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00:35:42 *** NonNobisSolum_ has joined #openttdcoop 00:35:46 <NonNobisSolum_> hi 00:44:40 *** TWerkhoven[l] has quit IRC 01:44:18 *** pugi has quit IRC 01:44:40 *** pugi has joined #openttdcoop 02:04:17 *** sam0737 has joined #openttdcoop 02:17:01 <sam0737> !players 02:17:04 <PublicServer> sam0737: Client 2737 is StarLite, a spectator 02:17:07 <sam0737> !clients 02:17:19 <sam0737> !help 02:17:19 <PublicServer> sam0737: http://www.openttdcoop.org/wiki/IRC_Commands 02:37:03 <sam0737> !password 02:37:03 <PublicServer> sam0737: granny 02:37:32 <PublicServer> *** Game still paused (number of players) 02:37:35 <PublicServer> *** sam0737 joined the game 02:37:47 <PublicServer> *** sam0737 has joined company #1 02:37:55 <PublicServer> *** sam0737 has joined spectators 02:37:57 <PublicServer> *** sam0737 has joined company #1 02:40:21 <PublicServer> *** sam0737 has left the game (connection lost) 02:44:52 <sam0737> !players 02:44:55 <PublicServer> sam0737: Client 2737 is StarLite, a spectator 02:44:56 <sam0737> !password 02:44:56 <PublicServer> sam0737: granny 02:45:11 <PublicServer> *** Game still paused (number of players) 02:45:14 <PublicServer> *** sam0737 joined the game 02:49:45 <PublicServer> *** sam0737 has left the game (leaving) 03:30:00 <sam0737> !password 03:30:03 <PublicServer> sam0737: volley 03:30:03 <sam0737> !players 03:30:04 <PublicServer> sam0737: Client 2737 is StarLite, a spectator 03:43:48 <sam0737> !password 03:43:48 <PublicServer> sam0737: volley 03:43:59 <PublicServer> *** Game still paused (number of players) 03:44:00 <PublicServer> *** sam0737 joined the game 03:44:11 <PublicServer> *** sam0737 has joined company #1 03:49:57 *** ThatRandom has joined #openttdcoop 04:02:22 <PublicServer> *** sam0737 has left the game (leaving) 04:12:51 *** sam0737 has quit IRC 04:43:14 *** ThatRandom has quit IRC 05:10:21 *** sam0737 has joined #openttdcoop 07:01:46 *** ThatRandom has joined #openttdcoop 07:02:48 *** ThatRandom has quit IRC 07:38:14 <NonNobisSolum_> bye 07:38:34 *** NonNobisSolum_ has quit IRC 07:50:50 *** DayDreamer has joined #openttdcoop 07:53:02 *** Progman has joined #openttdcoop 07:53:49 *** Tray has joined #openttdcoop 08:06:47 *** sla_ro|master has joined #openttdcoop 08:18:45 <sam0737> !players 08:18:47 <PublicServer> sam0737: Client 2737 is StarLite, a spectator 08:21:21 *** Tray has quit IRC 08:24:43 *** DayDreamer has left #openttdcoop 08:27:00 <sam0737> !help 08:27:00 <PublicServer> sam0737: http://www.openttdcoop.org/wiki/IRC_Commands 08:28:59 *** ODM has joined #openttdcoop 08:28:59 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o ODM 08:32:18 *** ODM has quit IRC 08:36:04 *** ODM has joined #openttdcoop 08:36:04 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o ODM 08:46:06 *** JamesGo has quit IRC 08:47:35 *** JamesGo has joined #openttdcoop 09:59:22 *** Maraxus has joined #openttdcoop 10:05:32 <Maraxus> !players 10:05:34 <PublicServer> Maraxus: Client 2737 is StarLite, a spectator 10:06:37 <PublicServer> *** StarLite has left the game (connection lost) 10:10:39 *** StarLite has quit IRC 10:13:11 *** sam0737 has quit IRC 10:13:24 *** sam0737 has joined #openttdcoop 10:28:57 *** sam0737 has quit IRC 10:52:02 *** KenjiE20 has quit IRC 10:59:23 *** sla_ro|master has quit IRC 11:40:51 *** TWerkhoven[l] has joined #openttdcoop 11:43:21 *** Maraxus has quit IRC 11:59:50 *** KenjiE20 has joined #openttdcoop 11:59:50 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o KenjiE20 12:08:19 <cornjuliox> !password 12:08:19 <PublicServer> cornjuliox: havens 12:14:34 <cornjuliox> need to get my OpenTTD versions organized. 12:20:55 <TWerkhoven[l]> !dl 12:20:55 <PublicServer> TWerkhoven[l]: !dl autostart|autottd|lin|lin64|osx|ottdau|source|win32|win64|win9x 12:20:55 <PublicServer> TWerkhoven[l]: http://www.openttd.org/en/download-trunk/r23755 12:21:27 <TWerkhoven[l]> !dl autostart 12:21:27 <PublicServer> TWerkhoven[l]: http://www.openttdcoop.org/wiki/Autostart 12:22:09 <TWerkhoven[l]> !dl ottdau 12:22:09 <PublicServer> TWerkhoven[l]: http://www.openttdcoop.org/winupdater 12:22:30 <TWerkhoven[l]> http://users.tt-forums.net/ottdau/ <-- try that one 12:25:40 *** Webster has joined #openttdcoop 12:25:40 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o Webster 12:25:46 <TWerkhoven[l]> i hope that wasnt me 12:26:22 *** Phoenix_the_II has joined #openttdcoop 12:26:22 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o Phoenix_the_II 12:27:21 <cornjuliox> err the latest game hasn't finished, right? 12:28:03 <cornjuliox> !quickstart 12:28:04 <^Spike^> it's always you TWerkhoven[l] ;) 12:28:08 <TWerkhoven[l]> the latest game is never finished 12:28:09 <cornjuliox> @quickstart 12:28:10 <Webster> HTTP Error 503: Service Unavailable - http://wiki.openttdcoop.org/Quickstart 12:28:14 <cornjuliox> ergh 12:28:17 <^Spike^> the quickstart might be down for the day :D 12:28:29 <^Spike^> and as well as the rest of the articales :0 12:28:29 <planetmaker> :-) SOPA stops us giving help, I'm afraid 12:28:30 <cornjuliox> sigh 12:28:41 <^Spike^> what pm said :) 12:28:45 <cornjuliox> i just need the link to the latest SVN 12:28:52 <^Spike^> !dl svn 12:28:52 <PublicServer> ^Spike^: unknown option "svn" 12:28:54 <planetmaker> or was it PIPA? 12:28:55 <^Spike^> !dl 12:28:55 <PublicServer> ^Spike^: !dl autostart|autottd|lin|lin64|osx|ottdau|source|win32|win64|win9x 12:28:55 <PublicServer> ^Spike^: http://www.openttd.org/en/download-trunk/r23755 12:28:59 <planetmaker> !rev 12:34:59 <cornjuliox> is there one for the GRF files too? 12:35:29 <cornjuliox> i mean the grf files that you had to download off of the wiki 12:35:41 <TWerkhoven[l]> !grf 12:35:41 <PublicServer> TWerkhoven[l]: http://www.openttdcoop.org/wiki/GRF (Version 8.0) 12:35:45 <TWerkhoven[l]> but thatll be down 12:36:51 <cornjuliox> aren't these grfs all supposed to be on BANANAS anyways? 12:37:46 <^Spike^> http://bundles.openttdcoop.org/grfpack/releases/8.0/ 12:38:03 <^Spike^> not everything is down if you know the proper urls :) 12:38:11 <ODM> some olds grfs arent on bananas, as the authors didn't/wouldn't/couldn't give permission 12:38:51 <cornjuliox> raah 12:38:59 <cornjuliox> too bad 12:39:07 <cornjuliox> bananas is a nice system 12:39:09 <cornjuliox> very useful. 12:39:17 <cornjuliox> the fruits aren't bad either. 12:39:25 <planetmaker> tell that the authors who refuse to use it ;-) 12:40:21 <ODM> yeah i had that thought, "newgrf mismatch", click download, it works 12:43:40 *** Webster has joined #openttdcoop 12:43:41 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o Webster 13:25:54 <cornjuliox> when you guys start building, in general, do you lay down the stations first or the ML/SL and hubs first? 13:29:16 <V453000> doesnt matter 13:31:45 <planetmaker> cornjuliox, we're usually enought to start everything at once ;-) 13:32:08 <planetmaker> everyone then starts with what takes his or her fancy 13:32:24 <planetmaker> following the common plan and communicating the details where needed for interface 13:38:17 <Mark> for that matter, i think its about time for a new game 13:38:29 <Mark> i fancy some oldskool pax 13:38:34 <Mark> anyone? :) 13:39:44 <ODM> whats the difference between pax and olskool pax?:P 13:40:22 <Mark> the feeling :D 13:40:28 <Mark> not sure how to generate that though 13:41:10 <Mark> oldskool is without SRNW and neverreachingbeerstations and stuff 13:42:19 <Mark> i'll go think about it in the shower 13:59:05 *** JamesGo has joined #openttdcoop 14:07:48 *** TWerkhoven[l] has quit IRC 14:35:55 *** TWerkhoven has joined #openttdcoop 14:48:43 <Mark> hm... can you use dbset and jpset together? 14:49:01 <Mark> or would you get transrapids on shinkansen tracks or something? 14:50:26 <Mark> i'll just try :P 15:00:47 <Mark> !rcon transfer 15:00:47 <PublicServer> Mark: you are not allowed to use !rcon 15:00:48 <Mark> @op 15:00:55 <PublicServer> Mark: you are not allowed to use !rcon 15:01:05 *** ODM sets mode: +o Mark 15:01:12 <Mark> @whoami 15:01:12 <Webster> Mark: Mark 15:01:14 <Mark> @deop 15:01:14 *** Webster sets mode: -o Mark 15:01:15 <Mark> @op 15:01:15 *** Webster sets mode: +o Mark 15:01:16 <Mark> there 15:01:37 <Mark> !rcon transfer 15:01:37 <PublicServer> Mark: ERROR: command not found 15:01:40 <Mark> !rcon archive 15:01:40 <PublicServer> Mark: ERROR: command not found 15:01:42 <Mark> hm? 15:02:00 <Mark> stupid sopa... cant look up on the wiki :P 15:02:22 <KenjiE20> it's an ap alias not a ttd command 15:02:30 <Mark> @transfer 15:02:36 <ODM> !transfer 15:02:36 <PublicServer> ODM: !transfer gamenr save: transfer the save to our web (publicserver) 15:02:44 <Mark> ah 15:02:58 <Mark> !transfer 223 game.sav 15:03:01 <PublicServer> Mark: PublicServerGame_223_Final.sav 15:03:01 <PublicServer> Mark: Transfer done. (/home/openttd/svn-publicserver/autopilot/save/game.sav->http://www.openttdcoop.org//files/PublicServer_archive/PublicServerGame_223_Final.sav) 15:03:07 <KenjiE20> not that you can make the arhive entry anyway 15:03:16 <Mark> !password 15:03:16 <PublicServer> Mark: havens 15:03:19 <KenjiE20> ^Spike^: ^ did that work? 15:03:36 <PublicServer> *** Game still paused (number of players) 15:03:37 <PublicServer> *** Mark joined the game 15:03:39 <Mark> probably 15:03:46 <Mark> ill get a save myself just in case it didnt 15:03:51 <ODM> hmm i have a plan for a grid cargo game sometime 15:04:00 <KenjiE20> well if it's resolving www. and www. is spoa blocked.... 15:04:31 <Mark> !getsave http://dl.dropbox.com/u/55719170/psg224start.sav 15:04:32 <PublicServer> Mark: OK :-) 15:04:36 <Mark> !rcon load 2 15:04:45 <PublicServer> *** Game paused (number of players) 15:05:11 <PublicServer> *** Game still paused (number of players) 15:05:14 <PublicServer> *** Mark joined the game 15:05:17 <PublicServer> <Mark> wtf 15:05:23 <PublicServer> <Mark> thats not right 15:05:39 <PublicServer> *** Mark has left the game (leaving) 15:05:46 <Mark> rcon ls 15:05:51 <Mark> !rcon ls 15:05:52 <PublicServer> Mark: 0) .. (Parent directory) 15:05:52 <PublicServer> Mark: 1) archive/ (Directory) 15:05:52 <PublicServer> Mark: 2) psg224start.sav 15:05:52 <PublicServer> Mark: 3) Delayed Deliveries Inc, 2129-04-09.sav 15:05:52 <PublicServer> Mark: 4) Dutbridge Transport, 2061-02-08.sav 15:05:52 <PublicServer> Mark: 5) Dutbridge Transport, 2035-08-16.sav 15:05:52 <PublicServer> Mark: 6) Dutbridge Transport, 6th May 1999.sav 15:05:54 <PublicServer> Mark: 7) psg223_start_mark.sav 15:05:54 <PublicServer> Mark: 8) Merry Christmas all!, 2543-08-06.sav 15:05:56 <PublicServer> Mark: 9) File:Merry_xmas_cheated.sav 15:05:56 <PublicServer> Mark: you have 147 more messages 15:05:58 <Mark> !rcon load 2 15:06:02 <PublicServer> *** Game paused (number of players) 15:06:24 <Mark> now what... 15:06:51 <Sylf> you ended that logic madness? 15:07:00 <Mark> yes :) 15:07:06 <Mark> time for some new madness 15:07:13 <Mark> if i can get it to work 15:07:24 <Mark> that save works fine locally 15:07:57 <Sylf> maybe... 15:08:02 <Sylf> !content 15:08:03 <PublicServer> Sylf: Connection established 15:08:03 <PublicServer> Sylf: Downloading 0 file(s) (0 bytes) 15:08:03 <PublicServer> Sylf: (you need to !restart to have the new content loaded) 15:08:12 <Sylf> !content 15:08:14 <PublicServer> Sylf: Expect timeout triggered! 15:08:15 <PublicServer> Sylf: Downloading 27 file(s) (15873414 bytes) 15:08:15 <PublicServer> Sylf: (you need to !restart to have the new content loaded) 15:09:06 <Sylf> I'd give that a few min, then you can !restart 15:09:52 <KenjiE20> dutchtramset 2 15:10:09 <Mark> yes? 15:10:10 <KenjiE20> NewGRF FBFB0102 (dutch_tram_set-2.0.0\dutchtramset.grf) not found; checksum FF36ECFC309CE45F6A340ADE2D3A2FF2 15:10:16 <Mark> oh 15:10:47 <KenjiE20> also content appears to be done 15:10:56 <Sylf> with that !content, the server should be getting that grf 15:11:21 <Sylf> give it another try, Mark 15:11:32 <Mark> !rcon load 2 15:11:38 <PublicServer> *** Game paused (number of players) 15:11:40 <Sylf> !restart 15:11:40 <PublicServer> Sylf: Restart scheduled, will be initiated in next minute! 15:11:46 <Mark> oh... 15:11:48 <Sylf> that first :) 15:12:01 <PublicServer> Scheduled quit for automated maintenance... will be back shortely 15:12:01 <PublicServer> Thank you for playing r23755. 15:12:05 <PublicServer> Server has exited 15:12:06 *** PublicServer has quit IRC 15:12:09 <^Spike^> set new gamenr aswell Sylf? :) 15:12:10 <Ammler> there is something like reload_files or so which makes !restart obsolete 15:12:24 <Sylf> oh 15:12:35 *** PublicServer has joined #openttdcoop 15:12:35 <PublicServer> Autopilot engaged 15:12:35 <PublicServer> Loading savegame: '#openttdcoop - The Public Server (www.openttdcoop.org)' 15:12:35 *** Webster changes topic to "Welcome to #openttdcoop, the Cooperative OpenTTD | PSG222 (r23755) | STAGE: Building | www.openttdcoop.org | New players, use @quickstart and !help | http://wiki.openttdcoop.org/IRC_Commands" 15:12:35 *** ChanServ sets mode: +v PublicServer 15:12:35 <Sylf> is that with rcon? 15:12:53 <planetmaker> !revision 15:13:04 <KenjiE20> also a new log would be good 15:13:15 <planetmaker> and a revision update 15:13:16 <KenjiE20> also Mark named his file 224 :P 15:13:31 <Mark> woops 15:13:43 <Mark> like i said, not in sync with reality :) 15:13:59 <Sylf> hehehe 15:14:33 <planetmaker> I'll update PS 15:14:45 <Ammler> Sylf: yes, not custom command 15:14:52 <planetmaker> why can or does no other person update PS anymore? :-( 15:15:05 <Mark> i dont because i wouldnt have a clue how to 15:15:06 <ODM> we are all clueless:P 15:15:22 <KenjiE20> because inevitably we all break it 15:15:23 <Sylf> cuz im not an admin 15:15:32 <ODM> because you are our hero pm! 15:15:38 <planetmaker> pfft 15:15:44 <Ammler> why is Sylf no admin? 15:15:47 <planetmaker> see. and there's the air out of it ;-) 15:16:05 <Mark> sylf for admin! 15:16:25 <Sylf> no thx :) 15:16:26 <ODM> pm for writing a step by step guide on teaching us in a newbie fashion:D 15:16:27 <planetmaker> you don't have your ssh key on the PS or the other servers? 15:16:37 <Mark> just make an !update command :P 15:16:43 <planetmaker> there is... 15:16:44 <Mark> although i'd probably even mess that up 15:16:51 <Mark> oh 15:16:56 <planetmaker> on the server 15:17:02 <planetmaker> not via irc 15:17:20 <Mark> thats where it gets too complicated for me 15:17:23 <Sylf> i doubt i have an account... and if i do, no, i dont have the key 15:17:28 <Ammler> the current script is not able to handle issues like with applying patches 15:18:20 <planetmaker> which is somewhat an indication that patches might not be what we should use extensively... 15:18:26 <planetmaker> we really need the logging bot 15:18:38 <planetmaker> the other two, three minor patches will survive nearly any update 15:19:03 <planetmaker> thus one then could introduce an !update command indeed 15:19:29 <planetmaker> !restart 15:19:43 <Ammler> planetmaker: well, you can just blame yourself for that lack :-) 15:20:36 *** PublicServer has quit IRC 15:20:44 <planetmaker> can I? 15:21:40 <planetmaker> where di PS go to? 15:21:56 <Mark> went for a cigarette 15:22:04 <planetmaker> iew :-( 15:22:17 <Ammler> just irc? 15:22:30 <planetmaker> No. Server saved restart.sav and exited 15:22:34 <planetmaker> not yet restarted 15:22:41 <Sylf> exiting with timeout doesnt sound good fos ps 15:23:29 *** PublicServer has joined #openttdcoop 15:23:29 <PublicServer> Autopilot engaged 15:23:29 <PublicServer> Loading savegame: '#openttdcoop - The Public Server (www.openttdcoop.org)' 15:23:29 *** Webster changes topic to "Welcome to #openttdcoop, the Cooperative OpenTTD | PSG222 (r23820) | STAGE: Building | www.openttdcoop.org | New players, use @quickstart and !help | http://wiki.openttdcoop.org/IRC_Commands" 15:23:30 *** ChanServ sets mode: +v PublicServer 15:23:43 <planetmaker> let's kick it manually then ;-) 15:23:49 *** PublicServer has quit IRC 15:24:36 <planetmaker> right... 15:24:46 <Ammler> planetmaker: do you run it on hg-public now? 15:24:51 <planetmaker> no 15:25:59 <Ammler> the restart script might not remove the restart flag 15:26:15 *** StarLite has joined #openttdcoop 15:26:51 <planetmaker> that wasn't it. Look the screen 15:27:03 <planetmaker> hmpf 15:27:18 <Ammler> did you switch the servers? 15:27:27 <planetmaker> no, not needed 15:30:30 *** PublicServer has joined #openttdcoop 15:30:30 <PublicServer> Autopilot engaged 15:30:30 <PublicServer> Loading savegame: '#openttdcoop - The Public Server (www.openttdcoop.org)' 15:30:30 *** Webster changes topic to "Welcome to #openttdcoop, the Cooperative OpenTTD | PSG222 (r23820) | STAGE: Building | www.openttdcoop.org | New players, use @quickstart and !help | http://wiki.openttdcoop.org/IRC_Commands" 15:30:30 *** ChanServ sets mode: +v PublicServer 15:30:40 <PublicServer> *** made screenshot at 00004422: http://ps.openttdcoop.org/publicserver/webcam/00004422.png 15:30:55 <Ammler> what is broken with start scrpt? 15:31:02 <planetmaker> I guess it was a demonstration that also simple patches can break 15:31:22 <planetmaker> not exactly sure what made it break, though 15:31:43 <planetmaker> probably it compiled w/o the one patch applied properly, thus screen failed 15:36:01 <Ammler> well, the screenshot patch does change the sources and so not trigger a rebuild 15:36:45 <Ammler> and it matters, if you apply the patch or not to get autopilot working with or without 15:38:20 <planetmaker> yes. That frankly sucks :-) 15:38:52 <planetmaker> Thus it's by all means required to keep both up to date 15:38:56 <planetmaker> in patched versions 15:39:16 <planetmaker> but... without screenshot is also not nice :-) 15:40:53 <Ammler> yes, tell that peter 15:41:49 <cornjuliox> Oh? using a new vesrion already? 15:41:55 <planetmaker> yes 15:42:01 <planetmaker> !revision 15:42:01 <PublicServer> planetmaker: Game version is r23820 15:42:10 <cornjuliox> new game? 15:42:11 <cornjuliox> ooh. 15:42:27 <Ammler> he applied that useless patch to disable blitter on dedicated 15:42:51 <Sylf> start thinking about a game plan you can submit, cornjuliox 15:42:57 <Sylf> :) 15:43:15 <cornjuliox> yeah 15:43:58 <cornjuliox> does the in-game download save the grfs to the global openttd folder (the one in the my documents folder) or to the local folder (whereever you installed it to? 15:44:06 <Ammler> it is hard to convince a dev to revert a commit, also if he agrees its useless :-) 15:45:36 <Sylf> it normally goes to My Documents (windows) or .openttd (all others) 15:47:46 <ODM> hm getting a protocol error when trying to jon from auto update 15:47:49 <cornjuliox> !password 15:47:49 <PublicServer> cornjuliox: shying 15:48:24 <Mark> !dl win32 15:48:24 <PublicServer> Mark: http://binaries.openttd.org/nightlies/trunk/r23820/openttd-trunk-r23820-windows-win32.zip 15:48:26 <PublicServer> *** Game still paused (number of players) 15:48:28 <PublicServer> *** 0DM joined the game 15:48:57 <PublicServer> *** Player has left the game (processing map took too long) 15:48:57 <PublicServer> *** Player has left the game (connection lost) 15:48:59 <PublicServer> *** Game still paused (number of players) 15:49:31 <PublicServer> *** 0DM has started a new company (#1) 15:49:50 <Mark> !password 15:49:50 <PublicServer> Mark: shying 15:50:01 <Mark> how was there no company? 15:50:10 <ODM> no idea, but there wasnt any 15:50:15 <Mark> !rcon load 2 15:50:15 <PublicServer> Mark: 2: Not a savegame. 15:50:18 <cornjuliox> hmm 15:50:20 <Mark> !rcon ls 15:50:20 <PublicServer> Mark: 0) .. (Parent directory) 15:50:20 <PublicServer> Mark: 1) archive/ (Directory) 15:50:20 <PublicServer> Mark: 2) autosave/ (Directory) 15:50:20 <PublicServer> Mark: 3) uploads/ (Directory) 15:50:20 <PublicServer> Mark: 4) restart.sav 15:50:21 <PublicServer> Mark: 5) game.sav 15:50:21 <PublicServer> Mark: 6) continue.sav 15:50:23 <PublicServer> Mark: 7) continue2.sav 15:50:23 <PublicServer> Mark: 8) psg220_end.sav 15:50:24 <cornjuliox> no company and connection lost 15:50:25 <PublicServer> Mark: 9) update.sav 15:50:25 <PublicServer> Mark: you have 63 more messages 15:50:25 <Mark> !rcon cd 3 15:50:26 <Mark> !rcon ls 15:50:27 <PublicServer> Mark: 0) .. (Parent directory) 15:50:27 <PublicServer> Mark: 1) archive/ (Directory) 15:50:29 <PublicServer> Mark: 2) psg224start.sav 15:50:29 <PublicServer> Mark: 3) Delayed Deliveries Inc, 2129-04-09.sav 15:50:31 <PublicServer> Mark: 4) Dutbridge Transport, 2061-02-08.sav 15:50:31 <PublicServer> Mark: 5) Dutbridge Transport, 2035-08-16.sav 15:50:32 <Mark> !rcon load 2 15:50:33 <PublicServer> Mark: 6) Dutbridge Transport, 6th May 1999.sav 15:50:33 <PublicServer> Mark: 7) psg223_start_mark.sav 15:50:35 <PublicServer> Mark: 8) Merry Christmas all!, 2543-08-06.sav 15:50:35 <PublicServer> Mark: 9) File:Merry_xmas_cheated.sav 15:50:37 <PublicServer> Mark: you have 147 more messages 15:50:37 <PublicServer> *** Game paused (number of players) 15:50:42 <Mark> thats not the map 15:51:26 <cornjuliox> there we go looks right now 15:51:32 <cornjuliox> downloading content 15:51:37 <ODM> !password 15:51:37 <PublicServer> ODM: shying 15:51:38 <Mark> !content 15:51:38 <PublicServer> Mark: Connection established 15:51:38 <PublicServer> Mark: Downloading 0 file(s) (0 bytes) 15:51:38 <PublicServer> Mark: (you need to !restart to have the new content loaded) 15:51:45 <Mark> !restart 15:51:45 <PublicServer> Mark: Restart scheduled, will be initiated in next minute! 15:52:01 <PublicServer> Scheduled quit for automated maintenance... will be back shortely 15:52:01 <PublicServer> Thank you for playing r23820. 15:52:06 <PublicServer> Server has exited 15:52:07 *** PublicServer has quit IRC 15:52:14 *** PublicServer has joined #openttdcoop 15:52:14 <PublicServer> Autopilot engaged 15:52:14 <PublicServer> Loading savegame: '#openttdcoop - The Public Server (www.openttdcoop.org)' 15:52:14 *** Webster changes topic to "Welcome to #openttdcoop, the Cooperative OpenTTD | PSG222 (r23820) | STAGE: Building | www.openttdcoop.org | New players, use @quickstart and !help | http://wiki.openttdcoop.org/IRC_Commands" 15:52:14 *** ChanServ sets mode: +v PublicServer 15:52:34 <Mark> !password 15:52:34 <PublicServer> Mark: azalea 15:52:41 <PublicServer> *** Game still paused (number of players) 15:52:43 <PublicServer> *** 0DM joined the game 15:52:47 <PublicServer> *** Game still paused (number of players) 15:52:47 <PublicServer> *** Game unpaused (number of players) 15:52:49 <PublicServer> *** Mark joined the game 15:52:53 <PublicServer> <0DM> aww i liked the previous map:P 15:53:00 <PublicServer> <Mark> boring :P 15:53:32 *** Mark changes topic to "Welcome to #openttdcoop, the Cooperative OpenTTD | PSG223 (r23820) | STAGE: Planning+Voting | www.openttdcoop.org | New players, use @quickstart and !help | http://wiki.openttdcoop.org/IRC_Commands" 15:53:50 <Mark> !rcon town_growth_speed 15:53:50 <PublicServer> Mark: ERROR: command not found 15:53:53 <Mark> !rcon town_growth_rate 15:53:53 <PublicServer> Mark: ERROR: command not found 15:54:22 <Mark> !rcon set town_growth_rate 0 15:54:38 <PublicServer> <Mark> this calls for an epic teleport 15:54:44 <PublicServer> <0DM> uh oh 15:55:38 <Mark> !rcon set station_spread 64 15:57:13 <cornjuliox> !password 15:57:13 <PublicServer> cornjuliox: azalea 15:57:18 <PublicServer> *** cornjuliox has left the game (connection lost) 15:57:31 *** TWerkhoven has quit IRC 15:57:40 <PublicServer> *** cornjuliox joined the game 15:57:48 <PublicServer> <cornjuliox> wow nice map 15:57:54 <PublicServer> <0DM> i really have no clue for a plan:D 15:57:56 <PublicServer> <cornjuliox> wow 15:57:59 <PublicServer> <cornjuliox> so much wate 15:58:02 <PublicServer> <cornjuliox> water* 15:58:08 <PublicServer> <cornjuliox> and passengers are the cargo this time? 15:58:18 <PublicServer> <0DM> i have a plan of 1 line: i do not want to see grass:P 15:58:20 <PublicServer> <Mark> yep 15:58:46 <PublicServer> <cornjuliox> i've never planned a line before so i'm just gonna watch 16:00:01 <PublicServer> <Mark> teleports :) 16:00:23 <PublicServer> <0DM> ohno we are poor!:P 16:00:35 <PublicServer> <cornjuliox> teleports? is this some strange new concept? 16:00:42 <PublicServer> <Mark> nothing new 16:00:48 <PublicServer> <Mark> just an old cheat abusing station spread :P 16:00:54 <PublicServer> <cornjuliox> or just a really spread out station? 16:01:00 <PublicServer> <cornjuliox> lol 16:01:04 <PublicServer> <cornjuliox> i guessed it correctly 16:03:14 <PublicServer> <Mark> wowa 16:03:24 <PublicServer> <Mark> up to 5k with the transfer :P 16:05:03 <PublicServer> <cornjuliox> wow. 16:05:14 <PublicServer> <0DM> that was quite pink 16:05:24 <PublicServer> <cornjuliox> how does this little money factory work? 16:05:34 <PublicServer> <Mark> my little secret 16:05:56 <PublicServer> <cornjuliox> jesus thats amazing 16:05:58 <PublicServer> <cornjuliox> 2mil already? 16:06:16 <PublicServer> <cornjuliox> i'm gonna try this in another game 16:06:39 <PublicServer> <cornjuliox> ok yeah i don't know how it works 16:08:24 <PublicServer> <0DM> woop i made a concept plan:P 16:09:31 <PublicServer> <cornjuliox> hah. this must be incredible for the people that ride it 16:09:38 <PublicServer> <Mark> hehe 16:09:52 <PublicServer> <cornjuliox> they move approximately one stop 16:09:54 <PublicServer> <cornjuliox> and pay full fare for it. 16:10:00 <PublicServer> <Mark> oh we're getting negative incomes now 16:10:10 <PublicServer> <Mark> thats no good 16:10:14 <PublicServer> <cornjuliox> yeah 16:10:16 <PublicServer> <0DM> DB set and japanese trains seems a bit overkill 16:10:26 <PublicServer> <Mark> taking people further away from their destination 16:10:45 <PublicServer> <cornjuliox> if i'm following this right passengers are being transferred around from fronhill to nenfingfield, right? 16:10:47 <PublicServer> <0DM> why are you transfering?:P 16:10:47 <PublicServer> <Mark> i want transrapid feeders :P 16:11:07 <PublicServer> <Mark> Fronhill to Fenningpool Lakeside was the idea 16:11:54 <PublicServer> <cornjuliox> fenningpool lakeside is just a station? 16:12:06 <PublicServer> <cornjuliox> single tile train station? 16:12:24 <PublicServer> <cornjuliox> ah ok i see. 16:12:31 <PublicServer> <cornjuliox> i think i get how this works now 16:12:41 <PublicServer> <Mark> profit is calculated by distance between station signs and time it takes to transport 16:12:53 <PublicServer> <Mark> diagonal tiles count double 16:13:08 <PublicServer> <Mark> so you get paid for transfering it over about 256 tiles in a few seconds 16:13:37 *** Brumi has joined #openttdcoop 16:14:03 <PublicServer> <cornjuliox> and these clusters of stations ? am i right in thinking that they're ctrl+built to be a part of the distant stations thanks to spread size? 16:14:10 <PublicServer> <0DM> yup 16:14:18 *** sam0737 has joined #openttdcoop 16:15:01 <PublicServer> <Mark> 10k! 16:15:07 <PublicServer> <Mark> -1k 16:15:07 <PublicServer> <Mark> lol 16:15:09 <PublicServer> <0DM> haha 16:15:15 <PublicServer> <0DM> mark loves this 16:15:17 <PublicServer> <Mark> this is rediculous 16:15:17 <PublicServer> <Mark> i do :D 16:15:43 <PublicServer> <Mark> some trips are costing 6k 16:16:02 <PublicServer> <Mark> i dont really see why 16:16:28 <PublicServer> <cornjuliox> haha thats amazing right there 16:16:34 <PublicServer> <cornjuliox> several mil all in a few minutes. 16:16:48 <PublicServer> <Mark> with just a few buses 16:16:50 <PublicServer> <0DM> mark, maybe because so much money of the trip has gone to transfers, the eventual income is negative 16:16:52 <PublicServer> <0DM> or something 16:16:52 <PublicServer> <cornjuliox> it took me an hour to get my first mil with a simple coal line 16:17:06 <PublicServer> <Mark> this only works with high station spread 16:17:12 <PublicServer> <Mark> which most servers have disabled 16:17:22 <PublicServer> <Mark> i think the max you will find is 20 16:17:32 <PublicServer> <Mark> in which case you can still make good money but it'll get you banned :P 16:17:58 <PublicServer> <Mark> all incomes are positive now 16:18:11 <sam0737> !players 16:18:14 <PublicServer> sam0737: Client 5 (Orange) is 0DM, in company 1 (Sadingstone Transport) 16:18:15 <PublicServer> sam0737: Client 6 (Orange) is Mark, in company 1 (Sadingstone Transport) 16:18:15 <PublicServer> sam0737: Client 11 (Orange) is cornjuliox, in company 1 (Sadingstone Transport) 16:18:37 <sam0737> !password 16:18:37 <PublicServer> sam0737: equity 16:19:05 <cornjuliox> equity 16:19:06 <cornjuliox> HAH 16:19:27 <PublicServer> <cornjuliox> how'd you fix the incomes/ 16:19:41 <PublicServer> <Mark> changed the orders 16:19:53 <sam0737> !versions 16:20:02 <sam0737> ~~ 16:20:11 <PublicServer> <Mark> i wanted to be able to get pax from Fronhill to Fenningpool but that sometimes transfers pax the wrong direction 16:20:15 <planetmaker> !revision 16:20:15 <PublicServer> planetmaker: Game version is r23820 16:20:29 <PublicServer> <cornjuliox> so everything goes to nenfingfield now? 16:21:07 <PublicServer> <Mark> Fronhill+ Slaningpool Falls go to Nenfingfield, Fenningpool+ Nenfingfield go to Slaningpool Falls 16:21:12 <sam0737> so the last game was finished? :) 16:21:16 <PublicServer> <Mark> yep 16:21:45 <sam0737> hm- couldn't see how was my new train counter work out at the end- 16:22:14 <PublicServer> *** Brumi joined the game 16:22:16 <PublicServer> <Brumi> hello 16:22:21 <PublicServer> <Mark> hello 16:22:28 <PublicServer> <Brumi> new game huh? 16:22:42 <PublicServer> <Mark> yep 16:23:28 <sam0737> !password 16:23:28 <PublicServer> sam0737: vatted 16:23:45 <PublicServer> *** sam0737 joined the game 16:23:59 <StarLite> !password 16:23:59 <PublicServer> StarLite: vatted 16:24:26 <sam0737> huh-give up on using airport? :) 16:24:32 <sam0737> for MM i mean 16:24:44 <PublicServer> *** StarLite joined the game 16:24:47 <PublicServer> <Mark> this is way more fun :P 16:26:11 *** DayDreamer has joined #openttdcoop 16:27:55 *** DayDreamer has left #openttdcoop 16:29:01 <PublicServer> *** Brumi has joined company #1 16:29:14 <PublicServer> <Mark> 4 more transfers and im covering the whole map 16:29:25 <PublicServer> <StarLite> :D 16:30:03 <PublicServer> <0DM> alright i sortof have a plan 16:30:30 <PublicServer> <Mark> i set transfer payment to 100% btw 16:30:37 <PublicServer> <Mark> so you can tranfer as much as you want 16:30:57 <PublicServer> <cornjuliox> good grief 16:30:59 <PublicServer> <cornjuliox> 5mil profit 16:31:01 <PublicServer> <cornjuliox> every year 16:31:13 *** TWerkhoven[l] has joined #openttdcoop 16:31:31 <PublicServer> <sam0737> question to 0DM: so the regional->inter: all pax will be coming from Tratown Transfer (last station?) beacuse everyone before that will get unloaded/paid at tratown transfer... 16:31:33 <PublicServer> <Mark> dinner time 16:31:53 <PublicServer> <0DM> yeah was thinking about that, trying to work out something nice:) 16:32:21 <PublicServer> <Brumi> anyway has there ever been a cargodist/yacd game here? 16:34:03 <PublicServer> <0DM> i like the regional trains, but i also need some pax on the intercity 16:36:09 <Sylf> bru 16:36:35 <Sylf> mi, we've hosted those on dev server in the past 16:45:08 <PublicServer> <0DM> you may have overdone the amount of tiny towns mark:P 16:51:34 <PublicServer> *** 0DM has left the game (leaving) 17:16:24 <PublicServer> *** Brumi has left the game (leaving) 17:22:00 *** TWerkhoven has joined #openttdcoop 17:28:49 <PublicServer> <cornjuliox> do these teleports get you all the way across the map now? 17:29:53 <planetmaker> no 17:30:01 <planetmaker> except if the map is 128^2 17:32:38 <PublicServer> <cornjuliox> i'm following the line of busses from lanway-on-sea to nenfingfield but where do the passengers actually get cashed out from there and not transferred? 17:35:59 <sam0737> what affect grow rate of a town? 17:38:20 <sam0737> just wonder does more pickup / drop to a town affect the grow rate?... 17:39:58 <cornjuliox> i think its pickup that affects the growth rate 17:40:00 <Sylf> !rcon set town_growth_rate 17:40:00 <PublicServer> Sylf: Current value for 'town_growth_rate' is: '0' (min: 0, max: 4) 17:40:20 <cornjuliox> or maybe its both. 17:40:23 <Sylf> first and foremost, that setting. 17:41:13 <Sylf> otherwise, it doesnt matter if its a pick up or a drop 17:41:25 <sam0737> huh which means it doesn't grow by itself...? 17:41:33 <Sylf> you just need a few in or very close to the town 17:42:09 *** Firartix has joined #openttdcoop 17:42:17 <Sylf> the station's label needs to be in town 17:42:34 <Sylf> not just any station piece 17:43:13 *** sla_ro|master has joined #openttdcoop 17:45:27 <sam0737> now town_growth_rate is 0, does it mean it won't growth even with drop/pickup? 17:47:44 <Sylf> right 17:48:27 <Sylf> we wouldnt want the towns to grow during MM stage 17:48:39 <sam0737> ohh ok. got you. 17:49:57 <sam0737> Hm I am answering myself, from the source code: every station in the town which has any (un)loading activity in the past ~50 days will be counted. Busy/light loading station are considered the same. More stations - better growth rate but it's capped at 5. 17:50:03 *** valhallasw has joined #openttdcoop 17:53:27 <sam0737> hm...which means the feeder stations will trigger the growth, and it's not affected by how good or bad the intercity trains performs. 17:59:11 <planetmaker> unless... a goal script is used 18:00:05 <sam0737> goal script? how is that provided? 18:01:09 <sam0737> ar ha 18:01:14 <sam0737> googled about that. 18:05:54 <PublicServer> *** cornjuliox has left the game (leaving) 18:09:00 <Mazur> Planing and photing, once more. 18:10:06 <PublicServer> <Mark> back 18:10:06 <Mazur> Ooh, who or what removed libssl..... 18:10:30 <Mazur> And sides. 18:12:23 *** Brumi has quit IRC 18:13:39 *** fonsinchen has joined #openttdcoop 18:13:56 <PublicServer> *** sam0737 has left the game (leaving) 18:16:50 <Mazur> Unknown option --revision=r23755 ignored 18:16:55 <Mazur> Oddness. 18:17:13 *** Tray has joined #openttdcoop 18:18:03 <Tray> !password 18:18:03 <PublicServer> Tray: slakes 18:18:31 <Tray> !dl win32 18:18:31 <PublicServer> Tray: http://binaries.openttd.org/nightlies/trunk/r23820/openttd-trunk-r23820-windows-win32.zip 18:19:31 <Tray> \: A openttdclient, that automatically downloads the ottdcoop version would be nice 18:19:45 <Mazur> There is. 18:19:51 <Mazur> Or are. 18:19:58 * Mazur is using one. 18:20:18 <Tray> Oh man, tell me please. (: 18:20:26 <Mazur> Tell you what? 18:20:50 <Ammler> !dl 18:20:50 <PublicServer> Ammler: !dl autostart|autottd|lin|lin64|osx|ottdau|source|win32|win64|win9x 18:20:50 <PublicServer> Ammler: http://www.openttd.org/en/download-trunk/r23820 18:21:00 <Mazur> http://wiki.openttd.org/OpenTTD_Updaters 18:21:00 <Tray> link, description, source, ... ? 18:21:09 <Mazur> About what? 18:21:18 <Ammler> !dl ottdau might be the most working one 18:21:18 <PublicServer> Ammler: http://www.openttdcoop.org/winupdater 18:21:36 <Mazur> autostart on Unix. 18:22:24 <Mazur> Serves me well since I started in ottdcoop. 18:22:58 <Tray> thanks you very much (: 18:23:00 <PublicServer> *** Mazur has left the game (connection lost) 18:23:18 <PublicServer> *** Mazur joined the game 18:23:24 <PublicServer> *** Mazur has joined company #1 18:23:42 <Tray> !password 18:23:42 <PublicServer> Tray: abbeys 18:23:48 <PublicServer> *** Tray has left the game (connection lost) 18:24:00 <PublicServer> *** Tray has left the game (connection lost) 18:24:13 <PublicServer> *** Tray joined the game 18:24:18 <PublicServer> <Mazur> Hi, Try. 18:24:58 <PublicServer> <Mazur> ook you five attempts o get in, I'd call that try-ing. 18:25:32 <PublicServer> <Tray> my computer took too long to log in -.- 18:25:54 <PublicServer> <Mazur> Same here, first time, because I had to look up the pw first. 18:26:05 <PublicServer> <Tray> That error is new, isn't it? 18:26:11 <PublicServer> <Mazur> Yep. 18:26:17 <PublicServer> <Tray> sucks ): 18:26:21 <PublicServer> <Mazur> Never, never had it before. 18:26:43 <PublicServer> <Mazur> I suppose they lowered a time-out. 18:27:05 <planetmaker> !dl osx 18:27:05 <PublicServer> planetmaker: http://binaries.openttd.org/nightlies/trunk/r23820/openttd-trunk-r23820-macosx-universal.zip 18:27:14 <PublicServer> <Mark> hmm negative incomes again 18:27:21 <PublicServer> <Mark> and no more 10k ones either 18:27:36 <PublicServer> <Mazur> And when I start up, I switch virtual windows to IRC as soon as the pw question comes up,mand there query PS. 18:27:58 <PublicServer> <Tray> taht's BUS only MM? 18:28:04 <PublicServer> <Tray> sounds kinda wierd 18:28:11 <PublicServer> <Mark> it works pretty well 18:28:21 <PublicServer> <Mazur> Apparently. 18:31:10 <PublicServer> <Mazur> What happens when the Cost: thingies come up? Robbery? 18:31:40 <PublicServer> <Mark> hmm 18:31:46 <PublicServer> <Mark> it takes 30 seconds to go through all 5 transfers 18:31:50 <PublicServer> <Mark> thats too long 18:32:28 <PublicServer> <Mark> a transrapid could almost drive the distance in that time 18:33:42 <PublicServer> <Tray> tl7 in odm's plan could be very hard 18:35:20 <PublicServer> <Mark> Tray: not really, you can make very short curves with shinkansen 18:35:30 <Mark> @cl 18:35:30 <Webster> cl: Curve Length, mostly used to describe how big a curve must be to let pass trains with a certain TL at full speed, see also: http://wiki.openttdcoop.org/Max_Curve_Speed 18:35:43 <Mark> @calccl 18:35:45 <Mark> @calc_cl 18:36:02 <Mazur> !cl 18:36:12 <Sylf> @clcalc 18:36:12 <Webster> Sylf: (clcalc <railtype> [<tilt>] <cl|km/h>) -- For a number <30 this calculates the speed for <cl> on <railtype>. For any other numbers, this calculates the CL required for <railtype> travelling at <km/h>, assuming TL is small enough. [<tilt>] will apply tilt bonuses to the calculation. 18:36:18 <planetmaker> @cl 18:36:19 <Sylf> there ya go 18:36:19 <Webster> cl: Curve Length, mostly used to describe how big a curve must be to let pass trains with a certain TL at full speed, see also: http://wiki.openttdcoop.org/Max_Curve_Speed 18:36:37 <Mark> @clcalc mono tilt 300 18:36:38 <Webster> Mark: Required CL for monorail at 300km/h, with tilt bonus, is 3 (5 half tiles) or TL 18:36:51 <Mark> @clcalc mlevlt 300 18:36:52 <Webster> Mark: (clcalc <railtype> [<tilt>] <cl|km/h>) -- For a number <30 this calculates the speed for <cl> on <railtype>. For any other numbers, this calculates the CL required for <railtype> travelling at <km/h>, assuming TL is small enough. [<tilt>] will apply tilt bonuses to the calculation. 18:36:58 <Mark> @clcalc mlev tilt 300 18:36:59 <Webster> Mark: (clcalc <railtype> [<tilt>] <cl|km/h>) -- For a number <30 this calculates the speed for <cl> on <railtype>. For any other numbers, this calculates the CL required for <railtype> travelling at <km/h>, assuming TL is small enough. [<tilt>] will apply tilt bonuses to the calculation. 18:37:26 <Mark> so its 5 half tiles 18:37:28 <Mark> CL3 18:37:45 <Tray> yeah, got it 18:38:20 <Mazur> Avignon. 18:38:44 <Mazur> Well, Nice already gets menioned a lot, so I thought I'd mix it up a little. 18:40:28 <PublicServer> <Mark> surely accel should be better than this 18:40:30 <PublicServer> <Mark> train 3 18:40:32 <PublicServer> <Mazur> If passengers only get trsnaferred but never delivered, will the money earned disappear when the servide stops? 18:40:50 <PublicServer> <Mazur> Philosophical question. 18:41:09 <PublicServer> <Mark> you dont really get paid until the pax is delivered i think 18:41:23 <PublicServer> <Mark> the money you get for transfering are just credits you get when delivered 18:41:41 <PublicServer> <Tray> that was around 40 tiles to accelerate 18:41:47 <PublicServer> <Mazur> Because one of your MM bus routes just does that. 18:42:05 <PublicServer> <Mark> where? 18:42:21 <PublicServer> <Mark> oh right 18:42:24 <PublicServer> <Mazur> Bronston, as well, to of them. 18:43:42 <PublicServer> <Mazur> Ah, but Nenfingfield Northis another station as well, of course, where they do get delievered. 18:44:09 <PublicServer> <Mark> they dont, they all get delivered to Slaningpool Falls 18:44:17 <planetmaker> !password 18:44:17 <PublicServer> planetmaker: tangos 18:44:23 <PublicServer> *** planetm4ker has left the game (connection lost) 18:44:39 <PublicServer> <Mark> i wonder where the negative incomes come from though 18:44:39 <PublicServer> *** planetm4ker joined the game 18:44:54 <planetmaker> salut 18:45:01 <PublicServer> <Mark> bonjour 18:45:23 *** fonsinchen has quit IRC 18:45:31 <PublicServer> <Mazur> Yes, but at Bronston they onl get transferred, and then delivered at Slaningpoo Falls. 18:46:09 <PublicServer> <Mazur> But the Quarnford-Lanway line I've not found the delivery of, yet. 18:46:39 <PublicServer> <Mark> the one at bronston is a double one 18:46:46 <PublicServer> <Mark> has both Quarnford and Fenningpool 18:46:48 <PublicServer> <planetm4ker> where's negative income? 18:46:54 <PublicServer> <Mark> at the money factory 18:46:56 <PublicServer> <Mark> Larningbury 18:46:59 <PublicServer> <Mark> sometimes 18:47:06 <PublicServer> <Mark> or maybe i fixed it by adding bus 18:47:17 <PublicServer> <Mark> there's still a few 18:47:55 <PublicServer> <Mark> i think its somehow caused by pax coming from real far away 18:48:06 <PublicServer> <Mark> earlier on we were sometimes getting 10k a drop 18:48:15 <PublicServer> <Mark> oh we still are 18:48:25 <PublicServer> <Mark> just saw an 8.7k one 18:48:31 <PublicServer> <planetm4ker> why are transfer orders used? 18:48:38 <PublicServer> <Mazur> And I a 9_ 18:48:40 <PublicServer> <Mark> to get more income 18:48:47 <PublicServer> <Mazur> 9+ 18:49:05 <PublicServer> <Mark> planetm4ker: all pax from the map are transfered to Nenfingfield North 18:49:19 <PublicServer> <Mark> and from there delivered to Slaningpool Falls 18:49:24 *** sam0737 has quit IRC 18:49:42 <PublicServer> <Mazur> By teleports and bus. 18:50:28 <PublicServer> <Mazur> Scotty is making overtime. 18:51:14 <PublicServer> <Mark> maybe i should replace all the buses by smaller, faster ones 18:51:20 <PublicServer> <Mark> less loading time 18:51:42 <PublicServer> <planetm4ker> and... where do we actually make the money? 18:51:52 <PublicServer> <Mazur> At the moneymaker. 18:51:56 <PublicServer> <planetm4ker> I only see transfer credits 18:52:07 <PublicServer> <planetm4ker> ah :-) 18:52:09 <PublicServer> <planetm4ker> ty 18:52:12 <PublicServer> <Mazur> yw. 18:52:41 <PublicServer> <Mazur> Yes, sure, use maller buses. 18:52:47 <PublicServer> <planetm4ker> mark is here. Things become as insane as before :-P 18:52:49 <PublicServer> <Mazur> Or faster buses. 18:52:53 <PublicServer> <Mark> :D 18:52:59 <PublicServer> <Mazur> Insane is good. 18:53:02 <PublicServer> <Mark> Mazur: !faster buses 18:53:08 <PublicServer> <Mark> testing it 18:53:10 <PublicServer> <planetm4ker> It's a very nice thing 18:53:20 <PublicServer> <Mazur> Mens sana insana corpere. 18:53:34 <PublicServer> <planetm4ker> hm, I should return for building for once 18:53:36 <PublicServer> *** planetm4ker has left the game (leaving) 18:53:43 <planetmaker> pax is a nice thing :-) 18:54:20 <PublicServer> <Mazur> Shall we turn a few around, Mark? 18:54:34 <PublicServer> <Mark> yeah good idea 18:59:48 <PublicServer> <Mark> Mazur: have a look at the teleport 19:00:00 <PublicServer> <Mark> hope it doesnt make like -150m 19:00:03 <PublicServer> <Mark> anything could happen 19:00:03 <Ammler> !rcon list_settings eol 19:00:03 <PublicServer> Ammler: All settings with their current value: 19:00:03 <PublicServer> Ammler: pf.yapf.rail_firstred_twoway_eol = on 19:00:03 <PublicServer> Ammler: Use 'setting' command to change a value 19:00:21 <PublicServer> <Mark> hm 19:00:31 *** cornjuliox has quit IRC 19:00:48 *** TWerkhoven has quit IRC 19:01:15 <PublicServer> <Mazur> It _is_ making money. 19:01:21 <PublicServer> <Mark> not much though 19:01:23 <PublicServer> <Mark> -21k 19:01:25 <PublicServer> <Mark> lol 19:01:27 <PublicServer> <Mazur> Was. 19:01:37 <PublicServer> <Mark> wtf... 19:01:49 <PublicServer> <Mark> dunno if this is any better 19:02:12 <PublicServer> <Mazur> Maybe give them each a single pair of dest,. 19:02:30 <PublicServer> <Mazur> Then we can narrow down the negative, too. 19:02:40 <PublicServer> <Mazur> perhaps 19:02:43 <PublicServer> <Mark> thats boring though 19:02:53 <PublicServer> <Mark> this is interesting :P 19:03:11 <PublicServer> <Mazur> It's one moment. 19:03:13 <PublicServer> <Mark> doesnt work nearly as well as the buses 19:03:21 <PublicServer> <Mazur> All four then go negative. 19:03:24 <PublicServer> <Mark> look at the income graph 19:03:48 <PublicServer> <Mazur> Not so good. 19:04:32 <PublicServer> <Mazur> Lets do a Costa Concordia on hte ships, then? 19:04:38 <PublicServer> <Mark> :) 19:05:24 <PublicServer> <Mark> found a bug btw 19:05:42 <PublicServer> <Mazur> Perpignan! 19:05:44 <PublicServer> <Mark> try making a ship go from one dock to the other 19:05:47 <PublicServer> <Mazur> Which one? 19:06:05 <PublicServer> <Mark> * too far from previous destination* 19:06:15 <PublicServer> <Mark> it works with a buoy inbetween the docks 19:06:17 <PublicServer> <Mazur> New bus. 19:06:27 <PublicServer> <Mazur> 1245 km/h 19:06:33 <PublicServer> <Mazur> 125 19:07:22 <PublicServer> <Mark> lets try it 19:11:40 <PublicServer> <Mazur> I think the Cost: ones may be. where the final profit falls below the initial payments for transfers, or something. 19:12:14 <PublicServer> <Mark> yeah... payment for transfer is 100% though 19:12:21 <PublicServer> <Mark> 75% is default 19:12:31 <PublicServer> <Mark> lets see what happens if i change that 19:12:50 <Mark> !con set feeder_payment_share 75 19:12:57 <PublicServer> <Mark> at 75 now 19:13:16 <PublicServer> <Mark> looks like more negatives 19:13:18 <PublicServer> <Mazur> But that doesn't make sense, either, since the delivery is fast by any means, buses only ride one tile further, so time attrition can't be that high. 19:13:33 <PublicServer> <Mark> it takes about 30 seconds from the furtest one 19:13:43 <PublicServer> <Mark> thats the fastest, of course 19:14:05 <PublicServer> <Mazur> How many transfers? 19:14:07 <PublicServer> <Mark> way more income with the fast buses btw 19:14:13 <PublicServer> <Mark> uhm 19:14:56 <PublicServer> <Mark> Brinthill - Shordinghall - Lanway-on-sea - Quarnford - Nenfingfield 19:15:12 <PublicServer> <Mark> and then delivered at Slaningpool Falls 19:15:18 <PublicServer> <Mazur> 4 transfers and 4 waits at stops. 19:15:24 <PublicServer> <Mazur> Ah, 5, then. 19:18:08 <PublicServer> <Mark> wow, delivering 75k pax/year 19:19:54 <PublicServer> <Mazur> € 300+ per passenger. 19:20:00 <PublicServer> <Mark> :) 19:20:34 *** pugi has joined #openttdcoop 19:21:12 <PublicServer> <Mazur> Make that about € 200. 19:21:15 <planetmaker> long-distance bus, eh 19:21:17 <PublicServer> <Mark> oh i get that ship bug now 19:21:23 <PublicServer> <Mark> its not a bug 19:21:23 <planetmaker> ship bug? 19:21:39 <PublicServer> <Mark> i just thought the difference between the stations is too far because of where the signs are 19:21:45 <PublicServer> <Mark> it* 19:22:49 <PublicServer> <Mark> hmm 19:22:51 <PublicServer> <Mark> not sure 19:22:53 <PublicServer> <Mark> that requires some testing 19:22:59 <PublicServer> <Mark> coffee first though 19:23:44 <XeryusTC> new game already? 19:23:52 <Mark> !con set feeder_payment_share 100 19:23:53 <Mark> yep 19:23:53 <Mazur> No, still this one. 19:24:06 * Mazur gives Mark an 'r'. 19:24:25 <Mark> !rcon set feeder_payment_share 100 19:24:30 <Mark> thanks for the r 19:24:41 <Mark> i ran out 19:24:42 <Mazur> Np, I have a box of spares. 19:24:50 <PublicServer> *** XeryusTC joined the game 19:25:13 <PublicServer> <Mark> brb 19:25:25 <PublicServer> <XeryusTC> hmm 19:26:15 <PublicServer> *** XeryusTC has left the game (leaving) 19:38:34 *** Chris_Booth has joined #openttdcoop 19:41:44 <PublicServer> *** Chris Booth joined the game 19:41:46 <PublicServer> * Chris Booth pops in 19:42:00 *** Phoenix_the_II has quit IRC 19:46:51 <PublicServer> <Mazur> That's a _simple_ plan, CB. 19:46:57 <PublicServer> <Chris Booth> lol 19:46:59 <PublicServer> <Mazur> Ah. 19:47:13 <PublicServer> <Chris Booth> not realy sure at the moment 19:55:09 <PublicServer> <Chris Booth> that looks like a diferent plan 19:56:12 <PublicServer> <Chris Booth> I wonder how people will get on without BBHs 19:57:51 <PublicServer> <Chris Booth> lets hope I win so we get to see :D 20:03:13 <PublicServer> <Chris Booth> If I don't win people will be blind or the vote is riged XD 20:03:15 <PublicServer> *** Chris Booth has left the game (leaving) 20:09:09 * Sylf starts rigging the votes 20:11:30 *** Chris_Booth has quit IRC 20:21:31 <PublicServer> <Mazur> Yes, I see you lefty out CB. 20:21:53 <PublicServer> <Mazur> -y 20:28:31 <PublicServer> *** {TWerkhoven[l]} joined the game 20:29:20 * TWerkhoven[l] thinks somebody hould update the gamenumber in irc 20:38:48 <Sylf> !gamenr 20:38:49 <PublicServer> Sylf: This is game number: 222 20:39:08 <Sylf> !gamenr 223 20:39:09 <PublicServer> *** Sylf has set gamenr to 223 (next !restart) 20:41:33 <Sylf> I'll have to defer the restart - i wont be able to react quickly if sometjing goes awry 20:42:32 <TWerkhoven[l]> ingame the number is 224 20:43:22 <Sylf> thats wrong i thunk 20:43:53 <TWerkhoven[l]> 223 was marks plan, on the small map 20:44:00 <TWerkhoven[l]> 222 was the firs game 20:48:29 <Sylf> so the topic's been wrong 20:48:40 <Sylf> !gamenr 224 20:48:40 <PublicServer> *** Sylf has set gamenr to 224 (next !restart) 20:50:38 <PublicServer> *** Mazur has left the game (connection lost) 20:59:57 *** Chris_Booth has joined #openttdcoop 21:02:44 <PublicServer> *** Chris Booth joined the game 21:10:21 <PublicServer> <Chris Booth> stumble is no fun today 21:15:55 <PublicServer> <Chris Booth> XD 21:20:01 <PublicServer> <Chris Booth> why do these have such low TE? 21:21:13 <V453000> !dl win64 21:21:13 <PublicServer> V453000: http://binaries.openttd.org/nightlies/trunk/r23820/openttd-trunk-r23820-windows-win64.zip 21:21:48 <V453000> !password 21:21:48 <PublicServer> V453000: gloomy 21:21:56 <PublicServer> <V453000> evening 21:21:57 <PublicServer> *** V453000 joined the game 21:22:00 <PublicServer> <Chris Booth> hi V453000 21:22:34 <PublicServer> <V453000> uh, shinkansens on monorail? 21:22:40 <PublicServer> <Chris Booth> yeah :S 21:22:58 <PublicServer> <Chris Booth> prity shite 21:23:10 <PublicServer> <Chris Booth> only work with realy short TLs 21:23:12 <PublicServer> <V453000> well I guess the japan set is useful at least for nice Sbahns 21:23:18 <PublicServer> <V453000> they dont work 21:23:20 <PublicServer> <V453000> with any TL 21:23:22 <PublicServer> <V453000> zero accel 21:23:29 <PublicServer> <Chris Booth> check train 3 21:23:44 <PublicServer> <V453000> uhm :) 21:23:50 <PublicServer> <V453000> that isnt viable 21:23:54 <PublicServer> <Chris Booth> nope 21:24:08 <PublicServer> <Chris Booth> that is why I ask in my plan if we can fix it 21:24:15 <PublicServer> <Chris Booth> otherwise no point in my plan 21:24:37 <PublicServer> <V453000> how does it matter withoug hubs 21:24:55 <PublicServer> <Chris Booth> getting train in/out of stations 21:25:13 <PublicServer> <V453000> you will just get poor efficiency for lines 21:25:19 <PublicServer> <Chris Booth> yes very poor 21:25:21 <PublicServer> <V453000> but not much of a problem 21:25:47 <PublicServer> <Chris Booth> just rather pointless 21:25:57 <PublicServer> <Chris Booth> may aswell use ICE 1 or 3 21:26:05 <PublicServer> <Chris Booth> or even Transrapid 21:26:11 <PublicServer> <Chris Booth> which I find boring 21:27:01 <PublicServer> <V453000> idk I just feel like we had a very similar pax game too short time ago 21:27:15 <PublicServer> <Chris Booth> we did? 21:27:29 <PublicServer> <V453000> 220 21:27:32 <PublicServer> <V453000> the alpine on 21:27:34 <PublicServer> <V453000> e 21:27:44 <PublicServer> <Chris Booth> want here 21:27:55 <PublicServer> <Chris Booth> was that hubless? 21:27:59 <PublicServer> <V453000> no 21:31:14 <PublicServer> <Chris Booth> you not keen on this map then V453000? 21:31:24 <PublicServer> <V453000> didnt say that 21:31:39 <PublicServer> <V453000> I will just suggest my cargo styled pax game :D 21:31:49 <PublicServer> <Chris Booth> ooh like the PZG one 21:31:52 <PublicServer> <V453000> pretty much 21:31:54 <PublicServer> <V453000> but with TL2 21:32:04 <PublicServer> <V453000> that should be fun 21:32:06 <PublicServer> <Chris Booth> TL2 Transrapid? 21:32:16 <PublicServer> <V453000> I guess, not much choice really 21:32:27 <PublicServer> <Chris Booth> TL2 ICE1 could be fun 21:32:41 <PublicServer> <V453000> does that work? 21:32:47 <PublicServer> <Chris Booth> yes 21:34:09 <PublicServer> <Chris Booth> not very fast though 21:34:12 <PublicServer> <Chris Booth> cech train 4 21:34:30 <PublicServer> <Chris Booth> chech 21:34:32 <PublicServer> <V453000> I will stay with transrapid 21:35:02 <PublicServer> <V453000> uhm :) newbridges of course dont work with shinkansen 21:36:02 <PublicServer> *** Mazur has left the game (connection lost) 21:36:18 <PublicServer> *** Mazur has left the game (connection lost) 21:36:34 <PublicServer> *** Mazur joined the game 21:36:39 <PublicServer> *** Mazur has joined company #1 21:36:55 <PublicServer> <V453000> hi :) 21:37:16 <PublicServer> <Mazur> lo 21:37:16 <PublicServer> <Chris Booth> ICE TD works well 21:37:26 <PublicServer> <Mazur> I smell another plan coming up. 21:37:53 <PublicServer> <V453000> oh noes who would that be 21:38:04 <PublicServer> <Mazur> Yous. 21:38:32 <PublicServer> <Mazur> Have you got an inkling why some of those bustrips are negative income? 21:39:10 <PublicServer> <V453000> havent been checking on that really 21:39:24 <PublicServer> <Mazur> It's mystifying. 21:41:42 <PublicServer> <Chris Booth> wasnt me 21:41:42 <PublicServer> <V453000> didnt know that is possible :D 21:42:00 <PublicServer> <Chris Booth> oooh Mark found out the gard way 21:42:07 <PublicServer> <Chris Booth> harg 21:42:10 <PublicServer> <Chris Booth> hard 21:42:16 <PublicServer> <Chris Booth> I cant type tonight 21:43:50 <Mazur> You type "tonight" quite correctly, it's "hard" what you can't type. 21:44:14 <PublicServer> <Chris Booth> hard is hard to tpye 21:46:16 <PublicServer> <Chris Booth> I <3 the fact you can place DWE object under bridges 21:46:19 <PublicServer> <Chris Booth> Looks so cool 21:46:29 <PublicServer> <V453000> wtf? o_O 21:46:35 <PublicServer> <V453000> hm 21:46:41 <PublicServer> <V453000> why would you ever do that =D 21:46:52 <PublicServer> <Chris Booth> give the drivers lights 21:46:55 <PublicServer> <V453000> lol 21:46:58 <PublicServer> <Chris Booth> so they can see the tracks 21:47:04 <PublicServer> <V453000> no way 21:47:14 <PublicServer> <V453000> I will rather send them to NOT gates so they know what life is 21:47:22 <PublicServer> <Chris Booth> lol 21:49:32 <PublicServer> <Chris Booth> Mazur: I know why we loose money on some trips 21:49:46 <PublicServer> * Mazur is listening. 21:49:54 <PublicServer> <Chris Booth> the transfers 21:50:20 <PublicServer> <Mazur> What about them? 21:50:30 <PublicServer> <Chris Booth> they take to much profit 21:51:01 <PublicServer> <Chris Booth> they take 100% 21:51:11 <PublicServer> <Mazur> So it's a negative remnant on the final reckoning. 21:51:18 <PublicServer> <Chris Booth> yep 21:51:20 <PublicServer> <Mazur> With 75% it's the same thing. 21:52:22 <PublicServer> <Chris Booth> use a bigger bus 21:54:28 <PublicServer> <Mazur> It _was_ a bigger bus, and worse. 21:54:50 <PublicServer> <Mazur> More and larger negatives. 21:54:54 <PublicServer> <V453000> ok my plan is probably complete :) 21:55:37 <PublicServer> <Chris Booth> I was thinking of trying your one massive Central tranfer again this game 21:55:40 <PublicServer> <Chris Booth> that was fun 21:55:48 <PublicServer> <Chris Booth> bur not enough room 21:55:50 <PublicServer> <V453000> that was but you need space for that monster 21:55:52 <PublicServer> <V453000> yes 21:56:14 <PublicServer> <V453000> but yeah I really like that concept a lot 21:56:21 *** mfb- has joined #openttdcoop 21:56:21 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o mfb- 21:56:29 <PublicServer> <Chris Booth> but you could SRNW that with 2 orders 21:56:32 <mfb-> hi 21:56:35 <PublicServer> <Chris Booth> tranfer pickup 21:56:42 <PublicServer> <Mazur> Hi, Mufby. 21:56:48 <PublicServer> <V453000> hello .) 21:56:48 <PublicServer> <Chris Booth> then use a PF trap to get train into cities 21:56:49 <mfb-> ? 21:56:56 <PublicServer> <V453000> yes, probably, why not .) 21:56:59 <PublicServer> <V453000> but why yes 21:57:07 <mfb-> huh, that was a quick game 21:57:11 <PublicServer> <Mazur> That's what it sounds like when you try to say "mfb". 21:57:29 <mfb-> !password 21:57:30 <PublicServer> mfb-: quails 21:57:41 <PublicServer> *** mfb joined the game 21:58:30 <PublicServer> *** Mazur has left the game (leaving) 21:58:46 <PublicServer> <mfb> junctions in main stations? 21:58:48 <PublicServer> <mfb> how does that work? 21:58:54 <PublicServer> <mfb> in the city? 21:59:10 <PublicServer> <V453000> I guess he means that there is no hub 21:59:16 <PublicServer> <Chris Booth> you build the split/merger into the station entrance/exit 21:59:18 <PublicServer> <V453000> but trains go into station, and then somewhere 21:59:24 <PublicServer> <mfb> ah 21:59:34 <PublicServer> <Chris Booth> to save on room 21:59:46 <PublicServer> <V453000> well why would you build it any other way with that setup :) 21:59:56 <PublicServer> <V453000> wouldnt make sense probably 22:00:23 <Mazur> It would make dollars, not cents, possibly. 22:00:37 <PublicServer> <Chris Booth> hahaha 22:00:48 <PublicServer> <mfb> a lot of dollars 22:00:58 <PublicServer> <mfb> as train income! 22:02:04 <PublicServer> *** V453000 has left the game (leaving) 22:02:08 <PublicServer> <Chris Booth> I like V453000's plan and my plan 22:02:10 <PublicServer> *** Chris Booth has left the game (leaving) 22:03:34 <PublicServer> <mfb> hmm 22:03:49 <PublicServer> <mfb> why do you plan LL_RR in the middle? I would expect most traffic near the drops @ V 22:04:07 <PublicServer> <Mark> back 22:04:21 <V453000> hm that is true 22:04:28 <V453000> just remove the LL_RR sign and signals please 22:04:28 <Chris_Booth> wb fart face 22:04:40 <PublicServer> <mfb> done 22:04:56 <PublicServer> <Mark> i'll fart your face 22:05:04 <Chris_Booth> lol 22:05:39 <Mark> V453000: what'd you think of my money factory? :P 22:05:44 <Chris_Booth> I am so childish 22:06:00 <V453000> Mark: sorry havent really investigated that :) 22:06:05 <V453000> mfb-: thanks :) 22:06:09 <mfb-> money factory? 22:06:31 <PublicServer> <mfb> :D 22:06:38 <PublicServer> <Mark> services about 50% of the map 22:06:49 <PublicServer> <Mark> 70k pax/year 22:07:17 <PublicServer> <mfb> negatives could come from slow transfers 22:07:24 <PublicServer> <Mark> yeah, they're not slow though... 22:07:47 <PublicServer> <Mark> and even then, profit should still be positive 22:08:06 <PublicServer> <mfb> well, that is right 22:08:09 <PublicServer> <Mark> the only thing i could think of is that im taking pax further away from its destination 22:08:16 <PublicServer> <Mark> which i dont think i am 22:08:46 <PublicServer> <Mark> i might at a 7th transfer, see what happens 22:08:48 <PublicServer> <Mark> add 22:10:12 <PublicServer> <mfb> to slaningpool falls can give negative values 22:10:38 <PublicServer> <mfb> from nenfingfield north 22:10:42 <PublicServer> <Mark> ooh i see now 22:10:45 <PublicServer> <mfb> ah that is possible 22:10:51 <PublicServer> <mfb> for towns in the northern part 22:11:53 <PublicServer> <mfb> hmm 22:11:56 <PublicServer> <mfb> bad coverage in prinston 22:12:14 <PublicServer> <Mark> yeah... 22:12:20 <PublicServer> <mfb> move it some tiles? 22:12:23 <PublicServer> <Mark> there 22:12:33 <PublicServer> <mfb> denninghall done 22:12:53 <Chris_Booth> when does this SOPA PIPA thingy end? 22:13:12 <Mark> midnight i think 22:13:15 <valhallasw> on the blog? 0h00 CET 22:13:35 <Chris_Booth> I was wondering for stubleupon 22:13:47 <valhallasw> for most other sites something like 5:00 UTC 22:13:49 <Chris_Booth> its rather boring stubling on the same old page 22:14:01 <valhallasw> (I think that's true for wikipedia and reddit at least) 22:14:46 <valhallasw> reddit will be up at 2:30 CET apparently 22:15:03 <valhallasw> (which was a 12h blackout) 22:16:45 <Chris_Booth> The bill is rather stupid. I mean I do not support pirate software, music or video. 22:17:02 <Chris_Booth> but when you can't even post yourself singing to your fav song on youtube 22:17:03 <valhallasw> wikipedia is midnight eastern time to midnight eastern time = 17h15 ago = 6 AM for us 22:17:12 <Chris_Booth> or can post video walkthroughs for game 22:17:33 <PublicServer> <mfb> or just chat in $randomgame 22:18:21 <valhallasw> er, 'for us' = CET 22:18:29 <valhallasw> I'm a bit eurocentric, sorry :+ 22:18:35 <Chris_Booth> Things in the bill would need to be fixed IMO before I would support in back in the UK. 22:18:48 <Chris_Booth> lol valhallasw its fine CET is easy to work out 22:18:57 <Chris_Booth> just +1 22:19:03 <mfb-> the community is a bit eurocentric 22:19:44 <Chris_Booth> I wouldn't say that to left wing UK players 22:20:03 <mfb-> europa-centric 22:20:15 <Chris_Booth> XD 22:20:45 <Chris_Booth> I have to say I like the idea of the euro and think that my government should be doing more to help the EU out 22:20:53 <Chris_Booth> rather than just pointing and laughing 22:21:01 <Mazur> Hear, hear. 22:21:28 <Mazur> THey feel the burden, anyway, it's in their interest, too, already. 22:22:02 <Mazur> Way fewer money changing costs. 22:22:02 <Chris_Booth> the most stupid thing I hear is the "Germany" or "France" need to pay out more of their money 22:22:40 <Mazur> It's always the other guys need to pay more, and we must pay less. 22:22:54 <Chris_Booth> I am sure that both germany and france hate The Right Honerable Mr Cameron 22:23:21 <Mazur> Though it would be nice if the Greek could see their way to start paying taxes. 22:23:42 <Chris_Booth> Mazur: pay taxes on what? 22:23:45 <Mazur> Apparently, it's simply not done in Greece, paying taxes. 22:23:49 <Chris_Booth> the greeks don't make anything 22:24:07 <Mark> yiros 22:24:11 <Chris_Booth> all they are doing is making old money look new in Greece 22:24:12 <Mark> uhm 22:24:19 <Mazur> They have work, wages, nonetheless. 22:24:51 <Mark> dutchland doesnt make anything 22:24:56 <Mark> we just buy stuff and sell it for more 22:25:02 <mfb-> :p 22:25:02 <Chris_Booth> They do, but they are no worse than the italians for not paying taxes 22:25:03 <valhallasw> mfb-: I'm in France. There is nothing worth knowing about the rest of the world. The rest of the world also speaks French. They also use Central European Time. I mean Heure normale d'Europe centrale. 22:25:07 <Mazur> We make chip-makers. 22:25:15 <valhallasw> [/sarcastic comments about his fellow citizens] 22:25:33 <valhallasw> HNEC. *grin* 22:25:39 <Mazur> :-) 22:25:50 <mfb-> I already saw that valhallasw :/ 22:26:00 <mfb-> at least for some, it is true 22:26:35 <Chris_Booth> In Dutchlanis you make lots of Dykes and stuff 22:26:37 <Mazur> valhallasw, I've learned, though, that as olong as you start a conversation with a moderately understanable French sentence ou can talk English for hte rest of it. 22:26:52 <valhallasw> Mazur: sure 22:26:56 <Mark> Chris_Booth: no one is buying dykes though 22:27:02 <Mark> well, i suppose Dubai is 22:27:03 <valhallasw> works especially well with young people 22:27:03 <Mazur> The Dykes are born that way, we don;t make them. 22:27:06 <Chris_Booth> Mazur: the talking SLOWER and LOUDER also works in france 22:27:10 <valhallasw> http://www.news.leiden.edu/news-2011/merlijn-van-deen-view-from-abroad.html 22:27:11 <Webster> Title: Merlijn van Deen: ‘Even scientific lectures are in French!’ - News - News & Events (at www.news.leiden.edu) 22:27:18 <valhallasw> Chris_Booth: no, it does not. it just makes everybody hate you 22:27:24 <Chris_Booth> XD 22:27:41 <Mark> talking slower works... louder doesnt, really 22:27:45 <Mazur> CB: They're French, not necessarily retarded, it's not like they're Americans. 22:27:51 <valhallasw> to cite myself: "I was at a conference recently for researchers at French universities, and one of the presenters, a Frenchman, wanted to give his talk in English. That was not allowed!" 22:27:57 <Mazur> Indeed, valhallasw. 22:28:32 <mfb-> research in which area? 22:28:36 <valhallasw> physics 22:28:43 <mfb-> in that case: lol 22:29:11 <Mark> french people think they speak french in australia 22:29:12 <mfb-> even our group meetings (in germany) are in english 22:29:17 <Chris_Booth> I got pulled by the french police last time I went to france 22:29:18 <valhallasw> it's the same in NL 22:29:20 <Mazur> No, then take the Netherlands: whenever a Brit or Merkin speaks Dutch, they'll get a reply in Dunglish. 22:29:52 <Mazur> That is, the Dutchman will speak Dutch with English words replacing the Dutch ones. 22:30:19 <Chris_Booth> I got that in hong kong, but that was chinlish 22:30:21 <Mazur> Because we all "speak English". 22:30:31 <Chris_Booth> or chinglish 22:30:31 <mfb-> oh, I heard that with italian. sounds like italian, but with english words and grammar 22:31:03 <valhallasw> mfb-: master level courses? in French. Seminars? in French, at least if the person who lectures is French. 22:31:17 <PublicServer> <mfb> :D 22:31:18 <Mazur> No, Dutch grammar, just heavily accented English words. 22:31:30 <valhallasw> but everybody speaks english very well, so it's not actually necessary 22:31:41 <Chris_Booth> ooh so you need to bring your rain coat then Mazur 22:32:21 <Chris_Booth> I was reading the other day that in the next 30 or so we will be left with no more than 10 core languages 22:32:28 <Chris_Booth> what will the french do then? 22:32:37 <Mark> just one: mandarin 22:32:37 <valhallasw> Mazur: every Brit I talk to seems to find the word 'godverdomme' intensely funny 22:32:42 <Mazur> Insist on an 11th. 22:32:45 <mfb-> it will be one of the 10 :/ 22:32:51 <Chris_Booth> as french was cited as on that was declining and likely to die out 22:32:58 <mfb-> oh 22:33:16 <Mazur> valhallasw, it is, and immensely satisfying, ask Stephen Fry. 22:33:25 <valhallasw> Chris_Booth: I don't think french will die out anytime soon 22:33:37 <PublicServer> <mfb> not in the countries 22:33:43 <PublicServer> <mfb> but as "international languages" 22:33:44 <Chris_Booth> no in Metropolitan france, but in the rest of the world 22:33:54 <Mark> french isnt an international language 22:33:56 <valhallasw> I also have some doubts believing that 22:34:07 <PublicServer> <mfb> more than many others 22:34:16 <valhallasw> Mark: you are forgetting the number of colonies the French had and still have 22:34:30 <Mark> just african and south american countries no one trades with 22:34:30 <mfb-> it is the second (?) official language in the EU 22:34:41 <Mazur> I think polyglottism will become more and more widespread. 22:34:43 <Mark> obviously, because there are loads of french 22:34:44 <Chris_Booth> French is quite a language spoke by lots of people outside of france 22:34:53 <mfb-> there are more germans 22:34:58 <Mark> yeah 22:35:12 <Mark> i would say french is third in europe, after german and english... 22:35:17 <mfb-> and there was some discussion about german as 4th (?) language 22:35:18 <Chris_Booth> yes and english would be 3rd or 4th in EU 22:35:20 <valhallasw> Mark: I would look it up on wikipedia, but wikipedia is down :p 22:35:29 <mfb-> first 22:35:32 <Mark> only the english wiki's down 22:35:37 <valhallasw> I know ;-) 22:35:37 <mfb-> wikipedia is not down 22:35:45 <Chris_Booth> wikipedia is fine 22:35:45 <mfb-> deactivate js if you want to read the pages 22:36:18 <Mazur> Or do a google search for the 'Pedia page. 22:36:41 <valhallasw> Mark: but in any case: also Canada 22:37:03 <valhallasw> (ok, maybe no-one trades with Quebec either :p) 22:37:22 <PublicServer> <mfb> nearly 100k passengers/year 22:37:57 <Mark> true that, forgot about canada 22:37:57 <valhallasw> http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Map-Francophone_World.png 22:37:58 <Webster> Title: File:Map-Francophone World.png - Wikimedia Commons (at commons.wikimedia.org) 22:38:10 <valhallasw> Mark: and Belgium, and Luxembourg, and Switzerland 22:38:15 <Chris_Booth> yep 22:38:20 <Chris_Booth> and lots of africa 22:38:32 <Mark> valhallasw: minorities in those 3 22:38:35 <valhallasw> and half of africa or so 22:38:36 <Mark> except lumxembourg 22:38:48 <Mark> suppose its more international than german though 22:39:04 <Mark> as thats just germany, switserland, austria and a few european minorities 22:39:06 <Chris_Booth> and French-Indo-China aka Laos Cabodia Vietnam 22:39:06 <Mazur> Germany never has many colonies. 22:39:17 <Mark> hitler tried, but failed :) 22:39:28 <Mazur> had 22:39:33 <Mazur> Also hard to type. 22:39:49 <Mark> i suppose dutch will be dead real soon 22:40:01 <Mazur> I think we're too stuborn for that. 22:40:04 <Mazur> +b 22:40:11 <Chris_Booth> I hope it is Welsh next 22:40:29 <Mark> no one learns dutch because dutch people speak english and german anyway 22:41:13 <Mazur> It's a trade advantage for us, though. 22:41:17 <Mazur> :-) 22:41:22 *** Brumi has joined #openttdcoop 22:42:40 <PublicServer> *** Brumi joined the game 22:42:44 <PublicServer> <Brumi> hello 22:42:48 <PublicServer> <Mark> howdy 22:42:58 <PublicServer> <mfb> hi 22:43:44 *** sla_ro|master has quit IRC 22:43:48 <PublicServer> <Mark> ah... i suppose income is negative if it's less than the sum of the transfer credits 22:44:10 <PublicServer> <Mark> which would mean overall income still increases if you add more transfers 22:44:11 <planetmaker> yes, of course 22:44:14 <PublicServer> <mfb> right 22:44:43 <planetmaker> it shows there in red or green the income of the last leg 22:44:51 <planetmaker> but you get the money for the whole travel 22:44:57 <PublicServer> <Mark> riiight 22:45:11 <PublicServer> <Mark> that explains why income was highest with just 1 transfer 22:46:01 <PublicServer> <Mark> i'll add some more transfer and make all the income negative... adds to the wtflevel 22:46:07 <PublicServer> <mfb> :D 22:46:37 <PublicServer> <mfb> the contown/tratown/wraningbury area is still uncovered 22:46:47 <PublicServer> <mfb> and nindingbury 22:46:53 <PublicServer> <mfb> 337/month 22:47:08 <PublicServer> <mfb> hmm 22:47:14 <PublicServer> <mfb> and fronhill coverage is bad 22:47:25 <Chris_Booth> I am off now 22:47:27 <Chris_Booth> nn all 22:47:34 *** Chris_Booth has quit IRC 22:47:43 <PublicServer> <Mark> goodnight 22:47:45 <PublicServer> <Brumi> goodnight 22:47:49 <PublicServer> <mfb> good night 22:49:55 <PublicServer> <Mark> actually, if all the incomes are negative i suppose i may aswell get rid of the main teleport 22:50:01 <PublicServer> <mfb> :D 22:50:15 <PublicServer> <Mark> think its still more positive than negative though 22:50:21 <PublicServer> <Mark> way more 22:57:30 <PublicServer> <Brumi> voting hasn't started yet, has it? 22:57:48 <PublicServer> <Mark> could start i suppose 22:57:50 <PublicServer> <Mark> we got 4 plans 22:58:12 <PublicServer> <mfb> and voting board is there 22:58:19 <PublicServer> <mfb> feel free to vote 22:59:30 <PublicServer> <Brumi> well I don't know if I will be available at the start of the Great Construction if it starts tomorrow... 22:59:40 <PublicServer> <Brumi> but I'd like to join this one 23:00:18 <PublicServer> <Mark> pax games usually last quite a while as it takes time to grow towns 23:00:44 <PublicServer> <Mark> saying that... should've put in a goal script that only allows towns to grow if >50% of pax produced is transported... 23:01:47 <PublicServer> <Brumi> ehm... does TL7 mean 3 tiles or 7 tiles? 23:01:50 <PublicServer> <Mark> 7 23:02:16 <PublicServer> <Mark> (shinkansen allows CL3 for any TL) 23:02:16 <PublicServer> <Brumi> and what's the curvelength in that case? 23:02:19 <PublicServer> <Mark> 3 23:02:46 <PublicServer> <Brumi> you have a time machine, answering even before I wrote my question :P 23:02:48 <Webster> Latest update from blog: STOP SOPA – #openttdcoop blackout <http://blog.openttdcoop.org/2012/01/16/stop-sopa-openttdcoop-blackout/> || User Cleanup and Logo Contest <http://blog.openttdcoop.org/2012/01/07/user-cleanup-and-logo-contest/> || Thanks for all the support <http://blog.openttdcoop.org/2012/01/02/thanks-for-all-the-support/> || Battle of the accents: ProZone game 19 review <http://blog.openttdcoop.org/2011/12/15/battle-of-the-accents-prozone-game-19-review/> || Wiki Cleanup <http://blog.openttdcoop.org/2011/12/12/wiki-cleanup/> || Logo Contest & Wiki rebuild <http://blog.openttdcoop.org/2011/12/06/logo-contest-wiki-rebuild/> || NUTS: Revolution among train sets? <http://blog.openttdcoop.org/2011/10/18/nuts-revolution-among-train-sets/> || A look at the inner workings. <http://blog.openttdcoop.org/2011/09/28/a-look-at-the-inner-workings/> || Good bye and good luck <http://blog.openttdcoop.org/2011/09/28/good-bye-and-good-luck/> || Junctionary Reconstruction <http://blog.openttdcoop.org/2011/09/27/junctionary-reconstruction/> 23:02:51 <PublicServer> <Mark> :) 23:03:07 <Mark> oh unblocked 23:06:15 <^Spike^> 0:00 is 0:00 :D 23:06:17 <PublicServer> *** Brumi has joined company #1 23:06:23 <TWerkhoven[l]> https://twitpic.com/88ueqz 23:06:24 <Webster> Title: The awkward moment when you break the law you proposed #Stop... on Twitpic (at twitpic.com) 23:06:27 <PublicServer> <mfb> are you sure? 23:07:32 <Mark> there's no denying 0:00==0:00 23:07:37 <^Spike^> :D 23:08:04 <PublicServer> *** mfb has left the game (leaving) 23:08:36 <PublicServer> <Mark> BUUUUG 23:08:44 <PublicServer> <Mark> oh wait 23:08:47 <PublicServer> <Mark> nvm 23:09:05 <PublicServer> <Mark> actually... why are there pax at Tratown Woods? 23:09:47 <PublicServer> <Mark> nvm got it 23:10:09 <PublicServer> <Mark> teleport connected to the wrong station 23:10:13 *** Progman has quit IRC 23:12:42 *** Tray has quit IRC 23:12:43 <PublicServer> *** Tray has left the game (connection lost) 23:19:44 <Mazur> “I teleported home one day with Ron and Sid and Meg, Ron stole Meggie’s heart away and I got Sydney’s leg.” 23:20:09 <Mark> :) 23:20:18 <Mazur> In loving memory of DA. 23:25:29 <PublicServer> <Brumi> goodnight 23:25:39 <PublicServer> <Brumi> hopefully I'll be back tomorrow :) 23:25:41 <mfb-> looks like it is a bad idea to run a php script which generates megabytes of output :( 23:25:51 <PublicServer> *** Brumi has left the game (leaving) 23:25:56 *** Brumi has quit IRC 23:37:15 <mfb-> good night 23:37:31 *** mfb- has quit IRC 23:40:34 *** perk11 has joined #openttdcoop 23:41:05 *** ODM has quit IRC 23:53:01 *** Maraxus has joined #openttdcoop