> doesnt work like this 13:45:12 <PublicServer> <iklucas> see? 13:45:22 <PublicServer> <Ryton> now, yes 13:45:28 <PublicServer> <Ryton> but it was working before, imho 13:46:21 <PublicServer> <iklucas> this should do it 13:46:27 <PublicServer> <iklucas> but now it might be 1 too long 13:46:31 <PublicServer> <iklucas> nope:S 13:46:43 <PublicServer> <Ryton> like this (changed orientation of signal 13:46:45 <PublicServer> <Kangoo> 1 half longer? 13:47:07 <PublicServer> <iklucas> now it works 13:47:15 <PublicServer> <iklucas> :D 13:47:35 <PublicServer> <Spike> why the diagonal; 13:47:46 <PublicServer> <Spike> cl issues there 13:47:52 <PublicServer> <iklucas> where? 13:48:00 <PublicServer> <Spike> under here we can do 13:48:04 <PublicServer> <Spike> whoever is changing that 13:48:18 <PublicServer> <Spike> and WHY is that being changed 13:48:18 <PublicServer> <iklucas> ye:S 13:48:22 <PublicServer> <Spike> as it worked 13:48:30 <PublicServer> <iklucas> lol someone is failing there:P 13:48:44 <PublicServer> <Spike> the failsafe was ok there 13:49:07 <PublicServer> <Ryton> lol 13:49:15 <PublicServer> <Ryton> thanks, 13:49:29 <PublicServer> <Spike> cause 13:49:31 <PublicServer> <Spike> why 13:49:33 <PublicServer> <Spike> why that way 13:49:39 <PublicServer> <iklucas> because then i'm sure the failsafe works:P 13:49:41 <PublicServer> <Ryton> other way was working :-) 13:49:45 *** Tray has quit IRC 13:49:45 <PublicServer> *** Tray has left the game (connection lost) 13:49:47 <PublicServer> <Spike> it works this way 13:49:52 <PublicServer> <Spike> 1 TL from the entry signal 13:50:18 <PublicServer> <iklucas> leme test it 13:50:18 <PublicServer> <iklucas> hold on 13:50:22 <PublicServer> <iklucas> leave like this 13:50:22 <PublicServer> <Ryton> sure 13:50:36 <PublicServer> <Ryton> about the rest: we could stretch it with 1 tile each 13:50:40 <PublicServer> <Ryton> then we'd have space 13:50:49 <PublicServer> <Ryton> we can test it in the last corner (NE) 13:50:55 <PublicServer> <iklucas> nop 13:50:59 <PublicServer> <iklucas> now this is the problem 13:51:05 <PublicServer> <Spike> it doesn't work now cause you back up the trains 13:51:05 <PublicServer> <Ryton> nope,; you need a bent 13:51:13 <PublicServer> <Ryton> or 2 tiles diagonal exit 13:51:33 <PublicServer> <Ryton> spike, can you make a working one? 13:51:33 <PublicServer> <iklucas> hmm 13:51:39 <PublicServer> <iklucas> or just say: 13:51:45 <PublicServer> <iklucas> skrew the failsave 13:51:49 <PublicServer> <Ryton> nah 13:51:51 <PublicServer> <Ryton> its a challenge :-) 13:51:57 <PublicServer> <Spike> works 13:52:12 <PublicServer> <Spike> if you let the trains back up no wonder it fails 13:52:22 <PublicServer> <Ryton> lol 13:52:25 <PublicServer> <Spike> just leave that failsafe now 13:52:27 <PublicServer> <Spike> it's ok 13:52:32 <PublicServer> <Ryton> just connect to first tile then = the same :-) 13:52:38 <PublicServer> <Spike> else go search failsave sml on blog or something 13:52:48 <PublicServer> <Spike> failsafe* 13:52:52 <PublicServer> <Spike> also done like this 13:52:57 <Ryton> @failsafe 13:52:58 <Webster> Fail-Safe Joiners, Priorities and the Cyclotron example at #openttdcoop - http://blog.openttdcoop.org/2010/01/13/fail-safe-joiners-priorities-and-the-cyclotron-example/ 13:53:32 <PublicServer> <Ryton> the diagonal there is 2 spaces 13:53:42 <PublicServer> <Ryton> maybe if we place the combo signal 1 space further 13:54:43 <PublicServer> *** made screenshot at 0003CEE4: http://ps.openttdcoop.org/publicserver/webcam/0003CEE4.png 13:56:02 <PublicServer> <iklucas> nah that instead brakes any failsafe 13:56:28 <PublicServer> <Ryton> aha! 13:56:32 <PublicServer> <Ryton> now it does the trick :-) 13:56:43 <PublicServer> <iklucas> thats the way i made it earlyer -.- 13:56:52 <PublicServer> <Spike> the only problem is.. this part is overloaded on the first track so you always got the extra blocking 13:56:54 <PublicServer> <iklucas> and when i said it worked -.- 13:57:11 <PublicServer> <iklucas> HA now it does the trick lol 13:57:15 <PublicServer> <iklucas> rofl 13:57:44 <PublicServer> <Ryton> this in combination with waiting bays 13:57:46 <PublicServer> <Ryton> might work 13:57:48 <PublicServer> <Ryton> if we have 1 more space 13:57:56 <PublicServer> <Spike> this is what i mean with blocking 13:57:59 <PublicServer> <Ryton> trains will not obstuct the main line 13:58:15 <PublicServer> <Ryton> and we can do 13:58:25 <PublicServer> <Ryton> since reverse pbs can be placed at the place of the exit sign 13:58:31 <PublicServer> <Ryton> so bridges can be made with length 4 13:58:51 <PublicServer> <iklucas> reverced pbs brakes prio i think 13:59:05 <PublicServer> <Ryton> nah :-) 13:59:13 <PublicServer> <Ryton> waiting train does 13:59:26 <PublicServer> <iklucas> yes it does. 13:59:41 <PublicServer> <iklucas> these reverced pbs brake the pre exit signal block 13:59:54 <PublicServer> <iklucas> as it ends at the turned around pbs 14:00:04 <PublicServer> <iklucas> see? 14:02:04 <PublicServer> <Ryton> works ok, no? 14:02:08 <PublicServer> <iklucas> nop:P 14:02:10 <PublicServer> <Ryton> or too much stopping in the merger now? 14:02:38 <PublicServer> <iklucas> and when you move the 2 way combi signal, it means the train on the other ilne have 1 half shorter prio 14:02:42 <PublicServer> <iklucas> so that causes mroe jam 14:04:11 <PublicServer> <Spike> still gonna block ML like that 14:04:26 <PublicServer> <Spike> the diagonal parts are all too short to let another train pass if it has to stop 14:05:21 <PublicServer> <Spike> check !here 14:05:35 <PublicServer> <Ryton> no pbs then 14:05:37 <PublicServer> <Ryton> then is solved, no? 14:05:44 <PublicServer> <Ryton> is failsave ok or not? 14:05:50 <PublicServer> <iklucas> hmm 14:05:52 <PublicServer> <Ryton> acceptalbe, I mean? 14:05:54 <PublicServer> <iklucas> i'd rather do it with 14:07:49 <PublicServer> <iklucas> there we go 14:07:51 <PublicServer> <iklucas> this works fine 14:09:07 <PublicServer> <iklucas> lol 14:09:15 <PublicServer> <iklucas> well idk 14:09:21 <PublicServer> <iklucas> just forget the fail safe 14:09:44 <PublicServer> *** made screenshot at 0003ECE3: http://ps.openttdcoop.org/publicserver/webcam/0003ECE3.png 14:09:45 <PublicServer> <iklucas> because now the failsafe works too good 14:09:53 <PublicServer> <iklucas> see? 14:09:55 <PublicServer> <Spike> i don't understand why you need to use prios anyway... would've gone for the diagonals are waiting bays method 14:10:01 <PublicServer> <Ryton> well, if 1 train can wait 14:10:11 <PublicServer> <Ryton> yeah, diagonals => waitiogn bay is 2nd option :-) 14:10:17 <PublicServer> <Ryton> lets implement that? 14:10:29 <PublicServer> <iklucas> sure 14:10:37 <PublicServer> <Spike> would be complete rebuild of this area... 14:10:44 <PublicServer> <Ryton> nope 14:10:50 <PublicServer> <iklucas> ye, lets just rebuild it 14:10:50 <PublicServer> <Ryton> bridges are 3 long only 14:10:52 <PublicServer> <Ryton> can become 4 14:11:21 <PublicServer> <Spike> personally i would've just ditched the prios for diagonals and only use short ones on the tracks going to the N 14:11:34 <PublicServer> <Spike> so waiting bays have to wait a few trains before joining 14:11:42 <PublicServer> <Spike> just watch with the risk of having a train in it permanently 14:12:17 <PublicServer> <Ryton> true 14:12:41 <PublicServer> <Spike> i would go for prios on that line as not connect in the E 14:12:45 <PublicServer> <Spike> under the 2 signs 14:12:58 <PublicServer> <iklucas> ye, so a bit longer bridges too 14:13:13 <PublicServer> <iklucas> just completely rebuild is i think the easyest 14:13:40 <PublicServer> <Spike> now the trains going to factory etc have to stop each time a train wants to join... 14:13:45 <PublicServer> <Spike> instead of letting it go 14:13:57 <PublicServer> <Spike> which does help flow if the trains already going just go... 14:14:04 <PublicServer> <Spike> cause now they stop like 5-6 trains at once 14:14:11 <PublicServer> <Ryton> true spike 14:14:17 <PublicServer> <Ryton> but if the mainline is NOT stopped 14:14:27 <PublicServer> <Ryton> and the 6-7 lines can handle the slowly accellerating trains 14:14:29 <PublicServer> <Ryton> problem is solved 14:14:31 <PublicServer> <Spike> having 1 train stopped is better then having 5-6 stopped at one 14:15:05 <PublicServer> <iklucas> its a 6x6 junction 14:15:07 <PublicServer> <Ryton> so change priorities? 14:15:10 <PublicServer> <Ryton> makes sense 14:15:20 <PublicServer> <iklucas> so just make 50 50 prio left / right? 14:15:20 <PublicServer> <Ryton> lets make it 6x7 then, iklicas 14:15:23 <PublicServer> <Spike> get waiting bays and add prios on the other side? 14:15:27 <PublicServer> <Ryton> we had (a 7th exit line 14:15:42 <PublicServer> <iklucas> ye thats another thing 14:15:50 <PublicServer> <iklucas> we need more platforms 14:16:10 <PublicServer> <Spike> and if the trains have to stop at the last track (which i suspect they dont) that's a shame.. but it happens 14:16:27 <PublicServer> <iklucas> why dont we make it 14:16:40 <PublicServer> <iklucas> look spike at !sign iklucas 14:16:42 <PublicServer> <Ryton> but... extending to 7 is a go then? or not? 14:16:42 *** sabayonuser3 has joined #openttdcoop 14:17:31 <PublicServer> <iklucas> well it will be like that yes? 14:17:39 <PublicServer> <iklucas> we can cut it in half like this 14:17:47 <PublicServer> <iklucas> left side gives prio to right 14:17:47 <PublicServer> <Spike> possible idd 14:17:55 <PublicServer> <iklucas> right side gives way to trains from left 14:18:09 <PublicServer> <iklucas> or when we get 7, 14:18:18 <PublicServer> <Spike> i would say try it.. if you don't try it you don't know if it works... 14:18:33 <PublicServer> <iklucas> or with 7 cut it just like that 14:18:33 <PublicServer> <Spike> but using the prios as if now... looks counter productive to me 14:19:00 <PublicServer> <iklucas> ok, lets delete the current 14:19:02 <PublicServer> <Spike> btw it's not really balancing atm ;) 14:19:06 <PublicServer> <Spike> last line is always empty 14:19:12 <PublicServer> <Spike> except for some stray train ;) 14:19:21 <PublicServer> <iklucas> ye we can give penalties with the other system 14:19:24 <PublicServer> <Ryton> iklukas: whats your plan? 14:19:34 <PublicServer> <Ryton> i dont understand the schematic :p 14:19:36 <PublicServer> <Spike> btw no need to wrck this all :) 14:19:54 <PublicServer> <Spike> you can apply most fixes without completely rebuilding 14:21:02 <PublicServer> <Ryton> actulally 14:21:13 <PublicServer> <Ryton> not really problmatic atm 14:21:19 <PublicServer> <Ryton> quite an even spreat 14:21:29 <PublicServer> <Spike> would leave it for now then 14:21:47 <PublicServer> <Spike> maybe only add the bays for first and/or second... 14:22:10 <PublicServer> <Kangoo> pbs like I placed it earlier will eliminate the need for failsave, except on the forst split.. 14:22:20 <PublicServer> <Kangoo> almost 14:22:30 <PublicServer> <iklucas> my plan 14:22:32 <PublicServer> <Ryton> we can still do that 14:22:32 <PublicServer> <iklucas> is to cut it in half 14:22:38 <PublicServer> <iklucas> left side has prio to right 14:22:44 <PublicServer> <iklucas> right side has prio to left 14:23:29 <PublicServer> <Spike> CL 14:24:02 *** sabayonuser2 has quit IRC 14:24:05 <PublicServer> <iklucas> like that? 14:24:19 <PublicServer> <Spike> still CL 14:24:27 <PublicServer> <iklucas> ? 14:24:33 <PublicServer> <iklucas> where 14:24:37 <PublicServer> <Spike> CL 14:24:41 <PublicServer> <Spike> under bridge 14:24:44 <PublicServer> *** made screenshot at 0003F539: http://ps.openttdcoop.org/publicserver/webcam/0003F539.png 14:25:03 <PublicServer> <iklucas> no 2 long borners? 14:25:35 <PublicServer> <iklucas> where is that bad corner? 14:25:43 <PublicServer> <Spike> not like that 14:25:49 <PublicServer> <Spike> 2 tiles should do it alread 14:25:57 <PublicServer> <Spike> can do it there already 14:26:05 <PublicServer> <iklucas> ur working somewhere else or? 14:26:41 <PublicServer> <Spike> guess i was talking to Ryton :) 14:26:44 <PublicServer> <iklucas> ah ok 14:26:52 <PublicServer> <Spike> Ryton: watch the signals there though 14:27:04 <PublicServer> <Ryton> but... want to give priority to other lane, spile 14:27:06 <PublicServer> <Ryton> spike 14:27:14 <PublicServer> <Ryton> so let the trains wait in waiting bay 14:27:25 <PublicServer> <Ryton> but this could work 14:27:55 <PublicServer> <Spike> signal gap should be there to prevent train 2 from entering too soon 14:28:17 <PublicServer> <iklucas> check mine 14:28:25 <PublicServer> <iklucas> how about we do it that wau? 14:28:25 <PublicServer> <iklucas> way? 14:28:46 <PublicServer> <iklucas> and the other half can be done with prio's on the diogonal part 14:28:57 <PublicServer> <Ryton> cool 14:29:01 <PublicServer> <Ryton> we dont need to move the bridges then 14:29:07 <PublicServer> <Ryton> you just saved us 1 tile 14:29:17 <PublicServer> <iklucas> oh yes, nice! 14:29:27 <PublicServer> <iklucas> well... 1 problem^^ 14:29:31 <PublicServer> <iklucas> the prio 14:29:57 <PublicServer> <Kangoo> which line do we want to have priority? 14:30:08 <PublicServer> <iklucas> we do 50/50? 14:30:14 <PublicServer> <iklucas> with a diogonal line in it? 14:30:37 <PublicServer> <iklucas> oh lol 14:30:46 <PublicServer> <iklucas> mike is it you building? 14:31:00 <PublicServer> <iklucas> now we got 2 prio's 14:32:27 <PublicServer> <iklucas> how do we do the prio now? 14:32:31 *** SanderB has quit IRC 14:32:33 <PublicServer> <iklucas> like this it's pointless 14:32:47 *** Tray has joined #openttdcoop 14:32:49 <PublicServer> <Kangoo> pri to the straight N/S line? 14:33:03 <PublicServer> <Ryton> yeah, that makes more sense imho 14:33:03 <PublicServer> <iklucas> that 1 is 1 too long 14:33:06 <PublicServer> <Kangoo> wont that be best with regards to balancing? 14:33:08 <PublicServer> <Ryton> but ets test this foirst 14:33:10 <PublicServer> <Ryton> first 14:33:27 <PublicServer> <iklucas> well my plan was to do it 50/50 14:33:42 <PublicServer> *** Absolutis has joined spectators 14:33:46 <PublicServer> <iklucas> arg 14:33:50 <PublicServer> <Ryton> plz all help with the new layout 14:33:51 <Tray> !password 14:33:51 <PublicServer> Tray: decree 14:33:56 <PublicServer> <Ryton> its a massive job 14:34:06 <PublicServer> <Kangoo> 50/50? 14:34:18 <PublicServer> <Kangoo> isnt it better to decide on prio first? :S 14:34:18 <PublicServer> *** Tray joined the game 14:34:26 <PublicServer> <iklucas> check !sign iklucas 14:34:36 <PublicServer> <Spike> if there is a waiting bay there's no need to make the straight extension 14:34:40 <PublicServer> <iklucas> we can cut it in half like that 14:35:10 <PublicServer> <iklucas> so every line has some place where he can join to left 14:35:16 <PublicServer> <Ryton> yeah 14:35:18 <PublicServer> <Ryton> a waiting bay 14:35:31 <PublicServer> <iklucas> so make the middle row give priority to left? 14:35:36 <PublicServer> <iklucas> to right* 14:36:14 <PublicServer> <Spike> you guys are making it hard on yourself :) 14:36:32 <PublicServer> <iklucas> arg 14:36:38 <PublicServer> <iklucas> who is making these failing prio's? 14:36:44 <PublicServer> <iklucas> we dont need double prio's lol 14:36:54 <PublicServer> <Ryton> probably me 14:37:10 <PublicServer> <Spike> look at the N 2 on line 1 14:37:20 <PublicServer> <Spike> waiting bay.. and prio the other way 14:38:13 <PublicServer> <Spike> look how easy it is.. 14:38:23 <PublicServer> <Spike> i see all weig constructions coming up to get a simple priot working :D 14:38:27 <PublicServer> <Spike> weird* 14:38:48 <PublicServer> <Ryton> its working ,no? 14:38:52 <PublicServer> <Spike> :D 14:38:59 <PublicServer> <Ryton> we should use tunnels :p 14:39:01 <PublicServer> <Ryton> would be nicer 14:39:05 <PublicServer> <Ryton> and we got space 14:39:27 *** Progman has quit IRC 14:39:44 <PublicServer> *** made screenshot at 0003C0D5: http://ps.openttdcoop.org/publicserver/webcam/0003C0D5.png 14:40:07 <PublicServer> <Kangoo> why not cambo+entry signal instead of that ugly bridge? 14:40:20 <PublicServer> <Ryton> ok too :;p 14:40:29 <PublicServer> <iklucas> ARG 14:40:31 <PublicServer> <Ryton> try it 14:40:36 <PublicServer> <iklucas> stop 14:40:38 <PublicServer> <Ryton> bridge can be tunnel 14:40:40 <PublicServer> <Ryton> then its not ugly :)- 14:40:46 <PublicServer> <iklucas> look to the most below 1 14:42:21 <PublicServer> <Spike> well it will join for sure at the end if it can't 14:42:26 <PublicServer> <Spike> look at the load there 14:42:30 <PublicServer> <iklucas> nah 14:42:38 <PublicServer> <iklucas> just to make it much trafic proof 14:42:45 <PublicServer> <Spike> you can cut this merge/balancer in half.. and still have enough capacitr 14:42:47 <PublicServer> <Spike> capacity 14:42:49 <PublicServer> <iklucas> i think its better to give every line 1 place to join for sure 14:43:05 <PublicServer> <Ryton> better to make sure traffic does NOT slow down in the case of waves 14:43:09 <PublicServer> <Ryton> as this game is very wave-prone 14:43:15 <PublicServer> <Ryton> this is the perfect buffer 14:43:21 <PublicServer> <Ryton> i'd say withouth bridges 14:43:31 <PublicServer> <Ryton> tough I liked them :-) 14:43:37 <PublicServer> <Ryton> half tunnel, half priorities? 14:43:53 <PublicServer> <iklucas> bridge or tunnel doesnt matter? 14:44:01 <PublicServer> <iklucas> i dont get you -.- 14:44:13 <PublicServer> <iklucas> that tunnel doesnt do anything lol 14:44:21 <PublicServer> <Ryton> aestetics are everything 14:44:49 <PublicServer> <iklucas> well whatever 14:44:55 <PublicServer> <iklucas> i'll see what you guys build out of it 14:45:03 <PublicServer> <iklucas> and i'll see where i'll need to improve;) 14:45:27 <PublicServer> <iklucas> anything else to work on?:) 14:45:31 <PublicServer> <Ryton> double prio's then? 14:45:35 <PublicServer> <iklucas> lol 14:45:41 <PublicServer> <iklucas> no double prio's:P 14:45:55 <PublicServer> <Ryton> prio block of length 4 14:46:06 <PublicServer> <Ryton> noe? 14:46:10 <PublicServer> <iklucas> just make the bridges 14:46:14 <PublicServer> <Ryton> loll 14:46:28 <PublicServer> <Ryton> why? its doing the same as the combo + exit lightsnow 14:46:34 <PublicServer> <iklucas> nop it isnt 14:46:40 <PublicServer> <iklucas> with the bridge you can make it 2 longer 14:46:40 <PublicServer> <Kangoo> yes it is 14:46:50 <PublicServer> <Ryton> true, but no need to do so 14:46:57 <PublicServer> <iklucas> you do 14:46:59 <PublicServer> <Ryton> you can make it longer in ohter way too 14:47:02 <PublicServer> <Kangoo> longer than 4 isnt needed? 14:47:04 <PublicServer> <iklucas> longer prio's improve the flow 14:47:14 <PublicServer> <Ryton> 4 should be ok 14:47:20 <PublicServer> <iklucas> the trains dont accelerate in 0 time 14:47:26 <PublicServer> <Ryton> train only leaves if no other train is coming 14:47:28 <PublicServer> <Ryton> lets try 4 first 14:47:31 <PublicServer> <Ryton> then extend if needed, ok? 14:47:37 <PublicServer> <Ryton> we have now a half-finished merger: -) 14:47:46 <PublicServer> <iklucas> i know it wont be fluent;) 14:47:58 <PublicServer> <Ryton> lets see :-) 14:48:06 <PublicServer> <iklucas> see? 14:48:28 <PublicServer> <Spike> the signal gaps on the last part are ok 14:48:48 <PublicServer> <Spike> prevents another train from joining until the 1 waiting really goes to join 14:49:24 <PublicServer> <Spike> btw you can always make those prios longer easily... 14:49:36 *** Progman has joined #openttdcoop 14:49:58 <PublicServer> <iklucas> added 3 more penaltys to first line 14:52:00 <PublicServer> <iklucas> but then the prio is even 1 shorter -.- 14:52:23 <PublicServer> <Spike> space is an issue here mostly cause it's so tightly build... 14:52:43 <PublicServer> <iklucas> thats why i prefer bridges and prio:P 14:54:44 <PublicServer> *** made screenshot at 0003DAC9: http://ps.openttdcoop.org/publicserver/webcam/0003DAC9.png 14:55:21 <PublicServer> <Ryton> atm its flowing very nicely 14:55:27 <PublicServer> <Ryton> no more jams going to the ML' 14:55:33 <PublicServer> <Ryton> and the station can take it 14:56:14 <PublicServer> *** Absolutis has joined company #1 14:56:26 <PublicServer> <Ryton> hi absolutis 14:56:30 <PublicServer> <Absolutis> hi 14:56:34 <PublicServer> <Ryton> again a total overhoal of balancer 14:57:02 <PublicServer> <iklucas> ye i added a crapload of penalties to the first 3 lines 14:57:39 <PublicServer> <Kangoo> I may have removed some of them. at least on line 2 14:57:48 <PublicServer> <Spike> issue found 14:57:52 <PublicServer> <Spike> prios can all be just as long 14:58:21 <PublicServer> <Spike> there was 1 of the joins 1 track longer then the others 14:58:28 <PublicServer> <Spike> and then you break the symetry :) 14:58:36 <PublicServer> <Spike> or something like that :D 14:58:50 <PublicServer> <Absolutis> hmm, i think we can up the trains a notch again 14:58:56 <PublicServer> <Ryton> asasasas 14:59:02 <PublicServer> <Ryton> aha, thats what I wanted to hear! 14:59:13 <PublicServer> <iklucas> up the trains a notch? 14:59:21 <PublicServer> <iklucas> lol 14:59:26 <PublicServer> <iklucas> no way we can handle more trains 14:59:38 <PublicServer> <Spike> i would optimize it all first 14:59:38 <PublicServer> <Ryton> we can add a 7th line 14:59:47 <PublicServer> <iklucas> check merge 2:P 14:59:53 <PublicServer> <Spike> jam i wonder why 14:59:55 <PublicServer> <Absolutis> oh. 14:59:57 <PublicServer> <Spike> signal gap! 15:00:05 <PublicServer> <Ryton> not congested because of the balancer :p 15:00:16 <PublicServer> <Ryton> for a change 15:00:22 <PublicServer> <iklucas> because merge 3 is missing 15:00:58 <PublicServer> <Kangoo> we need to figure out why trains love the forth line of ML2 so much... 15:01:27 <PublicServer> <Absolutis> that line has no bridges? 15:01:30 <PublicServer> <Absolutis> lol, idk why 15:01:58 <PublicServer> <iklucas> added another penalty 15:02:04 <PublicServer> <Kangoo> with the bypass we did earlier, trains started preferring line3 15:02:26 <PublicServer> <Ryton> Kangoo: 15:02:28 <PublicServer> <Ryton> do that again 15:02:30 <PublicServer> <iklucas> now they like it less:D 15:02:32 <PublicServer> <Spike> you do know trains only look ahead 10 signals right? 15:02:34 <PublicServer> <Absolutis> i think merge3 is in order 15:02:47 <PublicServer> <Absolutis> maybe 3+3 ->6? 15:03:02 <PublicServer> <Kangoo> just wait a minute and line 3 will be under heavy load.. 15:03:04 <PublicServer> <Ryton> SLH2C is the prob 15:03:06 <PublicServer> <iklucas> merge 3 needs a proper merge 15:03:10 <PublicServer> <Ryton> that one is really full 15:03:24 <PublicServer> <iklucas> it needs a 3+3>6 merge 15:03:30 <PublicServer> <Kangoo> or at least not line4 anymore 15:03:52 <PublicServer> <Ryton> lol 15:04:00 <PublicServer> <Ryton> now lines 3-6 of ML2 are almost empty 15:04:06 <PublicServer> <Ryton> really lots of trainwaves 15:04:24 <PublicServer> <iklucas> lol now they hate line 1 15:04:30 <PublicServer> <iklucas> i added penalties:P 15:06:06 <PublicServer> <Kangoo> trains now go "only" line 1-3 15:06:06 <PublicServer> <iklucas> btw, i'll be off for this weekend 15:06:26 <PublicServer> <iklucas> nah its sort of balanced now imo 15:07:28 <PublicServer> <Ryton> seems to wkr 15:07:32 <PublicServer> <iklucas> good:D 15:08:45 <PublicServer> <iklucas> what is max production of factory? 15:08:51 <PublicServer> <Absolutis> hmm, true, the problem is not present before tmp5 15:09:01 <PublicServer> <Ryton> more than this 15:09:01 <PublicServer> <Ryton> 20k? 15:09:09 <Ryton> @production limit 15:09:13 <Ryton> @limit 15:09:18 <Ryton> @factory 15:09:19 <PublicServer> <Kangoo> and 30 secs after bypass is removed, trains are queing up at line 4 again.. 15:09:35 <PublicServer> <Ryton> SL 2 xx is a problem i guess 15:09:45 <PublicServer> *** made screenshot at 0003F09A: http://ps.openttdcoop.org/publicserver/webcam/0003F09A.png 15:09:53 <PublicServer> <iklucas> also 15:09:57 <PublicServer> <iklucas> and i still think... 15:10:01 <PublicServer> <iklucas> we need a merge 3^^ 15:10:17 <PublicServer> <Ryton> cant we just evenly divide line 4 over the others? 15:10:27 <PublicServer> <Ryton> make another balancer from 4-> all others? 15:10:29 <PublicServer> <Absolutis> 27.5k is the prod limit for factories 15:10:37 <PublicServer> <iklucas> ok 15:10:43 <PublicServer> <Absolutis> roughly 2295 per tile 15:13:51 <PublicServer> <Absolutis> look at the almost empty join @ merge2 15:14:15 <PublicServer> <Kangoo> yes, its been like that since I counted TPM 15:14:24 <PublicServer> <Kangoo> it had 13 per minute 15:14:27 <PublicServer> <Absolutis> no.. 15:14:38 <PublicServer> <Absolutis> over-capacity joi... wait... 15:14:58 <PublicServer> <Kangoo> xD 15:22:40 <PublicServer> <Kangoo> funny thing is.. I we get trains balanced well at merge 2... 15:22:51 <PublicServer> <Kangoo> the big balancer isnt needed.. :p 15:23:24 <PublicServer> <Tray> If you look at the ML before the balancer - it is needed. 15:23:55 <PublicServer> <Kangoo> depends on how well one can fix merge2 15:24:11 <PublicServer> <Kangoo> ? 15:24:45 <PublicServer> *** made screenshot at 0003B4F2: http://ps.openttdcoop.org/publicserver/webcam/0003B4F2.png 15:28:29 <PublicServer> <Ryton> how is the train count now? 15:29:00 <PublicServer> <Kangoo> where? 15:29:04 <PublicServer> <Tray> 1550 15:29:57 <PublicServer> <Ryton> or a bit behind it 15:30:03 <PublicServer> <Ryton> at !jams maybe 15:30:13 <PublicServer> <Kangoo> still very few on line 5&6.. 15:30:33 <PublicServer> <Kangoo> which is where we need trains to go 15:30:41 <PublicServer> <Ryton> I just diverted only over 1-3 :pµ 15:30:45 <PublicServer> <Ryton> be my guest 15:30:59 <PublicServer> <Kangoo> ah - from the congested into the one under heavy load? :p 15:31:07 <PublicServer> <Ryton> under 'this bypass 15:31:35 <PublicServer> *** Mazur has joined company #1 15:31:47 <PublicServer> <Absolutis> ey maz 15:31:55 <PublicServer> <Mazur> Ey. 15:32:05 <PublicServer> <Ryton> hi 15:32:23 <PublicServer> <Kangoo> will a merge3 rebuild help? 15:34:50 <PublicServer> <iklucas> bakc 15:35:12 <PublicServer> <Mazur> Just an idea. 15:36:27 <PublicServer> *** Ryton has joined spectators 15:36:29 <PublicServer> *** Ryton has left the game (leaving) 15:37:04 <PublicServer> <Mazur> Maybe a little discouragement will help> 15:37:13 *** Ryton has quit IRC 15:37:36 <PublicServer> <iklucas> LOL 15:37:53 <PublicServer> <iklucas> someone has been bussy placing reservations 15:37:59 <PublicServer> <Absolutis> Thermal discouragement beams anyone? 15:38:13 <PublicServer> <iklucas> omg thermal vision 15:38:17 <PublicServer> <Absolutis> (portal 2 reference) 15:39:28 *** Sigma has quit IRC 15:39:45 <PublicServer> *** made screenshot at 000034AC: http://ps.openttdcoop.org/publicserver/webcam/000034AC.png 15:40:51 *** Sigma has joined #openttdcoop 15:41:48 <PublicServer> *** Mazur has joined spectators 15:43:44 <PublicServer> *** Tray has left the game (leaving) 15:45:11 <PublicServer> <iklucas> well i'm off 15:45:13 <PublicServer> <iklucas> bb 15:45:15 <PublicServer> *** iklucas has left the game (leaving) 15:47:11 <PublicServer> *** Sigma joined the game 15:47:27 <PublicServer> <Absolutis> hmm 15:47:31 <Sigma> ah it runs a lot better on this PC 15:47:38 <Sigma> that's good 15:47:45 <PublicServer> <Absolutis> could RAM have something to do with openttd running bad/good? 15:48:42 <Sigma> I'm not sure... I did diagnose that the multiplayer overhead seems large 15:49:01 <TWerkhoven> the mp does a lot yes 15:49:13 <Sigma> the public game runs fine offline, even on my laptop 15:49:32 <PublicServer> <Absolutis> how much ram you have on your laptop, sigma 15:49:32 <TWerkhoven> i could probably run this game on my laptop in single player mode, but multiplayer it conked out before we had 800 trains 15:50:20 <Sigma> 4 GB in both PCs 15:50:33 <PublicServer> <Absolutis> hm, odd 15:50:50 <PublicServer> <Absolutis> cuz that is what i've got and runs fine 15:50:57 <Sigma> actually the only major difference is the GPU 15:51:14 <Sigma> number of CPU cores and clock speed is roughly the same 15:51:37 <PublicServer> <Absolutis> what kind of cpu does your desktop PC have 15:52:02 *** Chris_Booth[LP] has joined #openttdcoop 15:52:08 <TWerkhoven> cpu speed (and memory speed rather than quantity) probably have more to do with it than multiple cores or amount of ram 15:52:18 <Sigma> an ancient dual core 2.4 15:52:32 <TWerkhoven> core2? p4? amd? 15:52:39 <Sigma> E6600 15:52:53 <Sigma> versus P7550 @2.25 GHz in laptop 15:52:57 <PublicServer> <Absolutis> is it core duo or core 2 duo 15:52:59 <TWerkhoven> <q6600 15:53:13 <Sigma> its core2 duo 15:53:25 <Sigma> (both) 15:53:52 <PublicServer> <Absolutis> yeah, like i said, mine is 3Ghz dualcore pentium (E5700) 15:53:55 <Sigma> I can't understand what makes all the difference 15:54:10 <Sigma> couldn't be 250 MHz 15:54:40 <Chris_Booth[LP]> Sigma: it is 15:54:45 <PublicServer> *** made screenshot at 0003E4B0: http://ps.openttdcoop.org/publicserver/webcam/0003E4B0.png 15:54:51 <Chris_Booth[LP]> its just run out of CPU on a CPU heavy game 15:55:13 <Sigma> yeah but the only real difference between the CPUs is .25 GHz lol 15:55:26 <PublicServer> *** Chris Booth joined the game 15:55:46 <Sigma> .15 even... and it runs really smoothly on the 2.4 GHz 15:55:57 <^Spike^> shame it can't run on the gpu.... that can calculate alot quicker then a cpu :D 15:56:34 <TWerkhoven> but gpu is even more relying on multicore support, which is limited for openttd 15:57:07 <PublicServer> *** Chris Booth has left the game (leaving) 15:58:40 <Sigma> or it must just be the difference in design between a mobile and non-mobile CPU 15:58:47 <Sigma> which I don't know much about 16:04:08 *** agelito has joined #openttdcoop 16:04:52 *** Chris_Booth[LP] has quit IRC 16:05:43 <PublicServer> *** TWerkhoven has joined spectators 16:07:24 <PublicServer> <Kangoo> bb 16:07:26 <PublicServer> *** Kangoo has left the game (leaving) 16:09:46 <PublicServer> *** made screenshot at 00039EAF: http://ps.openttdcoop.org/publicserver/webcam/00039EAF.png 16:13:53 <agelito> !download w64 16:13:53 <PublicServer> agelito: unknown option "w64" 16:14:02 <agelito> !download win64 16:14:02 <PublicServer> agelito: http://binaries.openttd.org/nightlies/trunk/r22700/openttd-trunk-r22700-windows-win64.zip 16:24:46 <PublicServer> *** made screenshot at 000051CA: http://ps.openttdcoop.org/publicserver/webcam/000051CA.png 16:31:23 *** DayDreamer has joined #openttdcoop 16:34:54 <agelito> !password 16:34:54 <PublicServer> agelito: plucks 16:35:22 <PublicServer> *** agelito joined the game 16:38:50 *** Ryton has joined #openttdcoop 16:39:46 <PublicServer> *** made screenshot at 0003BD06: http://ps.openttdcoop.org/publicserver/webcam/0003BD06.png 16:40:34 *** Chris_Booth[LP] has joined #openttdcoop 16:45:53 *** pugi has quit IRC 16:47:54 *** RyanM- has joined #openttdcoop 16:48:05 *** pugi has joined #openttdcoop 16:48:08 <Absolutis> wow, just.. wow. http://hplusmagazine.com/2009/03/19/storage-goes-solid-state/. looks like we will use computers with 200GHz CPUs, some 64GB Solid State RAM, 1TB SSD's as HDs... wow, the computers will cut to half in size 16:54:03 *** RyanM has quit IRC 16:54:46 <PublicServer> *** made screenshot at 0003F112: http://ps.openttdcoop.org/publicserver/webcam/0003F112.png 16:57:35 <PublicServer> *** Spike has joined spectators 16:57:35 <PublicServer> *** Game paused (number of players) 16:58:03 <PublicServer> <Absolutis> could someone join for just a while? 16:58:25 <PublicServer> <agelito> sure 16:58:35 <PublicServer> <Absolutis> thanks 16:58:41 <PublicServer> *** agelito has left the game (leaving) 16:58:49 <PublicServer> <Absolutis> ... 16:59:08 *** Ryton has quit IRC 16:59:08 <agelito> will reconnect 16:59:14 <PublicServer> *** TWerkhoven has joined company #1 16:59:14 <PublicServer> *** Game unpaused (number of players) 16:59:40 <agelito> !password 16:59:40 <PublicServer> agelito: tapers 17:00:08 <PublicServer> *** agelito joined the game 17:02:55 <PublicServer> *** Absolutis has joined spectators 17:04:07 <PublicServer> *** TWerkhoven has joined spectators 17:04:07 <PublicServer> *** Game paused (number of players) 17:07:47 <PublicServer> *** Absolutis has left the game (leaving) 17:07:52 *** Absolutis has quit IRC 17:09:25 <PublicServer> *** agelito has left the game (leaving) 17:09:46 <PublicServer> *** made screenshot at 000127D9: http://ps.openttdcoop.org/publicserver/webcam/000127D9.png 17:18:27 *** Maraxus has joined #openttdcoop 17:18:30 <Maraxus> !password 17:18:30 <PublicServer> Maraxus: pastor 17:19:02 <PublicServer> *** Game still paused (number of players) 17:19:02 <PublicServer> *** Maraxus joined the game 17:26:07 *** Chris_Booth[LP] has quit IRC 17:35:27 *** Luigivok has joined #openttdcoop 17:37:39 <Luigivok> Greetings ! 17:43:17 <Tray> !password 17:43:17 <PublicServer> Tray: grapes 17:43:39 <PublicServer> *** Game still paused (number of players) 17:43:39 <PublicServer> *** Tray joined the game 17:44:21 <Luigivok> I just found about the openttdcoop ! you have a very nice site and wiki, lots of information, i wanto join in :D 17:45:01 <Tray> Feel yourself welcome. 17:45:47 <Luigivok> thank you ! im making time having lunch while the version 22700 checks out from repository 17:46:24 <Tray> !dl win32 17:46:24 <PublicServer> Tray: http://binaries.openttd.org/nightlies/trunk/r22700/openttd-trunk-r22700-windows-win32.zip 17:47:11 <Luigivok> I know tray, thanks, but since i have my automated scripts for downloading any version of openttd and compiling i do not download binaries 17:47:28 <Tray> Oh, okay. 17:47:40 <Tray> If you've any question feel free to ask. 17:48:10 <Luigivok> yeah, in the site it states that there is a construction plan or something like that... where i can find it? 17:48:47 <Tray> there is a schematic build on the act. map 17:49:26 <Luigivok> "act." ? 17:50:18 <Tray> ahr. I mean the current map. 17:50:46 <Luigivok> Oh ! right :D 17:57:32 <KenjiE20> the @@quickstart guide links to useful articles for stuff like this 17:57:33 <Webster> Quickstart - #openttdcoop Wiki - http://wiki.openttdcoop.org/Quickstart 17:58:12 <Luigivok> Oh, thank you guys 18:00:07 <Luigivok> @quickstart 18:00:08 <Webster> Quickstart - #openttdcoop Wiki - http://wiki.openttdcoop.org/Quickstart 18:00:25 <Luigivok> duh hehe 18:02:25 <KenjiE20> :) try the communication link 18:03:02 <Luigivok> You guys have a very good coop system! 18:03:27 <iklucas> chiquitas 18:03:34 <iklucas> !password 18:03:34 <PublicServer> iklucas: visors 18:05:21 <PublicServer> *** Game still paused (number of players) 18:05:21 <PublicServer> *** Game unpaused (number of players) 18:05:23 <PublicServer> *** iklucas joined the game 18:07:23 <PublicServer> *** iklucas has left the game (leaving) 18:07:23 <PublicServer> *** Game paused (number of players) 18:09:12 <KenjiE20> bbl 18:09:17 *** KenjiE20 has quit IRC 18:09:47 <PublicServer> *** made screenshot at 0003EAD7: http://ps.openttdcoop.org/publicserver/webcam/0003EAD7.png 18:09:56 *** Sander has joined #openttdcoop 18:10:00 <Sander> !password 18:10:00 <PublicServer> Sander: pewter 18:10:10 <PublicServer> *** Game still paused (number of players) 18:10:10 <PublicServer> *** Game unpaused (number of players) 18:10:10 <PublicServer> *** SanderB joined the game 18:11:00 <PublicServer> <SanderB> im continuing your checkboard 18:12:15 <PublicServer> <SanderB> why are we making a checkboard btw? 18:12:41 <PublicServer> <SanderB> helo? 18:13:05 <PublicServer> <Tray> I don't know. 18:13:25 <PublicServer> <Tray> And I think it's kinda ugly. Makes it hard to see the tracks 18:17:47 *** Ryton has joined #openttdcoop 18:17:58 <PublicServer> *** Maraxus has left the game (connection lost) 18:18:00 <PublicServer> *** Tray has left the game (connection lost) 18:18:00 <PublicServer> *** Game paused (number of players) 18:18:27 <Maraxus> !password 18:19:27 *** Maraxus has quit IRC 18:19:49 *** Maraxus has joined #openttdcoop 18:19:55 <Ryton> !playercount 18:19:57 <Ryton> any news? 18:20:06 <Ryton> !players 18:20:16 <^Spike^> hmm 18:20:27 <Ryton> publicserver crashed? 18:20:36 <^Spike^> seems so 18:20:36 <Ryton> (doesnt listen to me anymore :'( 18:20:51 <^Spike^> i got a save of it now.. 18:20:54 <Ryton> !admin 18:20:55 <^Spike^> am connected to console so :) 18:21:04 *** PublicServer has quit IRC 18:21:07 *** Kangoo has quit IRC 18:21:09 <Ryton> and you konw how to restart it? ;-) 18:21:14 <Ryton> or it s a netsplit? 18:21:41 <^Spike^> Ryton you ask that to someone who has been sysadminning for years.. on different stuff? :) 18:21:49 *** mib_yf1nhk has joined #openttdcoop 18:21:56 <Ryton> hehe :p sorry; didnt know that =-) 18:22:35 <^Spike^> let's see what it does 18:22:38 <Ryton> (I dont have a clue about networks, as you can notice very easily 18:22:39 *** KrunchyAl has joined #openttdcoop 18:22:49 <^Spike^> nah not a netsplit.. 18:22:51 <KrunchyAl> !password 18:22:55 <^Spike^> bot not here... 18:22:58 *** PublicServer has joined #openttdcoop 18:22:58 <PublicServer> Autopilot engaged 18:22:58 <PublicServer> Loading savegame: '#openttdcoop - The Public Server (www.openttdcoop.org)' 18:22:58 *** Webster changes topic to "Welcome to #openttdcoop, the Cooperative OpenTTD | PSG210 (r22700) | STAGE: building | www.openttdcoop.org | New players, use @quickstart and !help | http://wiki.openttdcoop.org/IRC_Commands" 18:22:58 *** ChanServ sets mode: +v PublicServer 18:22:59 <^Spike^> wait a few mins 18:23:03 <^Spike^> don't ask yet 18:23:10 <^Spike^> i will kick if that happens :) 18:23:15 <PublicServer> *** made screenshot at 00020502: http://ps.openttdcoop.org/publicserver/webcam/00020502.png 18:23:18 <Ryton> seems to be ok again :-) 18:23:21 <Ryton> !password 18:23:21 <PublicServer> Ryton: chasms 18:23:34 <PublicServer> *** Game still paused (number of players) 18:23:35 <^Spike^> Ryton you seem to know when to get the pass atleast :D 18:23:37 <PublicServer> *** Spike joined the game 18:23:42 <PublicServer> *** Game still paused (number of players) 18:23:44 <KrunchyAl> !password 18:23:44 <PublicServer> KrunchyAl: chasms 18:23:45 <PublicServer> *** Ryton joined the game 18:23:45 <^Spike^> i guess the save is the last state? :D 18:23:52 <PublicServer> <Ryton> no idea 18:24:02 <PublicServer> <Ryton> lol 18:24:08 <PublicServer> *** Spike has joined company #1 18:24:09 <PublicServer> *** Game unpaused (number of players) 18:24:14 <PublicServer> <Ryton> its less than 2 hrs old anyway 18:24:16 <PublicServer> <Spike> gonna kill 1 thing i knew was gonna heppn 18:24:18 <PublicServer> <Spike> that damn checkerboard 18:24:19 <PublicServer> *** KrunchyAl joined the game 18:24:20 <PublicServer> <Ryton> nice checkerboad pattern 18:24:24 <PublicServer> <Ryton> who enjoyed himself? 18:24:35 <PublicServer> <Ryton> ah, the oil ref is gone! 18:24:57 <PublicServer> <Spike> i knew that if 1 guy would do it.. others would also want to 18:25:05 <PublicServer> <Spike> i was letting it to see if it did happen... 18:25:07 <PublicServer> <Spike> and it did 18:26:01 <Maraxus> !password 18:26:01 <PublicServer> Maraxus: chasms 18:26:18 <PublicServer> *** Maraxus joined the game 18:26:43 *** md__ has joined #openttdcoop 18:27:26 <PublicServer> <Spike> you can remove the land markers if you want to 18:27:41 <PublicServer> <Ryton> nah its ok :-) 18:28:41 <PublicServer> <Maraxus> any reason for the disconnected line at charningville? 18:29:06 *** Razaekel has quit IRC 18:29:18 *** md_ has quit IRC 18:29:22 *** Razaekel has joined #openttdcoop 18:29:38 <Sigma> lol 18:30:07 <PublicServer> <Ryton> what is funny? 18:30:25 <PublicServer> *** Maraxus has joined company #1 18:34:38 <PublicServer> <Ryton> wont we add a 7th line 18:34:44 <PublicServer> <Ryton> to the empty space for a platform? 18:35:00 <PublicServer> <Spike> you pick i'm just clearing up a mess :) 18:38:00 *** RyanM- has quit IRC 18:38:15 <PublicServer> *** made screenshot at 0003BAC2: http://ps.openttdcoop.org/publicserver/webcam/0003BAC2.png 18:39:19 *** mib_yf1nhk has quit IRC 18:39:22 *** KrunchyAl has quit IRC 18:40:52 <PublicServer> *** Spike has joined spectators 18:41:08 <PublicServer> *** KrunchyAl has left the game (leaving) 18:41:26 <iklucas> bananas! 18:42:43 <PublicServer> <Spike> can understand some of the land buying... but the way it is done.. might encourage others.. to cover the whole map 18:42:49 <PublicServer> <Spike> was* 18:43:24 <PublicServer> <Spike> and that doesn't really make the maintainability that good cause the difference in colors might make you miss stuff you would normally see 18:44:00 <PublicServer> <Spike> you're not gonna tell me you liked looking at it trying to understand waht you see :) 18:48:01 <PublicServer> *** Maraxus has joined spectators 18:48:01 <PublicServer> *** Game paused (number of players) 18:48:07 <PublicServer> *** Spike has joined company #1 18:48:07 <PublicServer> *** Game unpaused (number of players) 18:49:41 <PublicServer> <Ryton> can we get a higher train limig? 18:49:43 <PublicServer> <Ryton> limit? 18:49:49 <PublicServer> <Spike> for? 18:49:55 <PublicServer> <Ryton> just because :-) 18:50:00 <^Spike^> !rcon set max_trains 1600 18:50:06 <^Spike^> !rcon set max_trains 18:50:06 <PublicServer> ^Spike^: Current value for 'max_trains' is: '1600' (min: 0, max: 5000) 18:50:26 <Sigma> max: 5000. lol. 18:50:39 <Sigma> probably need a CPU cluster for that 18:51:46 <^Spike^> well the game isn't gpu intensive... if it could run on a GPU :) 18:52:16 <Luigivok> openttd can run on an iphone 18:53:12 <Luigivok> crap, finally compiled 18:53:15 <PublicServer> *** made screenshot at 0003DEB5: http://ps.openttdcoop.org/publicserver/webcam/0003DEB5.png 18:55:18 <Sander> if you can convince me i can play OpenTTD on an IPhone perhaps ill really get one 18:55:56 <Luigivok> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n-c1Mq7uq8A 18:55:57 <Webster> Title: iPhone Application - Open TTD - YouTube (at www.youtube.com) 18:56:41 <Luigivok> the reviewer does not know a crap about openttd btw 18:57:18 <^Spike^> screen is to small to play it properly though 18:57:22 <^Spike^> also found an android version 18:57:34 <Luigivok> play it on an ipad 18:58:30 *** DayDreamer has quit IRC 18:58:47 <PublicServer> <Ryton> oops, jam = my fault 19:03:22 <Luigivok> finally 19:03:26 <Luigivok> !password 19:03:26 <PublicServer> Luigivok: burgle 19:05:29 <PublicServer> *** Luigivok joined the game 19:07:08 *** KenjiE20 has joined #openttdcoop 19:07:08 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o KenjiE20 19:07:57 *** KenjiE20 has quit IRC 19:08:14 *** KenjiE20 has joined #openttdcoop 19:08:14 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o KenjiE20 19:08:15 <PublicServer> *** made screenshot at 0003BCAC: http://ps.openttdcoop.org/publicserver/webcam/0003BCAC.png 19:08:20 <Sigma> Luigivok: I hope you didn't join from your iphone ;P 19:08:27 <Luigivok> lol 19:08:29 <Luigivok> no 19:08:36 <Luigivok> I'm using Linux version 19:09:38 <PublicServer> <Ryton> whoever feels into it 19:09:54 <PublicServer> <Ryton> please add platforms between the2 Xeryus stations 19:10:00 <PublicServer> <Ryton> like absolutis did earlier 19:10:06 <PublicServer> <Ryton> check !please add platforms 19:10:58 *** mfb- has joined #openttdcoop 19:10:58 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o mfb- 19:11:04 <PublicServer> *** Maraxus has joined company #1 19:11:18 <PublicServer> <mfb> hi 19:11:18 <PublicServer> *** mfb joined the game 19:11:21 <PublicServer> <Ryton> hi there 19:11:21 <PublicServer> <Maraxus> hi 19:11:58 *** Twerkhoven[L] has joined #openttdcoop 19:12:24 <Luigivok> A jailed town ! nice 19:12:24 <PublicServer> <Ryton> balancer works like acharm 19:12:26 <Luigivok> haha 19:12:34 <PublicServer> <mfb> which one? 19:12:41 <PublicServer> <mfb> as the "merge 2 mega" collects trains 19:12:44 <Luigivok> overfingley 19:12:48 <PublicServer> <Ryton> but now merge 2 is doomed 19:12:50 <PublicServer> <Ryton> indeed 19:13:01 <PublicServer> *** Sigma joined the game 19:13:05 <PublicServer> <mfb> why do we have so many ! signs? 19:15:43 <PublicServer> *** Ryton has left the game (leaving) 19:15:46 *** Ryton has quit IRC 19:18:27 <Sigma> and why is there a factory on the water o.O 19:18:46 <PublicServer> <mfb> :D 19:21:02 <PublicServer> <mfb> :o 19:22:31 <Luigivok> quite impressive network 19:22:41 <Luigivok> i dont know where to start, lol 19:23:07 <^Spike^> !! network plan !! 19:23:08 <^Spike^> :D 19:23:10 <PublicServer> <mfb> if you want to follow the flow, maybe near the sign "these 6 lines are ML2" 19:23:16 <PublicServer> *** made screenshot at 0003DA88: http://ps.openttdcoop.org/publicserver/webcam/0003DA88.png 19:23:21 <Sigma> it's a circle so it doesnt matter where you start :P 19:23:43 <Luigivok> where is the network plan? 19:23:52 <PublicServer> <mfb> see sign list 19:23:52 <^Spike^> check sign list 19:23:53 *** alang has quit IRC 19:27:47 <PublicServer> *** Spike has left the game (connection lost) 19:28:11 <PublicServer> <Maraxus> how many platforms for 1 line? 19:28:15 <PublicServer> <mfb> ~6 19:34:33 <Tray> !password 19:34:33 <PublicServer> Tray: thrill 19:35:02 <PublicServer> *** Tray joined the game 19:38:16 <PublicServer> *** made screenshot at 0003DA90: http://ps.openttdcoop.org/publicserver/webcam/0003DA90.png 19:39:05 <PublicServer> <Tray> mfb, you could use one line of the plan to connect the station (: 19:39:15 <PublicServer> <mfb> hmm 19:39:17 <PublicServer> <mfb> interesting idea 19:39:57 <PublicServer> <mfb> thanks 19:42:11 <PublicServer> *** Spike joined the game 19:43:17 <PublicServer> <Maraxus> can someone have a look at the 'please add platform' sign and tell me if this design is fast enough? 19:43:49 <PublicServer> <Tray> please add a ! at the beggining of your sign 19:44:12 <PublicServer> <mfb> maybe one tile breaking space 19:44:19 <PublicServer> <mfb> and without any signals there, it is not 19:44:26 <PublicServer> <mfb> large signal gap 19:45:30 *** Kangoo has joined #openttdcoop 19:45:49 <PublicServer> *** Kangoo joined the game 19:47:07 <Luigivok> is there something unconnected? :D 19:47:20 <PublicServer> <mfb> no idea 19:47:39 <PublicServer> <mfb> the coal mine near frndinghead annexe 19:48:30 <Luigivok> gotcha! 19:48:30 <PublicServer> <mfb> the coal mine south of SLH2d 19:48:48 <PublicServer> <mfb> that should be all 19:48:51 *** Ryton has joined #openttdcoop 19:49:11 <Ryton> !password 19:49:11 <PublicServer> Ryton: sinews 19:49:37 *** perk11 has joined #openttdcoop 19:50:00 <PublicServer> *** Ryton joined the game 19:50:44 <PublicServer> <Maraxus> how do I determine the breaking/acceleration space trains need, btw? 19:51:01 <PublicServer> <mfb> watch the existing stations :) 19:51:24 <mfb-> any jams? 19:51:29 <PublicServer> <Tray> no 19:51:55 <mfb-> !rcon set max_trains 1650 19:53:17 <PublicServer> *** made screenshot at 0002CF64: http://ps.openttdcoop.org/publicserver/webcam/0002CF64.png 20:00:11 <PublicServer> *** Spike has joined company #1 20:00:33 <PublicServer> <Spike> you might must not forget any unwanted signal gaps :D 20:00:51 <PublicServer> <Ryton> better? 20:02:54 <Luigivok> trains must be clones of those in the train yard, right? 20:03:02 <PublicServer> <mfb> yes 20:03:06 <Luigivok> k 20:03:08 <PublicServer> <Tray> depends 20:03:28 <PublicServer> <mfb> hmm 20:03:34 <PublicServer> <Tray> If there's already trains servicing the station you have to copy that Trains by ctrl+click 20:03:39 <PublicServer> <mfb> now the extra platforms are full and the others are empty 20:03:49 <PublicServer> <Tray> for sharing orders 20:03:58 <Luigivok> Ok Tray 20:04:18 <PublicServer> *** Kangoo has left the game (connection lost) 20:07:27 *** valhallasw has quit IRC 20:08:03 <PublicServer> <Ryton> who wants to go for a 8th line? 20:08:17 <PublicServer> *** made screenshot at 00018B24: http://ps.openttdcoop.org/publicserver/webcam/00018B24.png 20:08:21 <PublicServer> <Ryton> who feels up for it? :-) 20:08:37 <PublicServer> <Spike> guys... the 7 MLs arent even filled 20:08:39 <PublicServer> <Spike> why make an 8th 20:08:47 <PublicServer> <Tray> because 20:08:49 <PublicServer> <mfb> 7? 20:08:49 <PublicServer> <mfb> we have 6 20:08:56 <PublicServer> <Spike> 7 lines to station 20:09:02 <PublicServer> <Tray> we can 20:09:02 <PublicServer> <Ryton> because we can ? :p 20:09:12 <PublicServer> <Ryton> maybe merge 2 is more urgent now :-) 20:09:14 <PublicServer> <mfb> easy to build a 7th to the station 20:09:20 <PublicServer> <Spike> so.. because we can jump of a high building without parachute.. we should do it? 20:09:20 <PublicServer> <mfb> but the exit must be able to handle it 20:09:29 *** Kangoo has quit IRC 20:09:30 <PublicServer> <Tray> Yes, Sir! 20:09:44 <PublicServer> <Ryton> yeah, Spike: it is a thrill (i've been told) 20:09:49 <PublicServer> <Ryton> go for it 20:09:53 <PublicServer> <Ryton> true, mfb 20:10:05 <PublicServer> <Ryton> but then: mega merge 2, or the exits: what is the most clogging atm? 20:10:23 <PublicServer> <mfb> mega merge 2 20:10:25 <PublicServer> <Tray> We should wait for more trains 20:10:27 <PublicServer> <Spike> we got other jams along the road.. 20:10:29 <PublicServer> <mfb> as it does not use all lines 20:10:35 <PublicServer> <Spike> and all ppl do is create an 8th line 20:10:39 <PublicServer> <Spike> optimize the network first 20:10:49 <PublicServer> <Ryton> well, spike: talk to us then ;-) 20:10:55 <PublicServer> <Spike> i see a major jam that has been done nothing about 20:10:58 <PublicServer> <Ryton> give some advice & delegate :-) 20:11:08 <PublicServer> <Tray> At !JAM? 20:11:18 <PublicServer> <Spike> no shit sherlock 20:13:46 <PublicServer> <Spike> mfb let me guess... full screen playr that doesn't see his irc? ;) 20:14:14 <PublicServer> <mfb> no that is bad 20:14:20 *** Kangoo has joined #openttdcoop 20:14:26 <PublicServer> <Spike> .... 20:14:30 <PublicServer> <mfb> that is the same line 20:14:47 <PublicServer> *** Kangoo joined the game 20:14:56 <PublicServer> <Spike> nope highlight has no response either :D 20:15:10 <PublicServer> <mfb> NO 20:15:22 <PublicServer> <Spike> :) 20:15:43 *** Gumili has joined #openttdcoop 20:15:48 <Luigivok> Sunwood North station have no trains hauling that coal, why? 20:15:48 <Gumili> !password 20:15:48 <PublicServer> Gumili: canoes 20:17:28 <Gumili> is server that loaded, or is it my band witch that slow? 20:17:34 <mfb-> that is you 20:17:40 <PublicServer> *** Gumili has left the game (leaving) 20:17:42 <Luigivok> Im good 20:17:44 <Gumili> sorry 20:18:12 <PublicServer> <Ryton> it has 29 trains, ludovich 20:18:22 <PublicServer> *** Ryton has left the game (connection lost) 20:18:42 <PublicServer> <mfb> I see 5 20:18:46 <PublicServer> <mfb> and laaaarge signal gaps 20:19:01 <Luigivok> someone just added 5 trains 20:19:17 <PublicServer> <mfb> sunwood north is quite new 20:19:27 <PublicServer> <Kangoo> came 5 mins ago 20:19:30 *** Ryton_ has joined #openttdcoop 20:19:35 <Ryton_> !password 20:19:35 <PublicServer> Ryton_: canoes 20:19:40 <Luigivok> k 20:19:54 <PublicServer> *** Ryton joined the game 20:22:48 <PublicServer> <Tray> hrm. 20:23:08 <PublicServer> <Kangoo> mad time to join... 20:23:18 <PublicServer> *** made screenshot at 000281A8: http://ps.openttdcoop.org/publicserver/webcam/000281A8.png 20:23:19 <Gumili> !password 20:23:19 <PublicServer> Gumili: clouts 20:23:48 <PublicServer> *** mfb has joined spectators 20:24:04 <PublicServer> <Ryton> who is connecting? 20:24:06 <PublicServer> *** Spike has joined spectators 20:24:31 <PublicServer> <Kangoo> gumili just req password 20:24:33 <Gumili> i am trying 20:24:46 <Gumili> is server paused? 20:24:49 <PublicServer> <Ryton> you pauzed the server ;-) 20:24:55 <Gumili> holy crap... 20:24:55 <PublicServer> <Ryton> yeah :-) 20:25:00 <Gumili> it disconnected me 20:25:02 *** Sander has quit IRC 20:25:08 <Gumili> and i can't connect now at all.. 20:25:14 <Gumili> sorry:/ 20:25:29 <PublicServer> <Kangoo> It paused before you requested pw from server 20:25:31 <PublicServer> <Ryton> ok, running again 20:25:42 *** Ryton has quit IRC 20:25:42 *** Ryton_ is now known as Ryton 20:25:45 <mfb-> @records 20:25:45 <Webster> #openttdcoop Records: Clients: 24 | Trains: 2553 (PSG#201) - 2522 (PZG#5) - ( 3000 (PSG#180) logic net) | Single cargo type output: 200,169 (PZG#13) | World Pop: 6,150,671 (PSG#201) 20:25:46 <Luigivok> .."i want to break fre..." ... 20:26:02 <mfb-> oh, far away from it 20:26:11 <Gumili> i probably shouldn't try to join again? 20:26:25 <PublicServer> <mfb> I don't think it will get better soon ;) 20:27:09 <Gumili> i wonder why i can't connect though... 20:27:38 *** NCommander has quit IRC 20:27:56 *** NCommander has joined #openttdcoop 20:29:20 <PublicServer> *** Maraxus has joined spectators 20:31:26 <iklucas> olla 20:31:38 <PublicServer> <mfb> hi 20:31:54 <PublicServer> *** mfb has joined company #1 20:32:14 <PublicServer> <Tray> 6 platforms can't handle a full line (: 20:32:42 <PublicServer> <mfb> hmm 20:32:46 <PublicServer> <mfb> expand? ;) 20:34:44 <iklucas> where? 20:34:49 <iklucas> !screenshot 20:34:54 <mfb-> !screen 20:34:55 <PublicServer> *** mfb- made screenshot at 00028DB3: http://ps.openttdcoop.org/publicserver/webcam/00028DB3.png 20:35:21 <iklucas> still merge 2 the issue? 20:36:04 <Luigivok> there are service depots around? or the service are disabled? 20:36:09 <Luigivok> *is 20:36:15 <mfb-> no service 20:36:18 <mfb-> no breakdowns 20:36:21 <Luigivok> ah 20:36:28 <PublicServer> <mfb> (would really ruin everything) 20:36:36 <PublicServer> <Kangoo> there is a service centre01 20:36:42 <PublicServer> <mfb> but it is not used 20:36:44 <PublicServer> <Kangoo> by xtc 20:36:53 <Luigivok> i see 20:37:58 <Luigivok> when you started the building phase how many main lines where laid? 20:38:18 <PublicServer> *** made screenshot at 00026AC6: http://ps.openttdcoop.org/publicserver/webcam/00026AC6.png 20:38:21 <PublicServer> <Tray> it starts with 3 lines everywhere 20:38:27 <Luigivok> k 20:38:30 <PublicServer> <Tray> *started 20:39:10 <PublicServer> <Ryton> I disconnected the mergerto lines 1-3 of SLH2B 20:39:16 <PublicServer> <Ryton> check !disconneced /Ry 20:40:22 *** Gumili has quit IRC 20:40:59 <PublicServer> <Ryton> seems ok atm 20:41:27 <PublicServer> <Kangoo> trains galore!? 20:42:15 <Luigivok> you guys always play with no pax service? 20:42:22 <^Spike^> depends on the game 20:42:32 <^Spike^> sometimes we have pax games... sometimes mixed... 20:42:36 <PublicServer> <mfb> luigivok: please build separate stations for different things 20:42:38 <^Spike^> but mostly it's cargo 20:42:46 <PublicServer> <Tray> they are several basic-network-types 20:42:56 <PublicServer> <Ryton> now mainline 1-3 are not filled completely 20:43:10 <Luigivok> ok mfb, didn't now that 20:43:18 <mfb-> @quickstart 20:43:19 <Webster> Quickstart - #openttdcoop Wiki - http://wiki.openttdcoop.org/Quickstart 20:43:30 <Tray> Luigivok, you can browse the arcive for old games with different networktypes and stuff 20:43:43 <Luigivok> i just wanted to take advantage of your two lanes :D 20:43:49 *** DayDreamer has joined #openttdcoop 20:45:12 <PublicServer> <Kangoo> tired of train limit again, eh? 20:45:17 <PublicServer> <mfb> :D 20:45:20 <PublicServer> <Ryton> yeah :p 20:45:28 <PublicServer> <Kangoo> Rytons signature move... 20:45:31 <PublicServer> <Kangoo> xD 20:45:35 <PublicServer> <Ryton> was trying to change the detest that trains have of joiner 1 20:45:42 <PublicServer> <Ryton> or 6 or whats the name ? 20:47:47 <PublicServer> <Tray> There is a Problem at SLH3a 20:48:06 <PublicServer> <mfb> no 20:48:12 <PublicServer> <mfb> 3b 20:48:18 <PublicServer> <mfb> or 3c 20:48:32 <PublicServer> <mfb> that is jamming bacl 20:51:50 <PublicServer> <Kangoo> great teamwork.. :p 20:53:01 <PublicServer> <mfb> another crash? :D 20:53:09 <PublicServer> <Ryton> not me this time :p 20:53:18 <PublicServer> *** made screenshot at 00011941: http://ps.openttdcoop.org/publicserver/webcam/00011941.png 20:53:28 <PublicServer> <Ryton> I'm off 20:53:32 <PublicServer> *** Ryton has left the game (leaving) 20:53:34 <PublicServer> <Kangoo> bb 20:53:36 <PublicServer> <Sigma> 4 souls RIP :( 20:54:14 <PublicServer> <mfb> lol @ mundingworth woods 20:55:02 <PublicServer> <Sigma> o.O 20:56:11 *** DayDreamer has left #openttdcoop 20:59:02 <PublicServer> <mfb> that does not help 20:59:10 <Luigivok> mfb i separated the stations 20:59:33 <PublicServer> <mfb> that is bad^ 20:59:51 <PublicServer> <mfb> got too many trains 21:01:21 <PublicServer> <Kangoo> hmm.. 21:01:49 <PublicServer> <mfb> hmm 21:01:49 <PublicServer> <mfb> bad 21:02:16 <PublicServer> <mfb> that should work 21:03:02 <PublicServer> <mfb> no 21:03:04 <PublicServer> <mfb> that will break 21:03:16 <PublicServer> <mfb> no direct way from the overflow to the exit 21:03:49 <PublicServer> <Kangoo> what does that one do? 21:03:51 <PublicServer> <mfb> let's test 21:04:01 <PublicServer> <mfb> hmm.. does not help, right 21:04:09 <PublicServer> <mfb> as the station is not Ro-Ro 21:04:33 <PublicServer> <mfb> fine 21:04:37 <PublicServer> <Kangoo> hooray 21:07:08 <PublicServer> *** Sigma has joined company #1 21:08:19 <PublicServer> *** made screenshot at 000294E0: http://ps.openttdcoop.org/publicserver/webcam/000294E0.png 21:12:33 *** sla_ro|master has quit IRC 21:17:51 <iklucas> !password 21:17:51 <PublicServer> iklucas: toured 21:18:19 <PublicServer> <iklucas> hay 21:18:20 <PublicServer> *** iklucas joined the game 21:18:27 <PublicServer> <mfb> hi 21:19:13 <PublicServer> <Kangoo> im off. gn 21:19:19 <PublicServer> <mfb> ppor train 110 21:19:19 <PublicServer> *** Kangoo has left the game (leaving) 21:19:24 <PublicServer> <mfb> *poor 21:22:28 <PublicServer> <iklucas> hmm someone forgot like 4 signals 21:22:30 <PublicServer> <iklucas> making line jam 21:23:02 <PublicServer> <iklucas> and another spot 21:23:14 <PublicServer> <mfb> just fix them 21:23:19 <PublicServer> *** made screenshot at 000361DB: http://ps.openttdcoop.org/publicserver/webcam/000361DB.png 21:23:24 <PublicServer> <iklucas> i do;) 21:23:57 <PublicServer> <iklucas> hmm 21:25:04 *** agelito has quit IRC 21:25:15 <Luigivok> hasta la vista chicos 21:25:25 <PublicServer> <iklucas> :D 21:25:33 <PublicServer> * iklucas hides for the spanish guy 21:26:03 <Luigivok> :D 21:26:23 <PublicServer> * iklucas slaps luigivok a bit around with a big chris booth 21:26:58 <PublicServer> <iklucas> fatal slap #oops 21:27:45 <Luigivok> when this game will end? 21:27:49 <PublicServer> <iklucas> nevah:D 21:28:10 <PublicServer> <mfb> my guess: ~2000 trains 21:28:16 <PublicServer> <iklucas> nah 21:28:26 <PublicServer> <iklucas> i think once we break the record? 21:28:26 <PublicServer> <Tray> I think xtc said something about 2000 trains 21:28:40 <PublicServer> <iklucas> when normal people start to notice lag i though 21:28:42 <PublicServer> <iklucas> t 21:29:18 <PublicServer> <Tray> I remember a time when I played coop on a little 1,6GHz Atom. That was fun 21:29:35 <PublicServer> <iklucas> lol 21:29:43 <PublicServer> <Tray> everything over 400 trains wasn't possible 21:29:51 <PublicServer> <iklucas> my mobile phone now has 1,2 ghz dual core:P 21:30:12 <PublicServer> <Tray> go run ottd on it (: 21:30:14 *** Kangoo has quit IRC 21:30:20 <PublicServer> <iklucas> hell yeah:D 21:30:22 <PublicServer> *** Luigivok has left the game (leaving) 21:30:23 <Twerkhoven[L]> i tried running openttd on my android phone, but 600MHz ain't enough 21:30:30 <Twerkhoven[L]> title screen lags badly 21:30:35 <mfb-> no, build a CPU in ottd with trains and run ottd on that! 21:30:38 <PublicServer> <iklucas> is it possible on android? 21:30:46 <Twerkhoven[L]> its on the market even 21:31:04 <Tray> mfb today I thought about a cpu in ottd: 21:31:12 <PublicServer> <iklucas> searching 21:31:36 <Tray> the problem is the limited number of trains so you can only build arround 2000 not-gates 21:31:42 <PublicServer> <iklucas> but i wont be able to join this game:P 21:31:53 <mfb-> which limited number? 21:31:58 <mfb-> and you don't need more 21:32:06 <mfb-> memory will not be so big then 21:32:07 <mfb-> so what 21:32:08 <Twerkhoven[L]> 5000 is max number of trains that ottd can handle i think 21:32:31 <mfb-> ALU needs ~300, maybe more with more features 21:32:39 <mfb-> a register bit 3 21:32:43 <Tray> I can't build a memory for 300,000 lines of code with 2000 not sircles (: 21:32:52 <Luigivok> max_trains in openttd is 5000 21:32:52 <mfb-> so with 16 registers and a 16bit-processor, it is fine 21:33:03 <mfb-> hmm ;) 21:33:13 <mfb-> space is limited to 4 million tiles 21:33:15 <Tray> but an actual processor is more than 16 registers and an ALU 21:33:21 <Tray> you need a programm 21:33:27 <mfb-> true 21:33:35 <PublicServer> <iklucas> run android on it^^ 21:33:37 <mfb-> static memory may be easier 21:33:44 <mfb-> but RAM is very bad 21:33:47 <Twerkhoven[L]> i suppose you could recompile with a higher trainlimit 21:33:53 <mfb-> hehe 21:34:00 <PublicServer> <iklucas> lol 21:34:01 <Tray> that makes: PCregister, MUX, ADDlogic 21:34:10 <PublicServer> <iklucas> well i'm off 21:34:11 <Luigivok> indeed you can recompile until 2^32 21:34:14 <PublicServer> <iklucas> cya monday 21:34:18 <PublicServer> <iklucas> off to a festival:D 21:34:24 <PublicServer> <iklucas> tomorow early 21:34:26 <mfb-> PCregister, MUX, ADDlogic <- no problem 21:34:26 <Twerkhoven[L]> cya 21:34:29 <mfb-> cu 21:34:31 <PublicServer> *** iklucas has left the game (leaving) 21:34:36 *** iklucas has quit IRC 21:34:40 <Luigivok> im gone too, nice meeting you guys 21:34:51 <Twerkhoven[L]> me too 21:34:52 <Twerkhoven[L]> gnite 21:35:04 <Tray> Sure it ain't a problem. Because you've a NAND, but noone want to build 2000 NANDS (: 21:35:39 <PublicServer> <Maraxus> bbl 21:35:49 *** Twerkhoven[L] has quit IRC 21:35:54 <PublicServer> *** Maraxus has left the game (leaving) 21:36:09 *** Maraxus has quit IRC 21:36:10 <mfb-> Tray: you don't need to build with NAND as a base 21:36:32 <mfb-> AND is implemented in signals, NOT and OR is one train 21:37:28 <mfb-> mux is NOT(NOT(A AND SELA) AND NOT(B AND SELB) AND NOT(C AND SELC) ...) 21:37:47 <mfb-> where SELA is 1 if the MUX should select A 21:38:16 <Tray> I know how a MUX works. (: 21:38:19 <PublicServer> *** made screenshot at 00029CDE: http://ps.openttdcoop.org/publicserver/webcam/00029CDE.png 21:38:26 *** Luigivok has quit IRC 21:38:39 <mfb-> I built one :) 21:38:43 <mfb-> well, more :) 21:38:56 <Tray> but for a programm with 128lines of assembly you'll need a 128->1 MUX with ~140 Notgates 21:39:01 *** alang has joined #openttdcoop 21:39:07 <Tray> I just wrote them in VHDL ): 21:40:03 <mfb-> http://www.tt-forums.net/download/file.php?id=138446 21:40:12 <mfb-> just the ALU 21:40:26 <mfb-> I added a shift in the north later 21:41:02 *** Chris_Booth[LP] has joined #openttdcoop 21:41:43 <Tray> I'd never said it's impossible. I just wanted to say that it's very anoying. 21:41:57 <Chris_Booth[LP]> whats that? 21:41:59 <Chris_Booth[LP]> and hi 21:42:18 <Tray> Building CPU in OTTD 21:42:27 <mfb-> annoying: yes 21:42:39 <mfb-> everything storage-related is bad 21:42:40 <Chris_Booth[LP]> and repetative 21:42:53 *** ccfreak2k has quit IRC 21:42:58 <mfb-> that is bad 21:43:02 <Tray> And I wanted to say that building a CPU is nice, but a singly CPU does nothing. It needs storage and a programm to do anything 21:43:08 *** ccfreak2k has joined #openttdcoop 21:43:15 <mfb-> of course 21:43:20 <Tray> and an outputdevice would be nice 21:43:30 <mfb-> but you don't want to calculate something anyway 21:43:42 <mfb-> data output=data input = memory 21:44:28 <Tray> what? 21:44:46 *** TWerkhoven has quit IRC 21:44:50 <Tray> Building a CPU without running a program on it is pretty ... pointless? 21:45:10 <mfb-> running a program to get the results is even more pointless 21:45:22 <Tray> what results? 21:45:25 <mfb-> . 21:46:43 *** Ryton has quit IRC 21:49:36 <PublicServer> *** Tray has left the game (leaving) 21:49:56 <Tray> g'night. 21:51:37 *** Tray has quit IRC 21:53:19 <PublicServer> *** made screenshot at 0002A4DB: http://ps.openttdcoop.org/publicserver/webcam/0002A4DB.png 21:54:36 *** Chris_Booth[LP] has quit IRC 22:02:08 *** RyanM has joined #openttdcoop 22:10:13 *** RyanM has quit IRC 22:11:41 *** duckblaster has joined #openttdcoop 22:16:27 <PublicServer> <mfb> any work going on right now? 22:22:24 <duckblaster> !clients 22:22:32 <duckblaster> !info 22:22:32 <PublicServer> duckblaster: #:1(Orange) Company Name: 'Cunbridge Transport' Year Founded: 1970 Money: 13883450392 Loan: 0 Value: 13925309822 (T:1650, R:22, P:1, S:0) unprotected 22:23:23 <PublicServer> *** made screenshot at 0003B6CB: http://ps.openttdcoop.org/publicserver/webcam/0003B6CB.png 22:23:41 <duckblaster> !playercount 22:23:41 <PublicServer> duckblaster: Number of players: 3 (1 spectators) 22:24:02 *** Progman has quit IRC 22:24:07 <duckblaster> !password 22:24:07 <PublicServer> duckblaster: utters 22:24:23 <PublicServer> *** duckblaster joined the game 22:25:20 <PublicServer> *** mfb has left the game (connection lost) 22:30:27 <duckblaster> what are the road crossings for at the balancer? 22:31:06 <Mazur> !password 22:31:06 <PublicServer> Mazur: utters 22:31:13 <mfb-> penalty 22:31:22 <duckblaster> on all lines? 22:31:27 <duckblaster> at entry? 22:31:33 <mfb-> where? 22:31:45 <PublicServer> *** Mazur joined the game 22:31:53 <mfb-> sign please 22:31:54 <PublicServer> *** mfb joined the game 22:31:56 <mfb-> we have many balancers 22:31:59 <PublicServer> <Mazur> They are a penalty for the PF> 22:33:08 <mfb-> duckblaster: where? 22:33:15 <duckblaster> !crossings 22:33:35 <PublicServer> <mfb> penalty 22:33:43 <PublicServer> <mfb> so trains should prefer the split 22:33:55 <PublicServer> <mfb> (not working, as you can see) 22:34:24 <PublicServer> <Mazur> The intention is, that they tend more towards shifting. 22:35:03 <mfb-> good night 22:35:07 <PublicServer> *** mfb has left the game (leaving) 22:35:35 <Mazur> Steep light. 22:35:37 *** mfb- has quit IRC 22:38:23 <PublicServer> *** made screenshot at 0000F33A: http://ps.openttdcoop.org/publicserver/webcam/0000F33A.png 22:42:41 <duckblaster> i think some of the load problems at merge2 mega go back to SLH 3D 22:42:57 <duckblaster> before there trains are evenly spread 22:43:10 <duckblaster> after the middle line is more empty 22:45:42 <PublicServer> <Mazur> Dunno, lines westwards from 3D look rather evenly loaded. 22:46:09 <duckblaster> to me the middle line has less 22:46:31 <PublicServer> <Mazur> One in many fewer, maybe, not significantly. 22:46:45 <PublicServer> *** Spike has left the game (leaving) 22:46:53 <PublicServer> *** Sigma has left the game (leaving) 22:47:01 <PublicServer> <Mazur> Bye, Spook. 22:50:07 *** KenjiE20 has quit IRC 22:53:23 <PublicServer> *** made screenshot at 0002487C: http://ps.openttdcoop.org/publicserver/webcam/0002487C.png 23:00:17 <PublicServer> <Mazur> Wokring at !single bridges, not sure whether tosolveo it like this or not. 23:01:25 <PublicServer> <Mazur> Oh, right, the existing paris are not (all) synched, either. 23:06:00 *** alang has quit IRC 23:08:21 <PublicServer> <Mazur> Done. 23:08:24 <PublicServer> *** made screenshot at 0003928B: http://ps.openttdcoop.org/publicserver/webcam/0003928B.png 23:22:07 *** perk11 has quit IRC 23:23:24 <PublicServer> *** made screenshot at 000227E1: http://ps.openttdcoop.org/publicserver/webcam/000227E1.png 23:30:37 *** alang has joined #openttdcoop 23:38:08 <XeryusTC> hey 23:38:24 <PublicServer> *** made screenshot at 00039EAB: http://ps.openttdcoop.org/publicserver/webcam/00039EAB.png 23:38:43 <PublicServer> *** XeryusTC joined the game 23:38:54 <PublicServer> *** XeryusTC has left the game (leaving) 23:39:06 <PublicServer> *** XeryusTC joined the game 23:39:26 <PublicServer> <Mazur> X. I've been messing at !single bridges. 23:39:40 <PublicServer> <Mazur> Eve goodning, by thw way. 23:39:54 <PublicServer> <XeryusTC> pffft 23:39:58 <PublicServer> <XeryusTC> i just worked for 15+ hours 23:40:06 <PublicServer> <XeryusTC> of which like 10 were without food 23:40:28 <PublicServer> <XeryusTC> man, was i happy to see that huge plate of kebab 23:40:30 <PublicServer> <Mazur> So feel free to ignore me as much as needed. 23:40:39 <PublicServer> <Mazur> I can imagine. 23:41:02 <PublicServer> <Mazur> I've known days like that. 23:41:29 <PublicServer> <XeryusTC> i smeel like shit 23:41:35 <PublicServer> <XeryusTC> working most of the day in the sun 23:41:43 <PublicServer> <XeryusTC> and then it starts raining like fuck 23:41:49 <PublicServer> <Mazur> Should have taken your shirt off, then. 23:41:53 <PublicServer> <Mazur> Ah. 23:42:00 <PublicServer> <Mazur> Nice. 23:42:45 <PublicServer> <XeryusTC> nice, until we noticed that because the roof maker for the stage didnt actually complete his job (like anounced) and our equipment got wet 23:43:03 <PublicServer> <XeryusTC> having water in your lighting gear which isnt water proof isnt nice 23:43:26 <PublicServer> <XeryusTC> audio gear wasnt set up yet then, and it can usually handle some water, but it still isnt very good for it 23:43:32 <PublicServer> <Mazur> Ouch. 23:44:18 <PublicServer> <duckblaster> what do you think of the lake near the south merge? 23:44:28 <PublicServer> <duckblaster> balancer i mean 23:45:23 *** Nickman87_ has joined #openttdcoop 23:45:30 <PublicServer> <Mazur> We've been fornicating around there, too, more trains take hte south platforms, now. 23:46:52 <PublicServer> <XeryusTC> Mazur: where did you come from again? 23:46:58 <PublicServer> <Mazur> ] 23:47:05 *** pugi has quit IRC 23:47:05 *** Nickman87 has quit IRC 23:47:05 *** Nickman87_ is now known as Nickman87 23:47:08 <PublicServer> <Mazur> From right here. 23:47:18 <PublicServer> <Mazur> Leiden, the Netherlands. 23:47:21 <PublicServer> <Mazur> :-) 23:47:37 <PublicServer> <Mazur> Can't you tell from my accent? 23:48:03 <PublicServer> <duckblaster> it's a little hard with text only 23:48:14 <PublicServer> <Mazur> Really? 23:48:21 <duckblaster> :P 23:48:22 *** luckz has quit IRC 23:48:22 *** luckz has joined #openttdcoop 23:48:27 *** pugi has joined #openttdcoop 23:48:34 *** avdg has quit IRC 23:48:41 <XeryusTC> oh man, i smell bad 23:48:57 <PublicServer> <duckblaster> well, we can't smell it here 23:49:00 <PublicServer> <Mazur> Doesn't come acroess at all. 23:49:21 <duckblaster> stick a peg on your nose and spray some air freshner 23:49:52 *** avdg_ has joined #openttdcoop 23:49:52 *** avdg_ is now known as avdg 23:50:05 <hylje_> ew 23:50:07 <XeryusTC> oh deodorant 23:50:17 <XeryusTC> or preferably, some of that eau de parfum 23:50:24 <XeryusTC> because that doesnt make me choke for 5 mins :P 23:50:52 <PublicServer> <Mazur> Downside is you smell like a tarts boudoir. 23:51:18 <hylje_> or french cheese 23:51:20 <PublicServer> <Mazur> Why is coal/iron line 2 to 1 weven a bridge? 23:51:38 <PublicServer> <Mazur> At !Here 23:52:31 <XeryusTC> oh, 3 spritzes might have been a bit too mcuh xD 23:52:36 <XeryusTC> but at least it smnells better now 23:52:40 <XeryusTC> also, my typing sux 23:52:46 <XeryusTC> because my fingers hurt 23:52:48 <PublicServer> <Mazur> Welcome to the club. 23:53:08 <PublicServer> <Mazur> CRash some random trains, then, you'll feel better. 23:53:25 <PublicServer> *** made screenshot at 000213E2: http://ps.openttdcoop.org/publicserver/webcam/000213E2.png 23:54:07 <XeryusTC> meh 23:54:12 <XeryusTC> 15 hours of hard manual labour 23:54:31 <XeryusTC> i already had a wound before we were in the truck xD 23:54:55 <PublicServer> <Mazur> And no nice nurse to coddle you, no doubt. 23:56:05 <PublicServer> *** duckblaster has left the game (leaving) 23:56:14 <duckblaster> back a bit later 23:56:22 <PublicServer> <Mazur> Okies. 23:56:25 <XeryusTC> nah 23:56:36 <XeryusTC> i will hopefully score some chicks to nurse me this week 23:56:48 <XeryusTC> as basically the entire city is turned into a giant bar 23:57:04 <PublicServer> <Mazur> Ah, that's always easier. 23:57:05 <XeryusTC> and there is an influx of like 30k people, or 130k 23:57:21 <XeryusTC> because of all the sailing stuff, and because the entire inner city has been turned into a bar 23:57:50 <PublicServer> <Mazur> Some gullible chicks from the sticks, very drurny. 23:58:22 <XeryusTC> oi, i havent gotten laid in almost 3 months, give me some slack 23:58:59 <PublicServer> <Mazur> I'm not saying anything against it, on the contrary. 23:59:25 <PublicServer> <Mazur> We've got something similar every year, 3rd october. 23:59:43 <PublicServer> <Mazur> Whole region comes to party here, after saving money all year. 23:59:44 <XeryusTC> it sounded negative, although i must admit that i dont know the exact meaning of drunry 23:59:52 <XeryusTC> you live in noord braband right? 23:59:56 <PublicServer> <Mazur> honk